ITEM 5.2 Carrick's Landing Park ImprovementsOtkgoF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Director Demant July 23, 2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Parks and Recreation Director Demant City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty City Engineer Wagner City Planner Licht 5.2 —Carrick's Landing Park Improvements STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: bridge improvement. Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. No Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Guardian Angels have worked with City staff to develop a park improvement plan for Carrick's Landing in Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. X Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of the proposal by Guardian Angel's for Carrick's Landing Park to include a bridge improvement. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Guardian Angels have worked with City staff to develop a park improvement plan for Carrick's Landing in accordance with their development agreement and Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Riverview Landing. The park improvements that were specified as part of Guardian Angel's PUD Development Stage Plan and development agreement include: trails and connections, grass, plaza on the east side of the storm water basin, two picnic areas including poured concrete pads, umbrellas style shade structures, and picnic tables, and a causeway through the pond to the river. The PUD approval outlined implementation of the park landscaping plan along the lot line between the Guardian Angels property and City park. The development agreement also outlines that once the park improvements are completed to the satisfaction of the City, the City will reimburse Guardian Angels $100,000, which will come from the conduit bond issuance fees received by the City in connection with the revenue bonds for Evans Park (Albertville) and Riverview Landing. There are two options for the City Council to consider for park improvements at Carrick's Landing. Both options include the same plans for the landscaping, plaza, signage, and overlook designs with the difference being the configuration of the pond crossing. Option #1 is a box culvert with stamped sides with earth abutments. Option #2 is a steel pedestrian bridge with a concrete decking that will span over the pond to abutments on either side. Below is a cost breakdown for the two options. Both options have additional City funding included in their estimates. The additional funding in option #1 adds stamped side walls into the culvert crossing, and the option #2 additional amount changes the crossing design from a culvert to a metal pedestrian crossing with a concrete decking. Taking into consideration some key objectives from the City's Strategic Planning meeting which included adding unique community draws, City beautification, and taking advantage of natural resources City staff are recommending Option #2 with the $77,159 funded by Fund #203 Park Development. ITEM OPTION #1 OPTION #2 Trails & Connections engineering & permit $ 10,972 $ 10,972 testing, insurance, exterior improvements 11,319 11,319 additional landscaping per city plan 2,711 2,711 added 5 Acollade Elm trees toward trash enclosure S of park entry 1,650 1,650 Grassy Plaza concrete picnic pads 8,105 8,105 concrete umbrella poundations umbrellas 10,750 10,750 sod, plantings 3,991 3,991 2picnic tables 1,800 1,800 irrigation 925 925 Causeway through Pond box culvert 111,306 111,306 box culvert with stamped wing walls 22,674 Bridge in lieu of box culvert 77,159 River Overlook base trail and pad 5,450 5,450 directional signage to park 1,396 1,396 $ 193,049 $ 247,534 Guardian Angels 70,375 70,375 City of Otsego - Bonding Fees From Guardian Angels $ 100,000 $ 100,000 City of Otsego 22,6741 77,159 I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: I ■ Guardian Angel's Development Agreement Exhibit D Description of Park Improvements; Construction of Park Improvements ■ Overlook Plan ■ Landscape Plan ■ Pictorial Examples of the Plaza Amenities ■ Pictorial Examples of the Pond Crossing and River Overlook POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve the Option 2 of Guardian Angel's proposed park improvements for Carrick's Landing Park, including a $XX,XXX contribution by the City. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund #203 Park Development No EXHIBIT—D. Uescrintion of Park Improvements Trails and Connections Grass Plaza Plaza Picnic Pads (2), including poured concrete pad, Umbrella Style Shade Structure and Picnic table Causeway through Pond to River River Overlook I)-1 1x93733.3 20. City and UEveloper U0118ftluettoll OI rairK improvements. In cbnjulletton with and concurrently with the DEVELOPER'S construction of the Private improvenica s, the DEVELOPER shall construct certain park improvenienis (tile "Parte improvetrlents") upon a poftion of OUTLOT A, OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST and on OUTLOT A. GUARDIAN ANGELS RIVERVIEW LANDING. Tile Palle improvements shall include a crossing structure of the pond located on OUTLOT A OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST, as approved by the City Engineer and as set forth on the attached Exhibit Q9 a Mississippi River viewing platform on the eastern side of OUTLOT A OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST, as approved by the City Engineer and as set forth on Exhibit D, and certain trail and park iniprovemenis on OUTLOT A, GUARDIAN ANGELS RIVERVIEW LANDING and OUTLOT A, OTSEGO iV_<1.TERFRON'I' EAST, including Plaza Picnic Pads, as approved by the City Bngiacer and as set forth on Exhibit U. All Part: Improvements are subject to review by CI`T'Y Parks acid Recreation Commission and approval by the City Council of the CITY. The DEVELOPER shall pay for all Park improvements. Once the Park Improvelnents are completed to the satisfaction of the CITY staff and the City Engineer, CITY snail reimburse the DEVELOPER. Reimbursement from the CITY will be available from conduit bond issuance fees received by the CITY in connection with the issuance of the Series 2013 revenue bonds for Evans Park, Inc. ($50,000.00), and tine issuance of the Series 2017 revenue bonds for Riverview Landing, Inc. ($50,000,00). The total an-iou nt available for reimbursement ($100,000.00) will first be reduced by payment to the CITY in an amount later to be determined that will reimburse the CITY for loss of bank qualified interest oil 2011 CITY general obligation bonds. `1'he remaining available amount will be reimbursed to the DEVELOPER upon the DEVELOPER providing tile, CITY with paid invoices supporting the costs of the approved Park hnprovements. The DEVELOPER shall coordinate with the CITY the DEV ELOPER's construction activities on LOT f and t^ocistrtcctiott Of 61C Park Improvements on the above-mentioned OU'110'I' A OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST and OUTLOT A, GUARDIAN .ANGE'LS I-iVERVIEW LANDING. 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