ITEM 3.1ITEM 3_1 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 29 May 2018 ACTION DATE: 25 June 2018 RE: Otsego—Ashwood; Preliminary Plat TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND D.R. Horton has submitted plans for development of 100 acres as 149 single family lots to be known as Ashwood. The subject site is located at the northwest quadrant of Odean Avenue and 75th Street. The proposed development requires applications to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include the subject site within the East Sewer District, amend the Zoning Map rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-5 District, and a preliminary plat. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 4 June 2018. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Comprehensive Sewer Plan ■ Preliminary Plat Submittal dated 06/24/18 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential development within Urban Service Expansion Area E1. The proposed development density of 1.48 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development requires a Comprehensive Plan amendment to expand the East Sewer District to include the subject site. 1 Trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities have been extended to the subject site west of Odean Avenue with development of Crimson Ponds 41h Addition. Sewer service for the subject site requires extending the gravity trunk pipe that will collect flow from the subdivision and carry it through the existing system to the lift station at Quaday Avenue and River Road (CSAH 42), then via forcemain to the East Wastewater Treatment Facility. The extension of the trunk sewer to serve the proposed preliminary plat maximizes use of existing infrastructure and available capacity. The expansion of the East Sewer District to include the subject site is an orderly expansion that is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for such action. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The proposed preliminary plat requires a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site to R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District. The proposed single family lots are a permitted use within the R-5 District. Streets. The subject site abuts the west side of Odean Avenue. Odean Avenue is designated by the Transportation Plan as a Residential Collector street. Access to collector streets is limited to intersection spacing of 500 feet by Section 21-7-7.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. The preliminary plat provides for extension of 751h Street as a Residential Collector street west of Odean Avenue and also provides a local street intersection at 77th Street aligned with access to Crimson Ponds West to the east and spaced at least 500 feet from other intersections. The developer will construct 75th Street west of Odean Avenue with the proposed development. The cost of construction for 75th Street by the developer will be credited against collector street fees required at the time of final plat approval. As a Residential Collector street, the roadway has an 80 foot right-of-way and 46 foot wide street section. A 10 foot wide asphalt trail will be constructed on the north side of the roadway consistent with the section of 751h Street east of Odean Avenue. Access to 75th Street is also limited to intersection spacing of at least 500 feet. Local streets are provided on the preliminary plat north of 75th Street to access the proposed lots. The spacing of intersections with 75th Street is greater than 500 feet. Local streets are proposed as 60 feet of right-of-way with a 28 foot wide street section having a sidewalk on one side. The sidewalk on Obrian Avenue must be moved to the west side of the roadway so as not to cross Outlot E for maintenance reasons. The sidewalk on Street 6 should be moved to the northside of the roadway to extend to the west plat line across the front of the lots within Block 1 (versus the side lot line of Lot 1, Block 2). There are two cul-de-sac streets within the preliminary plat. Section 21-7-6.A of the Subdivision Ordinance limits platting cul-de-sac streets to areas affected by physical barriers. The proposed cul-de-sacs are necessary due to the existing subdivision to the north, access limitations to Odean Avenue and 751h Street, and wetlands. Construction of permanent cul-de- sacs is limited to 500 feet in depth with a turnaround required at the closed end with a 60 foot right-of-way radius and 45 foot street section. No sidewalk is required on cul-de-sac streets. The lots fronting the cul-de-sac turnaround are required to have a minimum width of 125 2 percent of the district minimum to ensure adequate lot frontage, lot access, and area for snow storage. The minimum lot width of the R-5 District is 60 feet; the minimum lot width required on the cul-de-sac lots is 75 feet. All of the lots fronting the cul-de-sac comply with this requirement except Lot 22, Block 6. The lot line between Lots 21 and 22, Block 6 must be adjusted such that Lot 22, Block 6 is at least 75 feet in width. Section 21-7-5.E of the Subdivision Ordinance requires extension of streets to abutting undeveloped parcels to allow for future subdivision. This provision ensures connectivity between neighborhoods for traffic disbursement, emergency vehicle access, and social interaction. The preliminary plat provides for extension of Street 6 to the west plat line for a future street connection. The preliminary plat also provides for extension of Obrian Avenue from its current dead end at the south plat line of Walesch Estates 2nd Addition, which provides a connection between that neighborhood and 751h Street. The layout of streets within the preliminary plat will discourage use of local streets for through traffic. The developer has provided profile plans for all of the streets within the preliminary plat. The proposed streets comply with the design specifications of Section 21-7-7 of the Subdivision Ordinance and the standard plates of the Engineering Manual. The cost of all street signs are to be paid for by the developer at the time of final plat approval. The developer must provide for the installation and operation of street lights required by Section 6-8-4 of the City Code at street intersections, cul-de-sac dead -ends, and midblock points longer than 900 feet at the time of final plat approval. All street construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the lot requirements of the R-5 District. The lots abutting Walesch Estates 2nd Addition to the north of the subject site must meet the requirements of the R -4A District in accordance with Section 10-66-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. The mean lot area is 13,698 square feet. Furthermore, the mean area of the standard R-5 District lots is 12,654 square feet and the mean area of the transitional lots is 26,791 square feet. The mean lot area within the development exceeds the 12,000 square foot minimum lot area requirement of the R-4, Residential Single Family District. The interior lots are also a minimum of 70 feet wide, which exceeds R-5 District requirements. The proposed lots comply with the minimum requirements of the R-5 District. 3 Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear odean Ave./ 75th St. Wetland Lots 2-5, Blk 1; Blks 2-5, 7, 8 Interior 9,OOOsf. (net) 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. house 30ft. garage 7ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Corner 80ft. 25ft. Lot 1, Blk 1; Lots 1, 3-5, 20, 21, 32, 33, Blk 6 18,OOOsf. 100ft. 150ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. The mean lot area is 13,698 square feet. Furthermore, the mean area of the standard R-5 District lots is 12,654 square feet and the mean area of the transitional lots is 26,791 square feet. The mean lot area within the development exceeds the 12,000 square foot minimum lot area requirement of the R-4, Residential Single Family District. The interior lots are also a minimum of 70 feet wide, which exceeds R-5 District requirements. The proposed lots comply with the minimum requirements of the R-5 District. 3 Landscaping. The subject site has stands of existing trees along the north property line, west property line and through in the eastern portion of the site parallel to Odean Avenue. The grading plan shows that trees along the north and west plat lines will be saved to some extent, but trees off of the property line will be removed as part of the development. Section 20-19- 2.6 requires planting two trees per lot. The developer has provided a landscape plan indicating planting 242 trees along the local street boulevards. An additional tree will be planted by the builder after construction of a house upon each lot, brining the total number of trees to 391, which exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance by 93 trees. The type and sizes of proposed trees comply with Section 20-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. A landscape buffer yard is also required by Section 20-19-3.13 of the Zoning Ordinance to be planted in the side and rear yards of the lots abutting Odean Avenue and 751h Street. The landscape plan includes planting 121 evergreen trees and 36 decidous trees (as well as 109 shrubs) for the required buffer yard. The arrangement, type, and size of proposed plantings complies with the requirements of Section 20-19-3.