ITEM 1 Proposed agreement between Otsego, Albertville, St Michael, and Wright County CSAH 37 19 70th StreetFfienio T; Otsego City council From Andy MacArthur, City At#orney D; Lod Johnson, City Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner, Ron Wagner, City Engineer Datem. August 21, 2013 TeX Proposed Agreement Between Otsego, Albertville, St. Michael and Wright County Relative CSAH 37, CSAH 19 and 70 ' Street Otsego City staff: recently met with staff from Albertville, St, Michael and Wright Counter regarding a proposed Agreement between all parties relative to the County assuming jurisdiction over 7& Street from Oakwood Avenue to CSAH 19 after construction of the Otsego project, the eventual turnback of a portion of CSAH 37 from the proposed Naber Avenue Interchange to 7 P Street and cooperation between Wright County, Otsego and Albertville for improvements on CSAH 19 from the Outlet Mall t 70th Street and on 70th Street from CSAH 19 to Maclver Avenue. The Agreement is based upon the premise that once improved 70th Street from Oakwood Avenue to CSAH 19 will serge as an east- gest route across the city more in the nature of a County Road as guided by the northeast Wright County Transportation Flan and thus should be ander County jurisdiction. The Agreement i also based upon the premise that once the J ober Avenue interchange i constructed, existing CSAH 37 from that interchange to its intersection with 79 Street at Oakwood Avenue will serve more as a local street and thus should be turned back at that time to Otsego and St. Michael. The Cities agree that CSAH 37 gest of the Faber Avenue interchange to 1--9should remain as a County Road. The current proposed Agreement is to document agreement between all parties as to when the Jurisdictional changes will occur and roughly when the road improvements will be constructed. The Agreement states that here will be additional Agreements for separate items including tsego's maintenance of 7& Street between Oakwood Avenue and CSAH 19 for a period of years to be determined by the City Council, a cooperative Agreement between Otsego, Albertville and the ounty regarding improver e�nt to CSAH 19 north of the outlet Ball to 70 Street, and the 0 Street improvements between CSAH 19 and Maclver Avenue, as well as a separate future Agreement between Otsego, St. Michael and the County regarding turnback of the above described portion of CSAH 37 after the Jaber Avenue interchange is constructed. City staff is requesting that the Council review the Agreement and male any comments before it is passed on and reviewed by the other two Cities and the county. The Agreement would most likely initially go to city and County staff for review and comment, but would eventually have to be approved by the three city councils and the County Board at public meetings. Otsego would like to see this process happen as soon as possible so that an Agreement can be reached prior to the scheduled 2014 city Project, and so that the application process can be initiated for requesting Rlon 7W funding assistance for the County, Albertville, Otsego joint project to improve CSAH 19and 70 Street. The Agreement will be presented by staff at the workshop meeting on Monday, August 26, 2013 and City staff will be available to answer questions. Page DRAFT-- August st 21, 2013 A GR.EEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY of WRIGHT AND CITIES of ALBERTVILLE, OTS GO AND SAINT MICHAEL REGARDING PORTIONS of COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 37, 70"' STRIEET IN OTS GO AND PORTIONS of COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 19 AGREE MENT this day of , 2013 by and between WIGHT COUNTY (COUNTY), a