Fall The OTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIEW Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 2, No.5, October/November 1992 Economic New cityhall is designed for development �' pursued Otsego's needs councilmember Otsego's new city hall will be a rock face block building,approximately 8,640 by Larry Prompted Fournier,by benefits for financing square feet, all on one level and handicapped accessible. "City of Otsego"will city hall,the and be cut into the blocks over the front entrance. the newCoOtsegoncil are taking steps mayortesandab- The space includes a council chamber with a meeting room capable of Cityih an Developmentng Author- seating at least 300 people,a service counter,conference room,well-equipped lis an Economic. kitchen, offices,restrooms, and skylit entry hall. Office space will be finished ityas needed. Besides offering a cost savings to taxpayers on public projects, the EDA An electronics firm has consulted on the public address system,so it should xa to the city Aof be excellent sound, according to Elaine Beatty, deputy clerk/zoning adminis- providesproisting awmechanismth projectsand the trator.Wiring will be included for future electronics such as computers,phones, privateand cable building of tax base within the commu- television. nity. It is expected that the EDA will City staff expect to move to the new building in January 1993. assist home extended businesses pres- ently operating within the city, as well ---- as new business and industry who choose i I 1 i •L to locate in Otsego. Both new develop- I 1 r._1. ,! I I ' i ment as well as redevelopment projects 1 ': 1 _ 1 I I I i qualify for consideration. �r ... _ _ By taking such action, the city also . ! places itself in a competitive position L j` min '` �' .rad �� ' with neighboring communities, the I�i�i 1 .=-1--:-- majority of which have similar economic ,�1111111 it I l',' ,1 _ I __ 01 , development programs. 1-2_,2-z-:--17 Although not yet finalized, it is ex- ii-41=7:::-. – — _ _ _ �_, _-{_ pected that the EDA Board will be com- prised of the members of the City Coun- cil. This is due to the authority and power which the the need to mantainpol cy consistency, Election to be held at City Hall and be responsive to the electorate. Otsego residents will rity envelope and take them to the reader The council is,however,highly con- vote atCity Hall on Tues- and feed their ballot into the machine. cerned that public participation and day,November 3rd.The The machine will return and not input be part of the economic planning polls will be open 7 a.m. tabulate a ballot if any error has been and implementation process. As a re- to 8 p.m. made, such as voting for more candi- suit, an Economic Development Com- Regardless of their dates than allowed. The voter will re- mission is being proposed which would = mailing address or zip ceive a new ballot if it is returned. serve as a working group similar to the code,residents ofthe city The city owns one optical scanner Planning Commission and would ad- of Otsego all vote at the Otsego City which will be placed upstairs near the vise the Council/EDA on relevant mat- Hall, 13474 NE 95th Street located on stairway for voters to use from both ters. Co. Rd. 39 at Nashua Avenue. levels.Election judges will available to The Economic Development Corn- With over 2,700 registered voters in help voters with the new process. mission is seen as being comprised of the city, election judges will divide the Handicapped voters can vote on elec- five members,the majority of which are names in half. The first half of the al- tion day without entering City Hall if to be residents or have business invest- phabet will vote upstairs and the sec- they desire.They should bring someone ments in the city. It is further hoped and half of the alphabet will use voting with them to go in the building or call that the commission membership will booths downstairs in the hall. ahead to get election judges to come out represent a broad range of interests Ballots will be tabulated with the to their car. Handicapped voters can within the community. city's new optical scan vote tabulator. also apply for an absentee ballot prior to The establishment of an economic After marking their ballots in the vot- the election.,-As.. development program for the city repre- ing booths,voters place them in a secu- DEVELOPMENT to page 4 11^11WiedirANAII^NAIIIISfti"lii, City of Otsego City needs new hall NOTES 13474 N.E. 95th St. The new Otsego city hall is well under 1 4740, MN 55h St way on Nashua Avenue. With the popula- NteiROM THE (612)441-4414 tion