Summer 111V kTATIIII Newsletter of the City of Otsego ■ JUNE-JULY 2010 ELECTIONS ON THE HORIZON THREE CITY COUNCIL It may seem a little early to be talking about the election SEATS ON BALLOT coming up this November, but with a recent change in state law the Primary Election will be held Tuesday,August 10. There are three City Council seats up for The Otsego polling place for the Primary and General Election will be election this fall.The four year terms of located at the Otsego Public Works facility, 13400 90th St. NE,which is Vern Heidner and Tom Darkenwald and across the street from City Hall.The polling place will be open 7am to 8pm. the two year term left open when Mark Thorsted moved out of the city will all be The city is looking for election judges for both the Primary and General on the ballot. Elections. Election judges are the people responsible for administering the election procedures in the voting place. The duties of an ejection judge City Filing Begins August 3 include: Otsego residents wishing to file an •Open/close the polls(judges work 6:00 am to about 10:00 pm; half-day Affidavit of Candidacy for the position of shifts are available). City Councilmember may do so at the • Ensure that only qualified voters are permitted to vote only once. Otsego City Hall in the office of the City • Distribute ballots. Clerk during regular office hours.The • Ensure that all votes are cast in secret. filing period opens August 3 at 8 am and • Help voters who require assistance. closes August 17 at 5 pm.There is a •Tally the results after the polls are closed. $2.00 filing fee. If you are interested, live in Otsego, are eligible to vote and can read,write and speak English and are able to attend the training session on July 20, contact City Clerk Tami Loff at City Hall to apply. More information on being an election judge,voting by absentee ballot and registering at the polls is available online at the city's website: www.ci.otsego.mn.us Have an Enjoyable and Safe Fourth of JOY! IN THIS ISSUE: CITY OF PAGE TWO: Planting in the Right of Way PAGE THREE: Photos from Easter Egg Hunt MdsillgNIINd PAGE THREE: Notes from the Mayor ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD NATIONAL NIGHT OUT PLANTING IN THE RIGHT OF WAY National Night Out will be held on Tuesday,August 3. Residents are encouraged to work with their neighbors Want to improve the curb appeal of your home, perhaps plant a tree or to get to know one another. If your some flowers in the yard?That's great as your plantings will contribute neighborhood is planning a get-together to the"urban forest." for that evening and would like a visit However if you plan to plant something in the Right of Way area, from the Sheriff's Department or the generally 16 feet from the curb or street, or between the street and local fire department you must register sidewalk, there are some rules that need to be followed.These rules your event by Wednesday, July 28. are in place so that visibility along streets and at intersections can be To register send contact information, maintained and to provide space for plowed snow. location of event and the time it will take place to: dandrusko@charter.net Please note that the city is not responsible for any damage that may occur to your plants or trees in the Right of Way. Snowplows, salt, sand and work in the boulevard by utility companies or the city all may cause damage. VOLUNTEERS Before you dig anywhere on your Knowow. NEEDED F O R property you must call 811 at least what's 48 hours in advance so that utility l 1 , Call beforebelyou dig. OTS EGO FESTIVAL lines are marked.The service is free, and it is required before you dig. It's said "Many hands make light work." If it is a tree that you want to plant in the Right of Way it must a This is certainly the case with the Otsego deciduous tree, one that loses its leaves. Evergreen trees are not Festival that will be held Saturday, allowed in the Right of Way. Check the city's website for information September 18 at Otsego Prairie Park. on how far from utility and water lines trees must be planted.Trees that are planted will need to be kept trimmed, allowing at least 8 feet �} of clearance along sidewalks and 14 feet of clearance for the nearest Y4 `-.J• «" vehicle lane. .' Property owners may also install plantings, other than sod within r the boulevard at their own risk. Plants in the Right of Way may not „ I°,' be taller than 36 inches and in many cases, plants are limited to 12 i . inches in height. Check the city's website for specific limitations and requirements. ''• m7"1 'f-, Volunteers are needed for all aspects of the event from planning and set-up to working at the festival and cleaning up at ✓ „- the end of the day. If you or your group --. � would like to be a part of this effort, please contact Rose at ROSDAY@msn. - corn and let her know how you can help. - `t'�► . . ; Be sure to include complete contact .