Fall The
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Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 8, No. 5, September/October 1998
„fir. :
HOUSE,41 ,
, , ieb ii I
Friday, October 23
and �:.- > .
Saturday, October 24 .-
7-10:00 p.m. r
Otsego Prairie Park '''' • t '.. .
Just south of City Hall ;_.
Discount with Hayride reservation.Also join
us for a bonfire and refreshments. Haunted
House may not be suitable for small children. The public attended Otsego's revised Comprehensive Plan hearing, convened by the
Call Community Recreation for more Planning and Zoning Commission on September 2, 1998.
City adopts revised plan
The Otsego City Council approved the commercial development are affected by
recently revised Comprehensive Plan on access to these services.
September 14, 1998. The revised plan Formulation of the Otsego
OTSEGO reassesses the community's growth, Comprehensive Plan Update included
identifies current development issues, and assembling community views and
re-establishes community development background data.After a draft plan was put
goals and parameters that will guide together,informational meetings were held
growth in the city through the year 2010. this summer. A public hearing was held
The objectives of the Comprehensive September 2 and continued to September
Plan are to address the extension of 9, 1998 before the plan was brought before
sanitary sewer service,improve the city tax the City Council for final approval.
base, and control the rate of development Input from citizens at the public
for quality.It is a guide for development in information meeting resulted in several
Otsego to construct a logical and orderly manner. changes to the draft plan, including
water tower Otsego's original Comprehensive Plan housing density in agricultural areas, an
Plans have been approved for was established in 1991. Since then, the additional commercial area, commercial
water tower. Negotiations city s population has grown by more than design guidelines, trail and park
Otsego's fort to location areof 1,000 residents.Besides growth,the city is suggestions from residents, and text
ne progressintersor tn of Highway north 101 west and faced with issues on land use, the encouraging the location of a post office
tis environment, economic development, within the community.
County Road 37.
expected to begin this Construction transportation, utilities, community Now that the new Comprehensive Plan
service, and finance. The Plan Update is has been adopted,the Planning and Zoning
) designed to address these needs. Commission and the City Council will
With Otsego preparing to begin begin the task of updating and revising
construction on its first wastewater development ordinances.A moratorium on
treatment plant and a water tower,the city development has been in effect since the
was in need of a revised plan that would revision process began in 1996.
take into account the availability of these Developers are being advised that they
new services. Housing density and may once again bring projects to the city
for consideration. _,..A.)
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City of Otsego Budget update
8899 Nashua Ave. NEThe City Council has been working on Otsego's NOTES
Otsego, MN 55330 budget for 1999.Our goal is to provide the highest quality
(612)441-4414 service at the best possible price.As we reviewed the city from the
Fax (612)441-8823 budget,it became clear that the cost of most budget items MAYOR
OFFICE HOURS will remain the same as this year. We have increased
Monday through Thursday budget amounts in some areas. These increases were
8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. determined by citizen input and the general need to
Closed Fridays by Mayor Lam Fournier
CITY COUNCIL expand some services. Citizen input has suggested the ._' • ---110,
need for more police hours,especially in the area of traffic
Mayor control. We will be expanding these hours. We also added some dollars to the city's street
Larry Foumier
Councilmembers maintenance budget and are redefining how maintenance is funded.
Suzanne M.S.Ackerman These changes plus the normal price increases for goods translate to a levy increase of
Mark Berning just under 3%.The budgeting process provides the City Council the opportunity to review
Vern Heidner the costs of all budget items and determine the cost effectiveness of each item.I believe we
Virginia Wendel have a very sound budget which provides the services we all need at the best possible cost
CITY STAFF to all of us. The city portion of your tax bill should go up very slightly or remain the same.
Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/Zoning Your city council is working hard to keep Otsego an affordable place to live.vdv
Mike Robertson,City Administrator
Judy Hudson,Deputy Clerk/Treasurer ! —— w ;�,4 ♦+1P , ,
Caol Olson,Secretary
Dave Chase,Maintenance Supervisor • • « 4 r�
Rick Knutson,Maintenance ��` ,`k 4 4 4
Cal Swenson,chair '
Eugene Goenner �,� ».� _ el - , Vit r*
Jim Kolles � °
Arleen Nagel +
Richard Nichols 4 ' N.
Bruce Rask
Christian Mbanefo,altemate 0 •' _` °. l
Jeff Bartheld,chair .
Thomas Baillargeon ` —
Tom Constant
N.Michael Day
Sue Kroll �'
Nicole Martin =
Ten Kohler,alternate Y
Bill Olson,second alternate
Wally Odell,chair ,.
