ITEM 4.3 Riverbend NorthOtsF TY o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 23 July2018 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 4.3 — Riverbend North STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: preliminary plat for Riverbend North, and PUD Development Stage Plan and final plat for Phase 1 of Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Yes Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. proposed and agreed to by the developer and approved by the City Council on 22 September 2014. The Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of applications for a PUD District amendment, preliminary plat for Riverbend North, and PUD Development Stage Plan and final plat for Phase 1 of Riverbend North. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes Held by Planning Commission 18 June 2018 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Darkenwald Corporation has submitted an application to amend the Riverbend North PUD District proposed and agreed to by the developer and approved by the City Council on 22 September 2014. The amendment of the PUD District is necessary to allow for a revised site plan arranging the uses within the site in a manner different than the PUD Master Plan approved with the PUD District and to allow for self - storage (warehouse) uses as a principal use. The developer has also submitted application for a PUD development stage plan, preliminary plat, and final plat for Riverbend North Phase 1 consisting of a 164 dwelling unit multiple family building to be built in two phases and 44,550 square feet of self -storage buildings. A public hearing was held by the Planning Commission meeting on 18 June 2018 to consider the proposed conditional use and provide a recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Darren Lazan represented the Developer at the public hearing. The minutes of the Planning Commission are attached for review by the City Council. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the PUD District amendment, PUD Development Stage Plan, and preliminary plat. The Planning Commission did not review the final plat as such action is not required by Section 10-5-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: ■ Planning Report dated 18 July 2018 ■ Engineering Review dated 18 July 2018 ■ Planning Commission minutes of 18 June 2018 ■ Ordinance 2018-08 amending the Riverbend North PUD District ■ Findings of Fact and Decision ■ Resolution 2018-50 approving a development agreement ■ Development agreement POSSIBLE MOTION I PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-08 amending the Riverbend North PUD District, approve a preliminary plat, PUD Development Stage Plan, and final plat for Riverbend North subject to the stipulation stated in the findings of fact and decision as presented, and adopt Resolution 2018-50 approving a development agreement. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-50 RESOLUTION APPROVING DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT- RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION WHEREAS, Otsego Apartments LLC has an approved Plat known as RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION; and WHEREAS, the approved Plat requires construction of public improvements, payment of City costs and fees and escrow and security; and WHEREAS, those obligations are contained and memorialized in the attached Developers Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developers Agreement also sets forth the security required to assure satisfactory construction of public improvements and establishes the various remedies available to the City in the event that Developer breaches the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows; 1. The attached Developers Agreement between the City of Otsego and Otsego Apartments LLC is hereby approved in form, subject to modification of fees, charges and security as approved by City staff. 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the final Developers Agreement on behalf of the City of Otsego. ADOPTED this 23rd day of July, 2018 by the City Council of Otsego. MOTION TO ADOPT the Resolution by Council Member and seconded by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: ABSTAINING: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Riverbend North; PUD District Amendment/Phase 1 REPORT DATE: 18 July 2018 APPLICATION DATE: 11 May 2018 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND ACTION DATE: 8 September 2018 Darkenwald Corporation has submitted an application to amend the Riverbend North PUD District proposed and agreed to by the developer and approved by the City Council on 22 September 2014. The amendment of the PUD District is necessary to allow for a revised site plan arranging the uses within the site in a manner different than the PUD Master Plan approved with the PUD District and to allow for self -storage (warehouse) uses as a principal use. The developer has also submitted application for a PUD development stage plan, preliminary plat, and final plat for Riverbend North Phase 1 consisting of a 164 dwelling unit multiple family building to be built in two phases and 44,550 square feet of self -storage buildings. A public hearing to consider the PUD District amendment and Phase 1 PUD development stage plan and preliminary plat has been held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 18 June 2018. Exhibits: ■ Developer's project narrative dated April 24, 2018, including: o Exhibit 1: Ordinance 2014-11 (Riverbend North PUD District) o Exhibit 2: Riverbend North CIC Plat o Exhibit 3: Concept Plan Exhibit dated 04.24.18 o Exhibit 4: Phasing Plan dated 04.24.18 o Exhibit 5: Riverbend North Traffic Study prepared by SRF, Inc. o Exhibit 6: Phase 1 City Submittal dated July 11, 2018 (12 sheets) o Exhibit 7: Stormwater Narrative dated 04.24.18 (by reference only) 1 o Exhibit 8: Building Materials o Exhibit 9: Renderings (3 sheets) ■ Multiple family building elevations (3 sheets) ■ Multiple Family building floor plans (17 sheets) ■ Multiple family detached garage elevations ■ Multiple family detached garage floor plan ■ Mini -storage building elevations (2 sheets) ■ Mini -storage building floor plans ■ Final plat (2 sheets) ANALYSIS Existing Conditions. The 13.09 acre subject site is currently developed with a privately owned and operated waste water treatment facility (WWTF) serving the Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the south, one detached accessory building used for storage purposes, and outdoor storage of vehicles, boats, trailers, etc. The private WWTF includes a discharge for treated wastewater effluent to the Mississippi River to the east. The majority of the subject site was previously used as a treatment basin related to the private WWTF and is not a natural wetland. The basin was reclaimed to allow for development of the property. The existing private WWTF is to be decommissioned in conjunction with Phase 1 of the proposed development, with the Riverbend Mobile Home Park and all new uses connected to municipal sewer and water utilities. The subject site is owned by a corporate entity that is separate from that which owns the Riverbend Mobile Home Park. Surrounding Land Uses. The following table outlines uses surrounding the subject site: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Agriculture A-1 District/ WS District Undeveloped East LD Residential R-1 District Single Family Homes South VIVID Residential R-3 District Manufactured Home Park (legal non -conforming use) West Commercial R-3 District TH 101/Undeveloped CIC Plat. The developer recorded a Common Interest Community (CIC) Plat for the subject site with Wright County on 7 February 2017. The CIC plat divides the subject site into four units, one of which includes the existing private WWTF. Minnesota Statutes 515B.1-106 states that use of a CIC plat for subdivision of property ownership does not invalidate or modify applicability of the City Code, Zoning Ordinance, and/or Subdivision Ordinance. The CIC plat was recorded without City approvals and is not recognized as having standing for the purposes of providing entitlements for development of the subject site. The developer will be required to vacate or terminate the CIC plat prior to recording of a final plat for the proposed development. 2 Comprehensive Plan. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan includes a Future Land Use Plan as a narrative and graphic description of the land uses anticipated to develop within the City over time. The subject site has been guided by the Future Land Use Plan for commercial land uses since 2006 based on its location with access and visibility from the improved TH 101 freeway corridor. The PUD District and PUD Master Plan approved in 2014 allowed for development of high density residential uses within the subject site based on the use being complementary to the existing Riverbend Mobile Home Park and providing in-place market support for planned commercial uses. The findings of fact adopted by the City Council in approving the 2014 PUD District (and included PUD master plan) include the following statement related to consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: Finding: The Comprehensive Plan includes the policy to cluster complementary land uses and activities into functionally related sub -units of the community as determined by physical barriers, homogenous land use characteristics and service area boundaries. The proposed master plan for the subject site reflects the physical characteristics of the site relative to TH 101 and CSAH 42, provides in- place residential support for planned commercial uses and provides a desirable land use transition from Riverbend Mobile Home Park. The proposed PUD District is therefore consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. (Otsego City Council, Findings of Fact and Decision, dated 22 September 2014) The PUD District and PUD Master Plan arranged the commercial uses to be located on the most visible and accessible portion of the subject site. The proposed revisions to the PUD District would maintain the north and northeast portions of the subject site for commercial land uses. The PUD concept plan submitted with the current application illustrates future development of a convenience motor fuel use and 5,000 square foot retail at the entry to the development from CSAH 42. The multiple family use has been extended along the west property line buffered to an extent by an existing MN/DoT sound wall and hill adjacent to TH 101. The proposed mini -storage use would not typically be allowed within a commercial area as a principal use; however, the use may be seen to be complementary to the existing Riverbend Mobile Home Park where the size of the dwelling units and lack of attached or detached garages limits opportunity for resident storage. The proposed uses shown on the revised PUD concept plan are consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the PUD District as approved in 2014. Zoning. The subject site (and abutting Riverbend Mobile Home Park) was zoned R-3, , Residential Long Range Urban Service District at the time the Zoning Ordinance was adopted by Ordinance 92-02 on 13 April 1992 after incorporation of the City. The developer submitted an application for a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site to B-3, General Business District and preliminary plat of seven lots for commercial development. This effort was undertaken concurrently with planning for the improvement of TH 101 to four lane freeway as part of the City and surrounding property owners' collaborative efforts to maintain full access to TH 101 at CSAH 42. The TH 101 improvements resulted in 3 acquisition of a convenience gas and retail strip building at the southwest quadrant of TH 101 and CSAH 42, abutting the subject site to the north. The Zoning Map amendment and preliminary plat were approved by the City Council on 25 September 2006. The developer did not submit application for final plat approval within one year from the date the preliminary plat was approved as required by Minnesota Statutes 462.358, Subd. 3c. and Section 21-3-2.K.7 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The preliminary plat is deemed void, but the B-3 District zoning designation remained in effect. In 2014, the developer submitted application to rezone the subject site to PUD, Planned Unit Development District based on a PUD Master Plan for development of commercial and multiple family uses. The PUD District was approved in the form proposed and agreed to by the developer as recommended by the Planning Commission. The City Council approved the PUD District with adoption of Ordinance 2014-11 on 22 September 2014. PUD Amendment. The PUD District as approved by the City Council in 2014 establishes both allowed land uses and the arrangement of these land uses as shown on the PUD Master Plan. Areas designated on the 2014 PUD Master Plan for commercial uses are to be developed in accordance with the provisions of the B-3 District and areas designated for the multiple family and accessory storage uses are to be developed in accordance with the provisions of the R-7 District. The proposed PUD District amendment that includes a revised PUD concept plan with the following land uses: ■ Development of a 164 unit apartment building along the west side of the subject site. The proposed 164 unit apartment building is located upon a 7.56 acre lot, whereas the 2014 PUD Master Plan designated approximately 7.7 acres of the subject site for apartment uses and accessory storage. ■ Development of eight buildings with 240 mini -storage units on the east portion of the property adjacent to CSAH 42. Mini -storage uses are defined by the City as warehousing. Warehousing is not an allowed principal use of the B-3 District or R-7 District. The 2014 PUD District did allow for storage buildings as an accessory use limited to the planned apartment use or Riverbend Mobile Home Park. As noted above, the proximity of the mini -storage to Riverbend Mobile Home Park is a complementary land use in this unique context, which may be allowed under the PUD District. ■ Proposed commercial uses include a 3,888 square foot convenience motor fuel facility located on 1.46 acres and a 5,000 square foot retail building on a 0.78 acre lot at the northeast corner of the subject site. The proposed commercial uses are allowed under the provisions of the B-3 District. The development of the convenience motor fuel and retail building will be subject to future applications for a PUD development stage plan approval and are not included in Phase 1. Multiple Family. The following paragraphs address the PUD development stage plan for Lot 4, Block 1: LI ■ Lot Area. Multiple family uses within the R-7 District are required by Section 11-68- 6.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide a minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet or a minimum of 2,500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit, whichever is greater. Section 11-68-7 further requires that an additional 300 square feet of lot area is to be provided for each dwelling unit with three or more bedrooms and a reduction of 300 square feet of lot area is allowed for each off-street parking stall provided under the dwelling units. The net minimum lot area required for the proposed apartment building is 395,900 square feet or 9.09 acres as shown below: The area of the lot proposed for the multiple family building is 7.56 acres or 1.53 acres less than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The lot area for the multiple family use on the proposed PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat is 2,008 square feet per dwelling unit. Section 11-68-6 of the Zoning Ordinance limits building coverage to 30 percent of the lot area and limits floor area ratio (total floor area/lot area) to 70 percent. The proposed multiple family building covers 15.3 percent of the lot area and has a floor area ratio of 61 percent indicating that the bulk of the building is within the parameters of the R-7 District established by the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed density of the development is typical for locations abutting regional transportation corridors and is appropriate for a transitional land use between TH 101 and the Riverbend Mobile Home Park. The PUD development stage plan approval may allow for the reduced lot area per dwelling unit within Lot 4, Block 1. ■ Setbacks. Section 11-68-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires a 65 foot setback for the multiple family building and 15 foot setback for off-street parking from the west property line abutting TH 101 at the perimeter of the PUD District. The proposed detached accessory buildings are also subject to a 65 foot setback from the property line abutting TH 101 in accordance with Section 11-18-2.D of the Zoning Ordinance. The principal building is setback 50 feet, the west detached accessory garage building is setback 20 feet, and the off-street parking drive aisles setback 10 feet from the property line abutting TH 101. The yard abutting TH 101 is non -useable space and the encroachments have no effect on the roadway. The proximity of the multiple family building to TH 101 is mitigated by the elevation of the roadway, existing hills between the building and roadway, and proposed landscaping. The City has approved flexibility from setback requirements for yards abutting TH 101 for other projects on this basis and such action is appropriate for the subject site as well. The proposed setback of the multiple family building and internal drive aisles from lot lines interior to the PUD District are also adequate. 5 Units Requirement Net Dwelling units 164 2,500sf./du 410,000sf. 3 bedroom dwelling units 9 +300sf./du +2,700sf. Tuck under garage stalls 56 -300sf./unit -16,800sf. Total 395,900sf. The area of the lot proposed for the multiple family building is 7.56 acres or 1.53 acres less than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The lot area for the multiple family use on the proposed PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat is 2,008 square feet per dwelling unit. Section 11-68-6 of the Zoning Ordinance limits building coverage to 30 percent of the lot area and limits floor area ratio (total floor area/lot area) to 70 percent. The proposed multiple family building covers 15.3 percent of the lot area and has a floor area ratio of 61 percent indicating that the bulk of the building is within the parameters of the R-7 District established by the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed density of the development is typical for locations abutting regional transportation corridors and is appropriate for a transitional land use between TH 101 and the Riverbend Mobile Home Park. The PUD development stage plan approval may allow for the reduced lot area per dwelling unit within Lot 4, Block 1. ■ Setbacks. Section 11-68-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires a 65 foot setback for the multiple family building and 15 foot setback for off-street parking from the west property line abutting TH 101 at the perimeter of the PUD District. The proposed detached accessory buildings are also subject to a 65 foot setback from the property line abutting TH 101 in accordance with Section 11-18-2.D of the Zoning Ordinance. The principal building is setback 50 feet, the west detached accessory garage building is setback 20 feet, and the off-street parking drive aisles setback 10 feet from the property line abutting TH 101. The yard abutting TH 101 is non -useable space and the encroachments have no effect on the roadway. The proximity of the multiple family building to TH 101 is mitigated by the elevation of the roadway, existing hills between the building and roadway, and proposed landscaping. The City has approved flexibility from setback requirements for yards abutting TH 101 for other projects on this basis and such action is appropriate for the subject site as well. The proposed setback of the multiple family building and internal drive aisles from lot lines interior to the PUD District are also adequate. 5 ■ Dwelling Unit Area. The proposed multiple family building consists one, two, and three bedroom dwelling units. There are variations of the one bedroom units that include additional den space. Some of the two bedroom units and all of the three bedroom units have two baths. Each unit includes an individual heating and air conditioning unit. The table below summarizes the dwelling units within the multiple family building, but the submitted plans show 167 dwelling units and must be revised. The area of the proposed dwelling units comply with the requirements of Section 11-17-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Unit Type Number Percent Proposed Floor Area Required Min. Floor Area 1 bedroom 72 43% 741sf. 700sf. 1 bedroom+ 42 25% 821-898sf. 700sf. 2 bedroom 45 27% 971-1,002sf. 780sf. 3 bedroom 9 5% 1,316sf. 860sf. Total 167 1009/. -- -- ■ Exterior Finish. Buildings within the R-7 District are required to comply with Section 11- 17-4.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring use of brick, stone, brick CMU, or stucco for not less than 50 percent of the total wall area. Not more than 25 percent of any one wall may use a single material except brick, stone, brick CMU, stucco, or fiber cement board. The exterior of the proposed multiple family building complies with this requirement utilizing a combination of textured rock face block, brick, cultured stone, LP Smartside, and horizontal metal lap siding. The proposed architecture of the multiple family building is attractive and minimizes the mass of the structure The submitted plans also include architectural elevations of the two detached accessory garage buildings. The exterior materials for the detached accessory buildings use more than 50 percent rock face block with the remainder of the wall area finished with horizontal lap metal siding. The proposed design and exterior finish of the detached garage accessory buildings is compatible to the apartment building as required by Sections 11-18-2.G.1 and 2 of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ Building Height. Principal buildings within the R-7 District are allowed to be three stories or 35 feet by Section 11-68-8.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed apartment building is proposed to be four stories with a height of 51 feet measured to the midpoint of the pitched roof as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. The location of the proposed building is away from surrounding uses and does not cause compatibility issues with adjacent properties. The additional building height is appropriate for the subject site and may be allowed in approving a PUD development stage plan. The detached garage buildings accessory to the multiple family building are limited to 16 feet in height by Section 11-18-2.F.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The building elevations submitted for the detached garage buildings indicate that they comply with the 16 foot height allowance. 