Winter The
Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 8, No. 6, December 1998
Construction begins on Otsego water tower
The Otsego City Council broke ground for the
city's new water tower. Construction has begun at the
site southwest of the intersection of County Road 37
and Highway 101.Installation of water lines will begin A.
in the spring with completion expected in fall of 1999. -- /
The tower will be the round golf ball type with a
capacity of 400,000 gallons. .-, 1
Groundbreaking for the new wastewater treatment'
plant should occur next spring as the city has received
the first of two permits required from the Minnesota i �-
Pollution Control Agency. w..r �� :
_ ,..- A .
* a Watei I III . ' 'r
City x 85TH S ®�l
a Tower
z Site ,..
X 01S — git I°
MIIV . \iii
Otsego City Councilmember Mark Berning, Mayor Larry
® Foamier, Councilmember Vern Heidner, Councilmember
ST.MICHAEL / / Virginia Wendell,and Councilmember Suzanne Ackerman break
ground for the city's new water tower.
I ` ®0
Special events require ermits
The Otsego City Council adopted an nature. These types of special events
ordinance in July 1998 which regulates would need to apply for a permit at least wellness Van
and establishes permit requirements for 30 days in advance.
special events. The purpose of the Permits are not required for corning to Otsego
ordinance is to ensure that events are non-commercial events held on private
conducted with sufficient consideration property, such as graduation or social The Wellness on Wheels(WOW)Van
for public safety, including sanitation parties. Other exemptions include will be at Tom Thumb in Otsego Monday,
and impact on parking and traffic in the special events sponsored and managed Jan.25 and Monday, Feb.22,2-6:00 p.m.
city. by the city of Otsego, funerals and The WOW Van can provide child and
Special events that require a permit funeral processions,or permanent places adult immunizations, pregnancy testing,
include outdoor gatherings of at least 50 of assembly such as school grounds, diabetes and blood pressure screening.
people assembled with a common places of worship, conference centers, Information is available about health
purpose for one hour or longer. These hotels, athletic fields, arenas, concerns, wellness, child development,
could include events such as concerts, auditoriums, or similar places used for parenting,pregnancy and family planning.
fairs, carnivals, circuses, parades, flea regularly established assembly purposes. Services are provided by Wright County
markets, marathons, walkathons, Copies of Ordinance No. 98-5 and Public Health. For appointments or
festivals, races, bicycle events, special event permit applications can be questions, call 612-682-7717 or
celebrations or other events of similar requested at City Hall.w.i 1-800-362-3667,ext. 7717...w
City of Otsego A friend indeed "
N8899 Nashua Ave. NE On November 10th, Otsego lost one of its most loyal OTES
Otsego, MN 55330 supporters,Ing Roskaft. Ing loved Otsego and he worked
(612) 441-4414 hard to help make Otsego a great place to live;Ing served from the
Fax (612)441-8823 wherever he could. His most notable service was the 20Y0R
OFFICE HOURS years he served on the Planning Commission as a member
Monday through Thursday and also several years as its chairperson. We will all miss
8:00 6:00 p.m. Ing. His hard work and dedication were an inspiration to
Closed Fridays us all. by Mayor Larry IE'ournwr
CITY COUNCIL As 1998 draws to a close, I would like to share with e— -400
Mayor you the status of some of Otsego's most important projects.Construction of our wastewater
Larry Foumier treatment plant has been slowed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's permitting
Councilmembers process. Otsego has received its environmental assessment worksheet permit. We expect
Suzanne M.S.Ackerman the final discharge permit to be granted early in 1999 and construction to begin shortly
Mark Berning thereafter.
Vern Heiden Construction of Otsego's water tower has alreadybe un. The site has been reared
Virginia Wendel g g p p
CITY STAFF and footings will be completed soon.Otsego's water tower is to be located on the southwest
Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/Zoning corner of Highway 101 and County Road 37.
Administrator The Odean Ave. reconstruction project is proceeding on schedule. As you remember,
Mike Robertson,City Administrator the project is funded by a$1.2 million grant from the Federal Government. The citywill
Judy Hudson,Deputy Clerk/Treasurer be holding public information meetings in 1999. Construction will begin in early summer.
