Fall The OTSEGO VIEW „^„,/,,,,A,,,,,„,dON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD 1 Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 5, No. 4, August 1995 Business database intern hired By Liz Wilder After all businesses are identified, future economic development decisions. Tim Eng has been working as a Eng will administer a survey developed A final report will be issued detailing all business database intern for the Otsego by the Minnesota Department of Trade findings during the internship. Economic Development Authority Advi- and Economic Development. The sur- The ten week internship is already sory Committee (EDMC) since July. vey covers general questions about the under way. Eng has familiarized him- Eng's responsibilities include iden- business, future business plans, city self with the general layout of the city tifying and categorizing all businesses services, and business assistance. Re- and created the initial database format. within the city. This includes commer- sults from this survey will assist the So far he says that people have been cial, industrial, agricultural, home ex- Economic Development Authority curious but friendly as he has been tended and home occupation businesses. (EDA)and the city of Otsego in making driving through the city identifying businesses. ,74-,' Eng sees the internship as both a challenging and rewarding experience � s, thus far which will be useful to him in -- : - achieving his long term goals.One of his long term goals is to find a position in business economic forecasting. Eng is a native of Faribault, MN. He is currently a senior at St. Cloud State University.He is majoring in eco- .., . ho' nomics and political science and plans - , c to graduate this fall.Eng is a member ofl '"22 Pi Sigma Alpha which is the national honor society for political science. His p hobbies include hunting, golfing, and , tennis. o z 4 If you would like more information 0. Tim Eng will work for 10 weeks creating a business database for regarding the project, feel free to con Otsego.,-,,-, tact Tim Eng at Otsego City Hall.... Firearms ordinance in effect The Otsego City Council has adopted a firearms ordi- must be at least 500 feet from all buildings unless the person nance for the city. The ordinance regulates the discharge of owns the building or is carrying written permission. firearms and hunting in the city. Target practicing with bow and arrow with target tips, The ordinance establishes a no-discharge zone that in- BB,or pellet gun is permitted throughout the city when done cludes all of the immediate urban service area and some parts with a suitable backstop at least 200 feet from all buildings of the long term urban service area. These are the more unless the person owns the building or is carrying written densely populated areas of the city. permission. Persons under the age of 18 require parental The discharge of a firearm is prohibited in the city except supervision. as permitted under the ordinance. Permitted uses through- The firearms ordinance also addresses other permitted out the city include discharge by law enforcement officers or exceptions and details possession and transportation of fire- military personnel in the line of duty, when preventing an arms. offense believed to cause death or great bodily harm, in A volunteer committee worked on drafting the ordi- certain firearms safety instruction,and in other situations as nance,a hearing was held for public comment, and the City detailed in the ordinance so long as no innocent party is Council approved it July 24, 1995. endangered. Copies of the new Otsego Firearms Ordinance can be Hunting is permitted outside the designated no-dis- picked up at City Hall. ,-,,-As charge zone so long as no innocent party in endangered and is^ilandiliAmodro^11^11^NliAllides"Nd City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE I Otsego, MN 55330 ,,..,..°'.. ' ,r **,,,, (612)441-4414 ,.t.,40' OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday , +rte` , 4 , 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. ' '."(; , ": CITY COUNCIL +� Mayor— ,� ": - k Ili Norman F. Freske -- _ , ' , a ,, �' o Council members— '� '� ' Ron Black a -_ a z x Larry Fournier - �' Vern Heidner " a Suzanne M.S.Ackerman Pi,,4,'. a CITY STAFF .