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Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 5, August/September 1991
Otsego forms . .
Parks and Rec
r,4401A Parks and Recreation Commission r
is now in its infancy in Otsego. � � ir
� o
Members of the commission are Carl
Swenson, chair, Darlene Solberg, vice
chair,Mark Wallace, secretary, Randy "rn 4
Reznick, and Jacquie Rognli.
The group has so far established by- . t parks
laws and is working on collecting infor-
41491'�TRAIL : :�
mation needed to establish a parks ' ""
system for the city.
Currently, the only park in Otsego is
the county park on the Mississippi River
in the northeast part of the city. There
are no city parks.
The county park was created by Wright
County with help from the Great River a
Road program. Funding has recently Otsego County Park is the only park in Otsego.It was created by Wright County Parks with
been secured by the county to expand the help of the Great River Road Association which lists it as a place to stop on the
the park land to the west. Minnesota route.The park is owned and operated by Wright County.
When Otsego was a township,all park
funds obtained from developers went to The Great River Road crosses Otsego
Wright County.As a city,Otsego will be
The Mississippi River was the high- River Road.
able to collect money and/or land dedi-
Gated for city parks. way for Otsego's first white settlers.An The Great River Road in Otsego is
The Park Commission meets the secIndian trail served foot traffic, follow- part of a larger statewide route that is
and Tuesday of the month, 8 p.m. The mg the river's bank from the mouth of in turn part of a national program.
Commission wants to plan for the kind the Crow River to Monticello. In 1938 Secretary of the Interior Ha-
of park services that the residents of In 1855, a petition was granted to im- rold Ickes decided there should be a
Otsego desire.They welcome input from prove the trail and make it Wright scenic parkway winding with the Mis
residents.____ County's first road.It followed the route sissippi River for 2,000 miles from Lake
of what is now known as County Roads Itasca, the Gulf of Mexico.The
39 and 42—Otsego's portion ofThe Great RIVER ROAD to page 3
OTSEGO tainment tent to laugh and cheer for the
lip sync contestants.They can play some
ICER �� bingo in the VFW tent,take a stroll over
1 to the beer tent to whet their whistle
< and enjoy the music of the Elk River
"`'' German Band. There will be booths of
- "' .r.> food, arts and crafts, and an FFA pet-
ting barnyard on the way.
Activities scheduled for the day in-
Otsego is ready to celebrate::px deof< '. An Otsego history display,community elude a dryland canoer horseshoes,
community at its first Great River Road groups,businesses,and Otsego's safety VFW bingo,frisbee golf,and children's
Fest on Saturday,August 17. officers-including a demonstration by old fashioned games.
Food booths, informational displays, the Wright County K-9 unit-will be on The day will start with opening cere-
arts and crafts,games-for children and hand to distribute community informa- monies at 10 a.m. Mayors and royalty
adults,entertainment and festivity will tion. from neighboring communities will
take place from 10 4 p.m.ata site Fest goers can purchase an ear of make appearances.
located at 72nd Street and Quaday Lefebvre's famous sweet corn from the
FEST to page 4
Avenue.Admission to the Fest is free. Otsego 4-Leaves and sit in the enter-
City of Otsego Planning Commission
13474 N.E. 95th St.
Otsego, MN 55330
6reacts to residents' input
OFFICE HOURS by David Licht The term needs to be understood as en-
Monday through Friday The Otsego Planning Commission con- compassing more considerations than sim-
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ducted two informational meetings on the ply public sanitary sewer.
draft Comprehensive Plan on June 26 and Also, the objective of not prematurely re-
CITY COUNCIL July 3. quiring or promoting sanitary sewer needs
Mayor— Through these sessions, members of the to be stressed.
Norman Freske public raised questions and issues which
— were of concern. Septic System Pumping
Douglas Councilmembers—ser The Planning Commission is currently In recognition of the positive audience re-
RodenLinevaluating the draft plan in relation to the sponse, wording should be considered to
Floyd input received from Otsego residents at address this requirement to the plan.