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. The 2012 Future Parks and Trails Plan does not identify acquisition of land for public parks within the area of the subject site. As such, park and trail dedication requirements will be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid on a per lot basis. The cash fee in lieu of land will be the amount in effect on the fee schedule at the time of final plat approval. Utility Plan. Trunk sewer and water utilities are available at the property. The developer has provided a plan for extension of lateral sewer and water utilities to serve the propose development. The developer will pay sewer and water availability charges at the time of final plat approval. Payment of sewer and water connection charges will be paid at the time a building permit is issued for each lot. The utility availability and connection charges will be those fees in effect at the time of final plat or building permit, respectively. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading plan for the proposed development. The proposed development includes storm water basins to provide for water quality treatment and rate control such that runoff will not leave the subject site at a rate greater than predevelopment conditions. The stormwater basins are included within outlots that will be deeded to the City as required by Section 21-7-15.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. The preliminary plat also provides for outlots to encompass existing wetlands and the 20 foot wetland buffer required by Section 20-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance. The wetland outlots will also be deeded to the City. The subject site is within the Lefebvre Creek watershed district and a stormwater area charge will be required to be paid at the time of final plat approval. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots and over all stormwater management facilities. The drainage and utility easements required at the perimeter of lots are to be a minimum of 10 M feet wide but may overlay side lot lines five feet on each side. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Outlots. The preliminary plat includes outlots with their intended purpose and ownership shown the table below. Outlots A and Care remnant parcels with no viable use available to the developer. Section 21-7-41 prohibits remnant parcels from being platted. Outlot A must be combined with the area of the buildable lots within Block 1. Outlot C is separated from the subject site by extension of 75th Street. Outlot C must be conveyed to the City to allow for future access to 75th Street from parcels to the south that are under separate ownership from the developer. Outlot Purpose Ownership A Remnant Combine with lots in Block 1 B, D, E, F, G, H Stormwater basin/Wetland Deed to City C Remnant Deed to City I Future phase Developer/Property Owner RECOMMENDATION The proposed Ashwood preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the Comprhensive Plan. The preliminary plat further complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1— Comprehensive Plan Amendment A. Motion to recommend approval of Comprehensive Plan amendment including the subject site within the East Sewer District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend approval of Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-5 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Decision 3 — Preliminary Plat A. Motion to recommend approval of the Ashwood preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following requirements: 3. The developer shall construct 75th Street as shown on the submitted plans with the cost of construction credited towards collector street fees paid at the time of final plat approval. 4. Plans for street construction shall subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, including but not limited to the following revisions: a. The sidewalk adjacent to Obrian Avenue shall be located on the west side of the right-of-way. b. The sidewalk adjacent to Street 6 shall be located on the north side of the right-of-way. C. Installation and operation of street lights required by Section 6-8-4 of the City Code. d. Fabrication and installation of street signs. 5. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land per lot based on the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 0 Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Odean Ave./ 75th St. Wetland Lots 2-5, Blk 1; Blks 2-5, 7, 8 Interior 9,000sf. (net) 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. house 30ft. garage 7ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Corner 80ft. 25ft. Lot 1, Blk 1; Lots 1, 3-5, 20, 21, 32, 33, Blk 6 18,000sf. 100ft. 150ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. 3. The developer shall construct 75th Street as shown on the submitted plans with the cost of construction credited towards collector street fees paid at the time of final plat approval. 4. Plans for street construction shall subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, including but not limited to the following revisions: a. The sidewalk adjacent to Obrian Avenue shall be located on the west side of the right-of-way. b. The sidewalk adjacent to Street 6 shall be located on the north side of the right-of-way. C. Installation and operation of street lights required by Section 6-8-4 of the City Code. d. Fabrication and installation of street signs. 5. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land per lot based on the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 0 6. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. The developer shall pay stormwater area charges for Lefebvre Creek at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. S. Outlots B, D, E, F, G, and H shall be deeded to the City for stormwater management purposes. 9. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 11. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. Block 1 shall be revised to incorporate the area of Outlot A within the buildable lots. 13. Outlot C shall be deeded to the City without restriction for future development when the abutting property to the south is subdivided. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision Ordinance. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Michael Suel, D.R. Horton 7 Zx. N E.,FdFXF,5RF 11 02 82101 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ t t ■ ■ 0 . t . t t o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. reliminar0 y Plat Submittal for Ashwood Otsego, Minnesota Prepared for: D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Contact: Mike Suel Phone: 952-985-7823 Prepared by: Westwood Phone (952)937.5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Far (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Td Fee (888)937-5150 westw000ddpf.cofn Vestwood Professional Services, Inc Project number: 0012728.00 Contact: Robert J. Olson Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) NO. DATE REVISION SI -EM Preliminary Plat Submittal for Ashwood Otsego, Minnesota Date 04/24/18 Sheet 1 of 13 Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 Cover 2 Existing Conditions 3 Preliminary Plat 4 Preliminary Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan 5 Preliminary Utility Plan 6 Street Profiles 7 Street Profiles 8 Details 9 Overall Preliminary Landscape Plan 10 Preliminary Landscape Plan 11 Preliminary Landscape Plan 12 lPreliminary Landscape Plan 13 JPrelinninary Landscape Plan Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) NO. DATE REVISION SI -EM Preliminary Plat Submittal for Ashwood Otsego, Minnesota Date 04/24/18 Sheet 1 of 13 o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Plat Submittal If Ashwood Otsego, Minnesota Prepared for: D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Contact: Mike Suel Phone: 952-985-7823 Prepared by: Westwood Phone (852) 9375150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suits #300 Fax (852) 937.6822 Minnetonka, MN 65343 TolFea (888) 937 5160 Westwoodps win Westwood Professional SerAoM Inc Project number: 0012728.00 Contact: Robert J. Olson Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) NO. DATE REVISION SHEM Preliminary for Ashwood Otsego, Minnesota Plat Submittal Date: 04/24/18 Std 1 of U Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 Cover 2 Existing Conditions 3 Preliminary Plat 4 Preliminary Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Pian 5 Preliminary Utility Plan 6 Street Profiles 7 Street Profiles 8 Details 9 Overall Preliminary Landscape Plan 10 Preliminary Landscape Plan 11 Preliminary Landscape Plan 12 Preliminary Landscape Plan 13 Preliminary Landscape Plan Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) NO. DATE REVISION SHEM Preliminary for Ashwood Otsego, Minnesota Plat Submittal Date: 04/24/18 Std 1 of U o 2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. _ (! 22.5. 0) I' ) 1 I BIT 4R \\ I-1 �� g.G�� t- 'Ia(, /oao(/ g I \ , ger--ti��\o Iads (\ ' (},) -T,1e-oil-aososo j1 �� �tcCvrl x 7O .��iin �I �5yy� ,�o� I 0 N Y2 �. V .a 8N ,9 n6� N Z 4 4a J ^� �! \ �..YJ ' n._.�_. P d M Q¢� h n Sf m 'C •ion 8� _ ..¢ 1 ¢ 4 N 4&&&&& 2 ry n n •+ b d 4 926 __, - -_. O 53 9_tr Pk `mm¢ >� a. 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I/2 q EHP� /��` SIGN-1RAFE7C/O1NER WA7ERMAlN �" \ —� L - - - - (I - 4 — - srcw-TRATTic/GTHE77 zp— FIBER awnc r r CASIoIRON _...E NWS 5E 28 , \ - 1 - -n - 6- o y-✓ -y9 !