-,, ' ''D Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/ �h \ r o Zoning Administrator a Phyllis Boedigheimer,Financial/ f a. Business Director Jerry and Nelly Opay celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at a Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk gathering of family and friends hosted by their 13 children at Otsego City Hall Carol Olson,Clerk Secretary Dave Chase,Maintenance in July.,-,-As Duane Fiedler,Maintenance PLANNING & ZONING City hall well utilized Carl Swenson,chair ' Eugene Goenner The Otsego CityHall has been a popu- Jim Kolles g P P cludes a small counter and sink area. Arleen Nagel lar place for all kinds of community events "We certainly receive compliments on RRichard Nichols,alternate since it was opened in April 1993.The large our facility,"said Deputy ClerkJudy Hudson Ras I.G. Roskaft community room with kitchen and the con- who books the building rentals."People like Mark Wallace ference room are available for rent when the location by the park and that it is so PARKS & RECREATION not being used for city business. fresh, new, and clean with adequate park- Thomas Baillargeon,chair Jeff Bartheld,second alternate The community room is a favorite for ing." John Bolduc,first alternate wedding receptions. There were 20 wed- Clients also appreciate that a building Debbie Carron dingreceptions booked thisyear.The month Tom Constant P supervisor is on duty during rentals to an Teri Kohler of June was completely filled. swer questions and see to their needs. A Roche Martin The hall has been used for community sheriffs deputy must also be on dutywhen Bill Olson P Y Darlene Solberg education classes,teacher workshops,wed- the event includes liquor and music. EDA ADVISORY ding anniversaries,4-H,Otsego Lions,semi- Hudson estimates that about half of Darlyn Kofoed nars, fund raising dinners, post funeral the rentals are by Otsego residents. Resi- LuVern Ktinker fellowship,pancake breakfasts, and byo LeRoy Lindenfelser P dents receive a discount on rentals. Wally Odell litical parties. Hudson says she especially enjoys Rudy Thibodeau The conference room is o ular for Dave Soderberg P P working with people planning their events. Liz Wilder smaller gatherings,such as bridal and baby "It's fun to see how they decorate and fun to HERITAGE PRESERVATION showers, as well as meetings. The room is see the happy brides," said Hudson. .... Joy Swenson,chair furnished with tables and chairs and in- ! Janet Bridgland Arlene Holen JoanFriNicholLobecs New intersection almost complete Nichols Elaine Norin Norman Schwanbeck The new intersection at Co.Rd.37 and turn lanes, and an overhead street light. OTSEeo VIEW O'Dean Ave.is expected to be completed by Although the area was closed to all but f w�� the end of August,according to project engi- local traffic during construction,a number neer Mike Billings of Hawkinson Anderson of cars tried to drive though the work zone, The Otsego View is a community Assoc., Inc. often coming close to being hit by heavy newsletter for the city of Otsego. Jacquie Rognli,Editor Billings said that the new design re- equipment. The Wright County Sheriff de- Carol McGuire,Production moves the dangerous curve,should be safer, partment was asked to patrol the area for Correspondence and news items are welcome and should be sent to Otsego and keep traffic flowing better on Co. Rd. the safety of both the workers and traf- City Hall, 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, 37. The two roads will come together at fic.,-,•.. Otsego,MN 55330(612)441-4414 right angles with a stop sign,right and left '•Contains 50%recycled to pre consumer material 2 rie"11^11Aoidli..^."111"r".•^..,"iier"rd ;-: "3 �: - The Heritage 1 .�� Preservation , rli � ,,= , t79 .F r I Commission :::::.. ,......::...„..... i..,,,.,,,„„:„:• h^ :::::, .....:...: ............"111" - *--,,,V, 't F " . by Elaine Norin •„-$ Y'� 4 .2 Since 1989, an informal group � :*zt l' _ ,;;,*i,11. , F,`` _4-, ” of volunteers interested in the his- Long Haul Trucking owners John The Otsego Heritage Preserva- and LuAnn Daniels broke ground tory of Otsego has been collecting tion Commission members are:Janet for their new building along with information, maps, books, and pic- Bridgland(3 years),vice chair;Arlene Chuck Krcma and Mike Cyr of All tures of early days in our city.These Holen (2 years); Frieda Lobeck (1 Metro Builders .