Winter The R&IF,9„° "VIEW ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 3, No.6, November/December 1993 Third industrial site identified At the direction of the City Council, the Economic Development Authority Advisory Committee(EDAAC) and the Planning and Zoning Commission have identified another possible industrial site in the city in the northeast quad- rant of the Odean Avenue/Co. Rd. 37 11114 intersection. In Otsego's Comprehensive Plan,in- ` - dustrial sites have already been identi- fled along Highway 101 in the east and I94 in the west.The Highway 101 region is considered a premier area for busi- ness development with higher standard buildings. .•°6, Several home businesses in Otsego - interested in expanding have sought a location where they could build for lower cost than the two previously identified industrial sites. Some businesses have Excavation draws inquiries already left the city because nothing was available. The sight of heavy equipment working at the corner of Co.Rd.37 and Hwy. 101 has stirred curiosityin residents as theycommute past the site Many aspects of possible sites were discussed,including acreage,drainage, next to the Park and Ride lot. available transportation,visibility,and There is no big mysterious building project going on, however. The cost.The recommended site is approxi- Property owner is mining dirt and gravel from the site, all properly mately 53 acres. permitted. The planned widening of Hwy. 101 would have necessitated The EDAAC plans to meet with the removing part of the hill anyway.,,,, i property owner to discuss terms and conditions of development and also meet with neighboring property owners.They If all goes as planned,the next step businesses,providing a less costly loca- will formulate a sketch plan of Indus- would be an amendment to the city's tion within the city. Outside storage trial park layout and improvements and Comprehensive Plan. would be allowed,less costly buildings establish a policy of city participation The intended use of this third site is could be built,and less impervious sur- and assistance. primarily for relocating home extended face would be required. Albertville fire service pursued About 30 residents came to a fire information meeting on series of meetings with the City Council. October 27th in Otsego. Most of those in attendance lived The cost of service from Albertville is higher than it is immediately north ofAlbertville and expressed an interest in from the other two departments.Those residents will pay for changing their fire service to the Albertville Fire Depart- the service through a higher fire assessment rate on their ment. property taxes. Otsego currently contracts its fire service from the Elk The City Council is gathering more financial informa- River and Monticello fire departments.City residents living tion, but will need to make a decision in time for Wright west of Albertville and south of I-94 recently changed to County to include any possible rate change on property tax being serviced by Albertville at their own request after a assessments.•-•••,-, ridids^111^1•111"grArliAmiAtlidow".1, City of Otsego Winter and taxes 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego homeowners should be aware of NOTES Otsego, MN 55330 a new homestead classification filing re- ROM THE (612)441-4414 quirement. If they already filed last Janu- YOR ary and the status of their property remains OFFICE HOURS the same,they should not have to file again. Monday through Friday by Mayor Norman F. Freske 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. (See story this page.) I also hate to say it,but winter is coming. CITY COUNCIL Parents, please watch your children when coming off the wings than the kids realize. Mayor— the city snowplow crews go by your city Also,drivers be courteous to snowplows. NormanF. Freske Councilitmembers embberrs— streets.There is more snow,rocks>and dirt They are just doing their job. -As Ron Black Larry Fournier Lindenfelser Homestead filing changes Douglas Floyd Roden There is always a flurry of homeowners property will remain homestead until the CITY STAFF visiting the Wright County Assessor's Of- property is sold or transferred to another Jerome Perrault, Clerk fice at the last possible moment in January person. Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk every year.Theyare motivated bythe pen- This new policyis effective beginning Zoning Administrator Jim Barthel,Treasurer alty of higher property taxes if they don't with the 1994 assessment taxes payable in Judy Hudson, Secretary file their homestead classification form on 1995. For all existing homestead property, Dave Chase, Maintenance time. the January 1993 homestead application Duane Fiedler, Maintenance A recent change in the state filing re- that has already been filed will serve as the Curt Otterness, Maintenance quirement means that some homeowners initial homestead application. PLANNING & ZONING won't need to file this year. Previously, a Minnesota State Law requires each per- Carl Swenson, chair homestead application had to be filed every son who meets the homestead requirements Eugene Goenner four years,beginning with the 1993 assess- to file a homestead application with the Jim Kolles ment. county assessor to obtain homestead classi- Dennis McAlpine Now, once the initial homestead appli- fication for the first time. (M.S. 273.124, Arleen Nagel, alternate cation is filed and the property is granted Subd. 13) Bruce Rask homestead status,there is no need to file a The owner must own and occupy by I.G. Roskaft homestead application again as long as the December 1 and must file by December Mark Wallace property is owned by the same party. The 15.w.. PARKS & RECREATION Thobies eon, chair EDAAC C makes headway Debbie Carron, alternate �1' j-�j-, Tom Constant Roche KofoeMartin Since beingappointed bythe Otsego spent the next few months educatingits Roche Martin PP g Brad Mickelson, alternate City Council in January, the Economic members about Otsego's Comprehensive Kris Niebler Development Authority Advisory Commit- Plan, issues relating to sewer, water and Darlene Solberg tee (EDAAC) has been doing background transportation,public and private partner- Carl Swenson research and also has begun several projects. ships, large scale waste treatment plants, EDA ADVISORY The EDAAC is an advisory study group tax increment financing, reviewing their Vern Heidner, chair serving the Economic DevelopmentAuthor- mission statement,and touring areas zoned Nancy Brunel! ity(EDA). The duties and functions of the for commercial and industrial development Luvern Klinker EDAAC are directed by the EDA and in- in the city. Richard Nichols dude initiating, coordinating and promot- In a joint effort with the Planning and Wally Odell ing industrial,commercial,and residential Zoning Commission, the EDAAC made a Rudy Thibodeau developments within the city of Otsego. It recommendation to the City Council for a Liz Wilder may assist in meetings with developers, third industrial site in the city. NMIlilME builders, investors, financial institutions The committee developed a form to log a.wEGO T E T and government bodies. inquiries from businesses.It has responded MEW EDAAC members are Vern Heidner, to five different businesses that have con- chair, Nancy Brunell, Luvern Klinker, Ri- tacted the city about locating in Otsego. The Otsego View is a community chard Nichols, Wally Odell, Rudy An inventory of land available for com- newsletter for the city of Otsego. Thibodeau,and Liz Wilder.EDA president mercial and industrial development has Jacquie Rognli,Editor Carol McGuire,Production Larry Fournier and Mayor Norman F. been completed. A subcommittee is work- Correspondence and news items are Freske regularly attend EDAAC meetings, ing on a comprehensive plan for develop- welcome and should be sent to Otsego also. ment.Also in the works is a brochure and a CitysHall, 55330(612)441-441412Ave. NE, The committee held its initial meetingcitymap. ..-'-' Ilk Otsego,MN in February 1993 with the City Council.It Printed on Recycled Paper 2 r Parking ban resolution passes istorical The Otsego City Council has passed a resolution banning parking on Co.Rd. 39 from Hwy. 101 to the western border I } of the city. t�.ry J g � ` The Parks and Recreation Commis- sion has proposed development of a bike/ hike trail along the county road. If the trail is built,the road's paved shoulders Speculators create paper towns will serve as the trail surface,minimiz- ing cost. The paving would need to be The first settlers in Wright towns. It was located on the Missis- widened at intersections where right County obtained land under the pre- sippi River above the mouth of the turn lanes must be bypassed. emption act. They were required to Crow River in Otsego.Oliver H.Kelly The resolution by the Council is only make certain improvements,live on was the original owner. Kelly adver- the first step towards implementation the land and pay$1.25 an acre. tised Northwood's bright prospects. of the parking ban.Because the street is Instead of paying money,the set- Shares and lots sold rapidly.A large a county road, the resolution has been tiers often paid soldiers'script which hotel, store and freight house were forwarded to Wright County for final they had purchased at a discount. built in 1857, so it was really a bit action. The script had been issued to sol- more than a paper city. In a short The Park and Recreation Commis diers,entitling them to a number of time,however,the hotel was empty, sion is applying for grant funds to con- struct the trail. free acres. Few soldiers used the the store closed and Northwood was script to purchase land, but rather forgotten. 