-` L--RE�9Ja al U n -tr° ` � - / X N -'-1—� s r , $m jyti iryas�s�,1�LLs� o Mac aox —x— FLxcEUNE 9464 .e a m adi htr h m m s ." o, d s a v d `a w r °: ( N 1 N �LNE qFO nIE� �O1 \ c - 93 \ 9 9Ti19 (f) ^ r 5E y� /1 a, a m r m £ 1/4 OF THE,SW i/ 0E- 28 1. r-.STGN--' I T 4 . =9z m no V - o' / HANDICAPPED STALL CURB & GUTTER m`/I4 /J .I \ , 924'`�`L A� _� a0.�- gz�^-�'Z� c PERI >fsr —0— ACCESS CONTROL 1 i I T�, t 1 A r'�� \� I 1 �93 /e�st�-�� �� -��� rJ-� I-- pyo r^�� ® MONITORING WELL �A GAS VALVE Westwood Ph— (952)2373160 12701 WhItowater VdW ,8WW# W Fee (952)237-5822 Mlmdonka, WN 65343 Td Rae (N8)937d160 Weahw dpe VAmhvood ProfdaW 5evkm k2 1 hobby m u y d di Ow s 1 5 by a s eed, my i4wY� d d ee -bk. ed " 1 ddy 5r• u Bll VEE �w dr Ise d ur BrY d Saaasw am* w.mom Daae OttU_ Ns 2=1 4 P MAN T ' ROAD I S P NO,� JI16- , ��� ���� I /�• .9�..��� - FIRE HOSE CLWNECRON CONCRETE SURFACE ' Z / �� -•�-"� E z O T„- ` A-1/ �� 82 ® CULVERT Q BITUMINOUS SURFACE J FLOOD LIGHT GRAVEL SURFACE ff=9/9.14 (s) 7 / 0 SOIL BORING 7.8E S r .9N1 IJ 2N ` / / -✓,1 -_ '�W j0 II/1 NQa W "� 7 r �_ac�9 51 '�/— -' L �L 91flJ6 (w/l2) x 1''a I / O Denotes lion Monument Sat (� 9?6_ '"-- • Denotes Iron Monument F nd 1 '940 �v b % c Q Denotes Cosf Iron U ---t Fmnd leg ` l �• -.3 UNE OF TMEi'P 1/24 ,n£=;� / - NE 1/4 OF 1NE SW I/4 LM SECl78 1 ?POINT SG �� 1 �j- 938 3-D�/�/�e\o -�--'� �9J'•� IL.�i i-- 9g3/�i/µ///�r�'�= -`�� [\�. '� \2 `,sLIN f*�0 I Q0 _N Z r 0' 120' 240` 31 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 001 zT2aexaol: � � �t vatcun4l4 a4$ Sheet Z, oP ]$ ftep-ed Ashwood a,G DX Horton, Inc. -Minnesota Existing D— 5A` Conditions mm xen>s mp ca,3Lt, &die Too V..” omit *A&ft ukew&l Minnoeoter Sm" OUego, Minnedoh o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. ' 1 41 I I I OWN Tab/e- Westwood Phone (052)0375160 12701 Whitoweter ad", 8u $300 F. (052)03]•6822 bllnnebnk0,MN65313 TO Fns (088)0375160 weMw0otpbm. Nkelwood h.%WW d 5.*M K Use Ownership Acres Outlet A Future Dev. Developer 0.11 ac Outlet B Wetland/Ponding City 2.30 ac Outlet C Future Dev./Open Space Developer 1.10 ac Outlot D Wetlond/Ponding City 4.49 ac Oudot E Welland City 0.73 ac Outlet F Wetland City 0.77 cc Oudot G Ponding city 1.34 ac Oudot H PondingAuffer City 2.60 ac Outlet I Future Dev. Developer 21.08 ac Westwood Phone (052)0375160 12701 Whitoweter ad", 8u $300 F. (052)03]•6822 bllnnebnk0,MN65313 TO Fns (088)0375160 weMw0otpbm. Nkelwood h.%WW d 5.*M K (No Scale) I b.+r e.1M, N." 0. w. PI brr..d.q did .p.rhl. eed Od I r e A*Beed UW 8114.6 eed. W I— d IY Bble d Y—n4 W. �Mfr.e��� edrt WPI +. U.— las 23M h .. I P -pa -d f-- MG DR Horton, Inc. -Minnesota e.w. 3At 20860 iK"&rktga coOPFr Suite 100 ItAk-Ine■mal Gu.le� bt/81e r 551) i Cali 48 Hours before digging: 811 or W1811.com Common Ground Alliance '(ypi(al LOt (vadw) Street the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quorter of the Northwest Quarter, alt in Section 24% Township 121, 0 70 0 F h-------� 5) N N TOTAL SITE AREA 100.4 acres X71r �, \� I Drohage d: utaity Easement PROPOSED ZONING I �-5dbo k Lihe (See TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED 149 UNITS Dewdapment Dalo) 1.48 UN/AC 1' y� I NRS —Lot Dinension R-5 SINGLE FAMILY.• \ LOT WIDTH (interior) 60 ft. min ® front setback (70' shown) 9,450 t SF. LOT WIDTH (cul—de—sac) 75 ft. min ® front setback LOT WIDTH (comer) Number7L LOT DEPTH jjj—Lot LOT AREA 9,000 sf min; (9,278 sf shown) —\ —A,,—,.. Lot Area 13,698 sf 51 (all lots) Setback N N --_I DLnens/on (No Scale) I b.+r e.1M, N." 0. w. PI brr..d.q did .p.rhl. eed Od I r e A*Beed UW 8114.6 eed. W I— d IY Bble d Y—n4 W. �Mfr.e��� edrt WPI +. U.— las 23M h .. I P -pa -d f-- MG DR Horton, Inc. -Minnesota e.w. 3At 20860 iK"&rktga coOPFr Suite 100 ItAk-Ine■mal Gu.le� bt/81e r 551) i Cali 48 Hours before digging: 811 or W1811.com Common Ground Alliance X 0' 120' 240' 360' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0012728PPPOIAd q o.mO4/24M street 3 oa 13 Ashwood Preliminary Plat LEG4L DESCRIPTION Rhe Northeos! Quarter of fhe Southwest Quarter, except the South half thereof, the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quorter of the Northwest Quarter, alt in Section 24% Township 121, I Range 23, Nftght County, Mirnesato Development Data TOTAL SITE AREA 100.4 acres roc iRA1 ro EXISTING ZONING A-1 Agriculture—Rural Service Area PROPOSED ZONING R-5 TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED 149 UNITS OVERALL DENSITY 1.48 UN/AC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS R-5 SINGLE FAMILY.• LOT WIDTH (interior) 60 ft. min ® front setback (70' shown) LOT WIDTH (cul—de—sac) 75 ft. min ® front setback LOT WIDTH (comer) 90 ft. min LOT DEPTH 100 ft. min; 130' typical (as shown) LOT AREA 9,000 sf min; (9,278 sf shown) AVERAGE LOT AREA 13,698 sf (all lots) AVERAGE LOT AREA 12,654 sf (excluding 100' wide lots) SETBACKS (MINIMUMS): FRONT YARD 25' House/30' Garage SIDE YARD 717', 14' Total SIDE YARD CORNER 20' REAR YARD 20' 75TH STREET NE 65' ODEAN AVENUE NE 65' R -4a IRANS17101V SINGLE FAMILY* LOT WI07H (interior) 100 ft. min ® front setback LOT AREA 18,000 st min AVERAGE LOT AREA 26,791 sf SETBACKS (MINIMUMS) FRONT YARD 35' SIDE YARD 10%10;• 20' Total REAR YARD 20' i + ALL 1N7ERNAL STREETS ARE 28' BACK TO —75T:tsx �- �rxc rxad to BACK OF CURB, UNLESS N07ED 07HERWISE. X 0' 120' 240' 360' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0012728PPPOIAd q o.mO4/24M street 3 oa 13 Ashwood Preliminary Plat p2C 8 ��atwoo -Prgfessional Services. I a EJ l ^, a -gq?\ 9 Is v 4 a1 a° - -.- =x 4. � x � xf �-� x I � rx � I• I i� ¢. I ,� �=-_. V/ ,� � �3a1 �s 3 -_ _� I v 932 g3•� � / � � N� . N � j \ 9�a�8 p� �• I h ��� a. �,., i f 1 � m ( \ ... � 1 ----- V 1 940-• / � � � V 936/ I � ,,�.� 20 � �21 � � OUILOTG r � / ,yA�V = A � _ �VA. s24.0o I v o X940 g44 \, \ ` OTE ' �i ` I Y - - ' "'\ I 1 d ST- HWl 928.69 9� g36, 936_ V - -- x 4 r 9• `a*-F 946 9R\a,\ / , ,' g46 _ 944 r 842 g 42 9 - 'N , �Nti I i m - \. '~ 9� s � i 1 g"A` - � 5_ , 6� _�7. A � I 'b ( ]�i _• Y• r - , �� g 'yk \ \� o 5n.0 •o (\ \ s'� / 9 .-As • - T\' A . " \ 940. 942 ( 9 , _-� / / C '� m °j' g "� 48 \ p % A RA^ �.-9 v 42 _�__ ( _ 942 •m, ,-i r- - gym. �� 1 ��q I i a 524.0 MINIM, _ . � -�+" / \.�� %' � n \ or y4 JArL• - -- "'s94 _ � �; m I) (` .f � oni` ; A� I h>' q. 5 L J * , / "1\ 1 /`�. ^ .. /- `ORF, •��' .9 9 - - - _ 940 t�' / " $ qAA - 936 ••v , /'"> ' ( N FRONT GARAGG _ 0 .94- r 1••' � DRIVEWAY ` Tr � + a _. � Y a• "' \ 19 tll %% � I �' �. ... // \ � _�-- ,�1 .,, 36 - � i �\ \ �9� � ' I I _ /,✓ 1 � SV`OR V (� V � � i -��Q - � /°j 9� - 836 a �' � 936--x- � � ��.�k'-�� � 5. - ��� n m m I A C-x$91} a -g 0-ISE a GRADED FOR 3.2' DIFFERENCE FROM Y BASEMENT FLOR 940 9¢OELEVATION TO RONT GRADE ELEVATION. � 4 �� n d' ,' \� \ , .`r x , \-.. qq - - a '1 - --sa ` `t / , I �� i AO $ ") L �- I .If` / \ ., � Y. •Jab -� . . _. SE-WO - GRADED FOR DIFFERENCE N -R �'' / - a Z-- Y•. I- 0/N g I / FROM FINISH D ELEVATION AT REM 4 NOF PAD N FRONT GARAGE SLED WL 23 EVATION AT FRONT OF HOUSE 9 50 1 9 EL ��� /� . � � -� �� �� � �� ' vv ����'� � � - - 940 • i 940 ��-- � - _ � � / gA°�� � `�+'� � - W � � � � �� � �a�tis� of � _ r HWL. e��-t \ i 9 110 >E - s=15r BTmY - yla l \ a�' - 7 I \ = % r°Di ie M •n r \ `. �- x WHWETLANDL=A9N4D I . � � T r, � / �\�' � • ( i , NOTE SPLIT ENTRY WALK a THE (1) INDICATES THAT THE GARAGE IS BLACN OR 0.7 FEET BELOW THE FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. .� ,tl,,.,,. r \ 1. 4eP' / d5� --930- — -932` 8 ,Pp •a •_ • a, m\ .(2� / \ .. 8--- _ ,_� \9`e• _ I TYPICAL LOT 9s5s?4�\7jJ11-2�O4 \ Iv seg SSN sap \bap P�'b \-ti- a 7_7 9 ��� J + � \•/ ^ � \ \ \ �. � \\ -s%�.1 � ----' � \ 11 \\ � .�,- _ \ _- , `\ \cor %.. - � r93� � �6 / I I ( f �� S�. � ry "' Vim( I � '6(tm/ a ,� ' a,�' � ,� � " � � -�\ �\ � °s OUILOTD , • � _ � \ I _ / r 15- % � 9 / �L-. g `� � ti� � ,9S '�.. +.`9J'n,•' ,1 I , �� � ,C \s .\ - `� e... jr �- , q \ -• _' - / •- � s<. 3g l (-- 936 936 936 \ \ I ' .�.o POND 3 s "l 1848�\ • 12..,. �, °� _.., `_ .� M rn / 936 .. -1 'I n P `s�, y� \_ �\ s .� � �'_ �' \ \ � \- �g?_ _ � I < • 8321930 - sem_- _�� � -4 � 1 o/,, -� ��.940 °, I as / � 1 1 I �916� ti �l � r • � ..` � L A'- -_ _, m .. \ I 920- �-. 924 928 ` g� T J - a 3r 934 932 930 928 9293224 ," ` \ / - ? ~ .. -• { 928 936 926— • • ..,r 934 I . _ . 9 ��t•T---�- 3 o �9 \•'�` 6 � 1 9� - r.. '-, ,. 1 T 1Ap I T ... _ ... 932 • 93 t2 _ \ � �._-L " <+ OUILOT C _ -. �\ r \ S - \ a 838 1 -F' Ig'S4i Gr 936 X932 \ 8"----�,_-940 I o- C'_ _ """ II r �(-�_ o �..__ J .. '+. 1948 "�9 ti \ r - _ 932 954r1�--46- 944.-.-.-.x-- _.