Spring The TsE vffilyv ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 1, April 1996 Budget kee s cit functioningp Y Otsego's operating budget of$1,051,457 for 1996 was ment authority,and the city building facilities departments. adopted by the City Council in December 1995 after a public public safety operations are the police protection and build- presentation of the proposed budget. The city receives funds from property taxes, state and BUDGET to page 2 county aids, rental of city facilities, interest earnings, per- mits, licenses, and fees. Expenditures areaccounted for through the operation of the departments within the city. 1996 Budget General government operations consist of the mayor and city council, administration, finance, assessing, legal,plan- City of Otsego ning and zoning commission, planning, economic develop- Where it comes from Property Taxes �. .... 62 6° ,,_ Rental/Other ° 3.9/o "Intergovernmental 8 ` Licenses/Permits `.,� 27 2% Service Charges 8. 45% 1.8% 4, 4. 1996 ESTIMATED VENUES * �: * 4 Where it goes • � General Governrr�ent \ �" �" 475 / :77.7. --. Other 3.4% Public Safety `�, Public Works z 11.1% 33.1% Community 41111 :iiI�, • £ Service ' 111 4 1996 APPROPRIATIONS 5.0% n �` s a 1996 Adopted Otsego Operating Budget Summary Estimated Revenues ,,'''''"---'!!!'lliniiiiiiii:!!. - 1:1!;iii,!‘,,,Hi' vi,!„!!, Property Taxes $ 658,440 isu 'a Business Licenses&Permits 5,000 •=Y s Non-Business Licenses & Permits 42,150 Intergovernmental (i.e. state and county aid) 285,772 o Charges for Service 18,800 Miscellaneous 41.295 a TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $1,051,457 New flag flies at city hall Appropriations $ 499,457 Sherman Lindblom (left), Leonard Kokott and Post General Government Commander Earl Greer of Elk River-Rogers VFW Post Public Works Public Safety 1 16,360 4418 raise Old Glory at Otsego City Hall. The VFW has 347,633 supplied new American flags for the city as the old ones Community Service 52,097 became worn. The new flag was flown over the United Other Financing Uses 35,910 States Capitol. Thank you VFW. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $1,051,457 1 I iiiii^ii^iii",0A,00, ..^4.1^10,City of Otsego BUDGET from page 1 8899 Nashua Ave. NE ing inspection departments. Public works • Administration, including burning Otsego, MN 55330 operations consist of the engineering,street permits,licenses, and general informa- (612)441 4414 lighting,street and road maintenance,and tion. OFFICE HOURS recycling departments.Community service • Legislative review and administration Monday through Friday operations are the community recreation, • Watershed review and administration 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. park maintenance, and heritage preserva- • Election administration tion departments.The other uses category • Records retention CITY COUNCIL accounts for the transfer of funds to the • Financial administration,financial Mayor- capital equipment fund for the purchase of record keeping,payroll, investments, Norman F.Freske Council members- capital equipment items. auditing,budgeting, and analysis. Ron Black Services and functions provided by the • Property records,valuation and classifi- Larry Fournier city: cation of properties Vern Heidner • 24 hour fire protection • Building inspection including junk and Suzanne M.S.Ackerman • 24 hour ambulance protection blight enforcement CITY STAFF Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/ • 24 hour public safety protection • Zoning and flood zone property informa- Zoning Administrator • Street lighting tion Phyllis Cokley,Financial/ • Recycling • Planning and zoning services Business Director • Snow plowing • Engineering services for storm sewer, Judy Hudson, DeputyClerk • Street maintenance includinggrading, septic system,water, and street instal- DaveCarol 011son,, SClerk Secretary � g� p y Chase,Maintenance gravel, signs,culverts, and repairs lations; storm sewer management;and Duane Fiedler,Maintenance • Newsletter transportation. PLANNING & ZONING • Clean-up day • Park planning, development, and Carl Swenson,chair • Recreational activities, programs, and maintenance Eugene Goenner Jim Kolles special events • Maintenance of city buildings Arleen Nagel • Emergency warning system • Economic development Richard Nichols • Public water system • Historic preservation Bruce Rask I.G. Roskaft PARKS & RECREATION Thomas chair Jeff Bartheld,firrstoalte nate YOUR PROPERTY TAX D O L LA R Debbie Carron Tom Constant Teri Kohler , Roche Martin Bill Olson �' THE UNITED ST ATES OF AME :RICA•,�, •�, Darlene Solberg EDA ADVISORY . Liz Wilder,chair p'.