Carol Olson,Secretary Everyone have a safe and wonderful holiday season.vw
Dave Chase,Maintenance Supervisor
Rick Knutson,Maintenance
Carl Swenson,chair
Eugene Goenner
Jim Kolles
Arleen Nagel ,
Richard Nichols a
Bruce Rask • o ,� h
Christian Mbanefo,alternateik r ��
a Ir
Jeff Bartheld,chairIll
Thomas Baillargeon
Torn Constant
Michael Day ow
Sue Kroll ....
Nicole Martin ;'
Ted ,,,,,A..,, „
Bill Olson,second alternate R �•
Wally Odell,chair
Steve Ackerman
Gabriel Davis ,
LeRoy Lindenfelsert
` i
Rudy Thibodeau -
Vincent Peterson �" �<
Liz Wilder '
Ron Black,chair Brunch at Timothy's is a Sunday delight
Arlene Nolen Timothy's at Riverwood is known for its great food and fine dining atmosphere.
Frieda Lobeck The full service restaurant offers an extensive menu of appetizers,homemade soups,
Joan Nichols fresh market salads,sandwiches,burgers,and pizza as well as a flavorful selection of
Elaine Noc seafood, steak, chicken, and pasta entrees and delightful desserts. The setting is the
Schwanbeck beautifully landscaped and tastefully decorated Riverwood Conference Center.
Jaet Bridgland,alternate In this photo,Charity, Dan, Denelle,and Melissa are ready for the popular brunch
rcbuffet that Timothy's serves Sundays beginning at 9:00 a.m. The Sunday buffet
N-ao VIEW includes fresh fruit,juices, pastries, potatoes, eggs, and much more. An omelet chef
is ready to expertly prepare your omelet as ordered.The Sunday brunch buffet is$8.95
The Otsego View is a community for adults, $5.95 for children age 12 and under and free for children under age 4.
newsletter for the city of Otsego Timothy's at Riverwood features buffet dinner for special occasions such as New
Jacquie Rognli,Editor Year's Eve and also has a full service bar.
Correspondence should be sent to
Otsego City Hall. Lunch is served Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and dinner is
Contains 50%recycled served Monday through Sunday 5-9:00 p.m. Call 441-4235 for reservations or more
"is pre-consumer material information. Timothy's at Riverwood is located at 10990 NE 95th Street at the
intersection of County Road 39 and County Road 19 in Otsego. vw
ildilAiiimAillimillimi •liiiiii
Dedicated Otsego Christmas Memories
citizen passes by Elaine Norin
Ingolf"Ing" How was Christmas celebrated in the early Ist01"Ica1
Roskaft, 86, days of Otsego? JUINhlights
died November � Edith (Kiichli) Kluge, who lived here from
10. Ing was a 1901 to 1931 tells us:
founding "I remember Christmases; they were the happiest times we had. There was a
member of • .M ' big package that came by mail every year from Oma (Grandmother) and Opa
Otsego's `,, (Grandfather)Kiichli who lived in Minneapolis.There were lighted candles on the
Planning •i tree ... we strung popcorn to hang on the tree and made paper chains to trim the
Commission ceiling in the dining room.These were made from paper cut in thin strips from an
and served on old wallpaper book. We had candy and nuts. We saved half for New Years Day.
the commission * E Grandma Miller sent us homespun stockings and mittens,wreaths of pine boughs
for 20 years. He and popcorn balls.Somehow,no matter how poor we were,Christmas was always
I was always very special. When I was in Elk River High School during the Great Depression, I
proud that he worked after school for$2.50 to$3.00 a week. One year I gave Ma a sugar bowl
was the one and cream pitcher and managed to send some children some gifts of about ten cents
who made the Ingolf"Ing"Roskaft value each.Years later,the mother told me mine were the only Christmas gifts their
motion for children had received that year."
Otsego to become a city at the 1989 annual Eleanor(Cooley)Rue told us:
township meeting. Ing served on the "The annual Lily Pond grade school Christmas programs were held at the Lily
{ Wright County Planning and Zoning Pond church."
