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Newsletter of the city of Otsego Volume 11, September 2000
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The Primary Election will be held on merly held by Mark Berning). Any resident
Tuesday, September 12, 2000 and the General wishing to run for any of these offices must
Election will be held on Tuesday, November file with the City Clerk at Otsego City Hall.
7, 2000. Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to Filing begins on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at
8:00 p.m. All Otsego residents vote at Otsego 8:00 a.m. and runs until Tuesday, September
City Hall at 8899 Nashua Avenue NE. If any- 12, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. The filing fee is $2.00.
one has any election related questions, please There is no primary for Otsego City offices.
call Otsego City Hall at 441-4414. VOTER REGISTRATION INFORMATION
OTSEGO CITY OFFICES OPEN You are eligible to vote if you are 18 years
Otsego has three offices up for election— of age or older, a United States citizen, and a
the office of Mayor, currently held by Larry Minnesota resident for at least 20 days before
Fournier, and two Council seats currently held
by Virginia Wendel and Richard Nichols (for- Continued on Page 3
The City Council has approved Otsego's
first major cluster housing development.
Under the City's cluster housing ordi-
nance, at least half of the buildable land
of a development must be preserved as
open space. The development approved is
Mississippi Pines, which is located
between County Road 39 and the
Mississippi Riverjust west of Kadler
pP Mayor Larry Fournier happily accepts a check of
Avenue. The development will consist of $242,000 for sewer, water, park and other fees from
73 single family lots on 240 acres. The developer Dennis Backes for the Crimson Ponds
lots will each average a little over 1 acre 2nd Addition. There are 33 lots in that addition.
in size, with on-site well and septic sys-
tems. There will also be a 5 acre park located Phase of Crimson Ponds. This is a single
near the intersection of Kadler and 101st family home development with City sewer
Street. and water located west of Otsego Elementary
School. The 2nd phase consists of 33 lots,
The City Council also approved the 2nd and is owned by Dennis Backes. (Pictured)
Page 2 Newsletter of the city of Otsego
By Elaine Norin, Historic Preservation Commission
The 6th Annual Otsego Heritage Day will be held Sunday, October 8, 2000 at Otsego
City Hall from Noon until 4:00 p.m. Learn more about the early days in Otsego.
Reminisce with one another and meet Otsego neighbors. There will be a display of his-
toric pictures, maps, and other documents. There will be a light lunch, followed by a
short program. A new book is available: "THE HOLT DIARY - 1877 TO 1890." Will
Holt recorded a realistic story of life in Otsego during that period.
Over ten million dollars of construction that we are pushing the contractor to fix.
projects are nearing completion in the City 78th Street - 78th Street is complete
of Otsego. This is the largest amount of except for the second layer of blacktop,
public construction projects in the City's which will be done about the end of
history and it has been a big challenge to September.
manage all of them. An update on each
project follows. Water Tower - The water tower is com-
Odean Avenue - Odean should be re-
opened by Labor Day weekend with all of Pumphouse - The pumphouse is com-
the boulevard restoration completed by plete except for some minor restoration on
mid-September. The second layer of the site.
blacktop will be placed on the road in late Sewer Plant - The sewer plant is com-
September/early October. plete.
80th Street - The boulevards should be
restored and the mailboxes returned to
their homes within the next few weeks.
The second layer of blacktop will not be � � X11 .
placed on the road until next summer.
Sewer & Water - Sewer & Water trunk x• :
line installation is complete. Minor 1.11(,!', •
restoration problems remain which we are
ushin the contractor to fix.
Street Overlay - The Street Overlay pro-
ject is complete except for some ditch -
restoration and driveway apron problems ``
Newsletter of the city of Otsego Page 3
Election Information, continued from Page I
the election. You need to register if you just card mailed to you by the County Auditor.
became eligible to vote, moved, changed your 4) Someone who is already a registered
name, or haven't voted in the last four years.
voter in Otsego (in advance of election day)
You can register to vote on election day at who can vouch for you at the polling place.
