Spring i t The , OTSEGO VIEW ilisAls^,^Ildid ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 3, No.2, March/April 1993 City prepares Pr spring *lot 0 cleaning Old tires,appliances,mattresses, t la, II. chairs. All kinds of nasty junk re- 'Re- veals itself as the spring snow melts ` ' along Otsego roadsides.Never fear, it, 0 Otsego Clean-up Day is here. ii �� ° ., It's time to start going through 44 „r ; _ garages and basements and get all = ti your unwanted junk together. 4 7 e y y � f Otsego Clean-up Day 1993 will be i' Saturday, May 1. Trash will be accepted for dis- posal at the old city hall from 9 a.m. 4 to 2 p.m. A nominal fee will be charged for some items. The city held its first clean-up4 0 day in 1990 with overwhelming par- 4 ticipation from residents and has continued the tradition every spring411110W a since then. Last year's collection " day cost over$8,000. Fees covered EDA Commission established a small portion of the cost. The City Council feels that the Otsego Economic Development Commission members:LuVern Klinker,Richard Nichols spring clean-up day is an lmpor- (vice chair),Rudy Thibodeau,Wally Odell,Liz Wilder(secretary),Nancy Brunell and Vern tant service to the city. It provides Heidner(chair). residents with a chance to get rid of The new Economic Development Ad- of the second Thursday and fourth the large debris that litters yards visory (EDA) Commission met for the Wednesday of the month. and ditches and to dispose of items first time on Feb. 25. The commission plans to immediately not commonly picked up with regu- The EDA Commission was established work on organization and educating lar trash service. It is also hoped to advise the City Council EDA Board themselves on matters relevant to their that it gives people an incentive to on matters of economic development for task.They will begin formulating plans clean up their property and reduce Otsego.The commission elected officers and programs and setting up a system the amount of unlawful dumping and set a preliminary meeting schedule of promotion.., on city roadsides. The city maintenance depart- ment spends time every week pick- Volunteers are needed to help people Report unlawful dumping of trash to ing up large junk which has been check in, unload and direct traffic. Call the Wright County Sheriff, 473-6673 or dumped in the city ditches. City Hall if you can help. 295-2533.x-, Last year some residents helped with Otsego's spring cleaning by picking up trash discarded in the city's ditches and bringing it in on OTSEGO CLEAN-UP DAY Clean-up Day. Those efforts were Saturday, May 1, 1993 much appreciated by city officials 9 am. to 2 p.m. and citizens. On Clean-up Day residents can Assorted refuse One free pickup load per household deposit one pickup load per house- Appliances $8 for one, rest of load free hold without charge. The first ap- Tires $1 pliance will cost $8 but any addi- Tractor tires $5 and up tional appliances on the same load No hazardous waste accepted will beaccepted smallfor fee forchage.tires. ere No People will be asked to show proof of Otsego residency to leave refuse. will be a small fee for tires. No hazardous waste will be accepted. City officials may withhold service in case of flagrant abuse. ii"ii^s^iiiiAlimi^mds"."11,1"0"iimie City of Otsego Otsego emergency 13474 N.E. 95th St. services available NOTES Otsego, MN 55330 What emergency services are available toROM THE (612)441-4414 the people of Otsego has been a matter of I� jYOR concern for many people. OFFICE HOURS Otsego relies on the Wright County byMayor Norman F. Freske Monday through Friday Sheriffs office for police services.We do not Y 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. have our own police department. CITY COUNCIL The western section of the city receives have rescue capabilities. Rescue service is fire protection from the Monticello Fire De- unique to each fire department. Some fire Mayor— partment and the eastern section is covered departments do not have rescue services; Norman F. Freske by the Elk River Fire Department. for example, Buffalo and South Haven. Council members— Emergency medical services are covered All emergency services have back-up as- Douglas Lindenfelser by the Elk River Ambulance service on the sistance available if necessary. Floyd Roden east and Monticello Ambulance on the west. ArecentincidentinOtse o demonstrated Larry Fournierg