Commission from 1983 to 1995,played a The following are brief excerpts from "A Minnesota Christmas" edited by
major role in the development of the Elk Stephen E. Engels:
River Count Club was a life member of "I remember practicing for our Christmas program from Thanksgiving on. It
the Wright County Historical Society, was a thrill to get a box of three pencils from the teacher."
served on the Otsego City Hall Building "We had a Christmas program for our parents...sang carols,and had recitations
Committee and the Otsego/Albertville appropriate to the season. Teachers gave a gift to each child and received one in
Consolidation Committee. He was named return.
first runner up for 1998 Wright County "A week or so before Christmas was the program at our church;the high point
Outstanding Senior Citizen. Ing is survived of the Yuletide season."
by his wife of 62 years,Olga"011ie" "Gifts were candy, popcorn balls, nuts, mittens, books, caps, apples, and one
(Olson)Roskaft.They moved to Otsego in year a game of checkers."
1947 from Minneapolis. Ing was a "At early candlelight, bells began to ring as horse-drawn sleighs and cutters
conductor for the Pullman Company until approached the celebration."
"We pasted paper cut-out snowflakes on windows for decorations."
1968. Ings railroad stories and proud
service to the community will be missed in What a contrast to today's observance!�,w
Otsego. ...
Snowmobile operation regulated
� \
Otsego's recreational motor vehicle highway or on the right of way between
ordinance regulates snowmobile operation opposing lanes of traffic. In the platted �^ �
in residential areas of the city. areas of Otsego, they may only travel / yr...
Snowmobiles in Otsego must stay 300 feet single file on the most right hand lane as �� /'
from residential areas except when coming close as possible to the curb or edge of the 1... .----..----\
and going from a residence to a designated road, except when passing a stopped L
trail by the most direct route. They must vehicle,on city residential streets.
stay 100 feet from pedestrians, skating The speed limit for snowmobiles is 10 In an effort to deter snowmobiles,
rinks,or sliding areas where operation may miles per hour in the platted areas. They property owners have been known to erect
conflict or endanger others. Snowmobiles must not create loud or unnecessary noise barriers in the right of way in front of their
cannot use walkways or boulevards and are which disturbs others. They can not be homes.However,property owners need to
prohibited from school and public grounds, operated 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Sunday keep the right of way free of obstacles.
including the city and county parks. through Thursday or afterl:00 a.m.Fridays Minnesota Statue 160.27 prohibits fences,
Operators must have permission for use on and Saturdays or the day before a national buildings, or any structure on a roadway,
private property. holiday. including the right of way. On most roads
Snowmobiles are prohibited from the Operation in rural areas is governed by in Otsego,the right of way extends 33 feet
roadway,shoulder,and bank closest to the state trespass laws. from the center of the road. ..,w
house of any trunk, state, or county
I 3
planting . ,
started A*
t, t„, ,i„
The extended ,
season of warmer weather this fall made 1 `. •�r ,.
it possible for work to begin on Highway 1t� ' i
101 landscaping. Soil preparation and fI
layout were done in November to get
ready for spring planting of trees and
shrubs along the highway corridor. .
According to Minnesota Department ' . g, t R
of Transportation (MnDOT) Design
Engineer Timothy Johnson, the t � � ,
$327,000 landscaping project is part of
the total corridor construction plan. .
Planting will be done on both sides of the r
highway and at the intersections with ,.
Highway 10 and Interstate 94.
fo I , .-,,
Eileen Jordahl did the landscape . ,.=
design and the contract has been awarded , , . ' wr'
to Minnesota Valley Landscape.Planting SS
should be completed by June 1999. Scary Stuff
Included in the planting will be 79 Tom Constant,Otsego Park and Recreation Commission member,and three of
four-foot coniferous trees. 500 his friends participated in the Otsego Haunted House in October.There were 729
deciduous tree seedlings, 33 container visitors to the haunted house and 61 families attended the hay ride. The
and 335 deciduous trees in sizes commission's next planned event will be Winter Fest on Jan. 23. v..../
specified from one to two inches in Snow removal season underway
diameter. There will also be ornamental
trees planted: 23 six-foot tall, 49 one- The Otsego Maintenance Department The city is not responsible for
inch diameter,and nine container grown. is responsible for snow removal on city replacement of mailboxes or other items
In addition, 410 one foot deciduous streets. Wright County maintains all the in the right of way.Residents should keep
shrubs will be planted. ,w county roads in the city. Otsego's snow access to their mailbox clear. The postal
removal policy is to begin plowing when service will not deliver to obstructed
Planning & Zoning it stops snowing. The maintenance boxes.
department has a system of plowing the Residents should not park vehicles on
changes meetings most heavily used streets first.The plows the streets. Place garbage cans and
The Otsego Planning and Zoning try to make one pass on all roads initially, recycling bins in driveways instead of in
Commission is changing its meetings to then return later to clean up shoulders, the street. Drivers should always give
the first and third Monday of the month intersections,and cul de sacs. plenty of room to plows as blowing snow
at 8:00 p.m. beginning in January 1999. obstructs the view of the operator. ..A.A..,
The publicard is twelcov to attend CITY MEETINGS
these and all city meetings.vv..)
City Election Results MEETING DAYS TIME
City Council 2nd&4th Mondays 6:30 p.m.
City Council Planning&Zoning Commission 1st&3rd Mondays 8:00 p.m.
Suzanne S.Ackerman 1,111 29% Parks&Rec Commission 2nd Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Vern Heidner 1,008 26% EDA Advisory Commission 3rd Monday 7:00 p.m.
Paul Johnson 965 25% Heritage Preservation Commission 4th Thursday 7:00 p.m.
Bruce A. Raider 749 20% • Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings.
Referendum toermit Sundayliquor p • To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms&information 15 working days prior
sales in restaurants: to meetings.
Yes 1,827 74% No 626 26% •
Official meeting notices are published in the Elk River Star News and posted at City Hall.
u`A`i • Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend.
Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 8, No. 1, January 1998
City finances 1997/98 budgets
This edition of The Otsego View is dedicated to city finances,coveringing the 1'
1998 budget and your property taxes. Thank you to Gary Groen, Otsego's Following is a listing of the 1997
accountant. who provided information for this issue. More detailed financial and 1998 general fund budgets.
information and copies of the budget are available at City Hall during regular Actual 1997 revenues and
office hours, Monday through Thursdays, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ..A..A.d expenditures are running very close
to the budget amounts.
1998 Estimated Revenues General Fund
Esti mated Revenue
Source 1997 1998
Budget Budget
Property Property Taxes
Taxes Property Taxes $ 722,758 $ 761,505
61% Business License 7,000 7,000
Dog License 100 100
Other Sources Building Permits 50,000 50,000
Septic Permits 2,750 2,750
Wetland Review 700 700
Weight Permits 50 50
State ' Charges for Total 15,600 15,600
Intergovernmental �' services Intergovt'l Aid
Aid 2% Local Govt.Aid 101,805 112,547
Rentals 1% 2g% Homestead Credit 140,276 146,855
Licenses & Permits 5% Local Perform.Aid 6,896 8,471
Recycling Grant 3,000 3,000
Police Aid 8,000 8,000
MSA Maintenance 77,000 74,000
1998 Appropriations Budget Other Storm relief -
Total 336,977 352,873
ByDepartment Charges for Services
p General 5,000 5,000
_ CUP/Variance 2,500 2,500
�-___ Subdivision 1,000 1,000
Community Rec. 1% --,'- Zone/Ordinance 1,000 1,000
Recycling 3% ' General Assessment/Septic 2,100 2,100
Government* Streets 1,100 1,100
Other Uses** 5% \ 37% Maps/copies 500 500
Topo Sales 2,500 2,500
--,,- Street Lighting Recreation Fees 2,575 2,575
1% Total 18,275 18,275
Street Legal 3% Old Hall/House Rent 9,300 9,300
Maintenance City Hall Rent 5,000 5,000
31% Police /Planner 4% Total 14,300 14,300
$% Park Maintenance Other Sources
1% Special Assess. - -
Interest Earnings 10,000 18,000
Building Inspection 2%
' Franchise fees 7,100 7,100
600 600
*General Government includes: Engineering 4% Clean Up Day 300 300
Mayor&City Council, Refunds&Reimb.
Administration, Finance, Total 18,000 26,000
Assessing, City Hall. Total Revenue $1,170,910 $1,233,553
**Other uses includes: Heritage Preservation, Capital Outlay, Other.
Budget Comparison to page 4
City of Otsego 'I , a F
State of our city
8899 Nashua Ave. NE Our city budget is in excellent shape.Your city council NOTES
Otsego, MN 55330 has done an outstanding job spending our tax dollars
wisely. Our bonded indebtedness is well below the from t1ie
(612) 441-4414 average for other cities.Our city finances are in very good
Fax (612) 441-8823 shape.
The city council has determined it will go ahead with
the sewer and water project.This project will be paid for
Monday through Thursday Ion,-by Mayor LarFournier
8:00 6:00 p.m. by the users and will lower our tax rates as we broaden _ __ Q
Closed Fridays our tax base with new commercial and industrial businesses.
CITY COUNCIL A city administrator was hired to oversee the increasingly complex city operations and
Mayor will report directly to the city council.
Larry Fournier city adopted maintainingcity The do ted a Road Maintenance Plan which directs streets in an
Suzanne M.S.Ackerman orderly and timely manner which will ensure the most economical use of our road
Mark Berning maintenance tax dollars and provide safe streets for all of us.
Vem Heidner With the city's direction defined by the sewer and water decision,the city council has
Virginia Wendel ordered an update and review of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.This will be followed
Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/Zoning by a public hearing and adoption some time in July.
Administrator The city applied for and received a very valuable grant to rebuild Odean Avenue.This
Mike Robertson,City Administrator project will be 80 percent financed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and 20
Judy Hudson,Deputy Clerk/Treasurer percent financed by Minnesota State Aid road funds. This will save Otsego tax payers
l f
Carol Olson,Sec
retary thousands of dollars or a new
Dave Chase,Maintenance Supervisor y rebuilt Odean Avenue.
Brad Kelash,Maintenance In 1997 decisions were made which will help ensure Otsego will continue to be a great
Rick Knutson,Maintenance place to live and a city we can all be proud of.wv
Carl Swenson,chair
Eugene Goenner
Jim Kolles Residential
Arleen Nagel 75.1%
Richard Nichols
Bruce Rask Estimated Tax Capacity
PARKS&RECREATION Sources for Otsego
Jeff Bartheld,chair
Thomas Baillargeon 1998
Tom Constant
Teri Kohler 0
Sue Kroll1:1
Nicole Martin Agricultural
Darlene Solberg 11.63% Commercial
Bill Olson,second alternate & Industrial Non-Homestead
EDA ADVISORY 6.9% 5.4% Other*
LeRoy Lindenfelser,chairMEI I
q� 96%
Gabriel Davis I I `H L
Rudy Thibodeau
Wally Odell *Other includes Public Utility, Railroad,and Seasonal Recreational.
Vincent Peterson
Liz Wilder
Joy Swenson,chair THE UNITED ST TES OF AM RICA y
Ron Black 1998 property tax
Janet Bridgland 1 go?
Frieda Lobeck dollar
Joan Nicholslit `w+ Property taxes are
administered through Elaine Norin g
Norman Schwanbeck ONEtI )OLLAtz counties and distributed to
Arlene Holen,alternate - school districts, cities,
School District City of Wright Monticello-
Otsego County Big Lake counties, and hospital
mimina Hospital Dist.districts.The 1998 figures
oa , GO V IE YV Elk River Area $0.47 $0.26 $0.25 $0.02 at left do not reflect school
The Otsego View is a community newsletter for St. Michael- district referendums
the city of Otsego. Albertville $0.48 $0.26 $0.24 $0.02 which may have been
Jacquie Rognlf,Editor your school
Correspondence should be sent to
Otsego City Hall. Monticello $0.47 $0.26 $0.25 $0.02 district in 1997w)
• Contains 50%recycled
vow pre-consumer material. 2
City property values Otsego's
appraised annually
finances in fjstoncal
The valuation of property is the basis of tax 1898 & 1948 igh lights
assessment. Once the valuation of property is by Jacquie Rognli
determined, the state legislature sets the tax capacity of
the property. The county applies a state formula to the The Otsego Township
properties and cities use this information when planning Treasurer's records of 50 and 1898 Revenue
their budgets. 100 years ago reveal a more Cash on hand begin $ 255.32
County Because tax laws change every year,determining the primitive form of book hand begin Fund on 105.00
value of property is not a simple process. With 22 years keeping than the computer Town Revenue 334.98
