ITEM 5.4 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintanence ProjectC1 `, 0, 0 MINNESOTA g Roquest for Cityv�^��n U����~U Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETJNG DATE: PUblic. Works City Engineer Wagner September 9, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM ft: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 5.4 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS City Staff recommends approval ofplans and specifications forthe2Ol3Tr )|andPavement3urface Maintenance Project andorder1ngrequestsforquotes. Staff also recommends allowing City Staff to award the contract for the project cont1ngentonthequotedpr|cebeing/essthan$35,S5O~. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL omCONTRACT? |mA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes I No BAomoRouwouuanF ICxr/om: Plans and specifications have been prepared for the annual maintenance of the City's bituminous trails and miscellaneous pavements. The estimated cost |saproximately $35,5SOwhich |sapproximately the budgeted amount of2Ol3inthe S'yeerC|PZO13/$3S,OOO\. Atthe September 6 Public Works Subcommittee, staff was directed toadd this item tothe September O agenda to ensure that the work can be completed in the 2013 construction season. The Public Works Subcommittee further recommended that staff be authorized to enter into the contract as long as it does not exceed $3S,55O SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x^TnAoHco Li NONE m Plans and Specifications for the 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project m Engineer's Estimated Cost POSSIBLE MOTION Motion to Approve plans and specifications for the 2013 Trail and Pavement SUrface Maintenance Project , authorizing Request for Quotes, and authorizing City Staff to award the contract for the 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project contingent on the quote being less than $35,550,00. H~DGET INFORMATION – '-- '--| -- —-- | | puwoINa 1 BUDGETED: XYEa | 202 Trail Management Fund APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED oowwsmro ------ – | oTAguso oOTHER (List changes) | Engineers Estimate City of Otsego 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project Schedule "N' - 2013 Bituminous Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Prolect Total Scohdule "A" SUMMARY: Estimated Construction Costs 3% Overhead for Engineering 3% Ovorhoad for ConstrLICU011 Contigenc les TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 0386-2013 EngEstimate.xls Eng. Estimate $331552,50 $1$000.00 $1 1000.00 $35,56ZN $339553 M/2013 3:28 PM Iter" No. Description Estimated Unit Price Extenslon 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION I LS $1,000.00 $1,000 2 2356.505 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL - CS -41 (Pitch Black 4,040 GAL $7.75 $31,310 3 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL I LS $1,000.00 $1,000 4 2682.5 02 4" S 0 L I D VVH I TE PANT (N 0 GLASS BEADS 335 LF $0.50 $168 5 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (HANDICAPPED SYMBOL) PAINT I I EACH 1 $75.00 $75 Total Scohdule "A" SUMMARY: Estimated Construction Costs 3% Overhead for Engineering 3% Ovorhoad for ConstrLICU011 Contigenc les TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 0386-2013 EngEstimate.xls Eng. Estimate $331552,50 $1$000.00 $1 1000.00 $35,56ZN $339553 M/2013 3:28 PM �Ff _.Far•� �. Inc r ., CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR FOG SEALING AND PARKING LOT STRIPING CITY OF OTSEGO PROJECT NO. 13-04 DENOTES BITUMINOUS TRAIL FOG SEAQ {PITCH BLOCK} LOCATION DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE FOG SEAL (PITCH BLACK) LQCATI4N SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES Item No. Spec. No. Description Estimated Total Quantity 1 X021.501 MOBILIZATION 1 LS 2 2356.505 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL (Pitch flack OO 4,040 GAL 3 2563.601 ITRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS 4 2582.502 4" SOLID WHITE PAINT (NO GLASS BEADS) 335 LF 5 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (HANDICAPPED SYMBOL) PAINT 1 EAC 1-1 BASIS OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES FOG SEAL (CS -41, ?ITCH BLACK ��) 0. 10 GAL/SY 'k IF LW A� A LLJ LU Ld —M LU z LU -85TH ET x Tli STREET H WRE uu w LU L 1.5 LL LU % ME 1L., I M TVU Z Lu ML 11. w of 4IF-ml P -P 0 H STRE IL d7,,;r is %L P -F "L L di BIC VA 46 %F hi r%L I w w 86THST .