Ron Black Sgt. Helgeson of the Wright County a problem which can arise in being pre- Sheriffs office provided information to the pared for an emergency. A call was placed CITY STAFF city councils of Otsego and Albertville at a for an ambulance. Unfortunately, the pri- Jerome Perrault, Clerk recent meeting.The sheriffs office receives mary responder was already at a call and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk all calls registering assistance from the the back-up responder was also at a call. Zoning Administrator public.When an individual dials 911 on the While we would like to plan for and be Jim Barthel, Treasurer telephone a dispatcher receives as much able to respond to every conceivable emer- Judy Hudson, Secretary information as possible to determine what gency, no one has unlimited resources. Dave Chase, Maintenance the nature of the problem is. Once the Emergency services are available to every- Supervisor problem is determined,the dispatcher must one in Otsego on a 24-hour, seven-day-per- Duane Fiedler, Maintenance send the appropriate emergency response. week basis. No one will go without.,......, PLANNING Both fire departments serving Otsego COMMISSION CarlSwenson, Chairman Ronn Black, Emergency dispatch is as close as 911 Council Representative Eugene Goenner Otsego residents 1.Call 911 and promptly state the nature Jim Koller should call 911 for of the emergency. Dennis McAlpine emergency help from 2. Give the address, taking care to be Bruce Rask sheriff, fire and medi- specific and give landmarks and directions I.G. Roskaft [91) cal agencies. if necessary. Mark Wallace All 911 calls are au- 3. Give details of the emergency and the Arleen Nagel, Alternate tomatically routed to a central dispatch caller's name. g y PARKS & RECREATION point where the nature of the emergency is 4. Stay on the line to answer any ques- COMMISSION determined and the proper agency alerted tions. Tom Baillargeon, Chairman for instant dispatch of emergency services. The Wright County Sheriffs office em- Andy Beecher Non-emergency and administrative calls phasizes that it is extremely important to Tom Constant should be directed to the Wright County stay on the line. Roche Martin Sheriffs office at 473-6673 or 295-2533. Having addresses clearly marked for the Floyd Roden, Types of true emergencies include to save responders to see is also very important. Council Representative a life,to report a crime,to prevent a crime, Otsego ordinance requires that house Darlene Solberg and to report a fire. Callers should not numbers be clearly posted on buildings as Carl Swenson hesitate to use 911 if there is the slightest well as mailboxes.When sight of the build- doubt as to whether the situation is an ing from the road is blocked, an additional misimmio emergency. address sign visible from the road needs to RO:,, VIE'\V Use the following tips for fast, ecient be included on the property. Details of the efficient reporting of emergencies: ordinance may be viewed at City Hall.w,s The Otsego View is a community newsletter for the city of Otsego. Ag preservation plan will be presented Correspondence and news items are welcome and should be sent to Jac- On Monday,April 19, at 7:30 p.m.,there The program involves tax creditforfarm- quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, will be an informational meeting on the ers who agree to keep land in agricultural 13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN Minnesota Agricultural Land Preservation use for an extended period of time and use 55330(612)441-4414. Program. sound farming practices. Persons inter- , Printed on Doug Wise, state director of the Agricul- ested in learning more about the program aRecycled turalLandPreservationProgram,willmake are encouraged to attend the presentation Paper a presentation to the public at City Hall. on April 19.�-A.. 2 ftli"EiOio^11^11^11^1^1^111 ,1.11"lidi Name our new community park Tragic s -..... -"I- - on ........ 1:,....., IN m"""" Illiiii ::".:;:.:.i:i:i:i:.„.":: :::;..::::::t.:;:::•.:..:R; The Otsego Parks and nd R ecrea tion Commission is asking residents for sug- crimes crl mes i n ,:,,,,,:,, ,,,,,:,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,:,,,,,,,,i,:„„„„,„„ ....„„„:„„,:,ht. .