experience and many hours of training, Otsego City spreadsheets and thouroughly Town Funds 218.34
Assessor Pete Merges is up to the task. As a certified itemized disbursements of Co.Board Funds 105.00
specialist,he attends a three daycourse everyyear toget 1998. Road&Bridge 128.70
p Thepen and ink cursive Road Construction 275.00
updated on any modifications to the process. Poor 122.37
City assessors work with the county to keep the entries in 1898 may seem Delinquent road 137.97
property value records current.Every year,each property ambiguous to us, but probably $1,682.68
is assigned a value based on calculations that include recorded transactions clearly
sales studies, value of surrounding property, new cost for the people of the time. Dominating the expenses are road
schedules, depreciation schedules,the effective age of a construction and drag(assumed to be grading or plowing).There
house, and state guidelines. Merges says that one time are numerous entries of$6.00,$13.00,and more paid to a diverse
saver is that now Otsego's agricultural properties are list of people for road work. Below is a list of some of the more
calculated automatically by computer. However,he still
must review them and the computer print out is about Otsego Township Treasurer's Disbursement
three inches thick. Entries of 1897-1898
Statewide, assessors use a mass appraisal system May 15, 1897 Peter Dehen Work on rot in Dist. No.3 $4.50
j rather than an individual appraisal system. The mass July 2, 1897 Thomas Walker Oak planks for bridges $38.54
appraisal system assumes that lot values are comparable Mar. 1, 1898 Bert Casler Services as Health Officer
in similar platted areas unless other factors,such as trees Diptheria $93.00
and river frontage, come into play. When a homeowner Mar. 1, 1898 Henry McCleod Services as Supervisor $6.00
has a private appraisal done, such as for financing or April 8, 1898 Mrs. Charles
divorce settlement, the valuation may sometimes come Spencer Boarding Albert Davis $7.00
out higher or lower than the valuation done for the county. June 4, 1898 A.J.Wood
The city appraisers do their best to be as accurate as (Constable) Repairing handcuffs $1.00
possible because the valuations are required by the state June 9, 1898 A.J.Wood Expenses moving pauper $9.17
of Minnesota to be within 90 to 105 percent of the actual June 27, 1898 W.H. Baker Allowance on Scott Baker family
market value of the property. in diptheria epidemic $13.00
Merges tries to do on site inspections of a quarter of Sept.5, 1898 Jos.McDonald Goods furnished Albert Davis $11.81
the homes in Otsego every year.He does not have to enter Oct.5, 1898 K. Heuring Transporting a Poor Person $2.00
every home, but will try to make an appointment with a By 1948, the bound 1948 Reciepts
homeowner if he needs to get inside.He keeps records of treasurer's reports are Balance at beginning of year $1,359.76
conditions and improvements as well as building permits. written in ball point pen,still Revenue
All of Merges' reports need to be submitted to Wright done in long hand and the Taxes 1,085.68
CountybyFebruaryso the information can be keyed into books are audited annual) Liquor 1,047.84
Y Y• Road&Bridge
a computer. The county then prints and mails the In the 1940s, legal notices Taxes 5,810.93
valuation statements. Property owners receive their are posted in three of the Gas 396.61
Dragnotice of valuation everyspring. most public places in town: Taxes es 346.88
If an owner disputes their valuation,they can contact Lily Pond Schoolhouse, the Poor
the Wright County Assessor's office and the property and District 12 Schoolhouse Bond 1,147.43
calculations will be reviewed. If not satisfied with the corner, and the corner of 2
results, the owner is advised to attend the city board of River Road and Highway Total Reciepts $9,851.87
review in person or write a letter. After that, it can be 101. At the March 9, 1948 $ 11,210.93
appealed to the county board of review and further to a Otsego Township Annual 1948 Disbursements
judge,whose decision is final.However,the owner must Meeting, a motion was orders(warrants)Redeemed $911.98
have gone through the city board of review first in order passed to raise by property Bonds Paid 1,000.00
to have the appeal option. The city board of review is tax: $1,000 for revenue and Int.on bonds&warrants 86.27