Larry Fournier these meetings.It is expected that this will
Ron Black result in several modifications to the draft
Treasurer— text. Service Area Boundary
Jim Barthel A formal public hearing for Planning Com- Rationale
Clerk— mission action will occur at 8 p.m. August The reasoning behind how and why the
Jerome Perrault 21 at Elk River High School. various service district boundaries were es-
Deputy Clerk— The City Council will consider the Corn- tablished should be added.This will help in
Elaine Beatty prehensive Plan adoption at its meeting on dealing with future questions plus help
City Staff— August 26. provide a general understanding of the
Judy Hudson, Should citizens have additional comments plan's philosophy and intent.
Secretary or questions, they are encouraged to con-
Dave Chase, tact the Mayor,City Council,Planning Corn- Commercial Area Designation
Maintenance Supervisor mission,or City staff.Such interest is highly While Highway 101/County Road 42 prop-
Duane Fiedler, welcome as it is seen as assisting in the erty owners interest in wanting their prop-
Maintenance establishment of a Comprehensive Plan erty and area to be a wide open commercial
which is specifically tailored to the needs of use district is understood, there are other
PLANNING Otsego. rationale for establishing one primary COMMISSION fo-
Once formally established, the plan can cus center which is tied to reasoning other
also be changed and modified as may be than simply long term anticipated highway
I.G. Roskaft, needed through an amendment process. improvements.These factors should likely
Chairman be spelled out in detail.
Larry Fournier, The major topics which were raised at the
Council Representative informational meetings which need to be Industrial Area
Jim Kolles discussed by City officials and possibly Although not raised as a specific issue at
Kathy Lewis readdressed in the draft plan are as follows: the informational meeting,given comments
Bruce Rask and discussions on commercial areas,more
Carl Swenson County Road 42/Highway 101 detailed direction on the various industrial
Mark Wallace Service Classification areas and their standards should likely be
included in the plan.This would hopefully
The area property owners have pointed avoid future questions and problems.
out that their properties are served by a
miiiimom centralized sewage treatment system which Wild and Scenic River Areas
in fact is the ultimate responsibility of the Of some concern is the area east of High--.OT SEGO VIEW I`�j city. way 101. These areas are presently de-
V 1'1' It would seem appropriate, with certain picted as including commercial and indus-
qualifications, to include this area in the trial activities which are contrary to state
The Otsego View is a commu- immediate service classification. regulations. Land use for these areas in
nity newsletter for the City of question needs to be clarified.
Otsego. Immediate Urban Service Area Also,while the entire wild and scenic river
Given the questions and concerns raised, boundary is in question, the details of any
it would appear necessary to provide fur- area redefinitions will be left to the sepa-
Correspondence and news items ther definition and clarification of the term rate study independent of the primary text
are welcome and should be sent "immediate urban service area" and the of the Comprehensive Plan.`"-A-•
to Jacquie Rognli, Editor,Otsego resulting intent.
City Hall, 13474 N.E. 95th St.,
Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441-
. ‘41110164."00"00"4.0"0"."."."0".00\1000,
RIVERpage E ROAD from a e 1
parkwaywas envisioned to serve as a
.::::... tuni
unique networkandwasCounty's first fi . ]
also planned to provide access to scenic,
recreational and historic areas along
the river. — ---- ...1 :kh. _.h_ s
Although there are no federal funds
Elaine Norin
::<:`:< :
earmarked for theGreat Ri River Road,
n nearly t
In 1 2 Otsego was ea
the program works jointly with differ- ber land and there were no roads, On July 2, 1855, a petition for a
ent entities for improvements along the only an Indian trail winding along county road from Waterville at the
route. the Mississippi River . mouth of the Crow River to Mon-
The Great River Road Association is a According to D.R. Farnham 's His- ticello was granted by the county
non-profit organization of individuals, tory of Wright County, published in commissioners. This was to be the
organizations,andbusinesses who have 1880,"Excepting the few towns along first county road in Wright County.