political subdivision of the State f Minnesota and the CITY OF ALB RTVI(ALBERTVILLE), CITY OF OTSEGOOTS G , and the CITY OF ST, MICHAEL ST. MICHAEL), all Minnesota Municipal al corporations. WHEREAS, COUNTY, ALB RTVILLE, ST. MICHAEL AND OTSEGO partnered on the preparation of the Noilh a. t Wright County Transportation Plan adopted by COUNTY in June, 2004 to establish a framework for future roadway system improvements and functional classification for area roadways; and WHEREAS, OTSEGO has commenced a Project to begin construction in 2014 which would provide for construction of new v roadway and improvement of existing roadways from the Flat of Martin Farms to the intersection of the current 70"' Street with County State Aid Highway 37 CSA 37)1n Otsego; and WHEREAS, OTSEGO has entered into ars Agrcement with COUNTY to reconstruct a portion of C.SAH 37 from its intersection with the current 70t" Street at 0 a vo o d Avenue to Odean Avenue in 2 014 in conjunction with OTS G 's 70"' Street Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the possibility of combining the currentTSG roject with the COU TY 2017 Prof eet on CSAH 37 from 0 dean Avenue to TIS 10 I was considered but not agreed to as it was determined that combination oft e Projects would not result in substantial savings and would impair TSBG 's need to utilize existing EISA funds for 2014; and I WHEREAS, OTSEGO and COUNTY have agreed upon the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Oakwood Avenue and 70th Street, and WHEREAS, construction of the OTSEGO improvements to 70t" Street will provide for another direct route from Trunk nk Highwa 101 i n the eastem pof ion of OTSEGO directly to CSAH 19 consistent with its designation as a minor arterial route by the Northeast Wright County Transportation Flan; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and OTSEGO agree that once improved 70"' Street will carry a much higher traffic count, will serve as a convenient east west route for residents and others, and will function more as roadway guided by the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan to be a G in ty road than a City street; and WHEREAS, 70t" Street from CSAH 19 to Madver Avenue is ajoint road between A B RTVIL LE and OTSEGO which was shaped and paved and upgraded from a gravel road in 2006 which will require additional future improvements to have sufficient capacity for projected traffic volumes and the type oftraffic utilizing a minor afterial roadway; and WHEREAS, ALBERTVILLE has planned for specific public improvements on CSAH 19 within its City limits including widening and signalization of the intersection of 70"' Street with CSAH 19 at .AL.B RTVL}L} 's northerly Cit boundary that will require improvements to CSAH 19 and 70"' Street within +TSG ; and WHEREAS, COUNTY ALBERTVILLE and OTSEGO agree that upgrades to CSAH 19 not h of the Albertville Outlet Mail driveway in ALBERTVILLE should be completed as soon as possible; and WHEREAS, St. MICHAEL, has planned for and received approvals from the Federal Highway Administration related to a proposed extension of Faber .Avenue and construction of a freeway interchange at that location within ST. MICHAEL, at an as yet unspecified date in the future; and WHERE, AS, the Parties agree that upon completion of improvements and construction of an interchange e at Naber Avenue Haat CSAH 37 fromthat intersectio. eastward to 70"' Street in OTSEGO along 60t" Street and Oakwood Avenue will operate more as City s rect than as a County road. NOW, THEREFORE the Patties agree as follows 1. OTSEGO shall construct improvements ents to 70t" Street (Martin Farms Avenue to Oakwood Avenue) as well as improvements to CSAH 37 (Oakwood Avenue to odean Avenue) in 2014 as set forth Agreement No. 13 - 52. OT SEGO and COUNTY agree. that combination of the Otsego Project and the 2017 COUNTY Praffect on CSAH 37 between Odean .Avenue and TH 101will not result in substantial savings, and that OTS G will proceed with the current Project as scheduled for 2014. 