Summer The
OTSEGO,..^..,^„. .d
Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 2, No. 3, June/July 1992
Clean-up Day
was a record _
breaker t
Over 400 residents took advantage of wja .t
Otsego's third annual clean-up day onW. * - t
Ma 2. t 1 a
Otsego collected more junk than both �. QTSEGfl �` �w
Monticello and Buffalo which held their
collections the same day. 0 z
Mayor Norman F. Freske wants to ��`` • ,,
thank the city staff, the council, and
maintenance crew who worked all day l . - x
long and especially all the volunteers
who put in a long hard day. Jaycees make a haul
Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator
Elaine Beatty said people were really Otsego Jaycees did their share on Otsego Clean-up Day by picking up litter on a two-
mile section of the Great River Road.
appreciative of having clean-up day. The Jaycees collected two very full pick-up loads of trash on Co.Rd.39 between City
Residents could bring appliances and Hall and Highway 101.
tires for a small fee and one free pickup Back row:Nancy Ebner,Pat Shields,Wendy Shields,Judy Robinson,Melody Rask,
load of trash. Mary Peterson,Dennis Jobgen,and Jamie Ebner.
JudyHudson,citysecretary,said,"It Front row: Bruce Rask, Randy DeRosier, Rose Freske, Terry DeRosier, Eileen
y. Schuck,and Steve Schuck.
was a BIG success—the biggest of the One of the next projects for the group is clean up and repairs for the historic Otsego
three years we've done this." Cemetery set for June 21.
The city collected six to eight loads of Anyone interested in joining the Otsego Jaycees can contact chapter president
iron,trash to fill10 40-yard rolloffs and Randy DeRosier,441-2172.,.-ow
two garbage trucks,45 mattresses,2,033 a„a.
tires,293 appliances,and over 530 gal- OTSEGO
Ions of used oil. lb
The total includes 100 to 150 tires and
15 to 20 appliances that city mainte-
nance workers had collected from city REAT IVER 'ROAD
ditches. Dumping of trash along the
roads is one of the problems Otsego
�4 a s.a,.<'<
faces. '' • 'At
Hudson expects that the cost to thesf•�>• •' .'
city for clean-up day will be about$6,000
when all the bills are in. Otsego will celebrate th.,;4 °:. " ,...' �` `a.:. River Clown Club, Cub Scout min-
Community volunteers were David Road Fest on Saturday,;; `gust 1. now races,Lefebvre'sfamous sweetcorn,
Erickson,Jim Stevens,Kevin Osowski, There will be entert., .ment,games, and horseshoes are some ofthe non-stop
Bob Spencer, Wayne Spencer, Larry food and craft salesi y�.rmational dis- enticements.
Blesi,Pam Black,LuAnn Lindenfelser, plays, and communit information. The day will start with opening cer-
Rose Freske, Ing and 011ie Roskaft, ;new addition this year will be Motor emonies at 11 a.m.and continue until 5
Nadine Aarvig, John DeMars, Ken Memories Park where festgoers can seep.
m.Admission will be$1 per car.
Shierts, Dennis Groess, John Simola, vehicles and machines from years gone The Elk River-Rogers VFW has again
Greg Knoll of East Tonka Sanitation, by. provided the use of their property on
and the Otsego Jaycees. Andy's Tent-O-Games will be set up Quaday Avenue at 72nd Street for the
for children to stop by and take part in Fest.
activities especially for them. The Otsego Great River Road Fest is
Some of last year's popular attrac- being sponsored by Northwest Associ-
tions are back. The Elk River German ated Consultants Inc., the Elk River
Band in the beer tent,VFW Bingo, lip Star News, and other area businesses.
sync contest, the Over the Great River Watch for more information in the
Road dry-land canoe race,Gene Olson's Elk River Star News.
