Winterr The TSEG It ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Vol. 14 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 Newsletter of the City of Otsego Stay back. Stay alive The Otsego maintenance department works hard to remove snow from traffic ways. For your safety and theirs,please observe caution b . m when plows are working. * Stay at least eight seconds or 50 feet behind a snowplow. * Remain alert. Snowplows generally move slower than other traffic (5-35 mph), and may be completely obscured at times by blowing snow and blizzard-like conditions. This is especially important when you see an area of blowing snow that could conceal a plow. * Don't drive through white out conditions caused by plowing -- of light snow or cross winds. * Be patient. Conditions will change so you can travel and pass safely. { * Don't travel beside a snowplow. They can be moved sideways after hitting drifts or cutting through snow pack. * Allow plenty of room when passing a snowplow. * Do not cut back into the lane ahead of the plow too quickly since the blade extends several feet ahead of the truck. A few things you can do to help us help you: * When it begins to snow,please remove all parked vehicles from the street. * Keep small children inside when snow equipment is operating in your neighborhood. * When setting garbage cans and recycling out for pickup,place them in the driveway rather than on the street. * Shovel out the fire hydrant near your home for public safety. * Do not plow snow across the roadway or put snow in the street. * Clear snow from around mailboxes for mail carriers. They will not deliver mail if the box is inaccessible. The mailbox owner assumes any risk from damages. Otsego's snow removal policy is to begin plowing when the snow stops falling on snowfalls of two or more inches. The most heavily used streets are plowed first. On all streets,the plows will make one pass initially to open the road for traffic Moved a sow*j =ox" and then return later to clean up the shoulders, intersections Edd �°" K"°"" j°"` HA, ® and cul-de-sacs. Please be patient. All streets will be Back Stop Narath Hare Satoh Fewstes Meda Khoo, Md Ret Erk Gisom Nene. cleared, and all problems will be responded to as Addcs( HtpUwwvec Otsego n n tandetasp7Type'MOTE&SEC4 F0.%0.C{30HE54ano9ffA6 CE, LI ()G. tiika m expeditiously as possible. oil EL`;: .i,ir.'er Road New web site launched be Otsego is happy to announce its new website which can C)tse• M _ be reached at www.ci.Otsego.mn.us. Home Welcome to our city website - The web site will contain a variety of information on city Agenda&Minutes This Ls a new website for the CO,of Otsego.We are ended about using this ado to services and upcoming events. Agendas and minutes for the communicate with Om residents,businesses,and wertors Ordinances City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission IThe City of Otsego will storeys store to provide up-to-date information on say services,meetings, Events and events.Check back often for updates on city news,upcoming city events,recent decisions meetings will be posted as they are approved. Visitors to dine City Council,and other areas of interest. New Resident Ito the site will soon be able to print commonly requested H you find there is information missing from our site or that d m hard to find,please contact Karee Mayor&Council Rowell in our Administration department al 763/441,4414 or send us an email a1 ordinances and maps. citahaltdci otseao.mn us Your comments are important to the continued development of this City Staff web'"e Please visit our site, look around, and let us know what m J you think.vw i City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego,MN 55330 , �,., ,, .; ;,, . (763)441- Economic development l Fax(763)441-8823 Email: el ci.Otsego.mn.us Year i n review NOTES Web Site::www.ci.Otsego.mn.us OFFICE HOURS MondayMangood things have happened in Otsego this through Thursday Y pp g from the 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. past year. In our emerging downtown area several v O Closed Fridays CITY COUNCIL g g new business have had their beginnings s - Embers M A Mayor family restaurant, a Holiday gas station and several i Larry Fournier Council Membersby MayorLarry other service businesses. In 2004 we will see more Fournier Vem Heidner business additions on the west and east side of '�= Dan Scharber Jerry Struthers Highway 101. A hotel, grocery store and movie theater are just a few of the new Virginia Wendel business I am hearing about. Construction of a sewer and water system on the west CITY STAFF Mike Robertson,City Administrator side of Otsego is