Vol 1 #1 October The OTSEGO ..# ,^,i ,d ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD VIEW Quarterly Newsletter of the City of Otsego Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1990 Celebrate Otsego changes to a city October 27 by Jacquie Rognli r As news of the decla- by Pam Black ration of Otsego's city A piece of history was made on Sep- status spread, Deputy _ , tember 21, 1990 when the municipal Clerk Elaine Beatty board proclaimed Otsego to be Minne- and secretary Judy sota's 855th city.Although many indi- Hudson were inun- viduals in the "outside world" need dated with calls from O practice in just saying the name, we residents wanting to ''' ,: '� ��`'4 4 Otse o ites know that we are readyto jp t. d g know what it would take our place in the scheme of Minne- mean for them. d '" c sota municipalities. To help us learn "Yes,the farms are in " WHO we are,you are invited to a Fall the city too," replied do Celebration and Open House in honor Beatty as she explained of our Birth-Day on Saturday,Oct. 27, that Otsego's bounda- from a noon until 4 p.m.at the town hall. ries will remain un- This is our kick-off event,a first annualchanged. Otsego Town Hall will become Otsego City Hall Nov.15. gathering that will develop and be- Most things are not anticipated to proval on re-zoning,platting,and build- come a yearly festival for community change. Police protection will still be ing inspections. spirit and friendship, contracted with the Wright County The surge of growth that began 20 Otsego's new logo,designed by Bruce Sheriff.Fire protection will continue to years ago caught the township and the and Wendy Danks, is featured on the be contracted with Elk River and Al- county unprepared. More recent town hats,T-shirts,sweatshirts and bumper bertville. boards have had to deal with problems stickers to be sold at the open house. The most evident changes will be state caused by little or no planning in the Free balloons with the logo will be highway aid and the form of govern- past, and they have been accordingly given away.In addition,jackets,cardi- ment. cautious about considering the conse- gan sweatshirts and other items will Terry Merritt,director of the Minne- quences of any proposed development. be available to order.The logo depicts sota Municipal Board,says Otsego will Northwest Associated Consultants, Otsego's location in Minnesota and be eligible for about$250,000 in addi- Inc., David Licht, president, has been highlights two points of significance: tional road funds as a city. preparing a comprehensive plan for our closeness to the Mississippi River The City of Otsego will be governed by Otsego that will be presented at a public and our place on the Great River Road. a four-person council and one mayor hearing in approximately three months. A driving force in the search for Ot- instead of the present three-person It points out the need to maintain sego's roots has been the Historical town board. agricultural areas and to confine the Committee. Their efforts to glean The council will have the power to areas with a more suburban character, photos from the Wright County His- control development. As a town, Ot- calling the two types interdependent. torical Society's files have yielded sego had to bow to the Wright County The intention is to have the Otsego wonderful views of early life in Otsego Board of Commissioners for final ap- CITY to page 3 and of its residents. Many of these photos and facts will be on display on Oct. 27. An informational brochure is The OTSEGO VIEW is the new newsletter for the City of Otsego.We have put this being prepared for the open house, first issue together in a mere one week's time so that our readers could get information detailing early times and keynoting on elections, city status, and our Birthday Open House as quickly as possible. The some points of interest that still exist next issue will be delivered in January. today.To make this even more visible, The OTSEGO VIEW welcomes your comments,suggested story ideas,photos,and a large map of Otsego will show his writing contributions. Submit them to Jacquie Rognli, Editor, Otsego Town Hall, 13474 NE 95th St.,Otsego,MN 55330(612)441-4414.—Jacquie Rognli,Editor CELEBRATION to page 3 %11^1•AN"Iiiidii"Ii^idsAedilAsiie City of Otsego 13474 N.E. 95th St. Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441-4414 I OFFICE HOURSa Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ,,.., b TOWNSHIP BOARD '1 ` Chairman— 0 a Norman Freske Otsego's final town board:Doug Lindenfelser,Floyd Roden and Norman Freske. Supervisors— Board reflects on past/future Douglas Lindenfelser of service,they were faced with problems Floyd Roden by Jacquie Rognli Otsego's last town board will cease to caused by poor planning of the past. Treasurer— exist after the new Otsego City Council Highlights of the present town board, Jim Barthel is installed November 15. according to Elaine Beatty,deputy clerk, The outgoing board members wished include seeking and accomplishing city Clerk— to reflect on their past experiences and status for Otsego,hiring a planner, tak- Jerome Perrault to express their thoughts about the ing the initiative to complete the Hall's community they have served. Water Project when Wright County re- PLANNING The three supervisors have each served fused to help,and serving on the building as chairman of the board at some time. committee for a new city hall. COMMISSION Norman Freske, current chairman,has The town board's advice to the new city I.G. Roskaft, Chairman served on the board seven years, and council? Work together, listen to the Nancy Duerr supervisors Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd people, don't make quick decisions, and Larry Fournier Roden have served nine and ten years, take the responsibility seriously. Jim Kolles respectively. Each member expressed appreciation Kathy Lewis All three men plan to run for positions for the support they have gotten from Bruce Rask in the new city government.They feel an each other and the people of Otsego. Carl Swenson obligation to follow through on the plan- "All three have a genuine caring about ning and work they have done for Ot- all the residents of Otsego," said Beatty. DEPUTY CLERK sego. c Elaine Beatty "We have a new comprehensive plan that isn't complete," said Roden, an Otsego farmer.He wants to take care of CITY OF MOMIIIIMMEMIEM the ordinances and taxing districts to OTSEGO rlq°11-^..