Winter The OTSEGO .,./ ....0 ..^,.."„„/ ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD IEW Quarterly Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 2, January 1991 Comprehensive Plan Recycling off nears completion to great start by Wendy B.Danks The City of Otsego is in the process of ants, Inc. to do a preliminary study to Otsego residents can be proud oftheir developing a Comprehensive Plan identify the community's problems and recycling efforts. After just two pick- which will serve to guide the commu- organize a program to address and ups the city had surpassed the partici- nity into the 1990's and beyond. resolve them. The "Tactical Study" pation levels of many other area com- "The Comprehensive Plan is a legally Report was the result of this initial munities. required and highly important docu- effort. On November 28,despite the season's ment for the City of Otsego," states The next step was basic data gather- first real snowfall, 12.94 tons of recy- David Licht,Otsego's planning consul- ing necessary for the Comprehensive clable materials were picked up from tant and president of Northwest Asso- Plan.A"Planninginventory"summary 38 percent of our residents.On Decem- ciated Consultants, Inc. It will include of the assembled information was pub- ber 12 that increased to 14.84 tons col- a land use plan, environmental con- lished in February 1990. lected from 47 percent of the city's cerns, natural resources, transporta- Work then began on drafting the households. tion,community facilities and services, Comprehensive Plan itself, but was "I want to congratulate the people(of and act to direct future development. delayed by reports necessary for Ot- Otsego) for the super job they've al- The Otsego PlanningCommission will sego's incorporation. Licht states that ready done,and hope they keep it up," be studying draft copies of the Compre- with the issue now resolved, "work on encouraged Dave Foster,owner of Polka hensive Plan in detail and making revi- the Comprehensive Plan finalization Dot Recycling. The six-year-old Buf- sions the early part of 1991. has been re-established as the major falo firm handles the recycling for Public hearings will then be sched- priority for the Planning Commission Otsego as well as approximately 25 uled where community residents will and City Council." other Wright and western Hennepin be invited to presentations and discus- Major parts which are included in the County communities. sions of the draft document. Licht said draft plan are designation of urban and According to Foster, participation itisexpectdthatthese community meet- rural areas,and Highway 101 upgrade usually increases the longer a commu- ings will generate changes. Once these and related land use plans. nity has a recycling program in place. are put in acceptable form, the Plan- For more information on the Compre- The highest participation levels he ping Commission will refer the docu- hensive Plan,hearings and the process remembers ranged in the neighbor- ment to the City Council to consider for being followed for adoption, read The hood of 55 to 57 percent. And, "any- adoption. Elk River Star News (Otsego's legal thing above 35 percent is good," said Otsego's planning process began in newspaper)and The Otsego View.City Foster. early 1988 when the Township em- staff may be contacted during regular So far City Hall has received no com- ployed Northwest Associated Consult- office hours,also. plaints and only a few questions re- �, v , , � garding the recycling program. Most � calls have been from residents wonder- ' ing if they will be billed for the service, i. reported Judy Hudson, secretary. "Our recycling costs are paid out of gthe city's general fund," stressed 4 Hudson.Residents will not receive bills •�' for either the cost of the bins(roughly $5) or the bi-weekly pick-ups. 17, For those who prefer not to recycle, the city requests that each home keep o. their bin. It should be stored and kept Otsego's preliminary Comprehensive Plan includes separate rural and urban zones. RECYCLING to page 3 City of Otsego New council digs in 13474 N.E. 95th St. Otsego, MN 55330 by Pam Black sues and decisions comprise the most (612)441-4414 On November 15, 1990 Otsego offi- challenging tasks ahead of them. OFFICE HOURS cially became a city with the presenta- All five men bring a strong interest in tion and reading of the Resolution of community and a commitment to Otsego's Monday through Friday