Spring 'rhe O TSIE6O 'ENV vo ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD ) Newsletter of the city of Otsego Volume 11, April 2000 C tselia ee4n- hp 254y Clean-up Day will be held Saturday, May 6, 2000, Scrap Metal No Charge from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the old Otsego Town (Tires must be removed from all bicycles) Hall at 13474 NE 95th Street. The items to be accepted and their prices are listed at right. In addi Vehicle Batteries No Charge tion, for the first time this year, the city will be Used Motor Oil No Charge offering free testing for your well water. Those Assorted Refuse No Charge details are listed on page 2. We hope to see every Residential Appliances $12 each body on Clean-Up Day. (No RV or Commercial appliances) NOT ACCEPTED: Hazardous waste, brush, con- struction materials, household garbage, curbside Residential Air Conditioners $15 each recycling materials, and RV appliances. Box Springs/Mattresses $10 each Bring your unwanted materials and proof of Other Upholstery, Spring Items $ 5 each Otsego residency. One pickup size load per house- Average Size Tires $ 1 each hold will be accepted. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. Contact City Hall Light Truck Tires $ 2 each 441-4414 Tractor Tires $15 and up Development Update The city water system will be turned on for they ' first time in late April. The water is provided "" from two deep wells and controlled by.the city .,, water tower constructed just west of Hghway I,p � �N� 101 and County Road 37. °` _ , _ __ . _. ,,,,, """ Dennis Ulmer presents a check Y ,;,,.) °_ of over $300,000 �� f to Deputy Clerktii, �° _ ,� ` Judy Hudson and " Godfather's Pizza is nearing complet40 ion. Located just north City Administrator i of Tom Thumb and adjacent to FunCity at the intersection of Mike Robertson " �� /" county roads 39 and 42, Godfather's Pizza is scheduled to for sewer, water Nf and other Bevel- } ' open around the beginning of May. Godfather's Pizza is opment fees. 1' owned and operated by Rudy & Margaret Thibodeau, who are also the owners of FunCity. Godfather's will feature a full menu of pizzas along with a buffet and salad bar. Page 2 Newsletter of the city of Otsego HISTORICAL HIGHLIGHTS Gettingjob during a the "Great Depression" By Elaine Norin told they would call me if I qualified With unemployment so low now it for an interview. To my surprise, s , is difficult to understand how differ- they called the next day. After a long • ent things were in the 1930's. I grad- interview in which I had to promise uated from high school in 1935, dur- to stay two years if they trained me, ing the depth of the Depression. I was hired. Also, they did not hire Since I wanted to be a teacher, I married women and I had to state went to the University of Minnesota. that I did not plan to be married An aunt who was a teacher in within two years. Chicago paid most of my tuition. I I was hired and lived at home and traveled to and trained to be a "Service from the University by streetcar— Representative." I � � almost an hour each way. found I really liked the busi • - After I graduated in 1939, I tried to ness world. I had many different get a teaching job. City jobs required jobs with the company and stayed some previous experience and none 41 years! I was not even tempted to of the small towns paid enough to accept teaching jobs that became live on unless you had other finan- available during the World War II cial help. Since I had to make a liv- years. ing somehow, I heard that the tele- A few of the promotions in earlier phone company was a good place to years were to jobs previously held work, so I stood in a line a city by men, but the titles were changed block long in downtown and the pay was less. In later years, Minneapolis to apply at the company recognized equal pay Northwestern Bell. I filled out a for equal work. lengthy application form and was Well Water testing In conjunction with Otsego Clean-up Day on 3. The sample should only be about 1/2 a cup of Saturday, May 6, 2000, a water testing clinic will be water and should be collected within 24 hours of held at the same place and time in the Public Works the test. Keep the sample refrigerated until you garage. This water testing is for Otsego residents leave home. only. The water will be analyzed "on-the-spot" for 4. If you have water treatment equipment installed nitrates, and should only take about 10 minutes. (other than a softener), we recommend taking a sample "before" and "after" to determine if your For your water sample: system is working properly. 