Spring The
Vol. 13 MAY 2001 Newsletter of the City of Otsego
Clean-up Day set for May 5 i •Ns, 7---„,
Warmer weather brings on spring-cleaning for Otsego `,
homes and yards in Otsego. Many property owners
are amazed to find unwanted junk in their yards that Clean-up •Day w
was long forgotten while hidden under a blanket of4,
snow all winter. Faced with what to do with those Saturday, May 5, 2001
hard to dispose of items, residents look forward to the a.m. 1 p.m. A
city clean-up day.
The city of Otsego will hold its annual Clean-up Old Otsego City Hall
Day on Saturday, May 5, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 13474 NE 95th Street(Co. Rd. 39)
at the Old City Hall. The city has been offering this
service for residents since 1990. Water testing for nitrates No Charge
New this year: computer equipment will be Scrap metal No Charge
accepted and an earlier starting time. Free water (Tires MUST be removed from all bicycles.)
testing for nitrates will be available again this year. Vehicle batteries No Charge
Volunteers are needed to help with Clean-up Day. Used motor oil No Charge
Contact City Hall if you would like to help. Assorted refuse No Charge
1" Free water testingResidential Appliances $12 each
(No RV or commercial appliances.)
144 offered Residential air conditioners $15 each
On Clean-up Day, Saturday, May 5, Computer Equipment
a water-testing clinic will be held in the Monitors $15 each
0 Public Works Building next to the Old CPU (hard drives) $5 each
6 Otsego City Hall. Printers $5 each
Water samples will be analyzed on Box Springs/Mattresses $10 each
the spot. At the check-in point at Clean-up Day, have Other upholstery and items with springs $5 each
someone with you to take the sample into the Public Tires
Works Building to conduct the test while you are Average car tires $1 each
unloading your stuff. Results are usually available in Light truck tires $3 each
, five to ten minutes. Large truck tires $7 each
To collect your sample: Tractor tires $25 and up
1. Use a permanent marker to put your name on any
type of plastic bag. A clean jar may also be used. One pickup size load per household.
2. Run the water for five minutes before taking the
Not Accepted: Hazardous waste, brush,
sample. construction materials, household garbage,
3. Collect the water in the bag. Only 1/2 cup of water curbside recycling materials, RV
is needed. Do this within 24 hours of arriving and appliances, bicycles with tires.
keep it refrigerated until you leave home. The Bring proof of Otsego residency and your
water sample should be cool upon arrival. unwanted materials.
4. If you have water treatment equipment(other than We need volunteers!
a softener) it is recommended to take a sample
before and after your treatment equipment to Contact Otsego City Hall 441-4414
determine if your system is working properly.
City of Otsego
8899 Nashua Avenue NE
Otsego,MN 55330 Springtime i n Otsego . .. ' , �. . �'' �
(763)441-4414 / -
Fax(763)441-8823 NOTES
Email:cityhall@ci.Otsego.mn.us As I drive around Otsego, I see everyone busy
OFFICE HOURS cleaning and sprucing up their yards. Spring and
Monday through Thursday summer are wonderful seasons in Otsego. from the
8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.
Closed Fridays With the return of warm weather,many of us are A A A Y�R
CITY COUNCIL out and about jogging,walking and biking our city /
Fournier streets and trails. Let's make these activitiA es as safe as
Council Members we can for everyone. This is a great time to meet and by Mayor Larry Fournier
Suzanne M.S.Ackerman make new friends while enjoying our lovely city. 44'- -
Vern Heidner
Jerry Struthers As the warm weather returns,the city will continue to work on the road
Virginia Wendel construction projects which began last summer. These projects are: 80th Street east
CITY STAFF of County Road 19 and some final touches to Odean Avenue. The City Council
Mike Robertson,City �,
Administrator also considered rebuilding 85 Street from Page Avenue to Nashua Avenue during
Judy Hudson,City the summer of 2001. We did all the preliminary work, such as engineering studies
Cll Olson.surer
and cost projections, to see if it was feasible to do the project this construction
Carol Olson.Deputy Clerk p .1 � P .1
Dave Chase,Maintenance season. This project would be financed mostly by Minnesota State Aid (MSA) road
Rick Knutsonr Maintenance funds. After reviewing the city's MSA fund balance, it became clear we would
Don Mass,Maintenance have to wait at least one year to begin this project. The City Council expects to start
Kenny Shierts,Maintenance on the 85th Street project in 2003, thus allowing the MSA fund to grow with two
Karee Rowell,Secretary
Kathy Grover,Bookkeeper years' contributions from the State of Minnesota.