Proclamation and a brief ceremony for development. Their individual perspec- 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. the swearing in of Norman Freske, tives are shaped by varied backgrounds CITY COUNCIL Douglas Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, and past public service. Mayor— Larry Fournier, and Ron Black, the Freske,Lindenfelser and Roden share a Norman Freske newly elected city officials. total of 26 years as Otsego Town Board Councilmembers— Before the oaths were administered, members,each of them having served as Douglas Lindenfelser Senator Betty Adkins presented plaques Board Chair. Lindenfelser, Roden and Floyd Roden to Freske, Lindenfelser, and Roden as Fournier are lifelong residents of Otsego- Larry Fournier out-going Town Board members. Spe- Roden and Lindenfelser on third genera- Ron Black cial recognition was given to Jerome tion farms.Fournier has worked with the Treasurer— Perrault for his 43 years of service as Otsego Planning Commission since its Jim Barthel Clerk— Town Clerk. Sen. Adkins had worked beginnings. Black has served two terms Jerome Perrault with Perrault as Deputy Clerk of Otsego with the District 728 School Board. Deputy Clerk— for many years. Career choices span a wide spectrum: Elaine Beatty The first City Council meetings have farmer, sales representative, machinist, City Staff— been primarily organizational,focusing and attorney. Judy Hudson, on decisions to set the course and proce- Even with their background,experience Secretary dure for the City's means of doing busi- and skills, these elected representatives Dave Chase, Maintenance Supervisor ness in the upcoming year. look to the citizens of Otsego for contin- Duane Fiedler, A smooth transition from Township to ued support and involvement. They wel- Maintenance City government as county-based con- come input and participation to assist Dog Control—441-6832 straints are dissolved is a concern for all them in making the best choices. PLANNIN the representatives on the Council.The As a new city emerges, the chance for COMMISSION completion and adoption of a Compre- even more community action exists. The I.G. Roskaft, hensive Plan figures as an immediate Council is looking forward to additions to Chairman need. the Otsego Vision Committee as well as Larry Fournier, In the eyes of the Council members, the formation of civic groups such as the Council Representative other issues such as city ordinances, Lions, Rotary, and Jaycees. Jim Kolles land for a center for city government, a Opportunities seem endless and the Kathy Lewis new City Hall,a road plan incorporating future opens up ahead of us and our Bruce Rask a completed Highway 101, and a sewer Council as we work together to give defi- Carl Swenson and water study are equally important. nition to the City of Otsego. IMMISMININIMEMENN The Council envisions that all these is- °' VIEW _ \ � .a The Otsego View is a commu- nity newsletter for the City of ,, -:. Otsego. . r 1 lik.\ it r��II` Correspondence and news items14kft 1 1 1,y , o are welcome and should be sent � ' '�J , if' �s f to Jacquie Rognli, Editor,Otsego _ ¢ 1 1 :! , Town Hall, 13474 N.E. 95th St., , - '% `" o Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441 * a 4414. a Ron Black,Larry Fournier,Floyd Roden,Betty Adkins,Norman Freske,Doug Lindenfelser, Jerome Perrault,and Jim Barthel participated in ceremonies November 15,1990 when Otsego officially became Minnesota's 855th city. 2 1 RECYCLING from page 1 in good condition. (If this is not pos- Bread-making and Indian sible, return the bin to City Hall.) • • ors S recycling in V 1S t0 issoldtheec c home And,when a o e Y g bin should remain with tho property r tY 1 Y Rue for the next homeowner. by Eleanor Cooley cheerily in ': fire a was crackling g c Y ........... Recycling Do's &Donis the big fireplace in the little, new << ::<.:>; ;;• . :...; :..::.. i - E[ The items listed below will be picked cabin on the west bank of the M s ����'� 91. 