-a92--- protect the farmers, along with other VIEWr unfinished problems of becoming city. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Lindenfelser, also a farmer, said he is Adult* Child The Otsego View is a corn- concerned about taxes on agricultural T-Shirts $ 9.00 $ 8.00 land. "It's important to set up taxing Sweat Shirts 14.00 munity newsletter for the City districts to have control." Neon 18.00 of Otsego. Regular 15.00 "The board has worked very hard to Jackets 46.00 42.00 get to this point and I would like to Cardigan Correspondence and news continue working with the public,"stated Sweat 20.00 ; items are welcome and should Freske,sales representative for Electric Sweat Suits also available p Hats—6.00 be sent to Jacquie Rognli, Forklift. "We've done a lot of planning Bumper Stickers—1.00 Editor, Otsego Town Hall, for the future of Otsego." 'Prices slightly higher for plus sizes. 13474 N.E. 95th St., Otsego, Planning is a foremost concern for the Town hall 441-4414 MN 55330 (612)441-4414. supervisors because during their period �o LuAnn 295-5881 2 CO tdet' Sandy 497-3874 f .1\%1MIA1111^11111A11"11^11"ii/Anol CITY from page 1 Planning Commission remain intact The origin of Otsego and eventually hire a city building inspector.ecto a .....- r. byElaine No rin� Otseg o Vsio n Beatty manycallers to the town Committee � iliN -171 ,.,,.,,li,,11,1. 1,1,11,1„...,., ,, g ll seemed to be concerned with taxes Ithe earl 1850eo lfrom . !and citYsewer EE ourraeanh make a li ing be an :< Iroad funds will free u other tax dol : ; ' oarornewooru- � .. lars. Th final cost of the changeover r ' .... .... .. . .nies andfree land. Manyforess . ............................ . . .. .... . ....-...----.............--- to . ......... .. to a city is uncertain at this time. in New England had been cutdown A sewer and water study must be destroying the habitat for fur bear- State of New York," according to done to complete the comprehensive ing animals.The soil was thin and D.R. Farnham's History of Wright plan.The town board does not expect rocky, farming unproductive and County. f an installation in the near future,but difficult. Otsego Township,New York was feels there must be a plan for it if the John McDonald came to Minne- part of Montgomery County until it threat aground water pollution ever sota Territory from Maine in 1847 was divided and Otsego County was creates the need. and helped build the dam at St. formed.The settlement at the foot Anthony. After exploring nearby of Otsego Lake was incorporated as areas by boat, he chose Otsego as Otsego.The name changed to Coop- CELEBRATION from page 1 erstown in honor of James Feni- toric points. his homesite, becoming the first more Cooper, the famous author Teamed with the work of the Histori- Permanent white settler in Wright who lived in Otsego Hall by Otsego County in 1852. cal Committee will be a presentation Lake. Louis Ozier established a trading and display by Jim Mattson from the In his book The Pioneers,Cooper Oliver Kelley Farm. Oliver and his post in eastern Otsego in the early states,"Otsego is said to be a word Eliza- brother Charles were involved in early 1850s.He wrote to his sisters Eliza compounded of Ot,a place of meet- growth in Otsego,yet limited success beth (Mrs. Charles LaPlant) and ing, and sego or sago,the ordinary placed them ultimately on the other Julia(Mrs. John Pepin) who lived term of salutation used by the Indi- side of the river. Otsego's ties to the near Otsego, New York, urging ans of this region." KelleyFarm and familywill be the them to join him. The two sisters Otsego is a Mohawk word. The and their families traveled here by Mohawks were a tribe of the Iro object of Mr. Mattson's display. boat, wagon, railroad and oxcart. quois nation which inhabited cen- To catch the interest of the antiquetral New York. One translation is vehicle enthusiasts, two area collec- The trip took nearly two months. "Rock Place"because ofa large rock tors have agreed to place pieces of Since many of you may wonder at the outlet of the lake;another is apparatus at the town hall. Bob where the name Otsego (ott-SEE- "Place of Rendezvous" since this Spencer will be bringing antique trac go)originated,we have done some was where Indians held meetings; tors and Ron Black will have two research. still another is"Welcome Water." vintage fire trucks. Otsego was established as Pleas- We also found other places named The Otsego road maintenance equip- ant Grove Precinct in 1855. With Otsego. ment will be displayed also,with sev- Minnesota becoming a state in Otsego, Michigan, was estab- eral of the maintenance crew mem- 1858, the Board of Wright County lished by Horace H.Comstock,who bers on hand to answer questions. Commissioners divided the county was related by marriage to Cooper. After spending time looking,listen- into towns.The first town meeting Otsego Lake, Michigan bordering ing and