Winter I The 1 --1\--lq. oTsEG4.. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD vol. 20 FEBRUARY/MARCH 2009 Newsletter of the City of Otsego 2009 Otsego city budget set By Gary Groen,Otsego City Finance Director financed primarily by sources other than state revenues. The The General Fund Budget finances Otsego's basic services city has not received any Local Government Aid from the to its residents. These services include public safety, street state for several years. Therefore, we are expecting the maintenance and equipment,park maintenance and potential aid cuts will be manageable. equipment, and administrative services. The budgeted The city of Otsego also maintains a fund balance(or expenditures total$3,826,858. About 85% of these cash reserve) to absorb unexpected revenue reductions, expenditures are financed by local property tax levies paid by such as what may lie ahead, or to absorb unexpected the residents and businesses that call Otsego their home. expenditures that may not have been anticipated at the time There has been much publicity recently regarding the the budget was prepared. projected deficits of the state and the impact this will have on The city's estimated tax rate for property taxes payable local government finances and our ability to deliver services. in 2009 is 26.975%. Based on preliminary information, To resolve the state's current year budget deficit,the governor this tax rate is the second lowest tax rate ini Wright County. "unalloted" monies due to the city of Otsego in 2008. Otsego The city will be monitoring the activity at the state did not receive$97,000 due in December 2008. As the legislature to determine its affect on our community. legislature tackles the projected budget deficit for the next The Mayor and City Council review the budgeted biennium,the city anticipates additional cuts in aid. It is activities throughout the year and will make every important to note that the Otsego City General Fund is effortnot to reduce the level of services. ..w 1400000 e:�\�::::: �.. ya ,,:' __^•••u. ., �� \�. \; � .- � �¢���: € �� t� €:bAa � t.� gilp.1 `�\� � ; .€Ifs �` ;{'\\�€'���: \� gra€qq a ' . , z a€€�' iisti 1 200000 „ko,{ .�f. ,3{ �F'tl 4 s f `"' „.,,,„...,v:.:,,,,,,,,,;,.,„„,„„„„,:„,„ .,,, `3' { 'c ,Ii 1 t„•> •F 3 '3s�3F .$FAQ\3 J ...................... enera .thi ut E pen i x S . 7.,' 't` ,,F` { A D Y 3” g € 4 F $ , tom Budget 120 8 8 gef� ,� °F l ';€ 1000000 t 3{ 3 \ :...,,,,,,,.:....11,,,,,,....„0 ,,,, ti\ 11 v�€I;,c 1`Z i � es � �� '1a ; fa\ � �\ EI 800000 ?, ar.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIININIMMINIBINIENIIIIMMeq S ;'ic:''.t''^'''�l p?• \\ \ 600000 iiiiiiiiit. -�x � f \ :.. \ s `4 ?ti� a ' µ,,, $i \ {• i\\ 3 i as. J ` �. '` , 400000 yti a \ f AIP z 8moMmMamiiimak,,atmomma:mmmanaaaaamEmmagma„amnama:a: 3.., =44 •A t*. 200000 1,.1„„:I.1..„1:„M:;:::1:,, :.„,:,:,„:.:::a:..‘'.,.,.'‘.:I.T'.,.„,.,,.,,.„„.:.,,:.„,:-,,.‘„..:.„,-,:::::,:::x:::..-.:.,:.,„::,:..:„,;,„,;„,,-,;.„,.,,.„.,,::,.;,:„.:::-....,-"....-.„",'..-::': At :1:i ;.> ;_ Mayor& Admin. Legal Plan- Finance Other Engi- Street Streets Equip- Public Parks& Council ning Gov't neer Lighting ment Safety Other M 2008 $60,642 $416,298 $35,000 $44,200 $149,879 $163,700 $80,000 $90,000 $1,275,920 $180,000 $791,110 $282,003 1 2009 $61,642 $464,310 $45,000 $44,200 $153,813 $170,647 $80,000 $110,000 $1,312,140 $26.6,926 $820,310 $297,870 of 1.61% 12.13% 1.18% 1.15% 4.02% 4.46% 2.09% 2.87% 34.29% 6.98% 21.44% 7.78% Budget 1 The State of Otsego in 2009 • = ,) ') ,) , 11' ). During these hard economic times, the City Council continues to review the way a we are spending money—as I am sure many of you are also doing. Otsego continues tsisJ O TE 5 to have the lowest local tax rate among the communities in our area. The current and 1 past City Councils have always provided a budget for the city that delivers a high from the level of city services at the lowest cost possible using a combination of in-house MAYOR resources and contracted services. The soundness of the city's financial practices has served the community well during periods of growth, but also positions us to deal INONNOMISMONOM with the challenges that may be ahead in 2009. As has been reported widely in the press, the state has a large budget deficit that by Y Mayor Jessica 5tockamp law must be balanced. The need to balance the state budget will likely impact Otsego, even though Otsego receives no Local Government Aid(LGA). Reimbursements from the state for the Market Value Homestead Credit(MVHC)for owner occupied housing were already cut for the second half of 2008 and the 2009 reimbursement is also likely to be reduced or eliminated. The City Council will monitor economic conditions and the activities at the state capitol this legislative