Amazing Roller Bearing Roller Coaster,
City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan and city ordinances intended
13474 N.E. 95th St. to reflect preferred city direction
Otsego, MN 55330 by Mayor Norman F. Freske platted which
(612)441-4414 Since its incorporation,the city of Otsego as less than 10
OFFICE HOURS has adopted a Comprehensive Plan and acres in total
passed a number of municipal regulations area to follow .° a
Monday through Friday including Subdivision, Nuisance, Sewage ` <`
8:00 4:00 m. the preliminary
p Disposal,and Zoning Ordinances.The adop-
tion of both the Comprehensive Plan and Platting proce- 1
CITY COUNCIL various ordinances furthers the city'sdure. As a re-
at- suit, one per 40
Mayor— tempt to establish its own self direction
Norman Freske which was afforded by Otsego's incorpora- splits reasw re
Council members— turalareaswere
Douglas Lindenfelser tion in November 1990. required to go
Floyd Roden While the community's Comprehensive before both the
Larry Fournier Plan and ordinances have been drafted with Planning Com-
Ron Black the intent of addressing universal develop- mission and
ment issues within the city and ensuring City Council. Mayor Norman Freske
CITY STAFF the general health,safety,and general wel- Because such
Jerome Perrault, Clerk fare of Otsego residents, it is also their requests typically hold few issues of con-
Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk intent to provide some flexibility and ability cern,an ordinance amendment was under-
Zoning Administrator to change as need arises. taken to allow oneper 40 splits in the city's
Jim Barthel, Treasurer P 3�
Judy Hudson, Secretary Therefore, it is not inconceivable that, rural service area to be handled adminis-
Dave Chase, Maintenance over time, that the Comprehensive Plan tratively. As a result of this Subdivision
Supervisor and various ordinances may be amended as Ordinance amendment, staff review time
Duane Fiedler, Maintenance the city evolves.In fact,it is the expressed and expenses have been reduced and the
intention of the Comprehensive Plan to be PlanningCommissionandCityCouncilhave
PLANNING updated and amended to modify policy state- been able to devote more time to issues
COMMISSION ments which are responsive of new city warranting their review and consideration.
directions or which deal with new unantici- While the city's Comprehensive Plan and
Carl Swenson, Chairman pated issues. By operating in such a fash-
Ron Black, various ordinances have been drafted with
Council Representative ion, the Comprehensive Plan will retain a the intent of reflecting the city's self direc-
current and effective status and will not
Eugene Goenner become outdated. tion,they are not to be considered fixed and
Jim Kolles While thet Comprehensive Plan hasyet to unchangeable planning documents and de-
Kathy LewisP velopment controls.
Bruce Rask be amended since its adoption,the city has Thank you.
I.G. Roskaft initiated and adopted amendments to its I also would like to thank all the people
Mark Wallace Subdivision Ordinance. who volunteered to work the clean-up day.
Dennis McAlpine, Alternate For example,the Ordinance,as originally It was very successful with over 400 people
PARKS & RECREATION adopted, required property not previously showing up.
COMMISSION City poised to promote economic development
Mark Wallace, Chairman
Andy Beecher by Larry Fournier,council member service costs exceed their tax generation.
Tom Constant In an attempt to promote economic devel- Commercial/industrial uses, on the other
Floyd Roden, opment within the community,city officials hand,usually produce tax surpluses which
Council Representative are considering the establishment of an help offset the deficit created by residential
Jacquie Rognli Economic Development Committee. land uses.In order to maintain an economi-
Richard Savitski Recognizing that business retention/pro- cally healthy community and provide em-
Darlene Solberg motion and economic development are key ployment opportunities, a balance of land
Carl Swenson
elements in the city's broader goal of imple- uses within the community must be main-
VIEW the city
i the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, tained.
the is investigating methods to retain The committee,if established,would likely
and establish new jobs within its commu- hold five to seven members and be com-
The Otsego View is a community nity and expand its tax base. prised of local realtors, residents, and pos-
newsletter for the City of Otsego. Generally speaking, it is the city's tax sibly developers. The committee's primary
base (accumulated property taxes) which task would be to initiate, coordinate and
Correspondence and news items are pay for services and facilities provided to its promote industrial and commercial devel-
welcome and should be sent to Jac- residents. Higher value properties gener- opment within the city.
quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, ate greater tax revenues than lower value Specific items of focus for the committee
13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN
55330(612)441-4414. properties. In this regard, a substantial may include:
difference in tax generation exists between 1. Promotion of the city(i.e., Star Cities
�. Printed on residential land uses and commercial/ in- Program).