� p ,\.--L \;., Darlyn Kofoed tr t ,` ,�;,� 1 :,:ft LuVern Klinker �' %• a €k k LeRoy Lindenfelser • ` Wally Odell Rudy Thibodeau ...,-7,-..‘,\ 11" Dave Sederberg _,S - HERITAGE PRESERVATION ONE DOLLAR t 0:,/ Joy Swenson,chair Janet Bridgland Arlene Holen Frieda Lobeck School District City of Wright Monticello- Joan Nichols Otsego County Big Lake Elaine Norin Hospital Norman Schwanbeck District Elk River Area Schools $0.45 $0.29 $0.24 $0.02 MNII Rv )VIEW St.. Michael-Albertville Schools $0.47 $0.27 $0.24 $0.02 Monticello Schools $0.49 $0.26 $0.23 $0.02 The Otsego View is a community newsletter for the city of Otsego. Jacquie Rognli,Editor Carol McGuire,Production Otsego Clean-up Day approaching Correspondence and news items are welcome and should be sent to Otsego As spring cleaning time approaches, regular trash.Otsego Clean-up Day will be City Hall, 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, Otsego residents can begin gathering all of Saturday,May 4, 1996.Details will be pub- Otsego,MN 55330(612)441-4414 the junk they want to dispose of at Otsego lished in the next issue of the Otsego View IContains 50%recycled Clean-up Day.This is a chance to get rid of and in the Star News.s t or pre consumer matenal all the big stuff that does not fit in the , sii•"••A.A.A.A.064.A.A.".."."..d ews ,.., Social News 1914 -- 4 > riqz b Elaine Norin The following 4 <. Y M .:: .. .. .... A studyof historyrelies on manydifferent r items were found in t ,; >.'. e t sou ces. ? _:':�:::::;:•::>;:. ��<..,>::�:<:::.,>: Newspapers can provide a wealth of information. Otsego the Sherburne ��„ €> t .��,i]i Si Count Star News ><<:: :,. '. .,. '; <` , has not had its own newspaper.Most of our historic news y :;:;:;. �.( in the"Otsego"and >:;:::::> ::�::<::::;:::<:>::.<..:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.:::::>.::::::::. appeared in the Sherburne Countypapers. g ;::.;:.;:.;:�"°�'� PP " l "Lily Pond"col The Sherburne CountyHistorical Y sto c 1 S i published a Society ub she da YP book, The Growth of Sherburne County 1875-1975, based umns. on news items. These are some of the highlights listed for Jan. 1"Noel,Lucy and Rose LeFebvre and Emma the year 1914. Fournier spent a few days last week visiting Minneapolis." General News 1914 "Miss Bessie Davis is enjoying a two week vacation at • Citizens had to pay income tax for the first time home. She has been teaching at Page.""Miss Mamie Holt because of the 16th amendment. is home from the Normal School at St. Cloud." • The Panama Canal opened August 15. Jan 15 "Mr. and Mrs.Joe McDonald and Mrs. Frank • A new standard for labor wages was set by Henry of Minneapolis came to attend the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Ford - $5.00 minimum for an 8-hour day. Davis." • St. Louis Blues was a hit song. Sept. 3"Clayton Morrill came up from Elk River for a • World War I started when the Archduke of Austria Sunday visit at home." and his wife were assassinated by Serbian terrorists. Sept. 10 "S. A. Holt filled his new silo last Saturday." • The new Great Northern Railroad station opened in Sept. 14"LIVED HERE SIXTY YEARS Mrs. John Minneapolis. Pepin, one of the oldest settlers ... celebrated her 85th • A new system for the telephone- dial-was demon- birthday ... sixty years ago this week the family first came strated. to Elk River. They afterwards settled on a homestead in • Sirloin steak was 32¢ a pound;a set of dentures Otsego." $5.00; Milk 80 a quart. Sept. 24"Mrs. Frank Spencer and Mrs. Sydney • The Ebner Box Factory in Otsego had one of the Mosman will entertain the Ladies Aid Society next week." biggest productions to date: 80 thousand crates of berry "Mr. N. E. Baker purchased a Ford automobile." boxes. Oct. 1"Edson Washburn has just completed a horse • There were heavy rains in June. Farmers had a hard stable on his farm.""Mrs. Clifford White had an unfortu- time getting their hay and clover crops harvested.The nate accident while turning her horse and buggy around ... Mississippi rose to its highest level in many years. no bones were broken ... badly bruised and shaken up." • State land was sold for$5.00 to$14.00 per acre. "D. C.Washburn went to Buffalo Monday and filed for • Farmers became agitated about a new law requiring the position of county surveyor." cash payments for all road taxes. Previously they had been Oct. 17 "DISASTROUS FIRE AT WASHBURN'S ... permitted to work a certain number of days on public roads Edson Washburn farm at Lily Pond ...barn, silo, ice house, according to the