6 Mini -Storage. The following paragraphs address the PUD development stage plan and requirements specific to Lot 3, Block 1: Lot Requirements. Commercial lots within a PUD District do not require a minimum lot area or width, with these determined based on the functionality of the site plan. A 30 foot building setback and 15 foot parking setback are required from CSAH 42 at the perimeter of the PUD District in accordance with Section 11-77-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed site plan for the mini -storage lot complies with these setback requirements. The proposed setback of the mini -storage buildings and internal drive aisles from lot lines interior to the PUD District are also adequate. The site plan has been reviewed by the City Engineer and Elk River Fire Department and found to be adequate for fire access provided that Knox boxes are installed on each entry gate. ■ Exterior Finish. Uses within the B-3 District are required to have an exterior finish of 65 percent brick, stone, brick CMU, or stucco that the proposed mini -storage buildings comply with using a combination of rock face block and metal horizontal lap siding. City staff recommends that the building elevation plans be revised to use masonry materials for the entire east and north elevations of the buildings at the perimeter of the subject site as these are most visible from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. The west elevations of the mini -storage buildings at the perimeter of the site are heavily screened with landscaping. Building Height. The allowed height within the B-3 District for principal buildings is 35 feet in accordance with Section 11-77-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed mini - storage buildings are single story structures with a height of 12 feet as defined by the Zoning Ordinance measured to the mid -point of the pitched roof. The proposed mini - storage buildings are within the height allowed within the B-3 District. Access. The developer provided for completion of a traffic study undertaken at the direction of Wright County to evaluate the traffic generated by the proposed PUD concept plan, proposed access locations to the development and Riverbend Mobile Home Park, and internal circulation using private drives. The subject site abuts River Road (CSAH 42), which is designated as a minor arterial roadway by Figure 8 of the Northeast Wright County Sub Area Transportation Study and Transportation Plan chapter of the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan. CSAH 42 is planned to be expanded in the future as a three -lane roadway with dedicated center turn lane. Figure 22 of the NEWC Transportation Study recommends intersection spacing for the section of CSAH 42 abutting the subject site of one-quarter mile for full access and one-eighth mile for right-in/right-out access. 7 Minor arterial roadways are intended to accommodate traffic volumes of up to 30,000 vehicles per day within the corridor. The SRF traffic study identifies that there has been negative growth or no increase in traffic volume on CSAH 42 recorded by Minnesota Department of Transportation traffic counts since 2004. Expansion of CSAH 42 to the planned three -land configuration is not included on Wright County's current 5 -Year Transportation Improvement Plan and is not anticipated to occur before 2040 by the NEWC Transportation Study as shown on Figure 24. The PUD concept plan illustrates a proposed full access to the subject site via a private driveway. The private driveway provides for two outbound and one inbound lane. The developer will provide for construction of turn and bypass lanes on CSAH 42 as required by Wright County, which are shown on the submitted plans. A proposed right -in access at CSAH 42 is shown for the planned convenience motor fuel facility on Lot 1, Block 1. There is no connection between the proposed development and Riverbend Mobile Home Park other than through the gates of the mini -storage on Lot 3, Block 1. The SRF Traffic Study makes the following conclusions: ■ There is adequate capacity within CSAH 42 based on estimated future traffic volume and traffic generation estimates for the land uses shown on the proposed PUD concept plan. ■ Warrants are not met for installation of a signalized intersection at the primary access to the proposed development. ■ The proposed full access locations for Riverbend North and Riverbend Mobile Home Park will not degrade levels of service with future traffic on CSAH 42. ■ Circulation within the subject site via the proposed private driveway is adequate for the uses shown on the PUD concept plan and that a connection between the subject site and Riverbend Mobile Home Park is not necessary. The internal private drive will require execution of an ingress/egress and cross parking easement to be recorded with each lot. The easement will also include the City to make provision for access by emergency vehicles or service vehicles such as garbage haulers or school buses. Off -Street Parking. The PUD District requires off-street parking stalls to be provided as required Section 11-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance for the uses shown on the PUD concept plan and Phase 1 PUD development stage plan. The PUD concept plan and PUD development stage plan for Phase 1 provides a total of 472 off-street parking stalls, of which 40 stalls are proof -of - parking stalls for the multiple family use. The development agreement includes a provision allowing the City to cause these stalls to be constructed. The total number of parking stalls proposed is 14 less than required. However, while the table below states that 40 stalls are required for the mini -storage lot, for practical purposes no stalls are typically necessary for this use as people will position their vehicles adjacent to the storage units. The PUD development stage plan for Phase 1 also shows that there are to be 18 off- street parking stalls constructed overlying the property line between the mini -storage lot and Riverbend Mobile Home Park office parking lot. These stalls off -set the deficit of required parking for the Riverbend North development and may be allowed subject to execution of an encroachment and ingress/egress easement between the properties. The number of parking stalls provided within the subject site are adequate for the proposed uses. Use Area Requirement Required Stalls Stalls Provided Multiple Family 164du. 2.5 stalls/du 410 Surface: 279 Tuck under: 56 Garage: 45 Proof: 40 Total: 420 Mini -Storage 44,550sf. 1 stall/1,OOOsf. 40 0 Convenience Store 3,888sf. 4 + 1 stall/250sf. 18 21 Retail Store 5,OOOsf. 1 stall/250sf. 18 31 Total 486 472 The site plan submitted for the PUD development stage plan for Phase 1 indicates that all off- street parking stalls are to have dimensions of 9 feet by 20 feet accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles, except the south section of the shared private drive/parking area. This section is shown on the site plan to have 20 foot deep stalls with a 22 foot wide drive aisle. The site plan is to be revised to indicate the stalls on the east side to be 18 feet deep (with a two foot overhang of the curb) allowing for a 24 foot wide drive aisle as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The parking area and drive aisles are all to be paved with asphalt and surrounded by concrete curb and gutter. All off-street parking stalls and drive aisles will comply with the construction and design requirements of Section 11-21-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping. A landscape plan has been submitted with the PUD development stage plan for Phase 1 that covers Lots 1-4, Block 1. The landscaping plan includes plantings as required by Section 11-19-2 of the Zoning Ordinance for general landscaping within the yards of each lot and adjacent to buildings with a mix of shade, evergreen, and ornamental trees, and shrubs. Section 11-19-3.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires establishment of residential buffer yards abutting TH 101 and CSAH 42 rights-of-way. The elevation of TH 101 adjacent to the subject site is generally above the ground floor of the multiple family building and there are hills within the right-of-way that buffer the building location. The yard abutting TH 101 is proposed to be planted with both shade and evergreens trees. The proposed plantings are appropriate for the site and comply with the size requirements of Section 20-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. The landscape plan indicates installation of an automatic irrigation system as required by Section 5- 2-3.C.1 of the City Code. A Fencing. The PUD development stage plan submission for Phase 1 identifies proposed fencing for the mini -storage lot to provide security for the property. The proposed fencing is to be vinyl coated chain link fencing with a height of six feet. There is a plan for a gate to be installed at the access from the internal private drive and from the Riverbend Mobile Home Park office parking area. As noted above, Knox boxes for fire access are to be installed at each gate. The proposed fencing for the mini -storage use complies with the requirements of Section 11-19-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. The developer has submitted a photometric lighting plan indicating the type of luminaire, location of all fixtures, height of all fixtures, and intensity of all proposed exterior fixtures. All proposed exterior lighting complies with Section 11-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. No information has been provided regarding any proposed signs other than locations shown on the PUD development stage plan site plan. Any signs proposed for the uses within the PUD District must comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance based on the requirements of the R-7 District or B-3 District for the respective uses. All signs require a sign permit approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to placement upon the property. Trash. The concept plan and PUD development stage plan for Phase 1 illustrates a trash enclosure adjacent to the existing Riverbend Mobile Home Park office building. Access to the trash enclosure is to be through the proposed mini -storage lot or via the private drives within Riverbend Mobile Home Park with no direct access from the apartment use. Riverbend Mobile Home Park is under separate ownership from the subject site and not included in the PUD District. The developer must provide an easement for the use of the trash enclosure and containers or identify provisions to ensure that trash and recyclables for the apartment and mini -storage uses are addressed in compliance with Section 11-18-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. Subdivision of the property triggers park and trail dedication requirements as established by Section 10-8-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Future Parks and Trails Plan adopted with the 2012 Comprehensive Plan does not identify acquisition of park land from within the subject site. Park and trail dedication requirements are to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land as show in the table below based on the 2014 fee schedule. The park and trail dedication fee for each lot will be based on the fee schedule in effect at the time of final plat approval in accordance with Section 10-8-15.M of the Subdivision Ordinance. Use Park Dedication Required Unit Fee Multiple Family $4,057.00/du 164 du. $665,348.00 Mini -Storage $7,000.00/ac. 3.29 ac. $23,030.00 Convenience Store $7,000.00/ac. 1.46 ac. $10,220.00 Retail $7,000.00/ac 0.78 ac. $5,460.00 Trail Estimate -$31,220.00 Total $672,838.00 10 The Future Parks and Trails Plan and Wright County Trail Plan do identify construction of a trail adjacent to CSAH 42 abutting the subject site. The PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat of Phase 1 includes construction of a trail along CSAH 42 from the existing trail ending just east of TH 101 to the south plat line. As a condition of approval, the developer will construct of a trail within the CSAH 42 right-of-way extending from the south plat line to Outlot N, Wildflower Meadows 2nd Addition, then east over Outlot N, Wildflower Meadows 2nd Addition to Quigley Avenue where it connects with an existing trail into Northwood Park. The estimated cost of the trail as approved by the City Engineer will be credited to the developer against cash fees in lieu of land dedication required to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements. The developer will not be credited for the value of any additional easement required for the trail abutting Riverbend Mobile Home Park. Utilities. The subject site is located within the East Sewer District designated by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Section 8-1-3 of the City Code and the 2014 PUD District requires all development within the PUD District to connect to municipal sewer and water utilities. Municipal sewer and water utilities are adjacent to the east line of the subject site to serve the proposed development. The developer has submitted a utility plan for the proposed preliminary plat and PUD development stage plan for Phase 1 to extend municipal sewer and water utilities to serve the proposed development, which is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Extension of sewer and water utilities to the subject site will include payment of utility availability and connection charges for the proposed uses to be set forth in a development agreement. The proposed development includes decommissioning of the existing private WWTF and connection of Riverbend Mobile Home Park to municipal utilities. An agreement for connection of Riverbend Mobile Home Park to municipal utilities and payment of applicable utility availability and connection charges will be required as a condition of approval for Riverbend North to allow for removal of the existing private WWTF. The connection agreement will be drafted by the City Attorney and is subject to City Council approval. Grading. The developer has submitted grading and stormwater management plans for the Phase 1 PUD development stage plan and preliminary plat. Stormwater basins are required to be overlaid by drainage and utilities easements in accordance with Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance. There is no stormwater area charge that applies to the subject site for regional stormwater facilities. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 21-8-12.A. requires establishment of 10 foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots. The preliminary plat provides for dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the plat as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. The preliminary plat is to be revised to include drainage and utility easements overlying interior lot lines also as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. Drainage and utility easements also 11 must be dedicated over City water utility mains and sewer pipe utilized by more than one lot. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Final Plat. The developer has submitted a final plat for Phase 1. The site design for the final plat is consistent with that of the preliminary plat. The proposed final plat includes lots for the proposed apartment (both phases) and mini -storage uses. Outlots are designated for future lots to be platted for the proposed convenience motor fuel and retail uses. The proposed final plat is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, Wright County, and MNDoT. Development Agreement. The City Attorney has drafted a development agreement related to the proposed final plat to provide for construction of the project, completion of all public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees. The Development Agreement is to be adopted by resolution of the City Council concurrent with the final plat approval and executed prior to recording of the final plat. Criteria. Applications to amend a PUD District are processed as Zoning Ordinance amendments in accordance with the procedures established by Section 11-3-2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Zoning Ordinance amendments are policy actions for which the City has broad discretion in deciding. The recommendation of the Planning Commission and decision of the City Council regarding a Zoning Ordinance amendment is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established by Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. Findings of fact approving the PUD Amendment, PUD development stage plan, preliminary plat, and final plat have been prepared for consideration by the City Council. The criteria for approval of a Zoning Map amendment do not consider potential impacts to property values. Evaluation of effects of a potential development on area property values is highly subjective and inconsistent; even comprehensive real estate appraisals prepared by professional appraisers can provide widely different interpretations of property values. Furthermore, because the proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and allowed by the current PUD District, there is always the potential that a use such as those identified on the PUD development stage plan may develop on the subject site. The potential for these uses to develop on the subject site, therefore, must be considered as part of any expectations regarding property value. RECOMMENDATION Development of the subject site will result in decommissioning of the existing private WWTF and connection of Riverbend Mobile Home Park to municipal sewer utilities, provide for multiple family housing not currently available in Otsego, and development of commercial uses The proposed PUD District amendment, preliminary plat, PUD development stage plan, and final plat for Phase 1 of Riverbend North is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the PUD District as initially approved in 2014. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined in the draft PUD Ordinance, draft findings of fact, and stipulations below. 12 POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1— PUD District Amendment A. Motion to approve an amendment to the Riverbend North PUD District based on the ordinance drafted by City staff as presented. Motion to deny the application to amend the Riverbend North PUD District based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the 2014 PUD District approval. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD Development Stage Plan/Preliminary Plat/Final Plat A. Motion to approve of the Preliminary Plat for Riverbend North and PUD Development Stage Plan for Riverbend North Phase 1, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to municipal sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Approval of the preliminary plat is contingent upon decommissioning of the private WWTF and connection of Riverbend Mobile Home Park to municipal sewer utilities, including payment of applicable sewer availability and connection charges in a form agreed to by the City at their discretion. The developer shall provide documentation to the City acceptable to the City Attorney that the CIC Plat has been vacated or terminated. 4. Development of Lots 1, and 2, Block 1 as shown on the preliminary plat shall be subject to approval of a PUD development stage plan in accordance with the procedures established by the Zoning Ordinance. The architectural plans for the multiple family building constructed within Lot 4, Block 1 shall be revised to include not more than 164 dwelling units. 6. The gates accessing Lot 3, Block 1 shall include Knox boxes as approved by the Elk River Fire Department. 7. The building elevation plans for the entire east elevation of Building A and north elevation of Building B within Lot 3, Block 1 shall be revised to use masonry 13 materials and all buildings within Lot 3, Block 1 shall comply Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. The preliminary plat shall be subject to review and approval of Wright County; the developer shall construct turn and/or bypass lanes on CSAH 42 to access the subject site as required by Wright County. 9. The developer shall record an access, ingress/egress, and cross parking easement across Lots 1-4, Block 1 Riverbend North and over the office parking, trash enclosure, and St. Croix Drive within Riverbend Mobile Home Park at the time of final plat approval. 10. The PUD development stage plan site plan shall be revised to provide parking stall and drive aisle dimensions as required by Section 11-21-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance for the south portion of the parking area east of the multiple family building within Lot 4, Block 1. 11. Storage of waste and recycling containers shall comply with Section 11-18-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 12. Signs: All signs on Lot 3, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-37-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. b. All signs on Lot 4, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-37-5.B of the Zoning Ordinance. All signs shall require issuance of a permit approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to display upon the subject site. 13. All grading, drainage, erosion control, and wetland issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. Utilities: All uses on Lots 1-4, Block 1 shall connect to municipal utilities as may be required for a specific use approved in accordance with a PUD development stage plan. b. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14 C. The developer shall pay applicable utility availability and connection charges in accordance with the City Code at the time of final plat approval. 15. Easements: The preliminary plat shall be revised to provide for dedication of drainage and utility easements overlying interior lot lines as required by Section 10-8-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. All public utility facilities and stormwater basins shall overlaid by drainage and utility easements as required by Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 16. Subdivision of the subject site shall be subject to park and trail dedication requirements as established by Section 10-8-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of final plat approval. 17. The developer shall construct a trail designed to City specifications adjacent to the west side of CSAH 42 from the current terminus of the trail at TH 101 through Outlot N, Wildflower Meadows 2nd Addition to Quigley Avenue. The developer will be credited for park and trail dedication requirements for the construction in the amount of the City Engineer's estimate for. No credit will be given the developer for the value of additional easement that may be required for the section of the trail abutting Riverbend Mobile Home Park. 18. The proposed final plat is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, Wright County, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 19. The Developer shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with policies of the Comprehensive Plan or the provisions and intent of the 2014 PUD District, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code. 15 Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Casey Darkenwald, Darkenwald Corporation Darren Lazan, Landform Professional Services, LLC 16 DARKENWALD CORPORATION 4 DA[tKENWALD G O R P O R A i I O H OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT, PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLAN RIVERBEND NORTH April 24, 2018 L A N D F O R M From Site to Finish INTRODUCTION On behalf of Darkenwald Corporation, Landform is pleased to submit this application for an amendment to the PUD Zoning District and Concept Plan for the Riverbend North Project. The 13.1 -acre site is located at the southeast quadrant of TH 101 and CSAH 42 (River Road NE NE.) The new plan, as did the previous plan, shows a mixture of apartments and commercial uses for the site. This application replaces the request for a PUD Concept Plan Amendment submitted May 23, 2017 which is hereby withdrawn. This new application also includes a Preliminary Plat and a PUD Development Stage Plan and for the first stage of the project. We are excited about the improvements proposed for this site. BACKGROUND/ SITE HISTORY Existing Conditions The primary existing use on the site is mini -storage, outside storage, and a private wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) serving the Riverbend Mobile Home Park located to the south of the site. In the past, ponds associated with the WWTF were located in the northern portion of the site. They were removed. The southwest portion of the site includes an open storage area used primarily by residents of the mobile home park. There is an existing ponding area at the southeast corner of the site, which is man-made. A wetland evaluation for the entire site found no wetlands requiring preservation. The site abuts TH 101, which carries a significant amount of traffic and generates noise. When the interchange was constructed, a noise wall was built next to the southern part of the site, and berms help shield the northern part of the site. 2014 Planned Unit Development (PUD) In 2014, the City of Otsego approved a Zoning Map Amendment rezoning the site from B-3 District to PUD District. (See Exhibit 1, Ordinance 2014-11/ 2014 PUD Concept Plan.) The concept plan showed two commercial sites in the northern part of the site abutting River Road NE NE (2.20 acres and 2.45 acres) and two sites for apartments and storage (3.70 and 4.00 acres) on the remainder of the property. The plan did not specify the intensity (number of units, density or square feet) of the proposed uses. The plan showed a new private drive with a full access intersection on River Road NE NE, connecting through the property to the Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the south. Another right-in/right-out access point was shown to the north of the intersection on River Road NE NE, to allow a secondary access to the northern commercial site. The plan also showed a private road access to the site through the Riverbend Mobile Home Park near the Park's entrance on River Road NE NE. Otsego's Comprehensive Plan designated this site for commercial land uses in 2004, in anticipation of the site having access and visibility from TH 101 at the intersection with CSAH 42 (River Road NE.) Since then, TH 101 was improved to freeway status and the interchange with CSAH 42 (River Road NE) was DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 2 built. Grades were altered so that TH 101 is substantially higher in elevation than the site, and a sound wall was constructed along the east side of the road. The sound wall partially obscures visibility of this site from TH 101, particularly for north bound traffic. In approving the 2014 PUD, the City found that the changes in conditions warranted consideration of allowing multiple family dwelling units as part of the development. The proposed residential uses would be the least visible from TH 101, would create a desirable transition between the existing Riverbend Mobile Home Park and planned commercial uses, and would also provide market support for the commercial uses. 2017 CIC Plat To meet lender requirements, the owner found it necessary to separate the WWTF from the Riverbend Mobile Home Park property. In 2017, a Common Interest Community (CIC) plat was recorded with Wright County. (See Exhibit 2, attached.) 