-A w -M-FF TF w 1E M 'n 1. r I k I T--lTl M Cri M Li 77TH Sy EET TH I EUR-1 M jr P IL j4L t OTH STREET 0, W�14 or 4! p -C :'lot 17 ft 39 LIP W PA L., Wd Li 4k 4 ir r p 7:p Lit qr qi j - L d . ILL ff p qC6 r 1p*e X 1� AA r OTH STR�rzr ILL 3 -1-1 k x Z. LU ui 85TH STREET i ���-�IiH STREET F —7 F -i Fl 9 �01 H RE am z w 39M - LU WMANN Li LU 0 E7- LU LU 77TH S ;REET z TT I I • X-4 F Jill 1 0 1 1 F r I I I -66T STREET 37' a. LO cl) T- gzj C -q I milli MINIM AAS a 77- IL 4"- f rTTM'F'I' LU 4F MI �k dy RI E y RL IL NMI po PROJECT MANUAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IVO. 13-04 2013 ''rail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project City of Otsego Wright County, Minnesota I hereby certify that this Plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I ain a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Ronald J. Wagner City Engineer ���Hal(anson1■■Anderson 26052 September 9, 2013 License No. Date INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS PROJECT DESCRIPTION_ The work consist of sweeping and cleaning bituminous surfaces and applying CS -41 (Pitch Black @) fog seal in accordance with the Construction Plans and Contract Documents. PROJECT SCHEDULE. Commencement: Contract will be awarded within 5 days of receiving quotes. Final Completion: All work shall be completed by September 30, 2013. Sealed Quotes for the 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project as shown on the attached Construction Plans, will be received by the City of Otsego, IVIN. Quotes will be accepted until 4-00 pm. September 18, 2013 at the office of the City Clerk. Faxed, mailed 0 or emailed Quotes will be accepted. Fax: 763-441-9163 Email: ronw@haa-inc.com Address: City of Otsego 13400 90th Street Otsego, IVIN 55330 All Quotes must be on the required Quote Form. All blank spaces for quote prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten. The Quote Form must be fully completed and executed when submitted. The Owner may waive any informalities oriinor defects or reject any and all Quotes. Any Quote may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of Quotes or authorized postponement thereof. Any Quote received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No Bidder may withdraw their Quote for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of opening. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and the Bidder. Bidders must satisfy themselves of the accuracy of the estimated quantities on the Construction Plans by examination of the site and review of the drawings and specifications, including Addenda. After Quotes have been submitted, the Bidder shall not assert that there was a misunderstanding concerning the quantities of work or of the nature of the work to be done. The Owner shall provide to Bidders prior to bidding, all information which is pertinent to, and delineates and describes, the land owned and rights-of-way acquired or to be acquired. IB - 1 00200 The Contract documents contain the provisions required for the construction of the project. Information obtained from an officer, agent, or employee of the Owner or any other person shall not affect the risks or obligations assumed by the Contractor or relieve him/her from fulfilling any of the conditions on the contract. No bid bond, payment bonds, or performance bonds are required for quotes less than $75,000. A conditional or qualified Quote will not be accepted. Award will be made to the lowest responsible Bidder. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regUlations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the contract throughout. Each Bidder is responsible for inspecting the site and for reading and being thoroughly familiar with the contract documents. The failure or omission of any Bidder to do any of the foregoing shall in no way relieve any Bidder form any obligation in respect to his/her Quote. The Project Engineer is Hakanson Anderson, 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, Minnesota 55303, telephone (763) 427-5860, fax (763) 427-0520 I B - 2 00200 QUOTATION FORM To: City of Otsego Project: 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project Proposal of: (hereinafter called the "Bidder"), organized and existing under the laws of the State of and doing business as The Bidder hereby proposes to perform all work for the construction of the above referenced Project in accordance with the attached Construction Plans and Contract Documents. Work will be awarded within 5 days of receiving quotes. All work shall be completed by September 30, 2013, All labor, material, equipment and other expenses required to complete this project as shown on the Construction Plans shall be considered incidental unless otherwise noted and provided for below. Bidder agrees to perform all the work described in the Construction Plans and Contract Documents for the following unit prices and/or lump sums, which include sales tax and other applicable taxes and fees, ITEM NO. Spec. ITEM DESCRIPTION 4 ESTIMATED I QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION I LS LS 2 2356.505 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL - CS -41 (Pitch Black 0) 4,040 GAL GAL 3 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS LS 4 2682.502 