Fall The OTSEGO .../ .# ."..i „./ '*-1.\-*-q ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIENV Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 6, October/Novemberr 1991 Council takes action on . Riverwood requests ` OF The Otsego City Council has acted on requests from Riverwood Confer- os Mr GHAT ROM ma ence Center for expansion and added activities. It was decided that the area of the conference center will be zoned as a planned unit development(PUD).Requests were granted to Riverwood for , ' expansion of the"Bluff House,"use of a house and garage on the property, and a one year trial period for implementation of a Pecos River Confidence Ropes Course.A private drive that accesses other property was designated `` to be for residential use only. ��� The council also approved that the conference center's restaurant,Timo- ,,. thy's of Riverwood,could be opened to the general public on a limited basis for a one year trial period.It was stipulated that restaurant patrons must have reservations.A hearing will be held at the end of one year to review � `" u the situation at that time. 1 The Planning and Zoning Commission had conducted a hearing on these matters that ran for three nights because so many people wished to :: it contribute opinions and testimony.That testimony and the recommenda- Pc tions of the Planning and Zoning Commission were submitted to the City I Council for consideration in their decision. Neighbors of Riverwood Conference Center, many of them residents of Islandview Estates, had mounted a campaign against the requests. The , ti controversy stirred up interest that brought 92 people to the September 9 .0 City Council meeting. o A quiet and attentive crowd jammed into City Hall to hear the Council's a decision. City planner David Licht remarked at how courteous and well- mannered the group was. Signs proclaim Otsego The PUD includes restrictions and conditions that must be met by New signs,purchased by the Otsego City Coun- Riverwood.A contract for the PUD outlining the conditions will be drafted cil,have been installed at major county road ac- to be signed by the conference center and the City Council.,,, ceases to the city by the Wright County Highway Department. The 10 green and white reflective signs feature the city logo,designed by Bruce and Wendy Danks. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has also put up Otsego signs near the city boundaries on State Highway 101. PUD gives city a new zoning tool by Bob Kirmis,City Planner R-2,B-I)which have specifically identi- erty. Planned unit development(PUD)is a feed uses and standards listed in the A second use of the PUD concept in- zoning tool which is intended to create Zoning Ordinance text. volves design. In this application, two some degree of flexibility in comparison No such limitations are spelled out for principal buildings, for example, may to traditionally limited zoning controls. a PUD zone by the Ordinance.Instead, be allowed on one lot.In this context of One use of the PUD concept is in the the city conducts an evaluation of the design, setbacks or other such require- case of specialized or unique develop- proposed development and from this ments may be modified internal to the ment proposals.Such projects may be a makes a determination of what is ac- PUD site. nontypical use which the city believes ceptable in terms of buildings and re- In these cases,PUD involves a condi- requires special controls,or,it may be a lated improvements, and/or activities tional use permit and only design stan- developmentinvolvingacombinationof and uses which can take place in the dards can be addressed. As a condi- uses, such as residential and commer- PUD zone. tional use permit,the types of activities cial activities. A specific PUD zoning contract is then on the site must conform to the stan- In these cases, PUD is utilized as a formulated detailing the acceptable dard zoning district which is applicable zoning district and specific labeling on development and use. This contract is to the property. the city's zoning map. filed with the county against the title of The PUD concept is widely utilized in The PUD zoning district is in contrast the property in question. The contract to traditional zoning districts (i.e. R-1, them serves as the zoning on the prop- ZONING to page 3 ftirAii^a",11^adisirAlli^.^111"40"."1.00 City of Otsego Work progresses on city 13474 N.E. 95th St. Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441-4414 zoning ordinance OFFICE HOURS by Bob Kirmis,City Planner such actions will follow directions estab- Monday through Friday The Planning Commission has initiated lished by the Comprehensive Plan. 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. work on a revision to Otsego's zoning regu- Residents and property owners are en- lations and map. couraged and welcomed to attend the Plan- CITY COUNCIL The Planning Commission is meeting ning Commission workshops.Additionally, Mayor— every Wednesday evening through mid letters to City Hall concerning zoning mat- Norman Freske October to accomplish a review of draft tersorproblemsareanothermeanswhereby Councilmembers— material.After a public hearing,it is hoped input can be achieved. Douglas Lindenfelser that the ordinance will be adopted by the It is expected that upon completion of the Larrypd ected thCity Council in late October or early No- Planning Commission's review of the zon- Ron Black vember 1991. ing matters,an informational meeting will All aspects and details of zoning are being be held,similar to that held on the Compre- CITY STAFF analyzed as part of this process. This in- hensive Plan.This will be a primary means Jerome Perrault, Clerk cludes development standards such