necessity.ying 6,000 people,the hall is a real YOR OFFICE HOURS For the people who have note been to the byMayor Norman F. Freske Mondaythrough Fridayold hall,it's so small that there is no room Y 9 for city staff plus the file cabinets. Also, 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. there is only one small bathroom. awards. In the past,if the city had a big meeting I am involved with some of the Lions CITY COUNCIL or hearing we had to rent space in a school from the Albertville district in starting an Mayor— in Elk River.With the new hall we'll be able Otsego Lions Club.We should have enough Norman Freske to hold these meetings in our own city. new members to form the Otsego Lions in Council members— Also,the Jaycees,Lions and other orga- the next four to six weeks. Anyone inter- Douglas Lindenfelser Fested should come to the meetings Floydydg at CityRoden nizations can hold fund raisers—such as Larry Fournier pancake breakfasts and dinners—in our city Hall at 8:00 on the fourth Wednesday of the Ron Black when the new hall is completed. month. CITY STAFF Community organizations Otsego Great River Road Jerome Perrault, Clerk give Otsego identity Fest a success Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk The city of Otsego needs identity.All of I would like to thank all the people Zoning Administrator the organizations bring identity to the city. involved in the second annual Otsego Great Jim Barthel, Treasurer With the forming of the Otsego Historical River Road Fest which was again a success. Judy Hudson, Secretary Committee and Otsego Vision in the last If you missed it, we'll see you next year. Dave Chase, Maintenance couple of years,it's a good beginning. Remember to vote Supervisor The Otsego Jaycees started approxi- Let's all vote November 3rd. Thank Duane Fiedler, Maintenance mately one and a half years ago.They have you.....,., done a super job—already winning a lot of PLANNING COMMISSION Carl Swenson, Chairman Voter registration information Ron Black, Persons are eligible to vote in the No- •Valid Minnesota non-qualified card or Council Representative vember 3, 1992 general election if they are receipt showing current address in the pre- Eugene Goenner 18 years of age or older on election day, a cinct. Jim Kolles citizen of the United States, and have re- Dennis McAlpine • Valid prior registration in the same Bruce Rask sided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately precinct. I.G. Roskaft preceding election day. • Notice of ineffective registration. Mark Wallace Residents can register to vote before the • Students may use a current student Aleen Nagel, Alternate general election by completing a voter reg- fee statement, student registration card or istration card which can be obtained from student identification card. PARKS & RECREATION the Wright County auditor or Otsego City • The oath of a registered voter in the COMMISSION Hall.Registrations must be received by the same precinct or a voter who registered on Mark Wallace, Chairman auditor on October 13 by 5 p.m. election day with proper identification. Tom Baillargeon Residents may also register to vote on If a voter has previously registered,there Andy Beecher election day with required identification. is no need to go through the process again Tom Constant Acceptable identifications are: unless she/he failed to vote once in the four Floyd Roden, • Valid Minnesota driver's license, preceding years, moved to a different ad- Council Representative learner's permit, or receipt for either. dress, or changed his or her name.'—. Darlene Solberg Carl Swenson moi Candidates file for city offices . RO,..1 _i s VIEW When Otsego residents vote on Novem- four years. ber 3,they will be chosing a mayor and two In the city's first city council election in The Otsego View is a community council members for the city. November 1990, the Minnesota State Mu- newsletter for the City of Otsego. Candidates who have filed for the nicipal Commission designated the top two Correspondence and news items are mayor's office are Norman F. Freske (in- vote getters would be four-year terms and welcome and should be sent to m Jac- cumbent), Mario Giordano, and Chas V. the next two vote getters would be two-year quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, Kolles. terms in order to set up a rotation schedule 13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN The candidates for City Council are Ron for elections. Beginning with this year's 55330(612)441-4414. Black (incumbent), Merlin Brisbin, Larry election,all council terms will be four years. Printed on Fournier(incumbent), and Bill A. Olson. The two council positions held by Floyd �� Recycled The mayor will be elected for a two year Roden and Doug Lindenfelser will be up for aPaper term and the council members to serve for election in 1994.