City Hall. You will need proof of your identi- ABSENTEE VOTING
ty and the address where you live. One of the You can vote by absentee ballot if you are
following items can be used for proof: unable to vote in person on election day
1) A current Minnesota Driver's License, because you are:
Minnesota ID, Student ID, or learner's permit 1) Away from home.
with your current address.
2) One of the above with your former 2) Ill or disabled.
address and a current utility bill. You could 3) An election judge serving in another
also use another Photo ID such as a US pass- precinct.
port or US Military ID with a utility bill. The 4) Unable to go to the polling place due to a
utility bill must have your name, current religious holiday or belief.
address, and be due within 30 days of the
election. Utility bills can be gas, electric, To obtain an absentee ballot contact the
garbage, telephone, water, sewer, or cable tv. Wright County Auditor at 682-7578.
3) A "Notice of Ineffective Registration"
Councilmember Mark Berning resigned from
the City Council effective July 1, 2000
because he moved out of the City. Richard „'
Nichols was appointed to the final six months
of Mark Berning's term. Richard Nichols has
served on the Planning Commission for many
years and was appointed Vice-Chair of the
Commission for 2000.
Mayor Fournier welcomes Richard Nichols
to the City Council. Nichols was appointed
on July 10, 2000 to fill the last 6 months of
Mark Berning's council term.
The Heritage Preservation Commission is seeking new members. If you have an interest in
the history of Otsego and preservation of its heritage, please fill out an application at City Hall
or contact any member of the Commission. The activities of the Commission include historic
research, conducting oral history interviews, cataloging and displaying pictures and docu-
ments, writing for publication, and planning and producing programs for schools or Heritage
Newsletter of the city of Otsego Volume 11, September 2000
DtI� ?#$Otsegogo,,MN 55330
(763)441-4414 rli
Fax (763) 441-8823
OFFICE HOURS: The City Council has been working in the Public Works and
Mond8:00 aam,to 6:00 y through p.mrsday on Otsego's budget for 2001. As we Administrative budgets.
Closed Fridays reviewed our preliminary budget it These few changes plus the normal
CITY COUNCIL: became apparent that there are only a price increases for goods and services
Mayor few items which will need to have should translate into the City's goal of
Larry Fournier
Councilmembers increased funding for next year. providing the best possible services at
Suzanne M.S.Ackerman Budget increases are determined by the best possible cost. I expect the
Richard Nichols
Vern Heidner citizen input and the general need to City's portion of your tax bill to
Virginia Wendel expand some services. Citizen input remain about the same for next year.
CITY STAFF has suggested the need for more You will be able to review our City's
Elaine Beatty,
City Clerk/Zoning Administrator police hours, especially in the area of budget anytime at City Hall or at our
Mike Robertson, traffic control. I believe the City "Truth in Taxation" meetings in early
City Administrator
Judy Hudson, Council will increase the number of December. Your City Council is
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer hours the Wright County Sheriff's working hard to keep Otsego an
Carol Olson,Secretary
Dave Chase, Department patrols in our City. I affordable place to live.
Maintenance Supervisor believe there will be small increases
Rick Knutson,Maintenance
Don Mass,Maintenance
Karee Rowell,Secretary
Carl Swenson,chair EDAAC
Jim Kolles U
Patrick Moonen
Arleen Nagel
Steve Schuck
Christian Mbanefo
Ken Fry,alternate The Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission (EDAAC) is
Eugene Goenner,alternate
surveying the community to get an idea of what people's priorities are when
Jeff Bartheld,chair it comes to economic development.
Thomas Baillargeon
Tom Constant Please rank the following items in order 1 through 4 with 1 being assigned to
Michael Day theriorityou feel is the most important and 4 to the least important.
Tony Faust P Y p P
Sue Kroll Please return the survey to Otsego City Hall at 8899 Nashua Avenue NE. If
EDA ADVISORY City Hall is closed, you can put the survey inside the bulletin board located
LeRoy Lindenfelser,chair outside the front door of City Hall.