an interest in the river and the Great the Mississippi River it is almost Philip Boyden, D. L. Ingersoll and
River Road. It works to support those impossible for settlers to get in the John O.Haven,the county surveyor,
activities which enhance the scenic, county,through the timber.No roads, were appointed as a committee to
historical, recreational and other re- no bridges,it was not like the prairie meet at John McDonald's house on
sources that comprise the foundation of counties where settlers could travel July 15 or 16 to lay out the road.
the Great River Road. without trouble,and without cutting On September 3, 1855, the county
The Otsego County Park is one of the out roads and building bridges. And commissioners audited and allowed
developments made along the road. this county could nothave been settled bills totaling$126.52.$31.37 was for
Highway improvements,wayside rests, so readily,only for the liberality of the books and stationary, the balance of
and access to historic sites are other county commissioners in laying out $95.15 was for surveying and road
Great River Road has two compo- roads." work.
nents in Minnesota,a has two ol In the springof1854,H.W.McCrory In an unpublished book by Ruth
route and a 755-milea 30- le nnal (ofMonticello)and two others went to LaPlant Reid, she states"Mr. Inger-
route. Int d a -y follo state the designatedcoursf McDonald's (in Otsego) with an ox soil and my grandfather, Charles
team to get seed corn and potatoes, LaPlant, were chosen to blaze the
the Mississippi, crisscrossing the river and it was a long journey, taking road, in its present location."
at various points. about 5 days; they had to cut a road On the oldest map we have seen,
Ten the road shown is Otsego's
Canadian Mississippi
es are connected by iver states and two pro edart of the Indian trail."d follow the very Portion of the Great River Road..# _
the Great River Road.
For more information, contact the
Great River Road Association, Pioneer
Building,Suite 1513,336 Robert Street,
St. Paul, Minn. 55101 (612-224-9903). '~�
in Otsego , s`
tF -i
An Otsego chapter of the Jaycees is
now organizing.
Jaycees is a nationally affiliated or- 0 .1,'
ganization for young adults providing
personal growth through community s=
It is a program of individual develop- _ k
ment, community development, and
management development. Efforts are
directed toward finding solutions to This is the home of Charles LaPlant who, with D.L. Ingersoll,ngersoll, blazed Wright
problems specific to their communities, County's first road from the mouth of the Crow River to Monticello.The house
funding for muscular dystrophy re- stands on the original home site of the LaPlant's on County Road 42.
search, and youth and family life pro-
grams. Otsego history calendars are available
The Otsego Jaycees have begun meet- The Otsego Historical Committee has produced a 14 month history calen-
ing the first Thursday of the month at dar.It features a different photograph from Otsego's early history and accom-
Otsego City Hall.They are seeking more panying text each month.
members.Call 441-2172 for more infor- The calendars will be available for $5.00 at the Otsego tent at the Great
mation... . River Road Fest, or may be ordered by calling Joy Swenson, 295-5950.•,,.
FEST from page 1
The Elk River Rogers VFW has pro- 1,
•n' vided the use of their property at
72nd Street and Quaday Avenue for
the Fest. It is located just west of
Highway 101 between County Road
,. 42 and 70th Street.
Great River Road Fest T-shirts and
'! �� n buttons can be purchased at City Hall
,fr""''' "--'''- ;,,...',,,,74,,,J 1 and at the Otsego tent at the Fest.A
} r _ 14 month Otsego history calendar is�` also available for sale.
• The Great River Road Fest is being
w �' 'p sponsored by Bank of Elk River, Se
� � o minty
Bank Northwest, St. Michael,
�� �� `' ' � - a Albertville, Otsego Vision, and other
` 's area businesses.
l ;A�\)",::.4 ''''k.'.''' ,kLook for more information in the
�' � �; Vx `14 . . ,= ` ;, Elk River Star News.
