Winter The OTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIENV Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 2, No.6, December 1992 Canines must be controlled Otsego's dog ordinance prohibits run- ning at large of dogs. This means dogs need to be on the premises of the owner, confined, or under control of a respon- sible person. '� The ordinance also prohibits vicious 4 or destructive dogs. — t 0 A two year license fee of$10.00 is F " ' 1' required in the city.Spayed or neutered dogs are eligible for a reduced license fee of$5.00. Owners should bring proof of rabies vaccination when applying for a their dog license at City Hall. Persons wishing to report owners in violation of intact the the dog g ordinanceounty shouldriff Cithall construction continues Wrig473-6673 or 295-2533. Work on Otsego's new city hall continues as the floor is poured and the Copies of Otsego's dog ordinance may penthouse for the mechanicals is constructed.Curbing and paving have be obtained from City Hall.,-...... been installed. Completion is expected in mid-February. Residents responsible for mailboxes The City Council has adopted a Check for posts that are loose or rot- tive mailbox numerals of the home's policy that the maintenance depart- ted. Residents will want to get them street address(not rural route num- ment will not repair any mailboxes in firmly planted before the ground is bers). the city. frozen. Four-inch numerals are required The city maintenance department Owners should also be aware of on the house or on a posted sign when recommends that residents mount possible safety hazards mailboxes view of the building is obstructed their boxes 42 inches above the road pose to motorists and bicyclists. Con- from the street. surface so that snowplow blades can crete filled objects and horizontal Clearly labeled addresses assist pass under them. boards can fly through a windshield if emergency rescue workers.Properly The maintenance department also the box is accidently struck. mounted mailboxes expedite mail de- suggests that homeowners inspect The Otsego address display ordi- livery and facilitate snow plow- their mailboxes for needed repairs. nance requires two-inch-high reflec- ing.w•• STEEL POST WOOD POST \, 1' PIPE SLEEVE o 2X4 INE! 1-1/4- SIttL PIPE li°� OR 2X4 it 3' TO 4' PAr a_z Ln 2 - 1"X6" OUTSIDE OUTSIDE EDCE OF Z a 3' TO 4' SHLOULDER au) 4X4 POST OUTSIDE EDGE OF OR SHOULDER 4" TO 6" I ROUND 1111 I WOOD POST SET POST CONCRETE City of Otsego Incumbents will 13474 N.E. 95th St. return to City Council Election Otsego, MN 55330 Otsego voters re-elected Mayor Norman F. (612)441-4414 Freske to serve another two-year term as the city's Results OFFICE HOURS mayor. Freske defeated challengers Mario Giordano and Chas Kolles. in Otsego Monday through Friday Council members Larry Fournier and Ron Black 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. were chosen for four-year terms on the City Coun- cilCITY COUNCIL over candidates Merlin Brisbin and Bill A. Voted 2,451 Olson.Fournier and Black have both served on the Registered Voters 2,376 Mayor- council since 1990. Norman F. Freske New Registrations 546 Council members- Votersset records Douglas Lindenfelser Otsego Mayor Floyd Roden Otsego voters broke old records for voter turn *Norman F. Freske 956 Larry Fournier out and new voter registrations at the November Mario Giordano 699 Ron Black 3rd election. Chas V. Kolles 622 CITY STAFF In Otsego, 2,451 people voted, breaking the record 1,766 who voted in the 1990 fall election. Otsego City Council Jerome Perrault, Clerk Election judges started the day with 2,376 *Larry Fournier 1,400 Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk registered voters in the city.There were 546 new *Ron Black 950 Zoning Barthel,Treasurer registrations. previousiart Administrator Jimvoter Thehigh for new Merlin Brisbin 824 Judy Hudson, Secretary registrations was 400. Bill A. Olson 674 Dave Chase, Maintenance Election judges ran out of printed ballots before Supervisor 7 p.m. and photocopied about 150 more.The pho- President Duane Fiedler, Maintenance tocopied ballots could not be read by the city's Bill Clinton 866 optical scanner and had to be hand counted. Ross Perot 802 PLANNING The District 728 school board election ballots *George Bush 759 COMMISSION also had to be counted by hand. Election judges Carl Swenson, Chairman turned in their reports to the Wright County Audi- *Denotes incumbent Ron Black, tor after 4 a.m. '-'--' Council Representative Eugene Goenner Otsego school location chosen Jim Kolles Dennis McAlpine A location has been chosen in Otsego for on the property. Bruce Rask the new Independent School District 728 A name for the new school has not yet I.G. Roskaft (Elk River)school.The 46.68-acre parcel is been decided by the school board.City Coun- Mark Wallace located west of Highway 101 on the south- cil members and community residents have Arleen Nagel, Alternate west side of County Road 42. expressed their desire for it to be named the PARKS & RECREATION The school district has requested a zone Otsego Elementary School......., COMMISSION change from agricultural to institutional Mark Wallace, Chairman Tom Baillargeon v Andy Beecher - — — — -.11 -- Tom Constant ( • 1 Floyd Roden, I ' . 11 1 Council Representative \ SCHOO Darlene Solberg I I' o \� C SITE Carl Swenson + FIELDS �al /\/ 0 ' \� 'G5 ACRQG J tr I 00 < ,, \\ Ca L� sEGO V1EW 0 ,ip,� \\._-,!_7//' \-r0 A The Otsego View is a community I ELEMENTAY ��J���I� �' ,�& newsletter for the City of Otsego. I SCHOOL / ,� Correspondence and news items are I / CID welcome and should be sent to Jac- 1 t quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, / 13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN L --J 55330(612)441-4414. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AT OTSEGO �� Printed on PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN BY KKE ARCHITECTS A Recycled Paper 2 luldidioAlliAmi/ I^NlAiedm^milimird Jaycees are active y Rural schools ,I.:iiil..,.::.,!,, iiii ,::i!,,:,,,,11..itilic)mitairall in Otsego The Otsego Jaycees continue their in Otsego g Y tradition of service projects and getting ng ::::mIn the 1940s, eight rural schoolsPal :: ::..:f:. an .. :gi � �thins done in the community. provided education for the chil- ays:<: "This fall,the Jaycees spent another �: ::` � � :: <dr n of Otsego. : . : .: . . . day working on cleanuPin the historic The schools were established i Otsego Cemetery. They also did an- other litter pick-up along the two miles through Wright County. Districts basement. of County Road 39 from Highway 101 to were formed as needed when resi- The Otsego School had 125 square the City Hall. dents petitioned the county board. feet of slate blackboard, 51 single In partnership with Minn-E-Golf, The districtboundary lines were con- desks,and an ordinary teacher's desk the Otsego Jaycees put on a Halloween stantly changing with the popula- in poor condition($4 value). event with golf, games, balloons, and tion and a numbering system revi- Pupils could get a drink with indi- prizes. Proceeds went to the D.A.R.E. sion in the 1950s renamed several of vidual cups at the water cooler. A drug awareness program in Elk River. them. basin and towels were provided for In November the Jaycees took on The last rural school to close was washinghands.Two outhouses in good Project Bundle Up, collecting coats for District 11, Lily Pond School,which condition were lighted and had toilet distribution to the needy. consolidated with Monticello and Elk paper. An up-coming fund raiser is the sale River in 1955. It was a two room Otsego Heuring School, District of playing cards with Christmas and stucco schoolhouse built in 1914. 12 (later 2633) closed in 1954. This baseball design backs. They are avail- Otsego City Clerk Jerome Perrault building is now a private home lo- able from Jaycees members for$2.00 a attended the Lily Pond School. The cated on County Road 37 at O'Dean. deck. building is located on Co. Rd. 39 at The St. Michael Village School On Jan. 24, 1993, the Otsego Jay- Kadler.It has been remodeled into a building(District 20)was located out- cees are hosting a Super Bowl party at private home. side the city limits of present day the Elk River American Legion along The Otsego School, District 10, Otsego, although Otsego children at- with the Elk River Jaycees.Tickets are was located in the Village of Otsego. tended. It was a brick building con- Perrault believes the existing build- structed in 1908. $10.00, including all the food you can ing(now serving as Otsego City Hall) Joint District 39 (later 285) was eat, the Super Bowl on a wide screen was erected in the mid 1920s after shared betweenWrightdHenne in television and a room full of Super BowlP fans. the first building burned. Perrault counties,servingchildrenfromOtsego The Jaycees normally meet the first recalls as a boy seeing the rectangu- and Frankfort. and third Thursdays at City Hall. lar indent in the ground where the The Richter School, District 112, Call President Randy DeRo sier441- previous building had stood. the Greeninger School, District 30, 2172 to join the Otsego Jaycees or for "Report on Rural School House," and the Carron School,District 9,all more information. ,-......-• by A.A.Zech,school superintendent, closed in the 1940s. provides an inventory card of the The Richter School was located t Otsego School before the fire. It is near McIver and 80th Street. dated June 26, 1916. The Greeninger School was at The 1916 Otsego School was a McAlister and 67th Street in the area frame building in good condition on known as"The Crossroads." one half acre. It was built in about The Carron School was located on 1885.The school house had one room River Road(now vacated)across from ; -,. in fair condition 28.25 feet by 25.33 the Lefebvre farm. This area is now m' feet,a hall and basement.There was the Country Ridge development..........., „. a Storm King No.240 furnace in the u N ' ' ED Dist. 11, Lily Pond '0r 1 ti Dist. 10,Otsego '- A ; Dist. 112, Richter a - 0 Dist.30,Greeninger S o 9 Dist 12,Otsego Hewing a112 Dist.9,Carron The Otsego Jaycees Wizard P. I (Jamie Ebner)cast some magic over roli .hi �8J ,children braving the sleet at the6 �_ 30 12� tot Jaycees Minn-E-Golf Halloween 11 event. Proceeds went to D.A.R.E. —•\ City of OTSEGO 3 INIAIN/ NIAIitaAftio"e"41^s"11"1111^2^10,' Snowplowing requires cooperation City lighting policy As the snow removal season ap- Properly mounted mailboxes should being shaped proaches,the city maintenance depart- not interfere with snow removal. The Otsego is working on a city lighting ment reminds drivers to stay a safe snowplow blade can pass under boxes policy. distance from working plows. 42 inches above the surface of the black In the new developments of Ante- To help the crew do their job more top. lope Park and Country Ridge,develop- effectively,residents should keep things City policy is that plows go to work ers were required to install street light- away from the side of the road and not when the snow stops. ing. Energy cost is being paid by the pile snow in the road when clearing The maintenance department has developeruntilthedevelopmentisfilled. driveways. also noted recent damage to city ditches Residents of those developments will Keep vehicles parked off the road. and shoulders from vehicles driving on then begin paying for the benefit. Place trash and recycling containers in them......... The City Council ordered a light for driveways, not on the road. Page Avenue and County Road 39 after residents brought it to their attention. Alighthas also been installed at Nashua Avenue and Co. Rd. 39 as part of the ' Nashua Minnesota State Aid street im- provement. Safety was a concern at those intersections.tions. •A-.... :,,. \i,,, '-'7,,,:,-„„',, A Otsego Lions are i � ' offand rolling A new Lions club has organized in Otsego.Officers were elected at the No- - ' � vember meeting and plans are be- i��- � '� ing made for " _� projects and achar- � •_ 1", ter night dinner. �f . . a At their Dec. 9 meeting, the ��Sel'Ve " .6. Otsego Lions will 0' be discussingprojectsthey � � ��..,� � possible 4 ;, would like the club to work on. S The Albertville Lions will be hosting o a charter night dinner for the new club >� . °i on April 16,1993 at the new Otsego City Otsego maintenance worker Duane Fiedler poses in front of the city's Hall.The Albertville Lions are sponsor- new truck with its plow mounted and ready for snow. ing the start of the new club. The International Association of Li- ons Clubs is the world's largest and ......:.::.:.. :.: :.::::..: : .!Iii::.::. : � . :: : : ::::::i :>:.: :> cm1uobst.active s caommmmuneirtYsh siervice oriented :.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:;;;:;:.»:..;:;:;::;:::: . >::>::>:,.. ... fnearly 1.5 December 2 8 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting million men and women in 177 coun- tries.December 8 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission Meeting December 14 7 p.m. Continue hearing on Lefebvre watershed The Lions motto is "We Serve." Li- 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting ons clubs plan and conduct a variety of December 15 7:30 p.m. Truth in Taxation alternate date community and humanitarian projects. December 16 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting These services are part of the broadly December 24-25 CITY HALL CLOSED December 28 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting based major activities of Zionism. January 1 CITY HALL CLOSED Clubs can choose any one or more January 6 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting specific projects from among these com- January 11 7 p.m. Continuation of rezoning Steiner property 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting prehensive categories: sight conserva- tion and work with the blind, hearing and speech action and work with the deaf, environmental, educational, citi- To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 zenship, international, social, health, working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 working days prior to recreational, and public services, and meetings. drug awareness. Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. Women and men interested in mem- bership in the Otsego Lions can contact president Wayne Radloff,441-9183.The next meeting will be Wednesday,Dec.9, 4 7 p.m. at Otsego City Hall.,-...., The OTSEGO A'CZL(CN .., ..^...#....A.d ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Special Edition—January 1992 City strives to avoid development problems ' � OTSEC I c i by Norman F. Freske, mayor ��1 ISM HAL * Three major reasons for Otsego changing from a township �� 4 J g � g � ��r� � "� form of government to a city were: 1)the need for the commu- ° ff nity to gain direct control of decisions within its boundaries,2) the need to address problems and issues not being attended to, 111+ and 3)to upgrade standards and regulations so as to prevent future problems from developing. Substantial progress has been made in all three areas. With its incorporation, Otsego �, now has local control and the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan has established a community-based direction for the city's A' future. A new, modern subdivision ordinance, as well as a pending new zoning ordinance,map and text,will go a long way in preventing major new problems from being created. Likewise,work on a new septic system ordinance is intended to help assure avoidance of groundwater pollution problems and the premature requirement of public sewer which would be � a significant problem for both property owners as well as the r' . ' city. While the city has begun to address existing community problems and issues, the job is, however, far from complete. Review of recent development proposals have, in fact, uncov- f ered more extensive problems than anticipated.Due to lack of attention to grading and drainage matters as part of past subdivision approvals, previously known as well as newly Er identified storm drainage problems are requiring substantial time and investment on the part of the city.Many unexpected zoning and code enforcement issues have also emerged. Situ- o ations have been encountered with expansion of home ex �� aa, tended businesses in areas where they are not allowed and On November 15,1990,Otsego was incorporated as a city. without proper land use approvals. Site development and Otsego's first mayor and city council members have used this division problems have also resulted in major city time and special edition of The Otsego View to reflect on some of the work being required to address specific properties and work issues and accomplishments of the City's first year. toward their resolution.The previous lack of proper procedures and attention to such matters now places the burden of correc- City finances 1 tion on the city, as well as property owners who were not initially involved.Attention to getting these types of problems I corrected is a necessary action,although sometimes painful for by Ron Black,council member all concerned. The city of Otsego,like all of us,requires cash to function. These problems have prompted a need for development Snowplowing costs money. Police and fire protection cost requests to be subject to thorough review which covers all money.Issuing building permits and burning permits costs pertinent aspects of the request.As a city,one of the privileges money. All of the services that the residents of Otsego offered Otsego is the ability to focus its development review demand costs money. efforts in a manner which it sees as necessary to avoid future One of the major tasks of the City Council is to allocate a conflicts. It must be realized that, although time consuming, limited resource(money)to pay for the services which you, the resolution of a potential problem at an initial planning as residents,want.The city obtains most money from three stage is considered less expensive than having to physically different sources. The sources are: real estate taxes, user and legally rectify a problem at a future point. fees and the state of Minnesota through the Department of In the past year,the city has considered a variety of devel- Transportation. opment proposals including: 10 subdivision requests,five con- Real estate taxes are the primary source of money to pay ditional use permit requests, and two variance requests. It is for the operation of your city.This money is used to pay for the intent of the city to learn from past problems and take salaries, repair on vehicles, paper, pencils, and all of the measures necessary so that they are not repeated. Subse- other items used by the city.User fees are charges to people quently, in its review of various development proposals, the city is striving to prevent future problems.,-A-,,, FINANCES to page 2 11/ 10, 1100N11, 1110N11/%%1"11"111AINIAIMIIAINI, FINANCES from page 1 Council plans to spend it The city is no City of Otsegowho use specific city services,for example, different than you and I when it comes to avail- 13474 N.E. 95th St. buildingpermits.The chargefora buildingwants. There is not enough money g able to pay for all the things that the resi- Otsego, MN 55330 permit helps to pay the cost of the inspec- dents of Otsego want.As a result,your city (612)441-4414 tions performed by the building inspector to council has to allocate available money based assure that the builder is building a safe on the information supplied to the council OFFICE HOURS building. Money received from the Minne- by you,the residents of Otsego. Monday through Friday sotaDepartmentofTransportationmustbe Anyone who has questions,comments or 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. spent on the maintenance or improvement concerns about city finances please contact of our streets. any of your city council persons.By working CITY COUNCIL Your City Council has prepared a budget together, we can make Otsego a pleasant Mayor— for the coming year which describes where place to live at a reasonable cost.'