PLANNING&ZONING Clean-up Day this year in Otsego is May 5th. I am looking forward to seeing all
Carl Swenson,Chair of you there as we work together cleaning up our community.
Jim Koller
Patrick Moonen I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very enjoyable summer. Let's
Richard Nichols make it our safest summer yet.
Steve Schuck
Christian Mbanefo
Ken Fry,alternate
Eugene Goenner,alternate
David Thompson,alternate
Michael Day,Chair
Thomas Baillargeon it' ; �
Tom Constant ��� ' '1
Tony Faust .,,.
Jim Gaikowski ��
Terry Long
Pauline Nelson ,,$
LeRoy Lindenfelser,Chair q o...�.00 ,,�.,�, . .ars aarsarrs * vmcmmyA rq 'r
AstSteve Ackerman
z, [ --
Gabriel Davis .,. "' „ a _ .1 ,,i {, 1
Tom Koerwitz - �> : ,k,..„,...,„,,'
Vincent Peterson �" ,� w
Rudy Thibodeau ' �._,
Jon Zack
Joy Swenson,Chair '"11,
Sharon Carter
Arlene Nolen
Frieda Lobeck
Joan Nichols
Elaine Norin Precision Line expands
Norman Schwanbeck
Precision Line and Precision Line Motorsports moved into their new larger facility on
N.01.d,15 Highway 101 in Otsego last year. Precision Line makes mouse pads, outdoor
The Otsego View is the wearables and gear, embroidery services, and other promotional items. Precision Line
community newsletter for the city Motorsports carries apparel, sunglasses, parts, and accessories for off road
of Otsego.
Jacquie Rognli,Editor motorcycles, snowmobiles, and all terrain vehicles. They also now carry Oakley
Correspondence should be sent sunglasses and casual wear along with Fox, NoF.ear, Thor, and much more. They
to Otsego City Hall.
Contains 50%recycled invite you to stop in to see their ever-changing vintage mini bike and motorcycle
v';40 pre-consumer materials. collection. Open seven days a week. (763) 428-5905.
New developments in High water in Otsego
sewer district on hold
The Otsego City Council has
adopted an interim ordinance 0,4P
establishing a moratorium ons ,gam
residential subdivisions in the
sanitary sewer district.
It came to the council's attention
that the city's wastewater treatment
plant,which went into service in
2000,was already nearing the
capacity set for residential use. The
plant is currently able to handle 200
thousand gallons per day(GPD). The
city of Dayton has been allocated 40 m
thousand GPD,leaving 160 thousand 1.
GPD,or 640 residential equivalent
There are 644.6 RECs already
either connected or that have been
final platted. In addition,the city has
given preliminary approval to ,
several plats or is planning to assess In April, the Crow River flowed over County Road 36 (above) and the
property for sanitary sewer service
totaling 726 more RECs. There are Mississippi over Otsego County Park (below).
's' _ .+. ate" 1 #
also several new developments . : ;� "
which have submitted sketch plans , .. �� . Ti
and will be requesting sanitary "W-; e , '0 g'` , i' R
service in the near future totaling '`- .. ,_, '"illor ''— i ' 'S `. „
approximately 295 RECs. k
When plans were made for the ' 4I_ r 4i - It „_ ' '
14 a: aux
wastewater treatment plant, the 1 _ � ',,� 4 ' 1
city expressed an interest in a %.* / ,...11.
.,"q ' u
reserving 30% (60 thousand GPD .. i `<, _ t .. .F': >, .0
or 240 RECs) capacity of the ca aci for _� ' �1.1; 4� �,
commercial and industrial use to ' .
commercial `� .A a
attract businesses, which would '. , ' t ' t's� �
increase the city's tax base. The _ �, '
city has currently used 16.6 RECs `< �� �74:a :
and an additional 123 RECs have "
received approval and sketch plans h
received for an estimated 184
RECs for commercial and
industrial use.