� � �� a [1 .8m to Hwy 10]
Ditches receive repairsCEP
Otsego maintenance supervisor Dave Chase and Duane Fiedler are working on some •
of Otsego's ditches. Equipment has been leased to work on improving drainage in > 2m
problem spots around the city...A....,
W 101
Wright County Dont Forget Parsons 72nd St.
~9 70th St. (Co 122)
#122 changed the FEST
to County �4.6m4 1941
Road #37 Aug. 17 The site for the Great River Road Fest is
at 72nd Street and Quaday.
WrightCountyRoad 122 no longer
g g
xi m Ithasbeen hanged
exists Otsego. caged :;>::> ;; > ; ,
to County Road 37.
County Road 37 between 70th Street August 1 7 p.m. Otsego Jaycees meeting
and County Road 39 is now a city August 7 8 a.m. Curbside recycling
street named O'Dean Avenue. 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting
More confused? August 12 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting
August 13 8 p.m. Parks and Recreation Commission meeting
O'Dean has become a city street now August 17 10 4 p.m. GREAT RIVER ROAD FEST
instead of a county road.The city has 72nd St. and Quaday
taken overresponsibilityfortheroad's August 19 7:30 p.m. Hearing on Nashua
maintenance. August 20 7:30 p.m. Otsego Vision
The conversion enables the city to August 21 7:30 p.m. Comprehensive Plan hearing E.R.Senior High
make useoftheirMinnesotaStateAid August 26 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting
(MSA)for roads. MSA funds became September 4 8 a.m. Curbside recycling
available to Otsego after incorpora 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting
September 5 7 p.m. Otsego Jaycees meeting
tion. September 9 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting
As improvements are made to High- September 10 8 p.m. Parks and Recreation Commission meeting
way 101,it is anticipated that drivers September 18 8 a.m. Curbside recycling
on County Road 37 will desire a more 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting
direct route to the highway. Wright September 23 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting
County will then be in a better posi- To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda, submit completed forms and information 15
tion to improve the portion of the road working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 working days prior to
that was formerly County Road 122. meetings.
The changes in labelinghave not yet Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings.
been made on maps and road signs
to avoid confusion. 4
r The
°2,..isE,G2 VIEW
Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 4, June/July 1991
City plans for Water quality concerns residents
municipal sewage "Groundwater
sr �w
a fiehh
City officials have been discussing the zon for Otsego," states Jackie "`* 0;., •'" --.�,�' t f `,
possibility of municipal wastewater Carr,Wright County environ- -
facilities. mental health specialist.
The Cityof Otsego has hada prelimi- p
gOtsego residents need to be Iro .
nary comprehensive sanitary sewer concerned about waterualit
study completed by its engineering because private wells are the ' ,
consultant, Hakanson Anderson Asso- source of water for city prop- 00- ' ". - 0.... ,...
ciates, Inc. erty owners. te" „- ti. ° „ . ,
The study is a phase planning docu- Carr says that well care in41
ment used to determine what area ofd .4;
eludes not parking vehicles ' , ,, , - 4 � � r--�-
the city should be provided sanitary around the well, not tamper- .
sewer when it becomes available and ing with the outside structure,
what capacity would be needed over a and not dumping anythingr
20 year planning period. down the well.
"The potential for pollution of ground "Lawn chemicals should only
water is high in the high density resi- be used in the manner in which 40*-- 4 *
dential areas," states Larry Koshak, they are prescribed,"cautioned "
Otsego's consulting engineer."Should a Carr.
health problem result from water table According to the University "deaf c
or ground water pollution,the City needs of Minnesota Extension Serv- a
a means to solve the immediate prob- ice,when nitrogen fertilizer is � "
lem." aded to a sandy soil in
City officials of Otsego and Elk River amounts greater than the crop ..
have been discussing the possibility of can utilize,leaching will occur .> -�
Otsego acquiring some capacity in the and nitratlevels may increase o
ElkRiverWastewaterTreatmentPlant. in groundwater. On site sew- ` '� a
They will tour the treatment facility on age treatment systems may Abandoned wells can be a source of groundwater
May 28, 1991. Following the tour, offi- also contribute nitrates. contamination. This one in the historic Otsego
cials from both cities will discuss how presence of coliform organ- Cemetary was sealed in 1989 by the Township as
the mightproceed. required by law.