• 2 rnmisAirrONINANNIA,..^ .A.".",„.00Nour/Sorio, 1 i New cityhall ili:•..Lpip ...„,:,,,:,:,:,:,:,:„„„„„„,:„,:„„,„:,,,,,:,:,,,,,:,:,,,:,,,:,:,,,,,:,,,:,:,,,„,:„,„„, • .... .......... ..... ... . . . .. . .. .. lit!. .. ... overcomes TransportationIjnhur'hts obstacles p11 finitel ositivel re- • • •> It actually,definitely,positively,Y inthe1 50s 1 finally ishappening. 8 lute a ........................ ................. ally, abso Y, Y ........... Otsego's new city hall is getting built. by Elaine Norin The processofbuildingOtsego'snew From material furnished by enlarged to one-and-a-half stories hall will have taken almost three years Eleanor Cooley Rue, great-grand- with four bedrooms. Alvah crossed by the time it is completed this winter. daughter of Alvah and Margaret the river to work on the house by boat A series of delays Cooley, we learn how people tray- or by foot on the ice. The family An architect was chosen in spring eled to Otsego in its early days. moved in their new home just east of 1990 following the vote by Otsego Town- In June 1853,Alvah and Marg- John McDonald's about May 1,1854. ship citizens at the annual meeting. aret,son Berton,age 10,daughters A letter dated"Otsego,Min.July Don Meinhardt/Associates/Architects Ellen Viola, age 7, and Ada Maria, 13th, 1859" signed by "M. Cooley" was hired to draw the plans for the new age 4, came from Bainbridge, was addressed to "Nancy," believed hall. Chenango County,New York by the to be a cousin of Margaret living in The plan was to build on the site of "new railroad" to its terminus in New York. Following some family the present city hall. The land was al- Illinois (probably the Chicago and news, the letter continues: ready owned by the township and is the Rock Island Railway). ". . . If you are designing to make historic site of the original town. The They continued by steamboat up a home in the West why will you not original site is located in the Wild and the Mississippi to St.Anthony(now look here before settleing. . . The Scenic Recreational River District, es- Minneapolis) and remained there Steamers land on or at the farm ad- tablished by the Department of Natural while Alvah, a millwright and car- joining ours.The name of the Town is Resources(DNR)in 1976. penter,built a small boat which he Otsego. It is sometimes known as The township applied to Wright used to scout nearby areas to select McDonalds landing...The Steamers County for a nonconforming use permit their future homesite. are advertised to leave St.Anthony I to build the town hall in the Wild and In October 1853 Alvah took Mar- think Monday Wednesday and Scenic District. Construction was de- garet to Otsego and she approved Thursday...If the boat should not be layed by protests from a group of con- the location. The family made the ready and you come on the Stage, cerned citizens. The Town Board was journey from St.Anthony by oxcart enquire for Alvah Cooley and they further occupied by preliminary work loaded with their personal belong- will send you up the river about half towards incorporation and the new hall ings. a mile to our crossing.You may find was put on the back burner. They settled temporarily in someone there who will be comeing After Otsego incorporated in 1990, Orono(Elk River)while Alvah built here." the building committee re-activated.The a 16-by-18-foot framed house,later City Council set aside $450,000 in a special building fund. A new site outside of the Wild and Scenic River District was sought by the Absentee ballots City Council. It seemed that each time property sellers heard the city was in- hall has accumulated to about$490,000 are available terested, prices went up. In January with interest. The money is earning 1992, over 73 acres were purchased on over 10 percent interest. If a voter is unable to vote in their Nashua less than a mile south of the Through the new Economic Devel- precinct on Novemiber 3,she or he may present city hall. opment Authority, the city has the op- vote in advance by absentee ballot. The City Council asked for bids for portunity to obtain a building loan at To obtain an absentee ballot,voters the new building and were disappointed only 5 percent interest. need to apply to the Wright County when bids exceeded their proposed bud- Groundbreaking auditor. After processing the applica- get.All bids were rejected and a council A group of