ITEM 3.3C 7.10.2013 Minutes1 RT E M 3 . 3 C: OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER July 10, 2013 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair T rresa i called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll calf* chair Peter Torre ani; Commissioners: Charles o er , Angle Dehn, Doug y Cas a and Brian Fahey. Absent: commissioners Susan Krekelberg and Mike Brumm. Commissioner Doug Cassa y arrived at .13 PMs City council= Mayor Jessica Stockamp and CM Doug Schroeder, staff. Foss Demant, Parks and recreation Manager and sandy Lin en elser, special Licensing. 1, e EoFr m . No one present. 2, consider acienda roval. Commissioner' ord er } motioned to approve as written, Seconded by Commissioner Fahey. All in fapro. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following .tats, 3A ,dune 12 2013 Reaular Meetinci Minutes, Commissioner Dehn motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Von er . All in favor. Motion carried. R Unfinished Business. A Prairie Park I_aste Plan. Parks and recreation Managerer Demant re nested this item tabled until the August meetings 5. New Business; 5.1 2014 Capital Improvernent Plan update. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the staff report. Chair Torresani is concerned that the surface of the courts should last longer than they have and is there something we reed to do to improve hose surfaces? Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said if we don't gel them repaired on a yearly iasis, they will be beyond repair. Commissioner Cassady questioned whether the cracking was from the frost, from settling or maybe they didn"t instal it correctly. Chair Torresani noted to make sure that we learn something from this for future courts and to make sure future plans and specs are right and the correct materials are put down. Mayor Stockamp commented on the wooden posts on the playground equipment at School Kroll Park is weathered and kids are getting splitters, darks and Recreation Manager Demant said that this structure was installed in 2002 and that the wood is in decent condition, but that the parkin all is in need of repair. Most playground equipment is able to he retro fitted although this woad structure is harder to find parts dor, Parks and Recreation Manger Demant will bring back costs and examples For playground structures to the August meeting, Parks and Recreation Manager Demand said that the purchase of a Kormer Bi00 riding painter to stripe the ball fields and soccer fields will save weekly staff time by approximately 2-3 hours noting that overall, from April through September about 400 to 600 hours saved. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant stated that within the Cry's i parks,, there are 19 play containers that include engineered woodchips surrounding them. At this pain, Prairie Park and School Knob park woodchips are 200 cubic yards or 3" to 4" below the curb line from settling considering this to be unsafe and a hazard dor gipping. City staff would like to see a 2" lip around the exterior of each playground to keep them both accessible and safe, Chair Torresani asked how much they drop each year. Parks and Recreation Manger Demand said that if enough is put down in the beginning, just to maintain them each year would be beneflcial. Chair Torresani recommended City Council to move forward with the CIP in the order beginning with Playground Wood Chips, School Knoll, Tennis/ Basketball Court Repair, Painter and Water & Electric at Prairie Park Baseball/Softball. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said that staff recommends moving the Prairie Park Picnic Shelter out t0 2015 as this may be included in the Prairie dark Master Plat and to take out the siding hill for 2014, Commissioner VonBerg recommends City Council backup the prairie park picnic shelter to 2015 and take out the sliding hill. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave an update. Commissioner Cassady recommends Pumpkin Patch day stay as mistakenly printed on cards for October 12, 2013, Parks and Recreation Manager Demand said that City Council formally approved the flnancing for the remodel of Prairie Center noting that Kinghorn as the contractor. 7. Cily Council Rep / [ CM Schroeder gave an update= Adjourn. Commitsioner VonBerg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Dehn. All in fagog. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:28 PMR Written by Sandy Lindenfefser, Special Licensing