learning about our new city, was held at the home of John on Otsego Lake and the Otsegos in refreshments will be a welcome treat. McDonald and the question of Ohio and Wisconsin were all named Birthday cake(in the shape of Otsego, naming the town was submitted to after the Otsego in New York. of course), cookies, coffee and juice the voters. Since many translations have will be served throughout the open A large number were in favor of been published for the name Ot- the old precinct name, Pleasant sego, we believe that "Friendly house from noon until 4 p.m. Plan to Grove, but the New Yorkers were Meeting Place" is an appropriate bring your family and friends to this in a majority and Otsego was the composite. birthday celebration at the town hall, winning name,from Otsego in the meetyour fellow Otsego-ites,and learn more about our roots and growing branches. • 3 Is/ idi^iiiiiii^.^1100\iiiilmilidiii, New City Council will be elected PROJECT by Kathy Lewis years. The two council persons with Along with the General Election on the highest number of votes will serve Z November 6th, Otsego residents will for terms of four years and an addi be electing their mayor and four city tional two council persons will serve council persons.Candidates for these two-year terms. Elected officials can by Jacquie Rognli offices must file with the town clerk, expect to attend several evening Project Future is a long-term corn- Jerome Perrault, 11340 NE 95th meetings per month and occasional munity development program offered Street(441-1668),before the deadline meetings during the day. Monetary by the University of Minnesota Ex- of Oct. 23, 6 p.m.There is a filing fee compensation for these offices will be citizen inSechargee o ft is designed ftto put of$2.00. determined bythe newly-elected city citizens omn uniof the future of their y own communities. The mayor's term of office will be two council.• Citizens concerned about the direc- tion Otsego's development will take Q( Vote at Town Hall November 6 were introduced to Project Future in by Kathy Lewis New residents will need a picture I.D. June 1990. The polling place for all of Otsego is and a document that shows their cur- Interested Otsego residents have the town hall, located at Nashua rent addressor the voucher of another been meeting since 1989 to discuss ideas for their commununity s future. Avenue and Wright County Road 39. registered voter. If you need assis- The Project Future program helped to Polls will be open on Tuesday,Nov. 6 tance with registration or absentee give the group guidance in what steps from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. voting, contact Gloria Gooler at the to take next. Voter registrations will be accepted Wright County Courthouse,339-6881. Project Future provides educational at the polling place on election day. .�.r support, but citizen volunteers make it work. Curbside recycling The group decided that since they were in need of volunteers,more people a ` Ma►ep r/'0E3 begins .', needed to be aware of the community —' Re O . that theylive in.Five zipcodes,three �� �'Lv.. soon school dstricts, no sigage, nd no The Otsego Maintenance Dept.has Otsego hopes to `-Or downtown area all make it difficult to continued the job of keeping Ot- begin a curbside re- identify with Otsego. sego's roads in good repair in 1990. cycling service in mid-November.Polk- Otsego Vision was formed as a vol- They have replaced 12 cement cul- a-Dot Recycling was awarded the bid unteer committee to promote Otsego verts with steel ones,brought in five {o pick up glass, aluminum, tin and awareness and community pride in miles of gravel and sealcoated four newspaper every two weeks. July 1990. An inventory of Otsego's miles of roads,said Dave Chase,Ot- assets and problems was done. The Recycling bins have been ordered group divided into subcommittees to sego Maintenance Supervisor. imprinted with the Otsego logo. work on different interest areas de- Picking up items dumped in the The Otsego 4-Leaves 4-H club will signed to promote Otsego. ditches and replacing damaged or continue to accept recyclables at the The promotional subcommittee or- stolen street signs is an on-going job town hall the third Saturday of the ganized a logo contest and is offering for the maintenance crew that costs month, noon to 3 p.m. until further items such as shirts,hats,and bumper tax dollars. stickers for sale. notice. A historical group has been actively compiling Otsego's rich history. It is "":::,"""" """""" wor in on locating first hand infor- mation that has not been recorded October 9 Filing opens for city offices before,including audio taping of long October 15 8 p.m. Town Board Meeting term residents. October 23 6 p.m. Filing closes for city offices Jacquie Rognli, chairman of Otsego October 24 Last day to withdraw from running for office Vision, has been working on press October 27 Noon-4 p.m. OTSEGO OPEN HOUSE at Town Hall releases and publicity. The OTSEGO November 6 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Elections VIEW, the new city newsletter, was November 8 8 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting approved for quarterly publication by November 15 Officials sworn into office the town board. New policies will be set A celebration sub-committee has November 17 Noon-3 p.m. 4-H recycling pickup at Town Hall been coordinating all of the groups to December 15 Noon-3 p.m. 4-H recycling pickup at Town Hall organize for the Otsego Open House to Please call the town hall to confirm times if you plan to be held Saturday, Oct. 27, noon to 4 attend any of the listed meetings. p.m. Project Future information will be on display. 4