2017 Application for PUD Amendment In May of 2017, the owner submitted an application to amend the 2014 PUD concept plan. The uses included in that application were apartments (192 units), mini -storage (31,400 sq. ft. building area) and a future retails site (5,000 sq. ft. building area.) The plan included retaining the existing Riverbend WWTF on the site, and for it to continue providing sewage treatment for the Riverbend Mobile Home Park and potentially for some or all of the new development on this site. The application was presented to the Planning Commission, but postponed indefinitely prior to the Commission taking action. That application has now been withdrawn. The most significant issue for the proposed PUD amendment was the continued existence of the WWTF. PUD CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT Exhibit 3, attached, is the Proposed PUD Concept Plan (new plan) which would replace the plan reviewed and approved by the City in 2014 (old plan.) A Phasing Plan (Exhibit 4) has also been submitted. Access and Infrastructure Roadway Access—The new plan shows access to the site at the same full -access driveway on River Road NE (CSAH 42) shown by the old plan, with a secondary driveway to the northern commercial parcel. Unlike the old plan, the new plan does not include a street connection through the site to the Riverbend Mobile Home Park, and access to the mobile home park on River Road NE would not be altered. As required by Wright County for projects with access to county roads, a traffic study was performed by a consultant (SRF) selected by the County and at the applicant's expense. The draft study is included in this submission as Exhibit 5. The main objective of the study was to evaluate potential impacts of the DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 3 development including access and/or traffic control changes along River Road NE, and to identify any needed improvements to accommodate the development. The study evaluated the intersections at the entrances to the development, along with the intersections to the north (TH101/CSAH 42 interchange) and to the south (CSAH 42/St. Croix Drive) of the site. The concept plan reviewed in the traffic study (dated August 3, 2017) differs slightly but it is consistent with the proposed land uses shown by the new plan (dated April 24, 2018.) The traffic study concluded that the existing intersections in the area operate at a high level of service (LOS B) now and will continue to do so after construction of Riverbend North. From a traffic operations perspective, turn lanes on River Road NE (or other traffic controls, such as signals) are not necessitated by this project. It is our understanding that Wright County may want to add turn lanes and a bypass lane on northbound River Road NE, to enhance safety. The developer will work with the County during their review of the plat and driveway permit on this issue; however, we would not anticipate any changes to the Riverbend North plans would be needed should the County make those improvements. The traffic study looked at the potential driveway through this project to connect with St. Croix Drive within the Riverbend Mobile Home Park. A connection was shown on the 2014 PUD concept plan, and as a possible future connection on the 2017 concept. The study found that providing the alternative access would have a negligible impact on traffic operations. Because there would be no benefit, and extending the road connection would potentially require removal of one or more mobile homes, the new plan eliminates any roadway connection to the mobile home park. The traffic study recommended a further review of the northerly commercial site if a gas station were proposed, to evaluate entrances and turning movements within the site. The new concept plan does show a gas/convenience store at this location. The previous plan showed a right-in/right-out access from River Road NE, but on the new plan it has been reduced to a right -in only, to address concerns that have been expressed by County staff. A more detailed review of the internal circulation will be appropriate when a PUD Development Stage Plan is submitted for this portion of the project, which is in a future phase. Utilities—After considering several options, and discussions with the City of Otsego, the decision has been made to connect the mobile home park and the proposed new development to the city's wastewater treatment system. The city has preliminarily approved the use of Tax Increment Financing for this purpose. Tax revenue from the proposed apartments will make this feasible. The WWTF will be decommissione and the mobile home park will be connected to the city sewer system during the summer of 2018, as part of preparing the Riverbend North site for construction. (The mobile home park is already connected to the city's water supply system.) All of the new uses will be connected to the City of Otsego's public sanitary sewer and water supply systems. DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 4 Land Uses The concept plan includes the following uses: Riverbend North PUD Concept Plan Convenience Store (Parcel 1) 1.46 acres Building Footprint 3,888 sq. ft. Parking Stalls (16 required) 21 Retail (Parcel 2) 0.78 acres Building Footprint 5,000 sq. ft. Parking Stalls (20 required) 31 Mini -Storage (Parcel 3) 3.29 acres Building Footprint 44,550 sq. ft. Units 240 Apartments (Parcel 4) 7.31 acres Building Footprint 50,241 sq. ft. Units 164 Parking Stalls (410 required) Surface Stalls 271 Accessible Stalls 8 Garage Stalls 45 Tuck -Under Stalls 56 Proof of Parking 40 Total Parking Stalls 420 A direct comparison with the 2014 PUD Concept Plan is not possible, as the plan did not include detailed information about the intensity of the proposed land uses. Commercial Uses—The proposed concept plan shows about 42% of the site area to be devoted to commercial uses. Sites for two proposed retail buildings are located at the north end of the site. Parcel A would accommodate a 3,888 -sq. ft. gas/convenience store with a carwash. Access would be from a right - in driveway from River Road NE, and from a common private drive located between parcels 1 & 2 which provides the main access to the development. The concept plan shows, 21 parking stalls, exceeding the code requirement of 16 stalls. Parcel 2 would accommodate a 5,000 -sq. ft. retail building. The concept plan shows 31 parking stalls, exceeding the code requirement of 20 stalls. The retail buildings will provide goods and services that serve the needs of the surrounding residential area. The concept plan shows a mini -storage facility adjacent to River Road NE (Parcel 3.) Storage units would be rented to occupants of the adjacent mobile home park and of the future apartments and to other community residents. This requires an amendment to the 2014 PUD District text, which specifies self - storage as an allowable use "accessory to uses within the PUD District and abutting Riverbend Mobile DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 5 Home Park." We note that the identity of storage -unit renters is not material to the potential land use impacts of the facility and that enforcement would be difficult. The restriction places an unreasonable burden on the successful operation and financing of this part of the project. Because of the large supply of commercial land in the Highway 101 corridor, the isolation of this site from other commercial locations, and its lack of visibility from Highway 101, it is not now a prime location for office or retail uses. The mini -storage facility is a low -intensity commercial use that will be compatible with, and provide a service that will be utilized by, the surrounding residential uses. If and when the market warrants, perhaps in 20 to 30 years, the mini -storage could be redeveloped for a more intense commercial use. The mini -storage facility would have a building foot print of 44,550 sq. ft., with 240 rental units ranging from 5 feet by 10 feet up to 10 feet by 25 feet in size. Where the buildings themselves do not control access, the site would be secured by a fence with two gates. Customers would gain access from the common drive on the west side of the site, or the main gate on the south side of the site. The existing office building serving the River Bend Mobile Home Park (outside the project boundary) would also serve as the office for the mini -storage facility. The existing office building's parking lot would be reconstructed to provide 18 stalls. Residential Use—The new plan shows a 164 -unit apartment building on Parcel D (7.56 acres), occupying approximately the western half of the site. The preliminary floor plans show the following mix of unit sizes: One Bedroom 80 One Bedroom + Den 37 Two Bedroom 38 Three Bedroom 9 Total Units 164 The plan shows that up to 420 parking stalls could be provided with a combination of surface stalls, free- standing garage stalls at the perimeter of the site at the southwest corner, and tuck -under stalls on the first level of the building. This exceeds the minimum requirement of 2.5 stalls per dwelling unit (410 stalls.) There are 40 stalls shown as "proof of parking" (green areas in the southern parking area.) It is proposed that these areas remain as green space, reducing the parking stall count to 380 spaces with the stipulation that they could be converted to paved parking if demand warrants. The city's standard of 2.5 spaces per unit may be excessive, particularly as the majority of the units are one -bedrooms. PUD Flexibility Requested The 2014 PUD provided that the commercial uses were to be developed in accordance with the B-3 District, and the apartments were to be developed in accordance with the R-7 District. In addition to the DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 6 amendment to add the mini -storage facility to the allowed uses in this PUD, flexibility will be needed for the following: • Apartment building height exceeding 3 stories/35 feet • Apartment lot requirement less than 2,500 sq. ft. per dwelling unit • Lot area for commercial uses (Parcel 2 is less than 1 acre, the minimum lot size in the B-3 District) • Reducing the number of parking spaces from the required 410 to 380 spaces, with proof -of - parking for an additional 40 stalls. CRITERIA FOR ZONING AMENDMENTS Section 20-3-2. F of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance requires that the Planning Commission and City Council consider the following criteria when evaluating proposed amendments, including amendments to PUD districts. Our response to each of the criteria follows each item: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. The City made the following finding when approving the PUD zoning district: The Comprehensive Plan includes the policy to cluster complementary land uses and activities into functionally related sub -units of the community as determined by physical barriers, homogenous land use characteristics and service area boundaries. The proposed master plan for the subject site reflects the physical characteristics of the site relative to TH 101 and CSAH 42, provides. in-place residential support for planned commercial uses and provides a desirable land use transition from Riverbend Mobile Home Park. The proposed PUD District is therefore consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. As noted in 2014, the site has physical barriers to visibility from TH101. Visibility to traffic using the CSAH 42 interchange is also poor, due to the curvature of the road. This site is isolated from the other planned and existing commercial uses in the TH101 corridor. The large supply of more desirable commercial sites in the corridor suggests that the demand for high intensity retail or office uses for this site may be limited. The commercial uses proposed by the PUD concept plan (convenience store, retail and a mini storage facility) would offer goods and services for the residents of the existing residential uses in the immediate area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The City made the following finding when approving the PUD zoning district: The subject site abuts the Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the south and is separated from existing two and one-half acre single family lots to the east by CSAH 42. The uses anticipated by the proposed master plan will be compatible with present and future land uses in the area. DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 7 In addition to the transitions described above, we note that the layout of uses within in the PUD (low- rise buildings adjacent to River Road NE, and the taller apartment buildings nearer TH101) contributes to good transitions to the adjacent mobile home park to the south and the single family residential uses to the east. The mini -storage facility will be a very compatible use because it is unoccupied most of the time and serves the needs of the adjacent apartments and mobile home park as well as the larger community. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. The City made the following finding when approving the PUD zoning district: Development of the subject site will require future applications for PUD Development Stage Plan, preliminary plat and final plat approval and compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. A PUD Development Stage application for the first phase of development.is included with this submission. It is generally in compliance with city requirements. PUD flexibility will be needed for several items, as listed above. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. The City made the following finding when approving the PUD zoning district: The subject site is accessed via CSAH 42, which is designated as a minor arterial roadway by the Transportation Plan and Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan. CSAH 42 has adequate design capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the land uses shown on the master plan. The 2018 traffic study by SRF shows that CSAH 42 has adequate design capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the development, and all affected intersections will perform at a high level of service after development of the site. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. The City made the following finding when approving the PUD zoning district: The subject site is within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates development of urban land uses connected to municipal utilities and provided needed municipal services. The City has existing public services and facilities needed to serve the land uses planned by the master plan. Adequate public services and facilities are available, and the development will be connected to the city's sewer and water system. DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 8 PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLAN This application includes a Preliminary Plat of the entire site, and the request for approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan for Phase 1. All plans are included as Exhibit 6. The Stormwater Narrative is included as Exhibit 7. Preliminary Plat The Preliminary Plat shows the four parcels identified by the PUD Concept Plan. The Preliminary Plat shows easements to be dedicated to the city as required by the city's subdivision ordinance. Subdivision of the property triggers park and trail dedication as required by the city's subdivision ordinance. The owner requests credit for construction of the 10 -foot wide bituminous trail planned along the west side of River Road NE, which will be built with the first phase of development. PUD Development Stage Plan Phase 1 will include demolition of the Riverbend WWTF and related utility work, mass grading of the entire site and the construction of the common drive from River Road NE. Phase 1 buildings are the apartments and mini -storage facility. The apartments are divided in two segments; the south wing (80 units, 1A) with the common areas and free-standing garages, and the north wing (84 units, 1B.) We highlight some of the information in the plans here: Architecture—The apartment building would be four stories in height, with a pitched roof. At its highest point, the roof would be 58 feet high, and 50 feet at the mid -point of the highest gable (the point at which the City measures building height.) Building materials are shown on Exhibit 7 and would include a mixture of brick, cultured stone veneer, metal lap siding, textured block and asphalt shingles. Common areas, such as an office, community room and exercise room room, would be centrally located in the building. The detached garage structures, with individual single -car stalls, would have materials similar to the apartment building. Exhibit 8 includes three conceptual renderings showing a birds -eye view of the site plan and of the building's front entry and back patio areas. Renderings are not available at this time for the mini -storage facility. Building materials will be compatible with the apartment building. Landscaping and Screening ---A detailed landscape plan is included in Exhibit 6, Sheet L2.1. Screening is provided along the south side of the site abutting the mobile home park, along River Road NE and internally between the apartments and the mini storage facility. Sheet C7-1 includes a detail of the 6 -foot, vinyl -covered chain link fence between the mini storage buildings. Exterior Lighting—Detailed photometric plans are not provided at this time. Plans meeting all city requirements will be submitted with the PUD Final Plan. DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 9 Signage -The Site Plan (Exhibit 6, Sheet C2.1) shows preliminary locations for free-standing signs. Final details of individual signs will be provided at the time of PUD Final Plan/ building permit approval. All signs will meet the applicable city standards. SUMMARY We respectfully request approval of an Amendment to Ordinance 2014-11 Establishing a PUD, Planned Unit Development District for Riverbend North, specifically: • Revise Section 4. Sub -districts, to permit self -storage facilities as an allowed Commercial use in the PUD District, removing the restriction that they are permitted only as accessory to residential uses; We also request approval of the revised PUD Concept Plan, the Preliminary Plat for Riverbend North and the PUD Development Stage Plan for Phase 1. CONTACT INFORMATION This document was prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Planning Lead Landform 105 South Fifth Street, Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Any additional questions regarding this application can be directed to Darren Lazan at dlazan(d)landform.net or 612-638-0250. Exhibits: 1. Ordinance 2014-11/ 2014 PUD Concept Plan 2. CIC Plat, Riverbend North 3. Concept Plan 4. Phasing Plan 5. Traffic Study, SRF Consulting 6. Preliminary Plat/ PUD Development Stage Plan 7. Stormwater Narrative 8. Building Materials 9. Renderings DAC16001 L A N D F O R M April 24, 2018 Project Narrative 10 EXHIBIT 1 ORDINANCE NO.: 2014-11 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR RIVERBEND NORTH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Legal Description. The legal description of the property included in the PUD District shall be as follows: INSERT LEGAL DESCRIPTION Section 2. Zoning Map Amendment. The property is hereby rezoned from B-3, General Business District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Section 3. Riverbend North Planned Unit Development District. Any allowed uses and standards not specifically addressed by the Riverbend North Planned Unit Development District shall be subject to the requirements set forth by the Otsego Zoning Ordinance understanding that subsequent, more specifically detailed, PUD Development Stage Plans may seek modification of the standards and requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance by City Council approval provided that the proposed flexibility is shown to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan and complies with the fundamental principals for the requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance, even without their strict application. Section 4. Sub -districts. For the purposes of this PUD District, the following sub -districts shall be established with their boundaries generally following the Master Plan attached as Exhibit A: A. Commercial B. High Density , Section 5. Allowed Uses. The allowed uses within this PUD District shall include the following base entitlements: EXHIBIT 1 A. Commercial. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, interim uses and uses allowed by administrative permit within the B-3 District shall be allowed within this sub -district subject to approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. B. High Density. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, interim uses and uses allowed by administrative permit within the R-7 District shall be allowed within this sub -district subject to approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and also: 1. Self -storage facilities accessory to uses within the PUD District and abutting Riverbend Mobile Home Park. Section 6. Lot Requirements. Lot requirements for the various sub - districts of this PUD District shall be as established follows: A. Commercial. All lot requirements and setbacks required within the B-3 District shall be applicable within this sub -district unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. B. High Density. All lot requirements and setbacks required within the R-7 District shall be applicable within this sub -district unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 7. Construction Standards. The construction of structures within this PUD District shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 8. Off -Street Parking and Loading. Off-street parking and loading areas required by the Zoning Ordinance shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 9. Utilities. All development within this PUD District shall be connected to municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. 