Winter 1 1 The , R21,1ke3,.d° VIEW ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 4, No.1, January/February 1994 Highway 101 delayvp iltv4r,1411 1gip` rai ,frustrates citizens 1 :' O'' Area residents are generally un ,, 0, 4:tb '�� �` �" rte. happy with the news that improvements 1"e1 f ,d f;f,091 '� to Highway 101 will face delays. About ,iip, ,1 f, r.' << 100 people attended an informational ;,,,,.ter .,/,,, tit meetingat Otsego CityHall Jan. 13th .0 .. i/;,, if.A ,4 7 ..,411.„ ,,, ., ., about the planned highway improve- 1.a. -- ment project. -_ pit = State Rep.Stephanie Klinzing orga _ +! . �� go nizedthegatheringwhichincludedMin �,,,, ;� �; �., nesota Department of Transportation �'� 1 V (MnDOT) officials, members of the House Transportation Committee, ,'�4 4, r' 4'rs�t` �,a ,, ' ' - � p Speaker of the House Iry Anderson and a dr , ,; ..� o the local Highway 101 Task Force. i -F - , ,•.� 0. Terry Hubbard of MnDOT outlined the current status of the project.Bridge Hwy. 101 experiences another delay construction on the Mississippi and Crow rivers has already begun.Bids are to be Lunda Construction continues to work on the Highway 101 bridges let in February 1994 for the section of that cross the Mississippi and Crow rivers.The highway should become the road between Hwy. 10 and Co. Rd. four lanes from Hwy. 10 to Co. Rd. 42 in Otsego by fall 1994. However, 42. The goal is to complete that section funding shortfalls will delay work on the road from Co. Rd. 42 to Rog- by fall 1994. ers.,-A— However,work on the southern part in federal aid and the failure of the state until 1997. of the road between Co. Rd. 42 and gas tax increase vetoed by Gov. Arne Interim safety measures proposed Interstate Hwy. 94 has been delayed. Carlson.Responding to a question from include orange banners where the According to Richard Stehr, represent- a member of the audience,he also con- southbound lanes merge at the Missis- ing MnDOT planning and development, ceded that the Interstate Hwy. 394 sippi and street lighting at the intersec- the southern half,which was originally project had cost much more than pro- tions of County Roads 144, 36 and 37. scheduled to be let in February 1995, jected because of payments that had to The orange banners have already been was pushed back to November 1996 due be made to businesses for their loss of installed. to funding cuts. revenue during the construction. Former Elk River mayors Jim Tralle Hubbard cited statistics which Because of the timetable required and Dick Hinkle are spearheading the showed the accident rate for the section for the State Transportation Improve- Highway 101 Task Force to try to move of the highway north of Co. Rd. 42 to be ment Program and bid letting,construc- more severe than the southern section. tion of the southern half will not begin HIGHWAY continued to page 4 In four years of statistics, there were and fatal neaccacntsrid northin f Co. Rd.h42n Albertville fire service expanded and one fatal accident in the southern section.This prompted MnDOT to make the northern section the priority. by Councilmember Larry Fournier much closer,would be able to respond to The accident severity rate for the After several meetings with residents an emergency in a shorter period of northern section is more than double of Otsego who live immediately north of time. the state wide average and almost 60 Albertville, the City Council has con Another concern was their cost for percent higher than the west metro av- tracted fire protection for this portion of homeowners insurance. All insurance erage. Otsego from Albertville. companies increase their premium cost Stehr explained that less money is During the meetings, residents had if you are more than five or six miles available state and nation wide for high- concerns about how far they were from way improvements because of cut backs Monticello and that Albertville, being FIRE continued to page 2 ai/ i^mAiliAgelis^ii^eAs^no/ lis# City of Otsego Older home improvements may escape taxation 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Normally,home improvements not only which can qualify for the exclusion is$50,000 Otsego, MN 55330 enhance a home's livability, but they also fora house more than 70 years old or$25,000 (612)441-4414 enhance its taxation. Improvements in P for a house between 35 and 70 years old. OFFICE HOURS crease the estimated market value of the Only 50%of the total qualifying value can Monday through Friday home which is used to determine property be excluded for houses between 35 and 70 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. taxes. years old and 100% can be excluded for CITY COUNCIL However, certain home improvements housed greater than 70 years old. Mayor— made before January 2, 2003 may be ex- Norman F. Freske empt from some or all increased valua- Insulate - . �$ tial iN. r - og 11 Council members— 1993because of a tax bill passed in y --W - Ron Black �_ Larry Fournier * /, ;ter . ,0 ` - V. „�- Douglas Lindenfelser To qualify for the exclusion,the ' ,. ,';•1 3- ; , _ 47,...4....—.;..,,,„,,, , Floyd Roden home must be at 35 years old at the �' :: , 4 • time of the improvement,a building .. :.