Spring The OTSEGO VIENAT 11, ,,, e, idild ON THE GREAT RWER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 5, No.2, April 1995 Otsego Clean-up Day set for Saturday, May 6 Start gathering up all of your residence. Otsego unwanted junk. On Saturday, May This is the sixth year that Ot- 6th Otsego residents can get rid of it sego has held Clean-up Day. The Clean-up Day all in one easy trip. City Council feels that this is a ser- Saturday, May 6, 1995 Trash will be accepted from 9 vice that residents desire and that 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. a.m. to 2 p.m. at the public works it helps people maintain the beauty Appliances $8.00 ea. area behind the old city hall located of property in Otsego. Tires & Inner Tubes $1.00 ea. on Co. Rd. 39 at Nashua Ave.There Volunteers are being sought to Large Truck Tires $5.00 ea. will be a nominal fee for some items. check in cars,direct traffic,and help Mattresses & Upholstery $7.00 ea. Used oil, auto and marine bat- unload. Call Judy Hudson at City Scrap Metal No Charge teries, scrap metal, and household Hall if you would like to help with Vehicle Batteries No Charge goods can be deposited free of charge, this effort to clean up our city. Assorted Refuse No Charge limited to one pickup size load per (pickup size load) No hazardous waste,construction mate rials, recyclables, or household garbage will be accepted. 9 ;jPeople will be asked to show proof of j Otsego residency. :.,-,0:,',,, ..,,,5:7:::, 'City officials may withhold service in 4 a o cases of flagrant abuse. � gas� �a .a fl �a Right, Otsego Clean-up Day is May 6. "" �: s �y Ao More than 350 residents took advantage - .. � y '�' of the service in 1994......, `•- ti a Council will Storm drainage tax districts proposed meet earlier A public hearing on es- up a system to finance the formulating a drainage plan tablishing watershed storm cost of these improvements. for the city.Creating the tax- The Otsego City Council sewer tax improvement dis- The control of storm wa- ing districts is the next step now meets at 6:30 p.m.on the tricts will be held Monday, ter and spring melt run-off in creating a city drainage second and fourth Mondays April 3 beginning at 7:00 p.m. has long been a major con- plan. each month.If there is a holi- The plan covers most of the cern of Otsego residents.Be- Following the hearing on day on the regular meeting eastern half of the city. fore Otsego became a city, the proposed taxing districts day,the Council will meet onproposed boundaries for Wright County controlled de will be a hearing on a pro- the following Tuesday. the North Mississippi, South velopment permits in Otsego. posed amendment to the Ot- Meetings are held at City Mississippi, LeFevbre's, Topographic surveys and sego Creek Storm Sewer Tax Hall. The public is welcome Halls, and Rice/Foster Lake drainage plans for develop- Improvement District bound- to attend. Agenda items Watershed Storm Sewer Tax ments were not required by aries at 7:25 p.m. should be submitted at leastImprovement Districts will be the county,so the city inher Questions will be an seven working days prior to presented.Establishing these ited all the water woes cre- swered and comments taken meetings,but all regular city taxing districts will make it ated during the development from the public at the hear- council meeting agendas in- possible for the city to acquire, boom of the 1970s. ings.Maps and related docu- dude an open forum time construct, maintain, and im- The city of Otsego had ments are available at City when the public may address prove storm drainage systems topographic mapping done in Hall.,-.-,the council..., within the districts and set 1994 to begin the process of • City of Otsego Commissions advise City Council 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego has several volunteer commissions that look in depth at various issues that Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441-4414 affect the city and offer their advice to the City Council in how to act on those topics. The City Council takes the advice of the commissions and professional staff into consideration OFFICE HOURS when making decisions. Only the City Council has the authority to act. Monday through Friday Although each commission looks at issues from the standpoint of their special interest 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. (i.e. parks and recreation, land use, or economic development), the City Council must CITY COUNCIL consider all sides, taking into account cost, legal advice, engineering, planning, and the