Fall • The . OTSEGC iEw \-- --Z. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Vol. 18 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 Newsletter of the City of Otsego New Public Works ;,,,; 1 building open for use b ,r{ . ; Otsego's public works department is very pleased with its new building and i Al '"' showed it off to the public during the $ 1- Otsego Fall Festival. The building's r- - / design sports many safety, security and 1 s' _ t . ' energy saving features. Natural light jip fills the building and many lights are r % i automated. Oil and automotive fuels are 'a, _ collected for recycling. Software tracks _� parts and equipment. The fuel reporting , + t ihrer system computes miles per gallon . , automatically and is key coded for each ' ' Yk, vehicle. � � Besides all of the maintenance and s;, , storage space, there is a meeting room, ,, , - ist office space for the Wright County - A Deputies working in the city and an V office being rented by the city engineer. I • 4 Otsego Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair says the new facility . has already saved them time and made it possible to operate more i. efficiently. Their security cameras have already helped them document vandals in nearby Prairie Park. _ - el ..: 440111 s �, �._. _,••- _.-- l ter'' _ A t s • s agif , ' '.1'. of 1 ,, 8 it'-71, „/„..\ i „, .. . �► , , , t., END �, 4 Otsego's new public works building has room to hold all of the city's vehicles and recreational equipment.The building was planned with future expansion in mind. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair(right)gave guided tours during the Otsego Fall Festival. • City Budget 2008 NJ O TEThe City Budget is the financial plan for the city of Otsego for 2008.The budget includes anticipated revenues and expenditures of the General Fund and the Debt Service Fund. The from the General Fund is used to account for the general government services provided by the city. mAyorz r These services include general government administration,public safety,public works including street maintenance and repair, and parks and recreation activities. The Debt Service Fund includes those funds that are used to pay the bond principal and interest on bonds used to by Mayor Larry Fournier finance various improvement projects. Sewer and water bonds are paid for by the users through water and sewer hookup charges. The total tax levy for 2008 is $3,424,716.00. While the total tax dollars levied has increased,the actual tax rate has decreased from 26.673% for taxes payable in 2007 to 26.540%for taxes payable in 2008. Otsego has one of the lowest tax rates in the area. You may review our city's budget anytime at City Hall or at our Truth in Taxation meetings in December. Otsego is a great place to live. Your City Council is working hard to keep it affordable. / .��•��` `'1. , :� Roaming dogs - endanger public and themselves , 'f -T: Free-range dogs represent a VT lot of trouble.They can scare Recycle yard waste children and other adults, fight Leaves,branches and other vegetative yard waste can with other dogs who may be be disposed of easily by composting. The University of secured in their own yards, Minnesota Extension Service(612-624-1222; terrorize small wildlife, chase domestic animals,damage http://www.extension.umn.edu/)has information on property, knock over and spread garbage, cause traffic backyard composting. accidents and deposit feces and urine in neighbors' The Wright County Recycling Center also accepts property. Dogs are territorial and loose dogs will yard waste with no fee or appointment necessary. Just continue to expand their territory the more they roam. deposit your load in the rear tarmac area during open They also form packs which can do even more damage. hours. Shredded wood chips are also available free from Owners that allow their dogs or cats to roam are the facility located at 505 Co. Rd. 37 NE southwest of endangering their pet. Dogs and cats that run free are Monticello. Open hours are: more likely to contract infectious diseases and parasites, Tuesdays 9 a.m. 12 noon&1 p.m. 3 p.m. and eat things that can be fatal.They also run the risk of being hit by a car or suffer the wrath of an aggravated Thursdays 9 a.m.-12 noon&1 p.m. 6 p.m. neighbor. 2nd Saturday of the month 8 a.m.—noon If your neighbor is allowing a pet to roam, you are the It is illegal to put yard waste in Minnesota landfills. one who needs to take action. Once you know whose Also, do not deposit it in roadside ditches. animal it is, take a deep breath and calmly discuss it with If you are going to burn vegetative material, a permit the owner. A hostile approach will put the owner on the must be obtained from City Hall, a fire warden or DNR defensive. The neighbor may not know their pet is Forestry office. Burning can only take place between 3 getting out, or may not know it is doing anything that pm and 8 am. Burning contributes to air pollution and bothers anyone. When you talk to the neighbor,there is a causes wildfires.vw good chance you will be saving the pet's life. If your neighbor repeatedly lets their non-aggressive animal roam and won't listen to you, report the situation „a, to City Hall. Be prepared to report the name and address of the owner and your attempts to discuss the situation t, with the owner. They will be contacted in writing of their violation of Otsego's ordinance. Dogs and cats are required to be accompanied by a r responsible person in control of the animal by leash or otherwise restrained or confined. ., A dog that habitually barks or cries could be in violation of the city's nuisance ordinance. Contact the Wright County Sheriff(763-682-1162)during the The Wright County Compost Site accepts yard waste free. Drop off disturbance so they can verify the violation and take branches, leaves and brush during operating hours. action. u�r i I'ghlights EXIT 207 JOTSEGO st rica Otsego CITY Or . %.