14 iiii up every other Wednesday(bins should sissippi in the pioneer community be out by 8 a.m.). If you're not sure of Otsego that chilly wintry day in about including something not men- late 1854. Margaret Faulkner cozily close to the fire and selected tioned here, please call Polka Dot Cooley had punched down the that for his seat before Margaret Recycling at 477-6384. sponge for her weekly bread supply, could whisk away the cloth-covered Cans-Aluminum andbi-metalbev- placed it in a large, bowl-like pan, pan of bread dough. erage cans (rinse); Food tins (rinse covered it with a white cloth, and Poor Margaret! Her thoughts and remove paper labels. Do NOT in- set it on a chair in a warm spot near swirled!There seemed no way to ask dude aerosol cans. the fire to rise before being shaped the newly seated man to rise so she Household alumintug-Aluminum into loaves and baked.She hummed could extract the soft cushioned seat foil (rinse and fold or crumple). TV while busily taking care of other into which he had sunk, without dinner trays (rinse). needed tasks. Husband Alvah appearing rude. The children, see- Glass-Jars and bottles (rinse and . Cooley, who with his family had ingthe dilemma,threatened to burst place metal lids in a separate bag).Do arrived in 1853 from Bainbridge, into titters, but a warning glance NOT include window or flat glass. New York, was away working as a from Margaret silenced them.So all Newspaper-(bundle orbag).Glossy millwright.Berton,age eleven,and held in during the visit, the glad inserts delivered with newspapers are Ellen,age eight were studying their acceptance of a gift of nuts and ber- OK.Do NOT include magazines,cata- lessons at the kitchen table as a ries brought by the visitors, the log, and other glossy paper items. school would not be opened there heating and serving of hot apple Computerpaper-(bundle or bag). until November 1,1855(with Mar- cider, the serving of soda-raisin- Keep separate from newsprint. garet as the first temporary teacher). cakes from the cookie jar, the mu- Cardboard -Corrugated (flatten, Little Ada,like most five-year-olds, tual exchange of pleasantries, the then bundle and tie).Do NOT include was happily playing about and gift of more cakes for the Indians to cereal boxes or pop cases. keeping tabs on everything going take home,and soon,the guests'de- Automobile batteries-(check for on. Hearing sounds, she ran to the parture. leaking acid).Do NOT include house- window and piped out, "Goody, it's Later, after the now sad-looking, hold or other small batteries. company; Mom, the Indians are over-flowing pan of ruined dough Do not include plastic of anv kind. coming!" was thrown away, they all had a Used motor oil, tires, and automo- Sure enough, approaching were good laugh.And the children shouted bile batteries will be accepted by the four friendly Winnebago neighbors, their approval when Margaret said, Otsego Four-Leaves 4H Club the third wrapped warmly in their blankets, "I'm afraid we'll run a bit short of Saturday of the month at City Hall, coming to visit their white neigh- bread before another batch is ready noon to 3:00 p.m. bors. Margaret went to the door to to bake, so how about if, instead of welcome them, and the children porridge and toast for breakfast,we relinquished their chairs.Margaret have buckwheat cakes with maple Confine Canines greeted the guests and motioned for syrup?" And when Alvah arrived Dogs in the City of Otsego are to be them to remove their wraps and be home, he too enjoyed the amusing confined or leashed. seated. The Indians knew only a tale,as each child excitedly told it in Two year dog licenses can be ob smattering of English, and Marga- his or her own way,with mimicking tained at the City Hall.Proof of rabies ret and the children even less In- gestures. Their descendants con- vaccination is required. The cost is dian language, but as among the tinue to enjoy it to this day. very few residents of this pioneer -Excerpted from Nexus,newsletter of the $5.00 if neutered and$10.00 if not. rural are their mutual needs for New England Historic Genealogy Society, Call 441-6832 if you need dog control companionship and friendship out August 1986.Reprinted with permission of P P P the author, great-daughter of Alvah and service. weighed the need for words. Margaret Cooley. A copy of the City's dog ordinance One of the Indians spied the chair may be viewed at City Hall 3 ‘ 10100"4110064110^.06%." "iliANNANioNorAild Otsego Vision looks ahead Maintenance Report by Jacquie Rognli the newest item added($6.00 for 20). Otsego has a new two-way plow Otsego Vision, a volunteer commit- Judy Hudson,City secretary,said that for the grader. It was used to plow tee to promote community awareness a lot of Otsego items were sold for the first snowfall of the season. and pride,is looking forward to start- holiday gifts. Maintenance Supervisor Dave ing new projects and continuing old A mailbox beautification