Spring The
Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 7, No. 1, April 1997
Wright County �`
Departure of Freske is end of era
�i �\''�Z. by Jacquie Rognli
Hoase�rotd K`. Editor
//� �✓ � Less than a dozen residents sat upstairs in the Otsego Town
hazardous Waste- Hall. We were waiting for the election judges to count the
ballots so we could start the annual meeting.
Collection There had been no election campaign. Why bother?Only
vv f� one person filed for each office. Earlier that evening we had
Saturday' April 26th folded our paper ballots and tucked them in the slot of a home
'y made wooden box. We were told it would probably take only
X9.00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. about 15 minutes to count less than 100 ballots.
\' /� We were seated on an odd collection of old chairs in what
" , in Otsego �\``�� \k was once a one room school house. The wooden floors
Pre-registration is required! �'' creaked when anyone walked. One hardly dared to use the
Call 682-7338 or 1-800-362-3667 bathroom because the whole room could hear your business
to register or for further information. through the plaster walls.The front of the room was covered
Items collected at no charge: with an aging authentic slate blackboard.There were all kinds
•Oil based paints&stains(no latex) of potted plants that thrived in the daylight that would stream
•Aeidsi through the bank of 10 foot tall windows on the east side of
•Aerosols the room.
•Used motor oil �� The election judges came upstairs and were admonished to
•Oil filters stay for the meeting so we had enough residents to hold it.
•Household pesticides&poisons Someone from the group was talked into chairing the
•Solvents meeting. I recall that business included designating the
•Other items as approved at time of collection
Also: township financial institutions and official newspaper.They
•Fluorescent bulbs-Up to 10 free called it the Sherburne County News,although they meant the
•Additional bulbs 40 cents each Elk River Star News. Some still clung to the old name.
This free collection is open only to Wright County. That was my first township annual meeting in Otsego.I was
Bring proof of residency. new to the community, and the annual meeting of township
government was different than the city government I was
familiar with.I liked the grassroots feel of it all.The township
supervisors were Norman F.Freske,Floyd Roden,and Doug
Household hazardous waste Lindenfelser. I had a chance to ask them if they were
concerned about the rising ground water levels in the
collection set for Otsego area township. They said that they also were concerned,but didn't
A household hazardous waste collection wine held for all know what to do about it. They were trying to get help from
Wright County residents on Saturday,April 26th from 9 a.m. Wright County which had approved housing development in
to 1 p.m. in Otsego. The collection is free of charge, but places they considered wetland areas. The situation wasn't
pre-registration is required.Call Wright County(682-7338)no serious yet,but it was looking bad for the future.
later than April 22nd to allow for proper transportation and Low voter turnout, township supervisors running
planning arrangements. unopposed for elections, and town board meetings with a
Beforehand, take a household inventory to determine what handful or no people at all was how it was in the early 1980's.
you need to dispose of. Household hazardous products are At that time,most residents in the eastern part of the township
those that have one or more of the following characteristics: thought they lived in Elk River.Actually,a tiny red and white
flammable, corrosive, toxic, or reactive. They often have the sign on Co. Rd. 39 that said "Otsego Township, Burning
following signal words on their labels: "Poison," "danger," permits required"was how I found out that I lived in Otsego.
"warning," or"caution." If no signal word is on the package, I attended town board meetings just because I was interested.
the product is probably not considered hazardous.However,if They sometimes asked why I was there.
the product was produced before 1987, it may not have a The continuing water problems, an expanding population.
warning label even if hazardous. and a growing frustration with a county government which
Hazardous waste collections are held to manage unusable seemed to ignore the recommendations and requests of the
portions of hazardous products. When possible, it is better to Otsego Town Board prompted them to begin taking the steps
use up an item than to dispose of it unless it is a product which to attain city status. Freske, Lindenfelser, and Roden were
Waste to page 4 Era to page 2
.i ..i .A...is, „.,. 111 .1 .111 .11k ,
City of Otseg ,...„, :,:i,,,,,:
Pic,.::,,,,„,i,„,,,,,,„:,:4,:‘,-;,,,,,, IIS ir � �8899 Nashua Ave. NES
Otsego, MN 55330 '��`
(612)441-4414 +
„„ yFax (612)441-8823 �,, ... A, F
f r
OFFICE HOURS_(Effective 4114197) "
Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. h; ,t
Closed Fridays t�
Larry Fournier ..
Suzanne M.S.Ackerman I. i
Mark Berning e "` '—
Vern Heidner
Virginia Wendel ice'
Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator `'
Judy Hudson,Deputy Clerk/Treasurer All decked out in Otsego shirts, Floyd Roden, Norman F. Freske, and Doug Lindenfelser
Carol Olson,Secretary celebrated Otsego becoming a city on the front porch of the old Otsego Town Hall in 1990 as
Dave Chase,Maintenance Supervisor Sen. Betty Adkins exams Gov. Perpich's proclamation for City of Otsego Day.