4" SOLID WHITE PAINT (NO GLASS BEADS) 335 LF LF 5 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (HANDICAPPED SYMBOL) PAINT 1 EACH EACH Total Quotation Respectfully submitted4 Attest: QF -1 Signature Title Address Date 00300 CITY OF OTSE GO SERVICES CONTRACT AGREEMENT, made this clay of September, 201 3., bets eea the CITY OF OTS EGO, a political subdivision ("CITY") and ("CONTRACTOR"); RECITALS CITY has awarded to CONTRACTOR the job described below, Description of Project: The work consist of sweeping and cleaning bituminous sLirfaces and applying CS -41 (Pitch Black 0) fog seal in accordance with the Construction Plans and Contract Documents. The C01IStRiCti011 Plans, Division 2 — Technical Requirements, and the Contractor's Quotation dated September XX, 2013 are attached as part of this contract. The project will be completed by September 30, 2013. 1. Contract Performance. CONTRACTOR shall complete performance of the PROJECT in accordatice with the Project Description, Construction Plans, and Contractor's Quote dated September XX, 2013. 2. Compliance with Applicable Regulations. CONTRACTOR shall, pursualit. to performance, comply with all applicable rules, regulations, stat-Lites, or ordinaaces of any other emit or agemy of government, including but not limited to those relating to non- discrimination in hiring or labor practices, paymeiA of all required witliholding taxes, workers' compensation and unemployment compensation insurance, liability insurance, OSHA or other safety rules and regulations, constniction practices, environmental practices, wetland protection measures, vehicular safety and/or weight restrictions, refuse disposal practices, and notices to employees, wlieffier or [lot Stich mfeS, regulations, statutes or ordinances are set forth or adopted by reference iii the Submission Requirements herein. Pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1995, Chapter 3 1, if CONTRACTOR shall fa I I to pay my submitractor hired by CONTRACTOR under this project wit1iin. 10 days after CONTRACTOR receives payment from CITY for work for which CONTRACTOR is liable to any subcontractor, CONTRACTOR shall be liable to t11subcontractor for interest on the unpaid balance, at the rate of 1.5 per cent per month. Any subcontractor aggrieved by CONTRACTOR'S failure to remit Payment to the subcontractor shall, for the purpose of eiiforcemetit, be comidered a third -party beneficiary of this contract. However, nothing in this contract shall be deemed to impose upon CITY any ditty to monitor, enforce or otherwise become involved in Payments from CONTRACTOR to any subcontractor. 3. Indemnification. CONTRACTOR shall hides liffy and save harmless CITY from any liability arising out of CONT RACTOR!s failure to observe compliance with Paragraph 2 above, specifically including, WithOUt limitation, liability arising out of the improper disposal or storage of any hazardotis waste by CONTRACTOR or any entity hired or used by CONTRACTOR for such disposal. 4. Warranty of Worlanatiship and Timely Completion. In addition to any warranty W hich might be a part of the Plans and Specifications/Proposal, CONTRACTOR WalTants that all work completed in connection with the PROJECT shall be done in a workmanlike and timely manner in accord with applicable industry standards. Where materials are being ftimished by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR warrants that all materials will be of good qUality and stilted for the PL11-POSe for which they are intended. 5. Cot oliance with Statutory Reauirements. A. Data Practices Compliance. Contractor may have access to data collected or maintained by the City to the extent necessary to perform Contractor's obligations Linder this contract. Contractor agrees to maintain all data obtained from the City in the same manner as the City is required under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Stattites Chapter 13. Contractor will not release or disclose the contents of data classified as not public to any person except at the written direction of the City. Contractor agrees to defend and indemnify the City from any claim, liability, damage or loss asserted against the City as a result of Contractor's failure to comply with the requirement of the Act or this contract. Upon termination of this contract, Contractor agrees to return data to the City, as requested by the City. B. Worker's Compensation Contractor shall, at the time of execution of this contract, ffirmsh evidence satisfactmy to the City that Contractor maintains or is exempt from maintaining Worker's Compensation coverage, pursuant to Minnesota StaftlteS Chapter 176.182. C. Income Tax Withholding Prior to the time of final payment of any cIIIIOLIIItS OWiIIg to Contractor under this agreement, Contractor shall furnish a copy of Form IC -134, ceilified by the Minnesota Department of Revenue, documentitig that all withholding tax requirements have been observed by Contractor. D. AUdit Pursuant to Mimiesota Statutes Chapter 16C.05 (subd. 5), the books and records of Contractor which are relevant to the services being performed under this Contract shall be subject to inspection in accord with said statute, for a period of six years from the date of final payment hereunder. 