� \. � g .r1' CITY STAFF 2!Ir = �_: ,,. Jerome Perrault, Clerk permit issued and only applies to the —' ® i ht 4 «aCk Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk house or garage of a qualifying home it �! Zoning Administrator steader. _! e, :;� \ Jim Barthel, Treasurer h �� Judy Hudson, Secretary The maximum amount of value �\ instal.weetne,s1,77,-z '°°"°storm Dave Chase, Maintenance Insulate°asemem muwibo Duane Fiedler, Maintenance Curt Otterness, Maintenance FIRE continued from page 2 PLANNING & ZONING Carl Swenson, chair from the fire station.The City Council cited Otsego resident living in the triangular Eugene Goenner these two factors in reaching its decision. area south of I-94 have been receiving the Jim Kolles Albertville now services all of Otsego fire service from Albertville since October. Dennis McAlpine sections 23,24,25,26,34,35 and 36 and the They will pay$88 in 1994 for 15 months of Arleen Nagel, alternate Bruce Rask southern portion of section 27. In Range 23 service.The rest of the new Albertville fire I.G. Roskaft the sections serviced are 30,31,32 and 33. service will pay$56 for 1994. Mark Wallace (See map.) The two cities of Albertville and Otsego PARKS & RECREATION The remainder of Otsego has fire protec- are in the process of establishing a fire Thomas Baillargeon, chair tion from Elk River at$40 per year for each committee to deal with fire service is- Debbie Carron, alternate household and Monticello which charges sues.—ti Tom Constant Darlyn Kofoed $35 per unit. Roche Martin Brad Mickelson, alternate �`�OTSEGO Kris Niebler '._'';,_ d - �-_`. _Je1 `'} �f Darlene Solberg Monticello l I \°"'s�`":RAVER ROAD Carl Swenson d ��':= �::�" �■: Fire Services -- i �cr, vc3 ' , g A SI EDA ADVISORY ; '-+ 1 — ,, ' .'y �';�- Vern Heidner, chair _ r • MI- I _-.. -=•nli= bi Nancy Brunell ' •; r- } Elk River ;':ate 1 Luvern Klinker � ' - '' i + _ : ' + I- 1 -Fire Service ' � Richard Nichols L_.� j _ ■ I .� • Wally Odell i ;low , ,4 .- ! ttl1 Rudy Thibodeau Albertville .�+ , L ;a i i �! ti Liz Wilder Fire Service r•rII - -- 'Iii . '-k- _ L! lt- I L fL' MI I iL! I_ At _ 4'i_ i NM Ifs ppC I i I 11- _ illvTEw a -w.V��� 0-oA• _ ; ' l; I _ � — The Otsego View is a community newsletter for the city of Otsego. City's fire service contracts have changed Jacquie Rognli,Editor Carol McGuire,Production January 1,1994,Otsego made changes in fire service contracts.Elk River Fire Correspondence and news items are welcome and should be sent to Otsego provides protection for the east portion of the city, Monticello Fire serves the City Hall, 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, west, and now Albertville Fire serves residents near that city as shown on the Otsego,MN 55330(612)441-4414 map above.,-.,-, Is Contains 50%recycled Toil pre consumer material 2 iii"Nii^usAuil ,i,Aultio^srAN.A..,140^." O Otsego o Lion ! ,,d;,,,,„ ,,,aminglimpoorm wins award ,•11,•••,•1,1,1,,,,,, ;•:,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,m 1,•••,,,•1,••11.•,,,,,,,i,,,,,•111,..........1:•:„•-.1•1.••:z,.•1•14,.!..,.••:1••:1••,.•:::,.••1•••::•....•::•,,,,.•::,...,:•..•:::,.•••••:•:„:„:.:•:t•,:•.....s....-:•iils:•,:•::•,:•::•,:•1:•1:•1:•1•:::•:!n Da rl Carlson was named Zone Darlene Caso Lion of the Year at the Lion's midwinter .•..:i:..;.;:.:.;:. .:;:: ::.::.:::: !:ti.;:;n convention in January. Carlson is secretary of the Otsego Lions Club. The club nominated her Pioneer school construction because of the outstanding effort she has put into the organization. Accord- Excerpt from the History of that now unfashionable mode of ing to Otsego Lions President Wayne Wright County, Vol. 2, H.C. Coo- punishment." Radloff,the secretary of a new club has per,Jr., & Co., Chicago, 1915. Otsego school districts added a lot of of paper work to deal with. The "Schools were often kept in a Wright County was initially Otsego Lions were chartered less than a log dwelling, where the schoolroom divided into three voting precincts year ago. would be partitioned off only by an which also served as the original Carlson also was a key person in the imaginary line from the portion three school districts. Residents Toys for Santa's Kids drive.The Otsego occupied by the family. Sometimes could petition the county to Lions and Edina Realty organized the an open shed as an annex to a establish new school districts that drive to collect holiday gifts for needy house would serve the purpose in would be located within walking children in the area. The Lions deliv- the summer. In other places a distance of their homes for their ered three toys, a hat and pair of mit- brush"lean-to"would separate the children to attend. tens for each child in 16 Otsego families pupils from the elements. In the minutes of the Wright in need. The usual method was for the County Commissioners, informa- The Lions and Edina Realty wanted neighbors to get together and tion can be found about the to express their gratitude to all who organize a district and select a lot establishment of the first school donated gifts at the drop sites located in for a building. Of course each one districts in Otsego. Tom Thumb, City Hall and Edina Re- would want it near,but not too District 9 was petitioned for by alty. near, and sometimes there was a Selah Markham and others on The Otsego Lions meet the second difficulty in establishing