2 Burning regulations sold it to land speculators who sold it Otsego Village was surveyed and The Minnesota Department of Natuto settlers.' platted in May 1857 for J.G. Smith, ral Resources (DNR) has said that no The pre-emption act was replaced Z. M. Brown,J.N. Barber,and John burning permit is needed if the ground by the homestead act. Under the McDonald,Sr. It occupied about 400 is"snow covered in the immediate vicin- homestead act, the government is- acres in sections 17 and 18,township ity of the burning site." Snow covered sued a land patent after a person 121, range 23, on the bank of the means three inches or more of snow. had lived on the land and made Mississippi.This is the area ofthe old The DNR also prohibits burning certain improvements. Otsego Town Hall. within 50 feet of a structure or within 15 There was also a townsite act The location was considered splen- feet in a burn barrel. under which villages could be en- did,nearly all prairie with oak open- Vegetative material and lumber may tered and platted and lots sold.' ings and sightly groves.There was a be burned if the lumber is unpainted, According to D.R.Farnham,'dur- hotel and post office. Cooper and untreated, and from a non-commercial ing the eventful years of 1854 and Crary built a large steam sawmill in source. Paper and cardboard can be burned by farmers. No plastic, tires, 1857,claim hunters were plenty and the village at the mouth of the creek shingles or other garbage can be the timber land was swarming with in 1857. A store was kept by C.B. burned.. anxious seekers for new homes.The Jordon. economic crash of 1857 put an abrupt Soon after the village was laid Toys for ' -.;. end to the land boom. out,the financial panic came and the During the time of speculation, hopes of the promoters were never Santa's 0: -- '`°"` _ however,many new towns were laid realized.' Kid•a �:. `i _ out in Wright County. Their splen- On a modern day map of Otsego, s dor and advantages were advertised in section 17, the street grid for the The Otsego Lions � ", I to attract buyers. Many, however, paper village of Otsego is still shown, Club and Edina Realty, • never existed in reality—only in even though no streets are actually Elk River are collaborat- someone's imagination or on paper. there. The plat was filed in 1857 by ing on a Christmas toy col- Maps showed town squares, parks, those early settlers and still exists on lection for needy children in the area. mills and lovely lots for home sites. paper today.-' New unwrapped gifts for boys and Northwood was one of these girls 0 to 18 years of age can be dropped off at Otsego City Hall,Tom Thumb,or 'History of Wright County Minnesota, by Franklyn CurtissWedge, H.C. Coo- Edina Realty (592 Dodge Ave., Elk per,Jr., & Co., Chicago: 1915. River). Dec. 15 will be the last day to 2D.R. Farnham's 1880 History of Wright County. donate. If you know of a family in need,leave a message for Darlene at 241-1008.. 3 1 I II/S%eAls^asA,.did •ANIONesArr^id , Park and Rec tries again PARK & by Floyd Roden, from residents. The Commission was REC CORNER City Council Member told that the major reason for the failure The Park and Recreation Commis- of the first proposal was a lack of ease- sion is ready to submit a new applica- ment acquisitions. by Kris Niebler, tion for biking/hiking trail funds to the A new application is being prepared Park and Recreation Commission Minnesota Department of Transporta- that does not depend on acquisitions. i tion(MnDOT). The planned bike/hike trail in the new Park gets a name Last year the group's application proposal makes use of the paved shoul- "Otsego Prairie Park" is the pro- was turned down by MnDOT for trans- ders on Co. Rd. 39 for the most part. posed name of the park being developed portation enhancement funds made The second ISTEA enhancement on land surrounding the new Otsego available in the state through the fund grant deadline is coming up. City Hall. Intermodal Surface Transportation Ef- Otsego's application should be submit- While many well-suited names were ficiency Act (ISTEA). ISTEA is a five ted around the first ofDecember accord- submitted to the Parks and Recreation year program. ing to Merlin Otto,project engineer and Commission, this one seemed most ap- The first proposal included a Don Hubert of MnDOT, Brainerd. propriate, as it well defines the Otsego trailhead in the new Otsego Prairie The Parks and Recreation Commis- landscape, history and differentiates Park and a trail that in part followed sion feels like it has had more time to itself from the Otsego County Park. the right of way under the United Power prepare Otsego's application this time Association transmission line that and it is hoping to be awarded funds to Ice skating rink traverses the city.The Commission en- get the city's first trail started. countered strong opposition to that route to be constructed The Otsego Parks and Snow season requires caution Commission is going ahead with plans to construct,maintain and supervise an As the snow removal season ap- and recycling bins in driveways,not on ice skating rink this winter. The plans proaches,the city maintenance depart- the road. are to establish