__942 --^940. x 938_9 a°-�948�, N 934 y a m a ll j __ 1 1VN -- g LBG MM u EROSION CONTROL NOTES: V -- • ALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN-PLACE DENOTES SOIL BORING $. ��Y PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL \ " DENOTES SILT FENCE VIABLE TURF OR GROUND COVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EXISTING SILT FENCE ON-SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED DENOTES HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE s/1 INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE --gBp DENOTES EMSTING CONTOURS '�- -- - �-� `� C �(6 AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO EROSION CONTROL. -1 t 980-� DEHons PRarosm coNTouRs TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES, HAY BALES, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE CITY SHALL BE / / INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. EJ-- --fl DENOTES PO POS STORM SEWER gag \ S 1S OUTLOTI •-�) • ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORKING HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END 0--w--a DENOTES ROosm small SEWER- OF EACH WORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDEDDENOTES Nc TREE DENOTES PPRLINE ACCORDING To DETAILS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS. APPROMATE TEE REE Et GENERAL GRADING do DRAINAGE NOTES: nnnrm REMOVAL LIMITS%I~ f r • ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE GUTTER x 856.3 DENOTES VOSTING SPOT ELEVATION GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 68''0 DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION • REFER TO THE SITE PLAN/RECORD PLAT FOR MOST CURRENT � DENOTES BIO-ROLL EROSION CHECKS HORIZONTAL SITE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERFLOW • E.O.F. ELEVATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING I - _ UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES WITH THE OWNERS AND FIELD-VERIFY PRIOR To CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE - < -sA0\. �( /� j I -1_f-/ -.. ""� �°j o"'��y� �ry r 9�s,`\ ,) ` I c ._ 0' 100' 200' 30 ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. ` / • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL RULES. Call 48 Hours before digging: NOT FOR 0012728GOP01 CONSTRUCTION .d1 • POSITIVE DRAINAGE FROM THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL TIMES. f �., l (811 Or ea0811•com o•teO4/24/18 sheet 4 OF 13 Common Ground Alliance W E Y a' Dy 1Y� tlY w E•4d br r a • •el' red Prelim Gr •TI■-\/�~/N as .q.w+. r ud t r . a.y spa nar®Onu bdud� Fm ■ fes' Preliminary Grading W[aL� •dr W 1•w• d W+ B•Ie d 16�••b Pham (952)9513160 12?0IWh1tew&terOdMS1f0300 M DR Horton, Inc.-MImewt1 AshW Drainage and Erosion Fu 1952)951-6522 Mj_W k•, NN 65345 IE!Sufte Igo Td Rue (558)9513159 WUMOOCIpamm Rabat ): Olm i�ir dllw• ILIID Cmar, $u4 �. )KTD11P801t Control Plan wsL•nod It•t•rad s■vwA l,e L5d• �� ELae� Ns '� o201,8 Westwood Profe8lonal Services, Ind. I I I I I I Call 48 _F all MH-9 CONNE TO EXIST] Gom� IE = 928.88 E- 4oAaL-- CT G WATERMAIN 1,- 117 ---------- MOW & SALVAGE EXIS NG HYDRANT -\ OUTLOTF, MH E 33 33 21 0 R t�j LEGE MH 20 UILOT G E -7/ �42.03 MH 45. 0 MH POND 2 IE I A IE 928.18 FY 3' RE - 93546 NWIL 924 00 �A' WIL .68 31 OUTLOT E 2 3 5 M 10 IE = 923.46 L mq 3 M E�, 94100 MH 771 -ST* SAK YH 31 4 IE '929. 5 E - 941.97 19 NL - 2 43 g 2 MH f RE 93 WATER E �2 8, IE Bp.03 I 94b,b IE 931.67 8 IE 916 64 IE 992 7 E 935.13 HYD. W/VALVE 1 929.130 92306 o 3 MH 18 23 29 STORM SEWER 1A RE 931.g, IE H 4 2 E 94 .30\ 9 - 909. 2 PROPOSED MH 28 14 MH t SANITARY SEWER 17 E,��q 934 47 14 WATER Ma IE 922.54 9 2 3 E 1/3.71 MH 8 �H 13 9 5 HYD. W/VALVE o 91B.76 MH E - 930.25 \m STORM SEWER MH IE 932.69 RL 935.33--1 9 26 MH 1 1.53 6 ff4O.O - I N 15 16 3�82 JT 917.66 6' PERFORATED !E, E IE - 920.38�� E 9446"54 44 4 H�p .54 12 to PVC DRAINTILE 3 32 RE = 94214 bile, X IE El 2 IE = 926.56 MH MH• DIP 5 / // RE = 9T..2 E 9 .08 1 92 MH E 92 .92 H IE = 06 1�1'--RE (934.08 2 119 13 17 1(9 15 E 93 .63 IE 918 21 MH IE �W 92 .70 9 MH C)UILOTH MH RE 93448 10 4 13 932 1 1 12 1!/ 3 RE 939.8 12 IE 919:72 ME 934.43 10 8 IE 925.46 t IE 920.86 7 2 POND I so b& / on. W. 923. MH RE = 933.2 93312 H 930.30 IE = 9 1, - 91936 < IE R�m . I \ E 939 RE = 40.6 it MH 1. 925.14 9 RE -938.87 IE ►= 23.02 MH 6 L-REf 93787 Jr H 9 to MH MH 8 10 WETLAND RE = 946.14 IE - 925.66 E 935.53 .70 IE = 9�30.91 6 7 1. / , HWL-944 9 v IE 921.69 13 10 MH 5 4 MH 8 j RI E 39:34 R 9 OUTLOT8 E121 N, //-R 934.65 �V\ i. E 946�J35 POND 4 it It 920.48 7 13 RE R43 M 5 926.72; RE = 936.. MH NVL 94ZOO RE, 1, 93 IE = 922 111 926.18 3 it 1 92601 r -R7 935.22 HM_ 944.50 RE 934.51 4 \ IE 922.51 WETLAND '16 MH 12 HK=934.40 • --RE = 2934.99 9 2 -8 IE - 920.809 Mg 942.10\ OUTLOTO 9 15 MH IE 9;�7.87 1,3 I I H X RE = 94D 7 POND 3 IE = 926.68 q 11 0 NWIL 93&00 RE 93 HWL 935650 ma IE 922.65 17 MH, � 1, 17 RE E 935.33 I E 921.12/' IE 927.61 E MH V251. MH M RE = 01J.00 939.61 14 IE = 934.00 18 8 15 1 12 94115 - IE = 928.,91 14 F4 MH - 940.93 ri IE = 928.93 N re _7577-1 ST_ OUILOT C GENERAL UTILITY NOTES' • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. • UNLE8 OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS. CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 1999 ED. OF THE 'STANDARD unuTiEs sPEancATIoNs FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ABOCIANON OF MINN.* AND TO THE "STANDARD spEancAnoN FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31.2005 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HE OUPLOTI REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECEBARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THE PROPERTY LIMITS SEE ARCH. PLAN FOR EXACT BLDG. LOCATION. SEE SITE PLAN FOR LAYOUT DIMENSIONS. SERVICE ENTRY LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE ARCHITECT. • VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOC. & ELEV. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. • THE WATER SERVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MIN. OF 7.5 FT. OF COVER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CITY AS -BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS TO CHECK LOCATION AND MATERIAL TYPE. • ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 3 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 0. Too, 200' 3 • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' FOR FOR UTILITY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LOCATIONS PRIOR To UTILITY INSTALLATION. 0012728UTP0I. Data04/2018 she t 5 OF 13 beeb, ca" " da pb. b, fteat I D.-Immeth x Weq�� I'm" IND-shwood Preliminary Utility Plan Phan. (95219374il6l) 1270iWhl1aW1t11Dd",8Uft"00 DR Horton, Inc.Ift-Minnesota F. (952� :37-5822 Minnetonka, MN 65313 D_ in T.IF- 1888)937-6160 vieshoo.4aimem Robat 1. Obm 20860 Kimakidge Court, Suite 100 100midwood hlvmmkxmal Sweleam, it. Daft ow" noteate, No. 45023 1akev , Mhummotiii, 5S0!4oww, mumemota 02018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. _._ 965 ...n... �:. yn. m....N:..'N . a00 ",OtO 'om w; .: ..... ;�. p Nto MM m: 'Ol0 ........... `*. ,. ... ,.....N�.....N.m..... t0 5` MO- MN ......._... h :. d'. mm ",OtO ........................................•....... d. .d.: .4 :, '.-!M' m9 'rni�":-�""v}. N .: :.O :. : N :.. 'Y :. �t0 d.'.�.-. .1n<`1"ON"MN .....................,........... : : N M WtV NM"tO:M' :. i,t . i, : : MTS NtO"Nm"N .....,.:........................ h hn n r . . . . �. OrM MtV -d!O h0' ..... .B.. ,i,,,,G t`....... IO : WN ': :. . : b ¢�--,0:�..N+F..�'fn ._ ..... .. .... : . : O 'm.W �w m 4 ....... .. rp.... N .....N - : �„ ?� :. N : .O '01"'x.0 0,:.+"N:+i"d'tn -,o. ...1, ... " .. �: '.:...�. '.:.: p": '...:.469...w.!m .. .....rYj':.i.: A 9D FO : ..,o tot, ,iV .N.. ....cv ... .n . jn . O d't0.'N..,,. 'o]N '00"rn'Q N'l:.:.9965 '.:...o....... '':.......'N....r. : to O1 : -+ :.: �aD' .�tM..M7�..r•TN" '.:. . .��y :..:. rn�.. mol. 6rnOrn Orn- , Orn �� ,� .:..... . .... .......�P:,...... _. .... .� q' A9:......5�1.. .j�.....N......rN.typ-....1�'d.....J�:t�.....,.A�..... 940 .....mr�.......................................o..-.....m......m.m.......tp.....o .W �f'.Y . �.i .. 4: .. . u' ),d . d-. .93 4,+0 . .............. ..... ....... �t!'1 .. M.H . rO.H i0 ..... ...... ..... . r .. .. a .r.� M . . .... e ,r'1 .. .....p.�D.....�........tp............ M.r rO.r7 M.+ .r0 .. r .e .r'7 r dr . M. M... .. Y-,e�......�:r� . 01.m b, to dr O,dr o} d!M .. d!'7 .. �.tMp ...�:r..:.:.d'. m O, d� d'. .. �t. brn 0} b, 0, 6, .. r�.. rn, M .. M r") .: r ix.-}..... (nm b, m b,,d� Q, o} ...... , ................._.c..... ..... � i .:. :.: '.: : :. i ; OMi'p .. .: .. rnaS :: bi- b+:m .: m`r':m „ 0irn :: O;a1 :. m:m o,: ..: .bpm , fn m rn. . 4�.m .. 6rm .. to m . m .. o�, .. m m , b,,m md� .. Q,.m .. b,,m . b, m brnai .. 9+.m .. b,m , o+,m rnoS .. g, 0l .. & m , b� m m dr .. mp. Wim . b,.rn rn rn m . 01. o, o1 brm , , . T , , b,m O� . , . , , . ' .. . ......... 960 :.. .. .. :..... - i:.. ... .. ...... ::..::' .::: : :i: . :i: :: .. '. ::. .: ::.i: ':, : .. .. .. ............_......_....**................:..... .. .. ... ... ... .. _ .. :: ; ...::. :::=0.60x: .. .. . _ _. 960 too o0 VD ' .. ' ................. ....... ........ . . PVI. STA _ .31+24.00. �..: .. ... ...: :_ - :.. \ :.. :. ..: .. PVI rELV : _.......:.........:_........_........................_.:...................:.................:....................:.......................................:...........:.................:.........:...........:.....:.....................................................__......: ..: .. :.. - : . .... _ .:. ..:........ :. :.. .. . ...: .. :., . .. ; . ... .:....: ... ........... :..... .. :.. ... ...... .. _ .. ...:.120,00' VC: ..... LP. ELEV = 937.62; ...:. ' 90.00'iVG _ H.P. ; ELEV :-: 938.38 9tl.b01 VC : . _ ::: LPi �ELEV;-� 936.08.: .......:.........,10.00 :V0....;...................:...................:.:..................... 50.00' VC ::H.P, Elt _: 936:85 : .. 90;00' VC - .. .. LP.. 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', _ PVI stA: a+s4.o0: : : , ... .:A.D. =.-1.00% ... .. ... • .. .. _. :. .,. . :. .: ..: _ . .. -I.24%: ... :... ... .. : .. :.. ��...:....:......�.............. .94 .. �, :.._ .. ... .... ..... ; ..PVI ELEV = 937.37; .. .. ' :: PVI EElEV _- 938:54..: _ PYI EI-EVi-:9.35,92 ..: . .. i PVI ELEV:-:936:92 .. : � .. .. _ ElEV�-r: 935:60 .. .. .. .. PVI EIEV .- .937.25:... :: . ; ...., . ... .. 950 ....:....:....:....:... ...:_......... .....100.00 YC :..... :.....3 ._._.,.,�._ 6 _..,.:....:....:....:...�:........,....,;....:.,,...,. ......_..... ....:.........:.........:�...:.........:............................:.........:..... ., 7 .