-^^ Norman Freske the money is coming from and where the Council members— Douglas Lindenfelser Floyd Roden Planning Commission considers Larry Fournier Ron Black variety of issues in 1991 CITY STAFF Jerome Perrault, Clerk by Larry Fournier,council member date certain development proposals within Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/ In the past year, the Otsego Planning the city, the Planning Commission may Zoning Administrator Commission has considered a wide variety have to consider a zoning amendment. A Jim Barthel,Treasurer of issues. zoning amendment is a change,authorized Judy Hudson, Secretary The Otsego Planning Commission is a by the city either in the allowed activity Dave Chase, Maintenance seven member body which is appointed by within a district or in the boundaries of the Supervisor and serves as an advisory body to the City district. Since the first of this year, the Duane Fiedler, Maintenance Council in its consideration of development Planning Commission has considered three PLANNING applications and various city planning docu- rezoning requests. ments. Specific items before the Planning 5. Comprehensive Plan. A significant COMMISSION Commission during 1991 include the fol- portion of the Planning Commission's time I.G. Roskaft, lowing: this past year was spent considering the Chairman 1.Requests for Subdivision.A subdivi- city's Comprehensive Plan (now formally Larry Fournier, sion entails the division of a lot, tract, or adopted). The preparation of the plan fol- Council Representative parcel of land into two or more lots,tracts, lows a state mandate of Otsego's recent Jim Koller parcels, or other divisions of land for sale, incorporation. Kathy Lewis development, or lease. A Comprehensive Plan is an all encom- Bruce Rask Carl SwensonSince 1 January1991, the Otsego Plan- passing document prepared by the city, Mark Wallace ping Commission has considered 10 subdi- including a compilation of policy statement vision requests within the city. goals, standards, and maps indicating the PARKS & RECREATION 2. Conditional Use Permit Requests. general locations recommended for the vari- COMMISSION In the past year,the Planning Commission ous functional classes of land use, places, Carl Swenson, Chairman has considered a number of conditional use and structures,and for the general physical Andy Beecher permit requests.A conditional use permit is development of the city. In general terms, Tom Constant a permit issued by the City Council which the plan is to serve as a guide for future Floyd Roden, allows the City to review all details of the development within the city. Council Representative proposed use, which by law is deemed to 6. Subdivision Ordinance. Also in re- Jacquie Rognli require special consideration and control.A sponse to a state mandate, the city has Richard Savitskiproposed use may impose upon adjacent drafted its own subdivision ordinance(now Darlene Solberg uses. In the past year, the Planning Com- formally adopted).Like the Comprehensive Mark Wallace mission has advised the City Council on five Plan, the Subdivision Ordinance was sub- conditional use permit requests. ject to highly detailed review by the Plan- 3. Variance Requests. Another func- ning Commission. tion of the Planning Commission is to con- A subdivision ordinance is basically a set sider variance requests. As defined by the of city adopted regulatiors governing the The Otsego View is a comma- City Zoning Ordinance, a variance consti- subdivision of land within the community. nity newsletter for the City of tutes a modification of the strict terms of 7. Zoning Ordinance. An item of cur- Otsego. the Ordinance,as applied to a specific piece rent focus by the Planning Commission is Correspondence and news items are of property, in order to provide relief from that of the pending zoning ordinance.While welcome and should be sent to Jac- undue physical hardship. Variances are the city has adopted the Wright County quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, normally limited to height, bulk, density, Zoning Ordinance as an interim document, 13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN and yard requirements. Since 1 January the state has mandated(as part of Otsego's 55330(612)441-4414. 1991,the Otsego Planning Commission has incorporation) that the city adopt its own art Printed on deliberated two variance requests. zoning ordinance specifically tailored to the %orRecycled 4. Zoning Amendments To accommo- COMMISSION to page 4 Paper 2 mirAn"issAlimAairAN0ArAINAIIIIII"mi,l Parks and Recreation Committee First year focuses on Otsego's recreational needs accomplishments by Floyd Roden,council member equitable and efficient means of devel- for the city the city expressing an intense oping the system. y desire to promote its community iden- The basic premise of the plan shall be tity,it must be recognized that Otsego's to provide Otsego with a varied and City Government park and recreational facilities may high quality recreational environment. •Election of mayor and four city serve as a major tool in realizing this The Park System Plan shall be pre- council members goal. pared in conjunction with county and Currently the Otsego County Park state governments and identify future •Took over own planning and and recreational facility is the only park park system components. Once oppor- zoning within the city.In large part,the 30 acre tunities do arrive, these components •Created Parks and Recreation park has been adequate due to the large may be programed for development. Commission lot single family development which In initial Commission discussions,the *Added two new planning and characterizes the city's urban neighbor- following items have been raised as is- zoning commissioners hoods. sues of community focus: •Completed Comprehensive While the existing Otsego County Park •Otsego Park-parking expansion Plan does provide a wide range of passive *Nature park with trails *Adopted Universal Building recreational opportunities (i.e., trails, *Bike trails Code picnic areas,tot lots),it is fairly limited *Tree protection policy in its accessibility and active recre- •Collaboration with schools 'Hired building inspector ational choices (i.e., tennis courts, Neighborhood parks/playgrounds *Adopted 22 ordinances ballfields, skating rinks, etc.). *Boat launches *Hired auditing firm As an initial step in addressing the *Purchase of land for future parks 'Minnesota State Aid road plan- city's park and recreation needs,a Parks While the precedinglist identifies per- ning and funding and Recreation Commission has been tinent recreational issues within the *Packard Avenue project formed.A major priority of the commis- community,it is not to be considered an *Nashua Avenue project ready sion is the identification of the city's exclusive representation of all items to for 1992 specific recreational needs (immediate be addressed by the commission. *New mapping done and long term)and the preparation of a As the city of Otsego continues to •Established urban/rural dis- long range park system plan. grow, so the need for adequate recre- Following the committee's identifica- ational choices.It is the intention of the tricts tion of community wants and needs re- city's Parks and