Winter The All VN,
vol. 16 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2005 Newsletter of the City of Otsego
Snowmobile regulations revised
Otsego's snowmobile ordinance has been revised to once again .. z.......N•
allow snowmobiling in the eastern part of the city with restrictions
in designated areas. Operation is prohibited along Parrish Avenue Snowmobile Rules of Operation
(Co. Rd.42)from the Mississippi River south to Park Avenue. Hours of Operation:
Regulations set forth by the State of Minnesota apply to all Sunday-Thursday 8:00 11:00 p.m.
snowmobile operation in the city with further restrictions in Friday & Saturday: 8:00 1:00 a.m.
designated areas. The designated area of greater restriction is shown Speed Limit: 10 mph in designated area
on the map on page 4. It includes the developed areas of the city. Private Property: Snowmobiles are permitted
In 2004, Otsego's snowmobile ordinance had been revised to on private property only with permission of the
totally ban snowmobile operation in the eastern part of the city. property owner.
The local snowmobile club had become inactive and had no Prohibited Operation: Snowmobiling is not
volunteers to maintain Trail 8A along County Road 37. Since then, allowed on sidewalks,paved trails, boulevards,
the Otsego Great River Riders Snowmobile Club has been revived parks, or within 100 feet of a pedestrian,
with over 100 members. The club presented their plan for fisherman, skating rink or sliding area.
promotion, education and safety training to the Otsego City Operation is not allowed closer than 300 feet
Council and demonstrated the club's membership strength by from any residential area except when
having a large group attend council meetings. At its November 28, traveling from a residence to a designated trail
2005 meeting, the Council voted to remove the total ban in the and back.
residential area and also allow snowmobiles on Parrish Avenue as Street travel: Single file on the right as close as
far north as Park Avenue. possible to the edge of the roadway within six
Snowmobilers violating the ordinance should be reported to feet of the roadway surface. On county or state
Otsego's law enforcement agency, the Wright County Sheriff at highways, operation is allowed in the bottom
763-682-1162. or outside slope of a ditch.
Otsego's ordinances can be viewed on the city website: Designated Area: Includes residential areas of A copy of the full ordinance is also the city. See map on page 4.
available at City Hall.
City snowplowing policy in effect
Otsego's snow removal policy is to begin plowing when clean up the shoulders, intersections, and cul-de-sacs.
the snow stops falling in snowfalls of two or more inches. Snowplowing and ice control operations can cause
Every effort will be made to have main routes plowed and property damage even under the best of circumstances and
sanded prior to morning or afternoon rush hour. Because of care on the part of the operators. Most types of damage are
different storm situations and severity levels, starting times to improvements in the city right-of-way which extends
may vary. It is the intent of the city to complete plowing, approximately 15 feet beyond the curb location. The intent
widening and sanding operations within 24 hours of the of the right-of-way is to provide room for snow storage,
time the snowfall ceases, but major blizzards may require utilities,boulevard trees and other city uses. However,
additional time. private mailboxes are also necessary in this area. These
After an extremely heavy must be installed with proper clearance for plows. (See
I 11
-t snowfall, main routes will be page 2.)The city will assume responsibility for
plowed first, followed by replacement for a mailbox damaged during plowing if it is
®i one pass to open determined that the plow made direct contact with a
— ---- :, residential streets mailbox that was properly placed and of a standard style.
.: �. i w i ;. ,; and cul-de-sacs, The city will not repair any damage to grass or seed or any
then return later to damage from gravel being pushed into yards.w..
City of Otsego
8899 Nashua Avenue NE
Otsego,MN 55330 I
(763)441-4414 Emergency ' ' ^i �'
Building Dept.:(763)-441-2593 �+ managementz
Fax(763)441-8823 We all have witnessed the hurricanes which devastated the gulf coast states. In Otsego,these NOTE S
Web natural disasters can come in many forms such as
ADMINISTRATION OFFICE HOURS tornados, floods or blizzards. In addition, major from the
Monday through Thursday
8:00 6:00 p.m. disasters such as train wrecks,plane crashes, and MAYOR
Fridays CLOSED explosions, accidental releases of hazardous
Monday through Thursday materials,pipeline leaks, and enemy attack pose a
8:00 6:00 p.m. potential threat to public health and safety. In by Mayor Larry Fournier
Fridays 8:00 noon recognition of these threats,the City Council is —la
CITY COUNCIL establishing an emergency management plan. This plan will ensure that preparations of
Mayor the citywill be adequate to deal with these disasters and to provide for basic health and
Larry Fournier9
Council Members security, and preserve the lives and property of the citizens of Otsego. The City Council
Vern Heidner will adopt Otsego's Emergency Management Plan on December 12, 2005.