contest has Chase says it works great. ones in 1991. been discussed. Details need to be As we are now into the snow sea- Leadership intern Sandy Linden- worked out. son,the Maintenance Department felser has started to organize an Ot- Otsego Vision declared Otsego's Open would like to remind residents of sego Community Celebration for House October 27 a success. An esti- what they can do to make snow August 1991.Otsego Vision expects to mated 700 people visited the Town removal safer and easier: spend a lot of time working on this Hall, which was decked out in bal- -Please,no parking on the roads. project. loons and red,white,and blue bunting -Trash cans and recycling bins Green and white "Otsego City Lim- for the occasion. Displays, food, Ot- should be placed at the end of your its, pop. 5,213" signs should soon sego logo shirts and politicians were driveway-in the driveway,not the appear near the city limits on High- on hand. road. way 101.Preliminary work has begun On November 15, 1990, about 40 -Please use common sense and on getting identifying signs at other Otsego residents stopped at the City yield right-of-way to plows. locations as well. Hall at 6:00 a.m. for coffee and rolls Chase wants everyone to know The historical committee continues and to sing "Good Morning" live on that the snowplowing policy is to compile information on Otsego's WCCO Radio.The day was proclaimed "when it STOPS snowing, the history. They are planning to have a "City of Otsego Day in the State of maintenance crew goes out." calendar printed and available for sale. Minnesota"by Governor Perpich. If there is an emergency,you can PromotionalitemsfeaturingOtsego's Otsego Vision meets the third Tues- call Dave Chase or Duane Fiedler logo are still for sale.Jackets,T-shirts, day of the month. New members are at 441-8137 sweatshirts, cardigans, mugs, and encouraged to attend. Call Jacquie bumper stickers are available at City Rognli, Chair,441-7239, or City Hall Hall. Notecards with envelopes are for more information. ,. Community Festival is being planned ;;;; > ;;;; , ... •::::::::::: ::::::::.>...:.:.::.:i Sandy Lindenfelser, leadership in -:.:.:. ; :.:.:.:; < > < » O EaDARE giiiii :.:iiiii: i «i=<>< « > >> > > > :<<;>:;;;;;:: : ;>;>;>;>;;;: tern for Otsego through the Minne- sota Project,has January 2 8:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting January 9 8:00 a.m. Curbside Recycling started work on January 10 7:30 p.m. Continuation of hearing on surfacing of 89th and Parell her chosen proj- January 14 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting January 15 730 p.m. Otsego Vision Meeting ect of a Commu- January 16 8:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting nityFestivalfor " max January 19 noon-3 p.m. 4-H Recycling pickup at City Hall Otsego. ' January 23 8:00 a.m. Curbside Recycling January 28 7:30 p.m. Hearing on advertising signs followed by Lindenfelser , ". City Council Meeting says she would �x February 6 8:00 a.m. Curbside Recycling like to have an 8:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Otsego celebra- February 11 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting Sandy Lindenfelser February 16 noon-3 p.m. 4-H Recycling pickup at City Hall • tion to unite the February 19 7:30 p.m. Otsego Vision Meeting community and get neighbors to meet February 20 8:00 a.m. Curbside Recycling each other. She would like to see it 8:00 p.m. Planning Commision Meeting February 25 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting become an annual event. March 6 8:00 a.m. Curbside Recycling Lindenfelser has been gathering 8:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting preliminary information.She is inter- March 11 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting March 16 noon-3 p.m. 4-H Recycling pickup at City Hall ested in ideas that Otsego residents March 19 7:30 p.m. Otsego Vision Meeting might have for Otsego's first commu- March 20 8:00 a.m. Curbside Recycling nity festival. Volunteers to work and 8:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting March 25 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting help with planning and fund raising To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and informa- are also needed. If you can help, con- tion 15 working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 working days tact Lindenfelser through CityHall. prior to meetings. g Please call the City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. """ 4 The OTSEGO rn./...d ./ ../ ..i ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIENV Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 7, December 1991 Otsego hires buildinginspector kil .., Jerry Olson has been hired by the , City Council as Otsego's contracted building inspector. Before Olson was hired, Wright County provided building inspectors for . 