Winter • Newsletter of the city of Otsego Volume 10, December 1999 CI: !fl Y OSEGO NE '' '3023 ,':t,sday if 8:00 a-m-to 6:00 p.m. Closed Fridays CITY COUNCIL: III 7 Mayor Larry Fournier Councilmembers Suzanne M-S-Ackerman Mark Berning Vern Heidner Virginia Wendel / 1 A ildirig CITY STAFF Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ZoningAdministrator Michael Robertson to Otsego City Hall and the deputy will assistMike Robertson, City Administrator City Administrator you. Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer hough no one expects any major Y2K n addition to those deputies whose role is Carol Olson,Secretary computer problems, the Wright Countysolelyto provide emergency communica- ,' Dave Maintenance Sheriffs Department will be y for them. tion, Countywill have more than a full Maintenance Supervisor P ready Wright Rick Knutson,Maintenance On New Year's Eve, December 31, 1999, the complement of patrol officers out. Wright Wright County Sheriffs Office will have an County will maintain this extraordinary readi- PLANNING&ZONING officer stationed at Otsego City Hall starting in ness not only on New Year's E've and New Carl Swenson,chair jim Kollesthe earlyevening.That deputy will not respond Year's Day, but for as long is necessary Y after- Patrick Moonen to calls,but will be there solely for emergency wards. Arleen Nagel communication purposes. The deputy will be Richard Nichols in radio contact with the sheriffs office and he various utilities that serve Otsego will Steve Schuck with other deputies stationed throughout also have extra crews on dutyon New Christian Mbanefo P y Ken Fry,alternate Wright County. If you have an emergency and Year's Eve. Though they all feel that they are Eugene Goenner,alternate your telephone is not working, you can come Y2K compliant, they will be prepared to PARKS&RECREATION respond to any emergencies that arise. Jeff Bartheld,chair Thomas Baillargeont • Tom Constant 'Michael Day ,, Tony Faust Sue Kroll n1tsu tug •uPP ,• + " r • ... EDA ADVISORY . _ LeRoy Lindenfelser,chair Ots� O �•Steve Ackerman ` Gabriel Davis . Rudy Thibodeau -`, t, Vincent Peterson HERITAGE PRESERVATION ILes LG�ent ... =�. Ron Black,chair - Arlene Holen . • •'. :. Frieda Lobeck - Joan Nichols '/ . . ,, ' 7 1k ,� :I • Elaine Norin .#. - -' Norman Schwanbeck Joy Swenson " i : ` :_'u 09 0 U Janet Bridgland,alternate ,�l^' �, • .•.69,•• ���JJJ N/TIN CRUST 11V6110A0 '. �// ,�'� ...{Y `i'��., ' g (-1.te The'Otsego View _'_ •• 11 • is a community newsletter for the city of Otsego. Jacquie Rognli,Editoru O /�/y Correspondeenceashould be l� sent to Otsego City Hall. ��Contains 50%recycled pre-consumer material. :I 7,, The o EGO,....;....„401 .0 I t:',., °WI\ ON TILE GREAT RIVER RO' I Newsletter of the city of Otsego olumeMEM 10, December•1999 = YEAR- END UPDATEo. Mayor Larry Fournier and will be ready to serve new users in the spring. As you remember, s 1999 draws to a close, I City Council policy is only users 4 k __—:------------, i 4 would like to update you on will pay for sewer and water pro- , r = . _ theg ro ress of Otsego's summer 'jects. We will all benefit as Otsego x P construction projects. As many of attracts new businesses which will .. , \,li — you have observed, Otsego's new broaden our tax base. 1 water tower is now completed. The painting of the tower, inside andChe Odean Avenue reconstruc- amount of traffic accidents.The rest out, was finished on the 15th of tion project got off to a late of Odean Avenue will be recon- November. The wonderful fall start due to its state and federal structed next year. weather really helped this project. funding. The intersection of 85th `' :` The wastewater treatment plant is Street and Odean was completed ahead of schedule and will be corn- just before Thanksgiving and now .ith the holidays upon us, I wish everyone a safe,wonderful and pleted in the next few months. Both has turn lanes and is controlled by a blessed holiday season this year. of these projects have gone well four way stop sign to reduce the .. .:','-,' L , fik-r, 4- „, „.,„,,.,,, , �1 ,,., . ..,,, .,,,,,, ,,, r t , ::; 1 1 , .ii , P • During the winter there are many crashes involving Mn/DOT +SEE ORANGE.Snowplow operators are working to make snow removal equipment. Most of these crashes could have roads as safe as possible for you. been avoided if drivers would give the plow driver room to work safely. - - - _ _ +SEE ORANGE.STAY BACK-STAY ALIVE.Give plow CX-DC) _ - - operator room to work safely. -- •�� +Yield to snowplows.Do not pass.Snowplows exit frequently. - D/ _ _ + Slow down. Snowplows drive slower than posted speeds. + Never drive into a snow cloud. - TA BACK! +Be patient.Follow 8 seconds behind snowplows. STA E! .. STAY BACK! STAY ALIVE! afin + Stay alert.Test road surface before dri- ving. Black ice is invisible. For current road conditions call the 24-hour Statewide Road Condition Information Numbers: 1-800-542-0220 or 651-405-6030 + Never use cruise control. 1-800-657-3994 or 651-296-9930 (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf)