Summer r � I lie ft STAR!1 v• 1 1 EN V- ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Vol. 21 JUNE/JULY 2009 Newsletter of the City of Otsego City tightens belt Citizen involvement When the city heard that its state aid was proposed to be cut by $184,000, the encouraged for parks Otsego City Council decided not to wait for the state to finalize its budget and and streets authorized immediate cuts in the city budget. The Council ultimately decided to make$300,000 in budget cuts in order to establish a financial cushion if the Otsego has established two new recession gets worse. programs for volunteer citizens and Some of those cuts will be reviewed in this issue and some in future issues. The groups: Pride in Our Parks and two we have received the most calls about are staff reductions and Clean-up Month. Adopt a Street. Staff Reductions The city encourages people of all Staff peaked at twenty two people in 2006 during the housing growth spurt ages - including residents, from 2004-2006. Since then staff has been reduced 22%. In the last two years community groups and businesses - three staff members have left or retired and have not been replaced and two to help keep Otsego's parks clean, additional staff have been laid off as the amount of new housing starts have safe and more attractive through the dropped. This provides an annual savings of approximately$370,000. Pride in Our Parks and Adopt-A- Clean-up Month Streetro The city has seen the number of people using clean up opportunities decrease over t, R PARK the last fifteen years. When it was just Clean-up Day,the number of users peaked in �;,f r ' p Bothams. 1993 at over 9%of the population. By 2008 that had dropped to less than 3%of � ��y Otsego's population, even though going to the voucher system made it more a �' programs convenient by giving people an entire month rather than one day. In addition, while are the city was subsidizing the cost of people hauling their items to the landfill,none of • ";' partnerships what they hauled there was recycled. Because of this,when it came time to make between budget cuts Clean-up Month was one of the items cut. Eliminating Clean-up Month volunteers and the city whereby provides an annual savings of approximately$11,000. participants assist in picking up There are several places nearby where Otsego residents can take items they no debris, raking leaves, planting and longer need and see them recycled. These are Metro Appliance Recycling in Otsego, maintaining vegetation or other which recycles computers, electronics and appliances,call 763/241-8787 for special projects and make visual information and hours open;and Wright County Landfill in Buffalo,which recycles inspections of park areas or roadway a variety of items including aluminum, steel,used oil,tires,propane cylinders, areas to identify needed repairs. appliances,etc.,763/441-2464 call for information and hours open.. , Participants commit to a one year National Night Out program of activities that is approved The National Night Out(NNO)Planning Committee is in need of by the City Council. Otsego Public .,,,ALK.,,,, volunteers. If you're interesting in joining the committee or Works staff provides basic oversight, , ,_• tools and materials as may be would like to be your neighborhood sponsor please contact „ f „ needed. The city also places a sign -.-.4• 'O Denise Andrusko at(612)598-9769 or<deniseandrusko @yahoo.com>The 26th Annual National Night Out is scheduled in the park or at the approaches to the "'` for Tuesday,August 4, 2009. It's designed to street segment crediting the individual, group or organization for • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; their efforts. • Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs; More information • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and about the Adopt-A44 ilk - • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are ;',.Street and Pride in , organized and fighting hack. Our Parks programs, NNO events and activities an include block parties, cookouts, visits from local including application Adopt 4Street sheriff departments, parades, exhibits, flashlight walks, contests and youth forms, on the city programs. . website or at City Hall. . I Enjoy Otsego's parks and trails , , r Summer is finally here, the weather is turning nice and so I want to NOTES encourage residents to enjoy our city park and trail system. The city currently has one community park, Prairie Park located next to City Hall and five from the neighborhood parks. Over 19 miles of trails have been constructed along many of the major streets within the city for walking, running and biking. The MAYOR city is also excited to have received a $175,000 Safe Routes to School grant to complete a trail connection along CSAH 42 between Quaday Avenue and iiiimilimmommimil Otsego Elementary that will improve access to the school for our