Recycled dustrial land uses. Typically, residential
a Paper DEVELOPMENT to page 4
Otse o1s !:,:,::.. .::,:,:,:,i,i,:. :::.,4eigNiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiinriR
g :::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::listor.,,a ::::::::::::
Park Plan for Ot-
sego o has beendrafted bythePark
Recreation Commission.A public hear-
townsite11 11::::::. ::::1......:':. '01 r h MI,
ing .is expected to be held in July.Y
by Elaine Norin
Enlightenedvisitorsan still see
Anew lawn mower is needed bythe .......................................................................................
Otsego Cemetery Association. The as- remnants of the original townsite of
sociation of volunteers that takes care Otsego surrounding City Hall. Otsego School.In 1855 the Pleasant
of the historic city cemetery is seeking The original townsite of Otsego Grove District 1 School was estab-
cash donations for the mower. Contri- (about 400 acres)was surveyed and lished at the first meeting of the
butions can be sent to the Otsego Cern- platted in 1857,the oldest village in county commissioners. Margaret
etery Association,13474 NE 95th Street, Wright County. A few early build- (Mrs.Alvah)Cooley was the teacher.
Otsego,MN 55330. ings still stand. It is believed that the original school,
The small frame house located on built in October 1855,was a logbuild-
Minne-Golf owner Rudy Thibodeau the River Road east of the City Hall ing. The frame building which re-
is applying for a Planned Unit Develop- (now known as the Peavy House), placed it was destroyed by fire in the
ment contract to facilitate the construc- was built in 1852 by John McDonald, early 1900s.The school districts were
tion of a new building just west of his the first permanent settler in Wright re-numbered and Otsego became
business.The new building will include County.His home was used for hold- District 10. The present building
an indoor golf course, tracks for radio ing elections in Pleasant Grove Pre- served as a school until it became
controlled cars, batting cages, a pizza/ cinct,later named Otsego.McDonald consolidated with Elk River and
sandwich shop,community rooms,and also served as a county commissioner, Monticello.
a hobby shop.Thibodeau hopes to begin justice of the peace and postmaster. John McDonald established a ferry
construction this fall. The larger house east of City Hall where Nashua Avenue now ends at
was the Methodist parsonage,built the Mississippi River.
A solid waste committee is continu- in 1899 and at that timeworth$1,025. The Methodist church built a tab-
ing to study districting for solid waste The small white frame building ernacle and camp ground south of
in the city. immediately east of City Hall was the River Road. The ruins of the
the original town hall.Itis notknown building can still be seen in a wooded
when it was built. area across from City Hall. ,-..•..
The present City Hall is the former
OtSEC Lily Pond beautified
OOtsego Vision and the Otsego Jaycees not an historical restoration of the lilies
planted hundreds of day lilies on the that once grew in the water, the com-
shore of Lily Pond in April. mittee felt it would be similar in spirit
RThe volunteers set out plants donated and offer a picturesque sight for people
R �' I�J� Ol4D by several Otsego residents for the as they travel the western part of Ot-
project. sego.
eee107.- Historical accounts describe a pond The Lily Pond property is owned by
on the River Road as blooming with Milton Shelquist, who, along with the
"4, beautiful lilies.That area of Otsego be- Wright County Highway Department,
came known as Lily Pond with Lily gave permission to use the right of way
Pond School and Lily Pond Lane between the road and the pond.
C• I 's, 41. (Kadler). Lily Pond is located on the south side
Otsego Vision decided to bring lilies of County Road 39 just west of Kadler
back to the area by planting day lilies Avenue. w-,
between the road and the pond. While
Gear up with
buttons & shirts Intern inventories
Buttons and T-shirts featuring the Jodi Braun has completed her term as She also helped city office staff during
Otsego Great River Road Fest logo are intern for the city of Otsego. her two month stay.
available at City Hall. Braun spent 10 weeks doing a sign Braun graduated from St.Cloud State
The jade green T-shirts have the logo inventory for the city,documenting ex- University in May with a Bachelor of
printed in deep blue and fuschia and isting signs, comparing them with Arts degree in local and urban affairs
cost$8. Wright County's ordinance and the new and a minor in public administration.
The three inch buttons are fluores- Otsego sign ordinance. She has corn- She is seeking an intern position with
cent pink and cost$1.•-•-•,-, piled a report of her findings,including another city for the summer.,-.ti
problems and signs not in compliance.
Nashua project ', ,>
progress projected
There is good news for residents expe- 1 ,- x
riencing the dust and inconvenience of 1 '.. a ,,-z i. � _
Nashua road construction. City engi- �' , �;'` t
neer Larry Koshak expects the NashuaRI °.„ "�`
Avenue project to be completed some '�4
time in July, with gravel and bitumi- f .. i .,., '
nous installed by mid-June. 1_�.�a�:� ` •,w � `
Nashua is being straightened as it
/approaches Co. Rd. 39 to improve sight tic
distances at the intersection, moving .
the intersection east of its present loca- i teat NA
tion.The old section of Nashua will cul- , _
de-sac and not enter Co.Rd.39.This old "' """
segment will be re-named Napier Av- „' - =` W
enue. 7�.,, a
A right turn lane will be added on Co. Cleaning up clean-up
Rd.39 and a street light will illuminate
the intersection. Otsego maintenance worker Dave Chase spent the week after the city's May 2
The road will have six-foot graveled clean-up day clearing the City Hall property of the trash.The junk included 100 to
shoulders and a three and a half inch 150 tires and 15 to 20 appliances that they had collected from city ditches......"
thick bituminous mat.
The steep grade on 85th Street where
it intersects Nashua will be reduced to In-home businesses being licensed
6 percent.That 750 foot section of 85th Otsego is now licensing permitted vices, family day care, foster care, of-
will have curb and gutter. home occupations and special home oc- fices, dance, music or other teaching
The Nashua improvement is Otsego's cupations.The City Council has set the that involves one student at a time,and
first Minnesota State Aid road fee for the one-time application at similar uses.
project.••••. $15.00. Examples of special home occupations
Home occupations can be conducted include barber and beauty services,day
in residential neighborhoods without care group nursery, photography stu-
Lip Sync contestants sought jeopardizinglanduseharmonyandcom- dio, group lessons, saw sharpening,
One of the afternoon highlights of the patibility, and do not endanger the small appliance and small engine re-
Great River Road Fest will be repeated health, safety, and general welfare of pair, and like uses.
at this year's Fest.The lip sync contest the surrounding neighborhood. Home business operators can stop at
will be held again with cash prizes and They are contained within the home City Hall during regular office hours to
lots of fun. According to contest orga- and do not have employees that are not get a license application.
nizer Elaine Beatty, it was an event normally residents of the home. They The city has not yet set up a licensing
that was enjoyed by everyone. are clearly incidental and secondary to process for home extended businesses.
All ages are welcome to enter by con- the residential use of the premises. Beatty expects that the new Economic
tacting Beatty at City Hall (441- Permitted home occupations include Development Committee will be ad-
4414).•.•... art studio,dressmaking,secretarial ser- dressing that issue soon.••..
ND DEVELOPMENT from page 2
June 3 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting 2.Utilization of available community
June 4 2 p.m. Building Committee meeting development tools (i.e., tax increment
June 8 7 p.m. City Council workshop meeting financing, various grant and loan pro-
7:30 p.m. City Council meeting grams.)
June 9 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting
June 15 7:30 p.m. Quale Ave.hearing 3. Assist existing commerciaUindus-
June 17 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting trial and notably home extended busi- '
June 22 6:30 p.m. Information meeting on 87th&O'Brian nesses with planning and operational
7:30 p.m. City Council meeting concerns.
July 1 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting
Through the establishment of an Eco-
July 13 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting g
July 14 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting nomic Development Committee,the city
July 15 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting of Otsego will be taking steps toward
July 27 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting strengthening the economic base of the
August 1 11 a.m.-5 p.m. OTSEGO GREAT RIVER ROAD FEST city in a manner which is consistent
To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 with the Comprehensive Plan. In this
working days prior to meetings.Submit City Council agenda items 7 working days prior to effort, Otsego continues to emphasize
meetings. its commitment toward maintaining and
Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. promoting an economically healthy en-
4 vironment for its residents..- --
Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 2, No. 4, August/September 1992
Park and G CRY ozsEco
recreation planEREAT cto ROAD
hearing set - �
The Otsego Park and Recreation Com- fr'
mission has developed a preliminary %t.' .- . .
