Vol 1 #3 May 1 " 1 0 1 r WRIGHT CO MINN ...-....---_-„, NEWSLETTER ".-*'*',:' ---1::72 _ VOL 1 - NO 3 MAY - 1990 The Otsego Town board has passed a be at the present Town Hall site which is a 5 Resolution to petition the Municipal Board for acre parc&;l. Architect Don Meinhardt of Golden City status. As soon as the Town Atty. Valley has been hired to design and oversee receives our legal discription of Otsego s the building. We have received preliminary boundries from the surveyor, the petition will sketches and have had the Town Engr. be presented to the Municipal Board. (Otsego's Survey the lot and prepare a Site plan for us. boundries are Jaber to the Westt the We are planning construction yet this year If Mississippi river to the North and East to everything goes as planned. Dayton 60th St. to the South, with the exception of Albertville's boundries and a small portion of Dayton. We are over 6,000 persons BELOW IS A MAP OF OTSEGO'S CLEAN UP DAY In Otsego and growing rapidly, We are looking TRAFFIC PATTERN: ONLY OTSEGO RESIDENTS at adopting the State,s Building Codes and hiring WITH PROOF OF RESIDENCY WILL BE ALLOWED a Building Inspector for Otsego. We will TO REOYOLE LARGE ITEMS. continue to have the Albertville and Elk River Fire Service for fire protection and the Wright 4-H RECYCLING IS ALSO THIS DAY AND ANYONE Co. Sheriff's Dept. for police protection, The MAY RECYCLE WITH THEM. Town is working towards receiving approx. $250,000.00 a year street funding for MSA PLEASE NOTE THAT THE WEST DRIVEWAY IS THE Roads. We are looking at a long range plan ENTRANCE (IN) AND THE EAST DRIVEWAY IS THE for sewer and water, but stress that every EXIT (OUT).„ resident must take proper care of their septic systems and wells so theywill last. It should be stressed that the studof taxes that was done by a financial advisor indicated that -: 7. "City" status would not raise taxes but more iM LF i than likely lower them or they would stay the 9_ s_ € r same, according to David Licht, Town Planner, a? s4 i eM ° bbased on Wright Co. Tax information. We hope i :' to start Clean up/ Lisautifioatioe Committee _ P shortly, and work on Economic Development, Parka and Town Identity and more. If you are Interested in volunteering for a committee, please call the Town Mak Elaine or Judy at 441-4414. We are also checking on curb side i; ' recycling and hope to get that program going 0. In the very near future. We will have sample t^ bins at the Town Hall on the 19th of May clean - g` up say for people to vote on the kind they i - would like. ems` , n * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * �.. The Town has formed a 8-person Building z I.x l I Committee working towards a common goal ofdib) a New Town/City Nall/Community Building with a rental space of 50x80 with kitchen for rr' __ I= 79 parties or weddings, etc. The building site will 'e I uce, 'euse, ecycle. FREE TREE TO Z--7 ; ;‘rc OTSEGO IZESIDENTS !L pi-d, ONE TREE TO EACH FAMILY THAT PARTICIPATES % TOWN OF OTSEGO will accept and dispose of unwanted household goods in conjunction with "CLEAN UP DAY" - MAY 19, 1990. The OTSEGO FOUR LEAVES 4-H RECYCLING STATION WILL ALSO BE OPEN. PROGRAM PURPOSE: To improve the quality of Otsego ' s neighborhoods by encouraging proper disposal of materials that otherwise can become a public nuisance . To reduce demands on landfill through recycling of eligible material . To provide elderly and handicapped with assistance in disposing of unwanted household items. PROGRAM OUTLINE: Materials eligible (as outlined below) must be delivered to the OTSEGO TOWN HALL SITE at 13474 NE 95TH ST, between the hours of 9:00AM and 3:00PM Saturday, May 19, 1990. Senior Citizens and the physically handicapped that need assistance should call the TOWN HALL AT 441-4414 for scheduling volunteers to pick-up unwanted materials. NOTE: NO HAZARDOUS WASTE WILL BE ACCEPTED. PROGRAM LIMITED TO: TOWN OF OTSEGO RESIDENTS ONLY - PROOF OF RESIDENCY IS REQUIRED. ELIGIBLE MATERIALS: The following is a list of materials that will be accepted and disposed of or recycled. All other material will not be accepted. SCRAP IRON, MOTOR OIL, ANTI-FREEZE, CAR BATTERIES , GLASS JARS , CAR WHEELS, TIRES , AND OTHER IRON CAR PARTS, TIN & ALUMINUM CANS , HOUSEHOLD GOODS SUCH SUCH AS CARPET, FURNITURE,MATRESSES, SMALL APPLIANCES , LARGE APPLIANCES ACCEPTED (ref . dryer, etc. ) - LIMIT 3 APPLIANCES PER HOUSEHOLD VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO ASSIST THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED AND FOR SITE HELP: Individuals interested in assisting the elderly and handicapped with transporting materials to the drop-off site call OTSEGO TOWN HALL for assignments : 441-4414 ELAINE OR JUDY WITH ANY QUESTIONS ALSO