proceeding as planned. This will attract new business to western Judy Hudson,City Clerk/Zoning Otsego and ensure we maintain our tax base by providing services to this area. Administrator Karee Rowell,Deputy Clerk Having a strong business tax base will ensure that we will keep Otsego's tax rates Dave Chase,Maintenance as low as possible. Supervisor Tim Rochel,Building Official Planning for this growth is a real challenge. Your City Council is doing a great Kathy Grover,Bookkeeper job creatingwell-planned citywe can all beproud of. As always,your Rick Knutson,Maintenance a panneY Sandy Lindenfelser,Secretary suggestions and comments are welcome and appreciated. Tami Loff,Receptionist With the holidayseason here, I wish everyone a blessed and happyseason this Don Mass,Maintenance Kenny Shierts,Maintenance year. Lets make it our safest ever. w, PLANNING&ZONING Richard Nichols,Chair Pam Black Ken Fry Otsego Police Commission Jim Kolles Steve Schuck,Vice Chair Carl Swenson David Thompson ,,,,,.. Doug Hackman,1St alternate Tammie Fallon,20,alternate "� Y PARKS&RECREATION Pauline Nelson,Chair - Rose Cassady r TerryLong ° Jesica Stckamp,Vice Chair " ,�_• r ,,� ., r i 41 Mark Thorstad ." j� ,, Peter Torresani f f HERITAGE PRESERVATION 'R Ron Black,Chair '; '-',-,7• 'i ' Sharon Carter,Vice Chair ,';., . ' .� Jeannine S.Christensen �'" K.Joel Coles •' , ( -,, Jean Schneider,Secretary Joy Swenson "` Chris Wilson , Y- POLICE COMMISSION ik it Sandra Michaelson,Chair , Jane M.Bartheld,Secretary t' I Irk Thomas Carter ,. Kathie Davis , Tom Koerwitra . Alvin McClure _i Rudy Thibodeau,Vice Chair LEFT TO RIGHT:Sandra Michaelson(Chair),Tom Koerwitz,Kathie Davis,Rudy Thibodeau,Jane M.Bartheld,Alvin misimoimi McClure,and Thomas Carter. VIEWThe duties and functions of the Otsego Police Commission are to develop a The Otsego View is the community citizen complaint procedure on matters regarding police services, promote newsletter for the city of Otsego. public interest in and an understanding of police work and to serve as a forum Jacquie Rognli,Editor for the citizens of Otsego to voice their opinions regarding community safety Correspondence should be sent to Otsego City Hall. and police services. This volunteer commission meets the second Tuesday of t « Containsconsumer 50°%o materialrecycled pre- the month at 7:30 p.m. The public is always invited to attend. "-,, O Snowmobile use Christmas S 0 ri CaI governed by . at the brick • • ordinance o house ig hug ht Snowmobiles may not operate closer The following account is excerpted from Life at the Brick House: than 300 feet from any residential area, 1911-1931, Edith(Kiichli)Kluge's reflections of her childhood on a except in coming and going from a farm in Otsego during the early 20th century. This little book is residence to a designated trail on the most direct route (or if the operator is on published by the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission and their own property or has the property available for sale at City Hall. owner's permission). The maximum "I remember Christmases; they were the happiest times we had. speed is 10 miles per hour in designated There was a big package that came by mail every year from Oma and residential areas. Snowmobiling is Opa Kiichli who lived in Minneapolis. We always waited to open it on prohibited from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Christmas Eve. Our tree was usually brought by Santa, but sometimes Sunday through Thursday and from 1:00 Ma and Pa would get it and Santa would put it up while Ralph and I a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on other days. helped our Pa in the barn and Ma"done up"the dishes. When we Snowmobiles may not operate on a came back in, our first question was"Has Santa come?" Then, paved walkway or walkway for somehow,Pa was late getting in and there would be some noise in the parlor. "Oh, he's here, he's here"we cried. Ma said"Wait, give Santa pedestrian use, such as a bike trail. They may not use the boulevard(which is the time." Then Pa came in the kitchen very innocently and said"I just 1 right of way between the curb and the saw Santa leave, let's see what's in the parlor." We all ran. There were property line). Where there are no curbs, lighted candles on the tree and gifts under it. We had strung popped they must be operated on the right hand corn to hang on the tree and also made paper chains to trim the ceiling side of the street within six feet of the in the dining room. These were made from paper cut in thin strips roadway. from an old wallpaper book. We had candy and nuts; we saved half for Operators should only be operating in New Years