Comprehensive Park,Trail and Recre- '`,Jr'';a''' `..:,,
ation Plan for Otsego.The City Council
will hold a public hearing for the park Saturday, August 1 , 1992
plan on Monday, September 21, 7 p.m. a.m. to5 p.m.
at City Hall.
The document isananalysisofOtsego's Activities! Entertainment! Food! Crafts! Fun!
needs and potential for parks,trails and
recreation. After adopted, it will serve -Opening Ceremonies at 11 a.m. -Visiting Royalty
as a framework to guide city officials in -Motor Memories Park -Andy's Tent-O-Games for
providing community services and fa- -Lip Sync Contest Children
cilities as well as addressing private Flat Broke Band -Food Booths
development proposals. The plan also -Elk River German Band -Lefebvre's 101 Market Famous
includes definitions,goals and policies. Otsego Sweet Corn
The hearing on September 22 is an -Arts & Crafts Booths
opportunity for the public to contribute -VFW Bingo -Over the Great r Road
ideas and voice concerns before a final -Elk River Clown Club Dry land Canoe
draft of the plan is adopted. -See Gene Olson's Amazing Cody of Wright Co. K-9 at noon
The Parks and Recreation Commis- Roller Bearing Roller Coaster -FFA Petting Barnyard
sion has spent the past year research- -Beer Tent -Cub Scout Minnow Races
ing other community park systems, -Information Booths -Family Fun & Entertainment!
studying recreation and demographic
data,conducting a recreation survey of Free Admission! Parking only $1 per vehicle!
residents, and discussing Otsego's po- Fest held at VFW park on Quaday Ave. at 72nd St.
tential and needs as they prepared the Meet your Mayor, City Council, Planning &Zoning
proposed comprehensive park plan. Commission, and Parks & Rec. Commission Members
The plan recognizes the need for neigh- Selling Old fashioned Rootbeer Floats, T-shirts & Buttons.
borhood parks in the urban areas of the
city.It points out that although Otsego
has a lot of perceived open space be-
cause of large lot sizes,there is a lack of
recreational facilities in the city. New developments reflect city planning
In the draft plan the Commission also
notes that the Mississippi River is a Work has started on two new housing ponding, underground utilities, and
major asset to the community that re- developments in Otsego this summer. surveying in accordance with city ordi-
quires special consideration. Country Ridge, located east of Page nances and standards.
The document notes the need for safe Ave. and south of 89th St.,will have 77 Some of the standards included are
pedestrian and bicycle routes to connect lots. Antelope Park, located north of limited driveway access to main streets,
activity centers such as local parks,the County Road 39 and east of Mississippi turnarounds for driveways that access
school, the VFW soccer complex, City Parkwood, will have 42 lots, main streets,placing homes so that lots
Hall, and commercial areas. The City Council has contracts with could be further subdivided in the fu-
The Park and Recreation Commission developers in both projects that outline ture,provision in the front of homes for
has divided the city into park planning their responsibilities.The contracts are future hook up to municipal sanitary
districts for planning purposes.A corn- the result of much preliminary work sewer collection system, landscaping
prehensive map of the city relating ex- between the developers, the Planning requirements of two trees and sod on 10
isting and proposed facilities is included Commission,the City Zoning Adminis- percent slope or top soil and seed,paved
in the document. trator,city planner,engineer,and law- streets, and drainage improvements.
Copies of the proposed Comprehen- yer. An environmental assessment
sive Park Plan are available to borrow The developer installs and pays for
PARK to page 3 streets, signs, lights, site grading and PARK to page 2
\4."4"."111A1,44.0A.A.AmoNai" wie 1
City of Otsego Summer is busy for NOTES
13474 N.E. 95th St. road maintenanceivfROM THE
Otsego, MN 55330
(612)441-4414 Our maintenance department has been YOR,
very busy this Spring. With the lousy
OFFICE HOURS weather,our roads,like those of other cities by Mayor Norman F. Freske
Monday through Friday and townships,have needed much work.