6. Performance. and Payment Security (Check One X - Contractor is not required to post any performance and payment security as a condition of this Contract by reason of the fact that the contract amount is for less than $75,000.00, and City is not requiring performance security. Contractor is required to post performance and payment security acceptable to the City, even though the contract price is less than $75,000.00. Contractor is required to post performance and payment security because the contract price is more than $75,000.00. Note: Regardless qf which option above is checked, �fpernwnce andpa)wient ,seem -fly i's i-equired, the securif)) shall weet that standai-dy outlined in Allinnesota Statutes Chapter 574.26 Any notice which is or should be required to be given to CONTRACTOR shall be sufficient if addressed as follows, and deposited, postage prepaid, in the regular United States Mail. Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the third business day following the postmark: 7. Termiiiation Either party may termini to this agreement on 30 days written notice to the other. 8. Payment City shall remit to Contractor the amounts billed for sei-vices assurnhig that Contractor has fully complied with all of the terms of this agreement, completing the project in a timely and compliant manner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,, the parties have executed this Agreement the date above written. CITY OF OTSGO CONTRACTOR By Jessica Stockamo By Mayor By Tam i Loft` City Clerk Its DIVISION 2 DIVISION 2 - TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ITEM MN/DOT SPECIFICATION NO. AND TITLE PAGE, S-1 GDNTERAL.................................................... ..... ....................... ............................ .............. .............................. l S-2 SCOPE OFWORK ................................................................................................................................................ I 8-3 (2355) BITUMINOUS FOG SEAL ...................................................................................................................... 1 8'4 (25G4)TRAFFIC CONTROL ........................................................................................ ,,---....-____.a ATTACHMENTS Attachment l'STAR —CS'4lRejuvenation Scaler &8inder MallUfacture Specifications Tum:mc"nCnu S-1 GENERAL A. Applicable Specifications Work shall conform to Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specification for Highway Construction 2005 Edition (MiVDOT) except as herein modified. B. 'Work Description The work shall be as described in the description of project of the Services Conti -act. C. Work by Others All work involved in this project shall be performed by the Contractor. D. 'Work Hours Construction shall be allowed from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. S-2 SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done under this contract shall include the ftimishing of all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to construct and complete in-place the 2013 Trail and Pavement Surface Maintenance Project and all appurtenant miscellaneous constniction as shown on the plans and drawings and specified herein. This project shall consist of: A. Maintaining access to the area during construction B. Fog seat bituminous paved surfaces 1. Sweeping and cleaning of bituminous surfaces 2. Apply CS -41 Pitch Black (D fog seal C. Striping 1. Parking Lots S-3 (2355) BITUMINOUS FOG SEAL Nb DOT 2355 is deleted and replaced by the following: DESCRIPTION Constrict a fog seal on a prepared surface. A seal is the application of bitUrIlitIOUS material, upon the entire paved surface of the trails, parking areas, are other miscellaneous bituminous paved surfaces. MATERIALS A. Bituminous Mat Hal Provide CS -41 Pitch Black 0 bituminous material for the seal. Division 2 — Tee hn ica I Requiremen ts DV24 B. Water Use potable water, compatible with the sea] within a temperature range of 50-80' Fahrenheit. SEAL DESIGN The quantity oil the Plans, for bituminous material for seal is for estimating and bidding purposes only. The Contractor shall determine the seal application rate for each paved surface based on the pavement condition(s) and the manufacturer's recommendations. EQUIPMENT A. Distributor Use a distributor as specified in Mit(DOT 2321.3CI. B, Broonis Provide motorized brooms with a positive means of controlling vertical pressure and capable of cleaning the road surface prior to spraying bituminous material. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. Weather Limitations Construct seal operations according to the following: (1) Work only during daylight Hours. (2) Start when the pavement and air temperature are 15.5 'C r 'F] and rising. (3) The road surface inust be dry. (4) No construction is allowed in foggy weather or with a threat of rain. B. Surface Preparation Clean all pavements to be sealed. Sweep the pavement Nvith a motorized broom to remove loose material. Clean depressions not reached by the power i broom, usng hand brooming, Cover all structures and basketball poles to prevent adherence of the bituminous material. Suitable covering includes Kraft paper, roofing felt or other approved methods. Remove the protective coverings after fog seal has cured. C. Apl)lication of Bituminous Material for Sealing Fog seal completed seal coated areas, after sweeping and before placement of permanent markings. Construct the fog seat as specified ire iNhi/DOT 2355, modified as follows: Construct a 100 foot test strip. Review the application of diluted bituminous material (20%-30%). Apply at a rate of 0.10 gallons per square yard, diluted unless approved by the Engineer. Apply the fog seal to minimize tile amount of overspray. Do not allow traffic or pedestrians on the fog seal until it has cured. See attached manufacturer's recommendations (Attachment #I) METHOD OF MEASUREMENT A. Bituminous Material 1. Measure tile bituminous material for fog seal by volume, at 15 'C. [60 OF], dilated. This material must be diluted (20%-30%) before application at place of manufacture. BASIS OF PAYMENT A. Payment for bituminous material for seal: as specified in NhVDOT 2355.5 B. Payment will be made in accordance with the schedule set forth below at the Contract bid price for the specified unit of measure. Such payment, in each instance, is compensation in full for all costs incidental thereto. Division 2 — Tech nica I Requ i re nien (s D812-2 ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT 2355.502 Bituminous Material for Fog Seal (CS -41 Pitch Black 0) ............................ GAL S-4 (2564) TRAFFIC CONTROL The provisions of Mn/DOT 2564 are modified and/or supplemented with the following: A Fog Sealing Traffic control for the parking lot located at Kittredge Crossing shall be as follows: 24 hour written notice shall be given to the City prior to closing the parking lots. Traffic control shall include the closing of the parking lot entrance until the fog seal is dry and the removal of all traffic control devices once work is completed and diy. Traffic control for the BitUillinous Trails shall be as follows: When traffic is allowed to drive on the sealed surface, the Contractor shall furnish and install "FRESH OIL" signs at locations determined by the Engineer. Traffic control shall include the closing of the bituminous trails until fog seal is dry and the removal of all traffic control devices once work is completed and dry. Traffic control for the East Water Treatment Plant shall be as follows: The contractor shall maintain, at all times, traffic access to and from the building, When traffic is allowed to drive on the sealed surface, the Contractor shall furnish and install "FRESH OIL" signs at locations determined by the Engineer. Traffic control shall include the closing of the pavement surface until fog seal is dry and the removal of all traffic control devices once work is completed and dry. B Parking Lot Striping Traffic control for the parking lot located at Kittredge Crossing shall be as follows: 24 hour written notice shall be given to the City prior to closing the parking lots. Traffic control shall include the closing of the parking lot entrance until the paint is dry and the removal of all traffic control devices once work is completed and dry. S-5 (2582) PERMANENT PAVEMENT MARKINGS The provisions ofNfii-DOT 2582 are hereby modified and/or supplemented with the following: Permanent pavement markings utilizing epoxy paint shall be used for all parking lot striping. All striping shall be four; (4) inch wide solid white lines. Permanent pavement handicap symbol utilizing epoxy paint shall be used for all parking lot symbols. The contractor shall refer to DETAIL "A" on Figure 7.2313 - Parking Area Pavement Markings Disable Parking Details - in the Traffic Engineering Manual dated August 18, 2008 for the handicap symbol dimensions. The contractor is responsible for marking the existing striping and for all striping layouts. Contractors applying pavement markings under a contract am NOT required to fill out the "Construction Striper Operations Daily Log" form. S-1.1 The provisions of MnDOT 2582.5 are hereby deleted and replaced with the following: Division 2 — Technical Requirements D112-3 2582.5 BASIS OF PAYINIENT Payment for pavement markings installed at Contract prices per unit of material shall be compensation in full for all costs ineurred in materials, traffic control, installation, surface preparation, use of primers, in accordance to Contract documents or as approved by the Engineer. ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT 2582.501 Pavement Message (Handicap ed Symbol) Paint — Latex .......................... EACH 2582.502 4" Solid White Paint (No Glass Beads) — Latex ............... LF Division 2 —Tec m cn1Requirenienis DN'24 CS -41 Rejuvenating Sealer & Binder Page 1 of Rejuveiiating & Restidachig Asplialt Sealey- an(I Midev 1.0 Description 1.1 CS -41 is classified as both a rejuvenating and resurfacing asphalt sealer and binder in that it froth extends the life of the asphalt and provides a wear surface, 1.2 CS -41 was developed by Allied Blacktop Company in conjunction w ild) Star Inc. to correspond with M NDOT's fog seal application, with a specif1 c emp hasis in parking lots which exhibit a higher incidence of tine and pedestrian traffic stresses. 1.3 CS -41 will bond to the asphalt, but will polish off the tops of exposed aggregate, in higher traffic situations and drive lanes. This May Occur within the first year of application. 1.4 When constructed over chip seals (cape seal applications), CS -41 will minimize but not elinninate aggregate tracking and oil bleeding concerns. .o Objectives: 2.1 -41 Seal Coat Application both integrates itself with the underlying binderi and forms a hard protective smell on the asphalt surface. 2.1.1 Rejuvenates the asphalt surface by enhancing and bonding with the asphalt cement. 2.1.2 Further extends the life of tfie asphalt by sealing out: The suns ultro violet rays. .1.2.2 Detriorating effects of deicing salts, oils, gasollne, on(] grease. 2,1.2.,E Wof r and the damage to the su -base cause by Its penetrallon. 113 Resurfaces the parking lot by adding birder to the wear course, 2.1.4 Enhances the aesthetics of the parking lot with a freshly sealed sufface. 2.1.5 Provides a longer wearing life than the Mn/DOT 2355 Fag Seal application. Includes a ffist r dry time and reduces the overall tackiness typical of a fog seal appllcat1on — most practl al for parkIng iotas and dri ve wa s. 2.1.6 Provides a poly mer modified seal coat which is economically sustainable. 2.1.7 Provides ars envir rnmentaIly frriendly solution to sealing and ill aintai111ng asphalt surfaces. CS -41 Rejuvenating Scaler & Binder Page 2of 3 2.2 Cape Seal Coat Application - Applying CS -41 Seal Coat on top of a Chip Seal application. 2.2.1 To reduce aggregate tracking coninionly associated with chip seals. 2.2.2 To reduce the oil bleeding commonly associated with chip seals. 2.2.3 To add binder to an older chip seal application and extend the life of the asphalt. 2.2.4 To provide a Uniform look to a new or o Ider chip seal applicator, 3.0 Materials 3.1 Refined Asphalt Emulsion 3.1.1 Refined asphalt emulsion must meet all applicable specifications e.g. AST OIL other applicable specifications when tested in accordance with ASTM exceed ASTM D 244,, D 2939-98, D562 and Federal Spec. TT - C -555 B. 3.1.2 The material shall be honiogeneOLIS and show no separation or coagulation components that cannot be re -dispersed with moderate stirrinS. 3.1.3 This material shall be suitable for application by com,putel ized rate of control distributor to the asphalt surface at a rate of 0.10 to 0.20 gallons per SqU a re yard depending on existing asphalt surface conditions. 3.11 Water shall be clean and potable, free of harmful soluble salts, within a temperature range of 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit. 3.2 Materials Calculations: 3.2.1 For a standard CS - 41 application, calculate at the rate of 07 - .14 gallons of undiluted material per square yard of the asphalt surface to be sealcoated. 3.2.2 The first application should be applied at 0,10 — 0.18 gallons pef'SqUare yard of diluted material. 3.2.3 If a second application is required, figure 0.08 — 0.10 of diluted gallons per sqUare yard. 3.3 Recommended Applications 3.3.1 Low Traffic Areas — Dilute 20-30% and apply at a rate of .10 - .15 gal/S.Y. 3.3, 1. 1 Acme Drive ways, Parkin g Stalls, Walkways, cart & bkycle pa ths, e tc, 33.2 M oderate Traffic Areas — Dilute 20-30% and appy at a rate of .10 - 18 ga I/S.Y. CS -41 Rejuvenating Sealer & Binder Page 3of 3 Driveways, Parking Lots, Airfield, High waye Shoulders, Gas Stations, etc, 3.3.3 Flea y Traffic Areas — D il Lite 15-30% and apply at a rate of .12-,20 ga I/S.Y. Industrial & Commercial Lots, Airfields, steep grades, Retail venues. 3.3.4 Correct application rates are determined based on existing asphalt conditions. 4.0 Surface Preparation 4.1 Repair all potholes and structurally unsound areas according to industry standards. 