• gestions toname Otsego's new commu- • �nitY Park. Suggestions willbe taken early ::::CitY Hall up to the April 13 Park Com- miss rkeet g. by Elaine Norin Development on the park is expected In the"Condensed HistoryofWright Constable Charles A. Washburn (of to begin this summer. Phase one in- County 1851-1935," compiled and Otsego) was given the warrant to cludes excavation for an access road published by C. A. French, several serve[.]In tryingto serve it,Spaulding and parking lot, preliminary work on tragic events in Otsego are reported. shot him, Washburn dying ten days three softball fields and trails,sandbox, "On the night of July 20, 1870, later(October 29,1884).Sentenced to volleyball court,portable restrooms and Narcisse Shallifoo killed Lewis Ossier be hanged . . . the Supreme Court some picnic tables. ofOtsego.He was subsequently found vacated the judgement.[There was]a The park will be located on the west- guilty of murder in the second degree new trial, resulting in a verdict of em portion of the 74 acre city hall site by a jury, and July 21, 1871,he was guilty of manslaughter in the fourth on Nashua Avenue. sentenced to states prison for life. degree. The property is located close to the Shallifoo was a veteran of the Civil "On January 6,1906...Willard(sic) center of the city and the commission War, and had lost an arm in the E. Brandt murdered, his young and expects that it will eventually include service of his country. Some years beautiful wife and her alleged par- facilities that appeal to all residents, later he was pardoned by the Gover- amour. . .then killed himself.It was making it a true community park. nor on the ground that he had been a tragedy.[Tihe murdered left a little Facilities planned for future develop- sufficiently punished, as the murder son . . . The general verdict at that ment phases include hiking trails,pic- was not intentional,it having grown time was that the wages of sin is nic sites, picnic shelters, playground, out of a family quarrel." (Shallifoo's death."' tot lot, sliding hill, skating area, and sister was Ossier's wife.) We frequently hear of terrible crimes playfields. "In 1881 . . . a fight over a calf through today's news media.Some of Residents may drop off their sugges- between Philip Hoffman,the victim, ,us may say there was less crime in tions at City Hall or call 441-4414 dur- and Herman Trauch, the killer. the "good old days." Let's remember ing regular office hours..... Trauch struck Hoffman four times that there has been an incredible with a butcher knife,the latter dying increase in population.The 1870 cen- instantly. Trauch was tried in the sus for Otsego identifies 103 house- October term of 1881. He was found holds with 595 residents. Our popu- Snowmobile guilty and sentenced to states prison lation has increased to about 10 times for life. that number. Has crime really in- complaints "Granville L. Spaulding, of creased that much increase Monticello . . . had made threats[.] Otsego City Hall has received many calls complaining about snowmobiles Correction to January 1993 edition: trespassing and damaging private prop- Thomas Ham(not Horn)was the first chairman of Otsego's board of erty. supervisors in 1858.,...---, It is illegal for snowmobiles to travel on the road or trespass on private prop- erty.They are allowed to use the right of way which extends 33 feet from the center of the road. Banks, newspaper, representatives selected Judy Hudson,city secretary,says that The Otsego City Council passed reso- nicipal Money Market Fund. each winter the city gets calls about lutions and motions on Jan. 11, 1993 Official newspaper: Elk River Star snowmobiles ruining trees and shrubs. which designated the city's official de- News. She says that snowmobile operators positories and newspaper as well as Vice Mayor: Doug Lindenfelser. need to respect private property. council positions.This business is usu- Council Representative on the Plan- Farm fields are often damaged as well. ally taken care of at the council's first .ping Commission: Ron Black. Snowmobile traffic can drive frost deeper meeting of the year. Council Representative on the Parks and kill perennial alfalfa plants and Official depositoriesofcityfunds:First Commission:Floyd Roden. damage wetland flora. National Bank of Elk River,the Bank of District 728 Recreation Board: Ron Hudson advises residents to get the Elk River, Security Bank Northwest of Black. license number of an offending snow- St. Michael, First Bank Minneapolis, Assistant Weed Inspector for the city: mobile and report it to the Wright Norwest Bank of Minneapolis,Edward Dave Chase..., County Sheriff.'-. .'. D.Jones&Co.,and the Minnesota Mu- 3 ii^os^a^aldridoo,Ploem^milINI"N"Id Parks Commission gets new members 72fr 728 Area The Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission has added two new mem- Recreation bers. Tom Baillargeon replaced Rick Savitski, who resigned in November. RECREATION Highlights Roche Martin will take the place of - RECREATION by Jeff Asfahl Mark Wallace who is leaving the corn- . -.« In a cooperative venture,the 728 Area mission in April.Baillargeonwaselected t Recreation Department has worked chair in January. closely with the Girls'Softball Associa- In the coming year the Parks and 6tion and the Youth Baseball Associa- Recreation Commission faces a number ir tion to combine their 1993 program and of planning tasks including develop- Baillargeon Martin registration information.The recreation ment of the new community park, the department will distribute this flier trail along 85th Street, a joint powers through the Elk River area schools.The plan for the neighborhood park in con- implementation of the comprehensive 728 Area Recreation Department will junction with the new elementary school, park plan the commission recently com- also be accepting all registrations.Watch and putting together a strategy for pleted. `-'••••• for the fliers,expected to be out the first week of March. Lions soup super and kitchen shower set Spring activities for 728 Area Recre- ation will be advertised in the recre- Come and enjoy a bowl of homemade The soup supper and kitchen shower ation section of the District 728 Com- soup and bread and help the Otsego will be the first fund-raising event for munity Education brochure which will Lions outfit the new Otsego City Hall the new Otsego Lions Club. be distributed along with the Star News kitchen.A soupsupperon Wednesday, March 17. will be served 5 Lions is a volunteer service organiza- This summer's recreation program of- to 8 p.m. on Saturday,March 13 in the tion. Funds raised in the community ferings are beginning to take shape and fellowship hall at Christ Lutheran are re-invested into community projects. look very exciting. A sampling of what Church located on Co. Rd. 39 at Hwy. Lions members are also selling raffle 101 in Otsego. tickets for a Champagne and Chocolate you can expect includes T-ball, orga- Donations will be accepted for uten- Getaway atRiverwood.The winner will razed playgrounds, tennis and golf les- sils to equip the kitchen in the new City be drawn at their Charter Night Ban- sons, baseball, basketball and volley- Hall.The new kitchen and meeting room quet on April 16. ball camps, special events, and more. at the hall will be available to rent for Call President Wayne Radloff, 441- Recreation Coordinator Jeff Asfahl is weddings, dances, dinners, receptions 9183, for more information about the working on providing recreation activi- and community groups,so kitchen tools Otsego Lions. •M• ties within the city of Otsego for this will be needed. summer so residents can participate in offerings closer to home. More details will be found in the rec- reation section of the summer brochure, Board of Review set to be delivered on May 5. For information on 728 Area Recre- A Board of Review is scheduled for Thursday,April 22,7 p.m.at City Hall. ation, call the office at 241-3523.. A representative of the Wright County assessor will be in attendance to hear citizen concerns about their property valuation. •-•-•.• January 11 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting 4 March 3 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting • , March 8 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting I, March 9 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting �i March 17 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting . ..# March 22 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting °"., - 4 Apri 7 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting . Apri 12 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting . �� _ ; ,a Apri 13 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting =�. ,'j a Apri 16 Otsego Lions Charter Banquet Apri 19 7:30 p.m. Agriculture Preservation Plan presentation Interior walls go up Apri 21 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting Drywall is being installed inOtsego'snew Apri 22 7 p.m. Board of Review city hall this month. Apri 26 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting The city has already gotten calls to re- To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 serve the building for wedding and anniver- working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to sary celebrations.The main meeting room meetings. and adjacent kitchen will be available to Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. rent when completed.�•� 4 If The OTSEGO-*"dr\-%-q .d .,^.,,, .., „,0 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIENV Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 3, No.3, May/June 1993 City offices move to new building City officials and volunteers spent April 15 and 16 cleaning ,, construction dust,packing boxes,and moving to their brand y \� new building on Nashua Avenue. Ay� \ Files were hauled out of the crowded one room schoolhouse \' s\ ;,A� . that has served as the city's office and moved to the new �� ° ��s L � �� � Otsego City Hall less than a mile south on Nashua. ��� aw Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator Elaine Beatty and \; ..: Secretary Judy Hudson say they haven't even missed the old �B � �� ��r�����. �L 1 ER place. � , . \ a ;sl x..,°,,,. * ..,tee._ ;� . 0 ' ilk„. ‘, F., ,„_4 ., ›, \ , - .,,,‘,,- , , \ u\' a eft,, `" Volunteers helped move city files the short trip down Nashua Avenue to the new Otsego City Hall. o "" "� a At the new CityHall, CityClerk Jerome Perrault has his �� .. . , , �� � ` ,.,r own office for the first time in the 46 years he has served Otsego. The kitchen table in his home had always been his �.....� �. ,; >, office. .. 8 The City Council held its first meeting in the new council "" ‘" a meeting room on April 19.A public address system and more amu` space make it a room more accommodating to public meetings. Elaine Beatty,Otsego deputy clerk/zoning administrator,packs The meeting room and kitchen have already been used by up her office at the old schoolhouse that has served as Otsego the Otsego Lions for its Charter Night Banquet and for the Elk City Hall.Wright County Head Start is considering renting the old building. River/Otsego Mayors'Prayer Breakfast.'-"-"-' Clean-up Day brings record turnout Afternoon rain did not seem to deter Otsego residents from g M° taking advantage of the city's fourth annual Clean-Up day on Saturday, May 1. *� �� City Secretary Judy Hudson deemed the day a success with ti .a, o a record turnout and more appliances and tires than ever before. ' ,..,,,,.' v „''',„ ' \ f 4 Otsego residents brought in over 300 appliances, 1,200 vet* a tires, and 78 mattresses. An estimated 400 people took , a advantage of Clean-up Day. Residents could deposit one pickup load per household , --- -- gr' without charge and paid $8 for the first appliance with �v „�Oov ti additional appliances on the same load accepted without *� .o charge.Afee was charged for tires.City funds are used to pay •"" for most of the cost of Clean-up Day. ®� "'� a The Otsego City Council feels that the spring clean-up day ��a °\\\ Otsego Clean-up Day was a record success as residents brought is an important service to the city providing residents with a in vehicles full of appliances,tires and trash on May 1. chance to dispose of items not commonly picked up with the regular trash service. Brown, Dave Chase, John DeMars, Dave Ericksen, Duane Volunteers helped direct traffic and unload. Fiedler, Larry Fournier, Mike Goad, Judy Hudson, Mike "All the people that worked were tremendous,"said Hudson. Knoll,Doug Lindenfelser,Floyd Roden,Pat Sawatzke,Brian Thanks to all the Otsego Clean-up Day helpers: Nadine Schultz,David Schultz, Kenny Shierts, Kevin Shierts,John Aarvig,Elaine Beatty,Matt Blesi,Larry Blesi,Tim Boyle,Ty Simola.•-^-^-, 11, 11^Ndlii^idom^.