Recreation Committee *Established zoning ordnance lating to recreation(via survey or other to address not only the community's *Established first Planned Ur- means), a detailed base of information immediate recreational needs, but to ban Development district shall be available to develop a Park identify and hopefully implement the •Curbside recycling started System Plan and determine the most community's long term needs as well. •Purchased first voting machine •Started city newsletter Drainage problems not uncommon *Established city logo *Purchased Otsego city flags by Doug Lindenfelser, council Addition and Island View Estates sub- •"City of Otsego" signs put up member divisions.Within the Halls Addition,an *Mayor and council have given A common result of an area evolving insufficient storm water storage area support to new community from rural to urban in nature are storm was provided.Because the storage area water drainage problems. As natural did not provide a storm water drainage groups drainage flows are disturbed or altered, outlet(to the Mississippi River),it was unanticipated problems typically occur. not uncommon for the subdivision to Community Volunteers Subsequently, the city of Otsego has experience periodic flooding.To resolve *Community groups organized: experienced major problems with storm this problem,an outlet was installed in Otsego Vision, Otsego Histori- water runoff. the subdivision's storm drainage pond cal Committee, Otsego Currently, storm water drainage to control water volume. Homeowners Association, within the community is handled by In the Island View Estates subdivi- Otsego Jaycees, Otsego Great naturally existing drainage swales, sion, natural storm water drainage River Road Fest Task Force ponding areas, and by ditches con- courses have been found to traverse structed along Otsego's roadways. several existing vacant lots within the •City logo contest Major storm drainage problems within development. •1992 Otsego Historical Calen- the community have been commonly Consequently,thebuildabilityofthese dars experienced during seasonal thaws and lots has been questioned.Efforts aimed *First festival, the Otsego rainfalls. Within the city's urbanized/ at resolving these concerns are pend- Great River Road Fest,Aug. platted areas,storm drainage problems ing. 1991 are largely a result of failure to plan and It should be noted that neither the manage storm drainage. Typical prob- Halls or Island View Estates subdivi- lems have been experienced in the Halls DRAINAGE to page 4 3 „,,..isi,..A.0A...A.i.ds4.064..A.00. t..A.dsoirs ...d, Duties added for office staff COMMISSION from page 2 city of Otsego. by Jacquie Rognli attends professional staff meetings, In general terms, a zoning ordinance Jerome Perrault served Otsego as takes minutes for the Planning and Zon- is a set of city adopted laws which regu- township clerk for 43 years from 1947 to ing Commission,coordinates materials late the use, placement, spacing, and 1990. He now has completed his first for their meetings, and writes up and size of land and buildings.The intent of year as Otsego's city clerk. records necessary documents. the ordinance is to protect public health, Elaine Beatty serves as Otsego's Hudson says she has assumed more safety, and general welfare of the coin- deputy clerk and zoning administrator responsibilities, coordinating informa- munity and its people. and,along with secretary Judy Hudson, tion with City Building Inspector Jerry Like the Comprehensive Plan and staffs the city office. Olson,working on zoning maps,licens- Subdivision Ordinance, the Zoning Or- When asked what the biggest change ing people and learning the new ordi- dinance review process is justly time in their duties has been since Otsego nances. consuming.It is expected that the Zon- became a city in 1990, the overwhelm- Beatty calls Hudson "invaluable.” ing Ordinance will be finalized late this ing answer from the three of them was Both work together daily in the close year or early in 1992. "More paperwork!" quarters of City Hall and routinely share As evidenced in the preceding list,the Perrault estimates that the work for information. Otsego Planning Commission has en- him as city clerk is double what it was as Hudson, in the midst of sorting countered a wide variety of topics in the township clerk. through amountain offilesfrom Wright past year. As a member of both the His job as city clerk includes taking County,said that since becoming a city, Otsego City Council and Planning Com- council meeting minutes, keeping "I see a greater interest from our resi- mission, I am able to fully appreciate records, filing required reports to the dents that has generated more phone the commission's efforts and the impor- state, preparing invoices, and paying calls." tant role it plays in assuring a safe and bills. Perrault also said he feels there is well-planned community. We look for- Meetings are longer,so there are more more interest in Otsego now.In the past ward to another interesting and chal- minutes.According to Perrault,being a as a township, roads were a main con- lenging year as the city continues to city requires more frequent reports and cern and now it is planning and zoning. take on responsibilities and establishes more bills, too. "We've gone through so many things its self direction.•Ms For Beatty,a big change for her is the (since gaining city status),"said Beatty. expansion of her position to include zon- "It's mind boggling that it has gone as ing administrator as well as deputy smooth as it has." clerk. The staff attributes this to good sup- DRAINAGE from page 3 Planning and zoning work for the city port and all being able to work well sions were required to submit grading is now being handled by Otsego staff together. and drainage plans as a platting re- rather than Wright County. Beatty "We can depend on each other," said quirement. works with people on zoning requests, Hudson. s-,,,,, As a means of avoiding future storm drainage problems,the city has taken a number of steps toward responsible storm water management.First as part �tse o Curbside Rec clin 100 % of the city's recently adopted Subdivi- g Y g sion Ordinance, the submission of a 1600 — Participating Households grading and drainage plan is now re- # ° quired as part of the platting process. 1400 — 11/90-11/91 80% '° Secondly, the city is considering the o o development of a comprehensive storm f 1200 -- f water management plan. It is antici- pated that such a plan would devise a H 1000 — 60% H program for developing drainage ba- O 0 sins and address considerations needed U 800 U to make the successful transition from S 40% S a largely rural community to one with a H 600 H signficant amount of urban develop- 0 O ment. 11111111111111111111 While storm drainage problems have DL 400 20% i:_ not been uncommon in the past,the city S S of Otsego is taking steps toward the 200 successful management of this impor- tant community issue. 