�� are displayed at City Hall. Another year), secretary; Joan Nichols (3 groupofdedicatedvolunteersworked years); Elaine Norin (2 years); Ice arena planned on restoration of our historic cem- Norman Schwanbeck (1 year); Joy fOr Otse O etery in 1989 and 1990. Some of Swenson (3 years), chair. Ron Black these people have also written ar- serves as liaison with the City Coun- The St. Michael-Albertville Youth tides for the"Historical Highlights" cil. Hockey Association is planning to build column in the Otsego View. Now we The next organizational step for a new ice arena in Otsego.The property have an official city commission dedi- the commission is to apply for Certi- is being donated to the association by cated to the preservation of Otsego's fled Local Government(CLG)status. Long Haul Trucking, Inc. history. In 1966, Congress established a na- Long Haul Trucking is planning to In 1992, discussion began re- tional historical preservation program develop its property in Otsego located garding establishment of a heritage which was carried out primarily by west of Albertville, south of Interstate preservation commission. An ordi- the states.The National Historic Pres- Highway 94 at the intersection of 65th nancewasreviewedbythecityattor- ervation Amendments Act of 1980 St. and Kadler Ave. ney and city planner and presented made certified local governments eli- John Daniel's Long Haul Trucking to the Planning and Zoning Commis- gible for certain federal funds and has 70 trucks which travel 120,000 to sion for evaluation. After a public responsible for review and approval 150,000 miles per year with 90 percent hearing on May 4, 1994 and endorse- of nominations of properties to the of that mileage out of the state of Minne- ment,the eight page ordinance was National Register ofHistorical Places. sota.There are 30 to 35 trucks based out approved by the City Council June To obtain CLG status,approval of the of this area. 27, 1994. State Historic Preservation Officer Construction of the new building The ordinance states ". . . heri- and the Secretary of the Interior is for the trucking company and the 250 tage of the city of Otsego is among its required. seat ice arena will begin in August.,-.-•••-, most important assets. . . preserva- At present,the Otsego Heritage tion, protection, perpetuation and Preservation Commission is working Traffic study use of objects that have historic,aes- on oral histories. These are tape re- ! thetic or community interest or value,� corded interviews with people who benefits the community . . ." have lived here a long time or whose A traffic study is being conducted The ordinance presents in de- families were early settlers. These in Otsego for the Minnesota Depart- tail the selection of commissioners, mentofTransportation(MNDOT).Cars interviews are subsequently tran- were of Transportation stopped on tatCo. onRd42 south. the duties and powers,methods of desig- scribed and kept in written form. A nating historic sites and documenta- wealth of information has been ob- Parrish Ave. bridge in July and will be tion of activities.Interested residents tained this way. The Commission is stopped on State Highway 101 in Au- were asked to submit applications to in- gust to give a one minute interview of pp seeking more people who can be the city in the same manner as for terviewed and will welcome in- where they are traveling to and where other commissions. Commissioners came from. formation,pictures,documents his- theyofwill serve three year terms on a ro- toric interest, and identification of The information from the study will tating basis.In March 1995,the City sites. be used by MNDOT to determine any Council appointed seven commission- The Heritage Preservation Com- upgrades of roads for the future. The ers.Initial terms were assigned so as g mission meets at City Hall at 7 p.m. need for another bridge across the Mis- to stagger expiration dates. After the fourth Thursday of each month. sissippi River between Otsego and bylaws were written and approved, The public is welcome to attend.w.., Clearwater is one of the issues being officers were elected. looked at. Public meetings will be held when the information is tabulated.••.. ri^11^e"./ ../ 1"1111/ 1.1 .dis^1/ PARK & '.' REC CORNER Dedication fees considered The Park and Recreation Commission has been . reviewing the city's park and trail dedication fees.With -: " a vision of creating a park and trail system for the city ..- — d Po c before them, the Commission has realized the need to O.