ITEM 4.2 Ashwoodip OtTY e F O MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action Planning City Planner Licht 23 July2018 City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 4.2 — Ashwood STRATEGIC VISION AGENDA ITEM DETAILS City staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of a Comprehensive Plan amendment, Zoning Map amendment and PUD-CUP/preliminary plat for development of 143 single family lots. AR�YOU SEEKING ECI'PROUAI.'OF A CONTRACT?,r �:� ,> ��, �.,_. �IS,A FUBLICHEARING }�1�,Q111RE[?�'i1 ry �;r,,.�� �''"r � = No Held by Planning Commission 4 June 2018 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFJCAT#oN D.R. Horton, Inc. has revised plans for development of 100 acres as 143 single family lots to be known as Ashwood. The subject site is located at the northwest quadrant of Odean Avenue and 75th Street. The proposed development requires applications to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include the subject site within the East Sewer District, amend the Zoning Map rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-5 District, and a preliminary plat. A public hearing to consider the applications was held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 4 June 2018. Mr. Michael Suel of D.R. Horton, Inc. was present as the applicant. Questions during the public hearing concerned extension of 75th Street west of Odean Avenue and stormwater management. These issues were addressed by the developer and/or City staff. The Planning Commission had no questions or concerns regarding the proposed development. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the proposed amendment. Following the Planning Commission meeting, the developer and City staff met to resolve issues related to stormwater management within the proposed plat. As part of these discussions, it was determined that it would be beneficial to the plat and surrounding area for the City to acquire land for a neighborhood park. The developer has revised the preliminary plat to include Outlot A at the northwest corner of the proposed Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS City staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of a Comprehensive Plan amendment, Zoning Map amendment and PUD-CUP/preliminary plat for development of 143 single family lots. AR�YOU SEEKING ECI'PROUAI.'OF A CONTRACT?,r �:� ,> ��, �.,_. �IS,A FUBLICHEARING }�1�,Q111RE[?�'i1 ry �;r,,.�� �''"r � = No Held by Planning Commission 4 June 2018 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFJCAT#oN D.R. Horton, Inc. has revised plans for development of 100 acres as 143 single family lots to be known as Ashwood. The subject site is located at the northwest quadrant of Odean Avenue and 75th Street. The proposed development requires applications to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include the subject site within the East Sewer District, amend the Zoning Map rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-5 District, and a preliminary plat. A public hearing to consider the applications was held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 4 June 2018. Mr. Michael Suel of D.R. Horton, Inc. was present as the applicant. Questions during the public hearing concerned extension of 75th Street west of Odean Avenue and stormwater management. These issues were addressed by the developer and/or City staff. The Planning Commission had no questions or concerns regarding the proposed development. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the proposed amendment. Following the Planning Commission meeting, the developer and City staff met to resolve issues related to stormwater management within the proposed plat. As part of these discussions, it was determined that it would be beneficial to the plat and surrounding area for the City to acquire land for a neighborhood park. The developer has revised the preliminary plat to include Outlot A at the northwest corner of the proposed subdivision to be dedicated to the City for a neighborhood park. The location of the neighborhood park will allow for preservation of existing trees and there is opportunity to expand the area of the park when the abutting property to the west is subdivide in the future. The planning report and engineering review attached have been updated to reflect the revised plans. ■ Planning Report dated 19 July 2018 ■ Engineering Review dated 18 July 2018 ■ Resolution 2018-49 amending the Comprehensive Plan ■ Findings of Fact and Decision re: Zoning Map amendment ■ Ordinance 2018-07 amending the Zoning Map ■ Findings of Fact and Decision regarding the PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat POSSIBLE MOTION Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-49 including the property within the East Sewer District, adopt Ordinance 2018-07 amending the Zoning Map to zone the property R-5 District, and approve a PUD -CUP and preliminary plat for Ashwood subject to the conditions outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION TPC The Planning Company V-11 ► N R oT 429141 TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 19 July 2018 ACTION DATE: 24 August 2018 RE: Otsego—Ashwood; Preliminary Plat TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND D.R. Horton has submitted revised plans for development of 100 acres as 143 single family lots to be known as Ashwood. The subject site is located at the northwest quadrant of Odean Avenue and 75th Street. The proposed development requires applications to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include the subject site within the East Sewer District, amend the Zoning Map rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-5 District, and a preliminary plat. A public hearing to consider the applications was held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 4 June 2018. Exhibits: Site Location Map Comprehensive Sewer Plan Preliminary Plat Submittal dated 07/17/18 (13 sheets) ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential development within Urban Service Expansion Area E1. The proposed development density of 1.8 dwelling units per acre (not including Outlot H) is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development requires a Comprehensive Plan amendment to expand the East Sewer District to include the subject site. Trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities have been extended to the subject site west of Odean Avenue with development of Crimson Ponds 4th Addition. Sewer service for the subject site requires extending the gravity trunk pipe that will collect flow from the subdivision and carry it through the existing system to the lift station at Quaday Avenue and River Road (CSAH 42), then via forcemain to the East Wastewater Treatment Facility. The extension of the trunk sewer to serve the proposed preliminary plat maximizes use of existing infrastructure and available capacity. The expansion of the East Sewer District to include the subject site is an orderly expansion that is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for such action. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The proposed preliminary plat requires a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site to R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District. The proposed single family lots are a permitted use within the R-5 District. Surrounding Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the existing and proposed land uses shown in the table below. The Zoning Ordinance provides for a transition requirement for increase minimum lot area and lot width for lots abutting Walesch Estates 2nd Addition to the north. The proposed preliminary plat is compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-3 District Single family East LD Residential R-4 District R-5 District Single family Single family villa South LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field West LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field Streets. The subject site abuts the west side of Odean Avenue. Odean Avenue is designated by the Transportation Plan as a Residential Collector street. Access to collector streets is limited to intersection spacing of 500 feet by Section 10-7-7.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. The preliminary plat provides for extension of 75th Street as a Residential Collector street west of Odean Avenue and also provides a local street intersection at 77th Street aligned with access to Crimson Ponds West to the east and spaced at least 500 feet from other intersections. The developer will construct 75th Street west of Odean Avenue with the proposed development. The cost of construction for 75th Street by the developer will be credited against collector street fees required at the time of final plat approval. As a Residential Collector street, the roadway has an 80 foot right-of-way and 46 foot wide street section. A 10 foot wide asphalt trail will be constructed on the north side of the roadway consistent with the section of 75th Street east of Odean Avenue. Access to 75th Street is also limited to intersection spacing of at least 500 feet. Local streets are provided on the preliminary plat north of 75th Street to access the proposed lots. The spacing of intersections with 75th Street is greater than 500 feet. Local streets are 2 proposed as 60 feet of right-of-way with a 28 foot wide street section having a sidewalk on one side. The design of the local streets is consistent with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. There is one cul-de-sac street within the preliminary plat. Section 10-7-6.A of the Subdivision Ordinance limits platting cul-de-sac streets to areas affected by physical barriers. The proposed cul-de-sac is necessary due to the access limitations to 75th Street and wetlands. Construction of permanent cul-de-sacs is limited to 500 feet in depth with a turnaround required at the closed end with a 60 foot right-of-way radius and 45 foot street section. No sidewalk is required on cul-de-sac streets. The lots fronting the cul-de-sac turnaround are required to have a minimum width of 125 percent of the district minimum to ensure adequate lot frontage, lot access, and area for snow storage. The minimum lot width of the R-5 District is 60 feet; the minimum lot width required on the cul-de-sac lots is 75 feet. All of the lots fronting the cul-de-sac comply with this requirement. Section 10-8-5-1.E of the Subdivision Ordinance requires extension of streets to abutting undeveloped parcels to allow for future subdivision. This provision ensures connectivity between neighborhoods for traffic disbursement, emergency vehicle access, and social interaction. The preliminary plat provides for extension of Street 6 to the west plat line for a future street connection. The preliminary plat also provides for extension of Obrian Avenue from its current dead end at the south plat line of Walesch Estates 2nd Addition, which provides a connection between that neighborhood and 75th Street. The layout of streets within the preliminary plat will discourage use of local streets for through traffic. The developer has provided profile plans for all of the streets within the preliminary plat. The proposed streets comply with the design specifications of Section 10-8-5 of the Subdivision Ordinance and the standard plates of the Engineering Manual. The cost of all street signs is to be paid for by the developer at the time of final plat approval. The developer must provide for the installation and operation of street lights required by Section 8-8-4 of the City Code at street intersections, cul-de-sac dead -ends, and midblock points longer than 900 feet at the time of final plat approval. All street construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the lot requirements of the R-5 District. The lots abutting Walesch Estates 2nd Addition to the north of the subject site must meet the requirements of the R -4A District in accordance with Section 11-66-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3 Lot Lot Lot Setbacks Front Side Rear Odean Wetland Area Width Depth Ave./ 75th St. Blks 1-4,6, 8-10 Interior 9,000sf. 