Gabriel Davis
Rudy inc Tnt Peterau
Vincent Peterson
Steve Ackerman (Focus on creating jobs in Otsego so people do
Tom Koerwitz
not have to commute as far to work)
Arlene Nolen
Frieda Lobeck (Focus on creating a larger and more
Joan Nichols diversified tax base to keep taxes down)
Elaine Norio
Norman Schwanbeck
(Focus on adding retail and services
,rr so people do not have to drive as far to shop)
The Otsego t iew
is a community newsletter for STAY A BEDROOM COMMUNITY
the city of Otsego.
Allipi, Correspondence should be (Don't add retail or industrial,
sent to Otsego City Hall. remain a bedroom community)
Contains 50%recycled pre-consumer material.
Newsletter of the city of Otsego Volume 11, October 2000
November 7, 2000
VOTERREGISTRATION must have your name, current address, and be due within 30
days of the election. Utility bills can be gas, electric,
INFORMATIONgarbage, telephone, water, sewer, or cable TV.
3) A "Notice of Ineffective Registration" card mailed to
You are eligible to vote if you are 18 years of age or older, you by the County Auditor.
a United States citizen, and a Minnesota resident for at least 4) Someone who is already a registered voter in Otsego (in
20 days before the election.You need to register if you just advance of election day) who can vouch for you at the
became eligible to vote, moved, changed your name, or polling place.
haven't voted in the last four years.
You can register to vote on election day at City Hall. You
will need proof of your identity and the address where you ELECTION INFORMATION
live. One of the following items can be used for proof:
1) A current Minnesota Driver's License, Minnesota ID, The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November
Student ID, or learner's permit with your current address. 7, 2000. Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. All
2)One of the above with your former address and a current Otsego residents vote at Otsego City Hall at 8899 Nashua
utility bill.You could also use another Photo ID such as a US Avenue NE. If anyone has any election-related questions,
passport or US Military ID with a utility bill. The utility bill please call Otsego City Hall at 441-4414.
Page 2 Newsletter of the city of Otsego
$ x
Though „,. , j,...,
.....,....... ..„4.1,_ ._:...,_::.......:......_ . _ ..
none of us want to think about it on .�,,•-•-••••----•-:....-••:-:• - -;-•-
these fine fall days, winter and snowplowing is ”""""""""'- '
unfortunately just around the corner. Otsego's .... .::# .-::::' ..,. ...._• ::�R:: �Y:;: :�:: :, :'_
snow policy is to begin plowing when ..d .. . .Eiumi"it"`°` ; """""
the snow stops fallingon snowfalls of two inch- • r:`: " •• ai
es or more. The Street Department plows the
most heavily used streets first. On all streets the
plows will make one pass initially to opal the .-• • • , r • ;0 t , ■� 11
road for traffic and then return later to clean up �:. •• :__
shoulders, intersections, and cul-de-sacs. Wright ~..
County is responsible for plowing County
Roads 39, 42, 371, and 36. 0 �d;\
* a a u
0 PI '
Residents should not park vesicles on th „ „ !
streets. Place garbage cans and recycling bins at •
the edge of your driveway rather th in the w f c• .'"'.
street. Drivers should always give plenty of •
o • i, J • , —_-
room to snowplows as blowing snow can . ,'' _ _..
obstruct the view of the operator. By following d
these guidelines, winter stormsinconveniences * _ .r,t� L
_ _ _ � -� > 1
and traffic hazards can be minimized.
The City has issued building permits for the construction IJJj\'JJE3 ERS
of 123 new single-family homes so far in 2000. 94 of those
homes are on the City sewer and water system and 29 have
private well and septic. In addition, the City has issued 148 WANTED .
other permits for additions, garages, decks, septic systems, •
commercial buildings, and other items.
The Park& Recreation Commission
... is seeking new members.The
—— -- Commission oversees planning and
14 development of new and existing
1 parks in Otsego and manages the
6 .• 4; recreation events put on by the City
of Otsego, namely the Haunted
House and Winterfest. If you are
9 ,, b.
x i ',/ interested in being involved in our
f recreation events or planning our
' - parks, please fill out an application at
s "• City Hall or contact any member of
the Commission.
Developer Jim Varuth of Pulte Homes presents a check of
$389,000 for sewer, water,park and other fees to City Clerk
Elaine Beatty for Prairie Creek 2nd Addition. This addi-
tion consists of 31 triplex homes.