Day. residential areas while traveling to a Grandma Miller from International Falls mailed us homespun designated trail. The trail in Otsego is stockings and mittens, wreaths of pine boughs and popcorn balls. Trail 8 that goes from Mason Ave. and One year my father and brother were out hunting rabbits. In order to Co. Rd. 39 west to Monticello. Maps of climb a tree to look around better, my father engaged the safety catch area trails are usually available at and hung the tree. A twig must have caught the catch and unhooked it. As he was climbing, his knee bumped the gun and it went off. The businesses along the trails and at City Hall. shot went through his kneecap and into his instep. Pa got Ralph to help Property owners should not put him put on a tourniquet to control the bleeding. Then Pa used the gun obstacles in the way of snowmobiles, as as a crutch, leaned on Ralph and hobbled to the road. The met a man they can be a serious danger to who drove them into Elk River where they got help and went to the snowmobiles and motorists. Princeton hospital. That year at Christmas, Pa was in a wheelchair so k Snowmobilers violating the ordinance Ralph and I had to help the hired man do chores while Santa should be reported to the Wright County "sneaked" in, fixed the tree and left gifts.Naturally,Pa promised to Sheriff at 763- a e . Copies of the full ordinance are available at City Hall stay in the kitchen while Ma"done" dishes. When we came in from the barn, Pa said he thought he had heard a noise in the parlor. We during business hours. checked and sure enough, Santa had been there. Club for snowmobile families Somehow, no matter how poor we were, Christmas was always The Otsego Great River Riders club special. When I was in Elk River high school during the"great maintains 16 miles of the Wright County depression"I worked after school for$2.50 to $3.00 a week. Out of Trail system in Otsego and offers social fun that I paid room rent. Out of my earnings I bought candies,nuts and for families.Meetings are the 1st Tuesday gifts. That year I gave Ma a sugar bowl and cream pitcher. One year I of the month,all year,at Timothy's managed 3 or 4 gifts of about ten cents value each, wrapped them and Restaurant/Riverwood Conference Center mailed the package to a family in South Dakota. Years later,the at 7:30pm. Contact Jay Swanson for more mother told me that mine were the only Christmas gifts their children information(763-856-4201). had received that year." { O witiwimiwymmixissiam v Riverview Community Bank Riverview Community Bank President/Chief f r Executive Officer Duane Kropuenske envisioned a f' community bank founded on Christian values in the i 4: / ,: ! workplace. That bank opened in Otsego Waterfront West in March 2003. Since then their growth has been = ' e -=- " phenomenal according to Kropuenske,reaching their ' '4' d' three-year projection in only nine months. Kropuenske said Riverview provides individualized service and fills 1 �; the real need for an independent community bank. ;-` , C 11 + I Most of their customer base is within a 15-mile radius 11 c_(.. V BANK i ii: and includes many commercial loans to small and medium sized businesses. Riverview Community Bank is located at 9040 \ Quaday Ave. Other tenants in the building are Tier One ' d`l IN ° LLC, Safe harbor Retirement Solutions,American express Financial Advisors and Riverview Title Inc. 111* Riverview Community Bank is open Mon.to Fri. 8- 6:00, Sat. 8:30-noon. Drive up banking hours are Mon. Riverview Community Bank President and CEO Duane Kropuenske. to Fri. 7-7:00, Sat. 8:30-noon. 763-274-3200 www.riverviewcommunitybank.com. CORNER New City Hall staff ;� Sliding hill at Prairie Park Tami Loff joined the ��y When the snow comes, sliders can bring their sleds Otsego City Staff in to Otsego Prairie Park to use the sliding hill. The October. She serves as a ;, Cloilat CityHall,tionist Park and Recreation Commission is also optimistic receptionist ,. for the skating rink this winter. Prairie Park is located working in the just west of City Hall. afternoons. Tami has - ,, lived in Otsego with her Lily Pond Park is the new park planned for 2004. g It will be constructed on the northwest corner of family for a year and a "' "� , � 3 a°I Kadler Avenue and 101st Street. The park will be half and is really `= five acres in size with a park shelter, children's play enjoying getting to equipment,picnic tables,walking paths, a volleyball know her city. She • ;, court, a basketball court, and a small parking lot. Plans answers phones, greets - are available at City Hall for anyone who would like to visitors, answers 4 if 14'0 see