a rink next to the City ment reminds drivers to give working Mailboxes mounted properly should Hall storage building,with a portion of plows a wide margin for safety. Pedes- not interfere with snow removal. The that building being used as a warming trians should also remain a safe dis- minimum height needs to be 42 inches house. tance from the road as plows pass. above the surface of the black top. Up- The commission is asking for indi- For more effective snow removal, right posts should be three to four feet viduals and organizations to volunteer residents should keep things away from from the outside edge of the shoulder. and assist in reaching these goals.Any the side of the road and not pile snow in City policy is that plows go to work materials or cash donations are being the road when clearing driveways.Keep when the snow stops.,-A-As accepted,as well as suggestions or equip- parked vehicles offthe streets.Put trash ment to assist in flooding the rink. It is the commission's hope to pro- ... ..... 7N a >........ i > > > > i > vide Otsego residentsand organizations ........................................... .... ... .... ... .. .... . ... ... ......mi. .. .... ........ .......i.iim..... with a qualityskating facility and warm- November 15 7:30 p.m. Economic Development Advisory ing house. Any assistance volunteers November 17 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning can provide will be greatly appreciated. November 22 6:30 p.m. Albertville Fire Information 7:30 p.m. City Council Wood Lot Workshop November 25-26 OFFICE CLOSED THANKSGIVING December 1 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning held in Otsego December 6 7:30 p.m. Economic Development Advisory December 9 7:30 p.m. Truth in Taxation Hearing Due to the success of the Wood Lot December 13 7:30 p.m. City Council Workshop held at City Hall in Septem- December 14 7:30 p.m. Park& Recreation ber by Elk River Community Educa- December 15 8:00 p.m. Planning&Zoning tion, plans are already in the works to December 16 7:30 p.m. Truth in Taxation Alternate Date offer the class again this spring.Watch December 20 7:30 p.m. Economic Development Advisory the Otsego View and Community Edu- December 24 OFFICE CLOSED Holiday cation brochure for more informa- December 27 7:30 p.m City Council tion.�� To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to meetings. Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. 4 The OTSEGO ., ..^.^„i „d ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIIENV Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 3, No.1, January/February 1993 What's in store for 1993? t Otsego's elected officials and city personnel were Yr asked to name some issues and events that they expect the city to be facing in the new year. -' nt All of them named the new city hall opening as a q; significant event for the city in 1993. Further comments tt R -8 f, about what they are looking forward to in 1993 follow. 4 _ "°� , Norman F.Freske,mayor,wants to keep everythingA7 going smoothly with people working together and doing � � what's best for the city of Otsego.With the new building, t he thinks it will be interesting to see fund raisers in the city from community groups. .„ 40,44 "I want to see us working together as a community.` *' `' '"4"111 Next year is going to be exciting.It's going to be a fine time 1 ,S' ` , to get people involved." I ` 2 Ron Black,city council member, thinks establishing the Economic Development Authority(EDA)is an impor- tant step. He wants to see something happen with park i- � development, particularly at the current and new city ' hall sites. He also expects the city to be somewhat in- = _ �; volved with the required improvements for Highway 101. , "I'd personally like to see something established for �z restoration of the old(original)town hall." �' � ` Larry Fournier, city councilmember, thinks the ` beginning of the Economic Development Authority Com4 iv a, - mission is something for the community to look forward 0 `( to.The EDA should help the city get business to broaden , I ' ,� 4 a the tax base.He hopes the commission will include people ' 4 ,, ›.., with diverse backgrounds for input. ; The EDA is an"exciting thing to get going. It should �` o have long range benefits that will input the city for years g a to come." Douglas Lindenfelser, city council member, also '`Nia—iiwiNg cited instituting the EDA and establishing the service roads along Highway 101 as important happenings in Construction progresses 1993. He feels that the council will need to decide how to Construction workers framed interior walls in Otsego handle management of the old city hall building once the City Hall. City officials expect to move into the new new one is opened. He wants to see a better recycling facility some time in March.,---, program established in the city because of the expense. In 1993 Lindenfelser will be serving on a subcommit- tee to gather more information on tax