RES 13-50ASOLUTION No. 2013-5 CITY of OTS GO COUNTY of WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RI EiSOLUTION SETTING A PRELIMINARY TAX LE VY of $455395285 FOR F .o . RTY 'SAXES PAYABLE IN 2014 rvH REAS, the Otsego City Council is required by State lav to establish a preffininary tax levy for taxes payable in 2014 by September 15, 2013 and eeftify the preliminary tax levy to the Wright CountyAuditor; and NVHF,REAS, the' Otsego City Council has reviewed the City"s anticipated expenditures for Rinds using property tax proceeds in 2014; and WHERE,. S, the Otsego City Council has considered projected revenues for funds Using property ty tax proceeds in 2014; and NVHEREAS, revenues from sources other than propeity taxes are not sufficient to meet the anticipated expenditures of said funds; and rM REAS, the debt levies have been adjusted or cancelled based on revenue collections arra projections . NOW, THE, BEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL CI of THE CITY F OTS GO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the following arrro-ants are the maximum to be levied as property taxes payable in 201 for the following purposes: General Government t $ Tax Abatement 23g000 GO hn rovement Bonds 2003A 100po GO Improvement Bonds Zoo ' 5,00 GO Improvement Bonds 2006B 1005000 Public Works Building Bond 2010E _ 20%28 Total Tax Levy $1532.285 2. That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Wright County Auditor, MOTION BY: sCMoEOEa SECOND BY; DARKENWALD ALL IN FAVOR: STOCKAMP, SGHItOEDER, DARKENtvALD, WAREHTME THOSE OPPOSED: NONE ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 9th day of September 2013. ATTEST: Tami Loll, City Clerk 2 CITY of OTSEGO Ji s Stockam , Mayor