ITEM 3.2A 7.9.2018 MinutesITEM 3.2A OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER JULY 9, 2018 Call to Order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Corey Tanner and Jason Warehime. Councilmember Tom Darkenwald arrived at 7:02 PM. Staff: Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Liz Stockman, Associate Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. No items. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. City Clerk Loff said there was an updated Item for 6.1 distributed at the dais this evening. CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. June 25, 2018 Special Meeting. B. June 25, 2018 Meeting. 3.3 Approve City Council Special Pay for June. 3.4 Received Commission Meeting Minutes. A. Planning Commission June 4, 2018. 3.5 Adopt Ordinance 2018-05 Amending the City Code Regulating On -Street Parking_ 3.6 Approve Rockwoods Special Event Permit. CM Heidner motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Communitv Development: 4.1 Borders: A. Conditional Use Permit to Allow Relocation of an Existina Sinale Familv Dwellina. Associate Planner Stockman presented the staff report. The applicant, Sandy Borders, said she is present for questions if needed. CM Heidner motioned to approve a conditional use permit allowing relocation of an existing single family dwelling and detached accessory building to Lot 10, Block 1 Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 1st Addition subject to the seven conditions outlined in the findings of fact and decision as presented. Seconded by CM Darkenwaid. All in favor. Motion carried. 4.2 Emerson Pointe Final Plat. CM Darkenwald asked the City Attorney if he should abstain from this item since he has interest in the adjacent property. City Attorney MacArthur said yes. CM Darkenwald said he will be abstaining from this item. Page 1 of 3 Associate Planner Stockman presented the staff report. Applicant Mike Soul, DR Horton Homes, stated he agrees with the staff report as presented. CM Tanner asked if there is a planned park in the area. Associate Planner Stockman said no; there is no land that is being dedicated only cash which will go into the park dedication fund. CM Heidner motioned to approve a final plat for Emerson Pointe subject to the nine conditions outlined in the findings of fact and decision as presented and adopt Resolution 2018-45 approving a Development Agreement. Seconded by CM Tanner. Motion carried 4-0. CM Darkenwald abstained. 5. Closed Session; This Portion of the Meeting to be Closed in Accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3, b - Attorney Client Privilege. Mayor Stockamp said this portion of the meeting will be closed per MN Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3, b. Contracted Attorney Dave Kendal was conference called in for this portion of the meeting. CM Warehime motioned to close to a closed session at 7:12 PM. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Warehime motioned to adjourn the closed session at 7:31 PM. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Warehime motioned to re -open the regular meeting at 7:32 PM. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Public Works: 6.1 Award 85th/MacIver Bid. City Engineer Wagner presented staff report. He said R. L. Larson Excavating of St. Cloud was the low bidder whether the base bid is awarded or base bid plus the alternate bid is awarded. He reviewed the four options and summary of costs and funding for each option. He further stated City staff is recommending option 3. CM Warehime questioned if we have worked with R.L. Larson Excavating in the past. City Engineer Wagner said yes they have completed similar projects within the City of Otsego and with Hakanson Anderson. After some discussion the City Council concurred with option 3. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve Resolution 2018-46 accepting bids for 85th Street and MacIver Avenue Street Improvement Project (City Project #17-03) and Awarding the contract to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. of St. Cloud, MN for the Base Bid + Alternate Bid in the amount of $5,844,944.62 and approve Change Order #1. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. City Engineer Wagner gave an update on the Mississippi Shores Street Improvement project. 7. City Council Reports and Updates. 7.1 Approve Claims List for Metro Appliance Recycling. CM Warehime said he will abstain from this item. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve the claims list for Metro Appliance Recycling in the amount of $48.30. Seconded CM Heidner. Motion carried 4-0. CM Warehime abstained. 8. Staff Reports and Updates. Associate Planner Stockman said there is a Planning Commission meeting scheduled for next Monday, July 16 for Magnolia Landing. City Clerk Loff reminded the City Council of the Special Meeting for review of the Fire study on July 16, 2018 at 5:30 pm. 21 Page 7/9/18 9. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:16 PM. Mayor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk 7/9/18 31 Page