them. These improvements will be totally funded questions and is there to , from park fees paid by new development. No property help. She likes working taxes are used. with people and is 1 '- happyto be utilizingher The Park and Recreation Commission also held Santa Day December 13 at City Hall for kids to get their computer skills. picture taken with Santa for a fee. . ;f J:� New hours added at City Hall CITY MTN EEZGl3 14' Beginning January 2004, City Hall will be open MEETING DAYS TIME Friday mornings, 8:00 a.m. to noon. City Council 2nd&4th Mon. 6:30 pm Planning&Zoning 1st&3rd Mon. 8:00 pm Police Commission 2nd Tues. 7:30 pm Parks&Recreation 2nd Wed. 7:00 pm Public transportation is available in Otsego Heritage Preservation 4th Thurs. 6:30 pm through Sherburne and Wright County Human •Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings. •To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed Services. RiverRider provides rides to Elk River fomes&information 15 working days prior to meetings. Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The *Official meeting notices are published in the Elk River Star News and posted at City Hall. fair is $1.00 per boarding with 24-hour notice or •All meeting are open to the public.Please call City Hall to confirm times if $1.50 for same day calls. Call 763-263-0101 or 800- you plan to attend. 821-9719 to schedule a ride. The GI ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD IEW Vol. 14 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2003 Newsletter of the City of Otsego City sets 2003 budget The Otsego City Council has set 2003 the city's 2003 budget. Revenues EXPENDITURES are projected to be $1,764,858 and SUMMARY expenditures are set at $1,713,124. Expenditures are in the following General categories which include these °' Government departments: $597,963 General Government—Mayor and Public Safety Council, administration, finance, $389,060 assessing, legal, Planning Community ervices commission, planner,EDA, City ' $71,371 Hall, Peavey House. Public Safety—Police, building inspection, code enforcement. Public Works—Engineering, street lighting, street maintenance, animal control. Community Services—Clean Up Day, River Rider Transportation, park maintenance, recreation 2002/2003 BUDGET EXPENDITURES services, Heritage Preservation. Comparing the city's 2002 and 2003 COMPARISON budgets, revenues are expected to 3684,,74 730 show an increase of $185,951 and $sso sea expenditures increase $128,433. The largest increase in expenditures can be found in the department of public safety. This is due to an additional $91,060 to be $389 060 2002 BUDGET spent on police service. • Copies of the complete citybudget $ 7,000 p p 2003 BUDGET can be viewed at Otsego City Hall during regular office hours. $71 371 $42561 IIII General Government Public Safety Public Works Community Services City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego,(763)4411)-44146 State of Our City 2003 5 `` ' :" -3`: n'' Fax(763)441-8823 Email:cityhall@ci.Otsego.mn.us What happened on September 11, 2001 continues NJ 0 1T E S OFFICE HOURS to affect our country in many ways. Our economy Monday through Thursday continues to be in a slow down mode. Many state from the 8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. governments are experiencing tight budgets due to A\0 R Closed Fridays p g M g g our economy. The State of Minnesota is dealing momiummiime CITY COUNCIL with these budget shortfalls now, and cities and by Mayor Larry Fournier Mayor LarrFournier townships will notice less state dollars coming their 44.— __ --d/_, Council Members way. Otsego relies less than ever before on funds Vern Heidner provided bythe state. While this means we must provide for those lost funds, it Dan Scharber p Jerry Struthers also means we have better control over the funding of our city's budget. Our city's Virginia Wendel budget is in excellent shape. Your City Council has done a good job spending our CITY STAFF tax dollars wisely. Mike Robertson,City The Otsego City Council has ordered construction of a second municipal waste Administrator Judy Hudson,City water treatment plant, collection system and water facilities to serve the areas Clerk/Zoning Administrator adjacent to Interstate 94 and bordering Albertville. All the required permits have Carol Olson,Deputy Clerk Dave Chase,Maintenance been obtained, and construction will begin this spring. We need to be able to Supervisor provide the infrastructure and services to support and manage the growth of this Rick Knutson,Maintenance Don Mass,Maintenance area. Having the ability to provide these services will protect