Y g isms in drinking water indi-
"If the balance between just enough cates that the water supply is contami- once.
wastewater and good working soils is nated by fecal material. She also recommends testing if there
maintained, a drainfield can continue Well water testing is a new baby in the household,if some-
through its normal life. However,high Carr suggests that property owners
MUNICIPAL SEWAGE to page 4 have their well water tested at least WATER QUALITY to page 4
Septic systems can sometimes fail
The most common mistake Otsego resi- ria.The liquid that remains,or effluent, Merlin could actually walk across the
dents make concerning their sewage is discharged from the tank into a soil top of the tank.That tank is supposed to
treatment systems is not pumping nout filter called the drainfield. have liquid in it," said Mary.
their septic tank often enough, accord- If solids are allowed to accumulate in Only household wastewater and toilet
ing to Mary and Merlin Brisbin,owners the tank, there is not enough room for paper should be discharged into the
of Sewerman in Otsego. the separation.Then solids get carried septic system.
Pumping sludge out every one to three into the soil where they can clog the Garbage disposals can cause a lot of
years is recommended by the Univer- drainfield and contribute to groundwa- problems, especially when they are a
sity of Minnesota Extension. ter pollution. retrofit to a system not designed for
The Brisbins have been in the septic Soaps and grease form a scum layer on them according to Jackie Carr,Wright
cleaning business in Otsego since 1983 the surface of the tank. University County environmental health special-
and are now seeingproblems in systems Extension and the Brisbins recommend ists.
that have never been pumped. liquid laundry soap rather than pow- Conservative use of water will reduce
Raw sewage flows into the septic tank dered to minimize the scum. sewage flow.
where solids separate from the liquid "We've had some(septic tanks)so bad Carr recommends that the ground over
and are partially decomposed by bacte- that they've had to dig them up and SEPTIC SYSTEMS to page 4
ormAirAtrio, NiArsidiiiirAriAin"."40Araidimi,
City of Otsego Commission studies land use
13474 N.E. 95th St. The Otsego Planning Commission meets important."
Otsego, MN 55330 several times each month to study land use Fournier,who is also a City Council mem-
(612)441-4414 issues and make recommendations to the ber, is the first commissioner to be desig-
City Council on those issues. nated as representative to the council. He
OFFICE HOURS The seven members of the Planning Com- feels it is a valuable line of communication.
Monday through Friday mission are Ing Roskaft, Chair; Larry Some land uses, such as home extended
8:00 4:00 p.m. Fournier, Council Representative and businesses, require a public hearing. A
Commissioners Jim Kolles, Kathy Lewis, hearing is also required when a use is con-
CITY COUNCIL Bruce Rask,Carl Swenson and Mark Wal- trary to the ordinance.This gives the pub-
Mayor— lace.They are appointed by the City Coun- lic, and especially the immediate neigh-
Norman Freske cil. bors, a chance to voice their concerns.
Councilmembers— The Planning Commission meetings act One major role of the Planning Commis-
Douglas Lindenfelser as public hearings on land-use problems. sion is to digest all of the technical informa-
Floyd Roden The commission studies information from tion for the council.
Larry Fournier the plats,planner,engineer,and developer, Roskaft feels their committee works well
Ron Black listens to the concerns of residents, and together at coming to a consensus.
then advises the City Council. The council "I think the members of the committee are
Treasurer— makes the final decisions. well chosen,"said Roskaft."I think we have
Jim Barthel Recently, the Planning Commission has a good cross section."