2 EXHIBIT 1 Section 10. Future Phases and Amendments. Approval of PUD Development Stage Plans, modifications of the performance standards established by this PUD District and the inclusion of additional lands within this PUD District shall be processed in accordance with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Section 11. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid amendment, but the City Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the City Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 11. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication in accordance with State Statute. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this aDl- day of September, 2014. ATTEST BY: _d WC(Vb— Tami Loff, City Clerk '_ 3 CITY OF OTSEGO BY: C)W� vftaa"2:� J sica L. Stockamp, Mayor i RIGHT N/RIGHT OU' -ACC`SS+POINT SSOCIATES � 71 0. I X1 CESS ••3- ETON n^ •r � _ �i►�•Ttl o ! `� YI STORM �' POND � ;f�r'•r.#y - .. N TMENTS� TORAG MO Aa • EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARK OFFICE To REMAIN "MODIFY EXISTING ENTRANCE TO BE RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT ONLY - `` EXTEND PRIVATE DRIVE \ P Ids, To EXISTING MOBILE HOME { .r' PARK ROADWAYS �• 1�� _ elf l GENERAL NOTES: Low DENSITY PARK PONDING SHOWN IS CONCEPTUAL. DETAILED GRADING DESIGN AND STORMWATER CALCULATIONS MEDIUM DENSITY t� FEATURE HAVE NOT BEEN PERFORMED AT THIS TIME. ACREAGES ASSUME PRIVATE ROADWAY. ACREAGES ARE MEASURED TO CENTERLINE OF PROPOSED ROADWAY. " ROADWAY ACCESS TO EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARK REQUIRES ELIMINATION OF AT LEAST ONE UNIT E MAIN ACCESS LOCATED AT LEAST 1 /8TH MILE FROM HIGHWAY 101 INTERSECTION AND ASSUMES NEW OPEN SPACE nnr in cc�lr TURN LANES AND OTHER IMPROViMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED, it"IMEROtNu NORTH - 0 y') E •a: r' a z W W E •a: aA EzC axe R 0 Cl) cnm mo rnv�io S. -S. c aoo� co UJ O m u) O x N ClJ m UJ m h `���� 8= mvd W E �¢aN°o ¢aN� v¢a Qa�NON m�y� o C o To > o N> o o m m a FEa` b ynu�a d" a _`n"m aria jg In U Ya 2 00 z �� n rjwi - �.. • i� i t T' r Y4 •ate �'' k� 'e�9 ,�i i ��wk,�■ �1. MEEK P a i O a. a m E A t' � •\\. I,,I ,, ill' Illil I'llll�l` yy �, ATH a -------- ulldln�Setbac -----� - --- 1 I � k �! _ i` I I P,le O.0am I ISIP 2w -0 LU "I N \MN ( 0 BZ ISIP 2w To: Chad Hausmann, PE, Assistant County Engineer Wright County Highway Department From: Josh Maus, PE, Principal Tom Sachi, PE, Senior Engineer Date: July 2, 2018 Subject: Riverbend North Traffic Study Introduction Memorandum SRF No. 11014 SRF has completed a review of the Riverbend North mixed-use development in Otsego, Minnesota (see Figure 1: Project Location). The project site is located in the southeast quadrant of the Minnesota Trunk Highway 101 (TH 101) and County -State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH 42) interchange. The main objectives of this review are to quantify existing operations, evaluate potential impacts associated with the development including access and/or traffic control changes along River Road, and identify any necessary improvements to accommodate the proposed development. The following information provides the assumptions, analysis, and study findings offered for consideration. Existing Conditions The existing conditions were reviewed to establish a baseline for comparison and to determine potential impacts associated with construction of the proposed Riverbend North development. The evaluation of existing conditions includes a safety assessment, and an intersection capacity analysis. Data Collection Vehicular turning movement counts were collected by SRF for the a.m. and p.m. peak periods the week of February 26, 2018 at the intersection of CSAH 42 and St. Croix Drive. Turning movement counts for both of the TH 101 and CSAH 42 ramp intersections were completed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) in February 2016. Roadway Characteristics Field observations were completed to identify roadway characteristics within the study area (i.e. roadway geometry, posted speed limits, and traffic controls). CSAH 42 is a two-lane undivided urban minor arterial roadway with a 50 mile per hour (mph) posted speed limit within the study area. St. Croix Drive is a two-lane undivided local roadway. Both TH 101/CSAH 42 ramp intersections are currently signalized, while the St. Croix Drive intersection is unsignalized with side -street stop control. Existing traffic volumes, roadway geometry, and traffic controls within the study area are shown in Figure 2. www.srfconsuIting.com One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 1 Minneapolis, MN 55447-4453 1763.475.0010 Fax: 1.866.440.6364 An Equal Opportunity, Emplger LL i yr co L) O J Is q co U_ L Z O 2E C LL imc Chad Hausmann, PE, Assistant County Engineer Riverbend North Traffic Study Safety Assessment July 2, 2018 Page 4 A crash analysis was performed at the study intersections based on data from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015 (three-year period), which is the most recent period available. The crash data was obtained from MnDOT using the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT). As shown in Table 1, the intersection crash rates were compared to average crash rates for similar intersections published by MnDOT, as well as the critical crash rates (i.e. the statistical significance of the above average crash rates). This review indicates that none of the three study intersections have crash rates higher than the statewide average crash rate for similar type intersections. The safety assessment indicates that the amount of reported crashes are within the normal range for intersections with similar characteristics. Table 1. Crash Analysis CSAH 42 Intersections Total Crashes Actual Crash Rate Average Critical TH 101 West Ramps 1 0.06 0.40 0.82 TH 101 East Ramps 4 0.34 0.40 0.91 St. Croix Drive 1 0.06 0.40 0.82 (1) The average crash rate is based on MnDOT's 2015 Green Sheets. Intersection Capacity Analysis and Comparison A detailed intersection capacity analysis was conducted for the existing a.m. and p.m. peak hour conditions to establish a baseline condition to which future operations can be compared. All intersections were analyzed using Synchro/SimTraffic software (Version 9). Signal timing for the ramp intersections was provided by MnDOT. Intersection capacity analysis results identify a Level of Service (LOS) which indicates how well an intersection is operating. Intersections are ranked from LOS A through LOS F. The LOS results are based on average delay per vehicle, which correspond to the delay threshold values shown in Table 2. LOS A indicates the best traffic operation and LOS F indicates an intersection where demand exceeds capacity. Overall intersection LOS A through LOS D is generally considered acceptable in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area. Chad Hausmann, PE, Assistant County Engineer Riverbend North Traffic Study Table 2. Level of Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections July 2, 2018 Page 5 LOS Designation Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) A < 10 <_ 10 B >10-20 >10-15 C >20-35 >15-25 D >35-55 >25-35 E >55-80 >35-50 F > 80 > 50 For side -street stop controlled intersections, special emphasis is given to providing an estimate for the level of service of the minor approaches. Traffic operations at an unsignaked intersection with side - street stop control can be described in two ways. First, consideration is given to the overall intersection level of service. This takes into account the total number of vehicles entering the intersection and the capability of the intersection to support these volumes. Second, it is important to consider the delay on the minor approach. Since the mainline does not have to stop, the majority of delay is attributed to the minor approaches. It is typical of intersections with higher mainline traffic volumes to experience increased levels of delay (i.e. poor levels of service) on the side -street approaches, but an acceptable overall intersection level of service during peak hour conditions. Results of the existing peak hour capacity analysis comparison, shown in Table 3, indicate that all study intersections operate at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours with the existing geometric layout and traffic controls. No significant queuing or delay issues were observed. Table 3. Existing Peak Hour Capacity Analysis (1) An unsignalized intersection with side -street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. Proposed Development The proposed mixed-use development includes the construction of a 164 unit apartment building, 73 mini -warehouse storage units, a 7,500 SF retail building, and a 12 -pump gasoline/ service station, as shown in Figure 3. It should be noted that as part of the development, approximately 347 surface stalls, 48 garage stalls, and 47 tuck -under stalls are planned for the apartment, for a total of 442 off- street parking spaces. 70 surface stalls are also planned for the retail buildings. Access to the proposed development is located at two access driveways along CSAH 42. The northwestern access is expected to be a right-in/right-out restricted access, while the southeastern access is expected to be a full movement intersection. Level of Service (Delay) CSAH 42 Intersections A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour TH 101 West Ramps B (14 sec) A (10 sec) TH 101 East Ramps A (10 sec) B (12 sec) St. Croix Drive (l) A/B (12 sec) A/B (13 sec) (1) An unsignalized intersection with side -street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. Proposed Development The proposed mixed-use development includes the construction of a 164 unit apartment building, 73 mini -warehouse storage units, a 7,500 SF retail building, and a 12 -pump gasoline/ service station, as shown in Figure 3. It should be noted that as part of the development, approximately 347 surface stalls, 48 garage stalls, and 47 tuck -under stalls are planned for the apartment, for a total of 442 off- street parking spaces. 70 surface stalls are also planned for the retail buildings. Access to the proposed development is located at two access driveways along CSAH 42. The northwestern access is expected to be a right-in/right-out restricted access, while the southeastern access is expected to be a full movement intersection. I I lot -vrnHgi + Jp3'ueld 116! =1 \S1\VL06S\000Ll W LL. a 0 a� 0 J+ C O O O e"S @ C f/l Q. qtr o o'� N„ --�� a � O7 C O N N o L C: .,r-• cq --_ ro �"" CL -,e z op `r' J o _ Q .Q d -�~ LL�xo z El ��N 5 - C `o a mmN ...F -I M— m a 0 z I I lot -vrnHgi + Jp3'ueld 116! =1 \S1\VL06S\000Ll W LL. Chad Hausmann, PE, Assistant County Engineer Riverbend North Traffic Study Year 2020 Build Conditions July 2, 2018 Page 7 The proposed development was assumed to be completed by the year 2019. Therefore, traffic forecasts were developed for year 2020 conditions (i.e. approximately one year after opening). Year 2020 build condition traffic forecasts will include both background traffic growth and trips generated by the proposed development. Background Traffic Growth To account for general background traffic growth in the area, a review of historical ADT volumes was completed. Based on this review, there has been either negative or no growth of traffic volumes within the study area since 2004. However, to remain conservative, a half -percent growth rate was applied. Trip Generation To account for traffic impacts associated with the proposed development, trip generation estimates for the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour and daily trips were developed. The trip generation estimates were completed using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manara,, 90th Edition. Results of the trip generation estimate shown in Table 4 indicate that the proposed development is expected to generate a total of approximately 206 a.m. peak hour, 257 p.m. peak hour, and 3,724 daily trips. It should be noted that a 15% internal capture reduction was applied to both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours for the trip generation estimates to account for trips that are completed internally to the site. Table 4. Trip Generation Estimates Land Use (ITE Code) Size A.M. Peak Hour In Out P.M. Peak Hour In Out Daily Trips Mini -Warehouse (151) 73 Units 5 5 7 7 131 Apartment (220) 164 DU 17 58 58 34 1,200 Retail (820) 7,500 SF 4 3 14 15 283 Gas Station w/ Market (945) 12 Pumps 76 73 86 82 2,464 Subtotal 102 139 165 138 4,078 Multi -Use Reduction (15%) (14) (21) (25) (21) (611) Total Development Trips 88 118 140 117 3,467 Pass -By Removals (36) (36) (43) (43) (1,236) Net New Area Trips 52 82 97 74 2,231 Pass -by trips were also taken into account for the retail and gas -station land uses because it is expected that a portion of the trips will be completed by motorists already traveling on CSAH 42. Using pass - by reduction in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, the proposed development is expected to generate 134 a.m. peak hour, 171 p.m. peak hour, and 2,231 daily trips that are new to the area. Chad Hausmann, PE, Assistant County Engineer July 2, 2018 Riverbend North Traffic Study Page 8 The new trips generated by the proposed development were distributed to the study area based on the directional distribution found in Figure 4. The distribution was developed based on the existing travel patterns in the area, and engineering judgement. Traffic forecasts for year 2020 build conditions, which includes historical background growth and the trips generated by the proposed development are shown in Figure 5. Intersection Capacity Analysis To determine impacts associated with the proposed development, year 2020 build conditions were analyzed. Once again, a detailed intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/Simtraffic (Version 9). No signal timing changes were assumed as part of this analysis. Results of the year 2020 build operations analysis shown in Table 5 indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue to operate an overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours with existing geometric layout and traffic controls. It is expected that the 95th percentile queues at the full access development driveway are approximately 75 feet (i.e. three vehicles). There is not expected to be any mitigation necessary to allow for acceptable operations. Table 5. Year 2020 Build Conditions Intersection Capacity Analysis CSAR 42 Intersections Level of Service (Delay) A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour TH 101 West Ramp B (14 sec) A (10 sec) TH 101 East Ramp A (9 sec) B (12 sec) St. Croix Drive (1) A/B (12 sec) A/B (14 sec) North Site Access (1) A/A (10 sec) A/A (9 sec) South Site Access (1) I A/B (13 sec) I A/B (13 sec) (1) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side -street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. Alternative Access Scenario An alternative access scenario was reviewed which provided an access connection from the proposed development to St. Croix Drive. The access connection is expected to have minimal impact on the traffic volumes in the study area. Forecasts for the year 2020 build conditions with the alternative access are shown in Figure 6. To determine impacts of the alternative access scenario, a detailed intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/Simtraffic (Version 9). No signal timing changes were assumed as part of this analysis. Results of the year 2020 build operations analysis shown in Table 6 indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue to operate an overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The alternative access is expected to have a negligible impact on overall intersection operations at the study access driveways. c C t s �L t u I. cn U_ M M o � T L Cn LL. z O Z FF L UL w TW Chad Hausmann, PE, Assistant County Engineer July 2, 2018 Riverbend North Traffic Study Page 12 Table 6. Year 2020 Intersection Capacity Analysis Comparison with Alternative Access Other Considerations In addition to intersection capacity, other factors were considered with respect to transportation impacts associated with alternatives evaluated for the Riverbend North development accesses. These factors included safety, access guideline conformance, and accessibility. The following items are offered for consideration with respect to determining the appropriate intersection configuration/ traffic control: 1) Review of the recommended access spacing listed in the Northeast W light CoUnny Sub Area Transbortation Plan for an urbanizing minor arterial (CSAH 42) indicates that local street accesses (such as at St. Croix Road and the proposed development site access roads) are recommended to be spaced one-quarter (1/4) mile for full access and one-eighth (1/8) mile for right-in/right-out access. Currently, St. Croix Road is located just under one-eighth (1/8) mile from the proposed south site access, and the two proposed site access roads are located one -twentieth (1/20) mile from each other. Based on the current roadway network, the proposed site access roads would not be consistent with the County access spacing guidelines. However, intersection operations are expected to be acceptable. If further development or redevelopment of parcels occur within the study area, discussions should occur with area stakeholders regarding the amount of full -access intersections along CSAH 42. 2) There is not expected to be significant delays or queues along CSAH 42 that would necessitate a turn lane (right or left -turn). Additionally, there does not appear to be an existing crash issue at the full access intersection at St. Croix Road. However, consideration could be given to include an eastbound right turn lane (potentially a trap right turn lane) at the northern right-in/right-out intersection and/or the full access intersection. A trap right -turn lane could serve as a potential way to force vehicles to merge immediately south of the intersection into one lane if they are continuing onto the southeast. Level of Service (Delay) CSAR 42 Intersections A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour TH 101 West Ramp B (15 sec) A (11 sec) TH 101 East Ramp A (9 sec) B (12 sec) St. Croix Drive iii A/B (12 sec) A/B (14 sec) North Site Access il> A/A (10 sec) A/A (9 sec) South Site Access (S) A/13(13 sec) A/B (13 sec) where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. (1) indicates an unsignalized intersection with side -street stop control, Other Considerations In addition to intersection capacity, other factors were considered with respect to transportation impacts associated with alternatives evaluated for the Riverbend North development accesses. These factors included safety, access guideline conformance, and accessibility. The following items are offered for consideration with respect to determining the appropriate intersection configuration/ traffic control: 1) Review of the recommended access spacing listed in the Northeast W light CoUnny Sub Area Transbortation Plan for an urbanizing minor arterial (CSAH 42) indicates that local street accesses (such as at St. Croix Road and the proposed development site access roads) are recommended to be spaced one-quarter (1/4) mile for full access and one-eighth (1/8) mile for right-in/right-out access. Currently, St. Croix Road is located just under one-eighth (1/8) mile from the proposed south site access, and the two proposed site access roads are located one -twentieth (1/20) mile from each other. Based on the current roadway network, the proposed site access roads would not be consistent with the County access spacing guidelines. However, intersection operations are expected to be acceptable. If further development or redevelopment of parcels occur within the study area, discussions should occur with area stakeholders regarding the amount of full -access intersections along CSAH 42. 2) There is not expected to be significant delays or queues along CSAH 42 that would necessitate a turn lane (right or left -turn). Additionally, there does not appear to be an existing crash issue at the full access intersection at St. Croix Road. However, consideration could be given to include an eastbound right turn lane (potentially a trap right turn lane) at the northern right-in/right-out intersection and/or the full access intersection. A trap right -turn lane could serve as a potential way to force vehicles to merge immediately south of the intersection into one lane if they are continuing onto the southeast. Chad Hausmann, PE, Assistant County Engineer Riverbend North Traffic Study Site Plan Review July 2, 2018 Page 13 A review of the site plan was completed in regard to parking and circulation for vehicles and pedestrians. It should be noted that the existing site plan does not show a gas station on site. Further review of the site plan should be completed once a plan with a gas station is provided. Results of the review indicate that appropriate traffic control for internal intersections should be considered. Additionally, internal pedestrian crossing locations may be included on site as indicated on the site plan between the apartments and retail as shown in Figure 7. Truck turning movements should be reviewed if a gas station is proposed on site to ensure a gasoline delivery truck can adequately enter/ exit the site. O 01 41 � O O C O �. ... .. - •.3 ice': - .. _. . qlJON ,n—tinnpnuawwooaA uew a;IS L0 61,\sain6i:I\Sl\bLOIL\000LL1910afac{\:H -0 Li - a) O _ f w _ U) m m N t o ,- CU cn (6 N +� CD O 01 41 � O O C O �. ... .. - •.3 ice': - .. _. . qlJON ,n—tinnpnuawwooaA uew a;IS L0 61,\sain6i:I\Sl\bLOIL\000LL1910afac{\:H -0 Li - Chad Hausmann, PE, Assistant County Engineer Riverbend North Traffic Study Conclusions and Recommendations July 2, 2018 Page 15 The following study conclusions and recommendations are offered for consideration: 1. The study intersections currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours with the existing geometric layout and traffic controls. 2. The proposed mixed-use development includes the construction of a 164 unit apartment building, 73 mini -warehouse storage units, a 7,500 SF retail building, and a 12 -pump gasoline/ service station. a. Access to the proposed development is located at two access driveways along CSAH 42. The northern access is expected to be a right-in/right-out restricted access, while the southern access is expected to be a full movement intersection. 3. The proposed development is expected to generate a total of approximately 206 a.m. peak hour, 257 p.m. peak hour, and 3,724 daily trips. a. A 15% internal capture reduction was applied to both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours for the trip generation estimates to account for trips that are completed internally to the site. b. Using pass -by reduction from the ITE Trip Generation Handbook for the retail and gas -station land uses, the proposed development is expected to generate 134 a.m. peak hour, 171 p.m. peak hour, and 2,231 daily trips that are new to the area. 4. Results of the year 2020 build operations analysis indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue to operate an overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. a. 95th percentile queues at the full access development driveway are approximately 75 feet (i.e. three vehicles). There is not expected to be any mitigation necessary to allow for acceptable operations. 5. An alternative access scenario was reviewed which provided an access connection from the proposed development to St. Croix Drive. a. Results of the year 2020 build operations analysis indicate that all study intersections are expected to continue to operate an overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. b. The alternative access is expected to have a negligible impact on overall intersection operations at the study access driveways. 