and expand our tax Kenny Shierts,Maintenance base. Karee Rowell,Secretary Kathy Grover,Bookkeeper The State of Our City is very good! Sandy Lindenfelser, Receptionist PLANNING&ZONING New sewer plant to be built Richard Nichols,Chair Ken Fry Jim Kolles The city of Otsego has received a The city will start construction of the Steve Schuck permit from the Minnesota Pollution sewer plant this summer. It is expected Carl SwensonControl Agency(MPCA)to build a to take oneyear to be completed and to David Thompson g y P Christian Mbanefo sewer plant in western Otsego. The be operational in the summer of 2004. Pam Black,alternate plant will be constructed on 20 acres As with the sewer plant on the east side PARKS&RECREATION Jeff Bartheld located approximately half a mile north of Otsego, this will be paid for 100%by Rose Cassady of 70th Street and a quarter mile east of development. City policy remains Jim Gaikowski Terry Long County Road 19 (Labeaux Avenue). "Users Pay". Pauline Nelson Jessica Stockamp Police commission organizing Mark Thorstad 00 Peter Torresani The Otsego City Council has established a seven person Police Er HERITAGE PRESERVATION Commission. The Commission will serve as a forum to promote 000 Elaine Norin,Chair Joy Swenson,Vice Chair public interest in and an understanding of police work and will `tel Sharon Carter,Secretary Ron Black also serve as a forum for the Jeanine S.Christensen citizens of Otsego to voice CITY MEETINGS K.Joel Coles Jeanan Schneider opinionsregarding their re ardin MEETING DAYS TIME Chris Wilson community safety and City Council 2nd&4th Mon. 6:30 pm Ellmilmmmi police services. The city Planning &Zoning 1st&3rd Mon. 8:00 pm •_?oTco viEw will be accepting Parks& Recreation 2nd Wed. 7:00 pm The Otsego View is the applications from residents Heritage Preservation 4th Thurs. 6:30 pm community newsletter for the cityor business owners until • Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to of Otsego. meetings. Jacquie Rognli,Editor Thursday, February 27, • To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit Correspondence Otsego Cityo should sent 2003 at 5:00 l. p.m. at City completed forms&information 15 working days prior to meetings. Contains recycled Hall. Call CityHall to • Official meeting notices are published in the Elk River Star News and posted at City Hall. pre consumer materials. obtain an application. w., • Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend. 0 Otsego's native people • a By Jacquie Rognli I S ' ' °flea Long before white settlers arrived in Otsego in 1851, a E ancient people who built burial mounds occupied the land.These could be found around the lakes and along the banks of the Mississippi and Crow rivers when explorers first arrived,but most have since been destroyed. Body tattooing was common to both sexes. The Dakota were the people that met Father The Winnebago ranged over the entire tract of the Hennepin, Henry Schoolcraft and other early reservation, with villages in Wright County at Otsego, explorers. About the middle of the eighteenth century, Buffalo Lake and Rockford. the Ojibwe(Chippewa)had been migrating west from In 1853 there was a large encampment of the the Lake Superior region, forcing the Dakota from Winnebago on the west bank of the Mississippi River their forest homes at Mille Lacs to the country west of between the mouths of the Rum and Crow rivers. the Mississippi and south of the Crow Wing River. From an account in The Compendium of Plagues, Long warfare raged between the tribes. In 1772 and Politics, Disasters &Peoples, Places, Events To Be 1773 bloody battles between war parties of the two Used in the Teaching of Wright County History, "On nations were fought near the mouth of the Elk River. the west side of the Mississippi, about three miles Wright County and adjoining territory west and above Rum River, there was a large encampment of south of the Mississippi River was ceded by the Winnebago Indians, consisting of about one hundred Dakota with the treaties of Mendota and Traverse des lodges. These are constructed of oak bark, fastened by Sioux, signed in 1851 and approved in 1853. strips of buckskin over arched poles, resembling in the When John McDonald filed his land claim in shape of a covered wagon; they are about eight feet Otsego in 1851, becoming Wright County's first white high, and from ten to twenty feet long, according to settler, the Winnebago lived here. The Winnebago had the number of families to be accommodated. The lived on the south shore of Green Bay,Wisconsin for chiefs lodge in the center is much larger,and thousands of years until the settlement of that state in distinguished by the flags upon it,two British and two 1825. By 1840 they had ceded their Wisconsin land American colors. The shores are lined with canoes,and and agreed to move to Iowa. Prompted by Iowa the village extends an eighth of a mile along the river." statehood in 1846,the Winnebago were sent to the D. R. Farnham's 1880 History of Wright County Long Prairie(Crow Wing River) reserve in Minnesota says about early Otsego, "As this town was a part of in 1848 under a treaty signed in 1845. This was to be the Winnebago Reservation, some of them made their a buffer zone between the Dakota and Ojibwe, neither homes here for several years. Along the Mississippi of them enemies of the Winnebago. and on the small prairies many Indian houses or The clothing of the Winnebago was fringed teepees were built, and near the mouth of the Crow buckskin, frequently decorated with beautiful designs River there was quite a village with a trading post created from porcupine quills, feathers and beads. from 1851 to 1854." ,480----,4'oN ' Invitation to form Lions Club of Otsego Men and women interested in local as cleaning up an area park or as far-reaching as J 1' forming a Lions Club of Otsego are bringing sight to the world's blind,Lions clubs have �`n` '1'°~ beingsought. always embraced those committed to building a N / According to Lion Dick Wendel, brighter future for their community. "Through membership in a Lions Club,you perform Today with more than 44,600 clubs in 190 a valuable service to people not only in Otsego,but countries and geographical areas,Lions have throughout the world. It is a great place to develop expanded their focus to help meet the ever-increasing personal friendships and gain valuable leadership needs of our global community. skills." Lions programs are continually changing to meet According to the Lions International website, new needs and greater demands. The mission of the since 1917,Lions clubs have offered people the Lions is "We Serve." opportunity to give something back to their Interested people are asked to call Lion Dick communities. From involving members in projects as Wendel at 763-497-2392. O , Trails established for snowmobiles Sparse snowfall in the early part of this winter has left snowmobilers throughout the state in anticipation of a place to ride their machines. The city of Otsego has two designated snowmobile trails that connect to surrounding area trails in Wright, Sherburne and Hennepin counties. The trails provide a place for snowmobilers to ", .''Lk enjoy their sport without conflict with land owners and residential areas. e _ Snowmobile trails are marked with signs and state approved. Trails are set up and it maintained by local snowmobile clubs. The Otsego Great River Riders club has set £r� up the trails in Otsego. In cooperation with landowners, they decide where to put the -4.fi trails and then install the signs and run groomers to keep them smooth and remove -, STAY the signs at the end of the season. Maps of the Wright County trail system are ON available at City Hall and local businesses. TRAIL In the city of Otsego, snowmobiles may not operate closer than 300 feet from any residential area, except in coming and going from a residence to a designated trail on the most direct route(or if the operator is on their own property or has the property owner's permission). 4. Snowmobiles are not allowed on bike and pedestrian trails or on boulevards between the curb and the property line. Where there are no curbs, they must be operated on the right hand side of the street within six feet of the roadway. Property owners should not put obstacles in the way of snowmobiles. Snowmobilers violating the ordinance or properties with obstacles should be reported to the Wright County Sheriff at 763-682-1162. The Otsego Great River Riders(OGRR) snowmobile club is a group of concerned snowmobilers who join together to enjoy the sport in a safe manner. OGRR holds local club rides throughout the season and annual out of town rides. Their goals include safety awareness, trail maintenance and fun for the whole family. They meet the first Tuesday of every month, 7:30 p.m. at Timothy's at Riverwood Conference Center. For information, call Jay or Carol Swanson(763-856-4201)or Valerie Bock (763-241-1901). http://otsegosnow.hometead.com/home.html 0 � � C[TS'OF OT , G4 4". ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Q . : '• . .. ��. SNOWMOBILE .............. y, •• w •• .......... / 1 a Q TRAILS * < N ■■, II Hall z 85TH ST. IL I Q A 'Ti' , z p ` ■ Trail 8: 10 miles Ili > ie Trail 8A: 10 miles • ♦■ ■ VA ■ ■ ■ ■ ♦ Gill& lilh ��� ALE3g. J ■ a TVjw® LSm ®lidl 94 J4111)