Mayor— desires of the citizens of Otsego. Norman F. Freske The City Council and mayor are elected by the people.The members of the commissions Council members— are appointed by the council.A member of the City Council attends the meetings of each Ron Black commission and acts as the council liaison. They do not have a vote on the commissions. Larry Fournier Vern Heidner Planning and Zoning Commission Suzanne M.S.Ackerman The Otsego Planningand ZoningCommission studies issues of land use in the city.The CITY STAFF g Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/ commission uses the Otsego Comprehensive Plan and the city's Zoning Ordinance as Zoning Administrator guidelines. The planning commission holds public hearings on development plans, ordi- Jim Barthel,Treasurer nances, conditional use permits, and zoning changes. The commission takes public Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk comment on land use issues and forwards that information to the CityCouncil. The Carol Olson,Clerk Secretary Dave Chase,Maintenance commission makes recommendations to the City Council based on compatible land uses. Duane Fiedler,Maintenance The Planning and Zoning Commission meets the first and third Wednesday of the PLANNING & ZONING month at 8:00 p.m.The public is invited to attend all meetings.To get on the agenda,submit Carl Swenson,chair needed forms and information 15 working days prior to meetings so that commission Eugene Goenner members have a chance to review it and be prepared.The Planningand ZoningCommis- Jim Kolles Arleen Nagel sion members are Carl Swenson (chair) Eugene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Bruce Rask, I.G. Richard Nichols,alternate Roskaft,Mark Wallace,Arleen Nagel,Richard Nichols(alternate),Larry Fournier(council Bruce Rask representative),and Vern Heidner(council alternate). I.G. Roskaft Mark Wallace EDA Advisory Committee PARKS & RECREATION The Otsego Economic Development AuthorityAdvisory Committee (EDAAC) is con- Thomas Baillargeon,chair Jeff Bartheld,second alternate cerned with the development of business in the city. This committee is working on John Bolduc,first alternate gathering information on existing businesses in the city and addressing the issues they Debbie Carron face.They are working with the planning commission to find a suitable industrial site for Tom Constant Teri Kohler home extended businesses and other light businesses wishing to locate in Otsego. The Roche Martin EDAAC is interested in finding ways to attract businesses to the city which will help create Bill Olson a broader tax base. It advises the Economic Development Authority (EDA) on economic Darlene Solberg development issues. EDA ADVISORY The EDAAC meets the first Mondayof each month atp.m. The public is welcome to Richard Nichols,chair LuVern Klinker attend all meetings. The members of the EDAAC are Richard Nichols (chair), LuVern LeRoy Lindenfelser Klinkner,LeRoy Lindenfelser,Wally Odell,Rudy Thibodeau,Dave Sederberg,Liz Wilder, Wally Odell Darlyn Kofoed(alternate),Larry Fournier(council representative),and Ron Black(council Rudy Thibodeau Dave Soderberg alternate). Liz Wilder Darlyn Kofoed,alternate Parks and Recreation Commission HERITAGE PRESERVATION The Parks and Recreation Commission is concerned with parks and trails and Janet Bridgland recreational opportunities in the city and advises the City Council in these matters. It Arlene Holen meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.The public is invited to all meetings. Frieda Lobeck Joan Nichols The members of the Parks and Recreation Commission are Thomas Baillargeon Elaine Norin (chair), Debbie Carron, Tom Constant, Teri Kohler, Roche Martin, Bill Olson, Darlene Joy Swenson Solberg,John Bolduc(first alternate),Jeff Bartheld(second alternate),Suzanne Ackerman (council representative), and Larry Fournier(council alternate). RoTEc4 VIEW Heritage Preservation Commission The Heritage Preservation Commission has just been organized.It has an opening for The Otsego View is a community a volunteer interested in preserving historic sites and artifacts in Otsego.Members are also newsletter for the city of Otsego. seeking historic photographs of the city, diaries and other written information.Jacquie Rognli,Editor Carol McGuire,Production The Heritage Preservation Commission meets the fourth Thursday of the month at Correspondence and news items are 7:00 p.m. The public is welcome to attend all meetings. welcome and should be sent to Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, Members of the Heritage Preservation Commission are Janet Bridgland, Arlene Otsego,MN 55330(612)441-4414 Holen, Frieda Lobeck,Joan Nichols,Elaine Norin,Joy Swenson, and Ron Black(council representative)..