8:00 4:00 p.m. We have dug out some bad spots and are
going to be doing more in the next few Dust control would cost approximately
CITY COUNCIL weeks.We will also be replacing a few more $3,000 per mile each time an application is
Mayor- culverts. made. Otsego can not afford this with over
Norman Freske Roads have been graveled in Island View 30 miles of gravel roads.
Council members- Estates,70th St.,92nd St.,67th St.,Nadala, The only way we will allow dust control is
Douglas Lindenfelser and 67th St. in Praught's Addition. with a commercially applied liquid dust
Floyd Roden We will be spraying for brush,weeds,and control paid for up front by the residents of
Larry Fournier poison ivy.This keeps the road right of way the road.
Ron Black clear for safety. Thank you Jaycees
CITY STAFF Dust control policy set I would like to thank the Otsego Jaycees
Jerome Perrault, Clerk Our city policy is to maintain unpaved for cleaning up the cemetery.
Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk roads by grading and graveling according to Otsego's Fest set
Zoning Administrator our maintenance supervisor's recommen- I would like to see everybody at the Great
Jim Barthel, Treasurer dations. River Road Fest August 1.'-.- .
Judy Hudson, Secretary
Dave Chase, Maintenance
Duane Fiedler, Maintenance City office candidates must file
PLANNING The position of mayor and two city council Fournier and Councilman Ronald Black.
COMMISSION positions are up for election this fall in In Otsego's first city election held in 1990,
Carl Swenson, Chairman Otsego. there were five candidates for mayor and 19
Ron Black, A candidate must be a resident of the city, candidates running for four council seats.
Council Representative pay a$2.00 filingfee,and file an Affidavit of "I don't anticipate there will be as many as
Eugene Goenner Candidacy form with City Clerk Jerome last time, but I expect quite a few," said
Jim Kolles Perrault between August 25,1992 and Sep- Perrault.
Dennis McAlpine tember 8, 1992. Candidates obtain forms from Perrault.
Bruce Rask The mayor position is a two-year term Contact him at 441-1668 and file with him
I.G. Roskaft currentlyfilled by MayorNorman F.Freske. at 11340 NE 95th Street.
Mark Wallace The council seats are at large four-year No city offices will be included in the
Aleen Nagel, Alternate terms currently held by Councilman Larry September 15 primary election......
Mark Wallace, Chairman worksheet and findings of fact were pre- vacated. The barn and silo on River Road
Andy Beecher g
Tom Constant pared on Country Ridge. will be removed, but the farm house will
Floyd Roden, In response to groundwater concerns, all remain.
Council Representative wells are required to draw from the Mt. The last two developments put in Otsego,
Jacquie Rognli Simon-Hinkley-Fon du lac Aquifer. Shal- Mississippi ParkwoodandJamesAddition,
Richard Savitski low monitoring wells are to be installed. were the first to include developer agree-
Darlene Solberg Septic systems will be regulated and in- ments. Country Ridge and Antelope Park
Carl Swenson spected by the city. are the first developments in Otsego since
NMENNINEMINIMME The costs for legal,planning,engineering, becoming a city.
�/ i 1 1'IEW and inspection work are paid by the devel- According to City Zoning Administrator
1`L opers. Elaine Beatty, the real advantage to the
Antelope Park is being developed by Mark city with these new developments is that
The Otsego View is a community Wolson with Ziegler Construction.Country this will be the first time the city is able to
newsletter for the City of Otsego. Ridge is being developed by Steve Scharber collect park and trail development fees.
Correspondence and news items are and Tony Emmerich. Fees are set by city ordinance.Park fees are
welcome and should be sent to Jac- Antelope Park will include a northern $350 per lot and trail fees are $50 per lot.
quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, extension of Ohland Ave. to 96th St.There The money will be put in a newly estab-
13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN will be walk-in trail access to the proposed lished park fund.
55330(612)441-4414. western expansion of Otsego County Park. In Antelope Park,the developer is install-
A, Printed on In Country Ridge, 85th St. and 89th St. ing the trail to Otsego County Park in lieu
aRecycled will continue to the east and Page Ave.will of a per lot trail fee payment..