6. From a traffic operations perspective, there is note a necessity for right- or left -turn lanes along CSAH 42. However, given that the roadway reduces from two eastbound through lanes along CSAH 42 to one through lane, the outside through lane could be trapped into a north access right -in turn lane. Review No. 2 Hal<anson Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Commercial Lot for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Casey Darkenwald, Darkenwald Corporation Steve Sabraski, Landform Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: July 18, 2018 Proposed Development: Riverbend North Street Location A portion of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 26, T121, R23 of Property: East of State Highway 101 and North of CSAH 37/70th Street Applicant: Casey Darkenwald Darkenwald Corporation 7535 River Road NE Otsego, MN 55330 Developer: Darkenwald Corporation Owners of Record: Darkenwald Riverbend Wastewater Facility Company LLP Purpose: Riverbend North is a proposed 13.09± retail, commercial, and residential appartments development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban commercial setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, MnDOT, Minnesota Department (but not limited to) of Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: Wright County Right -of -Way Permit, NPDES, Minnesota (but not limited to) Department of Health (water), and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILIBLE FINAL PLANS TITLE SHEET (C0.1) PRELIMINARY PLAT (C0.2) EXISTING CONDITION (C1.1) SITE PLAN (C2.1) GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN (C3.1 -C3.2) UTILITIES (C4.1- C4.2) CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (C7.1 -C7.2) LANDSCAPING PLAN (L2.1) LIGHTING PLAN (L4.1A-4.1B) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 r`\I 1--\Tami nTSFCO\AooData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\ZM0370WQ\OT2315.01 RVW2.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Final Plat for Riverbend North, dated 7/11/18, by Landform Final Grading and Construction Plans for Riverbend North, dated 7/11/18, by Landform Preliminary Plat/Plans for Riverbend North, dated 4/24/18, by Landform Stormwater Narrative for Riverbend North, dated 4/24/18, by Landform Phasing Plan for Riverbend North, dated 4/24/18, by Landform Concept Plan for Riverbend North, dated 4/24/18, by Landform Traffic Study for Riverbend North, dated 3/22/18, by SRF+ Geotechnical Evaluation Report for Darkenwald Corporation, dated 5/24/18 Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 PAGE 3 (-.-\I IsPrs\Tami OTSEGOWDoData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.0utlook\ZM0370WQ\OT2315.01 RWV2.docx FINAL PLAT 1) Please label Outlots as A and B (not #1 and #2). Also, the Block 1 label is missing. 2) Some internal lot lines do not have any easement along them. 3) The sanitary sewer line servicing Lot 1 shall be covered by a 20' wide easement any time it is not completely contained within Lot 1 or when following along adjacent lot lines. 4) There are some existing utilities easements that will no longer be needed and should therefore be vacated with this plat. (i.e. a portion of storm sewer along CSAH 42 in the middle of lot 2 is being removed.) 5) All storm sewer outside of the lot it is servicing shall be covered by 20' wide drainage and utility easements. (i.e. storm sewer running near the south property line of Lot 1, Block 1 and outside the plat boundaries to infiltration basin #1, storm sewer along the north property line of Outlot 1, storm sewer from NE corner of Outlot 2 through Outlot 1 (might already be covered), storm sewer from SW corner of Outlot 2 to infiltration basin #1). 6) A written agreement is needed to allow the two storm sewer lines to discharge into infiltration basin #1. 7) The hydrant west of CB 218 in Lot 1 is missing an easement around it. 8) Easement is required over the exiting sanitary sewer in the NE corner of Riverbend Mobile Home Park. 9) A written agreement and/or easement is needed to cover the southern access to the storage facilities (Lot 2) through the existing/new parking lot for the River Bend Mobile Home Park offices. Also a portion of this existing parking lot encroaches on Lot 1. FINAL PLANS TITLE SHEET (C0.1) 10) The benchmark datum is listed as NAVD 1988. The 1929 datum shall be used. All the downstream City utility elevations are based on the on the NGVD 1929 datum. 11) The plans shall be signed by a registered engineer. Currently the plans are labeled "Preliminary Not for Construction". 12) The Sheet Index references the Preliminary Plat (sheet 0.2) but this sheet is missing from the plans received. PRELIMINARY PLAT (C0.2) 13) Missing Sheet. Previous preliminary plat shall be resubmitted with the previous comments addressed. PAGE 4 r' -\I 1—rc\Tami nTSF(iOWonData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.0utlook\ZM0370WQ\OT2315.01 RVW2.docx EXISTING CONDITION (CIM 14) The following Existing Condition information is missing; a) Existing zoning classifications for land abutting the subdivision. b) Adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership within 150'. c) Normal water and 100 -year high water elevations of existing ponds/wetlands within 150' 15) A 3" forcemain was abandoned with a previous project. This forcemain is located adjacent to the water and sewer lines in the northeast of the site along CSAH 42 and should be shown in the existing conditions and plans. 16) It appears that there is some missing sanitary sewer and storm sewer pipe along CSAH 42 that is missing from the existing conditions and in the proposed utility plans. These existing pipe will change the proposed storm sewer configuration in the NE of the site. (see attached redline) 17) We recommend that the plans contain a "REMOVAL" Sheet to clarify which existing utilities are being removed. No removals are currently called out in the plans. 18) The exiting sanitary sewer in the NE corner of Riverbend Mobile Home Park shall have the pipe sizes and types labeled. SITE PLAN (C2.1) 19) The developers engineer has contacted stated that the geotechnical firm has recently completed infiltration tests onsite and they found that the rates are far less than anticipated. (0.2 in/hour measured vs 0.8 in/hr anticipated). This will require the infiltration basins to be much larger than originally planned and shown on the plans thus potentially changing the layout of the site. The developer's engineer shall work with City staff provide an acceptable solution that meets all City and NPDES requirements for infiltration. 20) The area of each Lot is required. 21) Per the SRF Traffic Study, the northern entrance shall be right -in only but the southern entrance can be full access. The MnDOT comment letter dated 7/12/18 notes that the proximity of the proposed access (both the right in and full access) to CSAH 42 is less than 1/10th of a mile form the northbound ramp of MN 101 therefore they recommend not allowing the right in access and moving the proposed full access as far from the interchange as reasonable possible (recommended spacing would be 1/4 mile). 22) It shall be verified that adequate fire access is being provided. The Fire Chief shall be consulted and allowed to review the plans. Preliminary review of the Hydrant coverage appears to be insufficient. A maximum 300' spacing (150' radii) is required and some of the storage buildings in Lot 2 are not fully covered. 23) The plan shows a 10' trail along CSAH 42. This trail shall connect to the existing trail installed with Hwy 101 and extend south to Outlot D, Wildflower Meadows 2nd Addition south of 75th Street, then west within Outlot D, Wildflower Meadows 2nd Addition to PAGE 5 rr•1i icorgUnmi OTSEGOWooData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\ZM0370WQ\OT2315.01 RVW2.docx intersect Quigley Avenue. A credit will be given to the developer for cost of construction of the trail beyond the southern plat boundary. The developer shall design the trail for City Engineers review and approval. The plans need to be revised to show the entire trail length. 24) ADA pedestrian ramps will be required at all intersection crossings of the bituminous trail. GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN (C3.1 -C3.2) 25) Additional proposed contours are needed. 26) Emergency overflow (EOF) elevations and path(s) shall be labeled. It appears that there will be an over ground EOF from the infiltration basin #2 to the east, through the parking lot at around 875.0. The proposed garage floor and apartment lowest floor elevation is 875.5. Provide a minimum of 1.5' of freeboard from the EOF elevations to the lowest openings of all buildings. 27) The retaining walls west of the existing Riverbend office are greater than 4 feet in height. Retaining walls exceeding 4 feet shall be designed by a registered engineer. UTILITIES (C4.1— C4.2) 28) Much of the existing utilities along CSAH 42 (especially the storm sewer) is not labeled as existing. It is difficult to identify the new utilities vs. existing utilities in this area). 29) See comments #22. 30) More detail is needed for the connection to the existing sanitary sewer in the NE corner of Riverbend Mobile Home Park. 31) The sanitary sewer manholes are missing identifying labels (i.e. #s) 32) No sanitary sewer service is being proposed to the storage building area at this time. Due to the amount of watermain and storm sewer in the area it will be very difficult to service to this area in the future if this it ever redevelops and requires sanitary sewer service. 33) Profiles for the watermain shall be provided. The profiles shall show all existing and proposed sanitary sewer and storm sewer crossings and identify any conflicts. A minimum of 18" vertical separation between the watermain and sanitary sewer shall be provided and 24" between watermain and storm sewer (12" allowed with 4" of insulation). 34) Watermain gate valves shall be called out or shown in the plan. 35) Label the watermain pipe type (Class 52 DIP) and length. 36) The infiltration basin outlet pipes will probably required skimmer structures. 37) "Short circuiting" is a concern as the outlet pipe is to close to the inlet pipe in infiltration basin #2. 38) Label the storm basins NWL, 2yr, 1Oyr, and 1 00y HWLs. PAGE 6 C:\Users\Tami.OTSEGOWppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.0utlook\ZM0370WQ\OT2315.01 RVW2.docx CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (C7.1 -C7.2) 39) Otsego Standard plates shall be used for all watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer details. LANDSCAPING PLAN (L2.1) 40) No comments. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 41) See comment #19 above. 42) Stormwater Narrative for Riverbend North shall be signed by a registered engineer. 43) The stormwater calculation shall provide calculations for the 10 -yr storm event in addition to the 2 -yr and 100 -yr. 44) The stormwater runoff is being proposed for the northern most subcatchment consists of directing runoff "to multiple catch basins which then flow to an oil/water separator and then to a sumped manhole with a SAFL baffle or similar treatment device." These types of treatment devices, if approved, would require a lot of maintenance. A maintenance plan would need to be submitted for cleaning of these devices. Also, this does not provide any rate control for the off-site discharge or offer any volume reduction as required by the City and NPDES permit. 45) For the northern most subcatchment, it appears the only reason the post -construction discharge rates and volumes are less than the pre -construction is because the drainage area is smaller as some water is being redirected to the south. Discussion with the developers engineer regarding considering the site as a whole and the allowed discharge rates is necessary. 46) The storm sewer design calculations appear to exceed the City's requirements for a 10 -yr storm design though we suggest checking the inlet spread at a few critical catch basins (the amount of water draining to CBs 224, 304, 312, and 403 exceed 4 CFS) WETLANDS 47) No comment. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 48) A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as de fined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8 is required. 49) Typical street/parking lot section(s) based on the Geotechnical Reports recommendation shall be shown in the plans. PAGE 7 50) Provide a typical section detail for the County Road turn lanes. The plans shall label all proposed lane widths, tapers, etc. to be able to construct the turn lanes. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Based on the above comments, most notably the issue with onsite soils inability to infiltrate stormwater at the anticipated rates, we are uncertain of the required changes needed to meet the stormwater requirements and thus the entire site layout could change significantly. Therefore, approval would be contingent upon all the above comments being addressed and the stormwater requirement issues being rectified. PAGE 8 C:\Users\Tami.OTSEGO\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.0utlook\ZM0370WQ\OT2315.01 RVW2.docx OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL ]UNE 18, 2018 7:00 PM Call to Order. Commissioner Offerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: David Thompson, Roger Mord, Steve Schuck, Jim Kolles and Alan Offerman; Absent: Chair Pam Black, Commissioners: Aaron Stritesky, and Richard Nichols; City Council: CM Vern Heidner; Staff: City Planner, Daniel Licht and Administrative Assistant, Kelly Thelen. 1. Announcements: City Planner Licht introduced administrative assistant, Kelly Thelen. Commissioners welcomed her. Kelly Thelen thanked them. 2 Consider the following minutes: 2.1 June 4, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting, Commissioner Thompson requested revision of his comment on page three: "Commissioner Thompson was concerned about the eight units being so close to single family and thinks there should be a transition with smaller townhouse buildings with future developments". Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Kolles. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearing items: 3.1 Riverbend North. A. PUD District Amendment. B PUD Development State Plan for Phase 1. C Preliminary Plat. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Applicant Darren Lazan of Landform Professional Service, LLC, Casey Darkenwald and John Darkenwald of Darkenwald Corporation present. Lazan said they made application a year ago and made changes. Lazan described the project amenities: outdoor patio, grill, interactive fitness machines, thirty -five -person theater to watch movies or games, dog wash facility, bike shop and storage to take advantage of trails, and many more. Lazan stated no objections to the twenty-one conditions. Commissioner Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:22 PM. Michelle Virginia, 7716 River Road Northeast, shared concerns about traffic. With 164 apartment units, CSAH 42 is already a busy road. It will be hard for her to get out of own driveway. Ms. Virginia had objections to four story apartment building. Ms. Virginia also asked if the sheriff's office had opinion on the traffic study and need of more police in area? Commissioner Offerman brought the discussion to the Planning Commission members. City Planner Licht reviewed the traffic study and explained that CSAH 42 is minor arterial roadway. Individual driveways exist along the east side of CSAH 42 that predate when the City was incorporated. The property has been designed in compliance with the City and Wright County requirements. The location shown for access was planned with Trunk Highway 101 being upgraded to freeway. Mr. Licht explained the proposed fourth story height of the building and being separated by retail and convenience gas uses from existing homes to the east. Mr. Licht said the City has adopted a Comprehensive Plan to guide development and the development is consistent with that plan. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates development of up to 400 homes per year. The City as part of its budget process review levels of service and potential development issues with the Wright County Sheriff's Office. Public safety services can accommodate this proposed development. Commissioner Schuck asked if traffic signal could go as access to the development complex. City Planner Licht said the traffic study determined that a signal is not warranted. Commissioner Schuck asked if right turn in only by residents and future convenience store and asked about potential changes to the site plan. City Planner Licht said that City staff would work on this issue with the applicant. Commissioner Offerman would like a change also because added use of the right lane in to get into apartment. Commissioner Thompson concerned about the southeast corner of the apartment building being close to the homes in Riverbend Mobile Home Park. City Planner Licht said the building is setback eighty to one hundred feet from the south plat line. Commissioner Offerman asked if the setbacks from the property line meets the requirement for the additional building height. City Planner Licht said yes. Commissioner Offerman asked developers to provide for coniferous trees along Highway 101 for year-round screening and modify to include quicker growing trees. Applicant Lazan said they would work with City staff to incorporate alternative plantings. Lazan noted that the developer of Riverbend North is the owner of Riverbend Mobile Home park and aware of building proximity. 2 Lazan said the developer will work with City staff on traffic flow within the site as discussed by the Planning Commission. Commissioner Mord asked about decommissioning of the private waste water treatment facility. City Planner Licht stated that Riverbend Mobile Home Park is a single corporation that rents pad sites to residents and that the sewer connection is being made at a single point with the Mobile Home Park, the same as the existing municipal water connection. Commissioner Schuck asked about tearing up resident's yards or if all connections are there. City Planner Licht replied that all internal pipes are managed by Riverbend Mobile Home Park. Commissioner Schuck asked if connections are immediate. Lazan stated the infrastructure for the connection is in place and only a short pipe is needed to be added. Commissioner Offerman asked if East Waste Water Treatment Facility below treatment utilization. City Planner Licht said that the proposed development and connection of Riverbend Mobile Home Park to City utilities is benefit to the City for system financing and utilization of existing capacity. Commissioner Mord asked if the proposed apartment building is a fully fire sprinkled facility. Lazan said yes. City Planner Licht added there is adequate pressure in the City system for the use. Commissioner Thompson questioned the allocation of garage parking spots. Lazan replied it is supply and demand for parking with garage stalls assigned for additional cost. Commissioner Schuck noted that the tuck under garages have one or two stalls. City Planner Licht clarified that the two stall garages could be rented to two separate tenants. Commissioner Offerman asked for additional public comment. Michelle Virginia, 7716 River Road Northeast, said she does not want apartments, retail, and a gas station. Ms. Virginia disagreed with the conclusions of the traffic study. Ms. Virginia is also concerned about a decrease property value. Commissioner Thompson asked how long she lived there. Ms. Virginia answered 10 years. City Planner Licht stated that since 2004 the Comprehensive Plan has guided the site for commercial uses. City Planner Licht said in 2014 a PUD District was approved for multifamily uses. Both of these actions required a public hearing and provided opportunity for public comment on land use. Commissioner Thompson asked if F&F convenience gas store was gone when Ms. Virginia moved in. Ms. Virginia replied it was there for a short time and kids would walk along CSAH 42. Ms. Virginia would like 9 to see trail on CSAH 42 for kids. Commissioner Schuck and City Planner Licht reminded of trail ten feet wide separate from CSAH 42. Commissioner Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:50 PM. Commissioner Mord questioned if the traffic study done also looked on impact on CSAH 42 and Quaday Avenue. City Planner Licht said the traffic study did not extend west of Trunk Highway 101. City Planner Licht said that the transportation plan for CSAH 42 is for future signals at Quaday Avenue and Otsego Elementary when warrants are met. Commissioner Schuck motioned to recommend City Council approval of an amendment to the Riverbend North PUD District based on the ordinance drafted by City staff as presented. Second by Commissioner Mord. Vote is 4 ayes and 1 nay. Opposed by Commissioner Thompson. Commissioner Schuck motioned to recommend City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat for Riverbend North and PUD Development Stage Plan for Riverbend North Phase 1, subject to the twenty-one conditions listed in the planning report, and: 22. The landscape plan shall be revised to incorporate fast growing deciduous trees and coniferous trees/shrubs along the west and east plat lines, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Second by Commissioner Kolles. Vote is 4 ayes and 1 nay. Opposed by Commissioner Thompson. 3.2. City Code Recodification. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Commissioner Offerman asked if everyone can use it Codifier's website. City Planner Licht said yes. Commissioner Thompson added they use Sterling in Wright County. Commissioner Offerman agreed that the current website access is out of date. Commissioner Schuck added it is not easy to use current website. City Planner Licht showed how to search and found results. City Planner Licht said yes Sterling. Commissioner Offerman opened Public Hearing 8:03 PM. Keith Knutson, 6630 ODean Avenue Northeast, asked if accessible immediately on website. City Planner Licht said the City Code will be available after City Council approval. .19 ORDINANCE NO.: 2018-07 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR RIVERBEND NORTH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Legal Description. The legal description of the property included in the PUD District is attached as Exhibit A. Section 2. Zoning. Ordinance 2014-22 as approved by the City Council on September 22, 2014 is hereby repealed in its entirety; the property shall be zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Section 3. Riverbend North Planned Unit Development District. Any allowed uses and standards not specifically addressed by the Riverbend North Planned Unit Development District shall be subject to the requirements set forth by the Otsego Zoning Ordinance understanding that subsequent, more specifically detailed, PUD Development Stage Plans may seek modification of the standards and requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance by City Council approval provided that the proposed flexibility is shown to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan and complies with the fundamental principals for the requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance, even without their strict application. Section 4. Allowed Uses. For the purposes of this PUD District, the following uses shall be allowed with their boundaries generally following the Concept Plan attached as Exhibit B: A. Convenience Store, Retail, and Mini -Storage uses subject to the performance standards and requirements applicable within the B-3 District and approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. B. Apartments as allowed within the R-7 District subject to approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. 