children and by Mayor Jessica Stockamp � - also improve trail connections. Otsego also adopted two new programs this spring for another chance at being outdoors. The Parks and Recreation Commission has begun the Pride in Our Parks program to promote volunteer assistance with park upkeep. The Police Commission has started an Adopt-A-Street program for keeping areas along city streets clean from litter. Individuals, families, businesses and community groups are all welcome to participate. Updated information regarding the Otsego's parks and trails, including a description of equipment/fields and trail maps and information and application forms for the Pride in Our Parks and Adopt-A-Street programs are available at City Hall or on the city's website. I hope you and your family have a fun and safe summer season. Otsego receives trail grant - a u \ '',-*'11';'4i A Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS)grant of$175,000 has - ,�� � i -,, been approved for a bike path along County Road 42l gr • , k ,it Quaday to Otsego Elementary School. The trail is proposed to be on the far side of the existing .. a. ., ` , a county road ditch to provide separation between the cars " . and bikers/pedestrians with the exception of the creek a I , crossing. The total length of SRTS trail is approximately ' 2,900 feet. At the creek crossing the trail will need to come back to the edge of the road. In addition to the SRTS i -R•f s trail a 1,000 ft non-SRTS funded trail will be constructed • tint: 3 behind the school to keep walkers/bikers from crossing the i 7:-Okr ' WT,?iki i elementary school play ground during recess. 17i011' The origial goal is to start construction after school W ►° 4 ends, June 9th and have all construction completed bythe P start of next school year, Sept. 7"'. The timeline depends on how long the approval process takes. Tami Loff was sworn in March 23,2009 as Otsego's City Clerk The grant program is federally funded by the federal by retiring clerk Judy Hudson. Loff has served as the city's surface transportation act known as SAFETEA-LU(Safe, deputy clerk since 2007..x..... Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity: A Legacy for Users). The applications submitted last Recreational fires are limited November 2008 and awarded in March of 2009 were the last projects ) Campfire means a fire set for cooking, warming, or c PACE AVENUE —bit ceremonial purposes, which is not more than three feet in to receive � L diameter by three feet high, and has had the ground five funding J - � under the " 1 feet from the base of the fire cleared of all combustible current < SCHOOL x -11 0 material. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) SAFETEA- . e''' -.I I , does not require a permit for these or for fire contained in a LU act 1 - ,"- a. charcoal grill, camp stove, or other device designed for the \ mLy -{ } -" which made I I' ' 42 purpose of cooking, or heating. $286 billion \QUADAY AVENUE 1, ,' i, '".- State law prohibits burning garbage and materials which to be used 13: NEW SAFE ROUTE Produce excessive or noxious smoke. between TO SCHOOL TRAIL Running fires require a DNR burning permit. More fiscal years information is available on the DNR's website 2004-2009. 7- ri"-=. - i.STATE HIGHWAY 101 a, / ��___ <www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/questions.html >.�.� . . . • ..... ....... ,. .. . .. . ... ica ::.:',:.. Early sanitation facilities 1 ..., .. By Jacquie Rognli -: . . .1 — — - • — 'v..' -tt tS r r.,: ::::::i,',„,,,::,' .. Before indoor plumbing, early Otsego residents used a . . .. .... . . small buildingout back with a hole in it to relieve themselves. Sometimes called the backhouse, house of ease, Poster created for the ° little house, the privy or the outhouse, this little.building usually was three �°"� ° �s� WPA Federal Art ce. ' � to four feet square by seven feet high with no wndow, heat, or electric Project,artist unknown, a light. Due to the odor, most were built between 50 and 150 feet from the Chicago,Illinois, ` main house, often facing away from the house. between 1936 and So that didn't have to smell the unpleasant odor, many people left the 1941. Source:Library door o en while theywere usingit. Theywere built over a it that was of Congress,American P P g : l , sometimes filled in or shoveled out when it got filled. Newspaper, catalogs, Memory Historical Il corn cobs and leaves were used for toilet paper, usually kept in a can so the Collections for the mice didn't get it. Many families had two or three holes with one smaller National Digital Library. T STRTE OEPNNTMENT and lower for the children., F PURER HEALTH Stormwater w pollution prevention is everyone's -, - responsibility As a part of the City of Otsego's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan i ' Z s � (SWPPP)the City would like to remind its residents to do their part to - 1MI� M � �:. prevent pollution during the summer season by keeping gas, oil, paints,r._ g , ry antifreeze, pet waste, grass clippings, and fertilizers from entering the �, '' storm sewer system which includes storm drains, ponds, ditches, we :::::.,,,,,4&::2:,,,,,0„:, ,g. � streams and lakes. Runoff from summer storms washes all of these pollutants down '':!,-;'1!.:1::i;'::�, .. driveways and streets into the storm sewer system and is harmful to fish, _ ., plants, and other aquatic life. , � ` ,€ 1 ' Unlike sewage, storm runoff is not treated. As it flows,pollutants are carried into our waterways. A common misconception is that water that f runs off streets and parking lots into a storm drain goes directly to a wastewater treatment plant. It doesn't. ��� . Stormwater pollution can make monitoring and treatment of our drinking water more difficult and costly. In addition, it can hinder the aquatic ecosystem and result in the loss of our rivers, lakes and streams for s ...., a :T swimming, fishing and other recreational activities. n Besides keeping pollutants out of the storm sewers,homeowners can use u aV rrt, F rain barrels to catch roof run off to use to water plants.Planting a rain garden will slow the speed of run off water and let it filter slowly through the roots of native plants. Be careful what you flush 5 ,; Homeowners can minimize the risk of sewer backups by keeping trash F. jout of sewer and septic systems. .13 �R �� Paper towels, sanitizing wipes, rags, diapers, feminine products and � 4 °"' ��7 other miscellaneous items need to be disposed of through routine garbage service. Grease should not be put down drains as it will solidify further d down the line causing clogs. Flammable and hazardous material such as.ii T tttaN� paint, thinners, oil and fuels must also be kept out of sewer lines. Use �lij � detergents that do not contain phosphorus. Avoid planting trees near your ' yard shut off, your sewer service, and over or near septic systems. Root w ''''-';:16., intrusion is a recurring maintenance expense and a significant cause of sewer back ups. It is prohibited by city ordinance to discharge sump pumps and surface .,.....r .<. ., ..... , _ a;; ,_„ _ ,; run-off water into the city sanitary sewer system. �....r � . • Conserving water in your �. ,_ Egg hunt was a success landscape 7:P-:: -, An estimated 1500 people attended U of M Extension tip: Locate plants according to water needs u ,. ; the Otsego Easter Event April 4, 2009. In Xeriscaping refers to designing areas of addition to the egg hunt,Teensy the Clown was on hand to make balloon landscape that don't require supplemental , s-,74,,,:,,, creations, a game with prizes by District irrigation and uses techniques such as hydrozoning l',. 728 Community Education.,face (grouping plants in a landscape according to 0 painting, stamps,four bikes were moisture requirements), minimizing turf areas, -; �;^ .. given away, Community Education and efficient application of water, and of course, plant Denny's Gift Certificates were given selection. Although we live in the land of 10,000 away and there was a McGruff Coloring g Contest, sponsored by the Otsego Police lakes, gardeners and landscape designs need to be Commission. Special thanks to Target for diligent disciples about conserving our most \ . ' - two bikes, Denny's for gift certificates; important natural resource: water. Our climate is -.. • , < Coborn's Delivers for the donation of 500 becoming drier overall, and thinking about using { 'S v..., water bottles,Community Ed./ISD 728, s4less water in your landscape will help make better � . , r Boy Scout Pack 90, Otsego Royalty and the Women of Today for their help plant choices. volunteering to work at the event. The Otsego Festival is looking for vendors for the `t,' 4 wp 1��t _ September 19th Festival. Visit<OtsegoFestival. org> -- ,y� -;- '",,,, -2 to download a form or call Rose at 441-8769.wv Jo31p3`!lu6oU a!nboep aaga!sMau Alyluow-!q s,o6ast0 s!MaIA o5es10 ayl .alis qow ship ay}uo algel!ene we salnu!w pue sepue6v'pualle o1 ue!d noA 1!sawil wayuoo of IleH A80 Ilea.o!Ignd al;oI uado we s6Vlaaw IIV wd 0£:9'san'puZ uo!sslwwo0 aollod wd L'.sang'puZ uo4eAJasaJd a6elueH wd oo:L'peM PAZ uo!teaaoaa V s>lied wd L'uoi piC V,sl uolss!wwo0 6u!uueld I wd os:9' UOW 0 V pu I I!ouno0/t10 I 2IVUfl N VD DNI.L33Inl patsaoy'lien ieup!aH waA Jagaeyog uea plemue>pea wo' :saagwaw I!ouno0 dwepo1S eo!sser:JoAeA lI3Nl001113 uoou-we g lid'wd 9-we 8 La-LAI :1d34A1llllfl uoou-we 8.pd'wd 9-we 8 g1-IN .d3a ONlalln8 a3SOl0 lJd'w9-we 8 141-W :N011vll1SlNlWav SW-10H 3013d0 sn.uw.obesl0 i3 MM:an qaM sn.uw obes10.!a@llegA1!o :Hew] EZ89-Ltrb(09L) :xed 01-£Z-1.17ti(£9L):6u!ll!8 Alili1f1 069Z-l417(£9L):'ldaa 6u!plm8 tili1-lbb(£9L):uollealsiu!wp'' NW`SI"IodV3N1N111N, OCESS Nvi`o6as10 16L1 #.LIw213d 3N anuand engseN 6688 UIVd nvoa H:N;1IH.I.v:aa9:Li1o 39b LSOd Sil lli 11 UdVUNVIS a3.LUIOS321d 093S,LO JO,n_,