Duane Fiedler,Maintenance Roden, Freske,and Lindenfelser were the Otsego Township Supervisors that worked to gain
PLANNING&ZONING citystatus.All three were elected to continue servingon the Otsego CityCouncil. Roden lost an
Carl Swenson,chair 9
Eugene Goenner election bid for mayor and Lindenfelser retired from office in 1994. Freske retired at the end of
Jim Kolles 1996 after serving for six years as Otsego's first mayor and seven years on the town board.
Arleen Nagel Ron Black,also a member of the original City Council,retired from office after losing a bid for
Richard Nichols re-election in 1996.
Bruce Rask
William Jones,alternate Era from page 1
PARKS&RECREATION Otsego Township's supervisors who board. The storm warning siren by Otsego
Jeff Batheld,chair ElementarySchool was one of his personal
Thomas Baillargeon bravely took those steps. Township Clerk
Tom Constant Jerome Perrault was there,too. projects.
Teri Kohler These men lead us to become a city in Freske retired as mayor at the end of
Sue Kroll 1990. Lindenfelser had been a supervisor 1996, ending 13 years of service. He
RocheMartinsince 1981, Roden since 1982, and Freske occupied the center chair in the council
Darlene Solberg chamber since the new cityhall opened in
Bill Olson,second alternate since 1983. None of them had ever had to P
EDA ADVISORY campaign until 1990. Suddenly it seemed 1993.He ran meetings capably and made his
LeRoy Lindenfelser,chair that everyone wanted to be the first mayor decisions after careful consideration of what
Gabriel Davis or one of the first councilmembers of the he thought was best for Otsego.
DarlyndKofhibo d
e new city. Freske was elected mayor. Only Fournier remains from the original
Rudy Thibodeau Y
Wally Odell Lindenfelser and Roden were chosen along city council. He now occupies the center
Vincent Peterson with Larry Fournier and Ron Black to be the chair as Otsego's new mayor.
Liz Wilderfirst councilmembers in a record voter turn As I compiled the list of
Joy Swenson,chair out that took until the next day to hand count accomplishments and highlights from back
Ron Black the ballots. issues of The Otsego View, I was pretty
Janet Bridgland All of them continued to serve and work amazed at how much has been done in six
Frieda Lobeck on the mountain of tasks necessary to get the years. I guess I must be getting older,
Joan Nichols city structure up and running. Roden lost an because I can look back at the time when I
Elaine election bid for mayor Nin
Norman Schwanbeck and Lindenfelser was a new Otsego resident in 1983 and I see
Arlene Holen,alternate retired from public office at the end of 1994 history.
after serving a combined total of 21 years. 1 still think that today Otsego continues
oniummiimi City Clerk Jerome Perrault retired in 1995 to have that same grassroots feeling I got at
j OTSEGO j jf'`V J after 50 years. Black lost a bid for my first annual meeting. Citizens are
I�� v 1>' r r re-election in 1996. welcome at public meetings and encouraged
heOtregoliewisacommunity newsletter Ier Black was instrumental in creating the to join committees and commissions. The
the city of Jacquie Rognt[,Editor
Jhistoric preservation commission and difference is that today more residents are
Correspondence should be sent to establishment of the joint powers recreation involved and care about Otsego.vv
Otsego City Hall.
it Contains 50%recycled A
;i 2
pre.consumer material.
.d ..A.
• New septic regulations passed. • EDAAC begins business database.
• Taxing districts established. • Kadler bridge replaced with culvert.
• City Hall and park property purchased. • City computer equipment updated.
hts • Nuisance ordinance passed.Sign inventory compiled. • Oday Acres development approved.
• • Historic Preservation ordinance passed.
• Antelope Park&Country Ridge housing • New dump truck purchased.
of the Cityof Otsedevelopments 1st under city ordinance. • Park&Rec hosts bike rodeo.go g • Voting machine used 1st time in record • Marquette Bank opens Otsego branch.
city election; 546 new voters. • Bank of Elk River begins construction of
End of Township Highlights • Park& Rec outdoor recreation survey Otsego branch.
• Town Board makes often unheeded ' 2nd Great River Road Fest. • MN Road Research Project implements
recommendations to Wright County • Park,Trail&Rec ComprehensivePlanpassed. Finnish road paving technique in Otsego.
Commission which controls Otsego • Volunteers plant day lilies at Lily Pond. • Paved trails open in Otsego Prairie Park.