'a Otsego and collected the building per- ;� mitfees.Those fees will now go to Otsego to cover Olson's salary and a little bit more,according to Deputy Clerk Elaine Beatty. Olson feels that he will be able to m provide Otsego with better service be- 2 cause he will be more available. Olson will be at City Hall to issue building permits and do site inspections r A Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9 ' '°^ _ .- T a.m. to noon. Because he is familiar with the Uni- �k a - .1 N form Building Code and zoning laws, _ ,� , ., � � �- Olson says he can help people with how to prepare paperwork and determining ti if they need a building permit. '' . Building permits and inspections are ,. o required on new construction,improve- k � a ments, and alterations. " "On new construction, you [building Otsego's new building inspector,Jerry Olson, is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at City Hall. inspectors] try to make sure that the house is well-built,built with quality,so doing something that could possibly Olson is a certified building inspector. when a new owner would buy a house, endanger life or health"is an important He will be attending a three day Min ne- they have at least some kind of assur- time to consult with an inspector to see sota Pollution Control Agency seminar ance that it's not going to creak and that things are safe and well done. in January and take the test to become wobble and crack and get lopsided," Some typical home improvement certified for sewage inspections. said Olson. projects that could be unsafe ifnot done Olson has lived in the area for 30 Olson feels an inspector's role is also correctly are basement finishes that do years and has been building inspector to maintain safety. not provide egresses,electrical and fur- for Big Lake since 1981.He is also a self- "The elf"The way we look at it mostly-at least nace installations,and plumbing that is employed carpenter.,-^^-, I do from my point of view-when you're not properly vented according to Olson. City will be evaluating sign regulations by Larry Fournier,council member Business people from the City as well ters on this matter are also highly wel- As part of the current efforts on revis- as representatives of outdoor advertis- coined and may be addressed to City ing and updating zoning regulations for ing companies have made presentations Hall. the City,the Planning Commission and to City officials on the types and extent The Council and Planning Commis- City Council will be considering sign of signing which they believe are neces- sion view the sign regulations as ahighly regulations for the community.Any and sary. important issue and also as a matter of all private and public signs will be ad- City officials would appreciate learn- great importance to Otsego's image and dressed by the pending ordinance. ing what opinions the citizens of the community character. As a result of In the discussions of this matter which community may also have on this sub- only very limited signing presently ex- have already taken place, the primary ject.Residents and property owners are istingin the community,this is one area focus of attention has been on business therefore strongly encouraged to con- of opportunity where the City can clearly identification signs for commercial and tact the Mayor, Council members and/ influence and make a determination on industrial properties and also advertis- or Planning Commission members to its future.,^^-' ing signs(billboards). state their position. Additionally, let- dio/ liarly/ idirANIN".•^Noe City of Otsego How can I influence city government? 13474 N.E. 95th St. •Otsego City Council meetings include an open forum period for the audience to speak. Otsego, MN 55330 • Residents may submit items for the City Council agenda seven working days prior (612)441-4414 to meetings. • Public hearings provide an opportunity for residents to air their views and concerns. OFFICE HOURS All information presented at the hearings(verbal and written)is entered into the Monday through Friday record for consideration by the council. 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. • To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda, submit completed forms and CITY COUNCIL information 15 working days prior to meetings. • Inquiries and comments made to City Hall during business hours are noted by city Mayor— Norman Freske • Mayor and Council members are interested in hearing the views of residents. Councilmembers— •Each citizen can use his/her vote to choose a person that they feel will represent their DouglasydLindenfelser interests or similarpoint of view. The citycouncil and mayor are chosen Floyd Roden y by Larry Fournier election. Ron Black CITY STAFF How can I get city news? Jerome Perrault, Clerk • All city meetings are open to the public. Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk • The city newsletter, The Otsego View is published by the city six times a year and Jim Barthel,Treasurer distributed to residents. Judy Hudson, Secretary • The weekly Elk River Star News is Otsego's official newspaper. The newspaper Dave Chase, Maintenance Supervisor regularly reports on city business. Duane Fiedler, Maintenance • Official notices of meetings,hearings and ordinances are printed in the last pages of the Star News following the classified ads.Notices are also posted on the bulletin PLANNING board outside City Hall. COMMISSION • Hearings are scheduled for matters that may affect nearby property owners. Notification of those hearings is mailed to owners within 350 feet in the platted I.G. Roskaft, areas and within 500 feet in the rural areas of the city. Chairman • Public information meetings, like those held for the Comprehensive Plan, may be Larry Fournier, scheduled for matters of a greater magnitude. Notices are printed in the Star Council Representative Jim Kolles News. Kathy Lewis • Radio stations KMOM (1070 AM) in Monticello and KRWC (1360 AM) in Buffalo Bruce Rask cover local news and events for Otsego and Wright County. Carl Swenson • Community events are broadcast on "Community Focus". The Otsego segment is Mark Wallace aired three times throughout the day each Wednesday on radio station KMOM (1070 AM). PARKS & RECREATION •Minutes for all meetings are available to the public at City Hall.Copies can be viewed COMMISSION or purchased during regular business hours. Carl Swenson, Chairman • City staff can be contacted at City Hall Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Andy Beecher Tom Constant When are City meetings? s? Floyd Roden, g Council Representative • City Council: 2nd&4th Mondays, 7:30 p.m.* Jacquie Rognli • Planning&Zoning Commission: 1st&3rd Wednesdays, 8 p.m.* Richard Savitski • Parks &Recreation Commission: 2nd Tuesday,8 p.m.* Darlene Solberg • Public Hearings: Notice in Elk River Star News and City Hall bulletin board. Mark Wallace *Changes are noticed in Elk River Star News. wiiiiiiiii .n.EGO� V`,iEW Building permits required for home improvements The Otsego View is a commu- Many home improvement projects, such square footage, and cost of the project. nity newsletter for the City of as new construction, alterations, and im- Typical permit costs could range from$29 Otsego. provements, require a building permit as for a 10 x 12 foot deck to$122 for a 22 x 22 Correspondence and news items are specified in the Uniform Building Code foot attached garage to $230 for a$12,000 welcome and should be sent to Jac- (UBC). home addition according to city secretary quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, Information on which projects require Judy Hudson. 13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN buildin permits,applications,and a list of When abuildin 55330(612)441-4414. gP pP gpermitisissued,itmeans required documents are available at City that a qualified building inspector has re- ". Printed on Hall. viewed the plans and will conduct site in- 4o4Recycled The building permit fee is derived from a Paper formula that includes UBC information, BUILDING PERMITS to page 4 2 i iii^lioesAl.id .0•/ •"10/ ."111^•.