amount and value of their land. windmill and buggy shed totally destroyed." Nov. 5 ". . . reception for new pastor . . . Rev. and Mrs. Following are brief excerpts from the Sherburne John Walker . . ." County Star News for the year 1914. Nov. 26"Mrs. Rose Fournier has rented her farm to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reed and has moved to Dayton." Obituary News 1914 "The Ladies Aid fair and supper was well attended ... Jan. 15 "Mrs. Joseph Davis, aged 79 years,one of the proceeds about$20." oldest settlers of Otsego." Dec. 17 "S. A. Holt had the misfortune to break his arm Mar. 12"LUTHER INGERSOLL DEAD ... aged about ... cranking his auto ... engine kicked back." 60 years ... funeral at the Methodist church of Otsego..." Dec. 24"Miss Sadie Davis came home from Montana Sept. 10"VETERAN PIONEER CALLED BY DEATH for vacation.""A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Al ... Chas. Spencer, resident of Otsego since 1853 ...veteran Hamlett last week." of Civil War..." Dec. 31"Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fesler are guests at the Oct. 29 "JOHN PEPIN CALLED BEYOND . . . old home of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Davis." resident of Otsego . . . answers summons after a long illness." It appears that people knew more about their neigh- Nov. 5 "Mrs. Mary Vail died at Superior,Wisconsin ... bors in the old days than we do today with our sophisti- brought to Otsego for burial ... 71 years old." cated communications equipment.'- ts, iiiid *./1 ,.rlirf, sr^olid ,.del^ed PARK & I I I ris" 1 1#: REC CORNER * 'j�$�s .114 8 t Winter Fun Fest was HOT 0 by Jeff Asfahl Hot is right. Not only was the bonfire and chili -§ hot, considering that it was winter, you could even t. a say the weather was hot.Streams of residents turned - out to celebrate the second annual Winter Fun Fest Last chance on the ice January 13th at Otsego Prairie Park sponsored by Children enjoyed the last days of skating on the ice rink the Otsego Park and Recreation Commission. at Otsego Prairie Park. This winter,more people took advan- Several recreational opportunities were avail- tage of the enlarged rink with warming house.w-, able, but the hottest activity was the horse drawn sleigh rides that were graciously provided by Dale Council appointments made Sampson starring Bob and Greg, two beautiful Percheron horses.A medallion hunt also took place Council representatives to commissions and committees have in conjunction with this event.Medallion searchers been assigned to Otsego City Council members for 1996. were seen searching for the valuable treasure that Planning Commission-Larry Fournier;Suzanne Ackerman,alter- was eventually found near Otsego Elementary School nate by James Froemming and a couple of good friends. Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission-Norman Thanks to the medallion hunt sponsors Amvet F. Freske;Larry Fournier, alternate of Otsego,Bank of Elk River,Elk River Star News, Park and Recreation Commission-Suzanne Ackerman;Ron Black, F&F Food Mart,First National Bank of Elk River, alternate Fun City,Lefebvre's Carpet,Marquette Bank Otsego, Community Park Board-Vern Heidner; Ron Black, alter- Otsego Park and Recreation Commission,Terpstra, nate Black, Brandell, Kaminsky, and Hoffinan, Tom Public Works Committee-Norman F.Freske and Suzanne Thumb of Otsego,Video III. Ackerman;Vern Heidner, alternate The day was also filled with skating,frisbee golf, Administrative Staff Committee - Ron Black and Larry modified winter golf, sledding, and good old fash- Fournier;Norman F. Freske, alternate ioned neighborly camaraderie while enjoying a bowl Otsego Creek Authority - Vern Heidner and Suzanne of Roche Martin's special chili recipe homemade by Ackerman; Larry Fournier, alternate the park commissioners. Sewer Committee - Norman F. Freske and Vern Heidner; If you were there, we bet you enjoyed it. If you Ron Black, alternate missed it, we'll see you next year. Urban and Rural Taxing District Committee -Norman F. Freske and Larry Fournier;Vern Heidner, alternate Events planned for 1996 The Otsego Park and Recreation Commission is planningth following activities to takeP1ace this s year: Apri 1 7:00 p.m. EDA Advisory Commission Easter Egg Hunt-April 6th Apri 3 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission Bike Rodeo-May 11th Apri 8 6:30 p.m. City Council Haunted House and Ha de-October 26th—' Apri 9 7:00 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission Apri 15 6:30 p.m. Otsego Creek Tax District Levy Hearing Apri 17 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission Apri 23 6:30 p.m. Economic Development Authority followed by City Council O V S e gO Apri 25 7:00 p.m. Board of Review V►71 i Heritage Preservation Commission May 6 7:00 p.m. EDAAmmissi Clean-Up Day May 4 OTSEGO GO CLEAN UP DAYY To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items Saturday, May 4 seven working days prior to meetings. Y Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed i meetings. 