0 0% CO N CO O) (') (O 0 (O 0 C') )'- r N 0) N CO 0 O I' r Q CO N (D 0 CO N N N -- N N N �, N 4 r ,r, '- N r N r N W N Q, r 0 f7 r N Z A N r r fV r) 4 u) ui (D (O n n Co a) - 0 0 Date 4 The R °1,„1, 5.G„,° V1E1/1/ ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 2, No. 1, February/March 1992 Logic of wild and scenic A month's worth of recyclables zoning is questioned , . ,,,_,,,,,4,1*4- .., *i by Ron Black,council member mediately west of Highway 101 are in- ' "� voix 4, Wild and Scenic means more than cluded in the WSRRD. City officials �� l; ' �o ducks,geese,deer and water.This zon- have a difficult time comprehending a ing concept affects all of us in Otsego, how this area,separated from the river regardless of how close we are to the by a major highway(which is soon to be river. improved to a four lane expressway), .; Over the past two years, local contro- which is presently in agricultural use versy has surfaced regarding the Wild and lacks native vegetation, qualifies o and Scenic Recreational River District for WSRRD protection. a (WSRRD)imposed by the state on the As an alternative to the existing situ- lands in Otsego which border the river ation, the city has offered proposals to Otsego residents had to deal with areas. This issue first emerged when the DNR to treat the WSRRD in a fash- a build up of recyclable trash when the township proposed a new Town Hall ion similar to that which the DNR itself Polk-A-Dot Recycling went out of building on the present site of the exist- uses for shoreland or floodplain areas. business at the end of November, ing City Hall, which is in the WSRRD. The proposal utilizes a standard area 1991. That left the city without Since the initial questions regarding within so many feet of the river(i.e.,500 curbside pick up in December. this district, additional problems have or 1,000 feet) and/or topography as a The City Council negotiated an been identified, resulting in some dif- basis for establishing the protected ar- agreement with area trash haulers fering opinions. eas. to continue curbside pick up. The Otsego WSRRD, established on The DNR has rejected Otsego's pro- All residents should have been no- 21 September 1976,is intended to pro- posal because it believes the entire tified by theirregular haulers about tect the river frontage and maintain a WSRRD would have to be changed for arrangementsforrecyclingpickup. primary natural treed area. Uses al- all other communities through which Residents without trash service lowed within the Wild and Scenic Dis- the Mississippi River flows.As an alter- should contact City Hall. trict are primarily agricultural, resi- native,theDNRhassuggestedthecity's An average of 40 percent of dential, and recreational related. new Zoning Ordinance exercise the"flex- Otsego's 1,700 households have been As part of the city's newly established ibility provisions" contained in state participating in the volunteer Comprehensive Plan, the WSRRD is regulations which would allow special curbside recycling program that given special consideration and extra considerations for certain areas. began in November 1990.,-,,,.• protections are being established. The As a case in point, the area immedi- city is increasing the lot size require- ately west of Highway 101 is seen by the ment from two acres per dwelling unit city as the prime commercial/industrial New fire to two and a half acres. Measures for area, a tax base generator. Such devel- 1�1 protections of bluff areas, vegetation, opment occurs at usually 70 to 80 per- service started erosion,etc.are also maintained and/or cent lot coverage. With the suggested enhanced. "flexibility provisions", the DNR staff January 1 The debate and controversy on the has stated that possibly the areas west WSRRD does not involve the need or of Highway 101 could be increased be- The area east of County Road desirability of such special protections yond the normal WSRRD lot coverage 19 (LaBeaux Avenue)is now for the river areas.But it is rather how allowance to 30 percent. The city fears being served by the Elk River and where this district is applied to that lacking its full development capa- Fire Department and the area other properties. bility, the land use will go unchanged, west of County Road 19 is being The present zoning lines establish the severely impacting the city of Otsego's served by the Monticello Fire WSRRD to include areas which are be- growth and economy. Thereby, specifi- Department. As always, residents yond river impact as well as to exclude cally limiting the city's ability to attract should call 911 in case of emer- other areas which should be covered. the economic base to provide the ser- gency. More in the Mayor's Because the state utilized property own- vices demanded by its residents. column on page 2.,-,•.., ership boundaries and/or section lines At present,the DNR staff is drafting a as a means of determining the WSRRD, WSRRD Ordinance which they will of- not natural features,bordering proper- fer to the city of Otsego in response to of the matter.Should citizens and prop- ties with similar characteristics or river the concerns which have been raised. erty owners have questions pertaining impact are treated differently.This re- Once received,the city will evaluate the to the WSRRD,they are highly encour- sults in unfair and unequal treatment. workability of the proposal and attempt aged to contact the City Staff or Council For example, portions of the area im- to achieve a final acceptable resolution Members.,-,,,,, INOliii"1/AisAiiiidlillANAlsiAINArii"ss"111, Cit of Otsego City council ensures fire protection for residents Y by Norman F. Freske, mayor the Elk River i 13474 N.E. 95th St. The Albertville Fire Department provided Fire Depart- Otsego, MN 55330 fire protection to portions of the town of ment. (612)441-4414 Otsego for many years. Over the com- Since 1989,Albertville had not billed the ing year, the OFFICE HOURS city of Otsego for fire service,nor was there Ots ego City Monday through Friday a determination of charges to be paid for fire Council has in- 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. protection over this period of time.Although dicated its will- Otsego officials had repeatedly asked to ingness to dis- CITY COUNCIL resolve the fire services contract matter,it cuss re-estab- Mayor— was not until the last several months of lishment of fire il Norman Freske 1991 that a meeting was finally arranged service protec- .i Councilmembers— I Douglas Lindenfelser on December 12, 1991 after several post- tion with Floyd Roden ponements.When the Albertville City Coun- Albertville offi- Larry Fournier cil was asked how the 1990-91 bills were cials. Potential Mayor Norman Freske Ron Black