Steve Ackerman
Gabriel Davis 1
LeRoy Lindenfelser
Rudy Thibodeau Crow River Rental rents almost anything
Liz Wilder Whether it's partysuPPlies or construction equipment that you need, Crow River
HERITAGE PRESERVATION Rental owners Darrell and Bonnie Watkins and Manager Dennis Moening can
Ron Black,chair probably rent it to you.Trucks,trailers,construction equipment,bob cats,generators,
Arlene Nolen party supplies, lawn and garden tools, and more are all available to rent. Crow River
Frieda Lobeck Rental also carries supplies you may need to purchase for your project, such as nails
Joan Nichols for a nailing gun, and can provide basic instruction on the operation of your rental
Elaine Norin item. Many area residents think of Crow River Rental for landscaping and yard tools,
Norman Schwanbeck the most popular things to rent, but Crow River Rental can also help with a party or
Joy Swenson
Janet Bndgland,altemateother bigevent.Largeparty tents,chairs,decorations,a punch fountain,serving ware,
popcorn wagon,and more are all available.Crow River Rental offers delivery and can
N'�,T �viEw come to set up for your party or special event. One of their biggest rental items is a
The Otsego View is a community backhoe. The most unusual?A chicken plucker.
newsletter for the city of Otsego The Watkins have owned the business for 13 years and it has has been at the same
Jacquie Rognli,Editor location for over 20 years. It is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of
Corresondence should be sent to County Road 36 and Highway 101 on the Crow River, 16610 53rd Street NE,Otsego.
Otsego City Hall. Crow River Rental is open Monday through Friday,7:30-6; Saturday 8-5; Sunday
Contains 50%recycled 12-4. Call them at 428-9165 the next time you're thinking of rentingA9w
fc pre-consumer material
. .diAild' Ii.A.I .Iiiiiii
City election ballot -_ ..
Citizens of Otsego will vote Tuesday, A I I invited to
November 3, 1998 at Otsego City Hall. The VOTE
polls will open at 7:00 a.m.and close at 8:00 Heritage Day
p.m. Persons not registered, including new *ow*i -'
residents,may register the day of the election .........' by Elaine Norin
with proper identification.
On the ballot for the city will be the election of two city Otsego J"Jeritage day
council members and a referendum to amend the city liquor
ordiance for Sunday sales. Sunday, October 11, 1998
Candidates for the two city council positions with terms of
four years are Suzanne Strong Ackerman (incumbent), Vern moon to 4:00 p.m.
Heidner(incumbent),Paul Johnson,and Bruce A. Raider.
Voters will vote yes or no to the following referendum to at
amend the liquor ordinance:
"A restaurant club, bowling center,or hotel with a seating Otsego agity 5Ia11
capacity for at least 30 persons and which holds an on-sale Not Christmas in July,but ice cream social in October!
intoxicating liquor license may sell intoxicating liquor for The Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission invites
consumption on the premises in conjunction with the sale of everyone who has an interest in the history of our city to
food between the hours of 12:00 noon Sundays and 1:00 a.m. join us and celebrate the fourth annual Otsego Heritage Day.
Mondays."..w Ice cream sundaes, cones and root beer floats will be
served from noon jy mting w
Hunting regulated i n city one another and lookingto1:30 at ourp.m.Endisplaysothis oftipicturesevisi ,booksith,
Firearms Ordinance maps,and other documents.
Firearms may not be discharged in the city of Otsego in New features this year are a slide show of historic sites
populated areas as designated by the Otsego Firearms in Otsego and a short bus tour of the city.
Ordinance.The ordinance establishes a no-discharge zone that If you have pictures or other documents of historic
includes all of the immediate urban service area and some parts interest that you are willing to share,we will copy them at
of the long term urban service area. Copies of the Otsego this event so that you may keep your originals.
Firearms Ordinance, which includes a map indicating the A new book will be available: Life at the Brick House.
no-discharge zone,can be picked up at City Hall. It is a realist description of life on a farm in Otsego from
Hunting is permitted in Otsego only outside the designated 1911 to 1931.
no-discharge zone so long as no innocent party is endangered To be sure we have enough ice cream,please call one of
and must be at least 500 feet from all buildings unless the person the Heritage Preservation Commission members by
owns the building or is carrying written permission. Monday, October 5 to let us know how many are coming
Target practicing with bow and arrow with target tips, BB and how many will take the bus tour.
