ER_JuneDate/Time Incident#Incident Type Address District Unit Resp.Mode Resp.Time 06/29/2018 19:13:03 18-000253 550 - Public service assistance, other 7281 Quigley Ave NE;ER, ElkRiver, MN 55330 Otsego ERCA2 Emergent (Immediate Response) 08:53 06/28/2018 11:27:06 18-000251 600 - Good intent call, other 7815 Park Ave NE;ER, ElkRiver, MN 55330 Otsego ERCH2 Non-Emergent 07:46 06/28/2018 05:42:14 18-000250 322 - Vehicle accident with injuries 90th St NE/State Highway 101 NE;ER, ElkRiver, MN 55330 Otsego ERCA1 Emergent (Immediate Response) 08:43 EREN2 Emergent (Immediate Response) 17:01 06/26/2018 14:03:58 18-000246 743 - Smoke detector activation, no fire - unintentional 8899 Nashua Ave NE;ER, ElkRiver, MN 55330 Otsego ERCH2 Non-Emergent 10:29 06/25/2018 17:38:58 18-000244 300 - Rescue, emergency medical call (EMS) call, other 7815 Park Ave NE;ER, ElkRiver, MN 55330 Otsego EREN2 Emergent Downgraded to Non-Emergent ERLT5 Emergent (Immediate Response) 07:24 06/05/2018 21:39:52 18-000222 412 - Gas leak (natural gas or LPG)9025 Quaday Ave NE;ER, ElkRiver, MN 55330 Otsego ERCA2 12:19 06/01/2018 21:20:26 18-000216 322 - Vehicle accident with injuries Packard Ave NE/90th St NE;ER, ElkRiver, MN 55330 Otsego ERCA1 Emergent (Immediate Response) 07:46 Summary: Response Mode Emergent Emergent-Downgraded Non-Emergent Non-Emergent, Upgraded None Selected Total Total Incidents/Records 5 1 2 0 1 7 Average 09:57 07:24 09:08 00:00 01:22 10:03 Highest Resp.Time 17:01 07:24 10:29 00:00 12:19 17:01 Lowest Resp.Time 07:24 07:24 07:46 00:00 12:19 07:24 ProPhoenix rev. 07/20/2017 ** Confidential - Unauthorized Use Prohibited **1 of 1 Elk River Fire Department 13073 Orono Parkway Elk River, MN 55330 763.635.1100 www.ElkRiverMN.gov/Fire Printed On: 07/02/18 11:27NFIRS Response Report