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. house 7ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft, Lots 11-20, Blk 7 Corner (net) 80ft. 30ft. garage 25ft. Blks 8, 9, 10 Lot 1, Blk 5; 18,000sf. 100ft, 150ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Lots 1-10, 21, 22, Blk 7 3 The proposed lots exceed 9,000 square feet in area and the mean lot area is 13,431 square feet. Furthermore, the mean area of the standard R-5 District lots is 12,635 square feet. The interior lots are also a minimum of 70 feet wide, which exceeds R-5 District requirements. The proposed lots comply with the minimum requirements of the R-5 District. Landscaping. The subject site has stands of existing trees along the north property line, west property line and through in the eastern portion of the site parallel to Odean Avenue. The grading plan shows that trees along the north and west plat lines will be saved to some extent, but trees off of the property line will be removed as part of the development. Section 11-19-2.13 requires planting two trees per lot. The developer has provided a landscape plan indicating planting 241 trees along the local street boulevards. An additional tree will be planted by the builder after construction of a house upon each lot, brining the total number of trees to 384, which exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance by 98 trees. The type and sizes of proposed trees comply with Section 20-19-2.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. A landscape buffer yard is also required by Section 11-19-3.13 of the Zoning Ordinance to be planted in the side and rear yards of the lots abutting Odean Avenue and 75th Street. The landscape plan includes planting 121 evergreen trees and 36 decidous trees (as well as 109 shrubs) for the required buffer yard. The arrangement, type, and size of proposed plantings complies with the requirements of Section 11-19-3.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. The 2012 Future Parks and Trails Plan identifies a search area for land for public parks within the area of the subject site. The closest park facilities to the subject site and existing neighborhood to the north is Lefebvre Creek Greenway, which is more than the desired % mile distance. The developer revised the preliminary plat to provide for dedication of 2.14 acres of land for a public park at the northwest corner of the plat. Outlot A is heavily wooded and has area sufficient to accommodate a play area with trails through the site preserving trees for a unique neighborhood park facility. The location of Outlot A provides opportunity to further expand the park to the west when the abutting property is subdivided in the future. Section 10-7-15.1-1 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 10 percent of the subject site for park dedication purposes. The net area of the subject site less wetlands to remain and collector street rights-of-way is 89.30. The 1.68 net acres of Outlot A to be dedicated to the City for a park is 18.8 percent of the 8.93 acres of land required to be dedicated. The balance of the park and trail dedication requirements will be satisfied by payment of 81.2 percent of cash fee in lieu of land on a per lot basis. The cash fee in lieu of land will be the amount in effect on the fee schedule at the time of final plat approval. Utility Plan. Trunk sewer and water utilities are available at the property. The developer has provided a plan for extension of lateral sewer and water utilities to serve the propose development. The developer will pay sewer and water availability charges at the time of final 0 plat approval. Payment of sewer and water connection charges will be paid at the time a building permit is issued for each lot. The utility availability and connection charges will be those fees in effect at the time of final plat or building permit, respectively. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading plan for the proposed development. The proposed development includes storm water basins to provide for water quality treatment and rate control such that runoff will not leave the subject site at a rate greater than predevelopment conditions. The stormwater basins are included within outlots that will be deeded to the City as required by Section 10-8-12.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. The preliminary plat also provides for outlots to encompass existing wetlands and the 20 foot wetland buffer required by Section 10-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance. The wetland outlots will also be deeded to the City. The subject site is within the Lefebvre Creek watershed district and a stormwater area charge will be required to be paid at the time of final plat approval. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots and over all stormwater management facilities. The drainage and utility easements required at the perimeter of lots are to be a minimum of 10 feet wide but may overlay side lot lines five feet on each side. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Outlots. The preliminary plat includes outlots with their intended purpose and ownership shown the table below. Section 10-8-41 prohibits remnant parcels from being platted. Outlot C is separated from the subject site by extension of 75th Street and cannot be developed to directly access 75th Street. Outlot C must be conveyed to the City to allow for future access to 75th Street from parcels to the south that are under separate ownership from the developer. Outlot Purpose Ownership A Park Deed to City B, D, E, F, G Stormwater basin/Wetland Deed to City C Remnant Deed to City H Future phase Developer/Property Owner RECOMMENDATION The proposed Ashwood preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The preliminary plat further complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. 5 POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1— Comprehensive Plan Amendment A. Motion to approve a Comprehensive Plan amendment including the subject site within the East Sewer District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve of Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-5 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Decision 3 — Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve the Ashwood preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following requirements: R Lot Lot Lot Setbacks Front Side Rear Odean Wetland Area Width Depth Ave./ 75th St. Blks 1-4,6, 8-10 Interior 9,000sf. 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. house 7ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Corner 80ft. 25ft. Lots 11-20, 131k 7 (net) 30ft. garage Blks 8, 9, 10 Lot 1, Blk 5; 18,000sf. 100ft. 150ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Lots 1-10, 21, 22, Blk 7 R The developer shall construct 75th Street as shown on the submitted plans with the cost of construction credited towards collector street fees paid at the time of final plat approval. 4. Plans for street construction shall subject to review and approval of the City Engineer including: a. Installation and operation of street lights required by Section 6-8-4 of the City Code. b. Fabrication and installation of street signs. 5. Outlot A shall be deeded to the City to satisfy 18.8 percent of the park and trail dedication requirements for the preliminary plat; the balance of the required park and trail dedication shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land per lot equal to 81.2 percent of the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 6. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. The developer shall pay stormwater area charges for Lefebvre Creek at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 8. Outlots B, D, E, F, and G shall be deeded to the City for stormwater management purposes. 9. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 11. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. Outlot C shall be deeded to the City without restriction for future development when the abutting property to the south is subdivided. B. Motion deny the application based on a finding that the request does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision Ordinance. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Michael Suel, D.R. Horton 7 Review No. 2 ��Halcanson ■■■Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Mike Suel, D.R. Horton, Inc. Robert Olson, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Cody Sylvester, E.I.T. Date: July 18, 2018 Proposed Development: Ashwood Street Location A portion of the NE '/4 of the SW '/4 Section 28, T121, R23 and the Of Property: South %2 of the NW 1/4 Section 28, T121, R23, all West of Odean Avenue NE and South of 78th Street NE. Applicant: Mike Suel Developer: D.R. Horton, Inc. 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, MN 55044 Owners of Record: D.R. Horton, Inc. Purpose: Ashwood is a proposed 149 single-family low density residential lot development on approximately 100 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREET/TRAFFIC PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Ashwood, revised 7/17/18, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Geotechnical Soil Borings for Ashwood, dated 4/20/18, by Westwood Professional Services Stormwater Management for Ashwood, revised 7/17/18, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Storm Sewer Design for Ashwood, dated 4/25/18, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Wetland Delineation for Ashwood Property, dated 6/14/18, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Geotechnical Report (Draft) for Ashwood Residential Development, dated 6/13/18, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx EXISTING CONDITIONS Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. 2. Label the size and elevations of existing storm sewer, water and sanitary or any other underground facility within 150 feet of the proposed plat. (21-6-2.13.5.) See attached as - built plans for utilities crossing from the new development east of Odean Avenue. Also, the storm sewer pipe types and sizes need to be labeled along Odean Avenue. Label NWL and 100 -yr HWL elevations for the existing ponds and wetlands. 4. Provide benchmarks and datum (should be NGVD 1929 adj. datum). SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY Ashwood will be the first subdivision with water and sewer west of Odean Avenue. Ashwood streets only ties into the existing Walesch Estates (to the north) at the far west end of the development. The current configuration appears to provide reasonable street and utility connection locations for developing future adjacent properties except to the south of the proposed 75th Street. The developer shall continue work with City staff develop an acceptable configuration. PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREETS/TRAFFIC 6. Street shall be named according to the Wright County street naming system as follows; a. Street 2 — 76th Circle b. Street 3 — Ochoa Avenue c. Street 4 — 77th Circle d. Street 5 — Oakwood Avenue e. Street 6 — 77th Street f. Street 7 — O'Day Avenue g. Cul-de-sac north of 77th Street — O'Day Court h. Cul-de-sac west of Street 5 — Oakwood Court 7. All horizontal and vertical curves appear to meet a 30 mph design speed, except 75th Street meets a 40 mph design speed. 8. A temporary cul-de-sac will be required at the west end of 75th Street. 