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Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 7, No. 3, Septmber 1997
Wastewater plan considers
Otsego's needs and budget Public Hearing on
Wastewate r
The cities of Otsego and Dayton have developed a preliminary plan for
the construction of a joint wastewater treatment facility. Otsego also has Facilities
planned a sewer collection system and water system.A public information
presentation will be held Mon.,Sept. 15, 1997,7 p.m.at Otsego City Hall. Plan
The planned first phase includes construction of the wastewater
treatment facility in the southeastern area of the city on County Road 36, 7:00 p.m.
with discharge into the Crow River as tentatively approved by the Otsego City Hall
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency(MPCA).
The planned collection system would follow the Highway 101 corridor 8899 Nashua Ave. NE
and serve commercial and industrial businesses that would pay for the Otsego, MN 55330
service when connecting.Developers would also pay for the service when The mayor,city council,and staff of the city
putting in new residential development in the sanitary sewer service area. of Otsego will hold a public hearing and
Existing homes would not be required to pay until they connect to the system. informational meeting to present the results
The city of Otsego has been working on the plan in response to the need of the Wastewater Facilities Plan Study and
for the city to establish a sound tax base that can be provided by attracting the description and cost of the wastewater
businesses. The eastern part of the city along Highway 101 has been facility treatment plant. Additional
identified as an area that would be attractive to commercial and industrial information regarding a proposed sewer
development. Wastewater and municipal water services are key collection system and water system will also
considerations for this development. Housing developers are also be presented.
interested in these services as it makes residential property more desirable. All interested parties are invited to attend
Environmental concerns have also been a factor in the city's desire the hearing and express their questions,
I to establish a wastewater treatment system. Housing density is greatest concerns, and comments. If you would like
in the northeastern area of the city, with one acre lots and on site septic further information about the hearing, please
systems. MPCA guidelines have changed since those systems were built. call the City of Otsego at 441-4414 in
Other options were pursued before coming up with the current plan, advance of the meeting. vi
including buying service from Elk River and joint construction with
neighboring communities. Working with Dayton will help both cities
keep costs down.wv
Lumber afteri .... .... ,-,
= "
the storm
Kevin Shierts and his father, -
Kenny Shierts, continue to work ,
Kevin's mobile saw mill as they
make lumber from some of the
many trees blown down during the • '`,• '
July 1 storm in Otsego. Shierts :` • '
volunteered to help with the clean """ ` Gam Y : -
up of Otsego Prairie Park which lost •`; ` "
many large oak trees in the storm. _
He said residents are still hiring him .ti ..
to transform their lost trees into
boards. Most of the wood is red L
and white oak. vw <.,
N •iliAlui •Asi •l •iiimilliii
City of Otsego Thought went into plan 3 3 9 . - j
8899 Nashua Ave. NE The approval of plats in the 1960's, 70's,
Otsego, MN 55330 and 80's allowing one acre residential lots NOTES
(612)441-4414 signaled an irreversible change in the character
Fax (612)441-8823 of our community. Since this initial decision
OFFICE HOURS and the continuation of the urban platting with
Monday through Thursday its relatively high densities, there has been a from the
8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. mounting concern over the potential of ground
Closed Fridays water contamination and pollution. As time
CITY COUNCIL passes,the potential increases for widespread
Mayor septic system failures in the urban platted areas. MAYOR
Larry Fournier Manyof these systems are over 20 years old
Councilmembers Y
Suzanne M.S.Ackerman and do not meet the Minnesota Pollution by Mayor Larry Fournier
Mark Berning Control standards.If the community is caught
Vern Heidner unprepared, the cost of correcting a major 4m
Virginia Wendel septic system failure event would generate buying capacity was similar to building our
CITY STAFF significant expense. own system and we could use this capacity
Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/Zoning The focus of the planning efforts to date for only a short period of time.
Administrator With this information in hand, we
Judy Hudson,Deputy Clerk/Treasurer has been to make available a public sanitary nue
contid workingwith the cityof Dayton
Carol Olson,Secretary sewer treatment and collection system in
Dave Chase,Maintenance Supervisor close proximity to the threatened area.While to jointly build and operate a wastewater
Brad Kelash,Maintenance such precaution would not eliminate health treatment plant to be located in the south-east
Rick Knutson,Maintenance or financial concerns, the impact would be portion of Otsego on County Road 36. As a
PLANNING&ZONING lessened dramatically. joint venture, we reduce the risk either city
Cal Swenson,chair When I talk to many of you,the comment might incur by proceeding on its own. We
Eugene Goenner I often hear is"taxes in Otsego are too high." also enhance our chances to receive any grant
Jim Koller money which might be available through
Arleen Nagel A public sewer system creates the potential
for economic development opportunities.
state and federal government programs. We
RBruce Nichols P PPo have also completed a Sanitary Sewer
Bruce Rask The access and visibility afforded by Collection System Study and a Potable
I.G.Roskaft Highway 101 provides Otsego with the WaterS stem Studywhich are needed ife
William Jones,alternate opportunity to diversify and expand its taxY
PARKS&RECREATION base. The long range advantages would be the project is pursued.