Newsletter of the city of Otsego Page 3
City Clerk Elaine Beatty has announced her retirement '34r
effective at the end of the year. She and her husband, Jim d 4
plan to travel around the country in their RV and see the
sights. Elaine has been with the City since May, 1987. She
started as Deputy Clerk and was appointed City Clerk upon ,. ...
the retirement of long-time City Clerk Jerry Perrault in 1995. ,
There will be an open house for Elaine from 1:30 p.m. to %
5:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 21, 2000. Coffee and �'" " r s,� . .
cookies will be served, so stop by and wish her well.
../..,dv ..^. .,./
By Elaine Norin,
Historic Preservation Commission
The logo adopted by the City of Otsego features the "Great River Road." This title identifies a
route from the source of the Mississippi River in Itasca State Park to the point where it flows
into the Gulf of Mexico. The "Great River Road" in Otsego is known as County Road 39 and
County Road 42. This was the first Wright County road. It was established by the County Board
in 1855.
The original townsite of Otsego was located at the intersection of County Road 39 and Nashua
Avenue, approximately 1/2 mile north of City Hall. The original village consisted of about 400
acres and was platted in 1857. It once contained a school, post office, town hall, store, ferry
boat, sawmill, blacksmith shop, church, parsonage, campgrounds and a number of homes. The
only remaining buildings are the school, town hall, parsonage, and John McDonald house. The
McDonald house is historically significant, as he was the first permanent European settler in
The school, town hall, and McDonald house are owned by the City of Otsego. The Heritage
Preservation Commission is working to designate these buildings and grounds as an historic
preservation site. The buildings could be restored and landscaping and other improvements
could make this an attractive historic park on the "Great River Road." The Historic Preservation
Commission is currently looking for grants to fund this vision. Any assistance would be appreci-
Newsletter of the city of Otsego Volume 11, October 2000
8899 Ave. fl#tei
Otsego,MN 55330 141*ysr
Monday through Thursday By Mayor Larry Fournier
8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.
Closed Fridays
Larry Fournier
Councilmembers PRIVILEGE ,
Suzanne M.S.Ackerman
Richard Nichols
Vern Heidner
Virginia Wendel OR A DUTY
Elaine Beatty,
City Clerk/ZoningAdministrator
Mike Robertson, As we approach election day, November 7th, it is good to remember that
City Administrator
Judy Hudson, we have a duty, as good citizens, to vote for the candidates of our choice.
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Good government begins when we all become involved in the election
Carol Olson,Secretary
Dave Chase, process. I am always pleased to see how crowded City Hall is on election •
Maintenance Supervisor day. When we cast our ballot we ensure that we will always have this
Rick Knutson,Maintenance
Don Mass,Maintenance privilege.
Karee Rowell,Secretary
PLANNING&ZONING This year we will be electing candidates to national and state offices. It
Carl Swenson,chair takes a lot of time and effort learning about all of the candidates and then
Jim Kolles
Patrick Moonen making a decision who to vote for. City government touches our lives
Arleen Nagel much more directlythanotherof I everyone to
Steve Schuck any part government. urge
Christian Mbanefo participate in the City elections. Be sure to vote for the two City Council
Ken Fry,alternate seats and for the office of Mayor.
Eugene Goenner,alternate 1
PARKS&RECREATION I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a wonderful fall season.
Jeff Bartheld,chair
Thomas Baillargeon
Tom Constant
Michael Day
Tony Faust
Sue Kroll
LeRoy Lindenfelser,chair
Gabriel Davis
Rudy Thibodeau
Vincent Peterson
Steve Ackerman
Tom Koerwitz
Ron Black,chair
Arlene Holen
Frieda Lobeck
Joan Nichols
Elaine Norin
Norman Schwanbeck
Joy Swenson November 7, 2000
\.-41cur OF
off nx cx��,arvee Bn„o
The Otsego View
is a community newsletter for
the city of Otsego.
411.D' Correspondence should be
(?, sent to Otsego City Hall.
Contains 50%recycled pre-consumer material.