9. Concrete valley gutters are required across all intersections with less than I% cross slope. 10. An existing permanent easement for slope, grading, and maintenance per doc no 693125 should be vacated at this time. PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 11. The grading plans show grading onto the property to the south. Written permission from the adjacent property owner shall be provided to allow this. 12. A vehicle maintenance route must be provided (and covered by minimum 10' wide easement) to all ponds and all inlet and outlet structures for the ponds. A maintenance route needs to be identified to access the inlet pipe in the NW of pond 2. Verify the berm between pond 3 and the wetland is wide enough for a vehicle to access the outlet structure in this location. 13. Provide block numbers. 14. All cross drainage shall be covered by drainage easements. This appears to have been addressed in the current preliminary plans except the swale in the rear of lot 21-22, Block 6. 15. The grading in the rear yard of Lots 15-17, Block 7 appears incorrect. Please review and revise. 16. It is still unclear if or where the existing storm water discharges off-site th developer and the engineer have been working with City staff to provide an acceptable drainage solution. The drainage has been revised with the latest version of the plans and stormwater management report. Infiltration tests have also been conducted and the results have been received. It appears that Basins 1 and 2 will function as infiltration basins very effectively. The stormwater report is still under review but we feel that the site can provide adequate drainage without exceeding off-site discharges. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 17. Watermain coming from the eastern development along 77th Street is a 12" (ID) HDPE. Upsizing of the proposed 8" lines will be necessary to provide adequate water supply beyond the Ashwood development. The developer shall continue to work with City staff to develop an acceptable configuration. 18. The sanitary sewer manhole at 77th Street and Odean Avenue had a proposed invert of 910.0. We have not received as -built plan for this manhole yet, verify that the 909.61 invert shown is based on an actual survey. 19. Provide a watermain pipe connection between the watermain at Street 7 and Street 3 along 75th Street to provide a loop. DETAILS 20. The Otsego Engineering Manual has been updated as of March 2018. Please use the updated Otsego Standard plates from this revision. PAGE 5 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 21. See Comment #16 above. 22. Provide the pond/wetland NWL elevation on the drainage area map. Also, it does not appear that the DA# on the map correspond with the structure numbers in the calculations spread sheet. 23. We understand the justification for the "C" value being 0.40 but disagree with using an overall average lot value being an accurate representation for the storm pipe sizing and inlet spread. Rear yards or open space C values should be different than those in the streets. Typically, a C = 0.25 for rear yard catch basins and C=0.55 for street catch basins needs to be used in Type C or D soils. 24. Some of the storm sewer runs are missing from the calculations. (165-153, and 135-133) 25. Up to '/z the pipe diameter is allowed to submerged for a discharge pipe into the pond. Standing water in the pipe beyond the first structure is not allowed. Currently, the pipe run from CBMH 65 to FES 50 (6 structures) has standing water in them and must be revised. WETLANDS 26. The Wetland Delineation is currently under review. ENVIRONMENTAL 27. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8 is required. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2339\ot2339 RVW1.docx RESOLUTION NO.: 2018 - 49 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO EXPAND THE EAST SEWER DISTRICT TO INCLUDE THE ASHWOOD PRELIMINARY PLAT. WHEREAS, D.R. Horton, Inc. has submitted plans to plat and develop property located west of Odean Avenue at 75th Street; and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has adopted a Comprehensive Plan most recently amended on 12 December 2012; and, WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan establishes goals, policies, and programs to provide direction, guidance and management for on-going development of the City; and, WHEREAS, the Urban Service Staging Plan designates the subject site as being within Urban Service Expansion Area E1; D.R. Horton, Inc. has applied to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include the proposed plat within the East Sewer District designated by the Urban Service Staging Plan to allow for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to service the proposed development; and, WHEREAS, the Future Land Use Plan guides the subject site for low density residential uses; and, WHEREAS, the 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes an Urban Service Staging Plan to provide for orderly expansion of the established Sewer Districts subject to the following criteria: 1. Land to be included in the sanitary sewer service district is not enrolled in an agricultural preservation program. 2. The land lies within one-quarter mile of the existing sanitary sewer service district boundary or presents environmental problems that can be alleviated by the delivery of City water and sewer service. 3. The land is located within the designated urban service expansion area and the expansion is in accordance with the order of the staging plan. 4. The potential sewer discharge of the land area to be included is within available capacity of the City's existing facilities. 5. The developer shall hold the City harmless should limitations on sewer hookups be imposed. 6. The developer and/or benefiting property owners assume the significant majority of improvement/service costs. 7. The land does not qualify as a premature development or subdivision as regulated by the Subdivision Ordinance. 8. Inclusion of the land in the sanitary sewer service district is necessary to achieve a five year supply and respond to a shortage of land to which service is available. 9. Commercial/industrial development and requests for service to existing, unsewered residential areas shall be given priority over new residential development for service district expansion requests. WHEREAS, the planning report dated 29 May 2018 and addendum dated 19 July 2018 prepared by the City Planner, the Planning Company LLC, are incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, The Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 4 June 2018 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Otsego that the 2012 Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to include the preliminary plat for Ashwood within the East Sewer District designated by the Urban Service Staging Plan. ►i[oil11RIillI � SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of July, 2018. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 3 pip O tSTe�F('� o MINNESOTA! 7 APPLICANT: D.R. Horton, Inc. FINDINGS & DECISION ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a Zoning Map amendment to provide for a change in zoning classification for land to be preliminary platted as Ashwood. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 25 July 2018 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for Low Density Residential land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District in accordance with the interim land use policies of the Comprehensive Plan. D. The applicant has requested approval of a Zoning Map amendment to zone the property R-5, Residential Single and Two -Family District to allow for development of a preliminary plat of 143 single family lots; single family dwellings are a permitted use within the R-5 District. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential development within the East Sewer District. The proposed development density of 1.8 dwelling units per acre (not including Outlot H) is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. The extension of the trunk sewer to serve the proposed preliminary plat maximizes use of existing infrastructure and available capacity. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the existing and proposed land uses shown in the table below. The Zoning Ordinance provides for a transition requirement for increase minimum lot area and lot width for lots abutting Walesch Estates 2"d Addition to the north. The proposed preliminary plat is compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. 3 Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-3 District Single famil East LD Residential R-4 District R-5 District Single family Single family villa South LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field West LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The preliminary plat is accessed via Odean Avenue and will provide for construction of 75th Street west of Odean Avenue, Odean Avenue and 75th Street are designated as Residential Collector streets by the Transportation Plan with planned capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed preliminary plat. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The preliminary plat is within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates delivery of public service and the City has adequate service capacity to accommodate the proposed development. E. The planning reports dated 29 May 2018 and 19 July 2018 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. F. The Engineering Review dated 18 July 2018 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 4 June 2018 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of July, 2018. CITY OF OTSEGO 2 By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.: 2018-07 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE ASHWOOD PRELIMINARY PLAT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally by Exhibit A. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to R-5, Single and Two Family Residential District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Zoning Administrator shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file at City Hall for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of July, CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE ANg Qt�ego7F C APPLICANT: D.R. Horton, Inc. 18 Jul 18 FINDINGS & DECISION PUD-CUP/PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a planned unit development -conditional use permit and preliminary plat for development of 143 single family lots to be known as Ashwood. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 23 July 2018 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for Low Density Residential land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R-5, Residential Single and Two -Family District; single family dwellings are a permitted use within the R-5 District. D. The applicant has requested approval of a preliminary plat of 143 single family lots and PUD - CUP to address certain lot requirement flexibilities. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential development within the East Sewer District. The proposed development density of 1.8 dwelling units per acre (not including Outlot H) is consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. The extension of the trunk sewer to serve the proposed preliminary plat maximizes use of existing infrastructure and available capacity. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the existing and proposed land uses shown in the table below. The Zoning Ordinance provides for a transition requirement for increase minimum lot area and lot width for lots abutting Walesch Estates 2"d Addition to the north. The proposed preliminary plat is compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential R-3 District Single family East LD Residential R-4 District Single family R-5 District Single family villa South LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field West LD Residential A-1 District Cultivated field 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The preliminary plat is accessed via Odean Avenue and will provide for construction of 75th Street west of Odean Avenue. Odean Avenue and 75th Street are designated as Residential Collector streets by the Transportation Plan with planned capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed preliminary plat. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The preliminary plat is within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates delivery of public service and the City has adequate service capacity to accommodate the proposed development. F. The planning reports dated 29 May 2018 and 19 July 2018 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. G. The Engineering Review dated prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 4 June 2018; based on the evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Outlot A shall be deeded to the City to satisfy 18.8 percent of the park and trail dedication requirements for the preliminary plat; the balance of the required park and trail dedication shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land per lot equal to 81.2 percent of the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 3. Outlots B, D, E, F, and G shall be deeded to the City for stormwater management purposes. 4. Outlot C shall be deeded to the City without restriction for future development when the abutting property to the south is subdivided. 2 5. Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following requirements: 6. The developer shall construct 75th Street as shown on the submitted plans with the cost of construction credited towards collector street fees paid at the time of final plat approval. 7. Plans for street construction shall subject to review and approval of the City Engineer including: a. Installation and operation of street lights required by Section 6-8-4 of the City Code. b. Fabrication and installation of street signs. 8. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall pay stormwater area charges for Lefebvre Creek at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 10. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 12. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of July, 2018. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 3 Lot Lot Lot Setbacks Area Width Depth Front Side Rear Odean Wetland Ave./ 75th St. Blks 1-4,6, 8-10 Interior 9,000sf. 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. house 7ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Lots 11-20, Blk 7 (net) 30ft. garage Corner 80ft. 25ft. Blks 8, 9, 10 Lot 1, Blk 5; 18,000sf. 100ft. 150ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 65ft. 40ft. Lots 1-10, 21, 22, Blk 7 6. The developer shall construct 75th Street as shown on the submitted plans with the cost of construction credited towards collector street fees paid at the time of final plat approval. 7. Plans for street construction shall subject to review and approval of the City Engineer including: a. Installation and operation of street lights required by Section 6-8-4 of the City Code. b. Fabrication and installation of street signs. 8. All grading, drainage, wetland, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall pay stormwater area charges for Lefebvre Creek at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 10. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 12. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of July, 2018. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 3 Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk Fl - 11. oFF-FFFP,, F 1-mrsFF-FFF FF. FF All wwo 1 ng [ � p \ ' LO ■■ II �i i @4 Cjp SSI s jr P • � M � W♦ '� I , r R N r•fqqCO Ipial; N a � = u � 1 i Til z" 0 o� _ ��,�► s „ I Z II ,1 o � Illi ■■■■■■■ m■<< m K w w m K w w o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 0 m 0 nary Pl;i t Prell 1 Submitta,...i for Ashwood Otsego, Minnesota Prepared for: D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Contact: Mike Suel Phone: 952-985-7823 Prepared by: Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite 8300 Fax(952) 937.5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 T.0 Free (888)937-5150 WaAWOO Pf 00m Westwood Prafmional 5ervlces, Inc Project number: 0012728.00 Contact: Robert J. Olson Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) NO. DATE Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 Cover 2 Existing Conditions 3 Preliminary Plat 4 Preliminary Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan 5 Preliminary Utility Plan 6 Street Profiles 7 Street Profiles 8 Details 9 Overall Preliminary Landscape Plan 10 Preliminary Landscape Plan 11 Preliminary Landscape Plan 12 Preliminary Landscape Plan 13 Preliminary Landscape Plan Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) NO. DATE REVISION SHEBTS 1 7/17/18 City Comments All Preliminary for Ashwood Otsego, Minnesota Plat Submittal Date: 04/24/18 Sheet: 1 of 13 02018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. I I ) 'sem H y_� ry / / /"(L �- t ,,,,_• Call 48 Hours before digging: _ I s r- / 1. / .n r�. a , -o 811 or ca11811.com z2.s3 - — — - I &E Common Ground Alliance v / L I e-a3>La9ro o �$ I m' 8l -`� \\fin i , - �s< -995959 I� �S E7/L r�c4 �n 5, ^, p6 tl 'WJ I ) I 9 ?]� `-�I 1 lea pen e as �. °�F 9 yI ""•' �/ 1 mz I ry Ip _ rl�� v- he'�•r.9y�- `r 9') f ySW A N 9B 9 B C+ p 97 Ahs n hA. �7 as 1 4 926^ ry o 4 7 0.$� .A 9" <1 ' a"o 0 4� 1 r� 9lB J_5 E 16 4 94 ° \ n i— _ y °, \ � tl [21 /({NO -P RKING GN . 5004 l� '„,OFTHE SW 1/4 OF`�'"-11/ fN-IC+ U i ^ /'•-Nw1/4 OF S�c) LD. �7/2' I iD.�l/2'CAPP �140....�r'/57_4 /)\ ”'NtL G K 1' 'j LINIAIE.D N/{{{�I934 4.33 �4J4\ )w LECv4L DESCA/PTION BEnwOX \...- .®9A a li _/, a74z ( J� - p�-�WES Na!jf � fie Nwfheast Quarter of th9 Southwest Wolfe, —pt the South half thereof, the �- i a! 1 W weer Swthst Q. -t- the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast -tof the %q 1 �._ •rte. j \, �.-+ 0// I t e \ ,� / I-� w j '�- l J -- Nwss crtht Woh rt, oil Se/on ct28, Tawnshtp 121, Range 2J YMght County, r' /�-� \ J r- �'• `--'�+y` I.` I�, ' � Minnesota 50 (� a F )t 2 1 ✓ �.• 4 �. �t�`1 ` / 948 QST- Jg ... .\ �---\ \~� .�..,� ? \.-92 -Ln� -2'- 1 j Z I9 / D'�� `� NO BUIL,INGS N SUR EYEO�ROPL� Jr N p f / I' i - e B t LEGEND I� / m� ^\ / O P RXING SIGN-- // YC� 44-'4102-"�� m\� / t 1 CENTERPGYNT SIGN- fl' D SAN/TARP MANHOLE TELEPHONE BOX -946 F\V SEWER CLEANOUT 0 7ELEPHON£ MANHOLE 1• J 1 ✓ r^ 930 !c= zas i tp 1 l 9429q 4' ; (__ I - \ \ ` �9 FT Bir TRAILS 2 ` £-9zi - `�_._ _ ® STORM MANHOLE ® CABLE 7V BOX (,, \ 9 1 1 /9q \ ADDRESS Pt]W/- E EAPk N ' O%C\��ti d ST -8 O N _ _ r 7477 O'D N VE NE l CROSS -WALK 5/GN---) �,) T ® CATCH BASIN ® TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX ppVV (-_._._fff �'i } �� ` Oisfco. } t, a' (1 \. /_9se?-r©-sr=10 I t', -11.73,'7'^Y,',', SER CES , "� 3 o M \ \ / () / 2 ( / t ) U 40 FT PERMAAI W EA EN� FOR-• _ t- 936— o ff+ BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN I HAND HOLE y ) `` ROAD PURPo5E5 PER DOC NO. 6 7 25 i ® FLARED END SECTION # TRAFFIC LIGHT o ` ,I EgGE`O��OEUN EdIEO�M£7LAND- \_ y / J I m 9}1 1930 3a i ` 7 /`\ I 9+}ER WESiI?}17Y)O PROFESS/A4 -930- 3 I `7 I NO PARKING SIGN Iq (r 'l /! A '- �,,, 8 - POWER POLE STREET U)E /- -/-- SERNCES �.Y' U'a C `�.y e •�, /t ' (J �..�_� �yry ` �„ •'^' ; `"' .....o � � W �� 1 T(� � Y \ ¢ '^i 11\ ,.. GUY WIRE 0 BUSH/SHRUB k 0 ELECTRIC BOX CONIFEROUS TREE X94 9 I } X95? 4a O L1 �(ELECTRIC METER DECIDUOUS TREE 9560, \ ' "' / \,/" 57-7 \ �� I V 3 \ ` \�^tr� ~ w 1� O o'=� \ ELECTRIC MANHOLE 1 WETLAND 14 ELECTRIC TOWER TREE LINE 0ST-14 f', _ - 'Wy W TTI 1 I �' oa GATE VALVE -crv- CABLE TV \`se `• \ 9 W Z I cp'� _ HYDRANT -9n9- GAS UNE ^) W 4 \9S~✓�48 \\ �`^" \S. Q �' WATER METER ter- POWER OVERHEAD -sso \�f\ �\_�� Ilk z W -1 lm. E-- i+'e 7.9f W n �6\\ �l '�\ � I •-�.. .-.-- �� � '•---- �s CURB STOP BOX -r'us- POWER UNDERGROUND /A 1. I l C,�� 4 r) rl C) A A I/ \.\ ` -sr9- �-f''\.a WATER MANHOLE -sax- SANITARY SEWER L7y0�.'a l I l \/'t/ V \y!_ i ✓ 1� l __1 _ B\-.` 9a. .-`.. �N'W�R114Z_ 9J6 -._._ "_- •0 ST -131 WEU. STCIPM SEWER Or--rGAS METER -rcw- TELEPHONE OVERHEAD OF TTFFyf�SEC 2B, _GE 23'� w UM OF SE !/4j OF,� ` CROSS -WA SIGNAL BOX-[ ( r Jt� ® SIEEZ/IN7Q9 POST -ruo- TELEPHONE UNDERGRWNO FD. WRIGHT CIX/NT.Y S U pc THE SWI INE W 1/ OF SE 28 �1 ( r mac'_---j�V Rf7N'MONUMEN7 t E NW 4' SE 28 1 1 1 9 q sY 1 SIGN-TRAFT7C/O7HER --wnr- WA7ERMA/N 4 1 / \_ \ / \} Ls 12To0z _ 1 - - - lY `}L- j�\- _ / 4 1 1 1 - - o -✓' }e�-. 1/2' OPEN SIGN -TRAFFIC OTHER -ram FIBER OP77C 13 43 W 13Y5. �9�u� -'Try'2 °!h 93a 90 b 9 6 2 ® MAIL BOX —x— FENCE UNE n N NE qF THf�r m \ C qS 9179 ([) % {m se N- ; m ml E+ T %HE /F THE W 1/ CF EC. 28 I ) T' IGH- �.. 6 r=9zzre (w) \t `�/ / r✓ / 4 �. HANDICAPPED STAU CURB & GUTTER rn 1 a .SYn-I�971a'<„ I .',946\ � m , / V ` s#ia.�l<«nkk[aaa afr � a? � 0< �I ..�` � C PERC LEST -121- ACCESS CONTROL w , // 1. o /I/� � I �✓ \ � � � � � 6.5 `���� f �+ "\ r/ v / ryag ^'�-_•�-. © MON/TQ7(NC IVEZL 0 GAS VALVE 9 .�� '� 4 p T FIRE HOSE CIX4NEC77ON 'a•�" CONCRETE SURFACE ROAD V S PER NO ® CULVERT � 8/]UM/NWS SURFACE N ✓" --"� 1 X9989 (� �-FES�91fl10 m 4 FLOOD LIGHT GRAVEL SURFACE I ( he sz59z O \U ..✓ ~ / % ' rc=9zaaa t j I 9� tt=919.11 t5) p ) 0 SOIL BORING }� 7.83\ 7 `�.,✓1,.. , 1(? laira>yUQ) O Donates /ron Monumsnt Sot CN t'��,_j7 ~`� Jtr Ao 7V-nAa2ty I j )l • Denotes / Monument Found \-� ,940 "i s2 'N� I E Comm- � Q Denotes Cast Iran Monument found f"r m mW�i �'^ ..3 (,INE OF INffl'1/2 THE-� ✓ \�, �" .� - TERPOINT ,•y HE 1/4 S89�g2'oz -W r32 . � - — 311 )1 -FTEL LIN --� s s\f _-�9� ©� 0' 120' 240' 360' N' / ��= =' 9ry�A. ^� c L AK = �� I NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0012728EXPOt.dw9 o.t.04/24/18 Sh-t 2 oa 13 Westwood .mcf �nh m. p , ..a q m. « �m eT Md -.a FM n Prepared for. �3��dryu®dwro5uave� Ashwood mEs pu L,n d &W d manor.. >n>,la at>m� D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota Existing PFnre 1952)93)5150 12701 Yfiitewater Drive,Suite f300 � RIO Fal (952)9315822 atinne ka,tX455343 Deme MHra Conditions Td Free (888)937-5150 weIC•madpaaotn �s W. Mone 20860 Kee. Me Court, Suite 100 VV tm d RaleW-1 k A- I- Do. 7/17/18 LI.- Ion 2;1021 seat n....twt t4id.Ie Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Otsego, Minnesota F c2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. I Outlot Table: Typical Lot (Varies) (No Scale) >–Dralnoge & utilty Easement ,'–Setback One (See Dsve'.pment Dot.) --Lot Dimension Lot Number –Approx. Lot Areo Setback Dtmensron Westwood _&sh U_ dtrea ,upeddm ud IWt t ®e dv}, d®d tJ,MJ SIIBvrYOY mae; a. 4w, d w ens d ]M/le ab tommnt. PMre (952)93]-5150 12)01 Vlhitruater Orrve,5ete 1300 i Fe% (952)93)3822 tAinnetonka, F4Y 553G3 N:\001 72 wg",#ilWrelim\0012728PPP01.dw ,�1 3.0 1 Ij-XIChdrige i , � 1:1 FM a Prepared for. Ra D.R. Horton, Inc: Minnesota D_ rax m 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Y.md V..1-brfd. Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or cal1811.com Common Ground Alliance LEGAL DESCR/PTTON the Northeost Ouarter of the Southwest Cuorte ept the South half thereof, the Southwest Ouarte- or the Northwest 0—ter and the Southeast Cuorter of the Northwest Quarter, of/ to Sectfon 28, Townshi 121, Range 2J nfight County, Arxmesot. - Development Data �, Use Ownership Acres Outlot A Park City 2.14 ac (1.68 net) Oudot B Wetland/Ponding City 2.14 ac Oudot C Future Dev./Open Space Private 1.10 ac Oudot D Wetland/Ponding City 4.53 ac 51 r Oudot E Wetland / Woods City 1.63 ac � Oudot F Ponding City 1.49 ac Oudot G Ponding) Buffer city 3.32 ac I Oudot H Future Devel. Private 21.08 cc Typical Lot (Varies) (No Scale) >–Dralnoge & utilty Easement ,'–Setback One (See Dsve'.pment Dot.) --Lot Dimension Lot Number –Approx. Lot Areo Setback Dtmensron Westwood _&sh U_ dtrea ,upeddm ud IWt t ®e dv}, d®d tJ,MJ SIIBvrYOY mae; a. 4w, d w ens d ]M/le ab tommnt. PMre (952)93]-5150 12)01 Vlhitruater Orrve,5ete 1300 i Fe% (952)93)3822 tAinnetonka, F4Y 553G3 N:\001 72 wg",#ilWrelim\0012728PPP01.dw ,�1 3.0 1 Ij-XIChdrige i , � 1:1 FM a Prepared for. Ra D.R. Horton, Inc: Minnesota D_ rax m 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Y.md V..1-brfd. Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or cal1811.com Common Ground Alliance LEGAL DESCR/PTTON the Northeost Ouarter of the Southwest Cuorte ept the South half thereof, the Southwest Ouarte- or the Northwest 0—ter and the Southeast Cuorter of the Northwest Quarter, of/ to Sectfon 28, Townshi 121, Range 2J nfight County, Arxmesot. - Development Data �, a TOTAL SITE AREA 100.4 acres k EXISBNG ZONING A-1 Agriculture -Rural Service Area PROPOSED ZONING R-5 & R -4a TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED 143 UN17S OVERALL DENSITY (less Outlot H) 1.8 UN/AC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS R-5 SINGLE FAM/LY: LOT WIDTH (interior) 60 ft. min ® front setback (70' shown) LOT WIDTH (cul-de-sac) 75 ft. min ® front setback LOT WIDTH (corner) 90 ft. min LOT DEPTH 100 ft. min; 130' typical (as shown) LOT AREA 9,000 sf min; (9,278 sf shown) AVERAGE LOT AREA 13,431 sf (aII lots) AVERAGE LOT AREA 12,635 sf (excluding 100' wide lots) SETBACKS (MINIMUMS): FRONT YARD 25' House/30' Garage SIDE YARD 7/7:• 14' Total SIDE YARD CORNER 20' REAR YARD 20' 75TH STREET NE 65' ODEAN AVENUE NE 65' R-40 TRANSIBON SINGLE FAMILY: (Block 5, Lot 1 & Block 7, Lots 1-10 & 21-22) LOT WIDTH (interior) 100 ft. min ® front setback LOT AREA 18,000 sf min AVERAGE LOT AREA 21,718 sf SETBACKS (MINIMUMS) FRONT YARD 35' SIDE YARD 10/10'" 20' Total REAR YARD 20' >< ALL INTERNAL STREETS ARE 28' BACK TO BACK OF CURB, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. X 0' 120' 240' 360' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0012728PPPOi.dwg nete04/24/18 shit 3 OF 13 Ashwoo l Preliminary Plat Otsego, Minnesota F p 2 8 Y{estwood-Pr lfessional Services, I C. w ry m°\ t N m mI o sJ yJ vs g N n o a 1 l E ry e a rym 9 L 93 - q r7- 17 ,9i2 ; 1\` / I 1^� / \ L7 B "_-�/ �~\ . r- r -K � � �\- -�f•, \ �--_ 4�_J1 J ,.,, �: �/ I , ' � � / INFlL BASIN 2 � �. f � , OU,TLOT E =^c ;✓ ` �� � �� \ � � � J a r � � I s�� ♦ N• � ,1Q �-F I 05T �94 19P I x w 1 v 952 v / ag s 10 �; `\\> n N• a Ems. WETLAND \ ���� ` - `��// I I :-: i • \ /= \\ �� n // /�3ry i i xe HWL=944.7 . ssa \�•q r � �-=�,- � � � � 9 ss � . • I � - _t � J � '� 7��. \ � `\ `� , \\ p� PONO 3 � � q 1 .� � •�\ e / 16 m',� I �g �. NWL 930 0 E I HY92835.3 � t LOT CORNER ELEVATION 99 LOT NUMBER 3 DRAINAGE ARROW � 52DE! FINISH GROUND ELEVATION AT REAR OF PAD SEW 517.0 ( IF APPLICABLE ) rj(�-'{ 524.0 MINIMUN BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION FRONT GARAGE SLAB ELEVATION / /INFl 9N t j DO =919.0 DRIVEWAY I ( \ \ ( t SE = GRADED FOR 3.2' DIFFERENCE FROM BASEMENT FLOOR 7 EIEVATIOV TO FRONT GRADE ELEVATION. O SEWO = GRADED FOR 3.2' DIFFERENCE FROM FINISH GROUND ELEVATION AT REAR OF PAD I FRONT GARAGE SLAB 1 ELEVATION AT FRONT OF HOUSE P psrI d r� it ► �� ¢ -scar Fx3nr NOTE: LR R SM � S'MIRY WA O • f �� I' II I THE (1) INDICATES THAT THE GARAGE IS / 7 BLOCK OR 0.7 FEET BELOW THE FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. I, :) 11 ,-& LOT I ry oLrz A F A J 09}6 U9,4g_\J EROSION CONTROL NOTES: LEU • ALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN-PLACE BORING DENOTES SOIL'' I€ PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ENCE FENCE DENOTES SILT F VIABLE TURF OR GROUND COVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EXISTING SILT FENCE ON-SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED Es MA DENOTES HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE I. INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE _----980_. DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS X AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO EROSION CONTROL. -980---- DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES, HAY BALES, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE CITY SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. ❑--do --o DENOTES EMSTING STORM SEWER • ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORKING HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END FB► --t DENOTES PROPOSED STORM SEWER OF EACH WORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED DENOTES EMSTING TREE LINE ACCORDING TO DETAILS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS. DENOTES APPROXIMATE TREE GENERAL GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES rn Ym REMOVAL LIMITS - • ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/GUTTER x 856.3 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION • REFER TO THE SITE PLAN/RECORD PLAT FOR MOST CURRENT DENOTES BIO -Roil EROSION CHECKS HORIZONTAL SITE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERFLOW �, • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING E.O.F. ELEVATION UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES WITH THE OWNERS AND FIELD -VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE 0' 100' 200' 300' ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL RULES. Call 48 Hours before digging: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION • POSITIVE DRAINAGE FROM THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL TIMES. 811 or ca11811.com Dat2728coPol.dw9 DBte04/24/18 Sheet 4 OF 13 Common Ground Alliance at,w •,p..idm and wt ] .m • ,i®.d rcar�oNnc Westwood a d� wm -� g d @ m, >�R TE > tDT Ashwood Preliminary Grading - H!@!!� ®da tiv 4wY d fb btm d Mbanota ]/1'!/16 atY Cmunmts _To D.R. Horton,Inc.-Minnesota Drainage and Erosion plvne (952193]-5150 12]01 Wh'tewater Oti�e,Sute 630J F. (952)93]5822 MlnnetoNta, f.W 55343 D- PIXT III 20860 ]Ceobzidge Court, Suite 100 Control Plan Tdr- I...)931-5150 w.W..dp- i9b t J. C11WIl 7/17/18 45023 ]txmd Dnwhu In/dat Lakev111e, Minnesota, 55044 Otsego, Minnesota Vkkwmd Pr fess a 5,rvl A im Dtle 1, No F o20f8 Westwood Professional Services Inc. 11 I i I I I I «'digging: p t 1 J -- -- ------ f. - -�-- -- _ �- --- --------- -�--- ----�_ _-._ -- ---- - --. - 811orca11811.com __ __ -----7- _ - Common Ground Alliance r- ----- -- f -- ►► . N _ I� L-. X. HI(RECONSTRUCT) _. I i MH L- i �--- 1 ► 1 8 9 •• 22 XW�EE= 931 0103 ARE =94088 ;I �1 2 •� MH 1D '\ MR1 EW IE (W) = 909.71 IE 928.88 1 '"H �� rd \ Ei C\ RE = 935.79 \- p I I E) = 909.61 RE = 942.03 I `� N \ I ` IE = 923.04 MH / C7UTL r F. RE - 932.83 I I LEGEND IE -92$.18 \ . E = 935.49 lNn,BOTT 49N z -� 2CjE 12.94 IE = 92,2..'2 BorroM=e27.a j A % N- - OU7 121,3.0 IE = 913.46,00 - sf- EXISIII� OAl)T A / _ MH _' - - �: _ �-I- O ILGT E REI = s41.ts 11 Hvn-a26.z R� - s3 00 A 945.30 MH IE - 927.86 % ��--- - T--\ /� t `7 SANITARY SEWER MH \ ' \ MH \ /' IE- 932.03 RE = 1942.09 - E = 935.38 I 13 /� ' TLi CONNECT TO IE - 930.09 = '� _ --� C - �5 NL- - = ----- -- �, \ IE - 922.40 i, _ - EXI TING WATERMAIN - w"T RE = 945.51 �� , A RE = 943:28% _ �1 r �' j %�� E k SALVAGE _ WATER IE = 929.80 ii IE = 927.5 - ♦� y. _ _ _ - - - HYD. W�VALVE ' i / �� R MO �\\\ i 1 --" -1-- 1♦E ""S 9a 12 13 ♦ i\MH 92 �f\\ 18 a==93.5 :G Elx� TIG HYDRANT STORM SEWER ®--510-� 1 _ _ 14 � r / RE = 943.30 .� / �- �.� �' f� RE = 934.73 2 �i%� -►► 11 �I _IE =-s2t:6T 17 \ :\' � ����� PROPOSED �E = sz3 ser I % IE = 931.30 i v 7 �"� `�� _ - -. cfj 9 .73 --__ _-_ " " MH \ /.; ♦ rF -oho. 0.85-3 <E E 1� ( ) 14 V �+i .�� 1 � 1g = 931.53 � _ - 10 15 13 L y �'e' -3L s i SANITARY SEWER - t -� I� RE � 932.67 � /-� / 5.35 (d.? 3 _ 7 .. WATER - I -►a 9, \ IE_ X9742 $ r a - / - I ►--- � , = ►► � � � �: MH � � � � � � j MH � � I � � -rr_ I � I- J A � ��. i -' � \ Ay � � � __.,.ere ,;�,� HYD. w/vALVE �•+. 13 \\ %- j=' REi= 44.69 / E 9 0.48 I n. 1 ' � I ' LL STORM SEWER N 44-9 \ 17 � It = 93 89 IE = 92l�.48 ♦ 16 �(- 15 MH / " � \ / MH ` J MH / \\ , �. / 1 18 ♦ MH �' MH 14 RE = 9 2.46 ./ % � � I I = ... RE "944.94 ' - I ►♦ RE = 935.311: I IE = 91 d.79 �� \ �� 'tt. �j 6' PERFORATED _ RE = 944.54 j 12 MN �� MH I 1 RE = 933.77 / �\ j PVC DRAINTILE •IE = 1930.51 �� IE 32.94 !ARE = 942;94 ����� E = 94).0►"-'�►-• -•--N 19 _ IE - 920.38 IE = 976.54 • �/ //,/ R IE = 926.51 ',\\ \\\\ g-95.92 i 1/936.2H --r nip- JE►-, - -�'C' \. ' S \\ /' BH75t= X000 til / \ / 3 i 2.7 26 25 IE = s2i \ _ ----- 28 - '� . / \ I 'RE 2`393 .6322 • ii IH '"�� A % _ 1D �IE = 92 .70 I \ ��i 9 6 - MH / %,' - IE�= 915.581 /� t_ i �� f 2 h V♦i 1 MH / MH t�/� -1 _/: 13 - RE - 939:97`1�� _ =_� - 8 12 RE = 932.40 RE _ 945.96 / �� �_ 9 1 �. - • ► - -Y_. / ��' ('-_- �� IE = 915.21 ►�% 7 IE 932.21' IE' = 925.50 c, t I , i . �- fl -__! �'�� / r MH - ....__ ►►��•►. 1 %:;�': Q�� '� 7 'i 1� - -RE = 93 r43----- �1 jQ 4 \\ - - - 7 d a �w ; / i ` 6 ►► ��I m I RE 939.08 �, �f% - t\_-� IE 917.52 8 �. i -� \ % R _/ ' /� ` i IE = 925.14 ! E 937.87 _ /� - • 5 -.. �0 7 8 9 10 / ( IE 21.77 / M a Rd sso uo - - 8 l I I ��//MH ! i� li I MH % H MH / A / A MH I '0. . �� 6 / 9 MH l� RE = 932 E - 946..1' \ \RE - 938.87�f i RE 84 50 -�I`I 1 ,, �{2�= 932.91 f I RE 932.21 \ _ IE = 919.08 (4 R`� / IEC 923.02 12 �' �.i ��\ \ - - IE = 918.02 i i IE = 918.58 I ? Hxi.-� u�Y 1 = 930:91 6 71E'� 925.83x;/ �� / 13 '\ -_- 3 1 9- / / 12 f �i930-- -_. 8"V9 OUTLZiT ��� %�'` A REt'= �� M 8 \ 7 Q' - % / '\ �% ��. It = 922.34 1� g / RE = 93 85 1 F , .�� ..--- . `��� 13 �,�'� 1E= 972 --- - jQ Iv 925.e CII.! �s. $' 5MH / / - -� MH f i / tt �. POND 4L�,. i4' / RE = 94085 \..-., I�� H / A / 5 -MH �I I RE = 931.87 ' i tM HWL 942.5 -� j B MH�\. �� V IE = 926/3 R& 93§:37 3 �� W= 932.57 I 6 ! 7 I 1 IE `U1938� NWL 942.s RE = 943.57 = A �\ - / ��� IE s2sss / °. A 1` / (E = s1s.66 \� WETLANS A / t4 %i AA i HWL=934.6 / 16 �V \ ' '� 2 - L� - 9 1>> ►�A� I� MH 3 i A 942.1 � I �1 15RE , 12 \\ i 92 8`/ OUTL©T 17 E = 94x.17 '.it \` __ IE,�= 919.12 I I -'_'-r- -_. �RE - 932.23 f \ y IE \� _ / I___ - . �� /:' \ 13 / \ Pans 3 IE = 925.51 ' ' 16 i� IE`= szo.23j 2 HWL 935.3 �� i(I MH �)� � �. i � \ HWL 93x.3 I -1 �I - MFS I 17 4 � 111 r- MM 13 � V `� A MH »> RE = 938.44 I -L! 1a H OUTLOT T \RE = 947.85 12 V� RE = 94L55' \ _ ( I �� IE = 926.44 �`� ��� 1 RE = 932.80 1` ' �� = 935.85 11 V IE --9.29 - 1 18 I� x'/ ♦,� I�� I I' = s20.60/f" �. \ - \ \ ' 14 MH RE = 940.93 I • = ' ' � � a ►►__-----__ -- - - IE = 928.93 I ( _ ... - ...._ ... _ ... -II - c0 _ �,87`y �, �_L _ - - _� 373-. -'i ' -- 75-Tht ST- -- - - --- - ---- - - .1 �--1 r 93G I GENERAL unI LTY NOTES' • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. • UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2013 ED. OF THE 'STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICE UNE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND X STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN.' AND TO THE 'STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION' MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31 2016 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THE PROPERTY LIMITS. • SEE ARCH. PLAN FOR EXACT BLDG. LOCATION. SEE SITE PLAN FOR LAYOUT DIMENSIONS. SERVICE ENTRY LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE ARCHITECT. • VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOC. k ELEV. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. k THE WATER SERVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MIN. OF 7.5 FT. OF COVER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CITY AS -BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS TO CHECK LOCATION AND MATERIAL TYPE. 01 700' 200 300' • ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 3 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' FOR FOR UTILITY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0512726UTP01.dwg LOCATIONS PRIOR TO U DUTY INSTALLATION. Dt.04/24/18 sb-t 5 ON 13 wWO®J � ®" ,. q � ��T n__ PMII Prepared for. Ashwood Y V V a @1@t1� ®du tb 4w• d Ib 8nt• d Limrota v v's at. �_ D.R. Horton Inc: Minnesota Preliminary Utility Plan Plo (952)93]5150 12]01 Whitewater Wire, Suite 1'300 �� FM Jo I. (952)93]-5822 M'nneioNca. 