Township's development& destiny. • Home businesses licensing implemented. • Recreational Motor Vehicle Ordinance
• 1983 Otsego Township Board Supervisors • Nashua MSA project completed. passed.
are Norman F.Freske,Doug Lindenfelser, • Elk River-Rogers VFW Veterans • Post office drop box installed at City Hall.
& Floyd Roden. Memorial Park development approved. • Sledding hill opens in Prairie Park.
• Halls Water project implemented to deal • EDA established. • ISTEA grant awarded.
with high water table in hard hit area of • Design developed for new city hall. • Park&Rec hosts fall hay ride.
the township in 1987 after Wright County • Otsego Elementary School site approved. 1995
refuses to assist. • Otsego Lions established. • City Clerk Jerome Perrault retires after 50
• Town Board petitions Minnesota 1993 years of service.
Municipal Board for city status in 1989. • City Council remains the same; Freske, • New City Council: Mayor Norman F.
• Planner hired. Black&Fournier re-elected. Freske; CM Suzanne Ackerman, Ron
• Building committee for new city hall. • City office hours are expanded. Black,Larry Fournier,& Vern Heidner.
• City staff is clerk,treasurer,deputy clerk, . 728 Area Rec joint powers agreement. • Doug Lindenfelser & Floyd Roden retire
secretary,2 maintenance personnel. • EDAAC established. after serving a combined 25 years,
1990 • New city hall opens April.
Lindenfelser from 1981&Roden from 1982.
• Board continues work for city status. • Park & Rec applies for ISTEA grant. • Financial administration restructured.
• Work begins on Comprehensive Plan. • Open house at new City Hall in July. • Snowmobile trail opens.
• 1st issue of The Otsego View newsletter. . 85th St.MSA project from Page to Parrish. • Storm drainage tax districts established.
• 1st Otsego Clean-up Day. • Old city hall building rented to Wright • Elaine Beatty new city clerk & zoning
• Otsego Vision established . County Head Start. administrator;Judy Hudson deputy city clerk.
• Historical Committee established. • Otsego Creek Authority established in • Heritage Preservation Commission
• Municipal Board proclaims Otsego a city. cooperation with Albertville. established.
• Otsego is Minnesota's 855th city 11/15. • City Clerk Jerry Perrault honored with • Ist municipal well constructed.
• Gov.Perpich proclaims City of Otsego Day. Good Neighbor award& open house for • City receives petitions from residents
• 1st Otsego City Council installed:Mayor 48 years of service. requesting to be annexed to Albertville.
Norman F.Freske,CM Ron Black,Larry • New personal computers purchased. • Firearms committee organized.
Fournier,Doug Lindenfelser,Floyd Roden. • Part time secretary position added. • Full time business finance director hired.
• City logo chosen through contest. • Wright County upgrades Co. Rd. 39 & • Otsego Elementary School opens.
• Recycling begins. Parrish intersection. • Co.Rd.37&Odean intersection upgraded.
1991 • Park& Rec "Adopt a Tree"program for • Joint sewer study begins in cooperation
• Building inspector hired. new park development. with Dayton& Frankfort.
• Nashua set as1st MSA road project. • Attempt to designated a third light • EDAAC enlists intern to complete
• 1st Great River Road Fest Aug. industrial site is rejected. business database.
• Park and Rec Commission established. • Parking ban implemented on Co. Rd. 39 • Firearms ordinance passed.
• Otsego Jaycees organized. in preparation for bike trail. • Long Haul Trucking breaks ground.
• Co.Rd.37 route changed;Odean becomes • Park& Rec applies again for grant. • Playground equipment at Prairie Park.
city street;Co.Rd.122 becomes Co.Rd.37. • Otsego Prairie Park named. • CM Ron Black helps city procure and
• Otsego signs purchased and installed. • Ice skating rink constructed in Prairie Park. install warning siren.
• Comprehensive Plan approved Sept. 1994 • Heritage Preservation Commission hosts
• 22 new city ordinances passed including • Albertville Fire contract negotiated. 1st Otsego Heritage Day.
much anticipated Subdivision Ordinance. • MnDot constructs Hwy 101 bridges . 1996
• New city mapping completed. • Secretarial position increased to full time. • Park&Rec holds 1st Winter Fun Fest.
• 1st Planned Unit Development. • Work begins on comprehensive surface • Curfew ordinance for minors passed.
• Voting machine purchased. water management plan. • Park&Rec hosts basket class&egg hunt.