The Otsego wastewater
Treatment Plant has a permit to
discharge 400 thousand GPD. The
City Council has approved
construction on the expansion to From the Editor—
double the current capacity to Since taking a leave from this position in 1999, I am very pleased
reach the permitted capacity. to return as editor of your city newsletter. I look forward to once
Completion is expected within two again reporting what's up in the great city of Otsego.
years. Jacquie Rognli
Septic pumping Burning permits RiverRider expands
recommended easily obtained ,-
o services
biannually A permit is needed to do an .; RiverRider Transit
open burn of piled brush and has added routes from Otsego to
Routine maintenance means vegetative fuels in the Albertville and St. Michael on
pumping sludge from on site septic , state of Minnesota. Mondays and Wednesdays. The
systems every one to three years. Permits are good for bus departs Otsego at 10:00 a.m.
Pumping services are required 4 10 days of burning and returns at 1:45 p.m. On
to remove solids through a from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 Tuesdays, RiverRider will take
maintenance hole, but older a.m. In Otsego,permits people from Otsego to Elk River,
systems often do not have a are issued at City Hall or can be departing at 10:00 a.m. and
manhole, only an inspection tube. obtained from a local fire warden. returning at 12:30 p.m. Service is
The service is obligated to inform Stop at City Hall or call during door-to-door,but must be
the property owner of this rule regular business hours 8:00 scheduled at least 24 hours in
requirement and educate the a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through advance.
owner why this is important. Thursday—to get a burning This service is available for
Pumpers are able to do a more permit written. City staff can everyone for any purpose.
thorough job of removing solids write the permit and will place it Grocery shopping, medical
through a maintenance hole and in the showcase outside if you are appointments, dining,visiting, or
are better able to assure that unable to get there during any transportation need can be
baffles remain in place. Property business hours. After hours, you met. To schedule a ride, call (763)
owners risk damage to their soil may contact one of the following 241-2970 or 1-800-821-9719. The
treatment system and the fire wardens: city of Otsego, Wright County
associated costs of an upgrade if Human Service, and the Minnesota
solids are not completely removed Ron Black 763-441-5255
from the tank and then move to 9467 Parkington Ave. NE Department of Transportation
support the RiverRider bus
the soil system causing permanent Norm Freske 763-441-2085 transportation program.
plugging and failure. 14228 62 dSt. NE
Enforcement actions will not be Larry Fournier 763-441-1240 Dogs must be
taken against pumpers who pump 16632 70th St. NE under control
through inspection pipes, but they Doug Lindenfelser 763-295-5881 Otsego's dog ordinance prohibits
are obligated to inform the property 95th
owner that their system does not 9364 St. NE loose dogs.Dogs must be on the
meet code requirements. Floyd Roden 763-497-2147 premises of the owner,confined,or
If a property owner 8337 Labeaux Ave. NE under control of a responsible
refuses to allow the Virginia Wendel 763-497-2392 person. The ordinance also prohibits
pumper tog vicious or destructive dogs.
p digupthe P 9357 65th St. NE Complaints regarding loose
manhole, the pumping It is illegal to burn oil, rubber,
service can still pump plastic, chemically treated dogs will be logged at City Hall.
through the inspection materials, painted or treated A warning letter will be sent to
the owner after the first complaint
tube,but must document
wood, hazardous waste, garbage, and Animal Control will be
their actions in case the Minnesota or other materials that produce notified and asked to attempt to
Pollution Control Agency excessive or noxious smoke.
(MPCA) receives a complaint. A burning permit is not dogs will the heldddfg. Impounded
This documentation could include required for an approved barrel fiveogs will be for a total n
an affidavit of their discussion or q pP days at the owner's expense.
burner 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. used A dog license is also required.
a signed statement by the property to burn vegetative fuels.
owner that they understand the No permit is required for a Spayedeliblor neutered dogs are
risks associated with not pumping recreational campfire not more Bring
for a ofrrabies license fee.
through the maintenance hole and than three feet in diameter and Bring proof rabies .
that the property owner accepts all three feet high that has the ground vaccination when
penalties that may be cleared of combustibles for five applying for a
administered by the MPCA. feet around it. . license at City ,®