usually held in April,with the specific date stated on the $6,500 for roads and bridges. Road&Brag ridge 7658.55
notice of valuation.wv The same motion wasassed
P Total Disbursements&balances 11,210.93
3 the previous year.vw Subtract total disbursements 9,936.80
Treasurer's balance $1,274.13
• I �Q Budget Comparisonfrom p. 1
i 1 I [Re� rim reste
*.,,, General Fund
Bring the whole family for a day of Medallion Hunt. CluesM
outdoor fun at the fourth annual Winter will appear in the Elk River o: :•: Expenditure Budget
Fun Fest celebration Saturday, January Star News, at sponsoring
4631.00 Source 1997 1998
17, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Otsego businesses, Otsego City Hall, and the Budget Budget
Prairie Park. Community Recreation office. Local General Government
There will be a dog sled exhibition by businesses have generously donated Mayor&Council $ 72,410 $ 72,410
Arnie Engstrom, Christmas tree races, cash and prizes. Administration 188,566 256,465
Frisbee golf, snow sculpting All Winter Fun Fest Activities are Finance 61,431 27,295
demonstrations, a luge run, hay rides, free and jointly planned by the Otsego Assessing 14,750 16,760
sledding, skating, and a bon fire. The Parks and Recreation Commission and Legal 30,000 40,000
ever famous Roche's Chili will be Community Recreation....,,) Planning Commiss. 3,700 3,700
available for purchase. Planner 59,900 53,500
Get started right away with winter fun PARK EDA 14,790 6,492
by trying to solve the mystery of the P ,� City Hall&Peavy 79,276 78,076
Skating Commission ` Total 524,823 554,698
Public Safety
The Otsego Prairie Park membership O Police 100,740 103,806
ice skating rink is open for Otsego Park and Recreation Building Inspection 29,500 29,500
skating subject to Commission Chair Jeff Bartheld is Total 130,240 133,306
weather and skating pleased to announce the addition of Public Works
conditions. The park Nicole Martin. She is replacing M Engineering 52,000 52,000
warming house hours are 1:00 to Roche Martin who is moving from yy
8:00 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays, and Otsego. Bartheld and the ~ Street MaintenanceLightng 10,600 12,000
non-school days and 5:00 to 8:00 g Street 267,633 374,846
Y Commission wish to thank Roche Animal Control 3,100 3,500
p.m. on school days. Martin for his years of dedicated
Skating lessons are being offered service. Recycling 36,000 32,000
through Community Recreation on If you would like to be part of Total 369,333 474,346
Saturdays, January 10-31. The cost Otsego's developing park system, Community Services
is $19.00 less a $4.00 discount for enjoy planning, are a resident of Community Rec. 18,725 15,000
Otsego residents. Registration Otsego,and would like to help at our Park Maintenance 37,989 17,791
information is available in the community festivals, then you Heritage 4,800 6,091
Winter 1998 Community should consider joining the Otsego Preservation
Education/ECFE/ Community Park and Recreation Commission. Total 61,514 38,882
Recreation brochure delivered with Applicants are currently being Other Uses
the Star News in December or call sought for membership. The Transfer-Equipment 87,700 44,821
Community Recreation at 241-3523 Commission meets the second Total Expenditures $1,173,610 $1,246,053
for more information...,.., Wednesday of the month at 7:00
Besides the general fund, the
CITY MEETINGS budget includes a projected capital
equipment balance of $132,380 for
MEETING DAYS TIME $128,800 in capital expenditures, such
City Council 2nd & 4th Mondays 6:30 p.m, as public works equipment, warning
Planning & Zoning Commission 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 8:00 p.m. siren, and upkeep on the old town hall
Parks & Rec Commission 2nd Wednesday 7:00 p.m. building.....
EDA Advisory Commission 1st Monday 7:00 p.m.
Heritage Preservation Commission 4th Thursday 7:00 p.m. Snowmobile clarification
• Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings. Snowmobiles can only operate in
• To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda, submit completed the right of way of streets in the platted
forms & information 15 working days prior to meetings. areas of Otsego when in single file, on
• Official meeting notices are published in the Elk River Star News and the most right hand lane when available
posted at City Hall. for traffic or as close as practical to the
• Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend. right hand curb or edge of roadway,