^11•Aisi/ Crew battles Halloween storm Otsego maintenance workers Dave Chase,Duane Fiedler and Jesse Chase contended with a bombardment of over two feet of snow dropped on city streets by the record storm that attacked Oct. 31. They engaged in combat with blowing and drifting in the more , , ,.' ..0., open rural parts of the city and fought a sticky layer underneath + ,r� 4- The amount and nature of the enemy meant extra time was , needed to clear the 58 miles of city roads. �� t Fiedler said he put in 28 hours overtime during the weekend. ,- ` ' '; The troops slept only two hours on Saturday. , 30,4 „ 1 The enemy captured Jesse twice when the truck got stuck. , Fiedler were rescued ed by pulling each out.other once in the grader. They Mayor Norman F. Freske(Stormin'Norman?)went straight to the front lines to ride with Chase for several hours on Saturday, Nov. 2 as they took on the opposing forces. Freske praised the work of the troops after witnessing their efforts first hand. ' City offices did not open on Nov. 1 because of the storm.Staff returned to work on Nov.4 to find a collection of snow removal rte- 0 complaints recorded on the city answering machine. -....-. a However,during the week following the storm,Deputy Clerk > Elaine Beatty said they received complementary notes and calls o from people who wanted to let the maintenance crew know they x 0. appreciated the good job the guys were doing. The Otsego maintenance crew continued to clear city roads ' To help the crew do their job more effectively,residents should after the record breaking Halloween storm. stay a safe distance from the working plows,keep things away from the side of the road and not pile snow in the road when clearing driveways.`^^-, BUILDING PERMITS from page 2 fences less than 6 feet tall, cases, pings, above-ground swimming pools spections to assure that the project is counters and partitions less than 69 less than 5,000 gallons,and oil derricks safely and well done according to Jerry inches high, retaining walls under 4 are exempt from permits. Olson, city building inspector. feet high, low level platforms, walks Homeowners planning any construc- Some projects can be done without a and driveways not over a basement or tion projects should contact city build- permit. One story storage sheds with a story below, painting, papering, and ing inspector Jerry Olson tar—City Hall roof area less than 120 square feet, similar finish work,certain window aw- staff for more information. Calls received on snowmobiles Along with the arrival of snow in December 4 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting Otsego is the annual arrival of snowmo- December 9 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting bile complaints. December 10 8 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting December 11 8 am. Curbside recycling Judy Hudson city secretary,says that December 18 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting each winter City Hall receives calls about December23 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting snowmobiles ruining shrubs and trees. December 24&25 Office Closed-Holiday It is illegal for snowmobiles to travel December 26 8 a.m. Curbside recycling on the road or trespass on private prop- January 1 Office Closed-New Year January 13 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting erty without permission according to January 14 8 p.m. Parks&Recreation Commission meeting Hudson.They can use the road right of January 15 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting way which extends 33 feet from the January 20 Office Closed-Martin Luther King Day center of the road. January 27 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting Hudson says that the snowmobile op- To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and erators need to respect private property information 15 working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 and property owners need to keep their right of way free from obstructions that working days prior to meetings. could cause injury to operators of snow- Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. mobiles or vehicles that may leave the road. 4 iirAi"iii"rnimilSkairAli^iii"IngAI,1"a"." Jaycees put on Kiddie Carnival Earl r 1Y Y , „:„„„„„„„„„,,,,,.„,„,„„„„„„„„,„:„:„.„„,,,„„„„„:::,,,,,,,:::„:::::..,,,:,:: :„„„,„„„„„„:: .,„„,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,t:,::,,,:,:,:,:„:,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,:,:,: ,,,:,:,,,,,,,.:,.:,.„;„ ,.„.„.„,.„.„.„,.,.. „,„,„„1,,:..::..:.,. 0,,.„tea „„„„„„ Nearly 100 costumed children hit en P a ed Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin" and other games at the Otsego Jaycees .. ....... ...........................................................„.............