districting. EDA board established Floyd Roden, city council member, expects to see a 1993 to page 3 by Larry Fournier City council member Otsego has a new Economic Development Authority (EDA). On Sept. 14, 1992,the City Council adopted an enabling resolu- New City Hall tion to establish the EDA. Besides offering a cost savings to taxpayers on public projects, Office Hours the EDA provides a mechanism to the city of assisting with private projects and the building of tax base within the comimu- to GJ m. nity. 8 a.m. p• The EDA will assist home extended businesses presently operating within the city as well as new business and industry Monday through Friday which choose to locate in Otsego. Both new development as well EDA to page 3 ii/ E"Ndruildr/ EAfti"lidai^mioe City of Otsego Happy New Year 13474 N.E. 95th St. I would like to wish everybody a happy, NOTES Otsego, MN 55330 healthy and prosperous New Year. NAROM THE (612)441-4414 The new city hall is coming along pretty YOR, well. Heat was installed the last week of OFFICE HOURS December. With the holidays over and the Monday through Friday heat on, we should see all kinds of activity by Mayor Norman F. Freske 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. at the new hall construction site.We're still looking at the latter part of March for the CITY COUNCIL opening. day lights in the city. Thanks to everyone Mayor- I was very impressed with all the holi- who decorated their homes and yards.. Norman F. Freske Council members– Douglas Lindenfelser — Floyd Roden ii Larry Fournier SI °4° Ron Black CITY STAFF Jerome Perrault, Clerk Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk , st Zoning Administrator Jim Barthel, Treasurersi Judy Hudson, Secretary Council 'Council MeeflnQ Chamber Room M ! Dave Chase, Maintenance q Supervisor Duane Fiedler, Maintenance ii r PLANNING _- COMMISSION Carl Swenson, Chairman Storage Ron Black, Council Representative _ Eu ene Goenner ---------7 Hao 0 0 o I g Kllchen W�meP ri Jim Kolles Storage. Dennis McAlpine Bruce Rask ■ E ;a 00 r MI I.G. Roskaft .I ' 0 Mark Wallace , ' „rr ornce �.�.. Arleen Nagel, Alternate iii M Records • PARKS & RECREATION r , COMMISSION --' I r s,rvlc- - -,i r Mark Wallace, Chairman Tom Baillargeon 1 1 II Andy Beecher stomp Of Me Of!ice Tom Constant Office 0- Floyd Roden, 1 L--;D1 Cor dor 0 Council Representative Conference T Darlene Solberg i R 0 -'; jr — .1 Orr cc ill Carl Swenson l IIIIIIIIIIMMIMMIE II 0 VIEW Ili 1l I The Otsego View is a community lik .L newsletter for the city of Otsego. Otsego City Hall Plan Correspondence and news items are welcome and should be sent to Jac- The layout of the Otsego City Hall is designed to better serve the commu- quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, nity.Visitors will be able to stop at the service counter near the front door for 13474 N.E. 95th S . Otsego, MN information. The council chamber will accommodate crowds of eo le and 55330(612)441-44144. p p will have a public address system so the public can easily hear what is being Printed on said.The kitchen and adjoining space will be available to rent for receptions, t�a Recycled Paper dances and dinners. Office and storage space will provide room for city records. •-•---• 2 1993 from page 1 Pleasant Grove good start on the city's new park at the '.... new city hall site. He anticipates a lev- or Pheasant Grove? :..:::1 ': I eling ... a1 off in finances as cityincome from fees and expen-catches upwith en- by Jacquie Rognli PP ditur s. Doing historical research is like r beinga detective in agreat mystery, . "The planning stage was tough,but Y Y� I think it's finally coming along." uncovering clues on a dusty old trail. Jerome Perrault,city clerk,looks Conflicting information is often found forward to being able to move city records that requires judgment about the books repeated it as they referred to to the new city hall.The construction of credibility of the clues. the earlier publications. 85th Street from Page Avenue to County In researching the names of Pheasant Grove Precinct was Road 42 will be one project to anticipate Otsego's school districts for this col- bounded on the north by the Missis- as well as building Quale Avenue south umn in the last issue of The Otsego sippi River, on the east and south by of County Road 37 in preparation for View,some interestingevidence about the Crow River, and on the west by a the widening of Highway 101. the naming of th e territorial county's line.runningdue south from the north- Elaine Beatty,deputy clerk/zoning voting districts was uncovered. west corner of L. Dimmick's claim administrator, thinks getting the EDA When the Territory of Minnesota which marked the eastern boundary board going will help to get some eco- was established, territorial counties of Monticello Precinct. It took in nomic development for the city. were set up. John McDonald Sr. of present day Otsego,as well as Frank- "I'd like to see community groups get