Danica arber
Stock It's that time of theyear again and with the holidayseason here. I wish everyone a
Jessica Stockamp g rY
Mark Thorsted blessed and happy season, and let's make it our safest ever.,-,,,-,
Mike Robertson,City Administrator RESIDENTS' SNOW RESPONSIBILITIES
Judy Hudson,City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator Clear snow from mailboxes
Karee Rowell,Deputy Clerk
Kathy Grover,Bookkeeper Residents are responsible for clearing snow from around
Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor mailboxes to provide access for postal carriers. Mail will not be
Tim Rochel,Building Official delivered if the carrier is unable to get to your mailbox safely.
PLANNING&ZONING Mailboxes and newspaper tubes should be installed with enough
Richard Nichols,Chair
Pam Black,Vice Chair clearance to keep a snowplow's wing from hitting the box,45 to 47
Tom Darkenwald �L inches above street level and 36 inches back from the curb.
Tammie Fallon
Doug Hackman Trash and recycling placement -40'j
Jim Kolles
David Thompson On the day trash and recycling is picked up, receptacles should be
Troy Watring, 1st alternate placed at the end of driveways, but not on the surface of the street,
John Thelen,2nd alternate sidewalk or trail to obstruct traffic or snow removal.
Aaron Stritesky,Chair
Peter Torresani,Vice Chair . Keep snow off public roadway
Mike Brumm '' Minnesota law prohibits depositing snow on a public street from
Rose Cis Dura y 17 or blowing. Do not push snow across streets.
Virginia Duran s plowing, shoveling
Russ Langer — Ridges left can freeze and create a hazard for plows.
Kathryn Roberts
HERITAGE PRESERVATION Clear public sidewalks and hydrants
Ron Black,Chair
Property owners adjacent to a concrete public sidewalk are responsible for keeping
Jeannine S.Christensen
Carla Ransom sidewalks clear of snow, ice, dirt and debris. Sidewalks must be cleared within
Lilia Rousselet 12 hours of snow, ice, dirt or trash deposit. If the walk is not cleared within 12
Joy Swenson
Chris Wilson hours,the city may clear it and charge the expense to the property owner. Trails,
POLICE COMMISSION which are typically asphalt eight to 10 feet wide,will be cleared by the city.
Thomas Carter,Chair Residents are asked toplease clear snow from fire hydrants to facilitate
Philip Larson Y
Alvin McClure access in emergencies.
Sandra Michaelson
Edgar Pearsall
Jane Theisen,Vice Chair WINTER Winter parking rules
Rudy Thibodeau,Secretary NOPAARKING No parking is allowed on any public street from 2:00-6:00 a.m. from
2 00A
TO November to April in the city of Otsego to allow for night snow plowing
tai O �W operations. Also, after a snowfall of 2.5 inches or more, no parking is allowed
L� on any street until it has been plowed the full width of the paved surface.
The Otsego View is a bi-monthly These winter parking restrictions are in addition to the year round rule that
newsletter for the city of Otsego.
Jacquie Rognli,Editor limits parking on a public street to no more than 18 hours and that no trailers
Correspondence should be sent to or immobile vehicles can be parked on the street. w•,
s Otsego City Hall.
r;. Contains 50%recycled pre-
IF consumer materials.
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Hazardous winter crossings1,44
-N.b �, , ��
By Jacquie Rognli + = _ f
Since the Northern States Power(NSP,now Excel)nuclear , �_ w .
w... "
power plant began operation in 1971 upstream from Otsego in ,".�
Monticello,a solid freeze of the river is very rare today. -
Heated water from the plant is discharged back into the river N ,:
at temperatures up to five degrees warmer than when it enters •ii..,._ ., ..-
the 553 megawatt capacity boiler. Rope ferry on the Mississippi River at Red Wing,MN before 1895.