interested citizens at- tion,the auditor gives the voter a ballot subcommittee was formed. tended a groundbreaking ceremony for which must be returned to the auditor's In a cost saving measure,plans were the new Otsego City Hall on August 4, office by 7 p.m. November 2, 1992. revised and the project was re-orga- 1992. Dignitaries took turns turning Absentee voters can stop at the nized so that quotes rather than bids the dirt with the golden shovel painted Wright County Courthouse in Buffalo could be used. City maintenance work- by Judy Hudson, city secretary. to vote in person or call the auditor's ers were utilized for excavation and Progress office at 339-6881(metro)to receive an grading work,bringing expenses within Construction work is being done by application by mail.When applyingand budget. Metro Builders. Completion of the new voting by mail, absentee voters should Finances Otsego City Hall is expected in January allow sufficient time for their ballots to The $450,000 set aside for the city 1993.• be returned.,-----, 3 lioNigi^.^..^..1 •^Ed .^..1 .../ ..^..1 • """ VOTING IN OTSEGO Precinct: Otsego Legislative District: 19B Congressional District: 2 ,� .,:* County: Wright Polling Place: Otsego City Hall r Otsego affected `' by redistricting 10114g Otsego is now in Congressional Dis- � a trict 2 and Legislative District 19B. The state of Minnesota changed the Resident keeps 20 years of election stats boundaries for districts based on 1990 census figures. Election judge Judy Roden explains to an Otsego voter how to mark At the primary election September the new optical reader ballot at the primary election.Another election 15,Otsego election judges heard people judge,Marion Alexander, looks on. remark that they were not aware of the Roden says that she has enjoyed being a judge for over 20 years of change. Many had come expecting to Otsego elections.She says that she started keeping election statistics as vote in the Sixth District senate race a hobby because the judges used to guess at how many voters would turn between Gerry Sikorski and Tad Jude out. which received so much publicity. Ot- segoWhat do city staff look forward to in the hall? too thadhe changebe . in the Sixth District prior t •N.. Jerome Perrault,city clerk:having Elaine Beatty,deputy clerk/zoning an office to keep all his material in and Administrator An office with some storage space in the hall so he can move room and the service counter.It will be Maintenance it out of his house. nice to have the council chambers, the Report PA and space for meetings. p Judy Hudson,secretary:ROOM;stor- Otsego maintenance person- age rooms: space that will enable staff Jerry Olson, city building inspec- nel Dave Chase and Duane to be better organized and serve the tor:having an office,but thinks we'll be Fiedler spent time in August people of Otsego better.It will be great looking back at the good old days at the doing the grading for the new for our community to have a room that school.."........ they can rent for weddings, anniversa- city site on NashuaAv- enue. They also havveebeen do- ries, and parties. ing roadside mowing and grad- ing the city's gravel roads. October 7 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting October 12 7 p.m. 85th Street Project Plan Hearing DEVELOPMENT from page 1 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting October 13 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting sents an exciting,new progressive step October 20 7 p.m. Election Judge Training in Otsego's history.While the results of October 21 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting such efforts take time to materialize October 26 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting and require considerable work,the ben- ' November 3 7 a.m.-8 p.m. ELECTION DAY November 4 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting efits and return to the city can be sub- November 9 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting stantial. November 10 7:30 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting Anyone having thoughts to share or November 18 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting wanting to participate in the program November23 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting are urged to contact the mayor, Cit November26 CITY HALL CLOSED g y y November27 CITY HALL CLOSED Council members, or city offices.‘- November 30 7:30 p.m. Truth in Taxation Hearing To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 working days prior to meetings. Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. 4