^111 .1^41^2., ere City of Otsego First meeting in 8899 Nashua Ave. NE new hall felt good NOTES Otsego, MN 55330ROM THE (612)441-4414 I feltt very proud when we finally held ivek?OM YOROtsego's first CityCouncil meetingin the new hall on April 19. OFFICE HOURS It really is something for City Clerk Jerry by Mayor Norman F. Freske Monday through Friday Perrault to have his own office. Jerryhas 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. served as Otsego's clerk since May 29, 1947 working with papers all over the kitchen CITY COUNCIL and also for three years before that with his table.Now he finally has an office and he's Mayor- dad.I have been to Jerry's house to see him in there every day working. Norman F. Freske .;_ This building is really a step in the right Council members- direction for the city of Otsego.We're a city Douglas Lindenfelser • 4 • of 6,000 people.The new City Hall is some- 1, Floyd Roden . thing we really need. Larry Fournier` We plan to hold an open house some time Ron Black v,,‘, • this summer so everyone gets a chance to \ see their new City Hall. CITY STAFF r =�3 \ We had a lot of people help us. Thank Jerome Perrault, Clerk Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk ` you.,-"---• Zoning Administrator k Otsego Clerk Jerome Perrault can now work Jim Barthel,Treasurer in his own office at the new City Hall.Perrault �� se has done his work for Otsego from his home for Judy Hudson, Secretary \�' g Dave Chase, Maintenance over 46 years.He became Otsego Township clerk --- _:_ on May 29,1947.Before that,he helped his father Supervisor in the same position. Duane Fiedler, Maintenance PLANNING Planning Commission seeks public input COMMISSION The Planning and Zoning Commission cil. The City Council makes the final deci- Carl Swenson, Chairman holds public hearings at its meetings prior sion after considering the commission's rec- Ron Black, to making recommendations to the City ommendations and the public input from Council Representative Council on matters of land use in Otsego. the hearing. Eugene Goenner At a public hearing,all interested parties Otsego's public hearings are noticed in Jim Koller are given a chance to make their views the legal pages of the Elk River Star News, Dennis McAlpine known.People can make comments in per- the city's official newspaper.They are also Bruce Rask son or submit written statements. Eachposted on the bulletin board at CityHall. I.G. Roskaft Mark Wallace person is recognized by the Planning and Adjacent property owners affected by the Arleen Nagel, Alternate Zoning Commission chair for the record. topic of a hearing are notified by mail. All information heard and read at the The Planning and Zoning Commission PARKS & RECREATION hearing is taken under advisement by the meets the first and third Wednesdays of COMMISSION Planning and Zoning Commission before it each month at 8 p.m.The public is welcome Tom Baillargeon, Chairman makes a recommendation to the City Coun- to attend all meetings.... Andy Beecher Tom Constant Roche Martin City responds to Quale Avenue concerns Floyd Roden, Council Representative With the MinnesotaDepartment ofTrans- tion in March 1991 for a feasibility study. Darlene Solberg portation (MnDOT) proposed upgrade to The city engineer met with residents to get Carl Swenson Highway 101,Otsego is faced with the task their feelings before drawing a plan. The of altering city streets to conform with the city took into consideration the MnDOT project. plan calling for a signal light at County OTSEGO `]�i"a] Highway 101 is to be converted into a four Road 37 and Highway 101. w`�`�`� V 1'1� lane divided highway with accesses limited The city's solution was to extend Quale to accommodate the high volume of traffic. Avenue north to County Road 37.Ahearing The Otsego View is a community In Otsego,the plan calls for the closing of all was held for residents to make their feel- newsletter for the city of Otsego. accesses except at county roads 39,42,and ings known on two different proposed plans. Correspondence and news items are 37• In response to residents, a third plan was welcome and should be sent to Jac- Properties west of the highway between drawn. quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, county roads 36 and 37 will be left with no In April 1993,the city found that MnDOT 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, Otsego, MN means of egress.The city has been working was no longer planning to install a signal 55330(612)441-4414. with residents of those properties to formu- light at County Road 37. It will install the n Printed on late a plan for a road that will give them wiring,but says that traffic doesn't warrant Recycled access to the new highway. Q Paper The Otsego City Council passed a resolu- QUALE AVE. to page 4 2 is^1§1^■"111Aiiii"sr^o"N"ris^mr^taioAud Cy faces ac es ad ded clean-up u chores It seems that the opportunity Otsego 1 ortunit of onen springrin cleaning n day wasn't enough for :;: :: : some ;. lir- nit ma folks.Since Otsego hld its Clean- the Civil War upDay o nMay 1,people1e have continued d to dump junk at the old city hall. by Elaine Norin City officials had made special ar- The first permanent settlers came residents who served in the Civil War: rangements to accommodate the re- to Otsego in 1852, and by 1860 the John C.Bowers(Sept. 1828-Aug.3, moval ofjunk deposited on that one day census showed a population of 322. 