-.- D...=.2.4 x................... :D = - 88X 9...,.......1,......................... .. _... no. tssX :. ! : ELEV - .937.19.: ... _ _E. -1.16X.. A.O,... : _:.:.:. _ A:D,......1.,219,....:........:....... : PVi: _: 7+70:00 A.D. =.:_1:65 c..:.......:.......:............. : ELEV '932.05' : : ' . ' 915 ...................:........ .. H3'.'. 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EI -EV 58: ._OSOX :: . : . . : 915 :., . :., : .,. . :. .: ..: ;. .',.', :.. .. .94 .. 915 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :.. : PVC' _. 7+Ds 00 : - : 955 NN..Oj ,pM _ ... :..!:'..'.....- * ...�.....N . -4 4 �4' mt0..Inm O)O . ............m............. rnN O:at'..o} . . ms�......�..........m..:.:.r:...:.�..:...Tr.... �:�(- m'W .,pN hio. ,017 tD:�Y o.�..... atm MO ' .:...:'.N.:.:.c .m' ,001 _O 00' .... . '.....N. ..:.�.o�'.:...r�eqq rD:� M!m hN . . ��.....:. M.7M 955 7 .. d mm mol . �. .. d-:¢ . M: r�i .. m m mal mrn M:µ . .. .. rnai mo'1 mal ,� .. 't: .. d: d;fi . d d' . mm „ m-. . m . , mm , . mm .. :d- .. .. m:A .: M:�I' . M .. M: .. M. . bm . . m.m . - . m.1. , mm . . , . mI 0of ,OM1 OI� OMi O) .O o1. O'OI 950 ......:. .....:.:. ......... ....: .. ........: ......... ..:...::.. .......: ........ ......:.. .. .... ...: ..... .... :... :.: . 950 ....... .. ..... ............ .,!: PWSTA =:12+75.90 :::..::... :.... .......:..... .... : ...., ; ... ... :: .. .: .: .. 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PVI STA' =' 7+50.00 : SELTFAv _ 16933.78 PV STA-s4#,25A0 . ` .... .. .. . , . 930 - : PVC -=' 10+84 00.:: ` PN ECFV:=:939 90... ". : ' PYI ELEV 942.34 .. ...: 930 .:.._r-:�1. ..7:. 77 ...... PVT ='1Y+74 00...... ..... :...........:. .:.:.. A O.. =. 2.34%-'A.D.:-_­--2:62X... ..::..:: ._OSOX :: . : . . : . .,. ... -0.60X ::.:..:.. ..:: :. ELEV = 945.21:......: :::: :.:.::..:'t::: K '38.43 : ...;. .:. 343.3.::::. .ECFV �. 933.08... .. .. ..... .. 925 I :. ::.. ELBV = 945.03 i . : _ ...:. 1 . :....:... :.. : PVC' _. 7+Ds 00 : - : : .:: :. .K:= PYC 3+80.00 � 925 ��som, VC ....... ........ ..... ....... .. ..... :.. .: ........ PVi'=:'7+95 U0 .. ..PVT...... - 4+70:00... .. .: .. . ..: ... :. ; . ..::. REV = 940 24- :. 7714 ELEV - ;941.50 : . ::.. 920 :. .. . :.: .... :: .:ELEV:-: s : :::940 2, LP, STA: =911.00.00..:...::.... EtEV = 00 942. ; .. .: ; ...:........ STA 72+00 OD - 920 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9556.'. . 11 I hMm :ON: :-N -m0' .. . . 1� MN :mN Mf0 . . 'O MM�h :rnr. M .q M o . . AM N..1�j- M.µ w. '' r.. .. ..: . . 'M. n h1n mr, h0 1,955 :. P:1s��' m ' ad.1t�� .. . . . OM tw tC - 0 . . .. . . . r -m Nom' NOMI ,o�MD NM Yi.N�jj . w tlp� m 11��j : Pi:r1�� :. P 1r�� . . O)O' rn ,Od' � OS. N. P •1 m . . .lpp. .Om Mei' ' IC..t . . . ... . . . ..^1�. . rnm Or N^�i' hl� ' p:r1�� ,� pM P . . . . �O hM r i qi 1tn� . . . ... . . . ... . . mt0' and to'.�- hm d'+0 - ,�i:�0 rN�(j P 5.... W.!� .. rn?.M� � "'rmiM MM Mr7"M7n"!'):M"N:M:'�r7 mm o;m mm 1� r9 O. .. mm mm mm Ol r.µ .. .. .. .. mm 001 ,O,M, �t'7 O: 6.01 QVVV� Oi:11��' ..P.Mµ .. Y}j' .0;01. Oo)Of -. 0_)Ol. OM)0I �0:0)� 1�'j} bob O:O,� 0of ,OM1 OI� OMi O) .O o1. O'OI .. 1µi O.' 601 'OM1 p1 6 Of ,61g . :cn:m bpi pY Ol :cl:m: T1. � . "OM1. .m�' 01 .I . f.�} .jm cM),a "0.01"Q.M: pl 0. .m01 ' 01 . 950 ..... .... :... :.: 50.00' VC LP_ ELEV. o. 933.00 x0.00 C :... H P.'_ ELEV = 935 42 :...:..::...... ....... .. ..... ............ .. .. :: : ........ ' .: ', : .. .. ... :. ..... .....:......:.:.:....... :. .. ' ... .:......:..... . .:.. LP.: STA: _. 3+00.00 • H.P. STA = 7+25.00 . .. : . . ' : .. : : : ; 945 . - PVI STA = 3+00.00. PN STA =: 7+25.00 : . PVI;ELEV 935,48..:.. : : :. '. # SELEV•=1 /: �\: 945 .: ........ ..::.. : P.VI:ELEV 4.932.93...:. = A.D. _ -L20R. ... .:. ..... .::: ... . ............: 93453 � ., �\. .:...-...:.: .....: ., .. .. .. ... ....'. A.D::= 1.20X' .. :: : : .. ::PVI _ :: : : . - : _ . .. :. K = 41.67. .: K =. 33.33 .. .. ... !.. .. .119-303. .. \.PVI .. 940 .. .; ..:... ' .P.VC ., .2+75.00::: ...:.:PVC. =: 7+05.00:...: ... ..� :.. r'-,�, :.:.. =' :....:.......... ... _ - -_. . : SELTFAv _ 16933.78 :.: ..:.. .... .. .. . \..: .. PVT = 3+25.00.. - PVT - 7+45.00 ..ECFV ` ". : ' PVI ELEV = 72 . t1ff1�� .:.._r-:�1. 935 \- I : \ I ELEV = 933.08 =:935.3 : . ELEV = 9 .. ._OSOX :: . : . . : . .,. ... -0.60X ::.:..:.. .. .. -O.60X ... 935 .. .. _ O60A?� .ECFV �. 933.08... .. 0.60X.. ... .. ... ..., ..... .. ..... 03 .:...:0:64 50.00VC...... \ ��som, VC ... R".= 936.17 : : : : : ' �\ ' . I .. I,:- NfL.ELE� :935.61930 �� \ .. LF? ELEV:_ .934.50 7714 '$TA := 121140.00: :....... ._ :.:.: �.\�`' ::.. H,P..' STA.=.2�+'0355:.... 930 _._._.. -'........... LP, STA: =911.00.00..:...::.... ; .........:... ; .. .: ; ...:........ STA 72+00 OD - .....:.. .. .. ........................... .:. ; PVISTA =: 20+03.57 PN:STA = 1+00.00 : :: : PVI STA 9+00.00 - - ELEV- 936.23 : ... .. PN ELEV - 935.69 :PVI'ELEV 925 = 934.13 - . . .PVI ELEV=:934.43. ' A.D,:=.31.20x::...:....:...................:..........:.. ... ..: ::...:.A,4..ai•ss 20x......:.... 925 .: ........................ .•-:.:........::..... . _ . ..... AD 120% .... ...............:....:... .............. ... .K'= 33.3 .. . .. ':'. ... '. ., . K=. . K= 4167 : : . PVC = 11+80.00. ... -. . PVC. _ 19+78.57.. 920 : 1. . : PVC. _ 8+75 00: : : .: :PVT.= 12+20.00..:.:.:....... :...: :. :.:.....::..:......::.: .... .:.PYT:=.20+28 57.:.:.:.... *='935.54, 920 .........:............ - ......................... -. ...:.: PVT = 9+25.00.......................................... 'ECFV = 936:11... ... .. ::: : ELEV ., .: : . . : . : . : : .: ELEV =934.58. : . : ::: ::: ... . .. ::: : ELEV 936,11:: _. ::: ::: ::: : ::: - ELEV : :935.54: - el r ... ... .. ELEV = 934.58: : . . , . ::: : . . . . ..: : . : ::: . . - : . : :: : . : ::: : . : : - : . : - : . . ..: . . .: : . 915 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION � d� 0' 100' 200' 31 oatE04/24/18 sn«t 6 on 13 Westwood dkw ml.. th,5 th. ph, 1 .. pe p.d y `0 �W. Ashwood h ,.F••ib d thr 1 r a dal 6o•d ROPma Wy s..w: thioeR PUB ■ I's"Goom � the b - .d the 8r d 2e�eor D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota Sf'ea Profiles Ph- (952)057310 12707 Whltewaler Dr ,SUM0300 Oetiuk D1G Fu (952)957.5821 Mlnnalonka,Mn55543 nm. U1l Tdr- (888)9573150 vmbwodp� Robert J. 0imn ?0860 Kine, bfi Ca7Qt; Salle 100 VAS M -d h9ted.W S.9Ra tx Dds D4MAS U_ w 45024 t7.®a m.).. MNe9e: bikmiM7 Minz�nye 5,Sp1.1 Otsego, Minnesota 02018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 965 ' 01 .. M O)tp NQ Nay' O>'Y' TO ... .. 1 OM' N- t00' aD 965 STREET 5 .. .90:00 VC .: 955 960 M.P...ELE. '.945_ .t ......... 965 960 H.P. STA. _: 2+69 72:::: 0 M 950 PVI STA = 2+60.00' :. �.� .: ..ma.� ..O 965 960 �ttMa NN �. ...,...��,�..... Iia m0' ON O a> Nfp MO taM O�tNO Odl' QOM Olm - N ... rr Oam N< N� �� nT (\µ t00 .mn 9so ..:.:.:.... .:...:.:. 940 935 .. PVT = 3+0500 ...: �..... �, m �' M; 'ELEV=:94525,—�-,—,i �..........,....... At 945 955 ..... ......:.: ...... ..-:...:^:- _ ,.;. .0874:: 1:87q :..:: ' 940 955 :::::: . PVI STA 124;.54.43 2 3 PVI STA - 5+5Q'.41 : PVI: STA :.:1+00 00� . 935 PN :E LE _: 942.88 : :. PVI ELEV', =' 943.33' 950PVI ELEV sags .:.. 930 6 5 4 3 2 1 950 ' , . .. PVI STA 1+00.00,, 945 ` PVI LEV 949 945 r =o s7x:. . .... 90.00 'VC ':' ....:.. i a 0% \.. ... 777: ... 77: 94768 100.00 YC 940 ; H.P STA- 9+2013 LP p.EV .:943.2 0 69%. �/ 940 ...,.;. .., ; :" ':'CP:':STA 15+94.26^ ... :.. :....... .... : . ' . .:.... .... .L....... . ... PVI:ELEV 947,92 PVI STA .. '.: 935 A D 2 37% PVI £LEV - 94417 ... • i 935 ...... .... ...... ......� .. .. K;= 140.95...: '....:::: 930 :...:...:...:..:.......:.:.:..:.:...PVT =: 9+5700 ... .. R,VC = 5+9426.. :.. .. .. :.. 930 .:.:.:...L ELEV.^"'9'47.29......._ ..........:....PVT''_:6+94.26......:.. .........; .....................' _. .. ..: .. .. EL EV. = 947:48:::' ELEV'T,943.82: .:. 925 :. .....: kLEv = sa4.67.: :: :: . 925 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 965 ' 01 .. M O)tp NQ Nay' O>'Y' TO ... .. 1 OM' N- t00' aD 965 955 .. .90:00 VC .: 955 960 M.P...ELE. '.945_ .t ......... ... ......... '.......:. 960 H.P. STA. _: 2+69 72:::: 0 M 950 PVI STA = 2+60.00' :. �.� .: ..ma.� ..O 950 955 .....:.:.: P VI LEI:EV..T:.:946.00........'.................:.........:. S.:.........:.....:. 955 AO=2,74x. PVI STA = 3+35.00 950950 K = 32 79 :.:.....:P.VC.., .1.445 00 ...:..:. ..:.:.:.... .:...:.:. 940 935 .. PVT = 3+0500 ...: ...�. ` . . 935 945 'ELEV=:94525,—�-,—,i :/ \\ 945 925 .......:. i.:.:.. FlEY.: ...... ..-:...:^:- .. ,.;. .0874:: 1:87q :..:: ' 940 :: ..... .... :::::: . 940 2 3 PVI STA - 5+5Q'.41 : PVI: STA :.:1+00 00� . 935 PN :E LE _: 942.88 : :. PVI ELEV', =' 943.33' 935 930 930 6 5 4 3 2 1 pts o p I 6g Q tee. q day ern timet IQ1>t!m vAr A. Yw d W 6bw d �sfa Robert 1. Olmm Uwft 04n4M U_ H. 45M oeto.! nuH t h""'o D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota �.`. ��� MM Ka&id* CotQt, Suite 100 ft-WToa, 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION M 1 V. G.I.o 0' 100' 200' 31 ate:W24/18 sheet 7 of 13 Street Profiles STREET 7 955 955 0 M 950 �:a� :. �.� .: ..ma.� ..O 950 945 945 PVI STA = 3+35.00 940 :PVI:ELEV 937,097\-- A 940 935 _ — - 0.89% 935 930 930 925 PVI STA := 1+00.00 - : PVI ELEV = 935.00 ; 925 920 915 920 915 1 2 3 oeto.! nuH t h""'o D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota �.`. ��� MM Ka&id* CotQt, Suite 100 ft-WToa, 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION M 1 V. G.I.o 0' 100' 200' 31 ate:W24/18 sheet 7 of 13 Street Profiles 02018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. I i FU D SURFACE PU6UC ROAD � 4y DU 6' uNIVUu I—�' I--2" WASHED ROCK ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NO SCALE i= E r J.Se `O STANDARDPLATE NO. P 1 G10 ENViRT OF INVEST STORK IFA[ VENT �1 AN. AN. "ED CVCWt> TOP VIEW VEFi AC2RLT 2rASSiCxED 1 � pq VAI[¢ M VA1CR OLWJTY D WRIT P RU6VIU49 MSCTV4=.TE 6p9G 1 = IA X DEPTH a THE Wiz _ AR[R —11-1 Ttz ;�4D IX END SIDE VIEW HUNAU T[PVESSI2F TD VIEW ao s -ED sKll.®2 lrmnr�s2RX< FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER DISCHARGE SYSTEM WITH OUTLET STRUCTURE Westwood PhtRw (952)8375150 12701WhIt0W;d1rOWv,SWA1 X300 Fa (052)9375822 MUmet-ke, MN 55343 TOIFICA+ (888)9374160 Webfiv001j2cmin VYm6ACOd ftvkso1W Sm k.4 It. E kae67 amy Ud ai¢ PE. s PRy..B g r a ria q Alai ayaRY1� a•A tlal I r ¢ � find Tfi�ONAI QI[,4let adQ d Yw d d 8W d Ie�aRY imbed J. �O�h.Rm�L� nMe RF'4/" Ilene t7a 46' B -B E 10' 6' 12' 12' ' SHOULDER iNPU IAN LNRV IANEA SHOULDER (� ELOPE I 'PER Fi. 2X WH. SLO C IG' BHUWVIQD$ TRAIL A k B BI_Noo, kAT 8618 COIiCRETE CURB (EITHCR SIDE)••' C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE AND GMTER PLACED ON APPROVED SUS. (MODIFIED) 47' WIDTH D APPROVED SUGGRADE X.K DYN D APPROVED SUFMADE SO' MOTH INC COY ENGINEE, u BROWN BACKGROUND 3/8' oX S L IT nin­ L lce L II Structures, Grading, Mowing, or Filling VA EFIXI B' APRON Beyond This Poinf. 5' POSTS - B' WAY. ON CENTER A Y ('11v f C �.9'MMP) i and 2 1/R' F • SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY OOWHED SOILS CNGINEER •• VINIVUY ALLOW BID DESIGN THICKNESS •••SEE STAIIDARD DETAIL 707 B2E51 RVALUE IS A MEASURE OF EWBAN%YEN SOIL PCSISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETE-NED BY THE HVEEY STABILOWETER YETNOD SIGVA 1418 VALUE IS THE NVULANA DAUAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES CURTIS THE DESIGN UCS OF A FLEXIBLE PAYEVENT. MSA COLLECTOR URBAN STREET SECTION - 10 TON NO SCALE o+L (, G OLSQ FO STANDARD03LATE N0. URBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON No SCALE FU D SURFACE PU6UC ROAD � 4y DU 6' uNIVUu I—�' I--2" WASHED ROCK ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NO SCALE i= E r J.Se `O STANDARDPLATE NO. P 1 G10 ENViRT OF INVEST STORK IFA[ VENT �1 AN. AN. "ED CVCWt> TOP VIEW VEFi AC2RLT 2rASSiCxED 1 � pq VAI[¢ M VA1CR OLWJTY D WRIT P RU6VIU49 MSCTV4=.TE 6p9G 1 = IA X DEPTH a THE Wiz _ AR[R —11-1 Ttz ;�4D IX END SIDE VIEW HUNAU T[PVESSI2F TD VIEW ao s -ED sKll.®2 lrmnr�s2RX< FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER DISCHARGE SYSTEM WITH OUTLET STRUCTURE Westwood PhtRw (952)8375150 12701WhIt0W;d1rOWv,SWA1 X300 Fa (052)9375822 MUmet-ke, MN 55343 TOIFICA+ (888)9374160 Webfiv001j2cmin VYm6ACOd ftvkso1W Sm k.4 It. E kae67 amy Ud ai¢ PE. s PRy..B g r a ria q Alai ayaRY1� a•A tlal I r ¢ � find Tfi�ONAI QI[,4let adQ d Yw d d 8W d Ie�aRY imbed J. �O�h.Rm�L� nMe RF'4/" Ilene t7a 16' 28 IT - 8 I6' f 5' ]' SLOPE t !' FER 2X VM. LOPE SEE PLATE 704 d' THICK, 5'WINE CONCRETE CURB k CONCRETE SIC B""OH A A B BRUYINOUS VAT GUTTER PLACED ON APPROVED SU MADE ••• API OWE SVBGRAD (EITHER SIDE) C GLASS $ GRAVEL BASE (VOOFIED) 29' WIDTH D APPROVED SUFMADE SO' MOTH INC COY ENGINEE, u BROWN BACKGROUND 3/8' 6'X6' EARTH FILL IT nin­ L lce L II Structures, Grading, Mowing, or Filling VA EFIXI B' APRON Beyond This Poinf. 5' POSTS - B' WAY. ON CENTER I > F N ALTERNATE t A (v spn 000l i I%�' NO SCALE • SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY OUAUFIEU SOILS ENGINEER NIVUU ALLOW FILE DESIGN —K1ESS •••RVALVE Of LESS THAN 20 REQUIRES 4" GRAVEL BASE BENEATH CONCRETE SIDEWALK NOTES: R VALUE 15 A VE -RE Of EVBANKWENT SOIL BY THE RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS OETERUIISD NVCEW STABLOMEIER VETHOD CKWA N18 VALUE 15 THE CUNUUTPJE DAWAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN UFC OF A RGIBLE P—ENT. LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON No SCALE A "U -POST" MOUNTING. (SEE OILJQ` STANDARD1 PLATE NO. IL.� 3^� (, G y Y4 ALTERNATE 2 FU D SURFACE PU6UC ROAD � 4y DU 6' uNIVUu I—�' I--2" WASHED ROCK ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NO SCALE i= E r J.Se `O STANDARDPLATE NO. P 1 G10 ENViRT OF INVEST STORK IFA[ VENT �1 AN. AN. "ED CVCWt> TOP VIEW VEFi AC2RLT 2rASSiCxED 1 � pq VAI[¢ M VA1CR OLWJTY D WRIT P RU6VIU49 MSCTV4=.TE 6p9G 1 = IA X DEPTH a THE Wiz _ AR[R —11-1 Ttz ;�4D IX END SIDE VIEW HUNAU T[PVESSI2F TD VIEW ao s -ED sKll.®2 lrmnr�s2RX< FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER DISCHARGE SYSTEM WITH OUTLET STRUCTURE Westwood PhtRw (952)8375150 12701WhIt0W;d1rOWv,SWA1 X300 Fa (052)9375822 MUmet-ke, MN 55343 TOIFICA+ (888)9374160 Webfiv001j2cmin VYm6ACOd ftvkso1W Sm k.4 It. E kae67 amy Ud ai¢ PE. s PRy..B g r a ria q Alai ayaRY1� a•A tlal I r ¢ � find Tfi�ONAI QI[,4let adQ d Yw d d 8W d Ie�aRY imbed J. �O�h.Rm�L� nMe RF'4/" Ilene t7a LOT PWCUC DmEcixw ff.(TmP __ sTR¢T rROFRE - IMECLgN of FTo+' a sN�r LOT BENCHING DETAIL NO SCALE 6'-3A32 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4' CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (100.% CRUSHED GRAVEL) COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONC. WALKWAY NO SCALE POFD 10 LI p; t '-x{ OUTLET ELEVATION=(SEE GRADING PLAN FOR ELEVATION) POND BOTTOM=(SEE GRADING AQUATIC SAFETY BENCH PLAN FOR ELEVATION) TYPICAL POND SECTION W -D FIBER ADJACENT BLANKET VULCN PROPERTY END OF UPPER BLANKET-\ TO OVERLAP BOTTOM CND IW BURIEDD INN 6 V BEER VERTICAL TRENCH WOOD FIBER BLANKET SHALL BE PLACED AND STAPLED ACCOATHO TO W,,OOT SPECIFICATION 2575.312 WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS. ADJACENT STRIP EDGES SHALL BE OVERLAPPED A VIHIYVY OF 6', PLASTIC OR WOOD BoGEGRAGABLE STAKES OR STAPLES SHALL BE USED IN PUCE OF VETAL WIFE STAPLES. ECO UK" AND SIOSTAKES ARE ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS FOR USE TO FASTEN WOOD FIBER BLANKET. WOOD FIBER BLANKET INS TAUA O SCA ETION ON A CUT SLOPE H T T STANDARDPLATENO. zl/_ NON-WOVE11 FILTER COVER I" HWN DENSITY POLATHELENE FRAVE �— BASE OF FPIZE SHAPEDjW_k SUED TO FIT UNLET TOP K E TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR SILT -SAVOR FRAVE k FILTER I. EXCAVATE APPROXIVATELY 4` TO 6' BELOW THE TOP OF THE INLET STRUCTURE. 2. PLACE THE FRAVE ONTO THE INUET STRUCTURE, ENSURING PROFER SEATING OF FRAVE TO STRUCTURE. 3. SUDE THE FILTER OVER THE TRAUE. t 4. FILL THE FILTER POCKETS WITH 504.. r57 GRAVEL OR COVIYpIEM. THE nLTCP POCKETS SHOULD BE COVPLETELY FILLED TO ENSURE A GOOD SGL BETWEEN THE GROUND n AND INLET STRUCTURE. 5. BACK FILL AROUND THE FBANE AND FILTER —ER— IS NOT REOVIRED TO COHPLETE INSTALUNON; HOWEVER. BACK FILUNG MAY BE NECESSARY TO COVPLETE EXCAVATION RCOVIREMENIS FOR THE SITE. 4 SILT -SAVER No SCALE SILT -SAVER, INC. vA WWW.S11SAVER.004 E STANDARD 0 PLATE NO. VnDOT 25]3 GREEN LETTERING ON WETLAND �i OR - MACHINES 1- LED PREASSEYG BUFFER .IF. 2 1/2' ZONE OVE GROUND OPEION 5 APPROVED BY INC COY ENGINEE, u BROWN BACKGROUND 3/8' 6'X6' EARTH FILL 'I NO II Structures, Grading, Mowing, or Filling VA EFIXI B' APRON Beyond This Poinf. 5' POSTS - B' WAY. ON CENTER I WINIUWN 2' PENETRATION REP. .—T 3BB6 F N ALTERNATE t SILT FENCE 6" NO SCALE €i U BE PLACED ALONG ALL WETLANDS �SQ T o 2 1 G STANDAR50PLATE N0. CF ARE REOUIRED. E SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON LOT PWCUC DmEcixw ff.(TmP __ sTR¢T rROFRE - IMECLgN of FTo+' a sN�r LOT BENCHING DETAIL NO SCALE 6'-3A32 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4' CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (100.% CRUSHED GRAVEL) COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONC. WALKWAY NO SCALE POFD 10 LI p; t '-x{ OUTLET ELEVATION=(SEE GRADING PLAN FOR ELEVATION) POND BOTTOM=(SEE GRADING AQUATIC SAFETY BENCH PLAN FOR ELEVATION) TYPICAL POND SECTION W -D FIBER ADJACENT BLANKET VULCN PROPERTY END OF UPPER BLANKET-\ TO OVERLAP BOTTOM CND IW BURIEDD INN 6 V BEER VERTICAL TRENCH WOOD FIBER BLANKET SHALL BE PLACED AND STAPLED ACCOATHO TO W,,OOT SPECIFICATION 2575.312 WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS. ADJACENT STRIP EDGES SHALL BE OVERLAPPED A VIHIYVY OF 6', PLASTIC OR WOOD BoGEGRAGABLE STAKES OR STAPLES SHALL BE USED IN PUCE OF VETAL WIFE STAPLES. ECO UK" AND SIOSTAKES ARE ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS FOR USE TO FASTEN WOOD FIBER BLANKET. WOOD FIBER BLANKET INS TAUA O SCA ETION ON A CUT SLOPE H T T STANDARDPLATENO. zl/_ NON-WOVE11 FILTER COVER I" HWN DENSITY POLATHELENE FRAVE �— BASE OF FPIZE SHAPEDjW_k SUED TO FIT UNLET TOP K E TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR SILT -SAVOR FRAVE k FILTER I. EXCAVATE APPROXIVATELY 4` TO 6' BELOW THE TOP OF THE INLET STRUCTURE. 2. PLACE THE FRAVE ONTO THE INUET STRUCTURE, ENSURING PROFER SEATING OF FRAVE TO STRUCTURE. 3. SUDE THE FILTER OVER THE TRAUE. t 4. FILL THE FILTER POCKETS WITH 504.. r57 GRAVEL OR COVIYpIEM. THE nLTCP POCKETS SHOULD BE COVPLETELY FILLED TO ENSURE A GOOD SGL BETWEEN THE GROUND n AND INLET STRUCTURE. 5. BACK FILL AROUND THE FBANE AND FILTER —ER— IS NOT REOVIRED TO COHPLETE INSTALUNON; HOWEVER. BACK FILUNG MAY BE NECESSARY TO COVPLETE EXCAVATION RCOVIREMENIS FOR THE SITE. 4 SILT -SAVER No SCALE SILT -SAVER, INC. vA WWW.S11SAVER.004 E STANDARD 0 PLATE NO. R.O.W nL ROADWAY MIN.) 3' 40'25' 3 22 VARIES VARIES RUBES)Y u FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE I I FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD I PAD HOD DOWN = 0.70' 67' I 10 HOLD DOWN -- GARAGE FLOOR EL _ _------------------ _ _ _ _ —r _ _ __ I ________ L1.20' TO SUBGRADE ______ _____________ i I ```t� VVi BASEMENT FLOOR O.5' TOPSOIL ENGINEERED FILL ` —ENGINEERED FILL NGINEERED FILL 11 BEARING SOIL (TTP.) 'SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TVP.) SPLIT ENTRY (SID 6T Wide Lots N.T.S. 7' MIN. 3' 1 35'30' GREEN LETTERING ON WETLAND �i WHITE BACKGROUND BUFFER ZONE WHITE LETTERING ON BROWN BACKGROUND 3/8' WITH 3/4" LETTERING 'I NO W Structures, Grading, Mowing, or Filling E Beyond This Poinf. I A I N ALTERNATE t 10' 6" 8 WETLAND BUFFER SIGNS ARE TO U BE PLACED ALONG ALL WETLANDS { F IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS WHERE THE BUFFERS F ARE REOUIRED. E SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON E R A "U -POST" MOUNTING. (SEE STANDARD PLATE BD1) IL.� 3^� SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED 20' FROM THE EDGE OF THE y Y4 ALTERNATE 2 DEUNEATED OR MITIGATED WETLAND. = WETLAND BUFFER SIGN , MATCH PROPOSED GROUND AT WALKOUT ELEVATION STANDARDPLATE NO. •:�'� .04 R.O.W nL ROADWAY MIN.) 3' 40'25' 3 22 VARIES VARIES RUBES)Y u FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE I I FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD I PAD HOD DOWN = 0.70' 67' I 10 HOLD DOWN -- GARAGE FLOOR EL _ _------------------ _ _ _ _ —r _ _ __ I ________ L1.20' TO SUBGRADE ______ _____________ i I ```t� VVi BASEMENT FLOOR O.5' TOPSOIL ENGINEERED FILL ` —ENGINEERED FILL NGINEERED FILL 11 BEARING SOIL (TTP.) 'SUITABLE BEARING SOIL (TVP.) SPLIT ENTRY (SID 6T Wide Lots N.T.S. 7' MIN. 3' 1 35'30' 3' 1 R.O.W (E ROADWAY 22' 1 VARIES VARIES (VARIES) � FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE a w N FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD I EL OF GROUND PAD HOLD DOWN = 1.50' AT WALKOUT 3.2' I 10' 0.5' TOPSOL BELOW GARAGE SLAB GARAGE FLOOR EL UNLESS OTHERWISE — HOLD DOWN OMITS — NOTED. ___ _ - __ ____1` _— -- SUBGRADE 0.5 TOPSgLv)' 0.67) BASEMENT FLOOR i ` /--ENGINEERED FILL WN•A, _ r_ __ ENGINEERED FILL ' , MATCH PROPOSED GROUND AT WALKOUT ELEVATION •:�'� SUITABLE BEARING SOL (IVP.) - ENGINEERED FILL TABLE BEARING SOIL (TTP.) SPlH E MY WMAOUT (SEWO) 6Y Wide Lots N.T.S. Call 48 Hours before digging: 1Watest Revision Date W24M 811 or calI811.COfn 001272801POZA, Common Ground Alliance mte04/24/18 Sheet 8 OF 13 JOB a 1DIG DSL Horton, Inc_ -Minnesota ID_ IAa M" xmb or CDMPtr Suite 100 yr21 a_Wft e Ashwood Details 01neV, Minnesota o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. -:: Single Family Landscape Requirements SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 298 TREES s2 OVERSTORY TREES PER SINGLE FAMILY LOT (149 PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY LOTS) Single Family Landscape Provisions TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY LANDSCAPING PROVIDED• 569 TREES s STREET TREES: 242 TREES s BUFFER DECIDUOUS TREES: 36 TREES s BUFFER EVERGREEN TREES: 121 TREES s BUFFER ORNAMENTAL TREES 21 TREES + FUTURE YARD TREES (1 PER LOT, BY BUILDER, NOT SHOWN): 149 TREES + DECIDUOUS SHRUBS (NOT INCLUDED IN COUNT):, 109 SHRUBS Native Seeding Legend + + DENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE f+++++ MIX (35-621) + + + TOTAL AREA (0.30 AC) aDENOTES WETATER NATIVE MIX (33-261)-261) TOTAL AREA (5.20 AC) + ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE + DISTURBED AREA OUTSIDE OF WEST SITE BOUNDARY TO BE SEEDED WITH MN -DOT EROSION CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX (22-112). NOTES: 1. ONE ADDITIONAL YARD TREE PER LOT WILL BE PLANTED BY BUILDER AFTER CONSTRUCTION ON LOT IS COMPLETE. TIMING OF INSTALLATION WILL BE DEPENDENT UPON SEASON AND PLANT AVAILABILITY. 2 STREET TREE LOCATIONS AND SPACING ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON CONSTRUCTED DRIVEWAY AND UTIUTY LOCATIONS. 3. TREES INSTALLED AT FRONT OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS SHALL BE PLANTED IN A LOCATION THAT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH CURBSTOPS OR INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER CONNECTIONS. 4. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. 5. YARD TREE SPECIES WILL BE SELECTED FROM APPROVED SPECIES UST. r� 4� x 0 100' 200' 3( Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION `�18t1'`�'" Common Ground Alliance 0012728PLP01.1 D a04/24/18 Shat 9 OF 13 ►aar amry ur w. s vim+ b r a � � zwys Prepared fm: pvm'gjl Westwood °�. � -d&.S °� tOW As wood .VOIaIRT ear W Ya. d W !Y d Y9��+ Ph— (052)937-5160 12701 Wh1tftw1t1r0dM,Su #3N z>n D -K Horton, Inc. -Minnesota Preliminazy Fat (052)937-5122 Minnebnke, MN 653/3 v� �i Ma Td Fns (111)937.5160 wauw9dptmle („@9 MsJ4 20860 Kenbridge Court, `Suite 100 LandwA Plan VA.*MW h hw w S.A.., M. o., 01/24/18 i3® N. 26971 ash oaw(.e t ear. i.k oin., �p�0te, 55014 Otsego, Mimwaofa o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. IF a4 _ _ _ _------ _ _ --- - -. _ - . — .---------- --- T . - ------ --- ---- - -. — .- _ - _ _ _ _....�- s I J- i. 1 ' / I II / / -'�. r..................... YY � , ,:._ / l i �' 7 1 �- at - --•....._......._ °1 E' /N SSI �--' - - - �/ \ \, I \ `\j : _ _ .......... I 1 r tj----- ---- - . �'.-�-- --- MOTE III °: 4 , - -.- ,_ �, �� fir. -: ��' 1. c r � ...._._ _ _�-;,I j, (;, ;; I , .-._ 7 t 1 j....... \ \ _ G \ � � � �-v `•. \:: 1.. Y , \ ; I ,..... _--_..... I n / QI 1 I � \_�� J \ \ _ --�._. _.� t: , I ....... '� •-:.. I---------_ .-•'�-,-,..9"• 1 il.....- .............�G.... II 4 ,\� L N \t �� 1 I I ' 0 I ...., i / i / 1 I \ .l o%' \ �/ : / / \,, \ ) \ S , `p l� 1,. \ I i I•'I �--' \........-;ice \ / � : : � \. _ '. �/ / \.. / __836_ � `� �.\..... �� ;�•-\ �', ► \ 1 / r i \ ....'._. ; ,... \ '- // -'�\_ \' \_ \ �' Y) , �� � y � II z � I 1 193^ ..--�-� I II �-j --- . 7".'\.... - � � � �/;'�,/' -- -- � `�,} 17 16-44 \ / 9'•: 12/ Seeding I.egend Preliminary Plant Schedule Native SYMBOL QTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE SPACING O.C. MATURE SIZE + + DENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE 7 1 ' —.► I �� J �.. G ,'//' \ % ,/ \ \\/ STREET TREES 242 Autumn Blaze Maple Acer x freemonii 'Jeffersred' 2.5" BB AS SHOWM H 50'-60' W 40' + + + MIX (35-621)Sien—► ► ► -/� �► `\ , / P / r+++++ TOTAL AREA (0.30 AC) T Sl Glen Maple / Acer x freem'Fr 'Sienna' 2.5' BB AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 40' - - - -- - - - - - - ("C�_I yiJ,`91f\iJ\r/t Red Sunset Maple /Acer rubrum 'Fronksred' 2.5' BB AS SHOWN H 45' W 35 _ Fall Ffesla Maple / Acer saccharum 'Ballsta 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-75' W 50' +' DENOTES NET STORMWATER \-- NATIVE MIX (33-261) - - Autumn Gold Ginkgo / Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' 2.5" BB AS SHOVIN H 50 W 30' r L� I I r- • I \ G 1 Northern Pin us /quercellfpsoidalis 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 45' TOTAL AREA (5.20 AC) I I 11 BUFFER TREES 36 Red Oak Quercus rubra bra 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 60'-80' W 40'-50' I • "-' Swamp White Oak / Quercus bicolor 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 40'-50' < ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED I ), t I I I I -""•� % �� \ Front rd Linden ilia americana 'Front rd' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 60'-70' W 30._x. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE , i )I I ( I ... / / ...\ _ . / G >a / yb I 10 I , , 6 , Boulevard Linden / Tina americana 'Boulevard' 2.5 BB AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 25'-30' I I / - - I............ / • DISTURBED AREA OUTSIDE OF WEST SITE / '/ y 1 i ` / Discovery Elm / Ulmus davidlanavar. Joponica 'Discover/ 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 35'-45' W 35'-45' BOUNDARY TO BE SEEDED NTH MN-DOT Princeton Elm / Ulmus americana 'Princeton' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 60' W 40' EROSION CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX Accolade Elm / Ulmus japonica x wilsoniana 'Morton' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 70' W 40'-50' (22_112) I { , . I I ,I, -) 1 1 /-"'....�� / •. '\ \ / / / 1...I:...._. Skyline Honeytocust / gedilalo triconthos vac Inermis 'Skycole 25" BB AS SHOWN H 50' W 30'-35'I. 1 ORNAMENTAL 21 '_� t I ` ll . % i I: I I'.........._.....................II' ir' Thornless Cockspur HowthOm / Cralaegus crusgalii 'Inermis' 2" BB AS SHOWN H 15'-20' W 15'-20' y71 Japanese Tree Lilac / Syringe reticulata 6' HT., BB CLUMP AS SHOWN H 25'-30' W 20'-25' Allegheny Serviceberry / Amelonchier loevis 6' HT., BB CLUMP AS SHOWN H 15'-25' W 15'-25' Quaking Aspen / Populus tremuloides 2" BB AS SHOWN H 40'-60' W 20'-30' Prairie Rose Crob / Molus 'Prairie Rose' 2" BB AS SHOWN H 20' W 20' Prairiefire Crab / Malus 'Proirie8re' 2" BB AS SHOWN H 15'-20' W 20' Profusion Crab / Molus 'Profusion' 2" BB AS SHOWM H 15'-25' W 20'-30' Sugar Tyrrle Crab / Malus 'Sutzyom' 2" BB AS SHOWN H 20' W 15' EVERGREEN 121 Black Hills Spruce / Picea glauco densata 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 30'-40' W 20'-30' Norway Spruce / Picea obies 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 60'-80' W 25'-30' Ponderosa Pine / Pinus ponderosa 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 60'-80' W 25'-30' Norway Pine / Pinus resinoso 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 50'-80' W 30'-40' Scotch Pine / Pinus sylvestris 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 40'-60' W 30'-40' White Pine / Pinus strobus 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 50'-80' W 30'-40' BUFFER SHRUBS 121 Cardinal Dogwood /Cornus sericea 'Cardinal' r5 Cont. AS SHOWN H W-10' W W-10" Call 48 Hours before digging: rl -bill Red Prince Weigela / Weigela 8orida 'Red Prince' /5 GoAS SHOVM H 5'-6' W 5-6' 0' 50' 10U' 150' Canadale Gold Euonymus / Euonymus fortunei 'Canadale Gold' /5 Cont.nt. AS SHOVM H 4' W 3' 81 �181�C�' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTE: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. Common Ground Alliance 0012728PLP02.dwg SEE FINAL PLANS FOR TREE SELECTIONS AND QUANTITIES. Date04/24/18 sheet 10 OF 13 r 6-by _eq ur er p..r pfd g _ a<r,as Westwood mm .o..9d r xd 1 _ . a.y e>_a rw1 oer.n *..,.s � mor n W 6w. d W 96Y d w Preliminary Phar (952)937.5190 12701Wh11ew.l.r0d .S,1W#300 D_ ""` D.R. Horton, Inc.-Minnesota ..I— 11m�,� F. (952)937-5922 M1m,W,ka,MN65313 l W+w_ P_`___ ran.e (e69)937315o vasbl0odp.mrn Duwr< 6a! 20M Kenhidlge art, Suite � Wr acednor_wl 5.r k M, 04/2244AS N. ?6971 e.oaa mwrs MOW Lakeville, hgnneKpta, 5544 geego, Mionegota o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Native Seeding Legend + + DENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE AAAA+ MIX (35-621) + + + TOTAL AREA (0.30 AC) DENOTES WET STORMWATER NATIVE MIX (33-261) TOTAL AREA (5.20 AC) s ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE s DISTURBED AREA OUTSIDE OF WEST SITE BOUNDARY TO BE SEEDED WITH MN -DOT EROSION CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX (22-112). Planting Legend Planting Notes 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE AT 811 OR CALL811.COM TO VERIFY zz LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PLANTS OR LANDSCAPE MATERIAL. 2. ACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD AND SITE CONDITIONS. 3. NO PLANTING WALL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. 4. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF I ANY BID AND/OR QUOTE BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. FIELD SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR CITY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. / 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ONE YEAR GUARANTEE OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. THE GUARANTEE BEGINS ON THE DATE OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S OR OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE INITIAL PLANTING. REPLACEMENT PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE / COMMENCING UPON PLANTING. 6. AT TME OF PLANTING ALL PLANTS TO BE SPECIMEN GRADE, MINNESOTA—GROWN AND/OR HARDY. SPECIMEN GRADE SHALL ADHERE TO, BUT IS NOT LIMITED BY, THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM DISEASE, PESTS, OPEN WOUNDS, SCARS, ETC. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM NOTICEABLE GAPS, HOLES, OR DEFORMITIES. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES. % ALL PLANTS SHALL HAVE HEAVY, HEALTHY BRANCHING AND LEAFING. CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL HAVE AN ESTABLISHED MAIN LEADER AND A HEIGHT TO WIDTH RATIO OF NO LESS THAN 5:3. 7. PLANTS TO MEET AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-2004 OR MOST CURRENT VERSION) REQUIREMENTS FOR SIZE AND TYPE SPECIFIED. 8. PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MNLA 8 ANSI STANDARD PLANTING PRACTICES. 9. PLANTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY PLANTED UPON ARRIVAL AT SITE. PROPERLY HEEL—IN MATERIALS IF C NECESSARY; TEMPORARY ONLY. 10. AT CONTRACTOR DISCRETION, TWINE AND TOP OF BURLAP MAY BE LEFT ON FOR INITIAL YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION ONLY IF BIODEGRADABLE TWINE AND BURLAP ARE USED. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY TWINE AND BURLAP DEGRADATION AFTER ONE YEAR PERIOD AND REMOVE ANY REMNANT MATERIAL AS NECESSARY. 11. WHEN THE BALLED k BURLAP TREE IS PLANTED, THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR SHALL BE EVEN OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. 12. REMOVE POT ON POTTED PLANTS; SPLIT AND BREAK APART PEAT POTS. 13, PRUNE PLANTS AS NECESSARY — PER STANDARD NURSERY PRACTICE AND TO CORRECT POOR BRANCHING OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED TREES. / 14. STAKING OF TREES IS OPTIONAL AT CONTRACTOR DISCRETION; REPOSITION AND PLUMB IF NOT PLUMB AFTER ONE YEAR. NON—PLUMB TREES TO BE SUBJECT TO WARRANTY REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR. 15. THE NEED FOR SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED UPON SITE SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ti PLANTING. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THE NEED OF ANY SOIL AMENDMENTS. 16. BACKFILL SOIL AND TOPSOIL TO ADHERE TO MN/DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3877 (COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW) AND TO BE NATIVE TOP SOIL FROM SITE FREE OF ROOTS, ROCKS LARGER THAN ONE INCH, SUBSOIL DEBRIS, AND LARGE WEEDS UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE MINIMUM 4- DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR ALL LAWN GRASS AREAS AND 12' DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR TREE, SHRUBS, AND PERENNIALS. 17. MULCH TO BE AT ALL TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, AND MAINTENANCE AREAS, TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING BEDS SHALL HAVE 4V DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TO BE USED AROUND ALL PLANTS WITHIN TURF AREAS. PERENNIAL AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS BEDS SHALL HAVE 2' DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. MULCH TO BE FREE OF DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MULCH AND FABRIC TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 18. EDGING TO BE COMMERCIAL GRADE VALLEY -VIEW BLACK DIAMOND (OR EQUAL) POLY EDGING OR SPADED EDGE, AS INDICATED. POLY EDGING SHALL BE PLACED WITH SMOOTH CURVES AND STAKED WITH METAL SPIKES NO GREATER THAN 4 FOOT ON CENTER WWTH BASE OF TOP BEAD AT GRADE, FOR MOWERS TO CUT ABOVE WITHOUT DAMAGE. UTILIZE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS FOR EDGING WHERE POSSIBLE. SPADED EDGE TO PROVIDE V -SHAPED DEPTH AND WIDTH TO CREATE SEPARATION BETWEEN MULCH AND GRASS. INDIVIDUAL TREE, SHRUB, OR RAIN -GARDEN BEDS TO BE SPADED EDGE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. EDGING TO MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS (WHERE APPLICABLE). 19. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED EXCEPT POND AREAS AND WETLAND BUFFERS (SEE GRADING PLAN / EROSION CONTROL). SOD TO BE STANDARD MINNESOTA GROWN AND HARDY BLUEGRASS MIX, FREE OF LAWN WEEDS. ALL TOPSOIL AREAS TO BE RAKED TO REMOVE DEBRIS AND ENSURE DRAINAGE. SLOPES OF 3:1 OR GREATER SHALL BE STAKED. IF NOT INDICATED ON LANDSCAPE PLAN, SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. 20. PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO ALL PLANTED AREAS ON SITE. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE DESIGN/BUILD BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OPERATION MANUALS, AS -BUILT PLANS, AND NORMAL PROGRAMMING. LAWN SPRINKLERS/IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL ALL HAVE RAIN SENSORS TO LIMIT UNNECESSARY WATERING. SYSTEM SHALL BE WINTERIZED AND HAVE SPRING STARTUP DURING FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. SYSTEM SHALL HAVE ONE-YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS AND LABOR. ALL INFORMATION ABOUT INSTALLATION AND SCHEDULING CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY WATERING OF PLANT MATERIALS UNTIL THE PLANT IS FULLY ESTABLISHED OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS OPERATIONAL OWNER WILL NOT PROVIDE WATER FOR CONTRACTOR. 22. REPAIR, REPLACE, OR PROVIDE SOD/SEED AS REQUIRED FOR ANY ROADWAY BOULEVARD AREAS ADJACENT TO THE SITE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 23. REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY FROM PLANTING OPERATIONS AT NO COST TO OWNER. It Call 48 Hours before digging: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0' 50' 100' If 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance mte 04/20M Sheet 12 OF 13 Westwood "`"`_° �` ��-d h MR `� A.shwood Preliminary A�QI9.T ver W IED d W B„I, d ICY Thom (952)9373160 72701Whitt., Dd., 8W 1300 NIM D1Z. Hoon, hte-mewita Fu (852)8373822 AN -1-1.,265M3 Dmrs B,LL 50 A.aescodp m 20860 Cmwt Suite 180 WrL3nflBCaPe Plan Tvirm (888)937-51 �9 Me9a Np-d u5,, bw WjAft ICee , Wh blin 3neoanoldwdsQll�src M,04/24/18 ? Terra 6971 LkevIlle, neaota, 55(144 Otsego, l�uneeota o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 1 1 � ... c c / -----J l le OUTLOT D Native Seeding Legend + DENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE +++++ MIX (35-621) + + + TOTAL AREA (0.30 AC) DENOTES WET STORM WATER NATIVE MIX (33-261) TOTAL AREA (5.20 AC) • ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE • DISTURBED AREA OUTSIDE OF WEST SITE BOUNDARY TO BE SEEDED WITH MN—DOT EROSION CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX (22-112). Westwood Phots (052)9373160 12701 Whllewalerod",8allel300 Fax (852) 997.5822 MI—t-ka, MN 55M Td Fns (888)937-5760 Wubaoodpu Wk3.9od HvfuduW servk^ Y1c Planting Legend rr.af muy ad us, PL — �d g tlos•d 3MJfl8CAP. A101a9LTve8�er Cory Meyer nii 04/" Lor. N. DR Horton, Inc. -Minnesota ■mil alum•. a/&ft fr� % "�tle, Ml" Court, Suite )I(10 r.Ln.7 Mtn�s, 5.5M4 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or cd1811.com Common Ground Alliance 0' 50' 100' 15C NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0012720PLP05.dw mt=04/24/18 sh-t 13 OF 13 Ashwood Preliminary Landscape Plan Otsego. Mhmew to