ITEM 3.2B SCC 8.26.2013 MinutesI �r E M r SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL August26,2013 Call to Order. Mayor 3 ssi a Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:50 Ply. Boll Call: Mayor Jessica St ckam p; ncilr rnb r : Vern H idn r, Jason w r hir and Doug Schroeder, Councilmember Tori D rk nwald arrived at 8:27 PM. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; r; Dan J rd t, Administrative Services Director; Ross mant, Parks and Recreation anag r; Brad Belair,. Street Supervisor; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur,. City Attorney and Tams Luff, City Clerk, 1. Proposed Agreement between Otsego, Albertville,.St. Michael l and Wright Counly relative CH 3' SAH 19 and 7t' Street, City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the proposed agreement. The City Council agreed to insert " }dear" into iters 3 for the period of time to provide maintenance (snowplowing only) on 70th Street. City Attorney Macarthur said the agreement will be seat to the two other cities and the County for review, CM H ldn r motioned to approve the proposed agreement with change as recommended above. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor,, Motion Carried. 2, 2014 Budaet. City Administrator Johnson briefly reviewed the August 12 budget w rks ssi n and stated that the Street, Fleet Maintenance, Park 1 int nan , and Recreation budgets would be discussed tonight including staffing reeds and requests. She stated that the main discussion would b the tax levy because the preliminary levy reeds to be adopted at the September 9 Council meeting. City Administrator r Johns n stated that the Street department budget was similar to last year with no program or service level charges, Street Supervisor Belair reviewed the proposed streets and fleet maintenance budget. The budget includes a request for additional seasonal staff hours to complete the crew needed for street maintenance projects. The City Council would like to see a detailed list of projects and of hours. City Administrator Johnson informed the Council that the Recreation budget proposes revenue f $50,,000 and program costs of $55,,000. She stated the revenue and expenditures for programming may change by the $5,000 difference should not increase during the year, She stated that ars additional 10 hours per week were included for Connie Schwecke to assist with the use of Prairie Center and recreation programming administration. Parks and Recreation on Manger b r ant reviewed the proposed park maintenance and recreation budget, The City Council agreed as presented. There was discussion on staffing requests which are additional part time and seasonal hours some of which are already included in the proposed 2014 budget She reiterated that staff will presented detailed information on the Public works request for 509 hours of seasonal staff at a future budget meeting before adoption of the final budget. City Administrator Johnson stated that the resignation of the Finance Assistant II creates and opportunity for review of current experience and education requirements and staff reeds for the department. She and Administrative Services Director r Llan Jordet will present a recommendation for filling the position at a future meeting. There was discussion on back up coverage for the reception counter. The City Council agreed to have Administrative Services Director Jordet attend training on the finance software as soon as possiblet Administrative Services Director J rdet and City Administrator Johnson presented the proposed tax levy. The use of Local Government Aid was discussed including the use of $26,800 to fund software purchases in the 2014 planning and administration budgets. The City Council agreed they would like to reduce the levy by $x.00,000 below the initial levy proposal of $3,413,,440. City Administrator- Johnson said City staff will prepare a levy resolution with the $100,000 reduction -for adoption by the City Council at -the September g, 2013 meeting. The meeting for publiccomment on the budget and tax levy will be December r , 2013, at 7:00 PM. The City Council agreed. . Adjourn. CM Heid er motioned to adjourn,, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 11:20 P9 ATTEST; Tam! Loff, city clerk oil Mayor Jessica Stockamp