-•N Contains 50%recycled Na pre consumer material 2 ritlArIAINAINANNAIIIIAII^dele"IINAir"indi Ordinance regulates recreational St. Michaels ::: _ _ ; : *. : : ; :; ; ; . . . .. .. .. .... . motor vehicle use : •: : The use of recreational motor ye- Station ois ithe platted areas of Otsego hides in g ................. ............. ................... .........t. ......:...:.: prohibited except on private property ert y Albert v ille : between the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 10:00 segosnegor p.m. Recreational motor vehicles means Because of I-94,to reach the of St. Michael's Station, as the new mini bikes, three wheelers, all terrain far southwestern corner of Otsego church and town were called. In vehicles, hovercraft, or motor vehicles from the rest of the city,travelers 1903 the church was legally incor- being used for off-road recreational pur- must pass through the city of porated. poses. Albertville. The history of Otsego's In 1915 Albertville was de- The platted areas are all areas of the neighbor,Albertville, is strongly scribed in the History of Wright city that are within the boundaries of a linked to St. Michael. County as an enterprising business plat which is recorded with the Wright In 1856 a respectable log center and an excellent trading • County recorder. That includes all resi building was erected along the point for a good farming district. dential areas. No other use, such as Crow River in Frankfort on the "The village is incorporated, driving in the ditches or on the shoulder claim of Peter Scheyrich near the connected with the outside world of the road, is allowed in residential former site of the Berning Mill by both telephone and telegraph areas. Dam. Rev. Father Weninger and and has excellent schools. Its Minnesota state laws apply to all another Catholic priest arrived in businesses are up and doing, uses outside of platted areas. Recre- September, held divine services, carrying large, well selected stocks ational motor vehicle users still must and founded the Catholic church and are making a bid for patronage • have the property owner's permission to and congregation of St. Michael's. in the way of prices that is felt in operate on private property in the rural This caused Crow River all sections. Albertville has about areas of the city. Settlement, as it was then called, 450 inhabitants and is surrounded • The Otsego snowmobile and recre- to be an attractive destination for with as desirable farmlands as are ational motor vehicle ordinance was German Catholic settlers. In 1865 to be found in this great state. It is adopted in September 1994. Copies of Father Gregory Koering became located on the Great Northern the ordinance are available at City Hall. the first resident priest of St. railroad, fifteen miles northeast of �^'� Michael's. A growing membership Buffalo, the county seat. Lately the Otsego Lions welcome prompted the building of a frame City has built cement walks on her g building in 1866 near the location principal streets which add much to new members of the present church. St. Michael's her appearance. Large quantities of The Otsego Lions Club invites area parish was the earliest Catholic grain, live stock, potatoes,butter residents to visit its meeting Wednes- settlement in Wright and eggs are shipped from here day, May 10, 8:00 p.m. at City Hall. County. every year." Club members welcome anyone inter- The present church was built In 1915 Albertville there was a ested in finding out more about this in 1890. It is a large gothic build- Catholic church,the German- community minded service organiza ing with a clock in the steeple. American State Bank, two hotels, a tion. See what a meeting is like, ask When the railroad line passed grain elevator, a flour mill, a questions, and stay for refreshments. through the southwest corner of saloon, blacksmith, meats, harness Call 441-1621 for more information.,,, Otsego, a settlement was estab- shop, and lumber company. lished near the railroad line.A For a time there was another stage coach ran there daily from village in Otsego called St. Staff get new St. Michael. Michael's Station and also called The Very Rev.John N. Stariha, Hamburg. It was located a half appointments vicar general of the archdiocese of mile northwest of Albertville in St. Paul, directed the location of a Otsego Township. w•, Elaine Beatty has been appointed as new church to be built in the area Otsego's City Clerk and Zoning Admin- „ of the new settlement north of St. Anyone with historical photo- istrator. Judy Hudson has been ap Michael in 1902. Property was graphs of Otsego is urged to contact pointed Deputy Clerk.,-.,.. donated by John Zachman of St. the Otsego History Committee Michael. Rev. William H. Blum through City Hall.•., was put in charge of the Catholics i 1 3 sa^ii# 1•AmisiNAINIAII"sArli"111"11"rid Annexation petitions under consideration PARK & The Minnesota State Municipal or readily available to avoid urban Board is considering petitions from two sprawl. RE C CORNER property owners to be annexed to the An analysis prepared by Resource city of Albertville.A decision is expected Strategies Corporation states "Annex- soon. ation for purposes of development of the Bike Rodeo planned Frank and Rod D'Aigle filed a peti- petitioned properties is grossly incon- Otsego Parks and Recreation will tion to annex their 62.11 acre parcel sistent with the existing Albertville hold a bike rodeo Saturday, May 20 at abutting the northeast boundary of Al- Comprehensive Plan and constitutes the Otsego Prairie Park, 10 a.m. to noon. bertville north of I-94 on Mud Lake. very kind of leapfrog developmentwhich There will be an obstacle course, skills Leander Becker filed for his 79.32 acre the Albertville Comprehensive Plan test, bike safety check, and a safety parcel abutting the west boundary of seeks to discourage." video. Participants should bring their Albertville south of I-94. These land- The analysis also states that the bicycles. owners are hoping to develop their prop- waste water treatment facility in Al- Park needs volunteers erty and are interested in having city bertville is expected to reach capacity by Volunteers are sought for develop sanitary sewer service provided by Al- the year 2000 and does not have the ment in Otsego Prairie Park this spring. bertville. ability to provide sewer service to land The park commission hopes to get the Neither of these properties are near already targeted for development let six new picnic sites completed. Picnic an area identified for development in alone additional properties. tables have already been assembled. the comprehensive plans of either Ot- The Otsego City Council adopted Contact City Hall to volunteer. sego or Albertville.Both comprehensive resolutions in opposition to the peti- plans call for orderly growth through tions. The city of Albertville has not Summer events careful management ofthe development adopted any resolutions on the is- Otsego Parks and Recreation is cur- process.Albertville's plan allows for new sue.w•.' rently considering holding a city festi- construction where utilities are present val on July 1.A summer safety camp is also in the planning process. '---. Firearms ordinance committee organized A group of interested residents has an ordinance governing the use of fire- been organized to formulate a firearms arms in Otsego. Dogs signal spring ordinance for the city of Otsego. The Members of the Firearms Ordinance Ahh — the early signs of spring! group met for the first time in January Committee are: Greg LeFebvre, chair, Robins sing,branches are bursting with and has meetings scheduled for the John Bolduc, Richard Nichols, Steve fourth Tuesdayof the month. new buds, streams of water run along Ackerman, IG Roskaft, Randy Carron, the roadsides from the melting snow, The group is examining ordinances Ken Fry, Tom Guimont, LaDonna and dog complaints are on the rise at of neighboring cities,city maps,conser- Harpster,Jon Kline,Greg Knott,George City Hall. vationinformationandinformationfrom Melby, Tom Niebler, and Mary in- the Wright County Sheriff. The corn- Valerius.w., As spring approaches, the wild mittee will use the information to draft stinct seems to take control of these domestic animals. Dogs that are not confined roam the countr side and be- Y + `w�.,�.. r:. :� , :: ►:.: . :.'::.. ........: . :'.:.:;:::i come a nuisance to homeowners. Apri 10 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting Dogs are prohibited from running Apri 11 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission Meeting at large in Otsego. City ordinance re- Apri 17 7:00 p.m. Economic Development Authority Advisory Committee quires that dogs be on the premises of Apri 19 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission Meeting Apri 20 7:00 p.m. Property Valuation Board of Review the owner,confined,or under control of Apri 24 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting a responsible person. Viscious and de- Apri 25 7:00 p.m. Firearms Ordinance Committee Apri 27 7:00 p.m. Historical Commission Meeting structive dogs are not allowed. May 3 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission Meeting Dog licenses may be purchased at May 6 9 a.m.to 2 p.m. CLEAN UP DAY City Hall.Spayed or neutered dogs are May 8 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting May 9 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission Meeting eligible for a reduced license fee. Own- May 17 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission Meeting ers should bring proof of rabies vacci- May 22 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting May 23 7:00 p.m. Firearms Ordinance Committee nation when applying for their dog May 25 7:00 p.m. Historical Commission Meeting People can report owners in viola- To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 tion of the dog ordinance by contacting working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to the Wright County Sheriff at 682-3900. meetings. Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. Copies of Otsego's dog ordinance can be obtained at City Hall. ,...ti 4 The Ilt oirsEG0 ../ .A.,^id ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 5, No.3, June 1995 City hires business/finance director Phyllis Boedigheimer has been hired ‘ e full-time as Otsego's business/finance di rector.Boedigheimer started May 3 when m. Jerome Perrault, Otsego clerk for a half century, and Treasurer James Barthel retired. Boedigheimer comes with a back- '` ground in city finances and computers. She was finance officer for the city of Champlin for six years and worked in the 'ar computer industry for four years setting up systems for government installations, ' 9, training,and support for city and county • governments nationwide. She also was • Elk River's city clerk/treasurer for seven A.0 years. Boedigheimer lived in Otsego for o 12 years before moving to Maple Grove. ,ii„ •x ... ,,,.. a Boedigheimer has been organizing Phyllis Boedigheimer is Otsego's new business/finance director.--"-' her office and getting acquainted with city operations. She has already issued recognized accounting system in place for the city that would allow line-by-line the first accounts payable checks from tracking and a more detailed system of checks and balances. She looks forward the computer system and has been at- to using her financial planning skills to get more involved with the Economic tending council, commission, and staff Development Authority Advisory Committee. She will begin working on the the planning meetings to get oriented. fee structure for the newly established storm sewer taxing districts and also Perrault also spent some time with her. expects to be reviewing the city's insurance package. Boedigheimer sees one of the major City staff are very pleased to have Boedigheimer join them and feel she will tasks ahead of her as getting a generally be a great asset to Otsego government operations..' Otsego school dedicated About 200 people attended dedication ceremonies for the P new Otsego Elementary School on May 25. Visitors had am„,.. . chance to tour the building which includes a closed loop F :x '';" ground source heat pump for all electric heating and cooling u o its own kitchen facility, and specialized rooms for art,music 1 �3,* �Zr. y f, and science. • 1 0 a From the outside, the brick building has a prairie style ,` ¢--%" v4,_ .4 architectural look. The entire building has a light open feel, ,w -0 -' A O featuring a central media center with clerestory windows, ` '�1V x interior hallways and specialist rooms with skylights. All .'. a. M.. •=y " .i"...';1::'_".,« iA ., a classrooms have access to the outside.Classrooms are grouped Otsego's first municipal well has one customer so by grades into pods. Each room is soundproof and self con- far: Otsego Elementary School......., tained, but is designed to accommodate team teaching with movable walls and a common learning center area for com- room. Wiring is in place for networking computers and puter stations and other activities. modem lines. The building has been wired for closed circuit and cable School begins at Otsego in the fall of 1995. Roche Martin television in every classroom with a central control room near of the Otsego Park and Recreation Commission is the school's the media center. There will be telephones in every class- principal. ii^11"1"Idodmi".1^EANANIN"rm, City of Otsego A big "THANKS!" 