session and make adjustments to the city budget to avoid raising taxes or cutting essential services to the extent possible. Additional information on the 2009 Otsego City budget is included in this newsletter and if you have any further questions I encourage you to contact Finance Director Gary Groen or City Administrator Mike Robertson. Stay warm! –Jessica.wv Snowmobile regulations in Otsego City officials have received a number of calls this winter on snowmobiling issues. If you are riding in Otsego, it is your job to know and follow State laws and Chapter 8. Section 1 of the City Code. * A summary of State laws is available from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the internet: <http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/snowmobiling/index.html> * Otsego requires that persons under the age of 14 ride on city streets accompanied by an Otsego snowmobile club donates to Hoofbeats adult. Minors between the ages of 14 and 18 and Heartbeats may ride on city streets with a valid . E 3 -w"< m` snowmobile certificate in their possession. On city streets with curb, snowmobiles must be ridden single file in the direction of traffic on o; r ` the pavement as close as practical to the curb. ) ' ' � ` Where no curb exists, snowmobiles must be ,� ,3 ridden within six feet of the pavement surface. `' �=" * Snowmobiles are prohibited from riding upon „ F';< r l .. public sidewalks or paved trails or within city -� • 4 ,, parks or otherproperty. _ •� am� cx+m 10 to u ,� , � �� * Snowmobiles may only be operated within the ' ,rs •fr' city between the hours of 8:00 AM to 11:00 ;, .. PM Sunday through Thursday and between ` i ; d 8:00 AM to 1:00 AM on Friday and Saturday. �:x * The city has designated residential areas where j, _ 4,4 ' snowmobiling on city streets is prohibited .,:t .fey except in going to/from your property to a designated trail. Snowmobiles may not .. t exceed 10 miles per hour within designated residential areas. A map of these designated areas is available from the city. The Otsego Great River Riders snowmobile club donated$500 to Hoofbeats * The Otsego Great River Riders snowmobile and Heartbeats, Inc.at the club's January meeting held at Rockwoods bar and club is a great resource for information on Backwater Grill. snowmobiling in Otsego and related events. Hoofbeats and Heartbeats, Inc.is an equestrian learning center located in Contact them at<www.ogrr.us>. Otsego dedicated to providing therapeutic riding and teaching proper horse care The city has developed these local regulations and management to elderly and youth with emotional and physical disabilities, over time in cooperation with snowmobilers to From left to right representing Otsego River Riders Snowmobile Club, Board ensure that snowmobiling remains an available Members Russell Harnois, Brian Culkins Pat Hilden, Linda Lewis,Owner of winter activity within Otsego while protecting Hoofbeats and Heartbeats, Inc, Otsego Great River Riders Board Members public safety and welfare. Please be safe and Rob Vandenberg and Kathy Pederson.�..� respectful of your neighbors while enjoying your ride. w.r ... . Otsego's early Planning Commission By Jacquie Rognli Otsego Township organized its first planning commission in hilgh 1978. Before that,the Town Board handled land use questions as well as the rest of the township business.Former Otsego Planning Commission and from there to the Wright County Mayor Larry Fournier recalls that the Town Board was hoping to Commissioners.By the time the final decision came from involve more citizens in township business and trying to get a Wright County, it often did not go the way that the Otsego broader perspective on residents' opinions. Commission had recommended. Fournier was on the first Otsego Planning Commission of Some of Otsego Township's land use concerns in the seven citizens.He fondly remembers serving with Carl Swenson 1980s were about leap frog development with residential and Ing Roskraft,both loyal civic servants who remained on streets established far apart, creating a need for more the Planning Commission when Otsego became a city in 1990 services scattered across the township. Trailer homes were and continued to faithfully serve for the rest of their lives. also erected randomly in the township. The Township Planning Commission worked much like The Planning Commission began work on a comprehensive today's City Planning Commission, except it wasn't quite land use plan for Otsego and hired Northwest Associated as busy, meeting only once a month to consider Otsego Consultants,Inc. to assist with that huge task.That early plan land use issues and holding public hearings. sought to preserve the rich farmland in western Otsego and The Commission would make recommendations to the