Paper extend to the south. River Road will be
Arleen Nagelel
has been chosenas the
.new alternate to the Planning and Zon- >
ing Commission. Cemetery
Scenic c Recr i n 1 o
eato a
serves Otsego
A Wild and
River District Ordinance has been
drafted by the city.
A hearingwill
held in mid September for public input.
Quale Avenue plans and specifica- Before 1852, the Winnebago Indi- School District No. 1, organized in
tions have been ordered by the City ans were the only residents of the Otsego in 1854 as Wright County's
Council. The road will be constructed Wright County area. It was part of first school district.
from 65th St. north to Co. Rd. 37 to The Big Woods that covered one third Veteran soldiers are there. Some
provide access to Highway 101 for prop- of Minnesota. The forest was inter- served as long ago as the Indian and
erties affected by the closing of the 65th rupted only by scattered prairies and Civil Wars.
St. and 62nd St. intersections in con- the rivers. Strolling through the pleasant cem-
junction with the highway improvement. Pioneer settlers like Joseph etery grounds, one can imagine the
McDonald,who helped build the dam hardships endured by these early
All bids for the new City Hall have at St. Anthony Falls, came up the settlers when one sees the markers of
been rejected by the City Council. The Mississippi River from St. Anthony children who died in a time without
high bids prompted the Council to seek and found an open prairie on the vaccinations and modern medicine.
alternatives to reduce the cost of the south bank to be a good place to settle. The Otsego Cemetery is a simple
building.They had budgeted$450 thou- In the summer of 1852, Joseph town burial site maintained by a vol-
sand for the project. Possibilities being McDonald and David McPherson filed unteer association.Itis not affiliated
explored are using a project manager, claims in Pleasant Grove Precinct in with a church.
considering quotes rather than bids, the Territory of Minnesota,becoming Otsego Cemetery Association Presi-
plan changes, and having city employ- the first white settlers in Wright dent Harlan Rask keeps burial led-
ees execute some of the work. County. After statehood, the town- gers that go back to 1910, although
ship was organized and named Ot- stones date to 1852.
Commercially applied liquid dust sego. Improvements were made in 1989
control will only be allowed on city McDonald operated a ferry from his with donations received from com-
gravel roads when it is totally paid for property near the mouth of the Ot- munity organizations and individu-
up front by the residents on the road. sego Creek. It was one of several als. A new fence and gate were in-
City policy is to maintain gravel roads ferries that crossed the Mississippi at stalled, an abandoned well was
by grading and graveling according to Otsego for trading goods and bring- sealed, and the driveway was ex-
maintenance supervisor recommenda- ing farm produce to the Village of Elk panded.
tions. River.The ferries provided access to The Otsego Jaycees plan to con-
the Red River Ox Cart Trail on the tinue a cemetery clean up project
Some of the day lilies planted by other side of the river. they started in June 1992.
Otsego Vision and the Otsego Jaycees The settlers needed a burial place Rask,who has volunteered as Cern-
can be seen blooming on the north bank for their families and neighbors, so eteryAssociation President since tak-
of Lily Pond. they established the Otsego Cem- ing over for Willy Bell in 1975, says
etery. the cemetery is nondenominational
Plans for the Elk River/Rogers VFW A visitor to the cemetery today can and open to all in Otsego.
Veteran's Memorial Park have been experience evidence of the area's his- Many open lots and sites remain.
approved.They plan to begin work this tory. Sites currently cost $325 with per-
summer on three soccer fields, a park- Joseph McDonald,who helped orga- petual care. There are normally five
ing lot and community building on their nized Otsego into the first township or six burials per year.
property located on Quaday Ave. and in Wright County,and his family are The historic Otsego Cemetery is lo-
72nd St. buried there. cated on the Great River Road (Co.
Louis and Clemina (Spencer) Rd. 39) one half mile east of Otsego
McDonald are there. They were the City Hall.The Otsego Cemetery As-
first couple married in Wright County sociation accepts donations for main-
PARK from page 1 in 1856 by Otsego Justice of the Peace tenance and improvements at 13474
or purchase at City Hall during office Oliver H. Kelly. NE 95th St.,Elk River(Otsego),Mn.
hours. Margaret Cooley is there. She was 55330.• . .'