8899 Nashua Ave. NE We had another successful Clean-up NOTES Otsego, MN 55330 Day on Saturday, May 6. It did not rain! I (612)441-4414 would like to thank all of the people who RM THE took time out of their busy schedules to OFFICE HOURS iv OO1 i1. Monday through Friday make it a successful day.I would also like to OD 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. thank city council, staff and maintenance by Mayor Norman F. Freske CITY COUNCIL people for helping out.Thank you to County Mayor— Commissioner Pat Sawatzke for helping With summer approaching, please be Norman F. Freske and getting the Sentence to Serve program aware of maintenance vehicles, graders, Council members— people to help. Thank you to Judy Hudson mowers, etc. Also, please be careful when Ron Black who tied it all together. Thank you to the passing graveling, seal coating, and con- Larry Fournier Vern Heidner citizens of Otsego who had patience waiting struction projects. Suzanne M.S.Ackerman in line and for help unloading. Have a safe and enjoyable summer!ws CITY STAFF Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Thanks extended to Clean Up Day volunteers Phyllis Boedigheimer,Financial/ Business Director According to Otsego Clean Up Day coor- Freske, Tom Gehring,Arleen Nagel,Jerry Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk dinator Judy Hudson,the city took in over Olson, Ken Theisen, Gordy Reinke, Pat Carol Olson,Clerk Secretary Dave Chase, Maintenance 350 loads of household unwanteds on May Sawatzke, Brad Schulz, Dave Schulz, Ken Duane Fiedler,Maintenance 6. "Thank you Otsego residents for your Shierts, John Simola, Tim Simola, Jim PLANNING & ZONING cooperation in helping to unload and for Stevens, Carl Swenson, Philip Wellman, Carl Swenson,chair Eugene Goenner making Otsego a cleaner city!" Philip Wellman, Jr.; City Staff: Elaine Jim Kolles Hudson wishes to thank all the volun- Beatty,Carol Olson,Dave Chase,and Duane Arleen Nagel teers who helped make the 1995 Clean Up Fiedler, Mayor Norman F. Freske, council Richard Nichols,alternate Bruce Rask Day a success: Rocky Applegate, Nadine members: Suzanne Ackerman, Ron Black, I.G. Roskaft Aarvig, Larry Blesi, John DeMars, Rose Larry Fournier and Vern Heidner.......— Mark Wallace PARKS & RECREATION Preventative maintenance needed for septic systems Thomas Baillargeon,chair Jeff Bartheld,second alternate Pumping sludge out of on-site sewage The ground over the septic system John Bolduc,first alternate Debbie Carron treatment plants(septic systems)every one should be left undisturbed.Trees and shrubs Torn Constant to three years is recommended by the Uni- should not be planted over it, no fill dirt Teri Kohler versityof Minnesota Extension.Systems in should be added,it should not be driven on, Roche Martin y Bill Olson Otsego must be pumped or inspected every and the soil should not be compacted. The Darlene Solberg two years according to Otsego city ordi- oxygen from the surface is an important EDA ADVISORY evaporation nance. part of the decomposition and Darlyn Kofoed p LuVern Klinker Raw sewage flows into the septic tank process of the septic system. LeRoy Lindenfelser where solids separate from the liquid and Every homeowner should know the lo- Wally Odell Rudy Thibodeau are partially decomposed by bacteria. The cation of his or her septic system.The plas- Dave Soderberg liquid that remains,or effluent,is discharged tic inspection pipes that show above the Liz Wilder from the tank into a soil filter called the surface can be cut flush with the ground, HERITAGE PRESERVATION Joy Swenson,chair drain field. but care should be taken that their location Janet Bridgland If solids are allowed to accumulate in is always known. Arlene Nolen the tank, there is not enough room for the More information on septic systems can Frieda Lobeck Joan Nichols separation.Then solids get carried into the be obtained from Wright County Extension, Elaine Norin soil where they can clog the drain field and 339-6881...ww contribute to ground water pollution. OTSEGO JT�UT Soaps and grease forma a scum laer on 1:r. - $ _ d VIEW the surface of the tank.Liquid laundrysoapl "Q . ` � . rather than powder are recommended to1,4 ° The Otsego View is a community o newsletter for the city of Otsego. minimize the scum. Garbage disposals can ,, •••:!