4 ! 1 1 1 The 1 OTSEGO VIEW f•A•40Ardaisard ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 2, May 1996 More fun coming •► - ,, to fun city =� 4,.a A.---)- ..,..- Otsego Fun City (formerly Minn-E-Golf) is in the process of . ...... expanded its facility. A building is being constructed which Clean-Up will include indoor laser tag,an arcade and a birthday party Ilk4. Da room. Outdoors, bumper boats, bumper carts, and electric y kiddie car track are being added. Parking is being expanded and a walkway will connect the new section with the existing Saturday, May 4, 1996 facility. i, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Owners Rudy and Margaret Thibodeau plan to have the / 7. Old Otsego City Hall outdoor bumper cars, bumper boats, and kiddie cars in �A operation for Memorial Day weekend.They hope to open the 13474 NE 95th Street indoor facility some time in June. Fun City already includes a miniature golf course,radio Scrap Metal No Charge control car track,batting cages,and hobby shop.They accept Vehicle Batteries No Charge reservations for parties.Summer hours of 10 a.m.to 10 p.m. Used Motor Oil No Charge will begin as soon as school ends.`-'-'-' Assorted Refuse No Charge Residential Appliances $10 each Dog complaints on the rise Residential Air Conditioners $17 each Mattresses & Upholstery $7 each Big Dogs.Little Dogs.Dogs run- Average Size Tires $1 each ning loose. Dogs relieving them Large Truck Tires $5 each selves in neighbors' yards. Dogs °4. Tractor Tires $5 and up bothering pets.Dogs barking.Dogs #' `J dumping trash. Dogs on the 4• °�_� One pickup size load per household. loose. Dogs in the traffic. NOT ACCEPTED: Hazardous waste, brush, Dogs, dogs, dogs. j construction materials, household garbage, As spring temperatures '+ :,- curbside recyclables. rise in Otsego,so do the number of dog complaints in the city. City Hall staff say that the most grievance calls they receive Bring proof of Otsego residency. are on the subject of dogs. City officials may withhold service Responsible dog ownership includes regular vaccina in cases of flagrant abuse. tions, spaying and neutering, licensing, and confinement. Keeping a dog confined not only keeps the dog from bothering neighbors,but protects the dog from traffic and injury. Take advantage of Clean-upDay dog ordinance prohibits dogs from running at g large. They must be on the premises of the owner, confined, It's spring cleaning time in Otsego.It's time for residents or under control of a responsible person.The ordinance also to gather up all their unwanted junk and dispose of it at prohibits vicious or destructive dogs. Otsego Clean-up Day.Trash will be accepted from 9 a.m.to 2 A two year license fee of$10 is required in the city.Spayed p.m. on Saturday, May 4th at the public works area behind or neutered dogs are eligible for a reduced license fee of$5. the old city hall located on Co. Rd. 39 at Nashua. Owners should bring proof of rabies vaccination when apply- This is the seventh year that Otsego has held Clean-up ing for the dog license at City Hall. Day. Over 350 vehicles brought loads to Clean-up Day in The city of Otsego does not employ an animal control 1995. officer. Persons wishing to report owners in violation of the Volunteers are being sought to check in cars, direct dog ordinance should contact the Wright County Sheriff at traffic,and help unload.Call Judy Hudson at City Hall if you 682-1162. would like to help.`^^' Copies of Otsego's dog ordinance may be obtained from City Hall.