Jeff Bartheld,chair the lessening of the tax burden carried by The sewer and water project is for new
Thomas Baillargeon residential and farm properties. development.No existing residential areas will
Tom Constant The City Council feels a sewer and water be part of this project. If your neighborhood
Ted Kohler project is needed to address these and manywants municipal sewer and water, you must
Sue Kroll P ro J petition the City Council for these services.The
Roche Martin other issues to maintain our quality of life.
Darlene Solberg To get to this point,the City Council has key words in this project are"users pay."
Bill Olson,second alternate listened to concerns of our residents. We I cordially invite everyone to attend the
EDA ADVISORY have taken comments from Otsego public hearing and information meeting on
LeRoy Lindenfelser,chair businesses, and we have listened to the proposed sewer and water project
Gabriel Davis potential developers. We have explored the Monday,September 15, at 7 p.m. We invite
Rudy Thibodeau opportunity of buying wastewater treatment our comments.Further printed information
Wally Odellcapacityis available at City Hall. v u
Vincent Peterson plant from Elk River. The cost of
Liz Wilder
HERITAGE PRESERVATION Storm damage clean up continues
Joy Swenson,chair
Ron Black Otsego residents continue to deal with the aftermath of July 1 storm that delivered
Janet Bridgland high winds that damaged homes,farm buildings,and many trees in the city.According to i
Frieda Lobeck city building inspector Jerry Olson,some homes still have blue tarps for roofs and
Joan Nichols underinsured homeowners fret over how to make repairs.The good news is that Wright
Elaine Norin County is eligible for federal disaster relief. (See page 5.)
a The cityof Otsego hired a clam truck one weekend topick upbrush from the right of
Arlene Holen,alternate g
way for residents unable to haul it themselves.A brush disposal site has been provided
01,..;15.91,3 ���] for residents at Otsego Prairie Park.The accumulated heap of brush measures
rzz V approximately 24 hundred square feet by 10 feet tall.City Maintenance Supervisor Dave
Chase says they will burn the pile a little bit at a time.
The Otsego View is a community A building with 50 percent or more damage is considered destroyed and can only be
newsletter for the city of Otsego. replaced with a building that meets current minimum standards and conforms to currently
Jacquie R ,Editor allowed uses.Although a destroyed building may not meet current standards, it was
Correspondencece should
City Hall, sent to allowed because it existed before cityordinancepassed.However,its replacement must
Otsego P
AL. Contains 50% recycled follow the ordinance. Under the current ordinance,single wide manufactured homes are
a, pre-consumer material. only allowed in a mobile home park,and residential outbuilding type,number,and size
are all regulated. Lw 2
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Proposed Sanitary Sewer and Water System 'le l'-* TREATMENT
Service Area ; . PLANT 1
This map shows the area studied for the The sanitary sewer system shall not be ° ANSI
proposed wastewater treatment plant and extended to existing unsewered .ice,i
collection system. Commercial, industrial, development except if it is requested or 1 Wi
and institutional properties and new petitioned by property owners. Public sewer Ir,-."0 , i
residential development in the immediate may be extended as directed by the City �'���1��,� \�""
(Phase 1)service district would connect and Council only after specific public hearings 1 ���
pay for the service. Existing residential on any extension. c11/Y
properties would only pay if they are actually
connected and served by the public sewer. 1
Sanitary Sewer and Water Project Information
The protect Existing systems should be pumped a
The proposed plan is to establish a Public Information Meeting minimum of once every two years. Also,
sanitary sewer system for the eastern Monday,Sept. 15,7 p.m. Wrightee Countyhastemssrequiredmustthat all with
portion of Otsego in cooperation with • Background issues and need site neptic Minnesota ll complytot
the cityof Dayton andprovide cityg current Pollution Control
yt • Study and work done to date Agency(MPCA)requirements at the time
water to the same area of Otsego. • Decision making process;time schedule a property is sold. Recent sales of
Treatment plant • Preliminary position on policies existing homes in the city have revealed
A plant with 300,000 gallons per • The collection system that 60 percent of those inspected for sale
day (gpd) is proposed, with 200,000 • The water system required replacement systems before they
gpd for Otsego and 100,000 gpd for • System finance could be sold.