2, Effective upon final construction of said improvements, OTSEGO and COUNTY agree that COUNTY shall take overJ oris i tion of' Street from CSAH 19 to Oakwood Avenue and designate the goad as a Counter Road, 3. OTSEGO shall continue to provide maintenance (snowplowing only) on 70"' Street (CSAH 19 to Oakwood Avenue) after it is designated as a County Road for a period of years after the date that the COUNTY assumes jurisdiction of the roadway. All other maintenance and repairs o the roadway shall be the responsibility of the COUNTY, . COUNTY, ALBERTVILLE and OTSEGO shall jointly apply for Region 7W transportation funds in order to improve CSAH 19 from the Albertville Outlet Mall driveway in Albertville to five hundred (500)feet north of 70t" Street i . COUNTY, ALBERTVILLE, ST.MICHA L and OTSEGO shall enter into more specific Agreements in the future to effectuate the terns and conditions of this Agreement. The Agreements will include, but not be limited to a. A separate Agreement between OTSEGO and COUNTY for maintenance (snowplowing only) of 70t" Street CSAH 19 to Oakwood Avenue) after its designation as a County Road. b. A separate Agreement for application for State and Federal funds, through Region 7W, funding and cost sharing between ALBERTVILLE,,COUNTY and OTSEGO related to improvements to CSAH 19 (from the Albertville Outlet Mall driveway to five hundre 5o - Feet north of 70t" Street and that p ortion of 7 0"' Street from CSAH 19 to MacIver Avenue. C. A separate Agreement between COUNTY and OTSEGO and ST. MICHAEL relative to the future turnback of the portion of existing CSAH 37 from the proposed Naber Avenue alignment aloe 60"' Street eastward to the intersection ofexisting Oakwood Avenue ars 70t" Street. . In the event that any sentence, paragraph o • portion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the Agreement shall be revised and interpreted so as to leave the remaining portion of the Agreement in full force and effect and interpreted as dose to the original intent of the Agreement as possible. . This Agreement is a full and complete recitation of the Agreement between the Parties and supersedes any and all previous relevant Agreements whether written or oral, 10. This Agreement is to be construed under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 11. This Agreement is not to be construed strictly against the drafter of the Agreement. 12. This Agreement can only be amended or changed by written Agreement of all Parties,, Dated; 4 COUNTY of WRIGHT Chair, County Board County Coordinator Dated; CITY OF ALBERTVILLE tllian Hendrickson, Mayor Kimberly Olson, City Clerk Dated: CITY OF ST. MICHAEL Jerry Zac man, Mayor Diana B rain , City Clerk Dated: 5 CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica S ockatu , Mayo• Tauri Loff, City Clea{ -- -- - . Re erea#ion-P rogram- S ummar-y-- ffi��I-11 IST ANNUAL OTS EGO ADULT KI CKBALL TO U R N AM E NT April 1 -Parks and Rec, Days at the Holiday Inn W ARCHERY IN THE PARK BEGINNER ARCHERY IN THE PARI INTERMEDIATE A YSITTf NG WORKS HOP BEGINNER TENNIS WITH COACH REIMER 10 Aid --11 A BEGINNER TENNIS WITH COACH RIR 9 All - 10 AM CHEER AMERICA -7 YEAR OLDS DATE NIGHT COUPLES CANOE TRIP August 19th DATE NIGHT COUPLES CANOE TRIP July 15th February 18- Park & Ree Days at Holiday Inn Water HIIT Fitness Class January 2` -Parks and Roc. days at the