as whereby residents and property owners are Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk parking space requirements, setbacks, ac- informed of the proposals and through which Jim Barthel, Treasurer cessory buildings, signing, and the like. concerns can be voiced. Judy Hudson, Secretary Also being evaluated are the zoning dis- Following modification,a formal hearing Dave Chase, Maintenance tricts and the activities they will allow. on the regulations will be held by the Plan- Supervisor Finally, the zoning map is also being con- ning Commission. Subsequently, the City Duane Fiedler, Maintenance sidered and some changes to the map are Council will move to formally adopt the PLANNING expected. Where changes do take place, controls as an official Ordinance of the City. COMMISSION I.G. Roskaft, Comprehensive plan is approved Chairman The City Council approved the compre- and staff of Northwest Associated Consul- Larry Fournir, Council Representative hensive plan for Otsego at their meeting on tants worked with the Otsego Planning and Jim Kolles September 23, 1991. Zoning Commission to draft a document Kathy Lewis The planning process began in early 1988 that addressed the city's natural environ- Bruce Rask when Otsego Township employed North- ment, land use, transportation, and com- Carl Swenson west Associated Consultants,Inc.to do the munity facilities. Mark Wallace "Tactical Study Report" to identify the Public information meetings on the draft PARKS & RECREATION community's problems and organize a pro- were held June 26 and July 3,1991.Through gram to resolve them. these sessions,members of the public raised COMMISSION A"Planning Inventory"of basic data was issues and questions which were of concern. Carl Swenson, Chairman published in February 1990. Work then The Planning Commission evaluated the Andy Beecher began on drafting the Comprehensive Plan draft plan in relation to the input of resi- Tom Constant itself. dents received at these meetings and made Floyd Roden, When Otsego became a city in November some modifications. Council Representative 1990, the State of Minnesota mandated Apublic hearing onthe proposed compre- Jacquie Rognli that a comprehensiveplan be adopted. hensiveplan was held August Savitski P P 21.Fifty-five Darlene Solberg City planners David Licht, Bob Kermis, Mark Wallace PLAN continued to page 3 A .1� fie- ,, s 4. .: d The Otsego View is a commu ° " ° nity newsletter for the City of a II�IMI� • Otsego. Correspondence and news items are a welcome and should be sent to Jac- New Parks and Rec Commission quie Rognli,Editor,Otsego City Hall, 13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, MN Jacquie Rognli,Douglas Lindenfelser(substituting for council representative Floyd Roden),Mark Wallace,Carl 55330 (612)441-4414. Swenson,Richard Savitski,Tom Constant,Andy Beecher,and Darlene Solberg.The commission welcomes the public to attend their meetings the second Tuesday of the month. 2 Otsego's first Great • River Road Fest Earning a living declared a success in early times An estimated 2,000eo le attended by Elaine Norin P P the first Great Rivet RoadFest in Ot- Am n theearliestsettlers in Ot- o sego on Saturday,August 17. LaPlant. He, his :::::..::...: ..:: .:.:... ..:;:.. ....:: :::.. acrefield ownedVFW Post sego was Charles aP A38edb Y r ........... 1 transformed into a festival wife Eusabee (Elizabeth) and three �:.' .. ....... 55 8 was children arrived in 1859. tray- park for the day.Vendors,tents,booths, eled from New York with John Pepin,in and activity encircled the parking lot. his wife Julia and their three chil- Space in the surrounding field had to be rnrail, and dren bywater, oxcart. utilized for parkingas cars continued to Eusabee and Julia were sisters of arrive throughout the day. Louis Ozier who had established a Children's games,an auction,lip sync satisfied with the price offered at contest, visiting royalty, VFW Bingo, trading post in Otsego. No doubt he Dayton for his-pelts, he returned WrightCountyK-9oy Unit, Bingo, influenced their decision to move west home. Early the next morning he gand acquire land. tions,the Elk River German Band,dry- Charles LaPlant had been a lum- started on foot with his pack for St. land canoe races, and Gene Olson sPaul, passing Dayton while it was berman,trapper and hunter and this still dark. Amazing Roller Bearing Roller Coaster experience was essential to their At St.Paul,he found the prices had were some of the events that attracted survival. He bartered pelts for food. the attention of the crowd. Rabbits brought two cents, skunks dropped belowtheDaytonprices.With The mission of the Great River Road and muskrat cents, wolf sev- his pack suspended from a strap across Fest to celebrate Ot fortyhis forehead, he returned at a dog- se sego's is to cel it spirit.and promoteGreatRiver enty-five cents, and bearskin five trot back to Dayton before word of the g Y P dollarsFest Task Force declared the . Potatoes, available at Min- price drop reached the trader there. Road o son accomplished and plans t make neapolis,were$3 a bushel;a rooster At Dayton he circled and entered mand five chickens were $5. town from the direction of his home, the Fest an annual event. After Louis Ozier's trading post as though he had just come from there, Area businesses and community closed, the nearest was at Dayton, and sold the pelts at the original price. groups donated funds, products andY ' services to put on the Great River Road about three miles from Charles La He had covered almost 80 miles in one Fest.,-,•-••-• Plants home. day. Every cent was that precious. One day, when Charles was not ZONING from page 1 cities throughout Minnesota. It has proven to be a highly beneficial