Spring The , OTSEGO .,..A ^,d ,.d .., ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIEW Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 3, April/May 1991 Clean-up day Comprehensive plan review under way by David Licht set for May 4 A draft Comprehensive Plan address- ingthe City's natural environment,land " lt, Otsego will hold a clean-up day for use, transportation, and community Otsego residents. facilities is currently being reviewed Items not commonly picked up with on an initial basis by the Planning regular trash service will be accepted Commission. -. for disposal at City Hall 9 a.m.to 2 p.m. This highly critical policy guideline ,,, on Saturday,May 4. will, when completed, establish the Otsego held its first clean-up day last development and direction of the com- gO • year. The city collected appliances, munity for the next ten to twenty years. furniture, and tires on a rainy Satur- This plan represents the community's m o day in May, 1990. first major step in self direction which �' "It was a super success. More than was afforded by Otsego's incorporation what we planned,"said Mayor Norman on November 15, 1990. , Freske. In this regard, while local control is Vehicles were waiting an hour before now possible,the plan by necessity must a Otsego's City Planner,David Licht,North- last year's clean-up day opened. They recognize and accommodate existing west Associated Consultants,Inc. were lined up on the side of County development and its implications which plan which are presently underway. Road 39 almost a mile east to the ceme- were previously established while the Also, at the appropriate time,notice of tery. Community was under Wright County's neighborhood meetings will be published 1 The cost of the 1990 cleanup was over jurisdiction. in area newspapers.It is expected these $5,000, prompting the city council to The public is invited to attend the sessions will be held during May of this charge fees to cover the cost of removal Planning Commission discussions of the year.'-M., this year. "I figure it's getting to the point where City passes ordinances i you can only do so much with taxes," said Freske. Otsego now has its own ordinances for boards and new home-extended busi- People who show proof of Otsego resi- developments, liquor, and nesses to allow time for these issues to ` dency can deposit the following items display of addresses. be studied. for the fees shown. Before Otsego incorporated,the town- The new address display ordinance Appliances $6.00 ship operated under Wright County and requires four inch house numerals,two Mattress or box spring $15.00 state statutes. The City has started inch reflective mailbox numerals, or a Large furniture $5.00 enacting ordinances on a need bases. posted sign when view of the building is Passenger car tires $1.50 Some of the ordinances passed are obstructed from the street. Clearly la- Larger tires $5-$10 procedural, to conform to the uniform beled addresses assist emergency res- No hazardous waste will be taken. building code, or necessary for plan- cue workers. Volunteers are needed to help people ning, according to William Radzwill, Copies of the new ordinances are avail- i check in,direct traffic and unload.City City Attorney. able for review, loan, or purchase dur- officials and their spouses volunteered In addition to the ordinances,morato- ing business hours at City Hall.,,",., their time at last year's Otsego clean- riums have been set on advertising bill- up day, and plan to work again this Fest being organized year.Call City Hall if you can help,too. `^-"•-• A planning session for Otsego's Great exhibits, promotion, security, health, The Otsego City Council has approved River Road Fest will be held Monday, finances, and facilities are some of the bi-monthly publication of the OTSEGO April 15, 8 p.m. at City Hall. subcommittees leadership intern Sandy VIEW, beginning with the next issue. The Great River Road Fest will be Ot- Lindenfelser is seeking help with. Your June/July issue should arrive the sego's first community festival. It is Anyone from the community who is first week of June.-Jacquie Rognli, scheduled for August 17. interested in helping is welcome to at- Editor A location for the festival needs to be tend the planning session.,,,„ selected. Entertainment, food, games, City of Otsego Otsego, 13474 f egoNMN 95th St. Planningfor the future (612)441-4414 OFFICE HOURS by David Licht,Northwest Associated sible,provide adequate time for change and Monday through Friday Consultants,Inc. to encourage relocation within the City. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Moratoriums onhome-extendedbusinesses Due to their possible impact as well as the and billboards have been passed by the investment required by the operator, new CTY COUNCIL Otsego City Council to allow time for con sid- home extended businesses have temporar- Mayor— eration of these planning issues. ily been halted through establishment of a Norman Freske Home businesses focus of study six month moratorium. Councilmembers— Private businesses exist throughout Ot- At present,existing home basedbusinesses Douglas Lindenfelser sego primarily in the form of home occupa are generally free to continue operation at Floyd Roden tions or home extended businesses. their present level of activity. A possible Larry Fournier activity be if tion Ron Black Ahome occupation is abusiness conducted exception Y becomes a Treasurer— in the home itself and is limited to members problem for neighboring residential prop- Jim Barthel of the immediate family. A home extended erty owners. Clerk— business is a business located either in the New businesses defined as home occupa- Jerome Perrault home or an accessory building and typically tions are allowed if approved through a Deputy Clerk— involves employment of others who are not conditional use permit process. Elaine Beatty members of the family. Billboard moratorium established City Staff— Both types of activities have long required The anticipated upgrading of Highway Judy Hudson, conditional use permits under the County 101 has long been a sought after improve- Secretary Zoning Regulations which now govern the ment. For the city of Otsego, Highway 101 Dave Chase, City. serves a s a lifeline for its resident commut- Maintenance Supervisor Duane Fiedler, In many cases, no longer are such busi- ers and also is the front door to the commu- Maintenance nesses isolated from their neighbors.Neigh- nity for the traveling public. boring homeowners become concerned not A great deal of concern therefore exists on PLANNING only with the inconvenience ofnon-residen- the part of the City to maintain and improve COMMISSION tial activity, storage,noise,and people,but the image or appearance of the community I.G. Roskaft, also the property value impact. as well as to minimize safety problems. Chairman From a taxpayer perspective,home based These issues, when combined with diffi- Larry Fournier, businesses also deprive the community of culties experienced in neighboring commu- Council Representative needed tax base, plus gain a questionable nities and a recognition of minimal protec- Jim Kolles competitive advantage over similar type tions provided by the Wright County Zon- Kathy Lewis businesses properly located. There is also ing(Sign) Ordinance, led the City Council Bruce Rask Carl Swenson unequal tax treatment and service demand on January 28,1991,to enact a moratorium Mark Wallace in comparison to neighboring homes. on advertising signs and billboards being City officials will be addressing how to located within the City for six months. properly handle home based business op- This will allow City Officials to review, erations in the future. This study will in- upgrade and establish sign regulations volve two separate matters. which are seen as necessary for safety as OTv S vIE ] The first is newly proposed operations and well as image and compatibility reasons. 1�1� how such proposals will be handled, what This effort is being undertaken with the performance standards must be met and recognition that signs are an important The Otsego View is a commu- where they might be allowed to locate. communication device and serve an impor- nity newsletter for the City of The second subject will be existing home tant function of business identification. Otsego. based businesses, involving a determina- Residents and property owners are in- tion of those which are acceptable and those vited to make their feelings and positions Correspondence and news items which have grown and expanded to a point on these matters known to City Officials. are welcome and should be sent where a non-residential setting is more The Planning Commission meets regularly to Jacquie Rognli, Editor,Otsego appropriate. In those cases where reloca- and discussions of the Zoning.Ordinance Town Hall, 13474 N.E. 95th St., tion is possibly necessitated, the approach are presently under way. Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441- will be to assist the individual where pos- 4414. 2 Subdivision ordinance enacted A Methodist church and by David Licht, City Planner At the time of the City's incorporation, camp meeting ground the Wright County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances continued to b Marrain Baker govern land divisionsdevelopmentand Otsego was an up-and-coming iiiiiiiii :in Otsego. was an interim measure townsitein the1850's and with its . �. ato provide temporarycontrols until such x proposed steamboat landing,ariva1 :::.. . . ::"" time theCitycouldestablish t easestab sh itsown to both o t ce o and Clearwater. regulations. And like those other twowonewbo newborn a illirri, ilr. I r '' .t:g On March 6, 1991, thefirstof ther 99 e cities,Otsego o had its Methodist con- regulations beta wised development became _....... _ ... .... e at o e st se vices t o effective. The new Subdivision Ordi- village were held by Rev. White of nance now governs all land division Orono in 1854 and in 1856 the area property of the M.E. Church of Elk within the City. River, which is likely where most of has a minister Rev.O.P. Light.The The new regulations better equip the the remaining congregation went. congregation was organized on a City to deal with urban type develop- Methodist camp meetings were held regular basis in May of 1857. This ment and afford protections not previ- in this area for decades. It was re- small group began to grow, as did ously provided under rural-oriented the townsite so the Board began to ferred to as the Ebenezer Camp Wright County Code. The new regula- look for a site to build a church. Ground by Rev. Alfred Cressy when tions do, however, serve to accommo- Directly next to the townsite, Al- dateAl rural land splits, although City vah L. and Margaret Cooley sold to August 18,1873,the McDonalds sold administrative approval is required all of Block 26 and 41 to the trustees the prior to any land division transactions five acres f the facst hurch of the M.E.Church for a campground. five acres for the building of a church being recorded. and parsonage. The trustees Ben- The meetings continued for over 30 Copies of the new subdivision regula- jamin L. Grey, Lyman Cooley, E.T. years, until the land was leased to tions are available for review, loan or the Pentecostal Association and the Smith, John McDonald, Moses purchase during business hours at City Ricker, George Taylor, W.T. Bar denomination of the meetings Hall. Also, any property owner consid- changed.Reprinted with the author's nard, Seneca Porter and David In- ering a land division is urged to contact gersoll paid$32 for these five acres permission from the Wright County City staff prior to finalizing any such Oct. 6 1860. When this land was Historical Society Quarterly, Fall actions..,,," sold to,A.H. Morrison June 9, 1866, 1987. 14 Hazardous waste for$ 0,the congregation had made D.R. Farnham,in his 1880 History Wright County,writes of the Meth- a profit and the price suggests that odist camp:be collected they had erected a log building for "A fine chapel has been A household hazardous waste collec- their services. erected on the ground, and several tion day for Wright County residents is It is a tradition thatJohn McDonald cottages and many tents are put up set for Saturday, April 27, 9 a.m. to 3 donated the land for the church build- at the annual meeting.The chapel is p.m.at the Wright County Public Works ing on the townsite,but this appears 25 by 40 feet,and Otsego is noted for Building located 1 mile north of High- to be wishful thinking. After a fun- having the second best camp meet- way 55 on Highway 25 in Buffalo.There draising campaign which netted ing grounds in the state. Red Rock is a traininsession for volunteers Aril alone beats it." April $1,200, McDonald sold the trustees 25.Ca111-800-362-3667,extension 7331 Lots 1 through 5 of Block 77 July 7, Today,the barn-like chapel can still for more information..... 1871,and charged$125.Trustees at be seen in a wooded area across the that time were Moses Ricker, John road from the Otsego City Hall.From 20 Otse•• Curbside Rec lin• 1000 McDonald,and Lyman Cooley.These the east driveway of City Hall, look 17.6 '-'--- MITonnage EE#of Households ----- 1400 lots were sold off after this church southeast across County Road 39 16 1200 H disbanded.Four of them had become before the leaves are out on the trees. T12,5 \-'"\'_..