Otsego,Archie Downie,and J.D.Tay- fort,parts of Albertville,Dayton,and more established and working for the for were appointed the first Wright Monticello Township. betterment of our community." County commissioners.They first met The boundary descriptions were Dave Chase,maintenance supervi- April 9, 1855. McDonald was elected somewhat imperfect due to the sor,sees 1993 as a typical year for road chair and John 0. Haven chosen as region's sparse development.The land and ditch upkeep. His department will clerk of board and register or deeds. was not surveyed until July 1855. continue to do its best for the city's road At that first meeting, the county Each of the precincts had a corn- maintenance. was divided into three voting dis- missioner on the county board, an Judy Hudson,secretary,thinks the tricts. They were named Monticello established polling place and a school new city hall facility will help office staff Precinct, Big Bend Precinct, and agent.Pheasant Grove's school agent better serve the community.She would Pleasant Grove Precinct, which in- was Dudley P. Chase. The polling also like to see more community groups cluded the village of Otsego. These place was the home ofJohn McDonald grow with the opportunity to use the are the precinct names given in three in the village of Otsego. new building for fund raisers.,,,, published sources: D.R. Farnham's The final meeting of the territorial History of Wright County,first printed county commissioners was April 5, as a series in the Wright County 1858.An act of the Minnesota Legis- Eagle beginning in 1880; History of lature provided for township organi- EDA from page 1 the Mississippi Valley published by zation.The commissioners established as redevelopment projects qualify for the Minnesota Historical Company 13 townships in Wright County, in- consideration. in 1881;and History of Wright County eluding Otsego. The EDA places the city in a corn- Minnesota published in 1915 by H.C. Under the new organization of petitive position with neighboring corn- Cooper,Jr., &Co. towns,the chairman of each board of munities, the majority of which have However,furtherinvestigationre- supervisors became the board of similar economic development pro- veals that Pleasant Grove was prob- county commissioners.Theyheldtheir ably not the real name of the eastern first meeting at Monticello in the Hall grams. most precinct. of the Academy on Sept. 14, 1858. The EDA board is comprised of the Typed transcriptions of Wright Thomas Horn represented Otsego and members of the Otsego City Council. County Clerk John 0. Haven's min- John 0. Haven of Silver Creek was This is due to the authority and power utes from 1855 on file at the Wright elected chair. which the EDA commands plus the need County Historical Society name the The settlement known as the vil- to be responsive to the electorate. precincts as Monticello,Big Bend and lage of Otsego was started when John Being highly concerned that public Pheasant Grove—notPleasant Grove. McDonald filed his claim in 1852. In participation and input be part of eco- Haven's minutes continue to call the later years the village site became nomic planning and implementation, precinct Pheasant Grove up until known as Otsego Corners. the City Council is establishing an Eco- Minnesota became a state in 1858 Pheasant Grove Precinct existed nomic Development Commission.Work- when county government was reor- for three years while Minnesotawasa ing similar to the Planning and Zoning ganized. territory, 1855 to 1858. Commission, it will advise the EDA Inspection of the 1855 census, Otsego Township was established board on relevant matters. Candidates written in Haven's hand, clearly in 1858 and endured for 132 years for the Economic Development Com- names the precinct Pheasant Grove. until the city of Otsego was incorpo- mission will be interviewed and selected Apparently Farnham was the first rated in 1990.,,,,-, in January 1993. It is hoped that Com- mission membership will represent a to print the mistake and the other broad range of interests within the com- munity. ....ti 3 iiiiiAINIAIAINIA.^11^NAtiis",„,"."." Otsego supports area rec program Otsego residents by Ron Black,city council member • '-.-iir i qualify for discount You may have noticed a new face in Otsego/Elk River community activities. ' � oil recreation fees The person I am referring to is 728 Area Residents can take advantage ofdis- Recreation Coordinator JeffAsfahl.But, , fees for 728 Area Recreation you may ask, what does the 728 Area just byindicatingtheylive in Recreation coordinator have to do with e programs a resident of Otsego? , � Otsego when they register. Ever since the early days of our coon- /. *,, Winter programs currently being of- try people have felt that portions of '�.,,,,:v fered by 728 Area Recreation include property should be reserved for enjoy- . + ..1‘)14i*`1414'4/ `', fi gymnastics,girls'youth volleyball,sev- ment by the public. That means that '"." P" ,r~. - eral cross country ski events,open gym, ,, .. skating lessons,intramural basketball t > everyone would have an opportunity to enjoy the use of certain open spaces, ti, v — a cheerleading clinic, and open gyms. • N Pro am information can be found in regardless of whether or not they were ,/ " _ � �' land owners. The early settlers in this -. h' """"'" the recreation section ofthe District 728 country also realized that property dedi- 4 Community Education winter brochure. cated to and owned by the public needed -'. Recreation Coordinator Jeff Asfahl to be cared for and maintained. As a was hired in March 1992 by the 728 result, we have had a concept estab- Jeff Asfahl Area Recreation Board. lished in the United States for at least recreation programs for the communi- Besides offering its own recreation 300 years that the local government is ties that have facilities and desire such Programming,728 Area Recreation pro- responsible for the establishment and assistance. vides service to existing recreation as- maintenance of parks and recreation The cities of Otsego, Elk River sociations,such as youth soccer,tennis, programs. Rogers, Dayton, and the townships of baseball basketball,and softball.Asfahl Approximately two years ago,repre- Hassan and Livonia have joined together works to coordinate the scheduling and , sentatives of all the governmental units in this effort. maintenance of outdoor facilities for the located within the Elk River Area School The Elk River School District acts as associations. District were invited to a meeting to the fiscal agent for the member commu- The recreation associations are also discuss cooperation in efforts related to nities and provides office space and sup- able to take advantage of the registra- parks and recreation.The meeting was plies. tion capabilities that 728 Area Recre sponsored by the District 728 Commu- The member communities and the ation has to offer.It provides the conve nity Education Office. Evolving out of school board each have a representative nience of mail,phone or in-person regis- the discussions was an agreement to on the 728 Area Recreation Board which tration through its office located in the create and fund the recreation directs the recreation coordinator. Ron District 728 Community Education coordinator's position. Black is Otsego's representative on the building.This is designed to make reg- The newly created job is intended to board. istration easier for the participants and satisfy a number of requirements.First, We look forward to working with the association volunteers. to pool the resources of as many govern- Jeff in developing an active recreation According to Asfahl, The city of mental units as possible to address the program for the residents of Otsego. I Otsego s leadership can see that in the needs of the member communities.Sec- urge you to contact me at 441-5255 or future they re going to have an elemen- ond,to expand the available recreation Jeff Asfahl at 241-3523 regarding any tart' school and that's going to provide opportunities and services for all ages. questions or comments about Otsego's some opportunities for us, indoor and Third,to coordinate and administer the recreation program.s-A--.. outdoor. You also have the new park site there adjacent to City Hall which will be able to conduct some activity." Asfahl interested t er ested inwo rkin g ......................._ ........_ ...... .. . ............................ . . ............ ............................................... withparticipating agencies es toPr Ovide January 11 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting additional professional support.For ex- January 12 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission Meeting ample,he could help provide beneficial January 14 7 p.m. Economic Development Commission interviews information on field design for a park January 18 OFFICE CLOSED-Martin Luther King Day January 20 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting development. January 25 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting Asfahl feels that so far the partici- February 3 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting pating communities are pleased.He says February 8 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting the program is just evolving and needs February 9 7:30 p.m. Park&Recreation Commission meeting February 15 OFFICE CLOSED President's Day to remain flexible as things grow and February 17 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting change.This is a regional concept that February 22 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting considers the School District 728 area To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 as a whole. working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to For more information on 728 Area meetings. Recreation, call the office at 241- Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. 3523..,,,- 4