Holiday Inn Marek I I -Partes and Roc. Guys at the Holiday [nn W MULTI -SPORT CAMP 6-10 YEARS JULY 2 - AUG 114 MULTI -SPORT CARP 10 YEARS JUNE 10 -JULY 10 Tiny Tot The Icy Little Free Library Story Time (Free) OTSEGO PARS RACING (FREE) FRANKFORT R TSG FR PAR RACING (FREE) W T R RO H M` EAST TSG PARK RACING(FREE) I MER PARK OTSEGO SAFETY CAMP AND BIKE RODEO SAFE ON MY OWN SOCCER CAMP -6 YEAR OLDS U# 1 -[LY 1 As of August, 201 Net Program Revenue Refunds Expend. Revenue $1,451.01 Jf $0.00 $609. $946.20 $380.30 $0.00 $140.30 $240,00 $801.78 $0.00 $7 $294A2 $651.68 $ i6.0V $626 $81,68 $174.26 $0.00 $ $174.26 $67.79 $0,00 $171.93 ($114,14) $135.34 $0.00 $130 $5,34 $338.83 $0.00 $325 $13.68 $880.11 $0,00 $037 $243.11 $270.98 $0,00 $290 $28.02 $406.13 $0.00 $617 ($111,00) $287.98 $0,00 $80.60 $240.94 $2600.97 $0.00 $240 $20.07 $462,99 $0.0 $466.96 $245.77 $0.00 $77 $212,06 $119.98 9. $0. $140 40 $4. $241.57 $0.00 $156,31 $86,26 $0.00 $0100 $1$636.76 $216.24 $0.00 $0.00 $668 ($668) $0.00 $0.00 $42.6 ($42..66) $0.00 $0,00 $42.50 ($42450) $0.00 $0,90 $42.50 ($42,50) $053.14 $0.00 $1,301 ($647.88) $105,14 $0.08 $28 $7.1 $204.73 $0,00 $160.31 $133,42 __—__ ..... ���-� YEARS� T'._ �.2T�--�2_�� 0 3 0 9 .... r.���--moi 22 A 6 14 SOCCER CAMP -9 YEAR OLDS $71 ($26,00) JULY 22 - AUG14 SOCCER CAMP - YEAR OLDS $96,18 $0.00 $127 $5.82 UNE i JULY 10Iyer SPRING SHUFFLE `I � MDS RACE $28.60 $0.00 $�/�l $28,66 SP I G SHUFFLE 6K WALK & RUN $465.71 $0r $443.00 $22.71 - ADULT TINY T BALL. $1 F990.77 $0,00 $767M $1,327.96 YOUTH GOLF PROGRAM AT $927,61 $0.00 $840 $87.61 RIVERWOOD GOLF COURSE $3,637,09 As of August, 201 _ - -- `tom. r5�4'�'- �.i-j +$S _f+ .•yam _.ter ,�.T 4 - tSTYi=+�+ :i iy Y+ •`+r01 +f" +$ •' T _ :t' _•' 2+ ti`tia}: t`=+a f�+• :z-� .++? =i';.`.� - �a,ittt =Y_, 'i_=.�•�'� -i- 3i �`..*. iY+ - - '�i _ .. it +/ .1�. 1*�r�: *t1Rk + } 5 f.� �1+ �4`+ kx;: +'• 4T'},f•* _t• �4t. r} _- i+iµ i. r. l�.'.'r '}7. :�. t.s .+ _ -moi`• k••.� .�: Y'' _ -'} _.. 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T�1�'Tl •. -.�f� 2-l•T+ };=4_.f ' f �,�'i-�'{"y-zk'-S _ �� 3Y % - - - S t_.__ _ _ 4 ~_+k''_'F. SLL .i - i 'f i y'i �4-_,".."+!•! _.T *, -y .. f- s .' Y.� ` .' S : n f ti : 4 i .. { " : ~ .'.' + k r :.1ti3.'; _ -+� �- } .Y. l}..r .•1� -_ r = ��= s` it _ .IY-r.3:,-':ALL.:'- i- }' - - .. } i 1/18/2013 ovi -open Season 9 Bank of ER -popcorn 1/21/2013 Hollday Inn Water Park 121 Hollday iron 2/8/2013 Movl - The Incr dibles 24 Bank of ER -glow r l tt 2/18/2013 Holiday Iran dater Park 80 Holiday Inn coupons 50 off 1110/2013 Tiny Tot Open Play 34 1/17/20.3 Tiny Tot Open Play 40 1/24/2013 Tiny Tot Open Play 22 2/14/2013 Tiny Tot Open Play 3 2/21/2013 Tiny Tot Open Play 2 2/20/13 Tiny Tot Open Play 2 3/7/2013 Tiny Tot Open Play 3/7/2013 Turkey Calling 5 cabela's 3/8/2013 Movie -Madagascar 9 Bank of ER -glow bracelett 3/11/2013 Holiday Iran Dater Park 74 Holiday Inn 3/14/2013 T1ny Tot Open Play 20 3/21/2013 Tiny Tot Opera Play 22 3/2312013 Easter Egg Hunt 950 Boy Scouts Sow & Old 3/28/2013 Tiny Tot Open Play 21 4/1/2013 BegIntning Archery 15 4/11/2013 Tiny Tot Open Play 0 Snowstorm 4/15/2013 Holiday Inn Water Park 72 Holiday Inn 5/4/2013 S r[ g Shuffle 60' Band of E I' & Rogers Da nce Tam 5/17%2013 Movie UP B Bank of E R glow sticks peanuts ra In 6/1/2013 Kickball Tourn nien 100 6/6/2013 Cheer America 13 6/10/2013 Soccer4-6 18 0 2013 Soccer 7-9 10 10/2013 Multi Sport 10 6/1112013 EnLertainment - Teddy Bear 2 Bank of ER frultsncks 6/11/2013 Safety Carp 53 ER Fire,, ERMU, Connexus, Albertvile Fire 6/1172013 Tiny T-13all 6 6/11/20.3 T -hall 45 6/13/2013 Archery In Park 15 6/18/2013 My Little Library 32 6/18/2013 Entertainment - Raptor Center 300 Bank of Erb fre ties 6/20/2013 My Little