- . `� """" information in the email. •"Ir ' '_. .irk► CORRECTION 4- / r ,� ,��• ,fir C l • • "'f. 'I In the April/May Edition of the Otsego View :E. #1 '.. , . . s , °,, \-1 ry-r,ki it1� IIII t has I i it s adopted a roadway to keep clean EASTER EGG HUNT AROUND OTSEGO It was a little cold and wet when the Easter Egg Hunt took place on March 27, but that didn't deter or even slow down the crowd of children searching for the eggs. Here are just of a few of the many Egg Hunters. *„..c.,.."--,—, + e police officer Is yam-friend 4 H . . fes. `• _e..... , „„,, el ' a " i r ....... ,T.....„ _..,...,„, i., ,,-, ....-_,, — , 7' '17.--- .---- *24C-',..7; ' 4 . - ,., f. . 1 IS iVEr a-.l sl,,, 441-, I b OW241 `'2rc .4,L ,,,:.,,,,f Tt� f ` ,,f,. f e 1 ? r ± ' !Peet1 , I,MnO. ''' • I t is Ite .fir k.,. N • � - Chamberlain Harrington Braelynne Lieser Ali Belair 'r .44,4144?;.:". ' at 1 age 3 age 1 1/2 age 2 .f aar,1 0 c ' /•4;ii ' _ a f4 • I -4 � tfff ' . f ( - � Ai �, �1 /^\ n repin I 1 r. i i r::, -.4 / MCGRUFF COLORING ' s" CONTEST WINNERS 40 .„.. '' -2* x` Four budding artists were recognized for their coloring efforts at the April 27 i City Council meeting.The four were the Zakya Siegler Alexis Young Jaceylin Latteregrass age 4 age 4 21 months with dad, winners of the coloring contest that was Eric Michels held to help residents become more aware of the McGruff houses located in NOTES FROM MAYOR JESSICA STOCKAMP the city and their purpose. Greetings Neighbors: LOCAL BUSINESSES I can hardly believe summer is already here once again! I hope everyone in DONATE PRIZES Otsego has a chance to get out and enjoy the season by visiting one of our Without the generosity of local city's parks or using the many trails located throughout our community. businesses there would have been no I also wanted to mention a new community event being planned. Otsego prizes given at the Easter Egg Hunt residents Blair and Megan Huggins,together with their friend Katie Shultis and the McGruff Coloring Contest. of St. Michael, came to a recent City Council meeting with the story of Listed here, in alphabetical order, are their daughter Ava. Ava is a toddler that has been diagnosed with Leber's the businesses that so generously Congenital Amaurosis (LCA). LCA is a rare, hereditary disorder that leads to made these donations. visual impairment at an early age. To raise awareness about LCA and support Bank of Elk River research for a cure, an Otsego 5K walk/run is being organized in association Denny's of Otsego with the Foundation For Retinal Research. The event will be held Saturday, Holiday Inn and Water Park August 21 at Prairie Park. More information about LCA and the Otsego 5K Target of Otsego walk/run event is available at www.avainspired.kintera.org. I hope many in Otsego come and participate in the 5K walk/run and that it becomes an annual event in our city. In addition to these businesses two organizations have also made Finally, make sure to mark your calendars for the 9th Annual Otsego Festival significant contributions to the city: on Saturday, September 18 at Prairie Park. The Festival Committee is already Boy Scouts hard at work putting this event together and we thank them for their efforts. Otsego Women of Today Visit their website at www.otsegofestival.org. I'm sure there will be plenty of things for you and your family to enjoy that day. Wishing your family a fun summer season CITY OF OTSEGO SLOW DOWN OTSEGO HAS A As the weather has CURFEW IN PLACE warmed up speeds have MEETINGS , FOR RESIDENTS also increased. Please obey the speed limits. WHO ARE 1 7 AND On city streets the speed These are the scheduled dates and times for YOUNGER. limit is 30 mph, unless these meetings, but there may be changes. otherwise marked. The Please contact City Hall or go to the City's 30 mph speed limit is website to confirm.Agendas and minutes CURFEWS in OTSEGO determined by the state. are available on the City's website. These meetings take place at City Hall and are Under 16 years old: open to the public. 10pm to 5am all days 16 and 17 years old: .1- City Council July 12, 26,August 9 ,23 @ 7pm 10pm to 5am Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed SPEED &T11urs LIMIT Planning Commission 12am to 5am Friday and Saturday 30 Check City Websiteoil SPEED,^ Police Commission • July 13,August 10 @ 6:30pm OTSEGO` `" - ,a 0.; i 'larks &Recreation ,i July 14,August 11 @ 7pm •ter Heritage Preservation July 13,August 10 @ 7pm 't sn•uuro6aslo•io•nnnnnn ®I woo llew6r�o JegeisMauo6eslo:llewa t a` a i . )1uu8led:Jo3lp3 I JI Jaqpeyog uea I JOupiWH wan pleMua)IJea wol (�o(ew) dwe L99L-0££SS NIN `b3Ald)113 a loolg f al9unoo43 �1!O 3N 3Ad YfIHSVN 6688 R • O03S1O JO ALIO ` • , uooN-weg Aid wdg-weg:nyl-uow '.........- luew>Jedea A iii n IIIII1IIIIIIII1IIII1I1IIIIIIIIIIIIIII"II'IIIIIIIIIII1IIIIII1l r - v� uooN-weg: d wdg-weg nyl-uow 0££SS LlJld-9.... fi .. . .._+ ..... 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