**-1.,-.4.,,, x Jacquie Rognli,Editor also cause problems. '5 Carol McGuire,Production cr Correspondence and news items are Only household waste and toilet paper welcome and should be sent to Otsego should be discharged into the septic system. City Hall, 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, A healthy system does not need any corn- 3 Otsego,MN 55330(612)441-4414 mercial additives. Conservative use of wa- A. IliContains 50%recycled ter will reduce the sewage flow. Septic systems require regular to pre consumer material maintenance and care......... 2 Property owners beware of right- .. . . tonta of-ways Windows bring Paralleling every street is a zone church history called the right-of-way. Right-of-way zones vary from 30 to 35 feet wide mea- to Otsego sured from the center of the roadway. They are maintained by property own- by Elaine Norin ers, but they are reserved for use by Christ Lutheran Church has displayed names of persons in utilities. the distinction of being the first whose memory the windows were Right-of-ways must be kept clear of church built in the city of Otsego. placed in 1904. any safety hazards for vehicles. Trees, Not only is this a fact of historical The sanctuary of Christ fences, posts, and concrete mailbox pil- interest,but June 4, 1995 marked Lutheran was designed to accom- lars are dangerous obstacles for motor- the dedication of the church's modate the St. John's windows ists who may leave the roadway. stained glass windows and bell. when it was built in 1989. Mem- In some parts of the city,the right- These beautiful artifacts are from bers Al Dahlin and Ron Black took of-way serves as a holding ditch for St.John's Evangelical Lutheran community education classes in snow melt and run off before it perco- Church in Fort Jennings, Ohio. stained glass and began the lates or evaporates.These ditches should St. John's was organized in restoration of the side windows. not be filled in. 1840, before there were any Ter Haar Studio in Cold Spring Public utilities, such as electricity, settlers in Otsego. A full-time was contracted for the difficult telephone,cable television,natural gas, pastor conducted services in a restoration work of the large Good municipal water and sewer have the small log building in the after- Shepherd window which faces Co. right to use the zone for their lines.They noon. Catholic services were held Rd. 39. need to be able to access their lines for there in the mornings. In 1855 a Several families came to maintenance.Shrubs and trees planted frame building was built as the Otsego from Ohio for the dedica- in the right-of-way may be removed by membership continued to grow. tion ceremonies. Among them were utilities servicing their lines. Consider By 1903 construction began on a August W. Schult and his wife, the mature height of trees when plant- new brick church which was Ruth, whose father, Charles ing near overhead lines.,ss dedicated in 1904, completely debt Cornelius Raabe and his brother, free, thanks to donations of time Arnold donated the land on which and materials by members. St. John's was built. Charles, Summer road Changes in the economy and Arnold, and three other brothers limited employment opportunities donated bricks for the church. work planned resulted in people moving away Now, after restoration and from the Fort Jennings commu- installation of these beautiful The city maintenance department nity and by 1988 the church windows and bell, the memory of continues the job of keeping up city passed into history following 148 St. John's and its members lives on streets this summer. Roads in Country years of service. as part of Christ Lutheran Church Ridge will be seal coated.Graveling will After learning that the in Otsego. The following quotation be done on O'Brian. Regular grading of stained glass windows and bell from the 100th anniversary service gravel roads and ditch mowing will con- were available, Christ Lutheran of St. John's in 1940 seems appro- tinue throughout the summer. Church members Ron Black,Al priate at this time. "Let us conse- In preparation for an international Dahlin, Mel Eliason,Jack crate ourselves to the work still to conference, the Finns will be surfacing Holmes, and Myron Morris be done, and accept and pass on a portion of Kadler Avenue south of traveled from Minnesota to Fort the challenge to those to follow, 70th Street for a demonstration. They Jennings on Thanksgiving week- that in the often humble work of are also re-surfacing Jalger for the June end in 1989. They removed the the church, His glorious kingdom conference. windows and bell and brought shall come. "�-, Construction on the Co. Rd. 37 and them to Otsego. Brass plaques O'Dean intersection improvement attached to the window frames should also begin this summer.,,,-, 3 torAtri"IliArdsiodurAireAmiAlidoidirArid Permits required for home