ITEM 5.1 Parks and Recreation System Masterplan Review0tse`,r`MJo MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Director Demant 23 July2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Parks and Recreation Director Demant City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 5.1— Parks and Recreation System Masterplan Review STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: and content proposed by Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKGI). Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. No Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. HKGI has hosted kick-off meetings with City staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission over the past Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. X Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of the Parks and Recreation System Masterplan implementation schedule and content proposed by Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKGI). ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/J USTI FI CATI O N : HKGI has hosted kick-off meetings with City staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission over the past month to gather information that will assist them in creating a starting matrix for the Otsego Parks and Recreation System Masterplan. HKGI staff have toured facilities, reviewed City documents, and conducted a SWOT analysis. HKGI has provided a detailed project schedule and Community Engagement Plan which outlines the entire project process. Staff have included a draft of the survey questions, once reviewed by the Council the survey, and Community input process will begin. Staff will provide a short Power Point at the Council meeting that will show the information that will be available on-line during the community engagement process. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: ■ Project Schedule ■ Community Engagement Plan ■ Survey Questions POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve the Parks and Recreation System Masterplan implementation schedule and content. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund #203 Park Dedication Yes Project Schedule Community Engagement Plan ■ TASK JUN I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV I DEC JAN'19 FEB -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. ................... Review City Documents - Parks System Overview and Summar Online Survey (issues & Opportunities) Pop Up Meetings Stakeholder Meetings Community Workshop/City-Wide Event Online Survey (Review Draft Concepts) Open House Project Website Updates Community En a iement Re ort Park Inventory Natural Resources inventory System Analysis & Recommendations ................•------•--.................................................... ..... .-..--------------- .................. ......--. _---,:, .----,.,_._:,.,...........- - ------------------- Gap Analysis Peer Community Comparison NRPA Metrics Analysis Recreation Trends Analysis Sporting events Prepare System -Wide Recommendations .. = Draft Document Reviews & Edits w/Staff and Commissioners Final Document Community Engagement Plan ■ Pro'ect marketing graphic Pop Up Meeting Kit Posterboard, postcard, flyer, press release Pop Up Meetings Tuesday Entertainment in the Park Park Commission Meetings in the parks during the summer Sporting events National Night Out Prairie Festival — September (this event may work for the Phase 2 Community Workshop) Pro'ect website Informational text ro'ect schedule links to online survey Stakeholder Listening Sessions Athletic associations Senior group DNR (oversees the wildlife refuge) Developers (D.R. Horton, Lennar) Guardian Angels Wright County staff with School District/Community Education Lions / Boy Scouts Potential input from students in the fall Park Commission Meeting 1 introduce the project, present trends, present plan for community engagement, enlist support for pop up meetings Online Survey Survey Monkey, distribute through press release, recreation listsery Social Pinpoint Interactive mapping input tool Pro'ectTeam Workshop Aug/Sent - priortoCommunity Event Park Commission Meeting 2 potentially a work session; review community input from survey, social pinpoint, and stakeholder meetings; develop ideas and review alternatives Community Workshop/ City-wide Event Sept/Oct (potentially in coordination with Prairie Festival) used to review inventory and needs assessment and get big ideas from residents F Online Survey Nov/Dec - up for a few weeks used to review draft recommendations Community Open House to be held in Nov/Dec conjunction with Park Commission Meeting 3 ask to review and critique draft recommendations Community Engagement Report includes photos, notes, survey results Cityof Otsego Parksand Recreation System MasterPlan: Parks Commission Meeting Handout July 17, 2018 Page 2 Community Online Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/otsegoparks GOALS FOR THE SURVEY ❑ Reach out to the Otsego Community, make them aware of the project ❑ Obtain 460+ responses online ❑ Gain an understanding of desires for future parks and trails investments REVIEW THE DRAFT SURVEY QUESTIONS Social Pinpoint https://hkgi.mysocialpinpoint.com/otsego-parks#/ Rrc m;1 iu1; City of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan: Parks Commission Meeting Handout July 17, 2018 Page 3 Recreation Trends PLACE - MAKING PRAIRIE RESYORA�I011 GREEN -- ALTERNATIVES WHAT OTHER RECREATION TRENDS ARE RELEVANT TO OTSEGO? Demographics Population estimate (2017) TY t s MG14 ObAL Population - Census (2010) 13,571 ATHLETIC1, ACOTIES WHAT OTHER RECREATION TRENDS ARE RELEVANT TO OTSEGO? Demographics Population estimate (2017) 16,755 134,286 Population - Census (2010) 13,571 124,700 Population under 18 years 31.1% 28.1% Owner -occupied housing rate (2012-2016) 91.5% 81.8% Persons per household (2012-2016) 2.91 2.81 Median household income (2016) $89,556 $75,705 Population forecast (2030) 145,773 Population forecast (2040) 152,236 Otsego Population Trends 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 —4 --Total Population 8,000 —#—Households 6,000 4,000 2,000 2000 2002 2004 2006 2006 2010 2012 2014 2016 Sources: https./Av wN.