„, , :irt,40,4,,,,,,„r44,:, -.I,/ . Signs of the Times _ By Jacquie Rognli U In 1990 the Otsego Vision volunteer City logo signs were purchased by Otsego's committee was working on establishing a Otsego is a destination worth an new City Council in 1990. exit sign on 194 in 2007. sense of community identity for Otsego. Pam Black contacted the Minnesota Department of Transportation(MNDOT)to try ;Itat � toget an exit sign for Otsego on Interstate Highway 94. She was told no r °" Otsego's ego'sthumsign of g g Y Otsega'ssipnof because"Otsego is not a destination." the times on 101 v The group held a city logo contest and the new City Council ordered green ._. , and white signs with the new logo. They were placed on each of the Wright •-- a-m-------- '%»;..., County roads entering the city. Many people were surprised to learn where Y-�-K.. .. Otsego's boundaries actually were. With five different zip codes in the city, ;� - . 4,••••••••••••—•=-7—.111) many people had thought they lived in the town where their mail was addressed. ' With improvements to Highway 101 underway and the completion of the 1990 census, Jacquie Rognli contacted MNDOT to see if Otsego could get a population sign on the highway now that it was a city. Signs were ordered and - put up in 1991. When the northbound sign was placed too far south, Franklin MNDOT erecting Otsego's first population Township residents call MNDOT to complain and it was moved. signs was newsworthy enough that there was an In the summer of 2007, Otsego was added to Exit 207 on Interstate 94. Does article in the July 3, 1991 Star News. this mean we are now a destination?v.,v r, -,- r .r 1 ,y S _,.."4.. .4.7 's - _ ,. fff W d - , c wilt ' -s. A j ,i"�ky 'r \ • Ii ikk. Otsego Fall Festival Otsego Lions Trophies(above)sat ready to be awarded to classic car show The Otsego Lions grilled hamburgers and hot dogs at the Otsego winners at the 2007 Otsego Fall Festival Sept. 16 at Prairie Park. Fall Festival and provided a wellness van for free health screening.All Otsego's royalty were crowned in the afternoon:Rachel Haskamp, funds after expenses go toward local community needs. Little Miss Otsego;Chet Jurrens, Little Mr Otsego;and Alexis The Lions meet the third Tuesday of the month,7 pm at Rockwoods. Bestul,Junior Miss Otsego.The royalty will make a variety of Lion Lester Anderson will be guest speaker for the evening on Nov. appearances to represent the city.Thank you to Rose Cassady, 20th....}....A..... chair and her many volunteers for another successful festival.Thank you also to all of the vendors and exhibitors.U.,ti, Santa Day at City Hall Sat. Dec. 15 10 am to 1 pm i `:1!"' PRESORTED STANDARD cOT GO US POSTAGE ! ``� PAID L°Sy, r, Tltx ,NFA.'C.rVPI!u,:#tra PERMIT# 1791 8899 Nashua Avenue NE MINNEAPOLIS,MN Otsego,MN 55330 (763)441-4414 11 0 PARKING ON CITY STREETS OR RIGHT OF WAY . FROM 2AM TO 6AM NOV I-APRIL I ' II City of Otsego HERITAGE PRESERVATION 8899 Nashua Avenue NE CITY STAFF Mike Robertson,City Administrator Ron Black,Chair Otsego,MN 55330 Judy Hudson,City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Shirley Isaacson Administration:(763)441-4414 Karee Rowell,Deputy Clerk Isabel Stander Building Dept.:(763)441-2593 Gary Groen,Finance Director Jon Stander Utility Billing:(763)441-2310 Kathy Grover,Bookkeeper Joan Vasseur Fax:(763)441-8823 Brad Belair,Public Works Supervisor Chris Wilson Email:cityhall@ci.Otsego.mn.us Tim Rochel,Building Official POLICE COMMISSION Web Site:www.ci.Otsego.mn.us Barb Williams,Building Permit Technician Jane Theisen,Chair Sandy Lindenfelser,Special Licensing Denise Andrusko OFFICE HOURS Tami Lott,Administrative Assistant Linda Lewis ADMINISTRATION: PLANNING&ZONING Sandra Michaelson M-Th 8 am-6 pm;Fri.CLOSED Richard Nichols,Chair Edgar Pearsall BUILDING DEPT: Pam Black,Vice Chair Jeff Stimac Tammie Fallon Joel Torkelson M-Th 8 am-6 pm;Fri.8 am-noon Doug Hackman UTILITY DEPT: Jim Kolles M-Th 8 am-5 pm;Fri.8 am-noon David Thompson Trog CITY COUNCIL John W Thelen, Sr MEETING CALENDAR 1 alternate Mayor:Larry Fournier Brian Gerten,2nd alternate City Council 2nd&4th Mon.,6:30 p.m. Council Members PARKS&RECREATION Planning&Zoning 1St&3rd Mon.,7 p.m. Tom Darkenwald Aaron Stritesky,Chair Parks&Recreation 2nd Wed.,7:00 pm .i Vern Heidner Mike Brumm,Vice Chair Heritage Preservation 3 d Thurs.,7 p.m. Jessica Stockamp Rose Cassady g Mark Thorsted Beverly Kumar,Secretary Police Commission 2nd Tues.,6:30 p.m. Russ Langer All meetings are open to the public.Call City Hall to Kathryn Roberts confirm times if you plan to attend.Agendas and Peter Torresani minutes are available on the city's web site. OT EGO VIEW The Otsego View is Otsego's bi-monthly newsletter. Jacquie Rognli,Editor