improvements PARK & New construction, alterations, and ishes that do not provide egresses,elec- many C CORNER many home improvements require a trical and furnace installations, and building permit as specified in the Uni- plumbing that is not vented properly, 7 form Building Code (UBC). according to Olson. picnic planned Information on which projects re- Some projects can be done without a quire building permits,applications,and permit. They include one story sheds The Parks and Recreation Commis- a list of the required documents are with a roof area less than 120 square sion has planned a family picnic in available at City Hall.The permit fee is feet,cases,counters and partitions less Otsego Prairie Park for Sunday,August derived from a formula that includes than 69 inches high, retaining walls 13. UBC information, square footage, and under four feet high, low level plat- the cost of the project. forms,walks,and driveways not over a Volunteers sought According to Otsego Building In- basement or lower story, certain win- spector Jerry Olson, when a building dow awnings, and aboveground swim- The Park and Recreation Commis- permit is issued, it means that a quali- ming pools less than 5,000 gallons.Deco- sion is still seeking volunteer workers fled building inspector has reviewed the rating type projects such as painting, to help with the Otsego Prairie Park plans and will conduct site inspections papering, and similar finish work are development. They plan to finish in- to assure that the project is safely and exempt from permits. stalling picnic sites, assemble play- well done. Homeowners planning construction ground equipment, and put in volley- Some typical home improvements projects should contact Jerry Olson at ball and horseshoe areas. Contact City that could be unsafe if not done cor- City Hall for more information.... Hall to volunteer. �..... rectly are elevated decks,basement fin- Recreation name change Burning regulations in effect 728 Area Recreation has changed A burning permit is required for without a burning permit.Recreational its name to Community Recreation. burning piled vegetative material.Burn- fires do not require a permit. This summer's recreation activities ing can only take place between 3:00 No fee is charged for burning per- are listed in the Community Recreation p.m. and 6:00 a.m. No hazardous mate- mits.They can be issued from City Hall section of the summer issue of the rials or burning of items which produce 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through District 728 Community Education bro- obnoxious smoke is permitted. Friday. Arrangements can be made to chure. Included are two model rocketry Burning can be done in a regulation pick up permits at other times by calling classes to be held in Otsego. Call 241- burn barrel from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. during office hours.• 3523 for more information. CALENDAR Sewer study June 19 7:00 p.m. Economic Development Authority Advisory Committee continues June 21 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission Officials of Otsego, Dayton, and June 22 7:00 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission Frankfort are continuing to meet and July 4 CITY OFFICE CLOSED research possible alternatives for a joint July 5 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission July 10 6:30 p.m. City Council sewage treatment facility. They think July 11 7:30 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission that a cooperative effort may be the July 19 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission only economical way for them to get a July 24 6:30 p.m. City Council waste treatment facility. July 27 7:00 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission Otsego is interested in obtaining August 2 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission sewer service for the industrial corridor August 7 7:00 p.m. Economic Development Authority Advisory Committee along Highway 101. It would aid in August 8 7:30 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission attracting business to the city to broaden August 9 7:30 p.m. Otsego Creek Authority at Albertville the tax base and pay back the cost of August 14 6:30 p.m. City Council installation. The group is studying al- To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 ternatives based on the needs and ex- working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to isting plans for the three communi- meetings. ties.,,,,-, Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. 4