Clerk— been meeting more frequently,three or four Roskaft,Swenson,and Fournierhave years
Jerome Perrault times a month, to discuss the proposed of experience in planning and in the com-
Deputy Clerk— Comprehensive Plan. They need to thor- munity to draw on, Kolles is an Otsego
Elaine Beatty oughly cover its contentbeforeholdingpublic farmer, Rask is a life-long resident of Ot-
City Staff— hearings and making recommendations to sego, and Lewis and Wallace became Ot-
Judy Hudson, the council. sego homeowners within the last 10 years.
Secretary Roskaft,Fournier and Swenson have been Each commissioner expressed a concern
Dave Chase, on the Planning Commission since it was for the future of Otsego.They feel an obliga-
Maintenance Supervisor first organized in 1978. tion to give back something to their commu-
Duane Fiedler, According to Swenson, the Commission nity. They believe it is important to be as
Maintenance has taken on more significance in recent fair as possible in making decisions.
years as the Town Board became more aware Wallace said he was surprised at the
PLANNING of the need for planning. amount of time it takes researching and
COMMISSION "The Town Board made a tremendous for- reading to learn about issues being I.G. Roskaft, consid-
ward-looking decision when they decided to ered.
hire North West Consultants (Otsego's The PlanningCommissionnormallymeets
Chairman planner)." said Swenson, calling them a the first and third Wednesdays of the month,
Larry Fournier, major factor in Otsego's incorporation. 8 p.m. Contact City Hall to confirm times.
Council Representative When Otsego was a township, said To be placed on the agenda, submit corn-
Jim Kolles Fournier, "we used to advise the Town pleted forms and information 15 working
Kathy Lewis Board, they'd advise the County and you days prior to meetings.
Bruce Rask never heard what happened. Kind of like The proposed Comprehensive Plan is avail-
Carl Swenson you weren't really important.Now it's very able for review or purchase at City Hall.
Mark Wallace „
-r, ..,„. .,,..,„SEGV f V Yn ',,, ,. 1„,,,, ..;01:1',..;1',.1:: '''''''''
The Otsego View is a commu , — 1
nity newsletter for the City of ,f � `
Otsego. le 44 .
11,4„ i.,., o
'' ;f ft d
Correspondence and news items
are welcome and should be sent l'o ,,
to Jacquie Rognli, Editor,Otsego ' it `'
City Hall, 13474 N.E. 95th St., '�,,"r
Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441- - -. 9
4414. = a,
City Planner David Licht(left)works with Planning Commissioners(left to right)Jim Kolles,Ing
Roskaft,Larry Fournier,Carl Swenson and Mark Wallace.
Nashua Avenue to Hard times and grasshoppers
be first MSA road
xcer t from an autobiography hy by
The Otsego City Council has chosen Edson Dean Washburn)
h Av nuthe
. ::iiii* i
Nashua Avenue to be
Ibornon thel hf nu
was — ----- —st ---' ca .-.:.'.
9t dayo Ja
sota State Aid(MSA)Road constructed ary,1842 in the town of Wilmington,
in theci
Essex Co. New Yorkthefourth
The project is under stud at this time.
:: :::o JohnWa d a d itab e w .:
According to LarryKoshak, Otse o s re bo
consulting engineer,aright-of-way p
We were very
Poor and
right-of-way cleared
m mother carded sun and wove
y p
and construction could possibly begin in our clothes.We were taught early on was full of flying grasshoppers;they
the fall of 1991. to work on the little stony farm, to were seen about noon of that day
When complete, the road is projected help make a living for the family going southeast, and were quite a
to improve the north-south traffic flow while father worked in the forge mystery.About 2 o'clock in the after-
between county roads 39 and 37. The making iron. noon they began to alight,and before
road will be wider with standards de- In 1855,my father caught the West- night the ground was literally con-
signed to bear more traffic volume for ern fever and thought it offered a ered with them, and by the next day
the future, according to Koshak. better chance for a poor man and a at noon they were busily at work
MSA road funds and assessment of family that were nearing manhood to eating every green thing.They made
properties along the road will be used to expand,so he sold the little farm of 70 quick work of the small patches of
fund the project. The MSA funds were acres for $600 and started for Kan- corn and potatoes.In Otsego and Mon-
made available to Otsego after incorpo- sas. But on the way, owing to the ticello, about the only places where
ration, and this will be the first project disturbed condition in Kansas be- there was any wheat, oats, or rye
in the city to use that money. cause of the extension of slavery and raised,the grasshoppers trimmed off
Koshak explained that assessments the border warfare,hewaspursuaded every green leaf and then cut off the
are restricted by the amount that the to try Minnesota and took a claim in small stems on the oat heads and left
improvement increases the value of the the town of Otsego. In September the bare stock standing, and all the
property.The statutory process for city 1856, the family started for Minne- oats on the ground.