or pellet gun is permitted throughout the city when done with Heritage Preservation Commission
a suitable backstop at least 200 feet from all buildings unless Ron Black 441-5255
the person owns the building or is carrying written permission. Janet Bridgland 295-3477
Persons under the age of 18 require parental supervision. Arlene Holen 441-1768
The firearms ordnance allows discharge of firearms Frieda Lobeck 441-2078
throughout the city by law enforcement officers or military Joan Nichols 441-2052
personnel in situations as detailed in the ordinance. The Elaine Norin 295-2019
ordinance also addresses other permitted exceptions and details Norman Schwanbeck 441-1794
possession and transportation of firearms. Joy Swenson 295-5950
Hunting Seasons `-`^'
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
establishes specialized hunting seasons for small game, big
game,waterfowl,and wild turkeys and also specifies hours of primary results
the day when shooting and trapping can take place.Information The Minnesota primary election was held September 8, 1998.
on state hunting requirements can be obtained from the DNR
at 296-3336. At Otsego City Hall, 439 voters cast their ballots. That
represented 7.3 percent of Otsego's 3,208 registered voters,
Trespass Law
including 23 who registered on election day.
Trespass is the most frequent complaint from landowners,
according to the DNR. Permission should always be granted In Minnesota,voters can only vote for candidates in the same
party in the primary election. The City of Otsego Precinct
before entering private land. Legal permission to enter private recorded 329 Democratic Farmer Labor Party votes, 86
land or notification to stay off may only be given by the property Republican Party votes,and 24 Reform Party votes.v..A.d
owner,occupant,or lessee. ....s
90)/Fall Family Hayride and
Haunted House
O4 Don't miss this golden
opportunity to rake up some fun
with your family at the fifth44
annual Otsego Hayride through
Ql Prairie Park. The hayride begins
poq �
at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, October
24. There will also be a bonfire
and refreshments. The cost is $3.00 per ..
person or $10.00 per family. •
Reservations are required through
Community Recreation. Consult your
fall Community Recreation and
Community Education bulletin or call .._ m A
241-3523 to register.
In addition to the hayride,there will be
a Pumpkin Patch Prize Hunt at 6:00 p.m.
for children through age 12. E a,
Preschool and elementary age children
accompanied by an adult are also invited GaryG roen keeps Otsego's books
to join in some fun activities provided byp g
Early Childhood Family Education and Gary Groen can be found at Otsego City Hall on Mondays taking care of all the city's
Community Education. The activity accounting,assisting the city administrator with the budget process and other tasks as directed.
room will be open 6:30-8:00 p.m. He is contracted by the city for an average of 10 to 12 hours per week and has been Otsego's
The Otsego Haunted House will be accountant since November 1996. Otsego is only one of Groen's clients which include other
open 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Hayride cities and school districts in Minnesota.He lives in Richfield with his wife,Nancy.Their children,
registrants receive a discount on Katie and John,are both in college.v.
Haunted House admission.
Otsego School Open Gym Lions to host new member dinner
The Otsego Elementary School gyms The Albertville Lions and Lioness Clubs invite Otsego residents to
will be open for activities through .'
P g dinner Monday,October 19 at KD's Restaurant. Guests can meet club 'a''
Community Recreation. Children from members and learn more about Lions International and the local club.
preschool through fourth grade will have Lions is a service organization dedicated to serving the community. The
access to a variety of equipment. Fifth Albertville clubs especially wantto welcome prospective members from
grade and up is for basketball only unless Otsego since the Otsego Lions is no longer active.Socializing and happy
designated for volleyball. Pre- hour will be 6-6:30 p.m. followed by dinner. KD's is located at 5772 Main Ave.
registration is not necessary. The fee is NE,Albertville. Call Floyd Roden for more information at 497-2147..,w
$2.50 for adults and $2.00 for youth.
Children aged six and younger must be
accompanied by an adult at all times. CITY MEETINGS
Open gym runs Nov. 1 to Mar.25,except
when school is not in session. Use Door MEETING DAYS TIME
4. More information is available in the City Council 2nd&4th Mondays 6:30 p.m.
Fall Community Recreation brochure. Planning&Zoning Commission 1st&3rd Wednesdays 8:00 p.m.
Otsego Open Gym Schedule Parks&Rec Commission 2nd Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Sundays EDA Advisory Commission 3rd Monday 7:00 p.m.
1-2:30 p.m.Open gym,preschool grade 9 Heritage Preservation Commission 4th Thursday 7:00 p.m.
1-2:30 p.m.Volleyball,jr high • Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings.
2:30-4 p.m.Volleyball,sr high,adults • To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms&information 15 working days prior
to meetings.
Tuesdays • Official meeting notices are published in the Elk River Star News and posted at City Hall.
6-7:30 p.m.Open gym,K-6 • Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend.
6-7:30 p.m.Open gym,K-6 v.N 4