Before the Parrish Avenue bridge was constructed Minnesota Historical Society photo.
over the Mississippi River in 1906, several ferries November 24, 1903 "...The river is frozen over above and
operated between Otsego and Elk River,providing below the ferry and it's all open at the crossing. We'll
access to the town north of Otsego where people could probably have to cross with the boat the greater part of the
catch the daily train to Minneapolis or students could winter, unless the ice goes out again this fall.
attend high school. When the weather was cold enough ...Last Tuesday morning the anchor ice was running
in winter, a solid ice crossing might be possible, but not awfully thick and Vassar didn't want to take me across
without risk. Early Otsego and Elk River residents because it was dangerous. But I finally persuaded him to take
wishing to cross the river could be faced with thin ice, me over. We went up as far as the pier and tried to go across
log jams, low water with exposed rocks and anchor ice. in an open place. We got halfway over and that channel
A phenomenon called anchor ice can form in the river. ended so we had to turn back and rowed for shore.
When moving water gets super-cooled, ice crystals take Then we saw a nice open place. We hadn't gone over ten
shape in the water and then collect on the bottom. These feet when the ice closed in all around us and we couldn't do a
clump together and freeze to the sediment and rocks. thing, except float down with the ice. We had to keep the boat
This anchor ice is full of air pockets so it floats to the rocking to keep it from getting frozen solid. It was awfully
surface,pulling rocks and sediment with it. These cold in the middle of the river and there was some pretty cold
clumps then flow down stream. ice in the bottom of the boat to keep your feet warm with. We
Sally Anne Dare put together a collection of letters in a just calmly sat there for about three quarters of an hour
book,Anna,Letters From the Attic.' The letters were floating down stream.
written by her husband Charles Fournier Dare's mother, Burt Carr, who happened to be caught on our side of the
Anna Fournier of Otsego to Charles' father,Laurence river, wanted to take off his fur coat and let me have it but I
Albee Dare of Elk River from 1903 to 1907. Anna writes declared I wasn't very cold. Gracious Heavens!
to LAD(as she called him for his initials)about attending Finally, when we had reached the rapids, the ice happened to
high school in Elk River,going to church and dances in break away just where we were, and we started back for our
Dayton,social and family life of the time. shore. But I was determined to go to school!Just then there was
Anna's family farmed in Otsego where Otsego Waterfront a channel clear across that blessed river(I saw it too!)and
West is now located.The area was settled by French- Vassar rowed with all his might; we got there just in time before
Canadians,and French was the primary language spoken in it closed around us again. It was very thrilling;cold, too."2
her family's church, St.John the Baptist in Dayton. January 23, 1904 "1 came near getting drowned this morning.
Most interesting in the letters are her passing accounts Joe drove me across the river in a hand sled. He went so near
of the winter river crossings she was determined to make the edge of the water that the ice began to crack and crack
to attend school. and I rolled off. My heart stopped beating, and then it beat so
A large rectangular rope ferry connected Otsego and Elk fast again. Breathless."3
River for about fifty years,located just east of the current
Parrish Avenue bridge crossing.Mr.Vassar was the March 25, 1904 "Laurence, I disobeyed you. I risked going
ferryman when Anna made her river crossings.Parrish across the river yesterday. We were liable to go through
Avenue was a narrow path in some places,and Otsego anytime or any place. Pa walked near me so he could pull me
residents had to make their way through a heavily wooded out if I fell in. He had to carry me part of the way `cause
area said to be full of wolves to get to the ferrylanding. there was so much water on the ice. "4 ..w
' Dare,Sally Anne,Anna, Letters from the Attic.Elk River:DeForest press, 1996.
2 Pages 36-37.3Page 48.4Page 56.
Snowmobile restrictive area
Parts of Otsego, designated by the shaded areas on the map below, are subject to more restrictions on the
operation of snowmobiles, including:
• Operation only allowed on private property with owner's permission.
• Operation only allowed for travel to and from a residence to a trail.
• 10 mph speed limit.
• No snowmobiling allowed on Parrish Avenue from Park Avenue north to the Mississippi River.
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Otsego snowmobile club is active and ready for winter fun
Otsego Great River Riders L
Snowmobile Club is a fast growing ,. ,, 1°I
community organization that is
looking for Otsego residents that
enjoy the family sport of - ,. ^�
snowmobiling. ....
.The club plans to -11, , ' i 1-
provide education, safety and a '' `„ - !• _4;
'‘-z- OISE • 0
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vol. 16 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2005 Newsletter of the City of Otsego
City budget set for 2005
The 2005 city budget has been set by the Otsego City Expenditures are summarized in the chart in the
Council. Projected revenues are $2,189,572 balanced following categories:
with equally projected expenditures. General Government—Mayor and Council,
Some of the changes for 2005 include: administration, elections, finance, assessing, legal,
• A recreation program has been started with increased Planning Commission, plannerEDA, and City Hall.
funding for 2005. Public Safety—Police, Police Commission, and code
• Funding for an increase of eight police hours that enforcement.
were added in August 2004. . Public Works—Engineering, street lighting, street
• Dust control funding has been returned to the budget. maintenance, and animal control.
• More financial management time and a part time Community Services—Clean-up Month, park
bookkeeper have been added due to the growth of maintenance, recreation services and Heritage
1 city financial operations. Preservation.
• Park maintenance costs have increased due to the City revenues are obtained from property taxes
additional city parks that have been constructed. (projected to be $1,575,620), special assessments,
• An intern position has been added to assist with long licenses and permits, charges for services, interest on
range studies. investments and state aid.
• Planning and legal costs should be less in 2005 due to Copies of the complete city budget can be viewed at
the end of the Comprehensive Planning gProcess.
• No cost for elections in 2005. City Hall during regular business hours. ".,�
$678,63 $807,606 M $692,484
r:).:4 Amor': � .
„5�' t. $466,183 : 1'
r ,^ '''' vices,
. _ �`. $103,600
$46,666 ANNg/03611 .
� F
f ` Public works t , 4 , \, „i a, $6Q2484%, ,
* '#
General Public Safety Public Works Community
Government Services
m 2004 0 2005
City of Otsego
8899 Nashua Avenue NE
Otsego,MN 55330 , , �l , ,
(763)441-4414 State of our city 2005 ; yr 4
Building Dept.:(763)-441-2593
As the state of Minnesota continues to balance its
Fax budget by reducing (and in some cases eliminating)441 8823 NOTES
Web state aid to local governments, and with the
from the
continuously changing tax laws, it continues to be a
Monday through Thursday
8:00 6:00 p.m. providefunding real challenge to for all our needs and MAYOR
Fridays 8:00 noon to hold the line on taxes. The city's 2005 budget
CITY COUNCIL balances revenues against expenditures, and is the by Mayor Larry Fournier
Mayor product of the work of the City Council and city staff
Larry Fournier that began in August 2004. The 2005 budget has expected revenues of$2,189,572 and
Council Members
Vern Heidner projected expenditures of$2,189,572. The city of Otsego is committed to providing
Dan Scharber services to city residents and land owners in the most cost effective manner it can. This
Jessica Stockamp
Mark Thorsted budget meets these goals. The state of our city is very good.
CITY STAFF As we continue to develop, we must plan so it does not happen too quickly.
Mike Robertson,City Administrator Development, if done correctly,is a good thing. If it happens too fast, it outpaces our
Judy Hudson,City Clerk/Zoning
abilityto meet our transportation needs,provide schools,police protection,fire
Karee Rowell,Deputy Clerk protection and all the services we need. For this reason, I am going to ask the City
Kathy Grover,Bookkeeper
Brad Belair,Public Works Council to adopt a development plan which willspecify how quickly development can
Supervisor take place. This plan must specify in exact numbers how many new homes we want to
Tim Rochel,Building Official build in a calendar year. We need to plan and control development to keep Otsego a
PLANNING&ZONING great place to live.
Richard Nichols,Chair
Pam Black,Vice Chair
Tammie Fallon Meet Otsego's Public Works Supervisor: Brad Belair
Doug Hackman g p
Jim Kolles Public Works Supervisor
Steve Schuck ' Brad Belair started working
Tom Darkenwald,1st alternate CITY OFA for the city of Otsego in
Troy Watring,2°d alternate OTS �O ._. October 2004 after 21 years
Aaron Stritesky,Chairexperience in public works and
Mike Brumm,Vice Chair ON THE GREAT RIVER •.
Rose Cassady service,including 17 years as
Virginia Duran public works supervisor for the
Russ Langer city of Ham Lake. Belair said
Kathryn Roberts
Peter Torresani ..,---„ he chose to join the Otsego
HERITAGE PRESERVATION staff because of the excitement
Ron Black,Chair
Sharon Carter,Vice Chair of being part of a growing
Jeannine S.Christensen community. "I feel my skills
Carla Ransom I l'
Lilia Rousselet --- can meet the challenges the
JoySwenson '"��-- 4,,,,
, city of Otsego has to offer."