- ro generate more revenue for parks development. '' One of the primary tools of communities to develop o a park system is through dedication requirements as x 0. part of the subdivision process.Fees are designated for parks and trails when property is developed. Usually this involves a payment of land or cash as a percentage of the area being subdivided. Grading for softball fields has been started in Otsego The Parks and Recreation Commission looked at Prairie Park, located immediately west of City Hall.w., the cost of developing the city's park and trail system as visioned in the Comprehensive Park Plan, the anticipated revenue from future Playground development, and at the park fees of surrounding communities. The group concluded that receipts are expected to fall well short of what is needed to develop equipment ordered the city's park plan.The Commission recommended that the current fee structure Playground equipment for Otsego should be changed and that a fee increase is justified. Prairie Park is expected to be delivered A public hearing was held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 19 in August.The Woodland Timb`R'Scape and continued to August 16.The City Council is expected to act on the recommen- kit features a play structure of pressure dation in August. treated lumber, pipe hand rails, and molded slides. South Side Lumber is providing timbers to surround the play area which will have a resilient surface A L E N D A on the ground for safety. The Park and Recreation Commis- sion hopes to be able to install the new August 14 6:30 p.m. City Council August 16 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission equipment in August along with the August 24 7:00 p.m. Heritage Preservation Commission volleyball and horseshoe courts. Grad- August 28 6:30 p.m. Economic Development Authority followed by City Council ing has been started for the playground Scptember 4 CITY OFFICE CLOSED area and for the softball fields. Contact Septcmber 6 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission City Hall to volunteer to help. Scptember 11 6:30 p.m. City Council September 12 7:30 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission September 18 7:00 p.m. Economic Development Authority Advisory Committee Scptcmber 20 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission Hayride planned September 25 6:30 p.m. City Council Septcmber 28 7:00 p.m. Heritage Preservation Commission The Parks and Recreation Com- October 4 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission mission is planning their fall hayride October 9 6:30 p.m. City Council for Oct. 28.This family event was very October 10 7:30 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission popular last year. Details should be in the Community Recreation section of To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 the fall Community Education brochure. working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings. Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. Picnic canceled The family picnic planned for Au- gust in Otsego Prairie Park has been canceled.,,-, 4 I The , OTSEGO VIEW ../,,,d .^.,.^.,„d ON THE GREAT RWER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 5, No. 5, October 1995 Otsego Heritage Daya:,,,t,,,,,,, ;It planned for Oct. 22 !."*"'* Otsego Heritage Day is planned for z Sunday, October 22, 1 p.m. at Otsego : a ;_ City Hall. .. ' '# The Heritage Preservation Commisiii ',' .. lit , ' sionhasplannedanafternoonforpeople �" fipg € interested in the history of Otsego to ;;€1.11..,,,,.... _ _ ° meet and visit together. Pictures and ':" yi"irt-:.4'V'ir..Hiis.:!.1:,'ii::::.,,,, � other historical items will be displayed. �� :4:: '� � '� � �� 4�y � �Therewillbeabriefprogramat2p.m. 0GEf . with recognitions and a video. Light 4 . :iii!ii:c:„44,74Ht.,44„::::::,:.;:,...7.,,111„;:!:.:itt ,,,.„.7:::,,,,..,.-4::,2.. .......: refreshments willbe served. Everyone who has roots in Otsego �* o or an interest in history is urged to ‘,,,7.,,''N ' ; _, 3 a attend," according to Elaine Norio, a .,.:‘,..,::,.,17.74:::*,... ..,....„ g member of the historic commission."We " have already met people who have :,;„,,f,,,,:„,,,,,..,„,,,,.:-:6..,.: �n�. „ s �� �T shared information and pictures from earlier times, but there must be many park play equipment installed we have not yet identified. We want to meet you!" The play structure at Otsego Prairie Park was assembled by community People with memories,information, volunteers in August. Otsego Prairie Park is located immediately west ' or pictures are urged to bring them.At of city hall.,-,,,,.., the Otsego Heritage Day event,the com- mission will be prepared to make copies I of photos that anyone brings that day. . . . R R R R R R R R R R • This will allow people to share some of their history and also keep