mecha- History calendars are here nism which affords zoning flexibility while simultaneously enhancing city Otsego History Calendars are r control. It is not,however, a tool which available for sale from the Otsego ''',4,.,` should be expected to be utilized fre- Historical Committee. ,. quently.For the vast majority of devel- Each month of the calendar fea- -r ' opment and existing activities, tradi- tures a different photograph from tional zoning districts and established Otsego's early history with accom- standards should serve to guide prop- panying text. They are printed in erty owners. brown ink on recycled paper,giving Through a recent amendment to Ot- them an oldtime look. The calen- sego's current zoning controls, this dars cover 14 months, December development tool is now available to 1991 to January 1993. Otsego property owners......, Joy Swenson,Historical Commit- tee Chair, thinks they area great holiday gift idea— something spe- PLAN from page 2 cial from Otsego. " . residents attended the hearing. The calendars can be purchased . c, The last step in adoption of the corn- for $5 at City Hall or by calling ,. - prehensive plan was its approval by the Swenson, 295-5950.w� a, city council. ,:, The plan will serve as a guide to fu- , .4 ture development in Otsego and used as 0. a basis for city ordinances.The Plan can Joy Swenson shows off the 1992 Ot- be changed through an amendment sego History calendars. process. 3 INAN^NAINAliiimileANIAINANIANium, keid Where oh where has our doggie catcher gone? After placing ads,conducting interviews and making offers that went unaccepted,the Otsego City Council has decided for the time being to discontinue their search for an animal control warden for the city. The council was discouraged by its unsuccessful attempt to hire a replacement for the past warden ' . . in who moved away from the area. It may decide to resume its search at another time. riP ►. The city's dog ordinance continues to be in effect. Enforcement is being handled by the Wright V. County Sheriff Department.Deputies are ticketing known dog owners in violation of the ordinance. Otsego's dog ordinance prohibits running at large of dogs, meaning not on the premises of the . owner, not confined or under control of a responsible person.The ordinance also prohibits vicious "• or destructive dogs. A two year license fee of$10 is required in the city. Spayed or neutered dogs may be eligible for a reduced license fee of$5.Owners should bring proof of rabies vaccination when applying for their dog license at City Hall. NIL -4 Copies of Otsego's dog ordinance may be obtained at City Hall. Persons wishing to report owners in violation of the dog ordinance should contact the Wright County Sheriff at 473-6673 or 295-2533..... • Homeowners Association gets started A new community organization has Organizers plan to have two or three ions. Organizers feel that their state- been formed in the city. The Otsego representatives from their group attend ments will have more impact when itis Homeowners Association has been cre- city meetings and submit written re- known that they represent a large body ated by a group of residents concerned ports back to the group for discussion. of homeowners. about their community. The Homeowners Association could Any Otsego homeowner is welcome to The group wants to provide a way for make the group's viewpoints known to join the non-profit group. There is a homeowners to get information that im- councilmembers and commissioners by $15.00 membership fee.Write to Otsego pacts them from a source different from sending representatives to speak for Homeowners Association, 14525 88th the newspaper or interpretation of min- the group at hearings and informational Street NE, Otsego,MN 55330 for more utes, according to Association Chair- meetings and submitting written opin- information......, man Lee Silverness. Maintenance October 2 : 8 a.m. Curbside recycling :.;;. Report8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting October 8 8 p.m. Parks& Recreation Commission meeting October 9 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting Otsego Maintenance Supervisor October 14 7 p.m. Hearing on Packard Ave. Dave Chase advises homeowners 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting to clean out their driveway cul- October 16 8 a.m. Curbside recycling verts if they have them. Keeping 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting them free of obstructions is for the October 28 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting homeowners'benefit. October 30 8 a.m. Curbside recycling As the snowplowing season ap- November 5 School Board Election proaches, the maintenance staff November 6 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting would also like to remind residents November 11 Office Closed-Veterans'Day that trash and recycling containers November 12 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting should be placed at the end of their November 13 8 a.m. Curbside recycling driveways off the street. Vehicles November 19 8 p.m. Parks& Recreation Commission meeting should not park on the streets to November 20 8 p.m. Planning&Zoning Commission meeting allow the plows to do a safe and November 21 7 p.m. Truth in Taxation thorough job of snow removal. November 25 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting November 27 8 a.m. Curbside recycling --- November 28 Office Closed-Thanksgiving ---ffn \ To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda,submit completed forms and information 15 working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 • 0' working days prior to meetings. r'• MI Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. • 4