Chris Wilsonvi
POLICE COMMISSION If , .� He sees the challenge as being
Sandra Michaelson,Chairiiir ;' ---
Jane M.Bartheld,Secretary able to meet the maintenance
Thomas Carter,Vice Chair needs of a growing community
Tom Koerwitz and provide good quality
Philip Larson ,
Alvin McClure service.
Rudy Thibodeau ., Belair has found the City
O`er ��T T Council and staff all are
�/�/ committed to providing quality
The Otsego View is a bi monthlyservice for Otsego residents.
newsletter for the city of Otsego. , ' He has been very pleased with
Jacquie Rognli,Editor Otse o' good maintenance
Correspondence should be sent to f ' r s t.` g g
iiii_, Otsego City Hall. `°" staff and the warm welcome
Contains 50%recycled pre- ^"'
consumer materials. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair he has received from the
Wright County sesquicentennial ECf rim a
Wright County will celebrate its sesquicentennial (150th)
anniversary in 2005. A Sesquicentennial Committee has just formed - a ! i a
and will be planning ways for the entire county to celebrate this year. I
On February 20, 1855, the county of Wright was created and
approved by the Minnesota territorial legislature. The county is named after Silas Wright, a politician from
Orange County, New York. Organization of the county administration, surveying, school districts and road
construction made up the first year's business for the county commissioners.
The following early account of the beginning of Wright County is taken from History of the Upper
Mississippi Valley published in 1881 by Minnesota Historical Company.
"The name given the county was in honor of Hon. Silas Wright, a prominent New York politician of that
time, and was adopted as a compromise after a somewhat animated discussion. John McDonald, Sen., Archie
Downie and J. D. Taylor were appointed County Commissioners. Monticello was designated as the county seat,
and there the Board of Commissioners held their first meeting on the 9th of April, 1855, the first named
Commissioner [McDonald] being chosen as Chairman. John O. Haven was appointed Clerk of the board and
Register of Deeds; Herbert W. McCrory, Sheriff; William Creighton, District Attorney; James C. Beckman,
County Treasurer; Israel Heard,Judge of Probate; John O. Haven, County Surveyor; Row Braise, Coroner;
Selah Markham and Joseph Brown, Assessors."
At the second meeting of the board July 2, 1855, "the assessment roll was completed, and a tax of eleven
mills to the dollar levied on all taxable property. The assessed valuation, as shown by the completed and
corrected roll, was $33,863, on which a tax of$575.67 was levied, $84.66 of which was for school purposes.
The rolls were placed in the hands of Sheriff Walker for collection. . . The taxes collected in 1855, for county
and school purposes, amounted to $293.52."
•March 3, 1849—Territory of Minnesota created •May 11, 1858—Minnesota becomes the 32nd state
•July 31, 1852—First claim filed in Otsego in The Union
• February 20, 1855 —Wright County created • November 15, 1990—Otsego incorporates as a
{ •April 6, 1858—Otsego Township created when city�.
Wright County Board of Commissioners divides the
county into towns
CORNER Meeting set for Hwy 101 project LMINNESOTA
On Monday, March 14, 2005 at 5:00
Easter Egg Hunt
(1Z6.\ p.m. there will be an information meeting
,,,,yy The Park and Recreation 101
�\` at City Hall to review the Minnesota`"�i Commission will be holding aDepartment of Transportation (MNDOT)
children's Easter Egg Hunt on proposed Highway 101 improvement plan.
Saturday, March 19th in Otsego Prairie Park. The public is invited to attend. .
The egg hunt will be noon to 2:00 p.m. From
Pimi 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. there will be pictures 7Clean up Month
with the Easter Bunny where people can take pictures -41) 1The entire month of May has been
with the rabbit or purchase photo portraits. There will •/ set for Otsego Clean Up. In 2004, the
also be face painting. \� city implemented a program in partnership
Otsego Prairie Park is located behind Hall. ? r with Elk River Landfill where residents were
Anyone interested in volunteering should call Jessica able to bring junk for a special price during the
Stockamp (763-441-0020) or Peter Torresani (763- month of May. The program was so successful, that
241-9197). there will be a similar one for 2005. More details will
New park planned be in the next issue of The Otsego View and in the
Beaudry Meadows Park is planned for a 20-acre Star News closer to May. .
site near the west sewer plant..