1 Section 5. Lot Requirements. Lot requirements for the various sub - districts of this PUD District shall be as established follows: A. Commercial. All lot requirements and setbacks required within the B-3 District shall be applicable within this sub -district unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. B. High Density. All lot requirements and setbacks required within the R-7 District shall be applicable within this sub -district unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 6. Construction Standards. The construction of structures within this PUD District shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 7. Off -Street Parking and Loading. Off-street parking and loading areas required by the Zoning Ordinance shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, unless modified by approval of a Development Stage Plan in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 8. Utilities. All development within this PUD District shall be connected to municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities in accordance with Title 8, Section 1 of the City Code. Section 9. Future Phases and Amendments. Approval of PUD Development Stage Plans, modifications of the performance standards established by this PUD District and the inclusion of additional lands within this PUD District shall be processed in accordance with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 10. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid amendment, but the City Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the City Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 11. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication in accordance with State Statute. 2 ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23`d day of July, 2018. ATTEST MR Tami Loff, City Clerk 3 CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 19 June 18 0 OF FINDINGS & DECISIONtkzo PUD Amendment MINNESOTA PUD Development Stage Plan/Preliminary Plat Final Plat APPROVAL APPLICANT: Darkenwald Corporation APPLICATION: Request for approval of an amendment of the PUD, Planned Unit Development District for Riverbend North, a preliminary plat, a PUD Development Stage Plan for Phase 1 and final plat. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 23 July 2018 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for commercial land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with Ordinance 2014-11 approved by the City Council on 22 September 2014. D. The applicant is requesting amendment of the PUD District, preliminary plat, PUD Development Stage Plan for Phase 1, and final plat to allow development of Riverbend North as described by the Developer's Project Narrative dated April 24, 2018. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan includes the policy to cluster complementary land uses and activities into functionally related sub -units of the community as determined by physical barriers, homogenous land use characteristics and service area boundaries. The proposed development of the PUD concept plan for the subject site reflects the physical characteristics of the site relative to TH 101 and CSAH 42, provides in-place residential support for future commercial uses, and provides a desirable land use transition from Riverbend Mobile Home Park. The uses proposed by the PUD concept plan are therefore consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site abuts Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the south and is separated from existing two and one-half acre single family lots to the east by CSAH 42. The uses shown on the PUD concept plan will be compatible with uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: Development of the subject site is subject to compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code unless modified as part of a PUD Development Stage Plan approval. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding, The subject site is accessed via CSAH 42, which is designated as a minor arterial roadway by the Transportation Plan and Northeast Wright County Sub Area Transportation Study. The SRF Traffic Study completed to evaluate the PUD concept plan concludes that CSAH 42 has adequate design capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed land uses. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is within the East Sewer District where the City anticipates development of urban land uses. The City has existing public services and facilities needed to serve the land uses planned by the PUD concept plan. F. The planning reports dated 14 June 2018 and 18 July 2018 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. G. The engineering reviews dated 12 June 2018 and 18 July 2018 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 18 June 2018 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted to recommend that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to municipal sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Approval of the preliminary plat is contingent upon decommissioning of the private WWTF and connection of Riverbend Mobile Home Park to municipal sewer utilities, including payment of applicable sewer availability and connection charges in a form agreed to by the City at their discretion. 3. The developer shall provide documentation to the City acceptable to the City Attorney that the CIC Plat has been vacated or terminated. 2 4. Development of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 as shown on the preliminary plat shall be subject to approval of a PUD development stage plan in accordance with the procedures established by the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The architectural plans for the multiple family building constructed within Lot 4, Block 1 shall be revised to include not more than 164 dwelling units. 6. The gates accessing Lot 3, Block 1 shall include Knox boxes as approved by the Elk River Fire Department. 7. The building elevation plans for the entire east elevation of Building A and north elevation of Building B within Lot 3, Block 1 of preliminary plat shall be revised to use masonry materials and all buildings within Lot 3, Block 1 shall comply Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. The preliminary plat shall be subject to review and approval of Wright County; the developer shall construct turn and/or bypass lanes on CSAH 42 to access the subject site as required by Wright County. 9. The developer shall record an access, ingress/egress, and cross parking easement across Lots 1-4, Block 1 Riverbend North and over the office parking, trash enclosure, and St. Croix Drive within Riverbend Mobile Home Park at the time of final plat approval. 10. The PUD development stage plan site plan shall be revised to provide parking stall and drive aisle dimensions as required by Section 11-21-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance for the south portion of the parking area east of the multiple family building within Lot 4, Block 1. 11. Storage of waste and recycling containers shall comply with Section 11-18-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 12. Signs: a. All signs on Lot 3, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-37-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. b. All signs on Lot 4, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-37-53 of the Zoning Ordinance. C. All signs shall require issuance of a permit approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to display upon the subject site. 13. All grading, drainage, erosion control, and wetland issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. Utilities: a. All uses on Lots 1-4, Block 1 shall connect to municipal utilities as may be required for a specific use approved in accordance with a PUD development stage plan. b. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer shall pay applicable utility availability and connection charges in accordance with the City Code at the time of final plat approval. 15. Easements: a. The preliminary plat shall be revised to provide for dedication of drainage and utility easements overlying interior lot lines as required by Section 10-8-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. b. All public utility facilities and stormwater basins shall overlaid by drainage and utility easements as required by Section 10-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance. C. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 16. Subdivision of the subject site shall be subject to park and trail dedication requirements as established by Section 10-8-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of final plat approval. 17. The developer shall construct a trail designed to City specifications adjacent to the west side of CSAH 42 from the current terminus of the trail at TH 101 through Outlot N, Wildflower Meadows 2nd Addition to Quigley Avenue. The developer will be credited for park and trail dedication requirements for the construction in the amount of the City Engineer's estimate for. No credit will be given the developer for the value of additional easement that may be required for the section of the trail abutting Riverbend Mobile Home Park. 18. The proposed final plat is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, Wright County, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 19. The Developer shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of June, 2018. Tami Loff, City Clerk 4 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of July, 2018 by and between the CITY OF OTSEGO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("CITY") and, Otsego Apartments, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company, ("DEVELOPER'). RECITALS WHEREAS, DEVELOPER has proposed construction of 164 units of multifamily dwelling units and commercial self -storage warehouse units to be constructed in phases as follows: Phase 1 Project -82 apartment units and commercial mini -storage; and Phase 2- 82 apartment units, to be constructed on the following described property; LOT 1, RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION, Phase 1 also includes construction of mini -storage facilities on LOT 2, RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION; and WHEREAS, DEVELOPER will acquire fee ownership of the parcel of land described and newly consolidated as RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION, which includes approximately 13.09 acres and is legally described on the attached Exhibit A.; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate construction of the Project, DEVELOPER will remove from service private wastewater treatment facility which currently serves the adjacent Rive bend Mobile Home Park; and WHEREAS, removal of the private wastewater treatment facility benefits the Project and the underlying property, allowing it to develop sooner and more efficiently by utilizing City municipal sanitary sewer and water services and termination of the existing Wastewater Agreement and Easement; and WHEREAS, removal of the private wastewater treatment facility requires Riverbend Mobile Home Park to connect to municipal sanitary sewer service and incur certain fees for the connection; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate prompt development of the property DEVELOPER has agreed to cause payment for the City availability and connection charges as more fully set forth in the Agreement for Connection of Riverbend Mobile Home Park to Municipal Sanitary Sewer Services by and between CITY, Darkenwald's Riverbend Wastewater Company, LLC, Darkenwald's Riverbend Company, LLC; and DEVELOPER dated July , 2018 ("CONNECTION AGREEMENT"); WHEREAS, CITY has agreed to take deferred payments over the years for the availability and connection fees for municipal sanitary sewer service to the Mobile Home Park which will benefit the CITY and its residents by insuring connection of the Mobile Home Park to the City system. WHEREAS, the Final Plat is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with Ordinance 2018 -XX adopted by the City Council on , 2018; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat approval for RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION requires that the DEVELOPER enter into this Agreement as well as additional Development Agreements with the CITY as a condition of approval of future phases of the development; and WHEREAS, the buildings and improvements within RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION shall be constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with the Plat approval and the terms and conditions contained herein; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual promises hereinafter contained, it is agreed between the parties as follows: 1. Development Plans. The Plat, including LOT 1 and LOT 2, BLOCK 1 RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION shall be developed in accordance with the plans, the cover sheet of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B dated , 2018 and signed by the City Engineer on file and of record at CITY and fully incorporated herein by reference and the conditions stated below 7 (hereinafter the "Building Development Plans"). If the Building Development Plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the Building Development Plans shall control. The buildings within Phase I shall be substantially completed by April 30, 2020 and within Phase II by June 30, 2023. 2. Municipal Improvements. The Building Development Plans include certain Municipal Improvements as set forth on the attached Exhibit C. 3. Private Improvements and Parking. The DEVELOPER of the Subject Property agrees that it shall cause to be constructed and installed certain private improvements ("Private Improvements") on the Subject Property. All Private Improvements are to be installed at DEVELOPER'S sole cost and expense pursuant to this Agreement. DEVELOPER shall initially construct 380 parking spaces to serve the apartment buildings and mini -storage units. In the event that CITY later determines that the initial number of parking spaces are inadequate, and upon notice to DEVELOPER, DEVELOPER shall promptly construct and make available within sixty (60) days 40 additional parking spaces as shown on the approved Building Development Plans. DEVELOPER shall construct such Private Improvements in accordance with all applicable building codes, ordinances and CITY standards and the Building Development Plans furnished to the CITY and approved by the City Engineer. The DEVELOPER shall obtain all necessary permits before construction of the Buildings. CITY shall provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure acceptable quality control, which will allow certification of the construction work. Within thirty (3 0) days after the completion of the building in each Phase and before any security is released for such Phase, the DEVELOPER shall supply the CITY with a complete set of reproducible "as built" plans and two (2) complete sets of blue line "as built" plans prepared in accordance with CITY standards. 4. Conditions of Plat Approval. The CITY hereby approves the Plat on condition that the DEVELOPER enter into this Agreement, furnish the Security, and record the Plat with the Wright County Recorder or Registrar of titles within one hundred (100) days after the City Council approves the final plat. The DEVELOPER shall cooperate with the CITY in (i) recording the Plat and all required additional deeds and documents, and (ii) providing assurance that the Plat and all required documents have been properly and timely recorded. Any restrictive covenants for the Plat shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval and shall be recorded prior to sale of any lots within the Plat. t 5. Right to Proceed. Within the Plat or land to be platted, the DEVELOPER may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, storm sewers, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings or structures until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, and all conditions contained in the Agreement have been met, 2) the necessary security has been received by the CITY, 3) the Plat and this Agreement have been recorded with the Wright County Recorder's Office, 4) the DEVELOPER has initiated and attended a pre -construction meeting with the City Engineer, and 5) the Zoning Administrator has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the DEVELOPER may proceed; or until such time as approval to commence earlier construction is specifically approved by the CITY, and DEVELOPER has fully complied with all conditions set forth by City staff. 6. Sanitary Sewer Service Allocation. The allocation of sanitary sewer service to the Plat does not occur until such time as all required security is posted. 7. Changes in Official Controls. RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION is a planned and staged development within the meaning of Minn. Stat. 462.358, Subd. 3c, and no amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan or other Official Controls (as defined in Minn. Stat. 462.352, Subd. 15) shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout, or platting requirements for future phases of RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION for a period of five (5) years. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by State law, the CITY may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, other Official Controls enacted after the date of this Agreement. This provision does not apply to regulations or Official Controls related to park and trail dedication or any fee established by the City chargeable to the DEVELOPER for municipal costs arising from said future phases. 8. Development Plans. The Plat shall be developed in accordance with the plans on file at the office of the City Clerk and the conditions stated below. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall control. The plans are: 11 Plan A Final Plat, RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION, dated , 2018 prepared by Landform. Plan B PUD Development Stage Plan, dated 2018 prepared by Landform and as finally approved by the City Council on , 2018. Plan C Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan prepared by Landform and as finally approved. by the City Engineer. Plan D Construction Plans for RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION, prepared by Landform and as finally approved by the City Engineer. Plan E Specifications for RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION, prepared by Landform and as finally approved by the City Engineer. 9. Improvements. The DEVELOPER shall install and/or pay for the following: A. Streets B. Street lights C. Site grading and ponding D. Underground installation of all utilities E. Storm water management improvements F. Setting of lot and block monuments G. Construction surveying and staking H. Traffic control signs Improvements shall be installed in accordance with City standards, the City Code, and the above -referenced plans that have been furnished to the City and approved by the City Engineer. The DEVELOPER shall obtain all necessary permits before proceeding with construction. The CITY shall provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure acceptable quality control, which will allow 5 certification of the construction work. The CITY may, when reasonably required to do so, and at the DEVELOPER'S expense, have one (1) or more City inspectors and a qualified engineer inspect the work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before all retained security is released, the DEVELOPER shall supply the CITY with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" and an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DNF file, all prepared in accordance with City standards. Before the security for the completion of utilities is fully released, iron monuments shall be installed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.02. The DEVELOPER'S surveyor shall submit a written notice to the CITY certifying that the monuments are installed following site grading, utility and street construction. 10. Contractors/Subcontractors. City Council members, City employees, and City Planning Commission members, and corporations, partnerships and other entities in which such individuals have greater than a twenty five percent (25%) ownership interest or in which they are an officer or director may not act as contractors or subcontractors for the public improvements identified in Paragraph 7 above. 11. Permits. The DEVELOPER shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, which may include, but are not limited to: A. Wright County for County Road access and work in County right of way. B. MNDOT for State Highway Access C. MNDOT for work in right of way D. Minnesota Department of Health for watermains E. MPCA NPDES Permit for construction activity F. MPCA for sanitary sewer and hazardous material removal and disposal G. DNR for dewatering H. City of Otsego for building permits I. City of Otsego for sanitary sewer connections Z J. City of Otsego for retaining walls 12. Dewatering. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the DEVELOPER'S and the DEVELOPER'S contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable County, State, and Federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall be strictly followed. 13. Time of Performance. The DEVELOPER shall install all listed improvements for Phase I by April 30, 2020 and for Phase II by June 30, 2023; provided however that the deadlines shall be extended for each day of Unavoidable Delay. The DEVELOPER may request an extension of time from the CITY to be submitted in writing to the City Clerk, for which said extension shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by DEVELOPER to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Final wear course placement outside of the above time frame must have the written approval of the City Engineer. The CITY may impose additional conditions on the extension necessary to ensure performance. For purposes of this Section, "Unavoidable Delays" means delays, outside the control of the party claiming its occurrence, which are the direct result of strikes, other labor troubles, unusually severe or prolonged bad weather, acts of God, fire or other casualty to the Project, delays in delivery of materials for the construction of the Project, the soil conditions of the Development Property, litigation commenced by third parties which, by injunction or other similar judicial action or by the exercise of reasonable discretion, directly results in delays, or acts of any federal, state or local governmental unit (other than the City) which directly result in delays. 14. Right of Entry. The DEVELOPER hereby grants to the CITY, its agents, employees, officers and contractors an irrevocable right of entry to enter the Plat to perform any and all work and inspections necessary or deemed appropriate by the CITY during the installation of improvements by DEVELOPER or the CITY, or to make any necessary corrective actions necessary by the CITY. Except in emergency situations, the CITY shall give the DEVELOPER fifteen (15) business days' notice stating the deficiencies and necessary corrections prior to making any corrective action. Said right of entry shall continue until the CITY finally accepts the improvements and any applicable warranty period has expired. 15. Erosion Control. Prior to initiating site grading, and before any utility construction is commenced or further building permits are issued, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the DEVELOPER and inspected and approved by the CITY. If the City Engineer determines that it would be VA unreasonable to require full implementation of the erosion control plan prior to utility construction or issuance of certain building permits, he shall state in writing what construction can take place and what particular building permits can be issued prior to full implementation. The CITY may impose additional erosion control requirements if, in the opinion of the City Engineer, they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area. If the DEVELOPER does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or any supplementary instructions, the CITY may with reasonable notice and opportunity to cure, take action as it deems appropriate. 