`-"' rirAmANAINAidaiirArAmi^usd City of Otsego Residents responsible for care of septic systems 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Taking care of your on site sewage treatment system will make it last longer,save you Otsego, MN 55330 money,ensure safe groundwater,and protect the environment,according to the University (612)441-4414 of Minnesota Extension Service. OFFICE HOURS There are three parts to a septic system:the water that leaves your home,the septic Monday through Friday tank,and the soil treatment system. Each part has its own special maintenance require- 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. meats. CITY COUNCIL Mayor— WATER USE Norman F.Freske The first way to maintain your septic system is to reduce the amount of water that Council members— leaves your home and enters the system.Forty percent of all water that goes to your septic Ron Black Larry Fournier system is from your toilet, so the biggest impact can be made by using newer low volume Vem Heidner toilets that are available as small as one and a half gallons per flush.Older toilets use six Suzanne M.S.Ackerman CITY STAFF gallons. Low flow shower heads and suds saver washing machines are also effective at Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/ reducing water use. Zoning Administrator Maintaining your septic system also means spreading out water use. After water Phyllis Cokley,Financial/ leaves your home, it flows through the septic tank and into a soil treatment system. It Business Director Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk slowly percolates through the soil where bacterial actions and filtering remove pollutants. Carol Olson,Clerk Secretary Flushing too much water through the system can result in inadequate treatment.Running Dave Chase,MaintenanceDuane Fiedler,Maintenance your dishwater at night before you go to bed and spreading Your laundry loads out over the PLANNING &ZONING week will increase the life expectancy of your system and help prevent pollution problems, Carl Swenson,chair according to the Extension Service. Eugene Goenner Jim Kolles Pathogens, nutrients, organic material and cleaning compounds are found in your Arleen Nagel waste water from normal uses like dish washing, laundry, bath, and toilet wastes. A Richard Nichols properly designed system ensures that they will not contaminate your drinking water. Bruce Rask I.G. Roskaft However,you need to keep hazardous wastes, and cleaning solutions from entering your PARKS & RECREATION system. Thomas Baillargeon,chair Small amounts of household chemicals used in routine home cleaning will not harm Jeff Bartheld,first alternate Debbie Carron your sewage treatment system,although large or highly concentrated amounts can harm Tom Constant your system and the environment.Chemicals inhibit the bacterial action needed to break Teri Kohler downwastewater.Do not allow solvents,paint thinners,or dry cleaning fluids to enteryour Roche Martin Bill Olson treatment system. Darlene Solberg Powdered soaps,septic tank additives and garbage disposals can also cause problems, EDA ADVISORY according to the Extension Service. Liz Wilder,chair Darlyn Kofoed LuVem Klinker SEPTIC TANK LeRoyfalser Wally Odelldell The septic tic tank acts to slow down the water and hold it so the heavier solids can settle Rudy Thibodeau to the bottom and scum can float to the top.It also starts the break down of sewage before Dave Sederberg it goes into the soil treatment system. HERITAGE PRESERVATION. Regular maintenance requires complete removal of the tank contents. Although Joy Swenson,chair Janet Bridgland bacteria is breaking down the solids,it can not keep up with normal use.Removal of tank Arlene Holen contents prevents solids from being flushed into the soil treatment system where they will FrJoan NicholsLobeplug upthe soilpores.At the time the tank is maintained,baffles and piping should be Joan P >?; P P g Elaine Norin inspected for signs of plugging, corrosion, or improper alignment. Norman Schwanbeck Minnesota standards require a tank to be inspected and pumped as necessary at least once in three years. For an average home,maintenance is required approximately every two years. If you have a garbage disposal, your system is small, of if you have lots of R°T.�.,".,.,_VIEW relatives visiting often, it will be more frequent, possibly annually. The Otsego View is a community SOIL newsletter for the city of Otsego. After sewage treatment is started in your septic tank, it enters the soil treatment Jacquie Rognli,Editor Carol McGuire,Production system consisting of distribution piping and rock,possibly a pumping station, and soil. Correspondence and news items are Maintaining the soil treatment part of your system means stay off of it.Excess traffic welcome and should be sent to Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, over the top of your system will compact the soil so water can't move through it.The water Otsego,MN 55330(612)441-4414 will not get treated and will back up into the house or seep out onto the ground surface.Do not plant trees or shrubs over the soil system. Do not dig or fill over the soil system. r Contains 5096 recycled NI a pre consumer material More information on septic system care and maintenance can be obtained from the Wright County Extension Service, 682-7394.