92-35X CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 99-15 RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ASSESSMENT OF COSTS FOR ABATEMENT OF A NUISANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. WHEREAS, it was determined by the City Building Inspector that substantial hazards to the health, welfare and safety of the residents of the city existed on property owned by Sally Gulbranson (owner) and identified as PID No. 118-034-001010 ; and WHEREAS, the owner was given due notice of the above mentioned hazards and was given ample time to abate such hazards which constituted a nuisance under the City's Nuisance Ordinance, No. 91-23; and WHEREAS, the owner failed to timely abate the above mentioned nuisances which this remained a health, welfare and safety hazard. Thereupon, after proper notice, the City proceeded to take the necessary action to fully abate the nuisance, thus incurring costs in the reasonable amount of $3,903.15 ; and WHEREAS, said amount was presented to the owner in the form of a bill which remains unpaid; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Otsego Ordinance Nos.91-12 and 91-23 and Minn. Stat. 429.101 such charges for abatement of nuisance are assessable against the property and elimination of public health or safety hazards from private property on which such abatement was made; and WHEREAS, notice was duly given and opportunity to be heard was given to the owner at a hearing on November 9, 1992. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the property identified as PID No. 118-034-001010 shall be and hereby is assessed in the amount of , , representing the reasonable costs of abatement of the- nuisance. Said amount to be paid in one installment of $3,903.15 (one year) plus interest at the rate of 12% per .annum, subject to the statutory right of prepayment. The City Clerk is hereby directed. to enter said assessment against the property by certifying said assessment to the County of Wright. This may be paid within 30 days of 11/9/92 without interest. (12/9/92 -pay by this date) Passod this 9TH day of November, 1992. In Favor: Opposed: w 'Pr�arn Cr`a t y Clark 4- •t Norman F. Freaks, Mayor