a location April 7, 1856. On January 6, 1857, Wednesday of the month, 8:00 p.m. at which would prove to be the best Solomon Hatch and others peti- City Hall.Call 441-9283 for more infor- accommodation of the greatest tioned for School District 11 and mation. number. And then to build a Moses Richter and others peti- schoolhouse a"bee"was the easiest tioned for District 12. I way, and so plans and estimates In the case of each of these Winter rec were improvised, and each one requests, the commissioners' would provide one, two, three or minutes state"The prayers of the brochure mailed more logs so many feet long, so petitioners was granted . . ." and Winter activities and courses offered many shingles, so many slabs, so the school district formed.,-.,-, by 728 Area Recreation in cooperation much plaster for chinking, so with the Park and Recreation Commis- many rafters, a door, a window, or sion are listed in the winter District 728 whatever might be needed for the Community Education brochure mailed particular kind of schoolhouse to in December. Copies can also be picked be built, and at the appointed hour / { up at City Hall.,-,,-, the men would assemble with the 1"1 material,bringing their dinner pails, and by night, if there had 1 ' .` '/ City hires office help not been too much hilarity during • Ip` ScuooL Carol Olson has been hired as a full the day, the building would be time receptionist/clerical worker by the covered and practically completed. , liii u city as of January 1st.For the last seven The benches would be benches .�. 11111) months,Olson has worked part time in indeed,often without backs, and _ III I the city office.,,,, sitting on them was about as comfortable as sitting in the stock, 3 1"11^ilAiii/ .. .111^..N•./ .d .o^lid x s Snowmobilers vs ,„-i, �'1/a ,� �, . I. �� property owners � _ , . r i. v _r te „,,, Winter means city staff will be hear- lii. ' ing about the annual battle between 1 � �' > ¢' �� r snowmobilers and property owners.a� ' '� �'� � �` Snowmobilers can drive in public �,� rights-of-ways,which include roadside f "k , . . F c ditches.However,they cannot trespass • = : Y on private property without the owner's y : permission. ro Every winter there are reports of o damage in residential and rural areas of the city. Landscaping,trees, shrubs, a fences, and alfalfa are destroyed by in- >, o considerate snowmobile operators. Property owners should try to Iden- ° tify offending snowmobilers and report Otsego artist sends work to Japan them to the Wright County Sheriff De- partment (473-6673; i.• Gene Olson displays his woven metal sculpture in his Otsego studio. 295-2533) which The work was commissioned for the valance above the service counter in handles Otsego's r. f, • the pool area of a health club being constructed in Tokyo. law enforce- _:4...r.',•. u'' The fluid work depicts eels swimmingthrough a copper and brass ' • ' '• i.e P g PP ment. y—: • �._,.:' .• o`.o water world. Olson designed the work to be disassembled and rolled for `^^' = ' &' o • e shipping, including explicit instructions and diagrams for its installa- 1 r, `� o►,:, ;,+ • tion. \ . r� �:a: ° o 0 Community event planning set •- ...a • A festival planning team is forming Otsego City Hall. Be part of this excit- HIGHWAY continued from page 2 to explore new options and themes for ing team for a 1995 festival. Call Pam an Otsego community event. Our first Black at 441-5255 with questions.., up completion of the southern half of the meeting will be Wed., Feb. 9, 7 p.m. at highway. "Our fear is that we will transfer our accidents to the southern part of the road,"said Tralle. He announced that the task force February 2 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission has decided to hire former State High- February 7 7:30 p.m. Economic Development Advisory way Commissioner Len Levine to lobby February 8 7:30 p.m. Park& Recreation Commission the state Legislature to push the high February 9 7:00 p.m. Community Festival Planning February 10 8:00 p.m. Otsego Creek Information way project date ahead. The task force February 15 7:30 p.m. City Council was responsible for raising $100,000 February 16 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission locally in 1990 to get project develop- February 21 CITY OFFICE CLOSED ment started on Hwy. 101. 7:30 p.m. Economic Development Advisory The assembled panel in Otsego heard February 22 7:30 p.m. Industrial Site Information from several local residents who pleaded February 28 7:30 p.m. City Council for speedy completion of the highway. March 2 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission They told stories of accidents,close calls March 8 7:30 p.m. Park& Recreation Commission and nerve racking commutes that they, March 14 7:30 p.m. City Council March 16 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission family and friends have experienced on March 28 7:30 p.m. City Counci Hwy. 101. To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 Speaker of the House Anderson ad- working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to monished the legislators and MnDOT meetings. representatives in attendance to do ; Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. something to get the project done. w.. 1 4