ITEM 6.1 Street Improvement Project Change Order #11� F Otsego MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner July 9, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 6.1 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Alternate Bid Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. $907,136.00 Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Fehn Companies, Inc. Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. $1,117,527.50 Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Accept bids and award the project for the 85th Street and MacIver Avenue Street Improvement Project including the Alternate bid with Change Order #1. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATION: Bids were opened for the 85th Street and MacIver Avenue Street Improvement Project on Tuesday, June 19, 2018. Four bids were received, and are as follows: Contractor Base Bid Alternate Bid Base +Alternate Bids R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. $4,937,808.62 $907,136.00 $5,844,944.62 Fehn Companies, Inc. $5,112,747.60 $1,117,527.50 $6,230,275.10 Northwest Asphalt, Inc. $5,318,519.68 $1,053,391.96 $6,371,911.64 Veit & Company, Inc. $5,880,651.55 $1,029,639.60 $6,910,291.15 R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc of St. Cloud, MN was the low bidder whether the Base bid only is awarded or Base Bid plus Alternate bid is awarded. The engineer's estimated construction cost was $4,301,290.81 for the Base bid and $972,946.50 for the Alternate bid for a total Base plus Alternate equaling $5,274,237.31. The budgeted amount for the base bid portion of the project was approximately $4,290,500. The low bid is approximately 10.8% above the engineer's estimate for Base plus Alternate bid (14.8% above base bid and 6.8% under the alternate bid). Using the actual low bid prices, the overall project cost (including anticipated ROW purchasing, wetland bank, engineering and other soft costs) is estimated to be $7,452,551.22 Engineer's estimates were based on recently opened bids in April (Kadler Avenue Project). Increases in the bids for this project were primarily due to: 1)Late in year bid due to lengthy wait for USACOE permit 2)Price increases on ductile iron, concrete pipe and asphalt (see attached letters) The 2018 project milestone is to complete all piping and get the street completed to gravel excepting the Nashua Avenue roundabout, which would be completed next year with the curbing and asphalt for the graveled portions. The project milestones were changed due to the permitting delays and contractors indicated the revised milestones were attainable. City staff has four options for the City Council to consider and have a summary of costs and funding for each: 1. Base bid plus Alternate. Total project costs are estimated at $7,452,551.22 and State Aid funding would not catch up until 2024 per projections. This option would extend force -main and trunk water main beyond the current utility service district and with no current development proposals, it may be premature. 2. Base bid only. Total project costs are estimated at $6,454,701.62 and State Aid funding would not catch up until 2024 per projections. Not recommended by City staff as this option does not get trunk water and forcemain to a desirable launch point for future development along the 85th Street corridor. 3. Base bid plus alternate with a change order. Total project costs are estimated at $6,742,956.35 and State Aid funding would not catch up until 2024 per projections. This option would involve a change order (-$645,086.25) to remove construction of much of the forcemain and trunk watermain to a preferred future launch point at the north west corner of the Prairie View School parcel. 