1. Run the water 5 minutes before taking the At the check-in point at Clean-up Day, have some- sample. one with you to take the sample into the Public 2. Use a Ziplock bag or clean jar for the sample, Works Building to conduct the test while you are and mark it with your name and address. If you unloading your "stuff." want to remain anonymous, you can use a code number. Newsletter of the city of Otsego Page 3 Feedlot ex ansion Electionjudges p & registration The City of Otsego will need election judges for the upcoming Primary (September 12, 2000) and air � � '� a�� �� General (November 7, 2000) elections. Any Otsego .r resident who is interested in serving as an election 444 ", judge for the City of Otsego please call City Hall at 441-4414 and talk with Elaine Beatty or Judy Hudson. We have morning, afternoon, or all-day :i.: hours available. 4 �� r c a Willi ��*;* ,f--. ...- le /4), `/ P' $.‘,.„.. ly LAttta _, � fry t. S =`' 4` „3, , The city has passed an ordinance allowing farmers � to expand their existing operations within Otsego. In � ` ` order to do this, farmers must register their feedlots with the city. The ordinance also provides that farm- ers who register their feedlots will receive larger set- backs around their farm, so that any proposed new residential developments must be located further away from them to minimize any problems with odor or noise. The ordinance provides a six-month window for farmers to receive these benefits, so reg- istrations need to be received by the end of October, 2000. If you want to register your feedlot or have 1 any questions, please call City Hall at 441-4414. C I ,, - 40 I S Both the Park & Recreation Commission and the Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission are looking for mem- bers. The Park & Recreation Commission is responsible for park plan- ning within Otsego along with managing the city's recreational events. The Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission is responsible for advising the City Council on economic development- related matters. Anyone interested in either commission should contact City Hall at 441-4414. Newsletter of the city of Otsego Volume 11, April 2000 CITY OF OTSEGOI �I 8899 Nashua Ave.NE Notes r ;< •� �� � Otsego,MN 55330 (612) 441-4414 Fax(612) 441-8823 Spriiijfiiiie ; o fSeo OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. As I drive around Otsego, I see late April. This project is partially Closed Fridays everyone busy cleaning and sprucing funded by a $1.2 million grant from CITY COUNCIL: up their yards. Spring and summer are the federal government. The project is Mayor such wonderful seasons in Otsego. anticipated to be completed in late Larry Fournier With the return of warm weather, summer. The work on 80th Street, Councilmembers many of us are out and about jogging, Mason Avenue, and 83rd Street will Suzanne M.S.Ackerman walking, and biking on our city also be started in late April and should Mark Berning Vern Heidner streets. Let's make these activities as finish in mid-summer. Virginia Wendel safe as we can for everyone. This is a I want to take this opportunity to CITY STAFF great time to meet and make new wish all of you a very enjoyable sum- Elaine Beatty, friends while enjoying our lovely city. mer. Let's make it our safest summer City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Mike Robertson, With spring comes road construc- yet. City Administrator tion. The Odean Avenue reconstruc- Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer tion project will continue, starting in Larry Fournier, Mayor Carol Olson,Secretary Dave Chase, Maintenance Supervisor Rick Knutson,Maintenance PLANNING&ZONING Carl Swenson,chair Jim Kolles REMINDER Patrick Moonen Arleen Nagel Richard Nichols Steve Schuck Christian Mbanefo Ken Fry,alternate Eugener,alternate CLEANUP DAY PARKSS&RECREATION Jeff Bartheld,chair Thomas Baillargeon Tom Constant Michael Day Tuet'Faust SATURDAYif Sue Kroll EDA ADVISORY LeRoy LDelser,chair MAY 6 2000 Davis Gabriel Davis \ „I Rudy Thibodeau l Vincent Peterson HERITAGE PRESERVATION 9. 00 A.M. ,vit,. �' • Ron Black,chairti Arlene Nolen Frieda Lobeck //%1 O OF J Joan Nichols 1 Elaine Norin . il Norman Schwanbeck . p Joy Swenson 2. 00 1 •M. Janet Bridgland,alternate SV C1 vTSEGO orv'nu:cagier arve:x aoeu -� The Otsego View i'�. _ �� is a community newsletter for the city of Otsego. �;r_�� V..,.. PD Correspondence should he / !%/�W— CON*a �� Ksent to Otsego City Hall. / ` , . I/ 1.� Contains 50%recycled pre-consumer material. •