• Historical committee prints calendars. • Snowmobile ordinance committee organized. • Conditional use permit request for a dairy
1992 • City council begins to utilize Public feedlot fuels controversy & formulation
• Fire service agreement with Albertville Works& Administrative subcommittees of city feedlot ordinance.
expires; Contracted with Monticello & to deal with city business. • Park & Rec holds Appreciation Day at
Elk River instead. • Monticello-Big Lake Counseling Center Prairie Park.
• Zoning ordinance passed. rents space in City Hall. Highlights to page 4
•AsiimpA•losAalsd •NANBIldsi
New City Hall Hours Otsego Otsego Clean-Up
Office hours for City Hall will be Elementary Day set
extended in the evening and closed on
Fridays. The change should make City Otsego will hold it's annual clean-up
School News for residents Saturday, May3, 1997.
Hall more accessible to residents who Otsego elementarystudents,staff,and day
work during the day.New hours are: g This is an opportunity for residents to
Monday through Thursday parents are in their second year at their dispose of unwanted household junk,
new facility. They have worked on Dances, tires, & upholstered items.
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. severalprojects to cultivate and make use appliances, p
Closed Fridays Details will be published in the Elk River
of the property surrounding the building Star News.Contact Judy at City Hall if you
located on Co. Rd.42 in Otsego.
Assessment review set Young trees were planted on the
Property owners may request a review grounds by students and staff last year WASTEpage 1
of their property assessment for taxes and a small prairie grass area is being from p g
payable in 1997. The Wright County established on the south side of the has been banned,such as DDT.As long as
school. An outdoor classroom is located the item is in its original container and the
Assessor's Office has mailed cards to all on the north west side of the building directions are still legible, trading items
property owners which states its market which is used to enrich student with friends or family is a good way to
value. A board of review will be held curriculum throughout the seasons. The minimize waste.
Tuesday, April 22nd, 7:00 p.m. at City Minnesota Raptor Center will be using Items you wish to dispose of at the
Hall. Call 682-7367 to make an
appointment. wk.) this area when they conduct classes there collection should be kept in their original
this spring. containers. Never mix products. If it is
Service projects conducted at the leaking,place the entire container in a pail.
HIGHLIGHTS from page 3 school this year have included gathering Take care not to expose skin to corrosive or
holiday gifts for families in need through toxic products. Pack other items in a
• Hwy 101 improvement project completed. Rivers of Hope and collecting mittens for cardboard box cushioned with newspaper
• Picnic sites&softball fields developed in their"Please Don't Freeze"campaign for to prevent breakage. Keep the products
Prairie Park. needy children. from extreme cold or hot temperatures.
• More petitions received for annexation to The Otsego Parent Teacher Do not transport hazardous products in
• District court overturns previously Organization (PTO) is collecting the passenger compartment of your
granted annexation petitions. Campbell's brand labels which it can vehicle.
• Albertville & St. Michael compete to redeem for educational extras in the Containers from hazardous products
acquire Frankfort. classrooms. Labels can be dropped off at can be disposed of with regular trash if they
• Consolidation Commission ordered by the school or sent with an Otsego are completely empty and do not drip when
Municipal Board to study possible Elementary School student. For more held upside down.
consolidation of Albertville&Otsego. information, contact Colleen Bernard, For more information on household
• Negotiations between St. Michael, Otsego PTO, 241-3494.E hazardous waste disposal, the free Wright
Albertville,Frankfort,&Otsego result in County collection,or to volunteer to help,
demise of Frankfort Township & call 682-7338. VW
adjustment of the boundaries of the
remaining three cities. Otsego gives up
407 acres to Albertville;Gains 637 acres CITY MEETINGS
from Frankfort.The city has a net gain of
174 residents,230 acres,& 14 businesses.
• Heritage Preservation Commission MEETING DAYS TIME
publishes its 1st history book,Otsego in
the Beginning- 1852 to 1880. City Council 2nd & 4th Mondays 6:30 p.m.
• Jerome Perrault dies. Planning & Zoning Commission 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 8:00 p.m.
• 2nd Otsego Heritage Day. Parks & Rec Commission 2nd Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
• Heritage Preservation, Park & Rec plan
to move old town hall to Prairie Park. EDA Advisory Commission 1st Monday 7:00 p.m.
• Finance director position discontinued. Heritage Preservation Commission 4th Thursday 7:00 p.m.
• City contracts part time financial services
from Gary Groen &Associates.
• Park&Rec organizes Christmas tree drop. • Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings.
1997 • To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda, submit completed
• New City Council:Mayor Larry Fournier; forms & information 15 working days prior to meetings.
CM Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, • Official meeting notices are published in the Elk River Star News and
Vern Heidner,&Virginia Wendel. posted at City Hall.
• 1st mayor Norman F.Freske retires after • Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend.
13 years:Ron Black ends 6 years.'