4.2 Rout & seal all 1011gitLidinal and transverse "working" cracks X"' wide up to 1'} wide as per MN DOT specifications, 4.3 For new Installations, the Pavement surface must be cured for at least 30 days ill hot weather, or u p to 1 year depending on the a mcunt of asphalt installed. 4.4 Clean the surface thoroughly to remove all foreign debris (dirt, gravel,, silt, etc.) using Elgin Pelican (plck-u p style) mechanical street sweepers, ami blow the lot clean with high powered forced air blowers to remove fine dust or residual silt. 5.0 Application of Material 5.1 The material shall be applied according to the specifications detailed in section 2. 5.2 Prior to seal coating, the aspha It should be free of any sta A ing water. 5.3 Edge parking lot with a brush, squeegee, wand, or mechanical sprayer. 5.4 Apply seal coat with a Computerized Rate of Control Distributor to ensure the product is uniformly applied to the entire SUrface. 5.5 The arnount of material that should be applied will vary according to the porosity and texture of the pavement. The mix designs expressed in section 2 are for guidelines only. 5.6 The seal coat should dry within 4 to 6 hours (For faster dry{ times, seal coat should be appiled during normal daylight hours), The completed application should be allowed to cure at least 24 hours and then tested for traffic ability prior to opening for regular use or striping. 5.7 If a second coat is required, apply the material perpendicular to the previous coat,, if practical. The second coat should not be applied any sooner than 4 to 6 hours after the first coat. Curing recommendations are the same as above. 6.0 Method of Application 6.1 Squeegee/Brush (Hand Application) method: C84lRejuvenating 8eoler&cBinder - 6.1.1 The agitator 1nthe sealer tank should bekept oil tokeep the material \n suspension otall times. The machine should baequipped with afog bar tobeUsed for pna'dompen|n8|fthe pavement exceeds the temperature of90deg. F. 61.2 Coat the edges first, Pour acontinuous ribbon ofCS-41along tile pavement edge 6-12"from the curbing. 61.3 Draw the CS'41mix away from the pevementedge bvpuU|n@m oqueeQeeorbrush perpendicular through the ribbon ofmaterial ota slight angle. VVa(kparallel tothe pavement edge. Repeat the process in reverse direction Pulling the excess material toward the center oftile pavement. Pour more [S-41mix tomaintain eworking ribbon of material and continue across the pavement Until \t)scompletely covered. 6.1.4 Edging applications may vary depending different scenarios ateach location. 6.2 Machine Application 6,2.1 When applying by machine, seal the edges of the pavernent by hand, unless spraying bapplicable. Apply material using acomputerized rate ofcontrol distributor tothe remaining area. 70 Striping 7.1 Seal Coat must cure for 24hmprior tostriping over the surface. 7.2 Stdp\ngmust be\nsteled em PerA.D.A requIremonts. 73 Stir! pi ng mate Hall must be 100% fast d rying Acrylic Traff ic Pa 1 int. 8.0Requirements 0i Recommendations 8.1CS-4lbnot ahazardous waste )neither liquid (ernubion)forril,orasdried material. 8L2C3-41must beprotected from freezing, Donot store attemperatures below 32deg F. 83 Do not apply during rainy or foggy weather. GrOUndand air temperatures must be SOdeg. Fand rising prior toand after application. 8.4 Drying is retarded by excessive moisture in the air orground. Examples: naN, fog, prolonged hum1d|ty ond season a| ext remes (oedy opr|ng — late Fa 11). Undermuch conditions, extended dry times may occur. 8.5 3ee| coaiahou|d be applied during day light hours, if applied at night, nrduring ally of the above conditions, the Surface of the seal coat will dry first and restrict the water evaporation from the rest ofthe film, slowing down the curing process. CS -41 Rejuvenating Sealer & Binder Page Sof 3 8.6 CS -41 Is based on a refined asphalt ellnUlsion, Prolonged and/or repeated contact May CaUse skin irritation. Wear protective clothing. Read Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for more details, 8.7 Keep out of reach of children. Dischimen These specifications report accurate and reliably information to the best of our knowledge, however, no expressed or implied Nvarf antics are extendvA by the manufacturers dUC to the ftlCt that the C011d i6ons of use and workmanship are bqond the controls of the manufacturer. STAR Inc. assumes no responsibility for the use ofinformation presented herein and hereby diselaims all liability in regard to such use. Cautions * KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHTLDREN * Read Material Safety Data Sheet prior to use for details on safety, handling, disposal, etc. * Mix thoroughly before using and keep unused container pi -openly scaled. Edition- ' -4 1. Oct. 2011 Woiid-wide ffeadqtiai-tei-s 11 0 Milepo s t Road, Colu nibus, OH 43228, 1.800.759.1912.1 Tel. 14. 70.0744, Fax. 614.870.0598 wiviv.starseal.com