shield it from all development.Fournier remembers that the Board like today's Commission sends its decisions to the City west was supposed to remain"farms forever"as he Council. The big difference was that before becoming a city, considered the changes he has seen in his past 30 years of those recommendations were then sent to the Wright County service to Otsego. City commissions offer residents opportunities for involvement The city of Otsego has four commissions made up of Linda Lewis, Chair residents interested in varied community concerns. Sandra Michaelson Members meet to discuss issues and make Edgar Pearsall recommendations to the City Council. Each City Council Jeff Stimac member acts as an unofficial member of a commission and Jane Theisen, Vice-Chair serves as a liaison to the Council. Residents are invited to Joel Torkelson attend all meetings and can apply to become a member of a Rob Vandenberg commission by completing an application found on the city Parks & Recreation Commission web site or available at City Hall. The City Council The Parks and Recreation Commission works on matters appoints the commission members. regarding recreation, trails and parks in the city. Some of Planning Commission the events they work on are Pumpkin Patch, Santa Day and The Planning Commission considers land use issues in Easter Egg Hunt. Volunteers are always needed. the city of Otsego and holds public hearings when required Meets: 2fla Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. by city ordinance. It transmits recommendations to the City Members: Council on all matters which it considers. Mike Brumm Meets: ls` & 3`d Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Kathryn Roberts, Secretary Members: Rose Cassady Pam Black, Chair Susan Krekelberg, Co-Chair Tamara Fallon Krista Bean Doug Hackman Duane Lauseng Jim Kolles Beverly Kumar, Chair Richard Nichols Peter Torresani John Thelen Heritage Preservation Commission David Thompson, Co-Chair The Heritage Preservation Commission's duties consist of Brian Gerten— ls`Alternate preserving Otsego's heritage, including information about Police Commission original settlers, historic sites and buildings and disseminating The Police Commission is charged with developing a that information to the public, fostering civic pride in the citizen complaint procedure, promoting public interest in beauty and notable accomplishments of the past. and an understanding of police work. They serve as a Meets: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. forum for the citizens of Otsego to voice their opinions Members: regarding community safety and police services. Ron Black, Chair Meets: 2"d Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Norm Freske Members: Shirley Isaacson Denise Andrusko Joan Vasseur Paul Fields Chris Wilson John Hinncnkamp -- City nr OTSEGO PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE 1) ON THE GREAT RIVER RO:v> PAID 8899 Nashua Avenue NE PERMIT# 1791 Otsego, MN 55330 MINNEAPOLIS,MN Administration:(763)441-4414 Building Dept.:(763)441-2593 Utility Billing:(763)441-2310 Fax: (763)441-8823 Email: cityhall@ci.Otsego.mn.us Web Site:www.ci.Otsego.mn.us OFFICE HOURS ADMINISTRATION: M-Th 8 ami pm;Fri.CLOSED BUILDING DEPT: M-Th 8 am-6 pm;Fri.8 am-noon UTILITY DEPT: M-Th 8 am-5 pm;Fri.8 am-noon CITY COUNCIL Mayor:Jessica Stockamp Council Members: Tom Darkenwald Dan Scharber Vern Heidner Mark Thorsted MEETING CALENDAR City Council 2nd&4th Mon.,6:30 pm Planning Commission 1sl&3rd Mon.,7 pm Parks&Recreation 2nd Wed.,7:00 pm Heritage Preservation 2ndThurs.,7 pm Police Commission 2nd Tues.,6:30 pm All meetings are open to the public.Call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend.Agendas and minutes are available on the city's web site. The Otsego View is Otsego's bi-monthly newsletter. Jacquie Rognli,Editor •T ZOZ-1'LZ-£9L uo1leuuoJu!wow.I0j 11e1ES 13L1u03 •uo 3110M of suoi-T aql 1o3 sloafoid a nunj ueld sn diaq pue 2uiop uaaq anal ` am legM Ino pug au1oD•OO:L le llels of&uulaaul glEM spooM)ioo2i le �t � ole Pug klun1 a •u1 d aow suoi o2asi a _.. LT t IAI P ,p9i q 3 0£9 i I O t L palueM suo1l o6astOk� N4sita-P-,AT .vV.•<iuoo•usul@AVQSO2I> le Xpessep asog loeluoj luuds salt&u!uueld ui2aq € of papaau ate slaalunion pue siaqulaul aallRuUuOD 2uiuueld•luana (lam Ri40 o6a9,40) •any vntistiN G6gg ci1Uie3 Injssaoans sell of umlal of 2uiuueld Xpeage ale spueq pre o3. JOAO uo tot,} Xs) 4arisq .ttloR 6ui4g sJopuan•lenilsod lied o2asW0 0ql 1oJ las uaaq seg,,,6T JaqulaldaS uoos laejs 6uluueld IeA RseA •tuei oid 2u!ltoxa pue Mau sill uo spelap glint dn-MoIio3 ' IIIM uo!ssnzu11oD aogod o2asiO aqi Jo laquiauz a put IIeH icltD • int uoileru o !moiC anew Tela io •uze.�old�CeM eo.i-e-ldo e tl. 3ii. i sI. 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