their origi- Asevereweather warning sirenwill Council Member Ron Black. The siren nals. soon be installed in the right of way on is a 7 hp of the type that was once used If anyone requires transportation Co. Rd. 42 between Hwy. 101 and to summon volunteer fire fighters be- to City Hall for Otsego Heritage Day, Quaday Ave.The siren will be activated fore pagers came in to use. It was de- please call 295-5950 or 295-2019 and by the Wright County Sheriff by remote cided that the city should buy it, and the commission will try to arrange a control when warnings are in effect. Black drove to Avon to pick it up. He ride. ,-,,•-' The siren should be able to be heard also arranged to get the housing a much from the Riverbend Trailer Park and needed paint job.The siren is now shiny Otsego Elementary School. Otsego blue. OTS E G O HERITAGE DAY Earlier ine 1995,a group ofresidents United Power Association is donat- Sunday, October 22, 1995 . 1 p.m. from Riverbend approached the City ing the pole and Wright Hennepin Co- (Brief program 2 p.m.) Council about a need for a warning operative Electric has agreed to set the at sirenin their neighborhood.The council pole and wire the siren. Installation is Otsego City Hall investigated and obtained quotes for a being coordinated between Wright 8899 Nashua Avenue NE,Otsego siren. However, the city had not bud Hennepin and Otsego Maintenance geted for this expense in 1995 and the Supervisor Dave Chase. A gathering to share Otsego history quotes were higher than expected. Intheproposed city budget for 1996, and exchange information.Historic photos An ad in the League of Minnesota the City Council has included a reserve and artifacts display.Bring photos to be Cities magazine placed by the city of fund for more severe weather warning copied and memories to share. Avon for a used siren caught the eye of sirens to be purchased in the future. ri^iii^odiiidlida^.^sAidider^rid City of Otsego EDAAC continues work for Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego, MN 55330 by Phyllis Boedigheimer (612)441-4414 What is the Economic Development volved in the hiring of an intern from St. OFFICE HOURS Authority Advisory Committee?It is a com- Cloud State University to research home Monday through Friday mittee of volunteers appointed by the City occupations and home extended businesses 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. Council to serve as an advisory committee in the city. The project included approxi- CITY COUNCIL to the Economic Development Authority mately 250 surveys sent to various resi- Mayor— (EDA). The committee is comprised of the dents and businesses gathering informa- Norman F. Freske following individuals:Liz E. Wilder, chair; tion regarding home businesses and city Council members— LuVerne Klinker, vice chair; LeRoyservices. The results of the surveywill be Ron Black Larry Fournier Lindenfelser, secretary; Darlyn Kofoed; included in a report finalizing the project. Vern Heidner Wally Odell; Dave Sederberg; Rudy The committee has also been working Suzanne M.S.Ackerman CITY STAFF Thibodeau. hard on a visioning project for the city.This Elaine Beatty,City Clerk/ The committee has most recently project involves the group's ideas on the Zoning Administrator worked on a home extended business ordi- future direction of the city,which will then Phyllis Boedigheimer, Financial/ Business Director nance that will address home occupations be incorporated with the ideas of other city Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk and home extended businesses in the city. committees and the City Council in a joint Carol Olson,Clerk Secretary The ordinance has been presented to the meeting scheduled for Oct. 16, 1995. Dave Chase, Maintenance Duane Fiedler, Maintenance EDA which will in turn refer it to the Plan- The EDAAC meets on a regular basis, PLANNING & ZONING ning and Zoning Commission for public scheduled the first Monday of each month. Carl Swenson,chair hearing and consideration. The Planning Additional meetings are scheduled when Eugene Goenner Jim Kolles and Zoning Commission will conduct the necessary.Currently,there is a vacancy for Arleen Nagel public hearing and consider the ordinance an alternate on the committee.If anyone is Richard Nichols at its Oct.4th meeting.The commission will interested in the work of the EDAAC, has i Bruce Rask I.G. Roskaft thenforward the ordinance to the City Coun- questions about the committee, or is inter- PARKS & RECREATION cil for consideration. ested