The Park and Recreation Commission the first teacher of Pleasant Grove
members are Mark Wallace,Chair,Andy
8eecher,Tom Constant,Jacquie Rognli,
Richard Savitski,Darlene Solberg,Carl
Swenson, and Floyd Roden, Council
Representative. They meet the second
Tuesday of each month.•.... 3
Otsego Jaycees
clean up cemetery Where in Otsego?
by Nancy Ebner Can you locate the following places on the Otsego map that were mentioned
The Otsego Jaycees spent their in this issue of The Otsego View? The correct answers are given below.
Father's Day helping clean up the Ot- A. Great River Road Fest F. Country Ridge
sego Cemetery. B. New City Hall site G. Otsego County Park
They had planned to do it all in one C. Lily Pond H. Veterans' Memorial Park
day, but once they got started, they D. Antelope Park J. New Quale Ave.
realized they had to plan to come back E. Historic Otsego Cemetery
a second time to finish up.
Some of the stones in the historic cem-
etery are broken and even disintegrat-
ing. There are lilac bushes that are sof 8
overgrown that there are five or six II V L
really old grave markers hiding in each ®�3 9
bush. Some of them date back to the 2 i4 )-S
mid 1800's. 6• GA IA..17
Sod had to be trimmed away from the
edges of the stones that lie flat because fl-z
they have sunk two or three inches over ')-I
the years and would eventually be coy- 7• , :saa,wsut+
ered with earth. Debris was cleared CD
from under trees. Ea �� 8 t p�
According to Nancy Ebner, "There is
still a lot to do and any volunteers City of OTSEGO
would be appreciated. It really does
look a whole lot better already."
Otsego Jaycee member Bruce Rask
chaired this community project.Bruce's Jaycees have worked on, they feel that Directory goof
father, Harlan Rask, and his family even though it is really hard work,just The Pioneer Telephone Directory in-
have been keeping up the cemetery for being together and working with friends eludes the convenience of zip codes for
years.Harlan lent a hand and lots of his makes it a good time. telephone customers in their listing.
tools and equipment to make the clean If you would be interested in knowing Unfortunately,the directory gives 55362
up possible, " more about the Otsego Jaycees, please as the zip code for all of the Otsego
Harlan stated "I'm really grateful to call chapter president Randy DeRosier residents listed.
the Jaycees for all the help."He feels he at 441-2172. Although some residents do use that
will only be able to care for the cemetery Call Bruce Rask at 441-7221 to find zip code, the city of Otsego actually
for a few more years and then Bruce and out how to help with thecemetery.�. includes six different zip codes.This has
the rest are on their own. caused difficulty in mail and delivery
Like all the other projects the Otsego service for some residents when send-
ers have not included the proper post
office and zip code.
.................. ... {. .....xx....................... .................................. .... ..... ..... Residentsanis should be certain that their
m it i addr s the ost office and
a s es ed to
August 1 11 a.m-5 p.m. OTSEGO GREAT RIVER ROAD FEST zip code that serves their area.,,--•
August 5 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting
August 10 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting
August 11 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting Lions Club to form soon
August 19 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting A Lions Club is being formed in Ot-
August 24 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting
August 25 Filing opens for city offices sego.An organizational meeting will be
September 2 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting held Wednesday,September 9,8
September 7 City Hall Closed for Labor Day City Hall.
September 8 Last day to file for city offices
7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting Otsego resident Rand Patton is acting
September 14 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting as liaison between the Albertville Lions
September 15 Primary Election and the new Otsego Lions Clubs.
September 16 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting The Lions is a national service organi-
September 22 7 p.m. Comprehensive Park Plan hearing zation that helps people and communi-
September 28 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting
ties in need through fund raisers.Both
To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 men and women 18 years of age and up
working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 working days prior to can become members.
meetings. Patton encourages anyone interested
Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. to attend the September 9 meeting or
stop by their information booth at the
Otsego Great River Road Fest.,-,....