__�g -... __.._.._ .._._._ 1000 u Cr), 70 �� y'.._ .��___ _�'" \o....\ 1_;, 800 e The Otsego Historical Committee, part of Otsego Vision, is compiling 76 \m \C �� \ V 800 0 information on Otsego's history, collecting historic photographs of the area �' A' \ \ � \ d and working on an Otsego History Calendar.They welcome any information 26 _ \ \ � z� s residents have about the community or any individuals who would like to 0 �,, i. �.:.I\ �.- �' .:', 0 participate in the project. Contact Joy Swenson 295-5950 or City Hall......, 11/28 12/12 12/20 1/9 1/20 2/8 2/20 3/8 3/20 Date 3 Iiidlau"sdisiAIN"i^m, rai^emArid\igii0^Nd mailbox contest Community sale Spring Almost everyone in Otsego has a mailbox.Does yours enhance the appearance of set for May 16 & 17 your home,business, or neighborhood? Otsego Vision will host a Community The mailbox beautification contest is open to any mailbox in Otsego.A total of$50 Basement Sale Thursday,May 16,and in prizes will be awarded, $20 for multiple and $10 for single units. Friday, May 17. People can shop for Mailboxes must conform to Postal Service regulations and the new Otsego city bargain items in the basement of City ordinance. Copies are available at City Hall. Hall 4-8 p.m. on Thursday and 8 a.m.- Entry forms must be received at City Hall on or before 4 p.m. Friday, May 31, noon on Friday. 1991. Proceeds from the sale will be used for Mailboxes should be ready for judging by Monday, June 10. Prizes will be expenses for the Great River Road Fest, awarded by June 17. Winners will be recognized at the Great River Road Fest. Otsego's community festival scheduled "".. for August. OTSEGO MAILBOX CONTEST ENTRY FORM I Community residents can donate items for the sale Monday, May 13, 9 a.m.-4 Name p.m. and Tuesday, May 14, 5-7 p.m. at City Hall. Address The community sale is a chance for people to get rid of things they no longer Phone (H) (W) need without having to go through the trouble of setting up their own sale, Direction to mailbox from nearest intersection: according to Judy Hudson, Otsego Vi- sion member. Donated sale items should be clean,in good condition, and pre-priced. House- hold goods and children's and teen cloth- ��� ing to size 16 will be accepted.No large L appliances or adult clothing will be .:::.. .:...::::::..:::.....:..:.,.:..:.:.:.::—.;;:.;;;:;;;;;;;;;:<:; »:«:.::::::::::.::.::::.: taken....... CALEN ?AR.:::> >isi > <:> >iii< :::: :>>:>:> : ` > :: April 3 8 a.m. Curbside recycling y g Maintenance Report 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting April 8 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting Six miles of Otsego roads have been April 15 8 p.m. Great River Road Fest task force planned to be sealcoated this sum April 17 8 a.m. Curbside recycling mer.Included in the sealcoatingplan 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting are Kadler Avenue from County Road April 22 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting 39 north to the river and most of the April 23 evening Tax Review Board roads in Mississippi Shores. April 27 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wright County hazardous waste Clearing ditches and filling cracks April 30 7:30 p.m. Otsego Vision meeting will continue throughout the city. May 1 8 a.m. Curbside recycling `^^' 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting May 4 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Otsego Clean-up Day May 13 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Drop off Community Sale donations HELP WANTED 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting May 14 5-7 p.m. Drop off Community Sale donations DOG WARDEN May 15 8 a.m. Curbside recycling 8 p.m. Planning Commission meeting Residents to form a Parks and Trails Corn- May 16 4-8 p.m. Community basement sale mittee. May 17 8 a.m.-noon Community basement sale May 21 7:30 p.m. Otsego Vision meeting Volunteers to help with Otsego Clean-up May 27 Memorial Day City offices closed Day,May 4. May 28 7:30 p.m. City Council meeting Volunteers to work on the Great River Road May 29 8 a.m. Curbside recycling Fest. May 31 4 p.m. Mailbox contest entry deadline To be placed on the Planning Commission agenda, submit completed forms and information Community Basement Sale donations May 15 working days prior to meetings. Submit City Council agenda items 7 working days prior to 13&14. meetings. Please call City Hall to confirm times if you plan to attend any of the listed meetings. 4