ITEM 4.3 Prairie Park Master PlanLSF ot CITY e F 0 MINNESOTA Pg Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT IN -FORMATION ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Parks and Recreation Daniel Licht, City Planner September 9, 2013 Ross Demant,, Parks and Recreation Manager PRESENTER(s), REVIEWED BY: ITEM Daniel Licht, City Planner Lori Johnson, City Administrator 4.3 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS, RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends the approval of the Prairie Park Master Plan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. BAC KG RO U N D/J U ST I F ICAT I ON: M In February 2012, the Parks and Recreation Commission started work on a Master Plan for Prairie Park. Although elements of the Master Plan were incorporated as part of the City's Capital Improvement Plan {CIP), the Master Plan itself was never formally approved by the City Council. During their meetings in June and August 2013, the Parks and Recreation Commission finalized the Master Plan and voted unanimously to recommend its approval to the City Council. During the planning process of developing the Master Plan, the Parks and Recreation Commission looked at how Prairie Park fits into the City's park system as a whole and what amenities should be considered for development in the future. They also recognized the dramatic increase in use at Prairie Park with the addition of the splash pad and more programming activities. Commissioners also discussed what the impact of the soccer complex will have to Prairie Park and the need to continue to keep the park to the high standards the community has come to expect. For future projects, the Commission wanted to make sure that parks in the other areas of the City will still be maintained to high levels and that amenities such as dog parks and pickleball courts be added to help address the ever changing recreational needs in the City. There is no approval of any capital projects or allocation of funding with the adoption of the Prairie Park Master Plan. Rather, approval of the Prairie Park Master Plan will allow City staff to start working on future maintenance needs of the Park such as irrigation. With the addition of the splash pad and soccer fields, the capacity of the existing wells are close to capacity and any future construction will require extensive planning to address future needs. Also, City staff will be able to use the Master Plan to work with current and future youth athletic groups to possibly secure funding for future projects such as field lighting, field expansion or added amenities. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: A. Prairie Park Master Plan POSSIBLE MOTION lease word motion as you would like it to appear in the m1nutes. lotion to approve the Prairie Park Master Plan as recommended by the Parks and Recreation :ommission. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YFS El NO ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED COMMENTS: DEFIED D TABLED El OTHER (List changes) PRAIRIE PARK CONCEPT PLAN BY THS PLANN I NG COMPANY REVISION: AUGUST2013 ISO 0 150 300 SCALE IN FEET CITY OF fgo MINNESOTA II I LINES I ' i Y PROPOU 2 WARMIN6 1-6USE =J4 ---------- 04 0 PROF30SED YOUTH (12-13 YRS i i AND UNDER ).-tOCCER PELD A k - Parte -sem I ------------- I ------- <[ c) CITY OF fgo MINNESOTA