Dayton. The plant would use extended • System policies
aeration with activated sludge. Exact Policies
Public comment
specifications for the treatment plant • The Otsego City Council has used the
have not been chosen. following guidelines in the planning of a
The plant will be in the southeastern wastewater treatment facility in the
part of the city on County Road 36, with Who will pay eastern part of the city. A complete list of
the ability to discharge into the Crow The current policy of the Otsego City policies can be obtained from City Hall.
River. Initial land area needed is Council is that existing residences shall •The sanitary sewer shall not be
approximately six acres,but more may be not pay any connection charges and no extended to existing unsewered
desired for a buffer space or future public assessments will be levied for sewer development except if it is requested or
works needs. benefit unless they are physically petitioned by property owners. Public
Collection system connected to and actually served by a sewer may be extended as directed by
A combination of gravity flow and Public sewer. the City Council after specific public
mechanical pumping stations would be Each expense will be paid over 20 hearings on any extension.
required to transport sewage to the plant. years. Connection fees collected from •Existing residences shall not pay
new developments, existing commercial,
The trunk lines of the system would run institutional, and industrial properties connection charges and no assessments
generally south along the Highway 101 are anticipated to generate enough money will be levied for sewer benefit unless
corridor. Pipes would not be run to areas actually connected and served.
to pay off the loans. • Sewer hookushall p not requiring service. Lateral lines will be paid for by future developed commercial industrial,and
Water system P
Otsego has also proposed to include developers and existing commercial, institutional uses within the immediate
industrial, and institutional properties. urban service area(sanitarysewer
municipal water service to Otsego's Costs will vary depending on the project. district)when directlyavaable.
immediate sewer service area. The city
already has an operating municipal well Connection charges •In the event of failing on-site septic
in the area. The cost of connecting to the sanitary systems,the city shall consider
Timeline sewer and municipal water system can be mandatory connection to available
A public information meeting will be estimated from the system cost and a services.
• Sanitary sewer service shall be financed
held Sept. 15, 1997 in Otsego. The public projected number of users connecting to by those who receive it.
is invited to comment at that time. The the service. •Risk of payment for non-users shall be
City Council must approve the project, The following costs are based on a reduced through utility phasing,
financing must be secured and bids let for conservative growth estimate of 80 identification of potential user revenue
the project. Construction could begin in residential equivalent connections (REC) sources,and establishment of realistic
1998 and take 18 months to complete. per year or 1,600 RECs in 20 years. A growth expectations.
The city expects to continue to REC is the average amount of wastewater •Developers shall be responsible for
evaluate its sewer and water needs and use projected for an average residence. costs associated with the extension of
remain responsive in the future. 1 REC 1997 Dollars In 20 Years
city utilities to new developments.
Wastewater treatment expansion may be 1, Treatment $2,685 $3,910 •Premature extensions of the sanitary
necessary in 10 years, depending on
2. Collection $2,105 $3,065 sewer system and"leap frog"
demand, development, and the quality of 3. Water $2,869 $4,165 development shall be avoided,unless
existing septic systems. Changes to the
urban sewer district would be part of the Total $7,650 $11,140 the costs of extending utilities through
process of updating the Otsego undeveloped property are funded by the
Comprehensive Plan. Septic system health developer.
The cost The availability of a municipal More info
sanitary sewer system can provide an Copies of some anticipated questions with
The sewer treatment plant will cost alternative in event of septic system answers and a
$2.1 million for initial construction,with failure. The city may require hook up for list of policies
a $1.9 million expansion expected in failed systems if the service is available. used in planning 11II111IJ II
about 10 years. The estimated initial It is prudent in terms of both are available at
trunk cost for the base system will be environmental protection and fiscal City Hall.
$1.395 million. responsibility for every property owner to
properly maintain their current system.
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Disaster relief They Chose
Wright County is one of seven Otsego
counties included in President
Clinton's major disaster declaration by Elaine Norin
issued for Minnesota on Aug. 25, We will never know all the reasons
1997. Affected individuals, families early settlers had when choosing Otsego
and business owners can begin the for their new homes. However,an
disaster application process by unpublished book by Ruth LaPlant Reid
calling 1-800-462-9029, or discloses why the LaPlant and Pepin
1-800-462-7585 (TDD)for the
hearing and speech impaired, from
families came to live here.