improvements, involving a hearing sota. The vast stretches of prairie In the spring of 1857 they began to
process, will be followed. and level ground looked new and hatch and the ground was alive with
Assessments are by units rather than grand to me.Our new house was not them.The little hoppers began to eat,
land area, so undeveloped homestead yet built when we arrived;father was and nearly everything,including the
farm land and residential property are living in a shanty with a bark roof. grass in the meadows, was eaten as
usually considered to be one unit. Our goods were delayed and we did fast as it grew.About the first ofJune
"Their utilization of the road is proba- not get them until July 1857. That they began to move to the southeast
bly about the same,"explained Koshak. fall of 1856,vast hordes of grasshop- by hopping, and in a few days they
Farm properties in the urban areas of pers settled down on the little patches began to fly in the same direction.
the city may have a greater increase in of potatoes and corn and consumed Crow River was full of the little hop-
property value with improvements and them, leaving the settlers little to pers, but they did not stop at rivers
may wish to defer payment by applying live on.They also jumped into all the and creeks, but kept on their way,
for the Green Acres program...A,. water holes and drowned and de- and by the first of July the whole
cayed and when we got water for horde had left;they took about half of
O sem, house use,we also got legs,wings and the crops.
heads and other parts of their bodies. (In Otsego)quite large clearings had
R T I�R Rom When I first attempted to drink it, I been made in the timber, and farms
said to my brother Orson,"Don't you opened and cultivated on the prairie
strain it first?"He said"Yes,"Then I as early as 1856. Wheat, rye, oats,
said"How?"and he replied"Through barley and corn were cultivated in
your teeth." Then I cried and de- quite large quantities for that early
Glared I would not drink it and took a date, so the advent of the grasshop-
Otsego sfirst community festival,The pail and walked to the Mississippi,2 pers was of more consequence to
Great River Road Fest,isbeing planned 1/2 miles away for water that was not Otsego than to some other towns.
by a group of volunteer residents. full ofho hoppers.However,we got Of course, the grasshopper The fest day will be Saturday,August pP gg pper plague
17. It is expected to be a day of family to it and used it until the snow fell. quite discouraged many farmers,and
activities, entertainment and exhibits. We had never heard of germs or some sold out and left the town;many
Donations of time, talent and money microbes, consequently they did us left their claims without selling. Not
are sought by the Great River Road no harm. only was the plague a serious loss in
The Grasshopper Plague general wealth and prosperity,but it
Ft Task Force. Contact Chairperson (Exerpt from 1880HistoryofWright retarded the settlement of the town
Sandy Lindenfelser through City Hall County by D.R. Farnham.) Y
to contribute. for several ears.....
On the 19th of August 1856,the air
Maintenance of city roads is ongoing job MUNICIPAL SEWAGE from page 1
The Otsego City Maintenance Depart- groundwater,sandy or coarse soils and
ment has the job of maintaining the overloaded systems can and will cause
condition of the city's roads. failures of the system with potential
Dave Chase,maintenance supervisor, t ground contamination."
and Duane Fiedler are responsible for Koshak cautions that the installation
the upkeep of ditches, shoulders andof new soil absorption systems needs to
culverts for the 58 miles of city roads. ` :, 'foil, - be limited or carefully controlled.