1897)-Co. B,First Regement of only as a service to residents.Now they When the Civil War began in 1862, Minnesota are faced with the task of finding a way Minnesota had been a state for less J.M. Burgan -Co. E, First Minne- to dispose of more junk that has ap- than three years. A surprising num- sota Infantry peared on city property since then.Some ber of patriots from Otsego served our Ripley Goodwin - Co. A,Ninth of it(paint, solvents, chemicals)is con- country. Franklyn Curtiss-Wedge Minnesota Infantry sidered hazardous waste. lists the following in his History of Amas D.King-Co.G,First Minne- Anyone caught dumping trash will be Wright County: sota Infantry prosecuted by the city. First Minnesota Infantry, Co. C J.N.Morrell-Co.F,Fourth Minne- Contact Val Donahue (339-6881)for Joseph McDonald* sota Infantry information about proper disposal of Third Minnesota Infantry,Co. H Charles Frederick Parker(Aug.24, hazardous materials in Wright Francis S. McDonald 1829-Aug. 23, 1907)- Co. B County. William McLeod Leonard Snow(died Feb. 25, 1874) Caleb Chase(died 1864 at Pine Co. C. First Minnesota infantry �r Bluff,AR) John Wigle-Sgt.Co.A,FirstMinne- SlgnS signs John McDonald* sota Cavalry > > Clark Nye If anyone has additional informa- eve where a sign Fourth Minnesota Infantry, Co. G tion regarding thosefromOts.ego who Charles Shelefoo served our country in the Civil War, by David Licht Samuel S. Carrick(died at please share it with me(295-2019).I With the coming of spring, Otsego is Andersonville, GA) will record all information pro- ' again experiencing the advent and pro- Sixth Minnesota Infantry, Co. B vided.�� liferation of new signs. Residents and Andrew Ramsey business owners alike need to be aware Alexander Wood 1 that there are city codes which govern Eighth Minnesota Infantry, Co. E ?:;:iii7cR::77:" \f the erection and placement of signs. Edson D.Washburn y In general,any and all business signs Elbridge F.Washburn(killed in require a permit from the city.Portable battle at Murfreesboro,TN) a and temporary signs are also limited Ninth Minnesota Infantry,Co. A ? � ';, ; and cannot be established without first Benjamin F. Cooley* ����" checking with the city. Benjamin F. Gray „� .,,,,,*:,*;\ Residential garage sale signs tend to First Regiment Mounted Rangers, * . :!',-,:::,4,,:..,i-,,,:-:,, ��, c . be a problem,cluttering up intersection Co. D ��„‘ areas and,in some cases,causing traffic John H. Morgan hazards.Residents should be aware that Hatch's Battalion, Co. B k..•••Z garage sale signs cannot be placed in Levi W. Copp street rights-of-way or on public prop- Jerome Cooley � ,� erty and utility poles. They are also *Buried in Otsego Cemetery ` • �, , ��V ' limited to 16 square feet.If on someone In an unpublished autobiography �N , 4 else's private property, they require of Edson Dean Washburn, he refers A ��� �� �, permission from that property owner. to his brother ”. . .Orson Monroe t�, is :� I Garage sale signs which are found on Washburn. . .a member of Co. C,4th , • 5 h public lands can be removed by city Minnesota Volunteer Infantry...dieda ti employees and the owners of such signs in a hospital at Corinth,Mississippi." -0 charged with removal costs. Otsego Cemetery records,based on All parties interested in havingsigns visual ins ectionprovide further in- � P , � � �. .ti-� either for a temporary sale or on a per- formation. Based on this incomplete The historic Otsego Cemetery is the manentbasis are urged to contact Otsego record,it appears thefollowingnames resting place of several Civil War veter- City Hall prior to their being placed and should be added to the list of Otsego ans. erected. 3 11# 1d' .