ITEM 7.1 Veteran's Memorial Park projectOtkgoF MINNESOTA / DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Director Demant June 11, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Parks & Recreation City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 7.1 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Amending the park donation policy to include provisions related to the Prairie Park Veterans Memorial, Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. Memorial. Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. No Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. X Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the Otsego Prairie Park Veteran's Memorial project, Resolution 2018-43 Amending the park donation policy to include provisions related to the Prairie Park Veterans Memorial, and Ordinance 2018-03 An ordinance amending the City Fee Schedule to include the Prairie Park Veterans Memorial. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATION: In January 2018, Isaac Mize met with staff and presented an Eagle Scout project that would include a veteran's memorial paver area on the south half of the island where the Prairie Park flag pole sits. Another veteran's memorial monument current sits on the north side of the island which is a result of a 2015 Eagle Scout project. Isaac researched paver options, engraving, and other veteran's memorials and developed a memorial paver program that he presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission at their May 2018 meeting. After discussion, the Parks and Recreation Commission provided feedback regarding the process and recommended that the City Council approve Isaac Mize veteran's memorial paver project. Isaac Mize presented his project to the City Council at their May 29, 2018 meeting. After a discussion period the Council directed staff to bring more project details back to the June 11, 2018 City Council meeting. Staff met to review and propose revisions to the current Park Donation policy as it relates to memorials and the proposed Veteran's Memorial. Staff also worked with Isaac Mize on the scope of the project to help address questions from the Council. Here is the revised project overview that Isaac and staff are proposing: • Scope of the Project: o Fundraising: ■ Staff is recommending that the initial fundraising goal of the project should include: • Raising enough money to purchase and install 1070 pavers. o Estimated cost is $1,300. • Allowing people to purchase memorial pavers at $30 per paver. o A local paver supplier and engraver in Elk River has been identified which will decrease the cost of the memorial pavers to $30 per paver brick. • Actively soliciting for donations from local civic groups and businesses. o Staff will set up a dedicated revenue and expense account to track donations, memorial purchases, and expenses. • Once the fundraising is complete Staff and Isaac Mize will asses amount raised and determine if the project scope is needed to be scaled. o Timeframe: ■ Fundraise until 8/17/18 ■ Order Pavers 8/20/18 ■ Install Pavers 9/8/18 o Qualifications for a Person to be Memorialized: ■ Active, non-active, or veteran members of the armed services. • This is being recommended to aid staff with establishing the process by simplifying the initial project. Staff intends to review the policy with the Parks & Recreation Commission periodically to identify potential future professions and/or pursuits that could be memorialized. • There are no residential requirements. • Staff have included revisions to the Park Donation Policy as it relates to the Otsego Prairie Park Veteran's Memorial. o Advertising: ■ A flyer will be created that will provide information on the project and how participants are able to purchase a memorial paver. ■ An article will be included in the next Otsego View. ■ The Parks and Recreation Department will create a social media awareness throughout the summer for the project. o Ordering Process for a Memorial Paver: ■ Staff will set-up an on-line paver ordering form on the Parks & Recreation website. • This will give people the ability to order and pay on-line. o Construction of the Project: ■ Installation will take place on September 8. ■ Parks and Recreation staff will be on -hand to aid with equipment and supplies. I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: I • Picture of a Paver with Engraving and Proposed Location of the Veteran's Memorial • Resolution 2018-43 • Proposed Park Donation Policy • Ordinance 2018-03 POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve the Otsego Prairie Park Veteran's Memorial project, Resolution 2018-43 Amending the park donation policy to include provisions related to the Prairie Park Veterans Memorial, and Ordinance 2018-03 An ordinance amending the City Fee Schedule to include the Prairie Park Veterans Memorial. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: 101-45200-210 No r KAY HIL�D'.R�E�'TH i EVE,R PA'— . -... RESOLUTION NO.: 2018-43 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE PARK DONATION POLICY TO INCLUDE PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE PRAIRIE PARK VETERANS MEMORIAL WHEREAS, the City of Otsego maintains parks, trails and open space as part of a public park system; and, WHEREAS, the City has adopted a park donation policy for requests to donate improvements or monies to the park system; and, WHEREAS, the City has approved establishment of a Veterans Memorial at Prairie Park to honor those people that have served or are currently serving in the United States military; WHEREAS, City staff has drafted an amendment to the park donation policy in the form attached hereto related to the purchase, installation, and maintenance of paver bricks for those individuals to be so recognized; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the Park Donation Policy is hereby adopted and shall be in full force and effect. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: 2018. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 11th day of June, CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk POLICY 05.04 PARK DONATIONS Section 05.04.01 Purpose 05.04.02 Memorials 05.04.03 Acceptance 05.04.04 Prairie Park Veterans Memorial 05.04.8405 Other Donations 05.04.8506 Fees 05.04.8607 Amendments SECTION 05.04.01: PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this policy to establish guidelines for the donation of memorials at parks in the City of Otsego. This policy is intended to provide an administrative process for donating improvements for parks to the City while removing emotional considerations and to ensure consistency and equal opportunity. SECTION 05.04.02: MEMORIALS: A. An individual or organization may pay tribute to a deceased Otsego resident (current or former) by donating a memorial. B. Donations will be accepted for the following: 1. A living memorial such as a tree, shrub or other planting of a type, size and location approved by City staff. 2. Monetary donation to the City's park development fund to be used exclusively for the development of new park facilities or improvement of existing parks at the discretion of the City. C. Recognition: 1. A plaque shall be provided by the City recognizing the individual donation of a living memorial with "Donated in memory of " 2. Monetary or other donations shall be recognized on a plaque displayed at City Hall. D. Installation of the living memorial shall be supervised by City staff. 1 E. The donor shall provide for the cost of the living memorial and plaque, plus installation and any future maintenance that may be required. SECTION 05.04.03: ACCEPTANCE: A. Proposals for donation of a memorial for a City park shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk Parks and Recreation Department along with any fees required by this Section. B. City staff shall review the proposed memorial for consistency with this policy. If the proposal is consistent with this policy, City staff shall prepare a resolution pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 465.03 requiring that all gifts and donations of real or personal property be accepted only by approval of the City Council. C. Acceptance of the proposed donation shall require adoption of the resolution by a majority vote of the City Council. SECTION 05.04.03: PRAIRIE PARK VETERANS MEMORIAL: A. The City Council has established a memorial at Otsego Prairie Park to honor those people that have served or are currently serving in the United States military. B. All active, non-active, or veteran members of the Army. Navy. Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard. Reserves or National Guard are eligible for recognition for their service: those recognized are not required to be a current or former resident of Otsego. C. Individuals are to be recognized on a paver brick inscribed with their name, rank. service, and conflict (if applicable) only. D. Paver bricks may be purchased through the Parks and Recreation Department which shall acquire and install the inscribed paver bricks. E. The paver bricks are the property of the City of Otsego to be maintained by the City: the City provides no warranty as to the condition of the paver brick including. but not limited to, legibility of the inscription. SECTION 05.04.0405: OTHER DONATIONS: Proposals for donation of improvements for a City park other than provided for by this Policy or a monetary donation shall be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission and subject to acceptance by the City Council by resolution as provided for in Section 05.04.03 of this Policy. K SECTION 05.04.0506: FEES: The City Council shall adopt annually a schedule of fees related to donation of memorials in Section 2-4-2 of the City Code. SECTION 05.04.0607: AMENDMENTS: A. The City Council may amend this policy at any time. Modifications of the policy shall be effective on the date said modifications are approved by City council resolution. B. The policy will be reviewed periodically by City staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission and/or City Council. The City Clerk will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. Any review will consider comments and complaints since the last review and any other factors affecting the policy or its implementation. 9 ORDINANCE NO.: 2018-03 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY FEE SCHEDULE TO INCLUDE THE PRAIRIE PARK VETERANS MEMORIAL. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 2-4-2.13 of the City Code is hereby amended to include the following fees: Park Living Memorials: Costs incurred Prairie Park Veterans Memorial Paver: $30 Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: 2018. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 11th day of June, CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor /WAINIM I Tami Loff, City Clerk