•..........i., .:. r 2 "I tovnsites :::::::::::::::::::::::::,,,,,,,,,,,,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,,,,,,:::::,:::::::::::::::::,::::: :................... ..........................................................................::,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,......... . ,.:.,...:.:.:.:.,.,. :,,,,11:::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::,1,,,,::.:,.. :::...::•-:.:.,-,-:-::.:-.- Kiddie CarnivalOctober 6. t was 1., hligh:i : .:.:::. ....,,.......... .......... .... . ... ..........ts: great!" said Otsego Jaycees Director by Elaine Norin Nancy Ebner who chaired the fund rats ing carnival with her husband, Jamie Within the present city limits of Ebner. Otsego, a number of towns were es- "It was our first project.Very success tablished.Their names and locations On the northeast corner,the Meth- ful." since faded. odist Episcopal Church held its first fol." Northwood(alsocalledNorwood) services in 1906. After the school { The Otsego Jaycees raised $255 for was located on the Mississippi about burned, classes were held in the their organization and the Otsego 4 a mile above the mouth of the Crow church until the new school was coin- Leaves 4-H youth group from the carni- val and bake sale. River. pleted in 1914. Children dressed in costumes took Oliver H. and Charles Kelley sur- The church was torn down in the part in carnival games,face painting,a veyed and platted about 300 acres in mid-1930s.The school was completely cake walk, balloons, a clown, hot dogs 1856. A large hotel, store, freight remodeled and is an attractive family house and school were built and a home today. and The pJayceesple rdo community projects post office established. Shares and Baker's Ferry was established by and help members learn to speak in lots sold rapidly, but following the Caleb Fulton Baker in 1857 about a financial gain self-esteem,and form bonds crisis of 1857,the hotel was quarter mile east of Kadler Avenue.A with other members in the community empty,the store closed and the build- post office existed there for some time. Ings decayed or burned. William D. Hamlet was postmaster. according to Ebner. Waterville (also called Aydt's The 1870 census forms show "Lilly For more information on the Otsego Jaycees,call Randy DeRosier,441-2172 Town) was located at the mouth of Pond" as the post office for residents or Nancy Ebner, 441-3426. '. the Crow River. in the western part of Otsego. John K and Charles Aydt laid out Otsego was surveyed and platted the town, built a house and estab- in sections 17 and 18 in 1857 by J.G. lished a ferry. Charles lived there Smith, Z. M. Brown, J. N. Barbur, and operated the ferry. and John McDonald. 'OTSEGO Part of the land was sold in 1856 to A large steam mill was built at the " Robinson and Baxter who laid out mouth of the creek but was not a - * .•,:;:-.til ,,... -.4::' the town of Portland on both sides success. Later, a small saw mill was 4. � of the Crow River, mostly in put in the building. ;' .v ..0..,:-- Hennepin County. Ahotel,store,blacksmith shop and . - - Waterville was a "suburb" of other businesses were built and a . Northwood and failed with it. post office and ferry were established. Lily Pond (also called Bedford) C. B.Jordon had the store in 1857-8. was centered at the present inter- Later a small store and post office 1992 cite of Otsego Historical Calendar section of Kadler Avenue and County were kept by Martin Spencer. • Road 39. A town hall,church and parsonage, Land on the northwest corner was school, and several residences sur- dedicated for the school in 1870 and vived on the site for some time, but Calendars a frame building was used until it the village failed to develop further. burned in 1913. are unique ,,' 'I LI.K RIVER regional gifts ����' 1992 Otsego History Calendars can �V , be purchased for $5.00. A different . 11/11,111 rxnphotograph from Otsego's earlyhis- (Ikd � Original al Village tory with accompanying text is fea- )o(Ois so tured each month. Printed with ! brown ink on recycled buff-colored Northwood heavy stock, the calendars have the city of Otsego (Norwood) old-time look of the settlement era Waterville 0 that they portray. The calendar in- (Aydt's I,,wn' cludes 14 months,December 1991 to Portland January 1993. Al.Rlil(l Vlt.I Ii DAY ION Calendars are available at City Hall SIA ION ) or call 295-5950. Proceeds benefit the Otsego Historical Committee. In the 1800s,several town sites existe within the boundaries of the present city of �w Otsego. R