Charles LaPlant was born by Lake Champlain at Old Point of Rocks, Canada
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. seven days a in 1821. He made his living as a trapper, hunter, fisherman and during winters at
week. Applicants registering for aid logging camps in Vermont with his friend John Pepin. In 1842, a new
should be prepared to provide basic government land survey disclosed that they were born in the United States,not
information about themselves (name, Canada. Becoming citizens influenced them to seek land in the united States.
permanent address,phone number), Charles and John had married sisters Eausabee(Elizabeth)and Julia Ozier.Their
insurance coverage, and any other brother, Louis,had a trading post in Otsego.A letter from Louis to his sisters
information to help substantiate must have been a factor in their decision to move west to Otsego.
losses. ‘AA/ May 1, 1853
New faces Dear Sisters:
Brad Kelash and Rick Knutson I have made a good thing of the trading here. Have my own post and a
Chippewa to help. The Sioux have sold their lands west of the Mississippi and
joined Otsego's public works must get out by next year. The land is good black soil, hard woods and prairie
department staff in July. Duane mixed. Game, wild fruits, nuts. Fine air. We all feel marvelous. Better come.
Fiedler moved on to another position Bring the usual kettles, knives, tools, guns and warm clothes. I have a rooffor
in April after working in city you for a while.
maintenance for seven years. vw As ever,
The LaPlants and Pepins,with their children,started for Minnesota Territory
I traveling first by water,then by rail and again by water,arriving in St. Paul in
November, 1854. Louis met them with his ox cart. Charles and John signed up to
buy land at$2.40 per acre at the land office. They continued their trip along the
Mississippi for about three days to the junction with the Crow River. After
',.. crossing the Crow,they continued north about 3 1/2 miles to Louis' trading post
where they were greeted by his wife Cleo(or Noe)and her brother Narcisse
Shalifoo who worked for Louis. The three families shared the largebuilding
temporarily. Charles built a 16 by 20 foot log house with a board roof,one door,
two floors and two windows into which he moved his family February 18, 1855.
John built a similar log house near by. Somewhat later, both families built new
frame houses and remained in Otsego for many years.
Brad Kelash Otsego Heritage Day
The Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission will host their third annual
heritage day on Sunday, October 5, 1997 from noon to 4:00 p.m. Everyone who
had roots in Otsego or an interest in the history of our city is welcome.
There will be displays of our collections of pictures, maps, books and other
documents. You will have time to visit, renew old acquaintances and reminisce.
There will be a very short program at 2:00 p.m.to permit more time for
• socializing. Our new book about the historic Otsego Cemetery will be for sale
and a few copies of Otsego- In the Beginning are still available.
A simple buffet lunch will be available from noon until 2:00 p.m. Free will
donations will be accepted to help defray expenses. To be sure we have plenty of
food, please call one of the members of the Heritage Preservation Commission
by Wednesday, Oct. 1 if you plan to come.
Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission
Ron Black 441-5255 Frieda Lobeck 441-2078 Norman
Janet Bridgland 295-3477 Joan Nichols 441-2052 Schwanbeck 441-1794
Rick Knutson Arlene Holen 441-1768 Elaine Norin 295-2019 Joy Swenson 295-5950
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Families enjoy Fun Day photo by Darlene Solberg
The three-legged race was just one of the fun activities that The storm that came through Otsego July 1 hit the park hard,
city residents could participate in at Otsego Family Fun Day held taking down a number of large trees. Park Commission
July 12th at Otsego Prairie Park. members and their families along with other volunteers from
"The KRWC Road Show was really great,"according to Otsego and youth from St. Louis Park worked very hard to get
Darlene Solberg of the Park and Recreation Commission."We the park in shape for the event. V�
also had excellent crafters. I was really impressed."
Otsego Heritage Day CITY MEETINGS
Sunday, Oct. 5, 1997 MEETING DAYS TIME
Noon to 4:00 p.m. Council 2nd & 4th Mondays 6:30 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Commission 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 8:00 p.m.
Parks & Rec Commission 2nd Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
EDA Advisory Commission 1st Monday 7:00 p.m.
1997 Clean-up Day Heritage Preservation Commission 4th Thursday 7:00 p.m.
statistics • Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings.
• To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda, submit completed
Recyclers 276 forms & information 15 working days prior to meetings.
Appliances 171 • Official meeting notices are published in the Elk River Star News and
Junk 48.86 tons posted at City Hall.
Tires 689 Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend.
Oil 300 gallons
Note: Regular City Council Meeting of October 27, 1997 is changed to Wednesday, October
Scrap 21.32 tons 29, 1997,6:30 p.m.
Cost $2,886