06-12-18 Public Saftey Commission MinutesMinutes for City of Otsego Public Safety Commission June 12 2018 1. Commissioners Met at 6:00 PM to perform road clean up duties. The group convened at Prairie Center afterword. ROLL CALL Mayor Jessica Stockamp Council Member Jason Warehime COMMISSIONERS: Chairman Bill Abderhalden Chuck Schauss Paul Fields Jim Breitbach Greg Hubbard Alternate Dan Freiberg Chairman Abderhalden called the meeting to order at 6:37. He immediately announced that Melissa Westervelt had resigned from the Commission. 2. Approve Agenda. Motion by Hubbard, second by Fields. Approved unanimously. 3. Approve meeting minutes for April 10, 2018. Motion by Abderhalden, second by Breitbach. Approved unanimously. 4. Open Forum – discussion regarding potential problem properties and excessive police calls. Discussion on ordinances that other cities use to address this issue. More discussion to follow. 5. Public Safety Updates – none. No representatives from the Sheriff’s Department or Fire Departments due to the road clean – up. 6. Old business – none. 7. New business – It was determined that Dan ----- was no longer an alternate but a full commissioner after the resignation of Westervelt. An election for secretary was then held. Dan - --- was nominated by Schauss, seconded by Breitbach. No other nominations, Dan --- was elected unanimously. 8. Adjournment – Schauss made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Breitbach. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:26.