calculated,they admitted they didn't know. advantages are Once discussions began, proposals for in- seen to exist for both cities in undertaking CITY STAFF creased fees were questioned by the Otsego a cooperative effort. Jerome Perrault, Clerk City Council. With the change in fire service, there are Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk At our December 23, 1991 council meet- also some modifications to rescue squad Jim Barthel, Treasurer ing,we received a letter from the city clerk and ambulance service coverage. Full and Judy Hudson, Secretary of Albertville stating that if we didn't enter continued protection has, however, been Dave Chase, Maintenance into a contract with their fire department, arranged so no portion of the community is Supervisor the Albertville Fire Department would ter- jeopardized. Duane Fiedler, Maintenance minate fire protection to Otsego effective Furthermore, in the event of an emer- PLANNING 12:01 a.m.January 1, 1992. gency,residents should simply dial 911 The The Otsego Council voted as of January 1, proper dispatching of the appropriate ser- COMMISSION1992 to obtain fire service from the vice and equipment will be handled by the Carl Swenson, Monticello Fire Department for the portion Wright County Sheriffs Department. Chairman of Otsego west of County Road 19(LaBeaux For any additional information on public Ron Black, Ave.),with the remainder of the city to the safety service in the city of Otsego, please Council Representative east of County Road 19 being serviced by call City Hall at 441-4414.-• Jim Koller Kathy Lewis Bruce Rask I.G. Roskatt PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING PARKS & RECREATION Otsego's proposed zoning ordinance will draft.A formal public hearing on the zoning COMMISSION be presented at an informational meeting ordinance will then be held before it goes to Wednesday, February 19, 7:30 p.m. at the the City Council for approval. Mark Wallace, Chairman VandenBerge Junior High lunch room. All aspects of zoning and activities al- Andy Beecher The meeting is designed to clarify the lowed are covered by the zoning ordinance. Tom Constant proposed ordinance. People who turn in These include development standards, set- Floyd Roden, signed cards will be recognized to ask ques- backs, space requirements, acces- Council Representative Jacquie Rognli tions or to comment to the Planning and sory buildings,signing,animals,and home Richard Savitski Zoning Commission. businesses. Darlene Solberg In subsequent meetings,the Commission VandenBerge Junior High is located on Carl Swenson will evaluate the draft ordinance in relation School Street at Proctor Avenue in Elk to input received from Otsego residents. River.Use the east entrance.' imiiionomimiiiiiillo This may result in modifications to the O1 .dEGO VIEW New septic regulations are in place The Otsego View is a commu- A Sewage Disposal Ordinance was adopted At least once every two years the owner of nity newsletter for the City of by the Otsego City Council in November any septic tank is required to have sludge Otsego. 1991. and scum removed by a licensed installer or The new ordinance provides regulations pumper-hauler, or arrange for measure- Correspondence and news items are for installation,inspection and maintenance ment of the depth of sludge and scum by a welcome and should be sent to Jac- of on-site disposal systems.The regulations licensed installer or pumper-hauler to show quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, 13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN are meant to ensure the safe and efficient that the level is acceptable. 55330(612)441-4414. operation of individual sewage systems. Maintenance of distribution boxes and Installers and pumper-haulers must be seepage pits is required every two years, II Printed on certified by the Minnesota Pollution Con- also.% toyRecycled trol Agency and licensed by the city of Homeowners should keep records of the Paper Otsego. SEPTIC to page 4 2 ‘4INAN"ii".AilliAnd UPDATE ATE The P1a Planning and Zoning Commis-- Brickyard d ,........ .............., .......... :.sto a Sion has a vacancy for the remainder of residents r term. Interested a two ea t Y once operated should apply at City Hall. p River Scenic WitdandSce c in Otse o g Districtdesignation h s posed a rob- ....................................................................................... lem for possible commercial/industrial development along Highway 101. "Re- by Joy Swenson cent survey indicates that other cities David Look Ingersoll operated a In 1855, newly formed Wright within the Wild and Scenic District agree brick factory in the 1850's on the County was divided into three elec- with ego's standing and have simi- northwest corner of his farm near tion precincts, Big Bend,Monticello, lar problobl ems,'said Elizabeth Stockman the Mississippi River in Otsego.The and Pleasant Grove.D.R.Farnham's of Northwest Associated Consultants. brick was made of local clay and 1880 History of Wright County men- , Seven communities have expressed an shipped down the river to Elk River tions that Ingersoll was appointed by • in r st in theirproblems tee _ discussingand Anoka. the county commissioners to be as and possibly working with Otsego to- The Ingersoll home was built of the sessor of Pleasant Grove Precinct ward a solution, brick manufactured on the farm. It along with Archie Downie and Josiah CountyRoad37signswillbeinstalled still serves as a residence in Otsego B. Locke. on former County Road 122 and re- and can be seen on the north side of In 101 Best Stories of Wright County moved from O'Dean Avenue between County Road 39, one mile west of Minnesota byMouraine Baker Myers, oad Wright City Hall. a list of the first grand jury chosen for 70th Street and County R County Engineer Wayne oad 39.son says Ingersoll was among the first group the county includes "D.L. Ingersoll, they will begin changing signs at the of settlers in Otsego,following John brickyard owner of Wright County." end of February. McDonald,about 1853.The Ingersoll He was also chosen to serve on the committee to la out the original River name first appears in the 1855 cen- Y The Planned Unit Development sus records. Road from Otsego to Monticello. p According to Genealogy of the Farnham's book states "Phillip contract between Otsego and Ingersoll Family in America, 1629- Boyde,D.L. Ingersoll and the county Riverwood Conference Center was 1925 by Lillian Drake Avery, David surveyor were appointed a committee signed January 7, 1992. Look Ingersoll was from the seventh to meet at the house ofJohn McDonald Districting for solid waste removal generation of the family of Richard on the 16th day ofJuly and lay out the is being studied by the City Council. Ingersoll who came to Salem,Massa- road." Hearings will be noticed in the Star chusetts