Summer The , OTSEGO ..is...., .."..A,a,„, ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIENV , Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 3, No.4, July/August 1993 City hall open house set • � \ \ On Saturday,July 31st, \ \ the city of Otsego will host , \ \\\ \\ ��� �\ a dedication and opener ` ��\ house for the new city hall. \�` \\�Y\\ �.\�\ \�. \� \\���\\\\�\�\\a\�\�������\����\\O��.� The public is invited to „ \_,\ \ \ \\ \\�� tour the new facility from \\ , \,k \\\\ ' •\ ,\ -� \\, \ \\\\ 10 a.m. to4p.m.Therewill \ ®\ : \'� k' be a dedication ceremonyat � �' '\\' 11 a.m. with a ribbon '. \ \\ * . \\ ��� s � `\ \\` cutting and flag raising. o\vv. ,�V� , • � ``�`��� ,v� v wa'''`,va„ � .�A�'\C\`� V A { �AAAV A vvA, v vv vAAv,vvvvv •v� � �\te A Vv ���a The Elk River-Rogers •• . , ;, „A:\` \ '\` ” \ \ VFW and Auxiliary will aW donate a flag and execute �y , the flag ceremony. " 4 A commemorative rain gauge will be given away t0 y vv v ,— y A vvv v•, �� • v ,,,:,ki„4,i;vvAv\A�y',. ''V k��, ••, 0 each household as long as • they last. Otsego pens will a also be given away, o Otsego community groups vim,,,, �y, vv a will be represented and ready ` .a ionabouttheir organizations. City hall gets landscaping g The Otsego Jaycees will be selling Schwann's ice The outside of city hall is shaping up this nated by Duerr's WaterCare and have been cream and pop can covers im- summer.Bituminous surfacing of the park- planted on the property, also. printed with their wizard ing lots has been completed, an irrigating The flag pole has been installed in front of logo. The Otsego Lions will sprinkler system installed and some plant- the building,but no flag has been flown yet. be sellingbeer.Pop and ham- ing is done. The Elk River/Rogers VFW will donate a flag burgers can be purchased Ash treeshavebeen planted alongNashua to be raised for the first time at the City Hall from the VFW. Christ Avenue and grass has been seeded.Several dedication and open house on Saturday,July Lutheran Church will have a large Colorado spruce specimens were do- 31st.,-,-N children's game booth. Boy Scout Troop 90 will be hold- ing minnow races and selling Trails End popcorn. ..s Otsego City Hall Parks and Rec Open House member added Kris Niebler has been ap- 8899 Nashua Ave. NE pointed to the Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission. Saturday, July 31 , 1993 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The city is taking applica- tions for one more commis- sion member.The Parks and The public is invited to tour Otsego community groups will be represented Recreation Commission Otsego's new city hall. Free with information and wares:hamburgers,pop, meets the second Tuesday of commemorative Otsego City Hall beer, ice cream,can coolers,games, minnow the month. rain gauge for each household races. VFW, Otsego Jaycees, Otsego Lions, Residents interested in ap- attending while supplies last. Christ Lutheran Church,Troop 90 Boy Scouts, plying can call Elaine or Judy and the City of Otsego. at 441-4414 or pick up an application at City Hall.,...... il 1 forAin"iii"."11."0"111^."Iid , City of Otsego We can beof roud 8899 Nashua Ave. NE p NOTES Otsego, MN 55330 our new city hall ROM THE (612)441-4414 YOR We hope that everyone will come to see OFFICE HOURS our new hall. The dedication and open Monday through Friday house will be Saturday,July 31st. by Mayor Norman F. Freske 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. The city has a commemorative rain gauge for the first 500 families and Otsego pens to We are proud of our new hall. It belongs CITY COUNCIL give away. Our Otsego community groups to the people of Otsego and we want them to Mayor— will be there. come and see it. ....., Norman F. Freske Council Lindenfelser members DuCounseling Center opens in city Doug Floyd Roden The Monticello-BigLakeCounselingCen- mental health counseling and alcohol and Larry Fournier Ron Black ter is opening an office in Otsego. drug treatment. Office space is being leased in the new Clients for group therapy for alcohol, CITY STAFF Otsego City Hall. The space is not being drug and chemical dependency will be pro- Jerome Perrault, Clerk used by city staff at this time and is located vided with transportation to the Monticello Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk just inside the door from the south parking office to participate in Monday, Wednes- Zoning Administrator lot. day,Thursday group sessions until three or Jim Barthel, Treasurer The Counseling Center's Otsego office four people have been identified for group Judy Hudson, Secretary will not be staffed regularly, but a phone therapy in Otsego. Dave Chase, Maintenance system has been installed that will forward The Counseling Center is a division of Supervisor calls to the CounselingCenter in Monticello. the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District Duane Fiedler, Maintenance Appointment hours will be scheduled in which serves Otsego.It currently treats 125 PLANNING Otsego on an as-needed basis. A therapist will be sent as appointments fill up for CENTER continued to page 4 COMMISSION St Carl Swenson, Chairman 11 `,y ,„'':4` 4r i 10 41� �. " a Ron Black \,; g \ AW 4 Council Representative c � � t `�\ Eugene Goenner �Z k. �� � � ,�� ....