in serving on this committee, call Thomas Baillargeon,chair TheEconomic Development Authority Economic Development Director Phyllis Jeff Bartheld,first alternate Debbie Carron Advisory Committee(EDAAC)was also in- Boedigheimer at City Hall, 441-4414.. Tom Constant Teri Kohler BRoche ill Osonartin Truth in Taxation hearing set Darlene Solberg EDA ADVISORY The Otsego City Council has worked tion hearing Dec. 7, 1995 at 6:30 p.m..This LuVernDarlyn Kofoed Klinker a preliminary budget for 1996 and has is an opportunity for residents to find out Klinker LeRoy Lindenfelser sent a proposed tax levy to Wright County. about the proposed city budget and city Wally Odell Wright County will be sending Truth in services and express their opinions to the Rudy SeerThibodeau rg Taxation notices to residents earlyin No- Council. Dave Sederberg City Liz Wilder vember.Otsego will hold its Truth in Taxa- HERITAGE PRESERVATION Joy Swenson,chair Janet Bridgland Commission volunteers sought Arlene Nolen Frieda Lobeck Joan Nichols Alternate positions are open on the Plan- Alternate commission members attend. Elaine Norin Ding and Zoning Commission and the Parks all regular commission meetings but do not Norman Schwanbeck and Recreation Commission. vote unless a regular commission member Mark Wallace recently resigned from is absent. The Planning and Zoning Com- ININIIMIEMN the Planning and Zoning Commission. Al- mission meets the first and third Wednes- ROTSEGOternate Richard Nichols replaced him. days of the month at 8 p.m. The Park and VIEW John Bolduc has resigned as alternate Recreation Commission meets the second The Otsego View is a community to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. newsletter for the city of Otsego. Jeff Bartheld,former second alternate, re- Interested Otsego residents should con- Jacquie Rognli,Editor Carol McGuire,Production placed him.An opening now exists for sec- tact City Hall to apply. •'.... Correspondence and news items are and alternate. welcome and should be sent to Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, Otsego,MN 55330(612)441-4414 Ir..Contains 50%recycled `1+pre consumer material 2 iiiiAliAl.^....^,...ASNAli.A...^..1\111..AIS A link with the past Elaine N rin by „,,,,,E,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,„„„,„,„„„„„„„„„„„„„„,::„„,„„ a e o in 1Itwas death 989. i���- . ::::>:<::<:::«<:»:>::>:::::>::>::>.:<;;;<.;;;:.;:;;«.;;:.;: As your Heritage Preservation Commission continues its then given to Wills EE :.'=>=> � `` : L .-_: search for historical inforaton about our city, someveniece, Helen Parker r < - :: �special treasures have beenfound. Engstrom, who later = ` �� ' > i-� .` _: > Several years ago, learned that a diary kept from l877gaveit toBobH Holt. to 1890 contained information about births, deaths, mar The d rcon ria es weather,and other eventsin Otsego.Recentlywe met tainso lineentries :::: ........... .................................... ........................... .. mini- Bob Holt who grew up in Otsego and has collected a great deal for each day, docu- of history about the Holt family and Otsego.He had the diary menting weather and crops. Other events are written at the and information about the author who was a brother of Bob's bottom of the page for each month.The author used different grandfather, Sydney Holt. styles of penmanship throughout the diary. Willard A.Holt,the diary's author,was sometimes called Bob Holt and Helen Engstrom have given this precious William, but usually just "Will.” He was born January 26, link with Otsego's past to the Otsego Heritage Preservation 1860 to William Henry Holt and Julia Frances Ingersoll Holt Commission. We take this opportunity to express a public on the farm at 8982 Mason Avenue NE,Otsego where he grew thank you to Bob and Helen.,-.-As up. He purchased adjacent land and built a house and barn at 12731 NE 95th Street, married Lizzie Parker, and had three sons.His son Ralph had possession of the diary until his F-74 R , d`l F,f i k' R.Q.„.., `1.,:... -/. /L....1 AAl< v. ✓n�d.;.a ./gin,,.it/ -Sa t 9 r/..--. /.i ..,_,:...../1 .41- e.......-... .;../..:....."-al....,...„_,:x7.-- 1, , :'.111 le // n.. ,..,rt/ •e/ /., e,A1 i n.,.. ;7fL /2_ !'�a,r/.) A •••• //. / /-.r., naw Yd N....� •/'....fY , .� e ' ..1/1 P II ,•-/, ✓/ e.. ., . ./ ...5.4,-._ ,,..,„J...,.. - d 7'�/yfER /4 ,, , ! ";/,'"'' /., a'r...,,, 6,/'.'JY,. A ' 1,,.,:::t.,0 ,,„it,' ei S p•. ., e ,` „ 3 1TJ I ah..../ .,//, ea ,.,, - . d d O g3 ,�:.'I. ..... .,:.1, f R:! 