`^^ iirlid *Ardidiff, a^..^..rismd .., ..i, Burning permits Veterans Remembered available at Cit Hall - aiiiiiinewmoitimompiiiiiiiiiiinigliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Otsego residents can obtain burning permits at City Hall . ;;;;;; :;;;;;:!iiiiiirgigli.".! >-> : E:E:iox:K: i:i:i Iowa mi: ............, ......„.. ,.1 ,.... , : ,:, .:,,..;.„, :: :::::::::::: for the burning ofpiled brush and vegetative ve fue1s.Arrange-e b Y ments canbe madeto pick uerpermits after office hours by Elaine No rin -„A: ::: :::::::: .1ti.iiii,i:::iii, 7:-.::::iii7 calling in advance. No burning permit is needed for recreational One of the oldest :* campfiresless than threefset in diameter with the and significant .> ' ground cleared of combustibles for five feet around historical sites in the base of the fire. Permits are not required for Otsego is the city cemetery located on Co.Rd.39 just east of charcoal grills,camp stoves,or other devices for the the old town hall.It is nondenominational,owned by the city purpose of cooking or heating. Dried vegetative of Otsego, and has been maintained by volunteers. Harlan material may be burned without a permit in a Rask has maintained records since taking over from William regulation burner between the hours of 6 p.m. and Bell in 1975.These records date back to 1907.However,many ',i' 8 a.m. graves dating as far back as 1854 have been identified.There Burning permits are issued for five days for the are about 450 graves.Lots are still available.The land is part hours of 3 p.m.to 8 a.m.You must have the permit of the original Alvah Cooley claim and was donated by the . . with you while burning and fires must be attended family. and kept under control at all times.The fire can not In 1989 a new fence and gate were installed and other '� : be left smoldering. improvements were made by volunteers.In 1993 the Otsego 1� Fines will be issued for burning illegal materi- Jaycees started a cleanup project. als or household waste. State law does not permit As we approach Memorial Day, it is appropriate to re ii; ' 1, the openburning of oils,rubber,plastics,chemically member those at rest here who served our country in the . treated materials, or other materials that produce military services. excessive or noxious smoke.This includes,but is not Civil War LiglSa - 9 I limited to, tires, railroad ties, treated lumber, Myron Bartlett Raymond Reemts 9R.C.Borthwick Craig Roskaft i-i` shingles,tar paper,insulation,composition or par- John 0.Bowers Albert Skuza frir title board, sheetrock, wiring, paint, or paint fil- J.M.Burgan Wilbur Suelter 'ti' tern.`^^' Benjamin F.Cooley Other George Dillaber Louie Barsody Ripley GoodwinFrank Carslay L.Cota ORV operation is restricted John Haley RobertHenry Holt John Danielsa John McDonald Other Civil War The use of off-road recreational motor vehicles (ORVs), Joseph McDonald burial places{down; including motorized bikes, all terrain vehicles, hovercraft, J.N.Morrell Samuel S.Carrick Charles F.Parker Caleb J.Chase and motor vehicles being used for off-road recreational pur- Charles Peavey poses is regulated in the platted residential areas of Otsego by Leonard Snow Jerome Cooley Charles H.Spencer Levi W.Copp city ordinance.ORVs can only be operated between 8 a.m.and Benjamin F.Gray 10 p.m.on private property in the platted areas.The property MhiWigl Spencer Francis McDonald owner's permission is required to operate on private prop- William Moa Spanish-American War John H.Morrgann erty......."..0 William Brandt Clark Nye World War I Andrew Ramsey Curfew for minors adopted Frank Johnson Charles Shelefoo Amar D.King Edson Washburn Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. every day, it is Edward King Elbridge D.Washburn place or on the CharlesrdReed Orson Monroe Washburn unlawful for minors to remain in any publicLeland Vail Alexander Wood premises of any establishment within the city unless accom- World War II panied by a parent or legal guardian.It is also unlawful for a George C.Mellinger parent or guardian, either knowingly or by insufficient con- Elmer Mord trol, Vtopermit a minor to remain on thepremises duringGeraldon Morris Gerald L.Peavey curfew hours or for a business establishment to allow a minor to remain on the premises during curfew hours. Any minor apprehended for curfew violation will be These lists are derived from visual inspection of the escorted home and placed in the custody of their parent or cemetery,local cemetery records,and the Sherburne County guardian.Minors and parents or guardians convicted under Veterans Service lists published annually in the Elk River the ordinance are guilty of a petty misdemeanor. Penalties Star News. If you have any additions or corrections, please contact Elaine Norin at 295-2019. increase in severity after the first offense.