„ , , , \ 1.k\ \\\\, Jim Koller s �,, ,A4 \k \ Dennis McAlpine ` 4 a `� 1,,W\'''' '''\� , \',r �� e A �. � . \\‘‘.‘,,:‘ ,���� Bruce Rask y��� � �� ���, � �•� � � I.G. Roskaft \ elLt \V e4 L \\� . Mark Wallace \ r $ \ Arleen Nagel, Alternate is °� ,,, �� ." �"\tkit ., t , �� 4\ ``, mw‘. .,..- v.4t PARKS & RECREATION \ ,,: i.f � \\�� „,. , COMMISSION � Tom Baillargeon, Chairman a Tom Constant: Roche Martin Kris Niebler ,,,, Floyd Roden, Council Representative 4 Darlene Solberg 2 Carl Swenson \\\ / iiiiisolim �� ; ,\ ti R�sEco ww..i V�� x . ,� .:. m a newsletter for the cityThe Otsego View is communitysBridge replacement prescribed 1 Correspondence and news items are When City Engineer Larry Koshak told the creek that flows under the road and welcome and should be sent to lac the Otsego City Council that Minnesota roadside grasses hide the fallen down iron quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, State Aid (MSA) funds could be used for rails. 8899 Nashua Ave. NE, Otsego, MN bridge repairs, it was surprised to learn The bridge will be repaired by replacing 55330(612)441-4414. that the city owned a bridge. it with a culvert, so it will no longer be Apiion dler h considered a bridge. w— Printed ecy edn and 80th streets,Located th bridge is hardly vnue between is- first bridge pro ecct will become tits last and o's N.a Paper iblefromapassingcar.Vegetationobscures only bridgeproject. -, 1 2 1 , . -1.11.^.^,,Amds•/ EdgiskiliAi.."1• 11/ :, Maintenance Report The James Addition, Missis- I sippi Parkwoo d Addition,and part of Page Avenue have been seal coated. Seal coating is done about ev- ery three years to keep roads in t R � condition. Cracks are filled and , '. the road is coated with an oil sealer.The sealer is covered with \ \\\\�\\ \ ` >, ° \� , 10 to 12dy and ��„ � „ ��•` �`��� �������� ��� \� � pea rock 0 .‘,.,, ,,,...., � fordays \\\\\\\\�����\\" .''.' then swept. �� \ �� O % � �.� The seal coating process puts `�a ` " oil back into the road and replen- ishes e len- ����o� t- „\� fishes the wear surface,according `'" to Otsego Maintenance Supervi- sor Dave Chase. Repairs are also set for parts of '"�' \ ;\ °: �� Ogren and Odell. �.... 85th Street extends east CENTER continued from page 2 mental health clients each week, in- Construction continues on the new able to Otsego after incorporation in cluding 35 in psychiatry,42 in day treat- section of 85th Street.The road is being 1990. ment, 12 chemical dependency in pri- built from Page Avenue to Parrish Av- The new 85th Street will have a bitu- mary care and 16 in aftercare. enue(Co. Rd. 42). minous surface with concrete curb and According to the Director of Counsel- The new road is the city's second gutter. Completion is expected this ing Tom Schroyer,the Counseling Cen- Minn e sota State Aid(MSA)fun ded road fall.—' ter decided to open the Otsego office project.MSA funding only became avail- after hearing from a variety of sources that there is a significant need for for burning coun- seling services in the area. Wright Permit required red for recre- Former city hall Countyalsohasbeenlookingforarefer- Permits are not required q ral source for chemical dependency in ational fires less than three feet in di- building rented the area. ameter contained in a fire barrier or for The Counseling Center could be the a regulation burn barrel. The old city hall building on County beginning of the Hospital District's look Permits can be obtained from City Road 39 has been rented to Wright at extending services toward Otsego. Hall free of charge. Call 441-4414 be- County Head Start. g The Counseling Center has been tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Head Start will be making some growing over the last four years, qua- Permission must be granted by the plumbing improvements in order to drupling service in that period accord- local fire chief for any type of running ready the building to move in Sept. ing to Schroyer. fire.s-A.".., 15.-- ' There has been a national increase in demand for outpatient alcohol and drug treatment, but Schroyer feels the de- mental h lh r in- m n foreat services is :: At E < «««<'> <<««< <<<« «, <» ' a d r in m r ra i e e because f ceas oe d o City Council the tremendous population growth in July 26 July 31 7:301PMAM -14 PM City Hall Open House the area between the Twin Cities and St. Cloud. August 4 8:00 PM Planning&Zoning Commission The Monticello-Big Lake Counseling August 9 7:30 PM City Council Center is certified by the state of Minne- August 10 7:30 PM Park& Recreation Commission sota as a Rule 43 and 29 clinic for chemi- August 11 7:30 PM Economic Development Authority cal dependency and has submitted an August 18 8:00 PM Planning- Zoning Commission application for a community mental August 23 7:30 PM City Council health center with the state. Contact the Otsego office of the To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 Monticello-Big Lake Counseling Cen- working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items seven working days prior to ter at 441-8348. Hours are 8 a.m. to 9 meetings. p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. a.m, t0 4:30 p.m. on Fr iday.,s,N 4 1 iimi."0.0esiniAlusAmoisissionwoidsomiiiestund , ..................................................................................... ........................................................................................ ..................................................................................... Our Community .:::: :i:i..i,..!.! .. ... ....... ..' ......... spring :.:::::. Hospital Wet :: :: byHelen Weidenbach,Monticello-Big g of 1867 ....... -.....- ---1. hli h., ., - --- Lake Hospital District director We are fortunate to have a corn- plete health facility within a few Excerpted from D.R. Farnham's minutes of Otsego.The Monticello-Big 1880 History of Wright County "The committee after looking over Lake Community Hospital District During the Indian scare of 1865, two or three towns, sometimes on serves Otsego as well as Monticello, many settlers left the western part of horseback, sometimes on foot, on Big Lake, and the townships of Wright County.Vacant land went to dry land occasionally,but generally Becker, Big Lake, Monticello, and the railroad company and many new in mud and water, returned and Silver Creek. homesteads were started in 1866. reported to the board the fact that In addition to the hospital with 24 Most of the latecomers were of lim- many persons were in need of help hour emergency service, it includes a ited means who arrived late in the in the western towns." new 91 bed nursing home, a counsel- summer of 1866 and were not able to The commissioners secured aloan ing center, and three ambulances raise much of a crop. to assist the settlers. Flour was$12 staffed by emergency medical profes- "This was a very late wet spring. per barrel, and it was impossible to sionals. Rains commenced about the first of get a team to haul out a load.Finally While many small community April, and continued throughout the one team was hired to take a load to hospitals are failing, ours recently month.The rivers,creeks,lakes,and Rockford at$2 per barrel,and it was constructed an addition to house X- marshes were full to overflowing,and hard to bargain at that. The roads ray,ultrasound, mammography, CT the roads through the timber were were so bad and the mud so deep, scanner, a new laboratory, and more impassible." The Crow River bridge that the flour had to be unloaded space for ambulatory care, examina- at Rockford was destroyed by high five or six times on the way,and had tions and treatment. At present, water. been rolled so much in the mud,that negotiations are being completed to By May,rumors of destitution were not a particle of the barrel could be purchase the adjacent clinic building. afloat.The St.Paul and Minneapolis seen for mud.Flour,wheat and corn Your tax dollars help support the news papers made the assertion that for seed, potatoes, etc. were fur- district which is governed by a board "we are informed by good authority nished,and although attempts were of directors elected by you. The that hundreds of persons in the west- made to get teams through to the district has met the high standards of ern part of Wright County are actu- west part of the county, it was a care established by the Joint Commis- ally starving, or subsisting entirely failure,and the provisions and seed sion of Accreditation of Health Care on elm bark." had to be delivered to the destitute Organizations. A committee was sent out by the persons at the Village of Rockford, In 1964, a year before the hospital board of commissioners to investi- and in many cases carried more than building was completed, the auxiliary gate."Houses were thoroughly exam- twenty miles on men's and women's was established. It is accountable to fined from cellar to attic and could backs." the district board or directors and its find nothing to eat,not even a potatoe, Provisions and clothing were also purpose is to enhance the quality of and this in houses where there were distributed from Monticello. "Half life for patients,residents, and large families. The principal reason the month of May and until about personnel. Volunteers provide services given by the settlers was that they the 20th ofJune,a continual stream within the hospital and nursing home, moved into the timber late in the of the destitute were going to, or assist with home delivered meals and spring of 1866,and consequently could returning from Rockford and other health related activities. not raise but very small crops, and Monticello. Men, women, and chil- The auxiliary holds several fund that they had no money to buy with, dren wallowing through the mud raising events each year. Recently, and with many the roads had been so and on the return loaded with flour, funds have been donated to a van bad they could not get out." corn or potatoes."wN equipped for wheelchairs and a whirlpool bathing system for the nursing home, an additional birthing bed for the hospital, and numerous other items. Park proposal falls short Everyone is invited to join the The Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission's submitted proposal for biking/ auxiliary. Dues are$5 per year. More hiking trail funds for the city was not accepted by the Minnesota Department of information is available from your Transportation. Otsego representative,Elaine Norin, The commission was applying for transportation enhancement funds made 295-2019. .-... available in the state through the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act(ISTEA). The ISTEA program is accessible for five years. The commission has already begun work on a proposal to submit for the 1994 funds.'. 3