1yrt. I e'/an ,A.A,r J3n„1,.n, ,4.1N;' ..11,4* ..l...r,a. , 1 -,��1'Yv/ .tr ?. a..n-'-, nr,.e. day .1..eJ v�..,m ° .,, .Ayygrt )/ P/.o•, /1'.., e%.,/1.//a., 1.:.L.I ..i,...,,./-4”. .n........4.-....I-...J!! tf t 13 (.4./ c.�.I n....1 J a,.r, 5.../! ...:`1-./,L.-1.'/.s *,. �. �;S7It 2.4 ,-/,../ ,d e'.41//a A...,D .r,7 ../../?:4---1-,,,..4.,,,, g Ott 2 5., el:, -!,t'.,l',,-/,,/n,✓/ n n.•.,.... .a,?/w t, : '��iTt ,G r.Y/9 ,,,A.,,„. -6,,..,,., ',„,,/.',./),, 4/_'..4.1,:,:-.....,-;.,1-2, - ' :Iv-, 21 A,00,e/1/,. /,7.r/,/�.,- AA......?./�/f..1'7'e.'..(1,//1....1 ps.c., °4 r .`'• : ' �pO,U. 2v !'./ a I,n L/,` 1.. ..✓ . ..,J/ ...,,/[: A...-•../ .L. 40, 4.;: 'd'�A,, Y.i /.'ia'. ae. ,(aj ((n✓�a/...-r, ...-f�,r�_ ''a/i...-. S.tt 30 c. .,-, ',f r Da.�u1/..J ...:..,(, 1 ° • .1-,...4- 147i LI Licre?s,U dn2 j,,tie XIaitY .. .. ,. 7Z td Lady (<'nol ted a VAI-r9= , . .i‘ `` %Il L l ./71 r./ '.11'.-; i nn A / ' _ .. Diary Will Holt kept a diary from 1877 to 1890 while farming Willard Holt was the author ofa daily diary donated in Otsego. Entries include daily weather reports and to the Otsego Historic Preservation Commission. notation of weddings, births, deaths, and other events This is his wedding photo with wife Lizzie Parker. in Otsego. A variety of penmanship styles are used The Holt farm was located on 95th Street in throughout the diary.,,,-, Otsego. { 111^..AllilldsiAmlolir/ Iiiiiiedill^id PARK & Caution: RE C CORNER Harvest Approaching Motorists in Otsego are more likely to encounter farm Playground equipment installed vehicles on city roads during the fall season. Drivers should The playground equipment has been installed at Otsego exercise caution when passing or following them.Farm equip- Prairie Park. The Woodland Timb'R'Scape play structure ment often moves slowly and is less maneuverable than a car features pressure treated lumber construction with pipe and on the road. Please give them plenty of room and be patient molded slides.A resilient surface will surround it for safety. when passing. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped put it together.w-' t Scavenger hunt planned Otsego Parks and Recreation and Community Recre- ation are sponsoring a scavenger hunt at Otsego Prairie Park on Saturday, Oct. 21 at 1 p.m.The scavenger hunt is free to :.,, { the public. Children ages 3 to 12 are welcome to participate. :::*,:,,-, .. "`Call 241-3521 to register..' Joh } x Family hayride set , A family hayride with refreshments is planned for Oct. 4 ,. . 03',,,,,-.„ —.,...., - A aims 1 ,„,,,,, >, 28,6 p.m.at Otse ,;Prairie Park.The fee is$3.00 per person _ - or$8.00 per fami ty.Advance registration is required.Regis- — �� a ter at Community itecreation located in the lower level of the Jim Kolles is one of the Otsego farmers who can be Elk River Area Community Education building, 1230 School seen on city roads moving equipment between Street, Elk River. fields. Stabilize mailboxes before plow season ; Otsego maintenance worker Duane Fiedler Would like to tell residents to check on their mailbox mountings before the ground freezes. Check for posts that are loose or rotted.Posts should be secure so that snow spray from passing plows won't r. 1, knock them over.The maintenance staff recommends that boxes be mounted at 42 �.!t} ��� inches above the road surface so that plows can pass under them. `FRNAt'°/ ... .. . � Lions serving October 9 6:30 p.m. City Council pancakes October 10 7:30 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission October 11 7:30 p.m. Otsego Creek Authority October 15 October 16 6:30 p.m. Visioning meeting October 18 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission The Otsego Lions Club October 22 :00 p.m. Otsego Heritage Day will hold a pancake break- October 23 6:30 p.m. City Council October 26 7:00 p.m. Heritage Preservation Commission fast on Sunday, Oct. 15th, November 1 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission 8:30 a.m.to 1 p.m. at Otsego November 10 CITY HALL CLOSED City Hall. Pancakes, eggs, November 13 6:30 p.m. City Councilsausage,juice,coffee and milk November 15 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission November 23 CITY HALL CLOSED will be served. Free will do- November 24 CITY HALL CLOSED nations will be used by the November 27 6:30 p.m. City Council Lions for community service To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 projects in Otsego. working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings. Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. 4