_ Snow removal guidelines adopted
The curves. Stop sign and moderate volume intersections
/ I c
_7rwi Otsego are given second priority,then residential streets and
J City intersections.The city does not have the equipment or
, „ 0 4r Council financial resources to sand all streets end to end.
has Snow plowing and ice control operations can sometimes
approved an official Snow Plowing and Ice Control Policy cause property damage in the city right of way. The right
that provides clarification and guidelines for street of way extends approximately 15 feet beyond the curb and
maintenance in winter conditions. is intended to provide room for snow storage,utilities,
Snow removal and/or ice control operations will begin boulevard trees and other city uses.
when two inches or more of snow has fallen. Plowing will Mailboxes can be subject to damage from snow
begin as close as practical to the time snowfall ends, removal operations. The city will assume liability for
however, every effort will be made to have main routes damaged mailboxes only if it is determined the plow made
plowed and sanded prior to morning or afternoon rush direct contact with a mailbox that was properly placed and
hour. For storms of long duration,main routes will be in the standard style.
plowed and sanded when accumulation of ice or snow on A properly placed mailbox must be installed with the
roads becomes hazardous for driving. It is the intent of the bottom edge 45 to 47 inches above street level with the
city to complete plowing, widening and sanding post 36 inches back from the curb or front of the box and
operations within 24 hours of the time the snowfall ceases. securely fastened in the ground. If mailboxes are not
Major blizzards may require additional time. installed with the required clearances,the responsibility
After a light to normal snowfall,full width plowing and for repairing damage lies with the homeowner, not the
cul-de-sac cleanup will be done with the first pass. Public Works Department.The Department will only
However, after a heavy snowfall, main routes will be replace with standard boxes and posts.
plowed,followed by one pass to open residential streets The city will not repair any damage to grass or seed or
and cul-de-sacs. Most cul-de-sacs will be circled,leaving any damages from gravel being pushed into yards.
the bulk of the snow in the center,and then plowed Resident responsibility
completely after all roads are open. Residents are responsible for clearing their own
First priority for ice control and salt/sand application is driveways,clearing areas for trash cans and around
given to main routes,high volume intersections,hills and mailboxes and newspaper delivery tubes. These areas
4) must be cleared without depositing any snow in the street,
which is against Minnesota state law.Trash cans must not
PUBLIC SAFETY BITSbe placed on the street and there should not be any large
The Otsego Police Commission is looking into starting piles which obstruct vision of driveways.
a McGruff House program in the Otsego area. City parking ordinance prohibits parking on any city
A McGruff House is a temporary haven for children streets between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.November to
who find themselves in a frightening or dangerous April any day of the week.There is also no parking
situation. It might be a house, an apartment,a townhouse, allowed on the street after a snowfall of 2.5 inches or more
or a mobile home.A McGruff House participant agrees until after the street has been plowed from curb to curb or
to help children as they go to and from school and play in ditch to ditch.
complete Copies of the Snow Plowingand Ice Control
the neighborhood by: p
• Telephoning appropriate authorities if a child is lost, Policy are available at City Hall or on the city website
hurt or frightened or has a medical emergency. ("Ordinances."
• Reassuring frightened children.
• Reporting crimes and suspicious activities. CITY NI:METING a
A McGruff House Participant does not provide first MEETING DAYS TIME
aid(except in life-threatening situations); City Council 2nd&4th Mon. 6:30 pm
administer medications; supervise the neighborhood; Planning &Zoning 1S'&3 d Mon. 7:00 pm
enforce laws;provide food,beverages,or toilet
facilities;provide transportation;or Police Commission 2nd Tues. 7:00 pm
guarantee safety. Parks& Recreation 2nd Wed. 7:00 pm
t A volunteer would be someone who is Heritage Preservation 4th Thurs. 7:00 pm
•Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings.
home on a regular basis mornings and •To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed
` . afternoons,completes an application and forms&information 15 working days prior to meetings.
"r' submits to a background check.Contact •All meetings are open to the public. Please call City Hall to confirm times
M-GRUFF Jane Theisen(763-441-7059)for more if you plan to attend.
HOUSE information. •Agendas and minutes are available on the city's web site: ,