1l.Y 55343 xa . 100 LCourt, Suite 100 Td(M)90 X=wdonwd. bn Lakeviffe, Minnesota. 5504 Otseg. QinneBote wl ood Pmholl sadaIm D. 7/17/18 1. 45023 F o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 75TH STREET NE 77TH STREET NE 1ai� ; .:o , : i ...m.aa :at . ' ' N� - ' 01m ' ' M:M � arn""rnm..yd..mo%.-..om..'o�(..md..ad-.mc..mm..�..rni�..m...mm-.m�, .:m...: ... ..�.a.....d 1:.....MSV.....i`(....iNIS`1.....5':.....i�.....i`I.....3-.....M........: mo..rn:m :m�::�: mo�::om..m..a..mrn .om.......om..rnin..mrn... : : r�•:,ri':�:": ...: . :. .. Nrnom NN 4 N}fW T A01 m., "OM' ON mtha0., ... ................... .:: '3'. ....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...� . . 965 965 .. ... .. .. ....:....:....:....:....:.........:....:....:....:.....� i�i' °i: m rn . -:P .. .. "TSTA " � 7+25.00:. .:. .:.. = .. .. .. . ....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...y:....pVt .........:.........:..._....:.........:......._:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:... ...... ....... ....:..PVI:ELEV:- ......::: " 939.91.:..-..:....:,,.! " :: :E TA i=: LEV" it44..tlD" 936 +�5S ..4YM ..Ot�M..r�•4�. .M.�n..�rlN..M.�g: �:' :....... ... ...... .........:..................... ......:.._.....:........:....... 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VC.:....:... . 350 .2.32:.:.:. 5C L.P.: STA: =[ 1+50:00: : ' Pw-STA =:1+50.00 - 4° 345 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:PVI: .A.D:_ :1:.209:::::::: : . .K _ :41,67 340 .:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:..:PVc. a:25.ba:.:.:.:.:.:. 4C .ELEY: _ 932:40 - :.... i.:.:.:.:..:ELEV .x:.932:4a.:.;.:.:.:.:. 3E : =0:6CN :: 0.60%' :: : 330 .:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.: ..............:.:..:.:.:. a.:..:.:. 3C 325 Pw' ELEV = 933:36 ' - " 2° .:.:......:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. -:Pw-STA=1+00.00 PM. ELEV:=::932.55::1:::: 320 ....:....:....:....:....:.... 2C 014 :::: :::: ...... NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR It Prepazed for. Ashwood D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 0113 p20860m 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 x.m.a o..,. b,ia.>c Lakeville. Minnmota, 55044 Otsego. Minnesota 0' 100' 200' 300, 00127280701. D.t.04/24/18 sty 7 os 13 Street Profiles F 02018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. BIT i IE` FP SHW"EGG PR u Sl 14 ... 5 LOPE I 0 B TUNNI IRAN LA 0 u1N0U5 u>i B610 CONCRETE CURB (E THER SIC£) • B Bliu AN GUTTER PlPCEO BASE ON AFEBOVED SUOGRAOE (.Gp —) e] p PPPOVEO SUB.,PADf AB W'DTN al/Ire A:j B-11- EARTH r11— -' II1 \ FBI - HATER" E' u c[LATER VUTHUV V FENETBAITON Ea. REE. Un00t 1806 SILT FENCE 0 SCALf CT TD REVISIT B'r QUALIFIED S*Rs E11111111 'NABEE DESIGN TI S VALUF U, LESS"U" 20 RE UIIRCS 4' GRAVEL BASE BENEATH C-11 YE srDEn°AEA UIE5: VALUE I5 CF EUBAIIWENT SOIL EeSTANCE STREHIR AS DETEHTITED BY TIE INEF. STABILOUITCR U_1100 aLUE 1s THE cu u vE�L-AGI A `EcrlN9! V WE Ll DURING TIT 1 1 DF IEXI Or PnvCUENT. LOCAL RESIDENTIAL 0 REVIEW 11 OUe LIFIEO SOILS ENGINEER NA6zE DEIGN iHrc NNF55 ARO BETAIL 107 ...NOTES R VALUE ISA NE4SURE OF EN80—ERT SOIL RESISTAINCE STRSNDTH AS BETERH',E BY THE HVEEU 51AER-OUETER NETHCD SRVAGE ECTN.1 VEIACEES W"VALUE IS THE . THE DESF VA LIFO OF A FLEY B E PAVEUEUT MSA COLLECTOR URBAN STREET SECTION - 10 TON NO SC> STANDARD1 PLATE NO. (3 OLS6Y0 STANDAR003 LATE LA0. PVBucS POAOC u � ' 1'-2- WISHED ROG%—/ ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NO SCALE U; • .,, .l.Se PO STANDARSOSLATE NO. a D 6 N "'TsL Nr. N RAE- TIE —ED Tvmuz Aslrsa .—C M. OTaiCE NEBmG BEAST EE ITLECTEMz c meEr4Us Pva nPAua w 6 — b ONE PAT BE RWSREG IF FIELD SP1V LVAY Y�O�EC[OCRTLlP3rE ARO SERO �I PROTECTION Y�5� � FF R=NGVUH S. r[CTSON W3I>£ —ILL[D ALONG THC rl ENvOEBT A'0 AT S EuI r 5 'I OF sgX I USE AV 4E. RSSIIIT t TO THE GR➢V s1E T. r PIPE /"'=I .. I mal.vAr mrcR xrwN vArzn msowEa YAVTEEAArii_SRfvnrt6rwLimG TDP VIEW nmTAs IGEN RNAT BE Lwr P�IFICHAPOSE�xmc DlEsav�F¢ r amG A— —F1OOT � L = 14 % DEPTH a ra Dv�RFLw END SIDE VIEW VIEW [ALD SCALE) KNNNw�6TUK FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER "DISCHARGE SYSTEM WITH OUTLET STRUCTURE Westwood PhDTo (952)937 -ST. 12101 VfiileWater Drive. S..p300 Fa% (952)9375822 MinnelOnkB, RON S53A3 TDI FIa (918)937.5150 werEwOWIBUDDB W twood FYvlea Ro 19enLN I - 4 5' SLOPE I/J' PER R 2% 4 5-VIE Z4' TH /SEE PLATE 104 R 5' W'0E 40NCRETE CURB k UTYER PLACED ON CONCRENE IDEVaLB 2. A I B eFLUINOUS VAT APPROVED SIT ADE••• PPRV/E SUBGFAD (EIIH ER SIDE) C CLASS 5 GRAVEL PASS (uDD!FIED) 29' WIDTH —B PPPFOVEB SUEGPPOE IV 111TH al/Ire A:j B-11- EARTH r11— -' II1 \ FBI - HATER" E' u c[LATER VUTHUV V FENETBAITON Ea. REE. Un00t 1806 SILT FENCE 0 SCALf CT TD REVISIT B'r QUALIFIED S*Rs E11111111 'NABEE DESIGN TI S VALUF U, LESS"U" 20 RE UIIRCS 4' GRAVEL BASE BENEATH C-11 YE srDEn°AEA UIE5: VALUE I5 CF EUBAIIWENT SOIL EeSTANCE STREHIR AS DETEHTITED BY TIE INEF. STABILOUITCR U_1100 aLUE 1s THE cu u vE�L-AGI A `EcrlN9! V WE Ll DURING TIT 1 1 DF IEXI Or PnvCUENT. LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION - 9 TON -- TND SCALE - ZONE yd L STANDARD1 PLATE NO. PVBucS POAOC u � ' 1'-2- WISHED ROG%—/ ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NO SCALE U; • .,, .l.Se PO STANDARSOSLATE NO. a D 6 N "'TsL Nr. N RAE- TIE —ED Tvmuz Aslrsa .—C M. OTaiCE NEBmG BEAST EE ITLECTEMz c meEr4Us Pva nPAua w 6 — b ONE PAT BE RWSREG IF FIELD SP1V LVAY Y�O�EC[OCRTLlP3rE ARO SERO �I PROTECTION Y�5� � FF R=NGVUH S. r[CTSON W3I>£ —ILL[D ALONG THC rl ENvOEBT A'0 AT S EuI r 5 'I OF sgX I USE AV 4E. RSSIIIT t TO THE GR➢V s1E T. r PIPE /"'=I .. I mal.vAr mrcR xrwN vArzn msowEa YAVTEEAArii_SRfvnrt6rwLimG TDP VIEW nmTAs IGEN RNAT BE Lwr P�IFICHAPOSE�xmc DlEsav�F¢ r amG A— —F1OOT � L = 14 % DEPTH a ra Dv�RFLw END SIDE VIEW VIEW [ALD SCALE) KNNNw�6TUK FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER "DISCHARGE SYSTEM WITH OUTLET STRUCTURE Westwood PhDTo (952)937 -ST. 12101 VfiileWater Drive. S..p300 Fa% (952)9375822 MinnelOnkB, RON S53A3 TDI FIa (918)937.5150 werEwOWIBUDDB W twood FYvlea Ro 19enLN I - tDT PFCFlNE - •: ::. - B1PEEi PFM>I�::::..:• DgEyilCµ OF RW CN smFET LOT BENCHING DETAIL NO SCALE 6'-3A32 CONCRETE SIDEWALK e CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (1007L CRUSHED GRAVEL) COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONC. WALKWAY NO SCALE POND I :1 OUTLET r, ELEVATION=(SEE GRADING PLAN FOR ELEVATION) POND BOTTOM=(SEE GRADING AQUATIC SAFETY BENCH PLAN FOR ELEVATION) E 6ne4r RBSBY IL.t ILL FL.a Iti pq -B Ll m. a Duda ALF ]EnLRme ddlzNY n'm .Ra ELY E - . Boy Brm.d PROF'ESSE— H2iCST� VI- tb Lw. a Sb @Lt. d .amNw.. 7/17/18 Qty COORT.t. Robert J. 01— Do. 7/17/18 xv 45023 000 fFNILC�If B E \ EEUTo pPCB06 .INE1� - , `I?, BIG 0 EU. Eil r, VEROCAL iF N.11 W 0 WFIBER ELANKET SHALL BE PLACED AND -EO AGE REINO TO Un/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 3K2 'INH TIELL B[ OVER E%CEPHONS N GUN OTT jTP P EDGES PLASTIC CR 1.0 BIODEGRADABLE S' 1R STAPLES SHALL BE USED IN PLACE Or VITAL 1Y1RE STAPLE, FOR USE TO TASTEN WOOD FISEIE-KET,E PRODUCTS WOOD FIBER BLANKET INSTALLATION ON A CUT SLOPE YO SCALE 1S2'0 STANDARD PLATE NO 0.67• BEARING SOIL (TYP.) M104 VOIfy1N FILTER CR P-ETTY LEE,ErIRA-E EFFRARE —SNADE &52EO r0 FT INLET i0P SIDE V W FOR SLT S>VERUSTRULRAUE 1, FLIER 1. EXXCA I ATE AP RDi IPATELY 4' r0 6' BELOW THE TOP OF STFUC U Z PLACE THEAUE O4TO THE INLE STRUCTURE, G UFING PFOPEPEATING OF F..4STO TRUCTURE. 3. SLIDE THE FLTER OIER THE —E. 4 FILL THE FILTER SOCA EIS WITH SOIL. 157 GRAVEL OR EGMILENN. THE FILTER POCKETS SHCULD BE COUP IFTELY FILLED TO ENSURE A GOOD SEAL BETVFEN THE GROUND AND NILET STRUCTURE. 5. BAAA TPP PNC T11EP X51-11 IS P.CNRFIIMLLlG u>OD BEUR CFSSARYALLtHON; I'D RE F%CAVATION RECULREUENTS FOR THE ENE.L E SILT -SAVER A SCALE sur -SAVER. INE. W- IT TSAVER.C.. STANDARD PLATE NO. 66 506 [EIL OFGR- 3D AT WALKOUT.2' BELOW GARAGE SLAB 0.5 TOPSOIL—� UNLESS OTHERWISE I NOTED. -ENGINEERED FILL BEARING SOIL (TYP.) U E OC 2573 VA EI 11 ...ASSEUBLEO ! UB. -IF DRD�BDID.1— GREEN LETTERING ON INfACi1Y EN6IIIEER B-11- EARTH r11— -' II1 \ FBI - HATER" E' u c[LATER VUTHUV V FENETBAITON ke REE. Un00t 1806 SILT FENCE 0 SCALf R OJ-S.e °O STANDARD PLATE NO. ZONE II 501 tDT PFCFlNE - •: ::. - B1PEEi PFM>I�::::..:• DgEyilCµ OF RW CN smFET LOT BENCHING DETAIL NO SCALE 6'-3A32 CONCRETE SIDEWALK e CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (1007L CRUSHED GRAVEL) COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONC. WALKWAY NO SCALE POND I :1 OUTLET r, ELEVATION=(SEE GRADING PLAN FOR ELEVATION) POND BOTTOM=(SEE GRADING AQUATIC SAFETY BENCH PLAN FOR ELEVATION) E 6ne4r RBSBY IL.t ILL FL.a Iti pq -B Ll m. a Duda ALF ]EnLRme ddlzNY n'm .Ra ELY E - . Boy Brm.d PROF'ESSE— H2iCST� VI- tb Lw. a Sb @Lt. d .amNw.. 7/17/18 Qty COORT.t. Robert J. 01— Do. 7/17/18 xv 45023 000 fFNILC�If B E \ EEUTo pPCB06 .INE1� - , `I?, BIG 0 EU. Eil r, VEROCAL iF N.11 W 0 WFIBER ELANKET SHALL BE PLACED AND -EO AGE REINO TO Un/DOT SPECIFICATION 2575 3K2 'INH TIELL B[ OVER E%CEPHONS N GUN OTT jTP P EDGES PLASTIC CR 1.0 BIODEGRADABLE S' 1R STAPLES SHALL BE USED IN PLACE Or VITAL 1Y1RE STAPLE, FOR USE TO TASTEN WOOD FISEIE-KET,E PRODUCTS WOOD FIBER BLANKET INSTALLATION ON A CUT SLOPE YO SCALE 1S2'0 STANDARD PLATE NO 0.67• BEARING SOIL (TYP.) M104 VOIfy1N FILTER CR P-ETTY LEE,ErIRA-E EFFRARE —SNADE &52EO r0 FT INLET i0P SIDE V W FOR SLT S>VERUSTRULRAUE 1, FLIER 1. EXXCA I ATE AP RDi IPATELY 4' r0 6' BELOW THE TOP OF STFUC U Z PLACE THEAUE O4TO THE INLE STRUCTURE, G UFING PFOPEPEATING OF F..4STO TRUCTURE. 3. SLIDE THE FLTER OIER THE —E. 4 FILL THE FILTER SOCA EIS WITH SOIL. 157 GRAVEL OR EGMILENN. THE FILTER POCKETS SHCULD BE COUP IFTELY FILLED TO ENSURE A GOOD SEAL BETVFEN THE GROUND AND NILET STRUCTURE. 5. BAAA TPP PNC T11EP X51-11 IS P.CNRFIIMLLlG u>OD BEUR CFSSARYALLtHON; I'D RE F%CAVATION RECULREUENTS FOR THE ENE.L E SILT -SAVER A SCALE sur -SAVER. INE. W- IT TSAVER.C.. STANDARD PLATE NO. 66 506 [EIL OFGR- 3D AT WALKOUT.2' BELOW GARAGE SLAB 0.5 TOPSOIL—� UNLESS OTHERWISE I NOTED. -ENGINEERED FILL BEARING SOIL (TYP.) R.O.W 22' GRADE AFTER HOUSE GRADE FOR PAD I HOLD DOWN = 0.70' I L1.20' TO SUBGRADE (II I-T`T •Avi 0.5' TOPSOIL ENGINEERED FILL SPLIT ENTRY (SE) 65' Wide Lots N.T.S. HOLD DOWN = 1.50' T. GARAGE FLOOR EL -4-- --.-' TO SUBGRADE -- _G.5' TOPSOIL GROUND AT WALKOUT ELEVATION —ENGINEERED FILL BEARING SOIL (TYP.) R.O.W 22' FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE -FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD 10' HOLDDOWN UMI TS —ENGINEERED FILL BEARING SOIL (TYP.) SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT (SEWO) 65' Wide Lots OE ROADWAY rE ROADWAY N.T.S. Call 48 Hours before digging: Latest Revision Date: 7/17/18 811 or call811.com 001272BOTP02. Common Ground Alliance nate04/24/18 sheet 8 OF 13 tasL� r0rs u Prepared for. R" D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 1l_ l OH 1a R.Ord Dmy108 to/1l.FY 20860 ICenbrldge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Ashwood I7QtAlIS otseao, Nffiuweota 3/4' GREEN LETTERING ON WETLAND -I WHITE BACKGROUND I BUFFER ZONE WHITE LETTERING ON BROWN BACXGROU140 3/8 WITH 3/4" LETTERING NO " Structures, Grading, W L IAowing, or Filling E Beyond This Point. A N 6, ALTERNATE I 8 WETLAND BUFFER SIGNS ARE TO U BE PLACED ALONG ALL WETLANDS IN RESICENTIAL F AREAS WHERE THE BUFFERS F ARE REQUIRED. E SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON R A 'U -POST" MOUNTING. (SEE STANDARD PLATE 801) SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED 20' .