`^^' `^”' f 4100"111, NiAmolAftdilliAnlAniAliArdNirs"ur, Mailbox fix-up season arrives It has been said that Otsego is a city of mailboxes. The I PARK & entire city receives rural mail service,so most every home has a mailbox alongside the road. Motorists look for street ad- REC (CORNER dresses on the mailboxes. Some homes are so far back from the road that the mailbox is the only indication that someone lives there. The appearance of the mailbox is often the first by Jeff Asfahl impression visitors have of a home. The prominence of the mailbox should spur residents to take some pride in the Bike Rodeo appearance of that functional little box on a post. Come and test your riding skills at the Bike Rodeo Residents are responsible for their mailboxes.The city's Saturday, May 11th, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This policy is that the maintenance department will not repair any program at Otsego City Hall will provide you with a mailboxes in the city. safety inspection and simple tune up of your bike.After The maintenance department recommends that resi- the program, enjoy a treat and door prizes. dents mount their boxes 42 inches above the road surface so The Bike Rodeo is made possible by the Wright that snow plow blades can pass under them.The department County Sheriffs Department.There is no fee,but you also suggests that homeowners inspect their mailboxes for must register by calling 241-3523 before May 11 to needed repairs. Check for loose or rotted posts. register."-"-"s Owners should also be aware of possible safety hazards = r ,�ie, mailboxes pose to motorists and bicyclists. Concrete filled it--- .4, io objects and horizontal boards can fly through a windshield if ``the box is accidentally struck. \ ; ' 1 The Otsego address display ordinance requires two inch 'N\,' ,.L ;/_„1,, high reflective mailbox numerals of the . ' 1 home's street address(not rural route num- .—�. -'.'4;i ('--.:=':-. N71- �f tiers). Four inch high Y>.:-„�`� �. l`' -'4,i'.', \ numerals are re- ' ` �,. • '; I ',....-,Li_UJ quired on the house. cc When the view of the o a . 3'TO 4' Easter Basket Class and Egg Hunt 4 building is obstructed from z o the street, four inch high nu- F) great time was had by all who participated in the m merals must be on a posted basket class and egg hunt which took place Saturday, OUTSIDE EDGE OF April 6th at Otsego City Hall and Prairie Park.There SHOULDER sign. Clearly labeled addresses were 70 children in the basket class who decorated assist emergency rescue their wooden baskets with stencils and markers or I workers. Properly sponge painting. About 90 more children joined then mounted mailboxes exile for the egg hunt around City Hall. This "eggstra” dite mail delivery.`-'wspecial event was made possible by the Otsego Park and Recreation Commission. Thank you to all who volunteered their help in making this day a suc- cess. May 1 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission May 4 9 a.m.to 2 p.m. OTSEGO CLEAN UP DAY Summer Brochures May 6 7:00 p.m. EDA Advisory Commission May 11 10:30 a.m. Bike Rodeo Spring into summer with Community Recreation. May 13 6:30 p.m. City Council Watch for our brochure to arrive at your home with the May 14 7:00 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission May 15 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission May 8th Elk River Star News.We have many new and May 23 7:00 p.m. Heritage Preservation Commission exciting opportunities – something fun for everyone. May 27 CITY HALL CLOSED for Memorial Day •May 28 6:30 p.m. City Council Look for T-ball,volleyball,golf,tennis,soccer,basket- June 3 7:00 p.m. EDA Advisory Commission ball, and much, much more. Be sure to state that you June 5 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission are an Otsego resident when you register.` '' June 10 6:30 p.m. City Council June 11 7:00 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission June 19 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission June 24 6:30 p.m. City Council June 27 7:00 p.m. Heritage Preservation Commission To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings. Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. 4