4. Reject all bids and rebid as a 2019/2020 project. City staff does not support this option as the project may increase in price with inflation and other unknowns regarding material costs. Rebidding the project for construction starting in 2019 would be a major risk and is unlikely to result in lower bids. Temporary easements are scheduled to end after 2019. There is also a definitive need for the project to be completed as CSAH 38 and CSAH 39 will be under construction in the coming years and alternate routes will be needed. R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. is a local contractor and has completed similar projects within the City of Otsego (Odean Avenue) and with Hakanson Anderson as the engineer satisfactorily, we recommend awarding the project. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Resolution 2018-46 • Bid Tabulation • Letters regarding price increases of products • Cost/Fund Summaries for Options • State Aid Projection • Change Order #1 for Option 3 POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to Approve Resolution 2018-46 Accepting bids for the 85th Street and MacIver Avenue Street Improvement Project (City Project #17-03) and Awarding the contract to R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. of St. Cloud, MN for the Base Bid + Alternate Bid in the amount of $5,844,944.62 and approve Change Order #1 in the amount of -$645,086.25 BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: 403 -Municipal State Aid for Construction YES 408 -Otsego Creek Trunk Storm Water 601 -Water Utility 602 -Sanitary Sewer Utility RESOLUTION NO. 2018-46 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the construction of 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Street Improvement Project, City Project No. 17-03, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Base Bid Alternate Bid Base + Alternate Bi R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. $4,937,808.62 $ 907,136.00 $5,844,944.62 Fehn Companies, Inc. $5,112,747.60 $1,117,527.50 $6,230,275.10 Northwest Asphalt, Inc. $5,318,519.68 $1,053,391.96 $6,371,911.64 Veit & Company, Inc. $5,880,651.55 $1,029,639.60 $6,910,291.15 AND WHEREAS, it appears that R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. of St. Cloud, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract for the Base plus Alternate Bid with R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. of St. Cloud, Minnesota in the name of the City of Otsego for the 85th Street and Maciver Avenue Street Improvement Project, City Project No. 17-03, according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the bid bond made with their bids, except that the bid bond of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the city council this 9th day of July, 2018. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerk A c U- U- E E �^ O C N 7 LL Y � v i 3 � N Y N � "6 Q 41 m 41N O u 0 bnN v n o N bD m O co CD co Ln w Ln LL O Q1 N Ln N N O U `DO 1D 0) o a -q � O Ol a, � N ui N N O o o O m 1l N ' N w co w .-1 In C) n 0 cnc N r4 Ln N Ln b.0 aJ }, LN J \ Q O bA W M LA m Q U 4-1 GC _ w v .b w C O 0 m LLJ m N O Q Al lD r -I w O _ O 4++ O O. 00 .Fu a c N Q O Q) N 0 cu 7 7 LL O 0 O U N 4- m E 41 N W C0 Ln M M O o O � Lo M Qi M Lr] C! w M I Ln N N N Ln OO _ qh to (A bA = �tw N w LA LL N LA N L •C a) Q1 'a (ts W C W E L = N cu L L O d LL LL LL I �— N C O N Y C 7 H Y N N "a U Q O M N O +� r6 a ci O N � taA r\ a' Lon r4 r.. Q � O N Ln LL t N N 01O H �i O Ln N 0 d•j OLn l0 O lG N 00Ln O M O M 0 v V Lf1 Lr1 lD N r, Ln lC f� taA N J O t.A V •N � � m a•J •� b.0 4- mw I LU 1 �71 lD r -I w O _ O 4++ O O. 00 .Fu a c N Q O Q) N 0 cu 7 7 LL O 0 O U N 4- m E 41 N W C0 Ln M M O o O � Lo M Qi M Lr] C! w M I Ln N N N Ln OO qh to (A bA = �tw N w LA r—E LU N LA N L •C a) Q1 'a (ts W C W E L = N cu L L O LL LL LL LL I �— L Q) L O Q) U N a W Q w LU J Q N a CD W m Aw u 00 .l M �.D M O po O l0 [i' M O O 0 Ui 00 Ln LD Ln00 cm M rm rq N N iin l.0 LL aA LL � N 'i txo Ql LU C Q) N'6b f6 Q) m C W W Q) "C N = = = O W I LL I LL LL �— C Ln O C (n LL � L Q) L Q) -14 cn Qi C) Q Q] +-, ro ` w }'cn SOA Q1 O Ln � Ln 00 M N Ln IR Ln rl M Ln LL O '.6N 00 co rl% N 1* R* Ln N Ln N w C) I-Ln O lD ri C) L N � O LD i!)' C} LO to N fin. O O O n i/} Ln �D M Ln in 00 0) N yNj} M lG Ln Ol t.0 fB bA J 4-J L QJ 4-J to \ Q 'a O aA bA OD m CO � Q Q1 C U C a% OC a w I QJ w 00 .l M �.D M O po O l0 [i' M O O 0 Ui 00 Ln LD Ln00 cm M rm rq N N iin l.0 aA � N 'i txo LU C Q) N'6b f6 Q) m C W W "C = = = O W I LL I LL LL �— CITY OF �f is e o MINNESOTA 46' Streets - Option 2 State Aid -CIP Year 2014 Fund Balance $1,614,798 Project 70th St SA Reimbursement #1 Estimated Cost ($104,382) Projected Revenue $493,335 70th St SA Reimbursement #2 ($258,929) Nashua Ave MS SA Reimbursement #1 ($165,411) 70th St SA Reimbursement #3 ($158,051) 2015 $1,421,360 70th St SA Reimbursement #4 ($286,154) $546,225 70th St SA Reimbursement #5 ($794,850) 2016 $886,581 70th St SA Reimbursement #6 ($442,509) $560,677 2017 $1,004,749 70th St SA Reimbursement #7 ($430,779) $589,483 85th St (Page to 84th St) Reclaim ($365,000) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Design ($100,000) 85th St (Nashua Ave to Mason Ave) ROW ($775,000) 2018 ($76,547) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($1,500,000) $655,706 $688,491 85th St (Nashua Ave to Mason Ave)Design, Observation, Staking and Contract Admin ($415,000) 2019 ($1,335,841) 85th St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($3,033,000) 202085th ($3,680,349) St (Nashua Ave to McIver Ave) & Maciver Ave (80th to 85th) Construction ($200,000) $722,916 2021 ($3,157,434) 85th St (Nashua Ave to Page Ave) Microsurface ($140,000) $759,062 2022 ($2,538,372) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $797,015 2023 ($1,741,357) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $828,895 2024 ($912,462) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $862,051 2025 ($50,411) No Scheduled Project Yet $0 $896,533 2026 $846,123 Queens Ave Reclaim ($300,000) $932,395 2027 $1,478,517 Assumption on revenue of 5% increase per year based on population growth of City through 2022 then 4% Project Costs of projects inflated for inflation at a rate of 3% per year ** City is allowed to advance encumber upto 5 times their annual allotment 3,278,530.00 7/9/2018C:\Users\Tami.OTSEGO\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.0utlook\ZM0370WQ\2018 CIP State Aid - Updated per bid2018 CIP State Aid - Updated per bid 1 OPTION #3 (BASE BID + ALT - C.O.) �-+ PROPOSED EXISTING WAT RMAININ *STAFF RECOMMENDED ' ' FUTURE SANITARY FORCEMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY FORCEMAIN EXISTING SANITARY FORCEMAIN MINIM STREET UTILITIES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN ADOPTE 2017-2026 CIP WNE LS QIP •S R-815 t loop on go 3 I _ I I it I I ! --- �1---------- -- ------- TRUNK W' TER & FORCEMAINS EXTEND A' ROSS 1 SCHOOL AND r - - THROUGH- ,FUTURE 9 O DEVELOPMENT �I ol Eu 7 —� 05 ,00 200 +, SCALE I - - FEET -� ii - . OPTION #1 (BASE BID + ALT) PROPOSED WATERMAIN ` EXISTING WATERMAIN FUTURE SANITARY FORCEMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY FORCEMAIN EXISTING SANITARY FORCEMAIN MINIM STREET UTILITIES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN ADOPTE 11** 2017-2026 CIP -- a F � „ ,. AIN I I � O � WN I �'• 1 I 1 �- � 16 WATERMAIN ? >t I I. lyi --- ---- ------ I ' % I y J /J I 100 _ Oj 100 200 z SCALE I FEET a— I ECIStTING 8" & 10" _�ORCEII�IAIN END ' I 1D0 _ 1. 2.0 SCALEI FEET OPTION # 2 BASE ( BID ) PROPOSED WATERMAIN EXISTING WATERMAIN V J/ FUTURE SANITARY FORCEMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY FORCEMAIN ''/ (' EXISTING SANITARY FORCEMAIN ■1�1■ STREET UTILITIES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN ADOPTE 2017-2026 CIP k _ ,- a —vow- - _ -- - - - - -- \ -_ _--_- i I - - - -- I- Il S I I I I - - - - - - - - - - -------------- _ I I I i I �EX STING 16" I I. ' TERMAIN END I � a— I ECIStTING 8" & 10" _�ORCEII�IAIN END ' I 1D0 _ 1. 2.0 SCALEI FEET