�.-_3. _.....- FROM THE EDGE OF THE ALTERNATE 2 DELINEATED OR MIT'..GATED WETLAND. WETLAND BUFFER SIGN .?r� Ol-Se°fO STANDARBO4LATE NO. HE R.O.W 22' GRADE AFTER HOUSE GRADE FOR PAD I HOLD DOWN = 0.70' I L1.20' TO SUBGRADE (II I-T`T •Avi 0.5' TOPSOIL ENGINEERED FILL SPLIT ENTRY (SE) 65' Wide Lots N.T.S. HOLD DOWN = 1.50' T. GARAGE FLOOR EL -4-- --.-' TO SUBGRADE -- _G.5' TOPSOIL GROUND AT WALKOUT ELEVATION —ENGINEERED FILL BEARING SOIL (TYP.) R.O.W 22' FINISHED GRADE AFTER HOUSE -FINISHED GRADE FOR PAD 10' HOLDDOWN UMI TS —ENGINEERED FILL BEARING SOIL (TYP.) SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT (SEWO) 65' Wide Lots OE ROADWAY rE ROADWAY N.T.S. Call 48 Hours before digging: Latest Revision Date: 7/17/18 811 or call811.com 001272BOTP02. Common Ground Alliance nate04/24/18 sheet 8 OF 13 tasL� r0rs u Prepared for. R" D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 1l_ l OH 1a R.Ord Dmy108 to/1l.FY 20860 ICenbrldge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Ashwood I7QtAlIS otseao, Nffiuweota F o2018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. r t Il r1r 1 I ( X Single Family Landscape Requirements Native Seeding Legend NOTES: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: 286 TREES + DENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE + ++++ MIX (35-621) 1. ONE ADDITIONAL YARD TREE PER LOT WILL BE PLANTED BY BUILDER AFTER CONSTRUCTION ON LOT IS �2 OVERSTORY TREES PER SINGLE FAMILY LOT + + + TOTAL AREA (0.50 AC) COMPLETE. TIMING OF INSTALLATION WILL BE DEPENDENT UPON SEASON AND PLANT AVAILABILITY. (143 PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY LOTS) 2. STREET TREE LOCATIONS AND SPACING ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON CONSTRUCTED DRIVEWAY AND Single Family Landscape Provisions DENOTES WET STORMWATER NATIVE MIX (33-261) UTIUTY LOCATIONS. El 3. TREES INSTALLED AT FRONT OF INDMDUAL LOTS SHALL BE PLANTED IN A LOCATION THAT DOES NOT TOTAL AREA (5.50 AC) INTERFERE WITH CURBSTOPS OR INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER CONNECTIONS. TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY LANDSCAPING PROVIDED, : STREET TREES: 568 TREES 241 TREES ♦ ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED 4. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE . BUFFER DECIDUOUS TREES: 41 TREES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IMMEDIATE AREA. BUFFER EVERGREEN TREES: B + BUFFER ORNAMENTAL TREES 123 TREES 20 TREES a DISTURBED AREA SOUTH OF 75TH ST. NE 5. YARD TREE SPECIES WILL BE SELECTED FROM APPROVED SPECIES UST. s FUTURE YARD TREES (1 PER LOT, BY BUILDER, NOT SHOWN): 143 TREES TO BE SEEDED WITH MN—DOT EROSION 0' 100' 200' 300' + DECIDUOUS SHRUBS (NOT INCLUDED IN COUNT): 83 SHRUBS CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX (22-112). Call 48 Hours before digging: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 811 or 1.com Common Ground Alliance 0012728PLP01.dwg D°te:04/24/18 sheer 9 OF 13 Westwood �,�'�"�"�`.,.` 1=17 m' °°�..� •� �' ®• �', "�•.°'""°�`"� a,� d °� � wed far Ashwood Over .. ^"'° °" ` n°all Chetiek M� D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota Preliminary Plana (952)93]5150 12]01 \`!e'rterrater �rirte.5u'tee]W Fe[ (952)93]5822 hlinnetonka. l,hV 55303 Mayet Th.— 9AA 2D860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Landscape PIAN Tri Fns (888)937.5150—boodp— CALF �� Y�iDnMv. br/dolt Iekeville, Minnesota, 5.5044 Otsego, Minnesota Wwt—d Rofe.1-15"M Inc p� 7/17/18 t>®r xo F 02015 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. F --------- ------ 7 .......... . ...... ..... r f ---------------- G ......... . ..... ... ................ ......... G a- .... . ... . . ...... .. . . . . ............. ... . ...... OTA g 94 G f. . .......... G . .... . ....... .... . ...... ..... ....... .. e. ... ......... .... ... ... ..... ...... . .... G 12 .. ........ C r14 �0 r..... ....... --- ---- - ---- -- / � \ � "/ _, 1 .i G y Y 1 ' 1 1 rt �a1 \ � \\ � �..._..--5: ---'` � '1�........_....E.�' , r R ..............-........._._........1 J, 415 4, A > 24 ..... .... ................ "N V 9 2 I> "A 1,10 G 'A -J L Preliminary Plant Schedule Native Seeding Legend k SYMBOL CITY. COMMON BOTANICAL NAME SIZE SPACING D.C. MATURE SIZEDENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE 71 MIX (35-621) STREET TREES 241 Autumn Elloze Maple / Acer x freemaril 'Jeffersred' 2.5" SB AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 40' TOTAL AREA (0.50 AC) Sienna Glen Maple Acer x fre marli 'Sienna' 2.5" 9B AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 40' • Maple A�er rubrum 'F,oni sred' 2.5' BB AS SHOWN H 45' W 35' Red Sunset Me DENOTES WET STORMWATER Fall Fl. to Map Acer saccharum 2.5' BB AS SHOWN H 50'-75' W 50' - - - - - - - (3@ NATIVE MIX (33-261) Autumn Gold Ginkgo /Ginkgo b[loba 'Autumn Gold' 2.5' BB AS SHOWN H 50* W 30' TOTAL AREA (5.50 AC) Northern Pin Oak ; Quercus 2.5- BB AS SHOWN H 50-50 W 45 0 BUFFER TREES 41 Red Oak / Quercus rubra 2.5* BB AS SHOWN H 60'-80' W 40'-50' ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor 2.5' 88 AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 40* -50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Frontyard Linden 1111aa americana 'Fro tnrrd' 2.5' 813 AS SHOWN H 60-70' W 30-40' 9 10 Boulevard Linden americana [OWN H 50'-60' W 25'-30' DISTURBED AREA SOUTH OF 75TH ST. N 'Boulevard � d 2.5' BB AS S E ... ......... A Discovery Elm Ulmus daNddlana ver. Japonica 'Discovery 2.5* BB AS SHOWN H 35'-45' W 35-45' TO BE SEEDED WITH MN -DOT EROSION .... ...... Princeton Elm Ulmus americana 'Princeton' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 60' W 40' CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX (22-112). Accolade Elm Ulmus )oponfca x wilsonlara 'Marton' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 70' W 40'-50' , Skyline Horeyiocust / Gledltsla tricanthos V.Inermls, 'Sknole' 2.5' BB AS SHOWN H 50' W 30'-35' 12. ........ .... ..... . .... ORNAMENTAL 20 Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn /-Crataegus crusgulli 'In—Is' 2* BB AS SHOWN H 15-21T W 15'-20' it Japanese Tree Lilac / Syringe reticulate 6: HT BB CLUMP AS SHOWN H 25'-30'W 20'-25' X Allegheny Serviceberry / Amelanchler loevis 6 HT., BB CLUMP AS SHOWN H 15-25' W 15'-25' Quaking Aspen Popuus emu 0 es 2' BB AS SHOWN IT 4040•-60'W 2(Y-30' P,.Irl. R.- Crab / Malus 'Pralrte R.-' 2" 8B AS SHOWN H 20' W 20' P,.I,T.fl,. Crab M.I.. 'Pr.H.flr.' 2" BB AS SHOWN H 15'-20' W 20' Profusion Crab Malus 'Profusion' 2" BB AS SHOWN H 15'-25' W 20'-30' Sugar Tyrn. Crab / M.I.. 'Stzyni 2" 8B AS SHOWN H 20' W 15' EVERGREEN 123 Black Hills ruNPIcea,gl­ densata 6' HT., BEI AS SHOWN H 3V-40' W 20'-30' Norway Spruce b 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 60-80' W 25'-30' Ponderosa Pine / Pinus ponderosa 6' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 60'-80' W 25'-30' N resinosa 6' HT. BB AS SHOWN IT 50-80' W 30'-40' SMPi.ne Z Pnu 1 6' HT. BB AS SHOWN H 40'-60' W 30'-40' White Pine Z Pinus strobus 6' HT. 9B AS SHOWN H 50'-80' W 30'-40' BUFFER SHRUBS 83 Cardinal DogwCont.#S Cont. AS SHOWN H 8'-10' W 8'-10" Call 48 Hours before digging: 50' 100, 150, Red Prince Wei 1. �ido 'Red Prince' #5 Cont.. AS SHOWN H 5* -6' W 5'-6' 811 or call8l '9 ri q;1E u'-. n . fortune[ 'Conadole (;olcF #5 Cont.AS SHOWN H 4' W 3' C—d.l. Gold g' �L.. "com NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0' 0012728PUP02.d�g Common Ground Alliance NOTE: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. SEE FINAL PLANS FOR TREE SELECTIONS AND QUANTITIES. Dt.04/24/18 sheet 10 OF 13 fteARpared for. 71. .1, —.t. Ashwood Preliminary WeAwi NTM D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota P� (952)937-5150 Landscape Plan F- (952)937-5822 343 20M YenbrIdge Court, Suite IM Tdi� (889)937-5150 Ww��P— Cory Mey- I..d D..i- 1,�/d- tYemxs Lakeville, Minnesota, 555044 Otsego, Minnesobt Vk....d P -Ni -1 s-1- I- 71V118 F 02018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Plore1952)93]5150 12]03 V]hitcxa .-'Wt 1300 F. 1952)9315022 Mi- ­k , M4 55UG Td Ftm nH)931stso wnW,00d.— VA1twoodP10.9 wl kcvl .Inc L [ hn b/ melt IW! Wb P4¢ w.. F -Fa t'/ dheC w,pa.(tlm and Ib.t 3 m . dviJ d®.d 3AND3CAYH A.CtaI1�r mda th. Yn+ o! dr AW of ham�la Cary Meyer ,� 7/17/18 D®,. N. 26971 7/I7/10 Qt, —.1. Prepared for. Native Seeding Legend E+ DENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE +++++ MIX (35-621) + + + TOTAL AREA (0.50 AC) ElDENOTES WETATER NATIVE MIX (33-261)-261) TOTAL AREA (5.50 AC) . ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE s DISTURBED AREA SOUTH OF 75TH ST. NE TO BE SEEDED WITH MN—DOT EROSION CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX (22-112). Planting Legend DENOTES BUFFER ]DECIDUOUS TRIM Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Planting Notes 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE AT 811 OR CALL811.COM TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PLANTS OR LANDSCAPE MATERIAL 2. ACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD AND SITE CONDITIONS. 3. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. 4. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF ANY BID AND/OR QUOTE BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. FIELD SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR CITY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ONE YEAR GUARANTEE OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. THE GUARANTEE BEGINS ON THE DATE OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS OR OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE INITIAL PLANTING. REPLACEMENT PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE COMMENCING UPON PLANTING. 6. AT TIME OF PLANTING ALL PLANTS TO BE SPECIMEN GRADE, MINNESOTA—GROWN AND/OR HARDY. SPECIMEN GRADE SHALL ADHERE TO, BUT IS NOT LIMITED BY, THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM DISEASE, PESTS, OPEN WOUNDS, SCARS, ETC. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM NOTICEABLE GAPS, HOLES, OR DEFORMITIES. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES. ALL PLANTSSHALL HAVE HEAVY, HEALTHY BRANCHING AND LEAFING. CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL HAVE AN ESTABLISHED MAIN LEADER AND A HEIGHT TO WIDTH RATIO OF NO LESS THAN 5:3. 7. PLANTS TO MEET AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-2004 OR MOST CURRENT VERSION) REQUIREMENTS FOR SIZE AND TYPE SPECIFIED. B. PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MNLA & ANSI STANDARD PLANTING PRACTICES. 9. PLANTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY PLANTED UPON ARRIVAL AT SITE. PROPERLY HEEL—IN MATERIALS IF NECESSARY; TEMPORARY ONLY. 10. AT CONTRACTOR DISCRETION, TWINE AND TOP OF BURLAP MAY BE LEFT ON FOR INITIAL YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION ONLY IF BIODEGRADABLE TWINE AND BURLAP ARE USED. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY TWINE AND BURLAP DEGRADATION AFTER ONE YEAR PERIOD AND REMOVE ANY REMNANT MATERIAL AS NECESSARY. 11. WHEN THE BALLED & BURLAP TREE IS PLANTED, THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR SHALL BE EVEN OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. 12. REMOVE POT ON POTTED PLANTS; SPLIT AND BREAK APART PEAT POTS. 13. PRUNE PLANTS AS NECESSARY — PER STANDARD NURSERY PRACTICE AND TO CORRECT POOR BRANCHING OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED TREES. 14. STAKING OF TREES IS OPTIONAL AT CONTRACTOR DISCRETION; REPOSITION AND PLUMB IF NOT PLUMB AFTER ONE YEAR. NON—PLUMB TREES TO BE SUBJECT TO WARRANTY REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR. 15. THE NEED FOR SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED UPON SITE SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO PLANTING. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THE NEED OF ANY SOIL AMENDMENTS. 16. BACKFILL SOIL AND TOPSOIL TO ADHERE TO MN/DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3877 (COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW) AND TO BE NATIVE TOP SOIL FROM SITE FREE OF ROOTS, ROCKS LARGER THAN ONE INCH, SUBSOIL DEBRIS, AND LARGE WEEDS UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. MINIMUM 4* DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR ALL LAWN GRASS AREAS AND 12' DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR TREE, SHRUBS, AND PERENNIALS. 17. MULCH TO BE AT ALL TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, AND MAINTENANCE AREAS. TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING BEDS SHALL HAVE 4' DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TO BE USED AROUND ALL PLANTS WITHIN TURF AREAS. PERENNIAL AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS BEDS SHALL HAVE 2" DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. MULCH TO BE FREE OF DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MULCH AND FABRIC TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 18. EDGING TO BE COMMERCIAL GRADE VALLEY—VIEW BLACK DIAMOND (OR EQUAL) POLY EDGING OR SPADED EDGE, AS INDICATED. POLY EDGING SHALL BE PLACED WITH SMOOTH CURVES AND STAKED WITH METAL SPIKES NO GREATER THAN 4 FOOT ON CENTER WITH BASE OF TOP BEAD AT GRADE, FOR MOWERS TO CUT ABOVE WITHOUT DAMAGE. UTILIZE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS FOR EDGING WHERE POSSIBLE. SPADED EDGE TO PROVIDE V—SHAPED DEPTH AND WIDTH TO CREATE SEPARATION BETWEEN MULCH AND GRASS. INDIVIDUAL TREE, SHRUB, OR RAIN—GARDEN BEDS TO BE SPADED EDGE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. EDGING TO MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS (WHERE APPLICABLE). 19. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED EXCEPT POND AREAS AND WETLAND BUFFERS (SEE GRADING PLAN / EROSION CONTROL). SOD TO BE STANDARD MINNESOTA GROWN AND HARDY BLUEGRASS MIX, FREE OF LAWN WEEDS. ALL TOPSOIL AREAS TO BE RAKED TO REMOVE DEBRIS AND ENSURE DRAINAGE. SLOPES OF 3:1 OR GREATER SHALL BE STAKED. IF NOT INDICATED ON LANDSCAPE PLAN, SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. 20. PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO ALL PLANTED AREAS ON SITE, IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE DESIGN/BUILD BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OPERATION MANUALS, AS—BUILT PLANS, AND NORMAL PROGRAMMING. LAWN SPRINKLERS/IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL ALL HAVE RAIN SENSORS TO LIMIT UNNECESSARY WATERING. SYSTEM SHALL BE WINTERIZED AND HAVE SPRING STARTUP DURING FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. SYSTEM SHALL HAVE ONE—YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS AND LABOR. ALL INFORMATION ABOUT INSTALLATION AND SCHEDULING CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY WATERING OF PLANT MATERIALS UNTIL THE PLANT IS FULLY ESTABLISHED OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS OPERATIONAL. OWNER WILL NOT PROVIDE WATER FOR CONTRACTOR. 22. REPAIR, REPLACE, OR PROVIDE SOD/SEED AS REQUIRED FOR ANY ROADWAY BOULEVARD AREAS ADJACENT TO THE SITE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 23. REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY FROM PLANTING OPERATIONS AT NO COST TO OWNER. x NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 50' 100' opo 150' Date04/24/18 sheet 12 OF 13 Ashwood Preliminary Landscape Plan OteeRo, Minnesota S,a NTM CAawa BAA amd Drawl, in/d— Prepared for. Native Seeding Legend E+ DENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE +++++ MIX (35-621) + + + TOTAL AREA (0.50 AC) ElDENOTES WETATER NATIVE MIX (33-261)-261) TOTAL AREA (5.50 AC) . ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE s DISTURBED AREA SOUTH OF 75TH ST. NE TO BE SEEDED WITH MN—DOT EROSION CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX (22-112). Planting Legend DENOTES BUFFER ]DECIDUOUS TRIM Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 Planting Notes 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE AT 811 OR CALL811.COM TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PLANTS OR LANDSCAPE MATERIAL 2. ACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD AND SITE CONDITIONS. 3. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. 4. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF ANY BID AND/OR QUOTE BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. FIELD SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR CITY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ONE YEAR GUARANTEE OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. THE GUARANTEE BEGINS ON THE DATE OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS OR OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE INITIAL PLANTING. REPLACEMENT PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE COMMENCING UPON PLANTING. 6. AT TIME OF PLANTING ALL PLANTS TO BE SPECIMEN GRADE, MINNESOTA—GROWN AND/OR HARDY. SPECIMEN GRADE SHALL ADHERE TO, BUT IS NOT LIMITED BY, THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM DISEASE, PESTS, OPEN WOUNDS, SCARS, ETC. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM NOTICEABLE GAPS, HOLES, OR DEFORMITIES. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES. ALL PLANTSSHALL HAVE HEAVY, HEALTHY BRANCHING AND LEAFING. CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL HAVE AN ESTABLISHED MAIN LEADER AND A HEIGHT TO WIDTH RATIO OF NO LESS THAN 5:3. 7. PLANTS TO MEET AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-2004 OR MOST CURRENT VERSION) REQUIREMENTS FOR SIZE AND TYPE SPECIFIED. B. PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MNLA & ANSI STANDARD PLANTING PRACTICES. 9. PLANTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY PLANTED UPON ARRIVAL AT SITE. PROPERLY HEEL—IN MATERIALS IF NECESSARY; TEMPORARY ONLY. 10. AT CONTRACTOR DISCRETION, TWINE AND TOP OF BURLAP MAY BE LEFT ON FOR INITIAL YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION ONLY IF BIODEGRADABLE TWINE AND BURLAP ARE USED. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY TWINE AND BURLAP DEGRADATION AFTER ONE YEAR PERIOD AND REMOVE ANY REMNANT MATERIAL AS NECESSARY. 11. WHEN THE BALLED & BURLAP TREE IS PLANTED, THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR SHALL BE EVEN OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. 12. REMOVE POT ON POTTED PLANTS; SPLIT AND BREAK APART PEAT POTS. 13. PRUNE PLANTS AS NECESSARY — PER STANDARD NURSERY PRACTICE AND TO CORRECT POOR BRANCHING OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED TREES. 14. STAKING OF TREES IS OPTIONAL AT CONTRACTOR DISCRETION; REPOSITION AND PLUMB IF NOT PLUMB AFTER ONE YEAR. NON—PLUMB TREES TO BE SUBJECT TO WARRANTY REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR. 15. THE NEED FOR SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED UPON SITE SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO PLANTING. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THE NEED OF ANY SOIL AMENDMENTS. 16. BACKFILL SOIL AND TOPSOIL TO ADHERE TO MN/DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3877 (COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW) AND TO BE NATIVE TOP SOIL FROM SITE FREE OF ROOTS, ROCKS LARGER THAN ONE INCH, SUBSOIL DEBRIS, AND LARGE WEEDS UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. MINIMUM 4* DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR ALL LAWN GRASS AREAS AND 12' DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR TREE, SHRUBS, AND PERENNIALS. 17. MULCH TO BE AT ALL TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, AND MAINTENANCE AREAS. TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING BEDS SHALL HAVE 4' DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TO BE USED AROUND ALL PLANTS WITHIN TURF AREAS. PERENNIAL AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS BEDS SHALL HAVE 2" DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. MULCH TO BE FREE OF DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MULCH AND FABRIC TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 18. EDGING TO BE COMMERCIAL GRADE VALLEY—VIEW BLACK DIAMOND (OR EQUAL) POLY EDGING OR SPADED EDGE, AS INDICATED. POLY EDGING SHALL BE PLACED WITH SMOOTH CURVES AND STAKED WITH METAL SPIKES NO GREATER THAN 4 FOOT ON CENTER WITH BASE OF TOP BEAD AT GRADE, FOR MOWERS TO CUT ABOVE WITHOUT DAMAGE. UTILIZE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS FOR EDGING WHERE POSSIBLE. SPADED EDGE TO PROVIDE V—SHAPED DEPTH AND WIDTH TO CREATE SEPARATION BETWEEN MULCH AND GRASS. INDIVIDUAL TREE, SHRUB, OR RAIN—GARDEN BEDS TO BE SPADED EDGE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. EDGING TO MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS (WHERE APPLICABLE). 19. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED EXCEPT POND AREAS AND WETLAND BUFFERS (SEE GRADING PLAN / EROSION CONTROL). SOD TO BE STANDARD MINNESOTA GROWN AND HARDY BLUEGRASS MIX, FREE OF LAWN WEEDS. ALL TOPSOIL AREAS TO BE RAKED TO REMOVE DEBRIS AND ENSURE DRAINAGE. SLOPES OF 3:1 OR GREATER SHALL BE STAKED. IF NOT INDICATED ON LANDSCAPE PLAN, SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. 20. PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO ALL PLANTED AREAS ON SITE, IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE DESIGN/BUILD BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OPERATION MANUALS, AS—BUILT PLANS, AND NORMAL PROGRAMMING. LAWN SPRINKLERS/IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL ALL HAVE RAIN SENSORS TO LIMIT UNNECESSARY WATERING. SYSTEM SHALL BE WINTERIZED AND HAVE SPRING STARTUP DURING FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. SYSTEM SHALL HAVE ONE—YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS AND LABOR. ALL INFORMATION ABOUT INSTALLATION AND SCHEDULING CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY WATERING OF PLANT MATERIALS UNTIL THE PLANT IS FULLY ESTABLISHED OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS OPERATIONAL. OWNER WILL NOT PROVIDE WATER FOR CONTRACTOR. 22. REPAIR, REPLACE, OR PROVIDE SOD/SEED AS REQUIRED FOR ANY ROADWAY BOULEVARD AREAS ADJACENT TO THE SITE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 23. REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY FROM PLANTING OPERATIONS AT NO COST TO OWNER. x NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 50' 100' opo 150' Date04/24/18 sheet 12 OF 13 Ashwood Preliminary Landscape Plan OteeRo, Minnesota F 02018 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. .... ...... - Ji J OUTLOT D Planting Legend Native Seeding Legend C TREE IIBNOTB4 SI'RMB& 7/17/11 air c�na + + +++++ + + + DENOTES DRY PRAIRIE NATIVE MIX (35-621) TOTAL AREA (0.50 AC) DENOTES BUFFER HMGREEN DENOTES WET STORMWATER NATIVE MIX (33-261) TOTAL AREA (5.50 AC) DENOTES BUFFER DB®UOUS TRIO R ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE DENOTES BUFFER ORNAM@•ITAL + DISTURBED AREA SOUTH OF 75TH ST. NE TO BE SEEDED WITH MN—DOT EROSION CONTROL STABILIZATION MIX (22-112). Westwood Ph— (952)937-515012701 Whit --ares, 51.11#300 F. (952)937-5822 Minneronka.-55343 Td Frye (BBB)9375150 werW—ip— w.nlwoa Pa f w—1 31"Q 1— .�'�'� "" ti,°q�a�" ae.e w.p�e.wm me w. t �. a,y u�.a vnwcwre evanra2 � dy a..s d !e. 9aa d lemma. 7/17/11 air c�na Cory Meyer D� 7/17/18 11®.1 xa 2M Mt-ld M¢Prepared for. xM D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota Dena MA s..a Din, tn9— 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, Minnesota, 55044 ZI Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance I 0 50' 100' 150, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0012728PLP05.dwg Dat.04/24/18 stteee 13 OF 13 Ashwood Preliminary Landscape Plan Otsego, Minnesota