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table%tsegocityminnesota,US/PST045217; https:Hmn,gov/admin/demography/data-by-topic/population-data/our-estimates/pop-finder2.jsp City of Otsego Parks and Recreation System Master Plan: Parks Commission Meeting Handout July 17, 2018 Page 4 Welcome! The City of Otsego is beginning a planning process to create a Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. The process will last approximately nine months and will determine a vision and a path forward for future parks and recreation investments. Please take five to ten minutes to provide input on what you want to see in the future in the Otsego parks and recreation system. Are you an Otsego resident or visitor? O Resident O Visitor O Other (please specify) 1 Have you visited any of the following City of Otsego Parks and Recreation parks and/ or facilities? Check all that apply. Any City Trails Beaudry Meadows Park Carrick's Landing (Trail by Cowboy Jack's) Frankfort Park Kittredge Crossing Park Lefebvre Creek Park F Lily Pond F] Norin Landing Northwood Park Prairie Park Archery Range Prairie Park Baseball Prairie Park Dog Park Prairie Park Soccer Prairie Park Splash Pad School Knoll Park Wilson Preserve F] Zimmer Farm Park How would you rate the quality and maintenance of the City of Otsego Parks and/ or facilities? Poor Fair Good Excellent N/A Prairie Center 0 O O O Natural Areas O O O O Neighborhood Park O O r1 0 Parking Otsego Prairie Park l v O O O Parking Otsego Prairie Park Ice O O O O Rink(s) Otesgo Prairie Park Dog O O O O Park Otsego Prairie Park O O O O Archery Range Portable Toilets / Porta- O O O O Potties Signage O O O O O Trails O O O O O Playgrounds O O O O O Athletic Fields O O O O O Additional comments: 3 Park Elements What elements should be included in a neighborhood park? Choose all that apply. ❑ Play equipment Natural play areas Basketball court Tennis court Paved loop trail Open field (grass lawn) Diamond field (softball, baseball) Rectangular field (soccer, football, lacrosse) Native landscape (prairie, woodland) Parking lot ❑ Lighting Other (please specify) Which of the following do you prefer for future Otsego parks development? lD Adding multiple neighborhood parks JIncreasing amenities at a centralized community park 0 Other or combination M CITY OF OTSEGO At' ■Otsego Parks and Recreation Recreation Future Improvements Which of the following improvements or additions to the Otsego parks and recreation system would you be willing to support through increased taxes or fees? (potential property tax increase/referendum/user fees) For reference, if a home is valued at $250,000, they would pay _ amount of dollars a year toward parks and recreation funding. No support Marginal Support Great Support Upgrade existing 0 O 1 facilities �J Acquire land for natural O O areas Acquire land for new J parks and trails �J What new parks and recreation facilities would you be interested in? ❑ Natural play equipment ElNature trails (natural surface trails through woods, prairie) ❑ River access (canoe landing, fishing pier) ElGreenway trails and connected corridors (i.e. along the rivers) ElCanoe and Kayak equipment rental ❑ Trail connections to other communities Cross country ski trails and winter facilities Other (please specify) n Recreation Programs Have you participated in any of the City of Otsego Parks and Recreation programs or events? Please check all that apply. Entertainment in the Park EI Adult Fitness F] Golf Archery Flag Football Santa Day Dances R Tiny Tot Time F] Otsego Prairie Festival CrossFit for Kids T-Ball Tumbling Cheer Camp Multi-Sport Camp Soccer Camps Tennis Camp El Dog Sledding Pumpkin Patch Easter Day Programs for Dogs Senior Programs Touch-A-Truck Theater in the Park Community Garden Park & Rec Days at the Water Park Rate the OVERALL QUALITY of the recreational opportunities provided by the City of Otsego Parks and Recreation Department. OExcellent O Good O Fair OPoor O N/A H Other Ideas Please list any other improvements or additions you would like to see for the Otsego parks and recreation system. About You How do you learn about parks and recreation in Otsego? ❑ City website PRecreation newsletter ❑ Facebook or social media 1-1 Other (please specify) How effective is the current parks and recreation communication system? OGreat! - I can find information easily OModerately effective - I can find some of what I'm looking for O Not good - It is difficult to find information O N/A Otsego map On the map of Otsego above, which area of the city do you live in? ONorthwest OSouthwest OCentral / Northeast OSoutheast O Other (I don't live in Otsego) What is your age? O Under 18 O 19-30 O 31-45 O 46-60 O 60+ 11 What gender do you identify as? OFemale O Male O Other OPrefer not to say Please list the number of children in each age group in your household. Number of kids Age 0-5 Age 6-10 Age 11-14 Age 15-18 1L Contact Information Please list your name and email address if you would like to be contacted in the future regarding parks and recreation planning Name: Email: 13 14