Story Time -Frankfort 10 6/25/2013 My Little Library 2 6/25/2013 Entertainment -Circus Manduhal 350 Bank of ER freezies 6/26/2013 Park Racing Frankfort 35 Anytime bags, waterbottle 6/27/2013 My Little Story Time -Kittredge 1 7/9/2013 My tattle LI racy 1 7/9/2013 E terr alnr ent- Zoomobile 250 Bank of Elk Diver Rain Inside 7/9/2013 H I1 T 7/11/2013 My Little Story Time -School Knoll 2 7/15/2013 Couples Canoe Tri p 12 7/16/2013 My Little Library 7/16/2013 Ent rtainment-Brian Richards 250 7/17/2013 Ba ysiting Workshop 7/13/2013 fly Little Story Time-Uly Pond 7/22/2013 Soccer 4-6 21 7/22/2013 multi sport 7/23/2013 My Little Library 7/23/2013 Entertainment- Eastmar Nature 225 7/24/2013 Park Racing ZImmer 18 7/25/2013 fly Lf We Story Time -Praire Park 7/30/2013 My Little Library 20 7/30/2013 EntertaInino - ea 11 fe Acqu arkini 200 7130/20.3 Youth Golf Program 2 7/31/2013 Safe On My Own 21 8/1/2013 AV Little Story Tir e -Beau dry o%% Total 2013 Participation Through August 1, 2013 4103 Rain insI e Riverwood l attonal Golf Course City of Otsego 883,300 912,500 29,200 3.31% 1,372 1,370 Qt-- General Fund Budget . „. for the year ending 31 December 2014 (20) (1.46010) 347,922 355,000 375,850 20,850 Actual Budget Proposed 8,550 2,050 31.54% additional operating supplies and contracted services 10,915 2012 2013 2014 $ Chane % Chane Notes; Revenues: 48,060 3.80% Ad Valorem Property Tax 3,139,131 3,213,145 3,413,440 200,295 6Z% Licenses and Permits 33,915 28,000 281000 0,00% Intergovernmental Revenue 208,822 202,875 316,611 113,736 56.06% $112,711 LGA Charges for Service 60,253 57,000 65,650 8,650 15,18% growth in recreation program fees Interest Revenue 92,134 100,000 100,000 - 0.00% Cable Franchise Fees 106,547 1001000 105,000 5,000 5.00% Other Revenues 35,164 500 600 100.00%0 TOTAL Revenues; 3,675,966 3,701,520 4,028,701 327,181 8,84% Expenditures: General Govemment, City Council 51,273 62,950 741750 11,800 18.75% contingency to $ 40,000 from $ 31,200 Administration 367,022 366,290 392,775 37,485 10.55% $ 6,000 pt staffing, $ 20,100 Laserfiche web access Elections 24,334 585 27,100 26,515 4532,48% ballots, election judges for 2014 primary and general elections Assessor 67,904 68,250 701360 2,050 3.00% Finance 239,680 2431945 2781900 34,955 14.33% allocation of staffing costs Information Technology 44,669 46,850 48,000 1,150 2.45% includes GIS Legal 71,305 70,000 75,000 5,000 7.14% contractual legal services City Hall - 781685 79,875 1,190 1.51% Old Town Site 716 2,000 2,000 100.00% building not demolished, need upkeep allotment Planning 85,126 80,000 71,700 (8,300) (10.38%) $ 6,700 code enforcement software Planning Commission 1,230 1,680 1,700 20 1.19% Subtolal; General Government, 953,259 11008,235 1,122,100 113,865 11.29% Public Safety. Police Police Commission Fire Emergency Management Animal Control Subtotal. Public Safely, Public Works, Streets Engineering Street Lights Fleet Maintenance Subtotal, PublicWorks Culture & Recreation Park Maintenance Recreation Prairie Center Heritage Preservation Comm Subtotal; Culture & Recreation; Economic Development Transfers OuV(ln) TOTAL Expenditures; Sales Tax Exemption Savings NET GENERAL FUND; 875,045 883,300 912,500 29,200 3.31% 1,372 1,370 1,350 (20) (1.46010) 347,922 355,000 375,850 20,850 5.87% 728 6,500 8,550 2,050 31.54% additional operating supplies and contracted services 10,915 17,500 13,500 41000 22.86010 lower appropriation for historical costs 1,235,982 1,263,670 1,311,750 48,060 3.80% 7601656 510,240 644,296 134,056 26,27% $10,600 staffing re -allotment, $ 5,921 summer seasonal pt staff 128,713 117,000 95,000 (22,000) (18,80%) $ 22,000 net reduction for in-house locates 1081775 105,000 110,000 5,000 4,76% • 209,460 194,400 (15,060) (7.19%) insurance allocation reduction 998,144 941,700 1,043,696 101,996 10.83% i=! 291,655 297,850 6,195 2,12% 137,110 153,900 16,790 12,25% pt staffing for additional programs 43,500 341050 (9,450) (2172%) removal of staffing allotment 1,250 1,250 - 0.00% 4731515 487,050 13,535 2.86% 14,400 13,800 (600) (4.17010) 33,911 $ 85,911 LGA out, $ 52,000 staff support from other funds (in) 3,623,774 3,701,520 4,012,307 2761876 7.48% (26,085) 52,192 42,479 C,jUsersjGary Documents�Budgetsj2014 Budget`D15ummary 1 8/26/2013 City of Otsego 0c�,F Levy Limit Implications M1�,r.�;�� Property Tax Payable 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 1 18 A B — - 2012 2013 Certified Levy LGA Received Qualified Special Levy Reduction Initial Levy Limit Base Final Levy Limit Base multiplier Final Levy Limit Base Certified 2014 LCA 2014 Leery Limit Base Calculation 2014 Limited Levy Special Levies: Tax Abatement Building Bonds Imp rvement Bonds; 2003A, 2004A, 2006E subtotal 2014 Tax Capacity Based Preliminary Levy Expected Taxable Market value Based EDA Levy TOTAL 2014 PRELIMINARY PROPERTY TAX LEVY 41261,000 41377,918 323,923 ,635 412371365 4,0, 3,987 1 nq 112,711 4,x}62,896 (Line 16) (abatement levy) (Line 1 +Line 2 -Line 3) (Greater of Line 4A or Line 46 is increased by 3%) (Line 4 *Line 5) (Line 6 -Line 7) 413771910:] (Greater of Line 1A, Line 18 or Line 8) 23,000 200,286 275,000 498,285 4,876,195 41876,195 (Line 12 +Line 13) (Total T 'MV 0.0185%) C:\Jordet\2014 Budg t\Le►ry Limit Calculation for 2014 8/26/2013 City of Otsego otCl F Calculation of Property Tax Levy Options HINN EIQTA 0 for takes payable 2014 9 General Fuad Levy Fire Reserve Levy Storm Sewer Levy Pavement Management Levy Park Tail Management dement Levy Capital Equipment Revolving Fund Levy Parrs Capital Equipment Subtotal: Other Limited Levies TOTAL: Limited Levy Pay 2012 Pay 201 2,83 1,000 31213,145 4801000 140,000 - 57,765 300,000 300,000 251000 251000 150,000 175,000 50,000 25,000 110051000 7221765 31836,000 3,935,910 Building Bonds 150,000 150,000 2003A Improvement Bonds 100,000 1001000 2004A Improvement Bonds 75,000 75,000 2006B Improvement Bonds 100,000 _ 100,000 Subtotal: Bonded Debt Levies 425,000 4251000 Tax Abatement TOTAL: certified Levy Dollar Increase Percentage Increase 17,000 41201,000 41377,910 116,910 2.740a Proposed Maximum Pay 2014 Pay 2014 81413,440 31649,910 145,000 145,000 25,000 25,000 320,000 320,000 251000 251000 1001000 160,000 53,000 53,000 728,000 7281000 41141,440 413771910 200,85 2001285 100,000 100,000 751000 75,000 100f000 100,000 475,285 4751,285 23,000 23,000 4,639,725 41876,195 2611815 498,285 5.98%1 11.38% C:\Jordet\2014 Budget\Property Tax Levy Pay 2014 $/26/2013 Administration Finance Building Safety Public Works Fleet Maintenance Park Maintenance Recreation Number Admin. Clerk 2013 FTE License Subtotal 1.00 1.00 Dir 1.00 Fin U| 1 Fin U 1.00 UB Clerk Subtotal 1 Tech Subtotal 1 1.00 Supt 1 Lead 0.83 Maini U 0.90 Meint | ueasono|S Seasonal Subtotal 1.00 MointU 3/o0/oha/ 1 1.00 Lead 1 Seasonal Smhbrba/ 3 2.85 Manager 1 ReoAaot Subtotal Number Employees 2013 FTE 2014 FTE Change 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 0.83 1 0.90 0.90 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 3 2.85 2.85 1 0.45 0.45 0.39 0.72 0'OO 0.10 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 0.36 0.67 1 1.00 1.00 1 0.25 0.50 - -_ .__ Total 18 17.26 17.82 Propose retaining .38FTE hounyfrom Finance oepoument for general administrative assistance for all departments. Includes additional 500 11OUrs Street Seasonal in summer. (I38) (780.00 ' 0.37 765-86 0.32 659-36 0.25 520,00 0.56 1,165.22 for 2O1433Uhoursor.15FTE