in 1629 from Bedfordshire, et The Wright hCounty Historical Soci- England. y Fall 1987, featuring News. David, one of eleven children, was "Our Methodist Past," indicates Clean up Day will be May 2.This will born Nov.8,1814 in Columbia,Maine Ingersoll was a trustee of the Otsego be the third year Otsego has sponsored to Samuel and Lydia Look Ingersoll. Methodist Episcopal Church. g P He married Eunice Hillman Look The Ingersoll farm was purchased this refuse removal day at City Hall. on May 3, 1840. He was a farmer. by Andrew Davis, Sr. in 1876 and Details will be published in April/May They had thirteen children,the first designated a Century Farm in 1973. issue of The Otsego View. six born in Maine, Eben Davis born David Look Ingersoll died Nov. 7, in St.Anthony in 1855, and the last 1888 and is buried in the Otsego Cem- districts have been established six born in Otsego. etery as are some members of the for the for city. However, the Council has David and his family settled in Ingersoll family. Other members are decided that in 1992 there will be no Otsego between the platted town of listed in the records of the Orono difference in the tax rates for the urban Otsego and the Charles Spencerfarm. Cemetery in Elk River. and rural service districts. Records show a land grant for D.L. A photo showing the Ingersoll brick Appeals have been completed for Ingersoll Nov. 13, 1860 for range 24, house is published in the 1992 Otsego the Halls Water Project.The court ruled section 13 and one November 23, History Calendar.The calendars are 1860 for range 23, section 18. available at City Hall.,-w that Otsego acted properly in homeowner assessments. Pricinct Caucuses will be held Tues- History calendars half price day,March 3 at 7:30 p.m.Citizens should 1992 Otsego History Calendars are month. Calendars are available at contact their party's office for the loca- now $2.50. A different photograph City Hall or call 295-5950. Proceeds tion of their Otsego precinct caucus. from Otsego's early history with ac- benefit the Otsego Historical Com- DFL 2934200;IR 854-1446. companying text is featured each mittee. 3 r isioNii^s^mArei"illAillIAIII^sille"u"ini, Highway 101 Snowmobile trail being blazed project progresses Tom Constant has a dream of a snow- ' i.' mobile trail connecting up with Wright A public hearingCounty's trail near Albertville,looping NO was held November northward through Otsego, then west- Ell 21,1991for questions U.S. ward toward Monticello, possibly con- r"""/„. and citizen comments HI hwa netting with Monticello's proposed trail. PEIvirriED on the proposed High- g Y "People would have a given place to way 101 improve- 101 drive their snowmobiles rather than ment project. ihere,there,and everywhere,"says Con- The project calls for stant."If there is a trail to go to,people a the construction of would usually rather ride it. It's ' two southbound groomed.It's nice riding.It's somewhatSTOP 1 lanes between Elk scenic—not in the ditch." .11.11111111111River and Rogers. A planned trail also has advantages to Accesses will be lim- landowners,according to Constant.Con- "1 0 ited and intersections senting landowners can designate what a improved. are the best places for the snowmobiles Tom Constant is working to get an Otsego The plan provides accesses in Otsego to go, not too close to homes or across snowmobile trail to connect with Wright at County Roads 37 (122), 42 and 39. hayfields where they can do damage. County's trail near Albertville. Service road will be constructed first for Gates would be installed where the trail are then needed to do the installation the accesses that will close. crosses fencelines and stop signs posted work. Construction is expected to begin in at all roads. "If we get serious now, the trail could August 1994 with completion in the Constant has already begun work to realistically be in place next winter," summer of 1996.Overlay of the existing make his dream a reality,but could use says Constant.Most of the work will be road will be done in 1993.This work is some help. done in warmer months. necessary maintenance, but unrelated Landowner permits need to be secured Constant would like input from land- to the proposed project. before approaching the Department of owners on the snowmobile trail and The current capacity of the road is Natural Resources (DNR) with a new hear from people willing to help work on 15,000 to 17,000 trips per day.The Min- trail request.If the request is approved, the trail.Interested people can call him nesota Department of Transportation the DNR makes grant money available at 441-3654 after 4 p.m. or leave a mes- estimates there were up to 25,000 trips for signs and gates.Volunteer laborers sage at City Hall. per day in 1990 and forecasts there will be 45,000 to 50,000 by the year 2010. SEPTIC from page 2 A copy of the Highway 101 project plan and Environmental Assessment can be maintenance done on their systems. the city's Comprehensive Plan,prompt- viewed at City Hall. ,-.•... They should also make sure that the ing the City Council to draft the ordi- installer or pumper-hauler they hire is nance. certified and licensed. Concerns and questions can be directed Citizens' concerns on septic system to City Hall during regular business _,...49--i-,4 maintenance were heard at the public hours.,•-.-• 11141.11110.111.A, information meetings and hearing on i MAIN ~�,.� :+ RE s February 5 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting February 10 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting February 11 8 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting February 19 7:30 p.m. Public Information Meeting on Zoning Ordinance, The city is purchasing a new dump VandenBerge Junior High truck with plow, wing, and sander. February 24 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting Maintenance supervisor David March 3 7:30 p.m. Precinct Caucus Night(Contact your Chase says the new truck will up- party headquarters for locations) grade their existing equipment.The March 4 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting March 9 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting city now owns two dump trucks, a 1974 International and a 1980 Ford. March 10 8 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting March 18 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting The last major equipment purchase March 23 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting for the department was the patrol grader four years ago. To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and Chase and Duane Fiedler do as information 15 working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 much of the maintenance as pos- working days prior to meetings. sible on their departments equip- Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. ment. ••••••• 4 1