The Maintenance Department is con- i - ,,i,,,,,,,..:.=.4444,,,,k-' "It would be more environmentally
cerned with daily upkeep ofroads.Chase = ` � - . ` -,,f'�a safe to make new development put in
says that they try to grade all of the •`�. fgo the sanitary sewer now. This is the
unpaved city roads once a week. Snow- .z_. OP issue the council and developers are
plowing is also done by the department. a struggling with now."
City staff meets to discuss what work Koshak speculates that sanitary sewer
needs to be done. The City Council i could possibly be available to newdevel-
approves projects that will take place. .0 opment in the near future,but knows of
Big job proposals, such a seal coatingo no plans to serve existing developed
and graveling,are contracted from out- ` a property at this time. This points out
side firms. Duane Fiedler smooths Otsego gravel the importance of residents to properly
Recently,Chase and Fiedler have done roads with the city's grader. maintain their current systems. •-,\.,../
a lot of pavement crack filling. Kadler The right-of-way for most of the city
Avenue and the roads in the Mississippi streets extends 33 feet on both sides of
Shores had crack filling done and will be the center line.
seal coated by the contractor awarded The City of Otsego owns a grader and WATER QUALITY from page 1
the bid by the council, two single axle dump trucks that they one has a persistent gastrointestinal
Beginning in June,Chase and Fiedler use for maintenance work and plowing. illness and their doctor recommends it,
will begin spraying ditches and right-of- Some equipment is rented as needed. or if any major physical changes such as
ways for poison ivy and small brush Sometimes an additional part time flooding or surface water problems
using Crossbow. Chase calls Crossbow person is hired. should occur. Testing should be done
a mild broadleaf selective herbicide that The summer months are a busy time once a year for a daycare and it is a
acts as a fertilizer that accelerates for Otsego's two maintenance workers. requirement for a daycare license.
growth so that the plants burn them- Chase,who has been employed by Ot- Wright County Environmental Health
selves out. sego for four years,praises the abilities will test for nitrates and coliform bacte-
Mowing the right-of-ways is done three of Fiedler who has worked for the City ria for$25.00.
different times in the summer months for just over a year. A well water test kit can be obtained
and should begin in mid-June. "Duane is really a talented guy,"said from them. It includes a sheet with
Ditches act as holding areas for run-off Chase. "He can run some big stuff questions and instructions on how to
water before it is absorbed by the soil. (equipment) and that helps me a lot." collect samples in the containers in-
The ditches and right-of-ways need to ",,,., cluded with the kit.
be kept clear of obstructions for safety Contact Jackie Carr at Wright County
and liability, explains Chase. Environmental Health in the court-
house, 339-6881,to obtain a test kit.
SEPTIC SYSTEMS fromg a e 1
June 5 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting the septic system be left undisturbed.
June 10 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting
Mailbox entries ready Trees and shrubs should not be planted
June 12 8 a.m. Curbside recycling over it and no fill dirt should be added.
June 18 7:30 p.m. Otsego Vision meeting Carr says that every homeowner
June 19 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting should know the location of their sys-
June 26 8 a.m. Curbside recycling tem.
July 3 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting Otsego's consulting engineer, Larry
July 8 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting Koshack, emphasizes that it is impor-
July 10 8 a.m. Curbside recycling tant for property owners to maintain
July 16 7:30 p.m. Otsego Vision meeting their on-site sewage treatment systems
July 17 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting
July 22 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting to delay the need for a municipal facility
July 24 8 a.m. Curbside recycling and to insure groundwater quality.More
August 17 GREAT RIVER ROAD FEST information on septic systems can be
To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda, submit completed forms and information obtained from Wright County Exten-
15 working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 working days prior to sion, 339-6881.,,,-..."
Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings.