Fall The It ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD NV Vol. 14 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2003 Newsletter of the City of Otsego -- .........,23.__ 2416--z.---Ee!_am.f, , -1' Olt ft. .S ' F 4M 7. i4vt 9Yec0 . e y . w. C 3 t 4.. . 1 T E r7 osc�* // r, ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD o� , , �yr/ * An estimated 2,000 people enjoyed the Otsego Festival Saturday, September 13 at Otsego Prairie ,.�. ` Park,up from last year. Activities included(clockwise i from bottom left)"The Godfather"visiting vendor '` `-� It " booths with Godfather's owner Rudy Thibodeau,games, food and craft vendors and community information .,. - °-... booths, and bucket truck rides from Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric. Below right: Committee Chair Rose Cassady watches people enjoying the festival. e Cassady is pleased with the turn out and thanks the many volunteers and sponsors, including committee members Lynne ,_ ,:, ,t; 4 -- Kasper, Kathy Roberts,Mark ' "" ._' Thorstad, Debbie Beauchane, ' 'I**,� ,` - Dixie Flom, Kathy Bandy, Kandi , � , _ Kath, Keith Raney, Diane :•� i 4 Comstock, and Sheri Olson. They `` - especially want to thank the major A1 ` - sponsors of the festival: Wright- ` Hennepin, Riverview Bank,First 44;I:' ,. _. . 0 National Bank, and The Bank of a IN Elk River. i Planning for 2004 has already 0 .� begun. Contact Cassady(763- { 4 441-8769)for more information. City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego,MN 55330 ,a;,, Fax(763)4414 City Budget 2004 ' ��,.�4 4 d 11 Email:cityhall@ci.Otsego.mn.us OFFICE HOURS The City Council has been working on the city's NOTES Monday through Thursday budget for 2004. Budget time is a process of balancing 8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. revenues with expenditures to provide the essential from the Closed Fridays services we need. Budget increases are usually MAYOR CITY COUNCIL Mayor determined by citizen input and the need to expand a Larry Fournier service. This year the Minnesota State Legislature, Council Members ,balancing their budget, created a difficult task for Ma or Fournier Vern Heidner by y Larry Dan Scharber many city governments. The Legislature did cut most of *.— ►_., Jerry Struthers the state aid money from our revenue budget, and at the Virginia Wendel same time put limits on how much our 2004 budget levy can increase to cover the need to CITY STAFF Mike Robertson,City Administrator expand services. In a growing city like Otsego, there is a need to expand some services to Judy Hudson,City Clerk/Zoning meet the needs of a larger population. The city must live within these state guidelines and Administrator the City Council will find ways to fund all our budget requirements. Areas which I see the Karee Rowell,Deputy Clerk Dave Chase,Maintenance City Council increasing funding for are, law enforcement and street maintenance. You Supervisor will be able to review your city budget anytime at Otsego City Hall or at our"Truth in Tim Rochel,Building Official Taxation"meetings in December 2003. Jody Bailey,Grover,Bookkeeper I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Otsego Festival committee for the Kathy Bookkeeper PP tY g Rick Knutson,Maintenance wonderful job they did in putting together Otsego's second festival celebration. It was Sandy Lindenfelser,Secretary even bigger and better than last year, with great reviews from everyone. Again,thank you Tauri Loff,Receptionist Don Mass,Maintenance so very much for a job well done. Kenny Shierts,Maintenance PLANNING ZONING Richard Nichols,Chair Otsego Park and Recreation Commission Pam Black Ken Fry Jim Kolles Steve Schuck J Carl Swenson David Thompson "' Doug Hackman, 1St altemate , vilti *It 400, ' Tammie Fallon,2nd alternate PARKS&RECREATIONS Rose Cassady , � Terry Long Pauline Nelson z 7 Jessica Stockamp Mark Thorstad Peter Torresani ,,,,;, , HERITAGE PRESERVATION Ron Black,Chair . �, Sharon Carter,Vice Chair Jeannine S.Christensen K.Joel Coles u. Jean Schneider,Secretary fin, if Joy Swenson - x Chris Wilson k'"'•r� r ` POLICE COMMISSION Sandra Michaelson,Chaira Jane M.Bartheld,Secretary ' . Thomas Carter Kathie Davis Tom Koerwitz Alvin McClure Rudy Thibodeau,Vice Chair (�70T MEW LEFT TO RIGHT:Terry Long,Jessica Stockamp, Peter Torresani, Rose Cassady Jeff Bartheld, Mark LL�� g0 Thorstad, Pauline Nelson. The Otsego View is the community The Park and Recreation Commission is composed of volunteer residents appointed newsletter for the city of Otsego. by the City Council to plan for parks, trails and recreation in the city. The Park and Jacquie Rognli,Editor Recreation Commission meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.The Correspondence should be sent to public is always welcome to attend.New members are currently being sought. Contact Otsego City Hall. way t% Contains 50%recycled pre- City Hall for an application. consumer materials. 0 Firearms ordinance Otsego History istorical revised Books Available 1 g h I i g hts As development expands in Otsego, so . has the zone designated for no discharge -,� of firearms. Firearms may not beR • ` discharged in populated areas of the city , • as designated in the Otsego Firearms Ordinance. Copies of the ordinance, which ,.. ` , includes a map indicating the no-discharge5,,,y.,...:.- zone, can be picked up at City Hall. • 4.4 Hunting is permitted in Otsego only "" ` outside the no-discharge zone so long as -.`* b no innocent party is endangered and must . } be at least 500 feet from all buildings ' _ ` unless the person owns the building or is ffi carrying written permission. Hunters must obey all Minnesota '"' - Department of Natural Resources hunting r, regulations. Permission must be granted � * before entering private land. Legal permission to enter private land or notification to stay off may only be given ._ 0 by the property owner, occupant or lessee. Otsego Historic Preservation Commission Chair Ron Black sold history books at the Otsego Festival.The Commission has published several books that are available for purchase at City Hall. OtsEgoc! àyce4-/ cees Prairie Park or o. MinnEsota Otsego Jayceesimprovements Spaghetti Dinner i� 1 popular This summer's $979,199 Friday, November 7 . park development project is 5-8:00 p.m. �, I. coming to a close in Otsego Elk River American Legion ., Prairie Park. Many residents 525 Railroad Drive - Elk River got a preview of the Adults - $5.50 in advance improvements at the Otsego $6.50 at door Festival in September and were Kids (ages 4-12)- $2.50 in advance , impressed with the quality of $3.50 at door I the facilities. 3 and under free I A playground structure has • Donations welcome for CAER food shelf. been completed for toddlers For more information about the newly and another for older children. organizing Otsego Jaycees,contact Andrea .«"- pik There is a black top skate park Willems, 763-443-5487 or Heather Kolstad, with ramps and two additional 763-565-8301. - ball fields have been added. A new parking area with a circular drop-off area brings i visitors close to the picnic t shelter. It is all framed with landscaping and plantings. w -,..z w.✓ O Remember the . 14 Embers? % e ;; When Michele Brandt - M , I 1, I A opened her Otsego Embers America restaurant in August, illtei i she had a vision of families �, '_ - ' coming to relax and enjoy r * C y t; agood food as they did when 1 x,; ' I _ t.. 41, '' Embers was founded in 1956. t - , A A She envisioned a"cheery - .� ` • "1 �- � r ' "' ""`1,146111"r"--- '=` atmosphere, friendly servers, -' . simple food, and an w 5 , ,' —.4.% , ""-/'"'rAirovr-" ,�r' < " �.r,-... atmosphere that makes people ibet, `'... 641 „: _, 1 r feel good."The fun decor is designed to give people a 4 I', _ feeling of home, with toys, games and living room �� `-/_ furniture from that era. It starts when customers are greeted at t,.. .....„Nt ,.... , \\---:, a counter mounted on a vintage bicycle and carries all the way t A / to the rest rooms. �� �, i Michele's Embers serves a blend of well-known Embers Owner Michele Brandt and General Manager Eric Brandenburg invite everyone to visit the food, like the Emburger and new Embers in Otsego to enjoy great food and a feeling of home. their famous pancakes, as well as some of Brandt's special recipes. The Miss Charlotte's raspberry chicken salad, the balsamic pear and pecan salad, Michele's stuffed French toast and her secret recipe prime rib on Saturdays are her most popular specialties. The restaurant also includes an ice cream counter with 12 Bridgeman's ice cream flavors and a scratch bakery featuring their popular Country Fair coffee cake. Michele's Embers is located at 9020 Quaday Avenue NE in the Otsego Waterfront West development. The restaurant is smoke free and open Monday to Thursday 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday until 11:00 p.m. and Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 763-274-1406. City staff changes Curfew law enforced Jody Bailey has joined the Otsego City Hall office Otsego's curfew ordinance, passed in 1996, sets a staff as a part time receptionist. Bailey finds the work daily curfew of 10 p.m.-5 a.m. for anyone under 18. interesting answering phones, helping people and she It is unlawful for any minor to be in any public place or on likes the computer work. the premises of an establishment in the city during curfew Former secretary Karee Rowell has been hired as hours unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Otsego Deputy Clerk, replacing the recently retired Minors violating the ordinance will be taken home Carol Olson. and placed in custody of his or her parents or guardians. For a first curfew offense, minors and parent- CITY- MEETZNGIIS guardians are both guilty of a petty misdemeanor and MEETING DAYS TIME face a fine not exceeding$75 or community service plus City Council 2°a&4th Mon. 6:30 pm prosecution costs. Planning&Zoning 1st&3rd Mon. 8:00 pm For second offenses within six months of a prior Parks&Recreation 2 na Wed. 7:00 pm conviction,parents-guardians are each guilty of a petty Heritage Preservation 4th Thurs. 6:30 pm misdemeanor. They could receive a fine of not more than •Submit City Council agenda items seven working days $200 or co9#nunity service and prosecution costs. prior to meetings. B u rni r>6g permits req u i red •To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit " completed forms&information 15 working days prior to (3 Burning permits are required for all but meetings. ( recreational fires three-feet in diameter or less or •Official meeting notices are published in the Elk River Star i r Kol approved burn barrels. Call City Hall to arrange News and posted at City Hall. (7'-- or a permit. Residents are reminded that yard •Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend. - waste can be composed or used for mulch.