^4.did •dii/ i^ssAmi ��� �� ��a; -, Otsego applies for trail funding �� , . ' � The Otsego Parks and Recreation �` ��4 �� Q �" , ' I •• Commission has submitted a proposal ti a\ A \,, a r= `' k, • �• • ? * to the Minnesota Department of Trans- � ' � � • � �� ? portation for funding for biking/hiking trails in the city. •, These transportation enhancement ' , 4�- s �s'\'' ' ' funds have been made available in the state throu h the Intermodal Surface ' `'� Transportation Efficiency Act(ISTEA). These funds can be used for 80 per- � cent of the cost of amenities such as trails, trailheads, roadside beautifica- ��� ��a tion, and historic preservation. l Otsego's submitted proposal includes ,,0:';',;,e � a five year plan for a bike/pedestrian v'r _ "a trail with a trailhead facility at the new �` ii, ''s�4 city park on Nashua Avenue. It takes 1. v \ �,v, into consideration Otsego s comprehen- `ate ° ` \ ` r sive park and trail plan and the city's `• / 4 comprehensive transportation plan. If the funds are granted, the 1993 44411161. o phase would begin with work on the a 4 trailhead road and parking lot in the park, construction of two miles of 10- Lions help landscape new City Hall foot wide bituminous off-road trail,wid- Otsego Lions members used their Saturday morning to move dirt and landscape rock ening and paving shoulders and strip- around the new City Hall.The Otsego Lions were the first to use the new facility for its inglanes on 1.39 miles of existing streets, Charter Night Banquet April 16. ' and putting up interpretive signage at Oil recycling regulations set the historic town hall. Applications accepted for Residents wishing to recycle used Many communities will be competing park board commissioner motor oil will need to call in advance. for the ISTEA funds.The Otsego Parks The city of Otsego is taking applica- The deposit tank will be secured and and Recreation Commission feels the tions for two new Parks and Recreation only available during regular shop city has a great need for a trail system Commission members. The Parks and hours,8 a.m.to 4 p.m.People should call and hopes its proposal will be cho- Recreation Commission meets the sec- the maintenance shop in advance to sen. and Tuesday of each month. make sure someone is available to pro- Residents interested in applying vide access. please call Elaine or Judy at 441-4414 The Otsego maintenance building is QUALE AVE. continued from page 2 or pick up an application at the new City located at 13474 NE 95th St.next to the a light at that intersection at this time. Hall 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through old city hall.The shop phone number is Inan effort to come up with a solution Friday. ..�ti 441-8137.' ' amiable to residents, the Otsego City Council is meeting with the Frankfort Township Board to discuss the possibil- ity of altering Quam Avenue to connect ...........................................................................:: ::::......:.....:::..:....:::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....................... with Count Road 36 to the south in Y Frankfort. May 5 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting May 10 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting May 11 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting Maintenance i 7:30 p.m. Agriculture Preservation information meeting May 12 7:30 p.m. Economic Development Advisory Committee Report May 19 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting May 20 7:30 p.m. Joint City Council meeting with Frankfort Township on Quale Ave.access Street sweeping was contracted May 247:30 p.m. City Council meeting to be done on city streets as needed May 26 7:30 p.m. Economic Development Advisory Committee this spring.The maintenance crew May 31 OFFICE CLOSED-Memorial Day will soon be doing crack filling on June 2 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting June 8 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting City roads. June 9 7:30 p.m. Economic Development Advisory Committee Some time after school is out, June 14 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting reconstruction will begin on Odell June 16 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting Avenue south of 84th Street and June 28 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting on Ogren Avenue south of 81st To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 Street. The hill on Ogren will be working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to cut to correct the sight distance for meetings. safety,also. w, 1 Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. + 4