16. Grading Plan. Plat grading shall be in accordance with the approved grading plan, Plan B. The plan shall conform to CITY specifications and the City Code. Ponds, swales and ditches shall be constructed on public easements. Within thirty (30) days after completion of grading and before any retained security is fully released, the DEVELOPER shall provide the CITY with an "as built" grading plan including certification by a registered land surveyor or qualified engineer that all ponds, swales and ditches have been constructed on public easements. 17. Grading, Landscaping and Drainage. The DEVELOPER shall be responsible for grading, landscaping and storm water management within the Plat as more fully set forth in this Agreement and the PUD Development Stage Plan, and Landscaping Plan. A. Landscaping. DEVELOPER shall maintain the sod and landscape of boulevard areas adjacent to streets as shown in the Building Development Plans through at least one growing season and to the satisfaction of CITY. The long-term maintenance of sod and landscaping of boulevard areas shall be the responsibility of DEVELOPER. Further, DEVELOPER shall be responsible for mowing, elimination of weeds and removal of any garbage or debris. B. Erosion Control. The erosion control plan for the Plat within the Building Development Plans has been reviewed and approved by CITY and shall be implemented by DEVELOPER prior to grading. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after completion of work in that area. If DEVELOPER does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or any erosion control requirements, CITY may, after reasonable notice, take action as it deems appropriate in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances or regulations or according to this Agreement. C. Grading Plan. Grading approved Grading Plan Development Plans. shall be in accordance with the as provided in the Building 18. Pre -Construction Activity. DEVELOPER shall schedule a pre - construction meeting with CITY to review the proposed schedule for grading and construction of the building and related improvements as set forth on the Building Development Plans, and to coordinate the schedule with the City Engineer. 19. Ownership of Improvements. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Agreement, improvements lying within public easements within the Plat shall become CITY property without further notice or action. 20. Clean Up. DEVELOPER shall promptly clean any and all dirt and debris from streets resulting from construction work by DEVELOPER, its agents or assigns during the work and construction required by this Agreement. 21. Administrative Fee. A fee for City Administration of this project is one percent (1%) of estimated construction costs as stated by the Financial Summary attached hereto as Exhibit B. 22. Park and Trail Dedication. The DEVELOPER shall design and construct a trail along River Road (CSAH 42) from the south plat line of RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION to intersect Quigley Avenue within the plat of Wildflower Meadow through OUTLOT D, WILDFLOWER MEADOWS 2I'm ADDITION as shown on the final construction plans as approved by the City Engineer. The DEVELOPER shall be credited for the cost of construction of the trail up to the City Engineer's estimate for the project of $31,220.00. The balance of the park and trail dedication requirements for the Plat less the cost of the trail improvement as described shall be as a cash fee in lieu of land as stated by the Financial Summary attached hereto as Exhibit B. 23. Storm Water Fees, and Storm Water Basin. The stormwater management fee for the Plat due upon final plat approval is stated by the Financial Summary attached hereto as Exhibit B. There is no storm water fee for this Plat. 24. Sewer Availability Charges. The Sewer Availability Charges for the Plat due upon Final Plat approval are stated by the Financial Summary attached hereto as Exhibit B. M 25. Sewer Connection Fees. Sanitary sewer connection fees are paid at the time of issuance of a building permit. The applicable amount due per unit shall be the fee per REC unit in place at the time of application for a building permit. 26. Water Availability Charges. The Water Availability Charges for the Plat due upon Final Plat approval are stated by the Financial Summary attached hereto as Exhibit B. 27. Water Connection Fees. Water connection fees are paid at the time of issuance of a building permit. 28. Street and Traffic Control Sign Fees. Upon approval of the final plat, the DEVELOPER shall pay to the CITY for the purchase and installation of traffic control signs as stated by the Financial Summary attached as Exhibit B hereto. 29. CITY Engineering, Engineering Administration, Construction Observation, and Legal Fee Escrow and City Fees. The DEVELOPER shall pay a fee for consulting engineering administration following approval of the Plat. City engineering administration will include consultation with DEVELOPER and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, monitoring during the warranty period, general administration and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be the actual amount billed for those services, which are estimated to be three percent (3%) of the estimated construction cost of the Plan C Improvements to be inspected, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. The DEVELOPER shall pay the costs for construction observation performed by the City Engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time observation, as determined by the City Engineer, of proposed street, sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage construction and will be billed on hourly rates actually required for said inspection, which are estimated to be five percent (5%) of the estimated construction cost of the Plan C Improvements to be inspected. In the event of prolonged construction or unusual problems, the CITY will notify the DEVELOPER of anticipated cost overruns for engineering administration and observation services. Any amounts for engineering administration not utilized from this escrow fund shall be returned to the DEVELOPER when all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the CITY satisfied, and the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the CITY. The escrow and fee account shall also include estimated fees for legal expenses actually incurred (with any excess funds, if any, returned to DEVELOPER as indicated further in this Paragraph 29), City Administrative Fee (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Trunk Water and Sewer Access Fees (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Transportation Infrastructure Costs (a flat 10 fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Park and Trail Dedication Fees (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement), Street Light Maintenance and Operation Fee (a flat fee due upon execution of this Agreement) and shall be as stated by the Financial Summary attached as Exhibit B hereto. This escrow amount shall be submitted to the CITY prior to the CITY executing this Agreement. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of this Agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the CITY prior to execution of this Agreement. Any amounts for legal and engineering not utilized from this escrow fund shall be returned to the DEVELOPER when all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the CITY satisfied, and the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the CITY. All other amounts listed as flat fees are non-refundable and available immediately for CITY use when posted. 30. Security. To ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and construction of all public improvements, the DEVELOPER shall furnish the CITY with a cash escrow or Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit with automatic renewal provisions in the amount as stated by the Financial Security attached hereto as Exhibit B. The issuer and form of the Security (other than cash escrow) shall be subject to CITY approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. The Security shall be issued by a banking institution in good standing as determined by CITY and approved by the City Administrator, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Upon a Default and after notice and opportunity to cure, CITY shall have the ability to draw on the Security by overnight courier delivery to the bank or branch bank issuing the Letter of Credit. The security shall be for a term ending April 30, 2020 and shall contain an automatic renewal provision. CITY may draw down the Security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement after notice and opportunity to cure by DEVELOPER, or upon receiving notice of the pending expiration of the Security. It shall be the responsibility of DEVELOPER to inform CITY at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the security of the impending expiration and the status of the Project relative to the security and this Agreement. If, for whatever reason, the Security lapses prior to complete compliance with this Agreement (other than during any warranty period), DEVELOPER shall immediately provide CITY with either an extension of the Security or an irrevocable letter of credit of the same amount upon notification of the expiration. 11 If the required improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the Security, CITY may also draw down the Security. CITY may draw down the Security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement (after any required notice to DEVELOPER and failure to cure within applicable periods). If the Security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure any default. CITY will, upon making determination of final costs to cure any default, refund to the DEVELOPER any monies that CITY has in its possession which are in excess of the Security needed. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to CITY that work has been completed and financial obligations to CITY have been satisfied, the Security will be reduced from time to time down to the amount of Warranty Security as set forth in paragraph 18 of this Agreement. The Security shall not be reduced below ten percent (10%) of the posted Security until all improvements, except landscaping, have been completed, all financial obligations to CITY satisfied (which includes posting of warranty security), and required "as built" plans have been received by CITY. The intent of this Agreement that CITY shall have access to sufficient Security, either Security or Warranty Security, to complete the Project and insure warranty on all public improvements. The Security amount shall be submitted to CITY prior to execution of the Agreement. 31. Warranty. The DEVELOPER warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year after its completion and acceptance by the CITY, except for warranty on streets which is two (2) years. The amount of posted warranty security for public improvements to be posted by DEVELOPER shall be in the amount as stated by the Financial Summary attached hereto as Exhibit B. The amount has been determined by the City Engineer, and is based upon the costs of the raw materials and labor which would be necessary to correct the most common deficiencies in such public improvements. 32. Assessments and Waiver. As security for DEVELOPER'S payment obligations in the Connection Agreement, DEVELOPER's LOT 1 and LOT 2, BLOCK 1, RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION shall be subject to the following assessment. DEVELOPER as 100% owner of the property to be assessed on behalf of itself, its heirs, successors, assigns and successors in title hereby petitions the CITY to assess the principal amount minus previous payments received owed to the CITY for connection fees related to Riverbend Mobile Home 12 Park under the Connection Agreement, against LOT 1 and LOT 2, BLOCK 1, RIVERBEND NORTH ADDITION. DEVELOPER agrees that the Connection Fees in question facilitate and expedite development of its property and thus benefit the property and increase its value in at least the amount of the assessments. DEVELOPER on behalf of itself, its heirs, successors, assigns and successors in title hereby waives any and all hearings and irregularities in procedure and any right of appeal under Minnesota Statute 429.081 or any other right of appeal. DEVELOPER agrees that the property is benefited in at least the amount of said assessments. The assessment listed above is offered as security and shall not be activated until and unless the CITY fails, for whatever reason, to receive payments for Connection Fees due and owing the CITY under the CONNECTION AGREEMENT dated , 2018 and recorded against the Riverbend Mobile Home Park Property, which obligation has been assigned and agreed to by DEVELOPER within the CONNECTION AGREEMENT. In the event that the CITY does not receive a payment or payments it shall promptly notify DEVELOPER of the nonpayment and provide thirty (30) days for DEVELOPER to cure the nonpayment prior to activating the assessment listed above. The assessment may also be activated, at the sole discretion of the CITY, in the event of a Default in that separate Tax Increment Development Agreement between CITY and DEVELOPER dated 52018. In the event of activation of the assessment it shall run for a term as determined by the CITY not to exceed ten (10) years and will be at an interest rate established as 1.5% above the current bond rate for CITY bonds on the date of activation. 33. DEVELOPER'S Construction and Maintenance of Private Drive. DEVELOPER shall construct and maintain private drives within the Plat ("Private Drives"). Private Drives will be constructed to City standards and are subject to approval by the City Engineer. DEVELOPER shall be responsible for ongoing maintenance and repair of the Private Drives and will insure that the Private Drive is snowplowed and maintained in such a condition as to insure access by emergency vehicles and to allow ingress and egress by residents, business owners and is accessible to service vehicle traffic at all times. In the event that an emergency situation arises where DEVELOPER fails to maintain or repair the Private Drive so as to impede access to the development, the CITY may enter the property and perform any necessary maintenance or repair to keep the Private Drive open. In the event that the CITY is forced to perform such services, DEVELOPER shall be billed for the CITY services and shall pay any such billing within thirty (30) days of receipt. If unpaid, the amount of the bill shall be assessed against the Subject Property. DEVELOPER shall record appropriate 13 ingress and egress easements over the Private Drives to the CITY and benefited properties. 34. DEVELOPER De -Commissioning of Private Wastewater Treatment Facility. A decommissioning plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated connection of the Riverbend Mobile Home Park to the CITY sanitary sewer system. DEVELOPER shall be responsible for contacting and gaining approval from MPCA for the decommissioning plan. Upon successful completion of the sewer connection to the CITY sanitary sewer system, DEVELOPER agrees to cease use of the existing private wastewater treatment facility and decommissioning the existing private wastewater treatment facility per MPCA regulations and requirements within one hundred and eighty (180) days. DEVELOPER shall be responsible for any and all permits required by the CITY for removal of the private wastewater treatment facility. At a minimum, the treatment facility components shall be removed from the site, any treatment chemicals removed from the site, and the unused portion of underground pipelines (including the outfall/effluent pipeline) shall be either removed of filled with grout or other material approved by the City Engineer. Remaining active pipelines must be sealed and/or capped to prevent groundwater infiltration. 35. Responsibility for Costs. a. DEVELOPER shall pay all costs incurred by it in conjunction with the development including, but not limited to legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses in connection with the development. b. Except for gross negligence or willful and wanton acts of the CITY, DEVELOPER shall hold CITY and its officers, employees and agents harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from DEVELOPER's acts or failures to act in connection with development of the Subject Property by DEVELOPER. DEVELOPER shall indemnify CITY and its officers, employees and agents for all costs, damages or expenses which CITY may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. C. In the event of dispute arise from or relating to this Agreement, the Non -Prevailing Party shall reimburse the Prevailing Party for costs incurred in the enforcement of this 14 Agreement, including engineering fees, planning fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. d. DEVELOPER shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by CITY for obligations incurred under this Agreement and agreed to be paid by DEVELOPER under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, and DEVELOPER does not reasonably dispute the payment of amount of such bill, CITY may reimburse itself from existing Escrow or Security. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year. 36. Miscellaneous. a. Third parties shall have no recourse against CITY under this Agreement. b. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. C. The action or inaction of CITY or DEVELOPER shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. CITY's or DEVELOPER's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. d. This Agreement shall run with the land, shall be recorded against the title to the Subject Property, and shall be binding on all parties having any right, title or interests in the Subject Property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns. e. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon CITY or DEVELOPER is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to CITY or DEVELOPER, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so 15 existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by CITY or DEVELOPER and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at anytime thereafter any other right, power or remedy. f. DEVELOPER shall pay for all local costs, as defined in this Agreement, related to drainage improvements required to complete the construction of the Plat and building according to the Building Development Plans. Local costs are costs related to required internal drainage improvements such as retention ponds. g. Should construction of DEVELOPER'S buildings or improvements proceed at a pace slower than anticipated, and for that reason, specific terms of this Agreement become onerous or unduly burdensome to DEVELOPER, upon DEVELOPER's application, CITY will enter into negotiations regarding those specific terms and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to appropriate changes in the terms of this Agreement. h. DEVELOPER shall demonstrate and maintain compliance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. i. DEVELOPER shall be responsible for all on site drainage for the Subject Property, as well as for any affects their actions may have on adjoining properties. 37. Violation of Agreement. If while the escrow or security provided in this Agreement is outstanding, a violation of any of the covenants or agreements herein contained occurs and such violation is not cured within thirty (30) days, or such longer period if DEVELOPER is in good faith and with all due diligence attempting to cure said default after written notice thereof from CITY to DEVELOPER, CITY may draw upon the DEVELOPER's escrow or security to cure any violation of the Agreement and to reimburse CITY for any costs incurred in curing the violation. 38. Maintain Public Property Damaged or Cluttered During Construction. DEVELOPER agrees to assume full financial responsibility for any damage which may occur to public property including, but not limited to, street, street sub -base, base, bituminous surface, curb, utility system including, but not limited to, watermain, sanitary sewer or storm sewer when said damage occurs as 16 a result of construction activity which takes place during development of the Subject Property by DEVELOPER or its contractors, except for damage caused by CITY, its employees, agents or contractors. DEVELOPER further agrees to pay all reasonable costs required to repair the streets and/or utility systems damaged or cluttered with debris when occurring as a direct or indirect result of the Developer's construction that takes place on the Subject Property. In the event that DEVELOPER is required to maintain or repair such damage and fails to maintain or repair the damaged public property referred to aforesaid within thirty (30) days or such longer period if DEVELOPER is in good faith and with all due diligence attempting to cure said default, after written notice from CITY or such longer period as may reasonably necessary or in the event of an emergency as shorter time period as determined by CITY, CITY may, upon notifying DEVELOPER, undertake making or causing it to be repaired or maintained. When CITY undertakes such repair, DEVELOPER shall reimburse CITY for all its reasonable expenses within thirty (30) of its billing to DEVELOPER. If DEVELOPER fails to pay said bill within thirty (30) days, the security shall be responsible for reimbursing CITY. 39. Non -Assignment without Consent. The obligations of DEVELOPER under this Agreement may be assigned by DEVELOPER if the assignment is approved by CITY. However, DEVELOPER shall not be released from its obligations under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City Council through Council resolution. 40. Subordination. This Agreement must be recorded against the Subject Property and all other liens, interests or mortgages shall be subordinate to the terms and conditions this Agreement and said Agreement shall not be subject to foreclosure by any other lien, interest or mortgage. 41. Notices. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, a notice, demand or other communication under this Agreement by any party to any other shall be sufficiently given or delivered if it is dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered personally, and in the case of the DEVELOPER is addressed to or delivered personally to: Otsego Apartments, LLC 7535 NE River Road Otsego, NIN 55330 Attn: Casey J. Darkenwald in the case of the CITY is addressed to or delivered personally to the CITY at: 17 City of Otsego, Minnesota Otsego City Hall 13400 90 Street NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 Attn: City Administrator or at such other address with respect to any such party as that party may, from time to time, designate in writing and forward to the other, as provided in this Section. 42. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 43. Law Governing. This Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 44. Agreement Effect. This Agreement shall be binding and extend to the respective representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 45. Amendment. This Agreement shall be amended only by addendum executed by both parties to this Agreement. 18 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPER and CITY have executed this Agreement as of the day and year above first written. CITY OF OTSEGO, A Minnesota municipal corporation Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk DEVELOPER OTSEGO APARTMENTS, LLC A Minnesota limited liability company By: Its 19 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of July, 2018 before me personally appeared Jessica Stockamp and Tami Loff to me known as the persons described in the foregoing instrument and who did say they are, respectively, the Mayor and City Clerk of the municipal corporation named therein and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its City Council and said Jessica Stockamp and Tami Loff acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF M NNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of July, 2018, before me personally appeared to me known as the person described in the foregoing instrument and who did say he is the of Otsego Apartments, LLC and that said instrument was signed on behalf of Otsego Apartments, LLC with authority and on behalf of the company and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said entity. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE 3601 Thurston Avenue North Suite 103 Anoka, MN 55303 763-231-5850 21 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 22 EXHIBIT B- FINANCIAL SUMMARY 23 EXHIBIT C DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY Development Plans for RIVERBEND NORTH by Landform dated , 2018 and approved by CITY , 2018 cover sheet attached. M EXHIBIT D- MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS WATERMAIN, PONDS, STORM WATER PIPES, SANITARY SEWER LINES, AND TRAIL 01 KNOW All. YEN BY TFE$E PRESENTS: That Oarkenvald Widrgs, Ira., a mmesota Corpora—, fee ovner of the foaovnq dnabed property sauated r the State or M,remta, Cawty of Wrght, to v2 That part of Coven L Lot 2, Seaton 36, Tovrehp 121, Rope 23, Wrght Carty, Yh.usato, desabed os Too— Coremcnq t the pont vhere the cmtaire or Canty State Ad F4vay No, 36 nter ecu the eoteriy qht—oF—ray Ire of State Truro, HOvay No. IOk theme 5wth 02 degrees 48 mate 35 ord$ East, m d bewnq, doq d easterly rght—of—vay Ire, o doeonce of 517.5q feet to the Pant or Begronq ( the Imd to be doabed; thence c.t—q .oath 02 dew... 48 .tortes 35 second, East dap sad ..,-Iy rght—or—vay Ire dstaee or 164.80 feet; theme North 87 dear,., It .tures 25 secmd, East donq ad rot—of—voy Ire a detmce of 65.00 feet; Jxrce Swth 02 degrees 48 .sora. 35 ..cads East dap sod rrh —of—vay I- a detaace of 700.00 feet; the— 5- th 87 degren II em tes 25 ...ands West donq sad rght—of—vay Ire d.taxe of 65.00 Feet; the 5,uth 02 dearee 48 cwt.. 35 ..cads Emt donq sad rght—of—ray Ire a detarce of 185.77 feet; thence North e6 degrees 55 fortes 57 second. Emt o dorm., of 263.84 feet; three North 79 degrees 23 a—,, 42 .eead, Ent a do,—, of 9LI9 feet; thence North 69 degree 16 mrann 07 second. East a d.t F 88.85 feet; thence North 60 leered, 35 mortes 32 seconds Emt a detance 167.96 Feet; thence North 29 lege. 24 morn 28 ..cord. West a detaxe of 72.61 Feet; thence Swth 60 degren 44 twin 53 .evade West detarce or 40,09 Feet; thme North 26 degrees 48 mrutes 45 .cords We do,_ uF 86.07 feet; thence North 58 degrees 44 res 21 seconds East a data... f 84.71 Feet; theoce 5wth 73 degren 41 _to' 35 seconds Eo,t o datwce or Ig4.38 feet; there. North 57 degree 28 mortes 38 ecoid. Ent a deface of 196.79 feet to a pant on the vesterly qht—orf—vay tm of Co,rty Rood No. 36 per Wrqht Carty Rght-0f—Way Plot No. l thence North 44 degrees 18 mvto 58 second, Wnt olap .ad veterly rght—o(—vay Ire a detV of 343.31 feet; the— ronhvnterly donq sad v terly rOl—of—vay Ind a datorsce f 324.47 feet w a ta,gmtd rave ave to the Northeast hay.q a radus of 1477.84 Feet and o cer—I aria of 12 dear... 34 mann 47 second.; thence North 31 degrees 44 cares II seco,d. Wet, torpent o Int dnabed neve, and donq >ad veterly rght—of—vay Ire m per Wrep,t Cowty Rtj,t—Of—Way Plot No. I aad the v rlly rcpt—of—voy Ire os per Wrght Cowry Rght-0r—Way Plot No. 9, o detace of 434.59 Feet to the oursecto, of sad veterly rcpt—of—ray Ire, vnh a Ind vhvh bears North 57 degren II ante 25 ..cads Ent Ron the Pant of Beghm,q; thence Swth s57 degrees II —to, 25 .,cads West a datance or 334.97 Feet to the Pont of Beg-sp. Evapt: The forth—te ly 70.00 feet thereof s,d except po 1 3120 on MNOOT R/W Plat No. 86—IIL W, caned the save to be —eyed and platted a, RNERBEW NORTH a,d don hereby doer. wd dedrate to the pubic for pdA. u,e forever ea,-- far drarage and aria., wpa— only m .ham m the plot h, vrtre., vh—.F sad Pa,k —!d Haldngs, Inc., a rtme..to Corporator, le, caned these p—rat, to be ,of,,d by to proper oFF— the ______ day of ______ _______ 200_ Oarl,—.14 Wdm,, hc. By State of rt—ota, Cowty of —__ __—_ The faegonq rotrvmmt ve oak-1,dq,d before ore the __ day of ___ __. 200_ by ________--______ __—__—_---_______ of Oai,mvdd Wore,. Ire., a Mrnnata Corporator, an beholf of the CorPoroton. Notary Psdsk Canty, Mmesaw MY co.�nson erpres:__ 1 hereby ce tfy that I have swveyed ad platted the property desabed n the prat n RNERBENO NORTH ofd Jet the plot ct repreentaton or sod Tel that dl ro nn leve been o Jy placed the arasd slam that di d.tmce1 ore arectly shorn w the plat a feet and htadredths of a foot; that the —dd bowdary Ire, are cwready desg,ated as the plot; orad ehotethere are ro ret lad, m defned n Mmesoto Statute 505.02, Subd, I ar pubc hd,vays to be degroted m the p!at other then o >h— hereon. Lyn P. Casveh, Lord Swveyw M—ta Lem,e No. 13057 State or Mrme,ota, Canty of _ ____-- The foregonq 5oveyori Certfeate vol a#—Irdged before re the __—__ day of ______—_--______. 200__ by LM P. Cmvea, Lad Swveyor, M—ot, Leered No. 0057. Notary Publc My .a—,. Toro pad far au yew. Jrrotrgh year _-- 14 trw.Fer mored tho __ day of 20— W101 Canty Audtor I hereby eertfy that tale payable n the year _—__ m hrd, here. dnabed are pad the —__ day or ____--___—_____--. 20__. , Wrght Canty Treanrer Tho plat of RIVERBEtV NORTH a n cmgdarce vah Mmeeota Statute 505.03, SUM ..n 2, a, the 30 day tae I- has passed and va, approved ad accepted by the Cay Canal of the Cay of Otsego, Mrmesato, at a reg,la reetnq thmeo( held the day of ________ 20__ CITY OF OTSECO, M" ESOTA BY__—______--______—_____ Mayor Attntv___--_—_____. Cry Clerk E.—red and r,.—,,ded for approval the _ day of _---____ 20__. Wrght Canty S—oyor I hereby certfy that the rotracent ... (led n the offre or the County Recador far record wr the _—_ day or ____. 20_ at ___7L and vm d,ly recorded n Ca., _ .Sleeve m Docucmt Nam__ Wrght Cvwty Recorder • O • s L A N D F O R M From Site to Finish 0 R/VERBEND NORTH ADDITION / / / / \rn / -�D&U EASEtiNT / N09'16'35°E \ !14.50 j \\ �lb 1 N31'48'26°W 45.90`._ 10 aAb / //6_ \ 558'11'34"W / C�j 1fj cN10.25'o8"E 1_- 17.33 °p / - 4 --� 4 �`y / / — �• 37.59 / Q^' 10 �' o i m r7 _ 93ry ,19A�.� ( Y / t 0\\0\ 110-kl \ \0 tr'. °4 /a'° // l / \ \\ \ \ 6'E w "co N_ <-i �� , •LY /� /Z/ ' 4\ J/ \\ti\ \ / / 523°y2•g9 \' `a�tP�?c9���y \\ \\ o N N58'23'31"E -�s� �: __-- LOT 2 \ W\ \ \ 9e.37 27'of4Tv/ ' \ m n c LO f u 1 ._.,./N5 /'\` \ \ N. 24.97-:ZC-f -1 5A'�3 ^ \\`0\\ \�------------------------- __�-'L� 1 \ I -- t\ \ \\ \> \------- ---- NO3os'zs'w 323.19 ----- --- -�wllol \ /`irs �. / / �, \y\ 6 38.49 � '• / / I I \�� � NO UN � jA/ OUTLOT 2 A1\% co A\ W / / / IImI 1 d ,kA/�//�\✓ ,�\�j\ g� -61coOTv I Iml I �W_ I NO3°08'42"W BB.BO ---rte// // ��I� II O C;'Aj / / Q �• _ 2 / \� \ M l0_D&U G 9 i 9 / ISI 1 1 \\\0 0 F"F1 586'50'34"W I I OUTLOT S54-16'35'W<�\ /�5/ �� LOT I I I` I I I 1 27.01 / 1 50.3s off\ N68°57'59"W ( ) 11 I 1101101 II \ I 21.64 �- I L--- -� / - 503'09'26°E 215.83 \ 0 6 548'09'26°E_ o----_---- 14.14 - _---- ' r 5 � --.-_-__ 3-D&U EASEM-NT---\ I II Cd - I �I r 7 =1 31500 34°W 110110 I o rn \N \ t..,_----_--.-218.59----- /._ f CA 54849'26°E 568'M'24'w / \ r �- zo D&u eASEMENr— -j r \ \° � F,\ \ 30.10 - - - - - - - - - _L --- -_--_ 503'09'28"E 481.08-J-_1 =- �- \1 -- - _ - L_= -------------- :=O o-------------- E%CEPTION ---- y Ne6'S0'34"E _ Cww 3 , --------J _ --23.50 __-.--------------.--_-o - i __ - _N29' ---__ S2 / 560'13'13'W _ �\ I s F NO3°09'25"T4' 290.00 \ ` y+, ---\18.59 503'09'25°E 132.97 --J (502°48'35"E] 14 NO3°09'25"yy 210.00 'Z \ _ _ ------ - IU D&U EASEMENT p�j \ r-D&U EASEMENT- oo P.O.c E�S� NO3°09'25"W 285.00 co m o I n PANT OF WMSECTION OF TFC- CENTERLWE OF FKA \ AND NO. 3tHe NO. 42 CHT -OF -WA \ PARCEL 312P EXC O v I O C71 185.77 OF MY- OTA 5TATE TRUNC \ o� O W NO3°09'25"W KCHWAY 0 tat As cn (502°48'355"S] .11.T COUNTY HCHWAY \ \ \ 7 V RICHT-OF-WAY PLAT No. 9 164.80�L / _ (SOE'48'35'E) 517.59- / 0 50 100 • • • • L A N D F O R M From Site to FmIsh • • AREA LOCATION RAP OTSEGO, MINNESOTA LiLc inn Pr SIcm1 G.Pn. lSerl+H Q1mn OL. Qa Gam' is vmd •qI ra. AE wo m fwA ENOm ANm bn. Mw nIm JN I,m c...s.t u. TLQC. � /Win SAD. P9F ttVi1. �� Intel AW bl�E / AVmt n 11A rIAY. lb..a lELr1 iVAwVtl ALi. IU]a Nte.n. rEn. � Ib.P.nrr ww. It'�o*.e fir. FE RD. aE E hntm CRMETE Tm.fr,am MAHLER S ASSOCIATES Na C46 A i• as a/r' SF. 5Ma AVO an. Stt SNr. fJt. RR � I� uxa. VL VSAT. VEST. 9i(Adf �VFa Ilf 9M[TARY 4lFR JFE VATb1 iVM IiLOLLAR tlEtAt•G VALL d iHDlTQE pETANC VML ENT LOLATYM LiLc inn Pr SIcm1 G.Pn. lSerl+H Q1mn OL. Qa Gam' TrrLL� W I GN Er RIG. EW.. ill• Gm� MO PnVL ta PA. Gx 4. PW � a M1W � P9F .�wm/P^Uad) Pfl P.r. a�r avi' c �GIRL I CMCPY / MAWK o.,mm.E ww. o.ssA Gwq ya fir. FE RD. aE E hntm CRMETE Eu�ivere MAHLER S ASSOCIATES EE R FA'^`JeA Fen � CW fn n.Vru+. Lm,rtm A i• as a/r' SF. 5Ma AVO an. Stt SNr. FW Vrft TV Em,wA V� G cw.rra Fm Errt,m S£L. 5�5p Sltt rT�yIL 1N( �y J'.W ar PVMM Pq IVOR V,>Inm k Lmd,n.. uxa. VL VSAT. VEST. EXHIBIT 6 EMSRq uExavrcw Ie:Tr oEsavna -moo.-- Haat cartarE �vc�� twat cartart "" 43-_i tt1M GC11T(iR �'OJ_� ItYr. cCNrQR y5A5 'JOf FAEVAtgI K 2.41 SPOT HEVAtgI �GIRL I CMCPY / MAWK �_� IW SCOmffiNAYEN]EEUIESIJ A•PEAFCt4 W 3]t]I Vt'JPIX6. W 196+2.k29]A fAl 6+b23m,Ti avrtacr. sleves.�a r MITPY/nVFNVAIL 0 CRMETE ._ _ _ _ J I>MacsnAo srnJcnce MAHLER S ASSOCIATES lrvvJ].e� LHaKARC cMaaEre � LMLRFtE GR! WPEMOtb.W55W1 1B.61r,]SZAPlJ cRnva PAMlL 0.CLx vAVY+: na � Enc z vA>vvlr _ OJIID RAL _1 ca+cxeTe rErAr•r vAu YrE-»-� Vi•-.- 9i(Adf �VFa Ilf 9M[TARY 4lFR JFE VATb1 iVM IiLOLLAR tlEtAt•G VALL d iHDlTQE pETANC VML ENT LOLATYM - L£'- nS4AEI0 EJELiPJC L}rfl VMI ]TAtnAfA 0 POKk PLIE - Vr - 1>IFFQlQla7 T AOE IFRROtIA]O Ei£L10C p% 4KE gYGMI - C LA4 IJE -10 O �. CATM tiAW car.Y�re ars o r1M1aE +`�-- � RETAN(e nu. fEs �li3�»� StlAll SEMS Rr�N O gT I/ V x 11' RLN PFE -.uv—>- sANraRY sEvue-vurE _-H1�>� KREE I1W • RM I1M1'Ellr rQW -PO-»- aocP RrAN lT91Ft1 l�A>itA¢x) A P0[lf y..!,yrRV01 YAIFANN no H I­llF IF ­E)O LLIID Pn]i � inE G9i. LLN trill �-xsso_ _ _ !cam 9SrHl � 1RM,g[AaEa _-cls--_ cu ua:aeunaea+n IF VATEa SHr(-Of Vl1VE --flEn-_- EiFGfl�iIRRQEQM - o- iRKfV: 9OJ rage IVLE -_rElE-_-_ THFRgE1fLi QlG]D -�Ary--- uusra<aeo crag/ry �aT i i � IKNT PCTE iRE9 =��__= uva srwacu srav£ /W\ TREE IlE tINIV1E B carts !AHI • rnE Nnxurr ® ® varEa vure ftAR[O EtD ZLIR1 ISS TSO IWIbA wrE NEs E (M) reA>tMrn wrMre (P) n.SiMILE PEQ f✓E'cNRO PUT RIVERBEND NORTH EYQPi: 11E JVR11M1E9RSY OTSEGO, MINNESOTA sJTtwE IJfsaPrai . - - xwerr cMree� felr� -[tl[ftffl(tfl[t(tlf(f FBR RAL ;� AIEi P¢n1ELttN snw� rEsarnoN rA]IE fWR6YE OPAIRlA:• MALL C(AM ® Vlrc xEr r1<rM. c]I CIXMIrAtE PLtR �/''��QA FEST9Re1 - ARSAtI u, eM ETe. l ) r�ITsn -A 1r11s rta c) INAf PARI cF L(MA!£NT LOT ]. S4TYA1 ]4 IOINlP Ql RAA14E RJ. VWGNI CQMY, t1MElnrA GF]L9Sn A! FLLLOVR 70-11JH(ER MO ErCEP1 PARRL J W M tTNt a/W PLA1 In. tJ6-a ttOJr QSr£Tn LIMR0. (KMr E6nf P . ALSn IAUIV N C9 lTAlgl / Mbn. A1gtA NTH:niA�iE SAY 11 N RD3A]. Al iplR SAT ill IffPMf Nin. 0.i HE rARM (F COJNT RPAn 1). A%Vf W. -T -1 (F -- -1 M QIJI•A>OATpI !]�HEs . -TT -1 v A vnrpsrws% DARKENWALD CORPORATION CJiY tliGtffpt rsuarEaacvula•: o1sELo.6•Pc� sxo NI[NMRSQI A9lnL'. K^. ]6n11 MRSTM AVE ]IIrE Inn MMA.W !!!nJ NMA M >!r0] RLenID VAOFR fAi1rW 141Jr51 CQNOLT. CASEY pVQBX(Af➢ i[i_ WWAIV-0 FAC EJ W_ CISEY�`OW tFtMMDCCF➢CW I CML ENGINEER SURVEYOR LANDFORM LANDFORM fES0+11NiFlHASALL5UlE51J 551St IW SCOmffiNAYEN]EEUIESIJ A•PEAFCt4 W 3]t]I Vt'JPIX6. W 196+2.k29]A fAl 6+b23m,Ti avrtacr. sleves.�a r 196r2]52 -9d-0 lA[6Q12MR awrrcr:smclware( LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ARCHITECT LANDFORM MAHLER S ASSOCIATES t3laJMFFMAYFAAlE51]IE611 ARCHITECTURE, INC. WPEMOtb.W55W1 1B.61r,]SZAPlJ Y6 NQtiHIlVJAYdr.E6UlE 1C! EAM0.dA.W SiIW CII[raa:G 1Wfl8t sJr,Ers aEUEO Erw1E '. stEFT ofw�Ixvl a ' cni artawusruErmF SEE* x ' coz fR9AxnmruT :_. _: ix+ furwca�v+-: iuis � . izt alE9Ml is cPlmic.u5aiics, PA•rtr, x aFMbVICCMIYA - CJz SJYrTpapTE] A CI t NNE! A cr+ aracMsrti+ciox ierus x �ii arLCMsrwRcroa rETa'ls watuaEnAti x GIYHAIPFR CJiY tliGtffpt 11E nAr1••r. CRPANY Il.e ]601 MR]TM AVE N NI[NMRSQI A9lnL'. K^. ]6n11 MRSTM AVE ]IIrE Inn MMA.W !!!nJ NMA M >!r0] RLenID VAOFR RLiSAr•CCOLQS T9. ]6]-t- FAC 76]-t]r-0 i[i_ WWAIV-0 FAC R OF]EGo CrGASfIIERPoM EIFRCT ttMY SERVV.FS woa SorN lraEEr NE. otsso, M lvrL 1a ]6] -t11 -]]W rri 6Q-!/1-1TIr FAC ]6Yi11-91G] fAC ELECTRIC T��'rtwfT EtA RYfA t11]LPIL UIIAR] LNARidE LQlWLA1VM ]60 3Rn liPFETJiV. FLL RNFR W FAC fAC DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC, i5?S NERA'ERRON IrsHtxm-M.i lroH MAI— mm ra t.rtS+ RIVERBEND NORTH OTSEGO, MN CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2018 L A N D F O R M f-SRE 0 Fmi1 toseaa FMA Tok eI2? M Sube13 I- e1bTB2-0W7 W,.%o6FMMe5M 1Vak IVNblmnet RE fL `E OAiWGW11ASG PROIECTNO, =lm i �/I���1[/112 WIN Northwest Corner of Sec. 26, T.121, R.23 Wright County Monument (Cost Iron Monument) CIM I I i z ON 00) 3+ v rnm r - West Quarter corner of Set T.121, R.23 Wright County Monument (Aluminum Cap) ! ty5�1g� o � M � 6mTNc ururr eA+et.rrE- 09 t\, / 7-H! ROG. INSIf ♦ \ 0 ` LO:fi l " I F 1 \ I P \ '87-09'05"W 20.00 1 I \ cl \ fi� \ o \ WWs 4F FRreasA Nanen� _ \\ 'LOT 2 yl K 0 L 0�( recwsn Lm ue (TYP.) _ 1 �1 i i i I � I o I I I I I N87 -09'05"E Il LOT 4 p \ \ 20.00 C11 I \ Y \ 0 \ J I / ` I I / ,v97,09'05"E 65.00 1 fi----- TUT PART - — Lot T, 3ELIG1 Y6, TON6eV Nl ¢Aa55 2; YTK11T CQMY. Me¢60TA Era r: TIE -- —Y TO —T TE¢FLF HD FYG£9i PA¢LLL 340 ON !roof ¢/+• MT W. 66-31 (LTTE: BEA01C'3 W 11eS PRH3•IA¢Y riAi 9EE1 ARE ROfATfO f0 ttATW TE FFWIXA SOSVEY. 1. ErERC EA3EY 1 NL eE YACATr9 — REPLACTO 11 FLAT EA3rf I — — DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SH011N THUS: (NOT To SCALE) 10 10 BEING 10 FEET IN 1NOTH AND ADJOINING EXTERIOR PROPERTY LINES. UNLESS OTHERVASE SHOWN LOT 3 I \ - �9Sypl / / Em1tG RA WG Imo - ^t 1 �a gp• \ N �y5 $A.- 0609 2'33'Is' i ' A� � 1 - U3 gp s � -- — - --- - :est" g 1 s• H � S6 85' 98 3"21279 3 � 586°53'38"W 263.84 91.19 South line of \, 40.15 Government Lot 2 Sec. 26, T.121, R.23 1434.10_ -- N89•'3'05"W -- _ North line of NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 26, T.121, R.23 9¢��8 s� s 4e �. ST• 0¢� 0 e NORTH Know wnor• BeloW. Callbefore you my. 0 50 100 DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. ?5 NEIWERROV, HI(RNOL vn�313 n3f%`NFzw-rai� NIan1 Qtlel•6eE• A RIVERBEND NORTH OTSEGO,r MN Ply co�6�v CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2018 L A N D F O R M f—V� to F..sh 105 SaAI FMA— Tek 612ti -M S 613 Fuc 612-2524M W Potu NW 6 l w6u is okm.l ME N\AE YSuiDACp IMG PROIECTNO. WHOM iS 44 r'l' 0. it 1V,/�' e� �> n \ Lt1 ( r —99(G—T / 20.00 D _ J I .off' 111\ i \ � \\ Q C • \.. - N87.09'05"E v V 1 vim. A'6 20.00 \ . I \ • . a r CA 11 A - - Y r?•e: 196. `�gieao �♦ /� r r -744 Ar N60 42'33"E - - 2.4 40.09 N87'09'05"E \ 1 65:& p0 E=0715( \ � _ \\ o \ -- � f i /,j $msr-z3 �� 1 �� y, S 2 C\y'0�\y'9� � �• Ia=.7 u4t4a1 0 r :, '�\ d➢• `a. y2.6 648 •�, 5,�, lN' \e.ecut�7 o I 4y \ 0 --� 3 Ati s8Ti 85 If S86 53'38"W - 263.84. -- - 91.f`0 South line of Government Lot 2 >40.15 Sea 26, T.121. R:23' I i r 'r INorth line of NE 1/4 of--' , \, the SW 1/4 of Sec. 26, T.121, R.23 L BIBL D !F ttN 9 W 6 Fa XRVEY BY WEF@fl MlEMp6. H� W Y fIXt 1119 wOECi. °106 °LOif�ff5°W V�IY.2°RIMY E%REBY9 CR �idREN, fCR IfRt!<Ai1R1 aROIEFD BY QIIERS. Ex61]4^ PROE4T iW6 9U.LLB�E � HKR i° �CTlIK CRCrtG1C11R1 EaFP2S, HGQ.'EICiCE L6COIUd9 5W1 BE RE9°RR-0 T° TIE FaCIEEa. 2. cEQrEaer:u. Brae ,nc].ra6 AaE �maEom�rE ].o u� Br.srn a FEID raa canErTQ BY m]w ImarEc, rt+Euro,n. rx aI uv a ]a E. DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. 73] RNFA RQ:U Ell(PNF3t vn5Eii0 TB.Ir.HFzw ru.IruHun, 0�ago RIVERBEND NORTH OTSEGCI, MN IRM CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2018 LA N D FO R M Fnn S'4 to Rnsh f05Sa FMAwu Tat 612-25 70 SLb 613 F¢ E12-TSl-0IFIF IM•IVob.3.16%N W* bMTunn.nal FBE MMCIOtO.iGfg1L',YG PROJNTIp. _1G 1I 9 0 EXISTING CONDITIONS NORTH Know whcro&81OW. � Callb•(onyou ft. 0 50 100 BIB cA 71 5 20.00 D _ J I .off' 111\ i \ � \\ Q C • \.. - N87.09'05"E v V 1 vim. A'6 20.00 \ . I \ • . a r CA 11 A - - Y r?•e: 196. `�gieao �♦ /� r r -744 Ar N60 42'33"E - - 2.4 40.09 N87'09'05"E \ 1 65:& p0 E=0715( \ � _ \\ o \ -- � f i /,j $msr-z3 �� 1 �� y, S 2 C\y'0�\y'9� � �• Ia=.7 u4t4a1 0 r :, '�\ d➢• `a. y2.6 648 •�, 5,�, lN' \e.ecut�7 o I 4y \ 0 --� 3 Ati s8Ti 85 If S86 53'38"W - 263.84. -- - 91.f`0 South line of Government Lot 2 >40.15 Sea 26, T.121. R:23' I i r 'r INorth line of NE 1/4 of--' , \, the SW 1/4 of Sec. 26, T.121, R.23 L BIBL D !F ttN 9 W 6 Fa XRVEY BY WEF@fl MlEMp6. H� W Y fIXt 1119 wOECi. °106 °LOif�ff5°W V�IY.2°RIMY E%REBY9 CR �idREN, fCR IfRt!<Ai1R1 aROIEFD BY QIIERS. Ex61]4^ PROE4T iW6 9U.LLB�E � HKR i° �CTlIK CRCrtG1C11R1 EaFP2S, HGQ.'EICiCE L6COIUd9 5W1 BE RE9°RR-0 T° TIE FaCIEEa. 2. cEQrEaer:u. Brae ,nc].ra6 AaE �maEom�rE ].o u� Br.srn a FEID raa canErTQ BY m]w ImarEc, rt+Euro,n. rx aI uv a ]a E. DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. 73] RNFA RQ:U Ell(PNF3t vn5Eii0 TB.Ir.HFzw ru.IruHun, 0�ago RIVERBEND NORTH OTSEGCI, MN IRM CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2018 LA N D FO R M Fnn S'4 to Rnsh f05Sa FMAwu Tat 612-25 70 SLb 613 F¢ E12-TSl-0IFIF IM•IVob.3.16%N W* bMTunn.nal FBE MMCIOtO.iGfg1L',YG PROJNTIp. _1G 1I 9 0 EXISTING CONDITIONS NORTH Know whcro&81OW. � Callb•(onyou ft. 0 50 100 L MTA- A111E0ElSMY `« —101LtYN WAt OR ulE W. FO�If1F-YAY. DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. 2. ilE a0fu fLf, MCN cul ff wiANa Fast 11E f1b16fF. SWL. eE 16E0 fw 9tATNC [6aEPATbU eF1K£N TIE LRAVYCS ANI TIE 010Tu fff 9VLL tE J535 NERnFA ROtD HK W(9[ vn SSW TO-- CnA„� TO t0 9rA1S1O. J. 99Ab lAYOU( H41H Aff PHUlI&. MM at pE}ObaICV.AR TO TIE pROPEatt Llf Ai LOCAIYAtl fOLATE9 4. Rbt'.Q6 —I I TO FAw OF Q1f81 Ha EYTaaK FAw OF M NO— OTIEAMSE. ST1— wF59 4 .._. Y6E Mort lMEa STi�E. OHAFATE !. Art pARLC AW MA p ALE9.5 At9F9 NM IiC1i VOE Hirt pAMED ]iQPfS • NOEs W QMTa HO C AT 1f OEaSE AVLIf t0 Im<IIRI OF 1RAYFL L• /`....”" 901. -•••••••TE /Q('j�' /\F\J �j/iI�� nl A TEYN.R ®LOYFErt FLAU "BUt6Oi"" RIVERBEND IL RETN•L' YALL. prRA91 Et10bAFE / TRf.94 RaaT N O RT H up6• FENT. s ` ru "'/6. psEclrstt cATE. srr• wru c7J/z OTSEGO, MN ©cfx rAsl ®PERLaI. N'T O LR&1 SPACE (Lllpf —AREA) RiN TfE PRRTatt 19 TOEa (iA14PD Wi wLFXaYENr (PIO) BLLAC 9E9K[ HfORttATXH B A9 ia1W4 FR YHA FID: JO Fi. CR N 6Q46] BY OF20fE ME@W_ si1—M6 Ff. Ff[aT BAR 6 QR6 —11 FT. FFat WIiWfE. 90 FT.(aa1 ROV R -T. 6f Fi. iRGM aOY (ARTFOY. k CWECfOak Jf Fi. 6xAu k 0.l-[E-IAOJ REM RU. b FT. OR AS REOtma BY OA�4 iQE 0/T 99AK9 -S20 FT. WE59 A91rrt+c RESENIr4, 1FEN JS FT. R-7 20 FT. 5 £ MS �S p FT. Wf35 A91I1tK ISREl1R4. MSl 3! Fi. FT Ft. i sw stREEr. R T 6! P. iRaf ROI (�.T— k --A J! FT. w - PAHFC SENT16 AS FOlOYi FRQR YHA � Faai STRTEr SFFACE IT. 6 FT. = O Fi. '' mAR E = tL01 aH 9101fD 0E AT ttAli ! F1. iROt PRO.Vltt llE 9M 5<i01LX NQd1AlYt1 B N FOIOIS FRONT YHA = 0 Fi. ' , Tmu VTC /FFA 170.66 !F. I7A7 fcFfs bmitC: I FERNPA 561.]1) 9F. 90.]X t'RR41016 ].110 SF. L3X Tmu (ad kJ 5]0.166 9F. b0.0X PRWOSR i£aLJOV3 1w�36 SF l9ERN016 3E6.nO SF. 643x imu (aO9 k) STO.E6 sF. IOO.Ox 160 LaAV61KE stORE "T I) OLLCrIL FOOIPPHI J,0B0 9F. RETK 6m 2) 0.70 K 01RL^ fOOfFRM 5.000 9F. i•1-STCr1.0: 607 J) JY9 K EIIRIG fa0iM1T H,600 SF. xwKE wn zsl ADARRLNi9 (Loi 4) 736 K 0•AC i00ipRM !0241 SF. is 161 •kfnY. fOmPRNf Sf. Tmu Iw.'/19 FSa1PE0 vAefb (a16ku+rt xrofk RE MALL oER 230 SFR 9AIrG s,6e0 x r6ru 9,0ea > /zw = 6 xsar9 tmu Pl1Wl^ S1Atl9 REama EEA mama vAawe (RET/L xa7Ek 7. u xe m a•mR. fn. aE srfu PEa 2!o sF oP wasrc 000 SF Tmu 5.000 SF/1S0 = 20 9iALL5 imu PAREIIL 9TH REA6!EO 20 FA aFamo vAman V.vAartwnY z5 9tH1 FEa O:E tM I61 TOTu wrS I6{ WT! X 23 � Ib 9rN1f imu PAREFC ltAt73 PEamO tb fA a „ s -, „r,, FaavEo PARr]L^ (ca6vrbcE xaefk siAWAIA WALLS 11—M O T— (4Y20) fA \ rP170r6E0 �y Q \ SI-- ST— 59510) 2i EA ry ACQ9ICE ltALL9 (9/tOj 2 EA �� imu PARRMO fiALL! FROYOFa 91 EA 10 iaRtOLa PIAI6 (IFARIFWIlk STHalRO 3.GFACE !TALL! (420J xIEA KCf!!HE STALLS (9!!OJ 0 EA TLCs-U6A ltuU (� U 56 fA LARKS siALL9 ) _ a _ _ m Rf0(f OF PHANL 19:10) WEA - TOTN' P"a"L sTFA`s 14a 13OFA' CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2016 rmu vAVJc xw3 ITt L A N D F O R M FIOl1556 b Finch • • 10551,11 M I Td 612-262GOTJ SI11E619 Fuc 612 -262 -WR f•Rlfydf, IRJ 65101 W6b Rv1aMm.n6l ® ilE1LLLE L2JIFfYCOrDN6 — — — — ' PROJEWTw.. OACIOXI QSITE PLAN G NORTH Know wh&s Below. Call bMan you dg. 0 50 100 D� a' 9rM MD 5 �" ° ' `° Kr `"° °° iR6£59RIN. SANCE9 Ai 6R.xSx.9w0. DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. r9}3NE� 'F F •• F I , F •F F Ell(M'9Lm591L x. N9TML PNBEIER 4DF%11f CQ1IR0.9 Pin.R r0 VOA( MO tVNTAN FOR GIaA1101 OF CQE1RDiYAt RrliGIE eQfIROS AFTUe MEAS GOVi�IRC RYLTf 18Ga!M-FAAW$4 JI31 ARE PFflWb11LY S1IENrfG MD 0.'POSE Or OFP SrtE. !. tM 50. OB11IteMI:E TO 11E eRbEC Ifri9 51%rfeL SOCiV.E CPFRAlgB t0 IVf1S 1&GOI 6 ET➢OARE OF 0611REO 3REA5. 1. t1M1.IGtEN! PRK84E9 SNOM ARE rIE It:VI RFPFFtEf:i. ALL MD fW1tAN IAAttHII CMIR0. N YGR PRO4T TO pREYU1I F1tO9'A1 MD GMFR0. SEOTFM cAGR9 BY IITD ta VAR£ z Issrrz rB srPw roTfs rM sEFr eu Fce Aron%euL cearravrts. JJ fi CDRBACTOt SNALL PIB+VEIR SKiBM lbfei YATFR fxQt Mliff8le 11E K1.iR.V1%%1 ��� / 1 >. NL EwpAp 50.! AIEA3 SHllL 0.* SiAel 9 tiWAtriY TO Nrr 30. FR09[FI N EYT POetg1 OF RE KE YNyff COrS10WlgI IW 1[ta0xua.Y [¢ PEFtW6tiLY MIAeEAerA SET `a'.o.Yt`-A'I.'• A! nGOf£0. RIVERBEN D j I N E xx-N . J05 E/K _ R �A G� N O F2T H rN rYPE xs-BI a aG to/K - FFvrvlEan ilFaF rLA.a nmr ]ee: OTSEGO, MN FERi �i TYPE I • x TM/AG GBG �) I cEFrru nAn%vrt rJmT xsis 4 SFE IHDSCAEE SIEETS FOR PFHWblf 1IRF ND LMp9cIPf HfAS14fiMf. b. 9CLfE bJAGEtIf 9}f+EEt! 0.EMI DALY MD SYHP DEIN YHELY. acr AIVK • uvv: IL wnAtf VMY SERYLE PP01Wt4 FdL FE1D LOLArgI 6 SFRVG3 7? FIBlQ9 PNY r0 BEG3NI0 Q!/RC. w wvsuE pw D� a' 9rM MD 5 �" ° ' `° Kr `"° °° iR6£59RIN. SANCE9 Ai 6R.xSx.9w0. DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. r9}3NE� 'F F •• F I , F •F F Ell(M'9Lm591L x. N9TML PNBEIER 4DF%11f CQ1IR0.9 Pin.R r0 VOA( MO tVNTAN FOR GIaA1101 OF CQE1RDiYAt RrliGIE eQfIROS AFTUe MEAS GOVi�IRC RYLTf 18Ga!M-FAAW$4 JI31 ARE PFflWb11LY S1IENrfG MD 0.'POSE Or OFP SrtE. !. tM 50. OB11IteMI:E TO 11E eRbEC Ifri9 51%rfeL SOCiV.E CPFRAlgB t0 IVf1S 1&GOI 6 ET➢OARE OF 0611REO 3REA5. 1. t1M1.IGtEN! PRK84E9 SNOM ARE rIE It:VI RFPFFtEf:i. ALL MD fW1tAN IAAttHII CMIR0. N YGR PRO4T TO pREYU1I F1tO9'A1 MD GMFR0. SEOTFM cAGR9 BY IITD ta VAR£ z Issrrz rB srPw roTfs rM sEFr eu Fce Aron%euL cearravrts. JJ fi CDRBACTOt SNALL PIB+VEIR SKiBM lbfei YATFR fxQt Mliff8le 11E K1.iR.V1%%1 ��� / 9YS1Ni T%1TL lIE AEE a GQFTi1iLY >. NL EwpAp 50.! AIEA3 SHllL 0.* SiAel 9 tiWAtriY TO Nrr 30. FR09[FI N EYT POetg1 OF RE KE YNyff COrS10WlgI IW 1[ta0xua.Y [¢ PEFtW6tiLY MIAeEAerA SET `a'.o.Yt`-A'I.'• A! nGOf£0. RIVERBEN D N E xx-N . J05 E/K _ R �A G� N O F2T H rN rYPE xs-BI a aG to/K - FFvrvlEan ilFaF rLA.a nmr ]ee: OTSEGO, MN FERi �i TYPE I • x TM/AG GBG �) I cEFrru nAn%vrt rJmT xsis 4 SFE IHDSCAEE SIEETS FOR PFHWblf 1IRF ND LMp9cIPf HfAS14fiMf. b. 9CLfE bJAGEtIf 9}f+EEt! 0.EMI DALY MD SYHP DEIN YHELY. acr AIVK • uvv: IL wnAtf VMY SERYLE PP01Wt4 FdL FE1D LOLArgI 6 SFRVG3 7? FIBlQ9 PNY r0 BEG3NI0 Q!/RC. w wvsuE pw R. (BSTR TO nE GTORCNCAL REPOtt PPFP/Ff0 BY BRA MFRTEc. GATED CQ�Aii B.fO(t KA1CN11 NQOIAiYN M BACxril tY.1FXJ1 MD OWlDIAtEF Q 03'OVE rOPSOI f¢QI DlIRC AREAS LED 9fCOAE StEHwii .11NIIfY F00. R£IY.E. lIAlFfeltS 11AY Q tteED fflQ1 W09eME AREAS iQt 18E ON SiTf MO WitAtFD H1H E%cH9 %RLMAc MAibeY. MM PNRL OYtFA IPFFw'IL H. 18lUVE SIGlGE MD GItOJp VATFR fRQY EKAVAICVQ PROVGE NTW. LFt9 OF 5t.a a iN%DAttN ttAiFfBY. F EYPOSFO SOLS IRE YEt MD DOTAAE. Q I10JOl LYbE 01AC pb t0 a N]E9 64W iN3N9 fIKR ftEVAlY81 (FFf} K REiER LO 9L0DM11 9PFLi1:'At%1tl FOR Eta11NRe: RL9WSR5 FOR -I plOi R. ta NiANF.M 1E91Lf: MBI 9W1 VERY 11E T3VxVIL 6 mc" MO IJ8UTI8E 9013. 30. cc. -I xL MO [%r9ACr%N IfO PROYLE PbeGPG IE3tlRi9 '.. '.. i0 PE O�1ER Q q.XE A•D COiKT F41 IAL^ .1 iNLTNSY9 ttAtciEp TO 90. 1YPE ND '. CQ'PK11M EgXiba TO OBTMI SPELYfD CQ'PK11R1 rIK(W Wr TIE IFr. ' R GQPKi <QC 30.9 N IA- IRfA9 TO 9!% CF tNWI IXLY W9fY. srMDAIIB Fsncrce lA3m IJE9B) excrar Tle ra ! FEfr YNa BAUL EE CLI9KIED tB loox cavKr ro aex watt Y1ERE Fu w+m ErarDs to FEEL. 11E 9114 SHDLL BE NIIII ]% 6 OPITLr Nc611DE CO.91Wt. N cRAYSM 30.5 /LL PQFtx+p OF TIE F!•NYlCM AWL BE cRIPKiFO i0 WT LE% ilINI 95X � rTZFED Fxacrce warty (Azm GlssT} x0. COWANATE YI1H taO11ELTRl1 ftR B1AC SiOLV IDGATYAO. 1CPEs 41TN OI IDJAFHrt YN25 IAO pAYEttEH19 !WD CMME wTY Si0.P3. xL AVOD S0. LO: VKICN G MitRAKN PRKKE9. NR E.LtbO IEFO N EFLTRAI%N AREA9 SfgAD BE YWL 9cME9 IID IRAGYr-0. xx. SOT HEVAI%tB AT 0.F0.JE3 N%GATf F10NH u.ca HGIFD I- niRWt.PA-NJOf , PA- -1xJSrJ i-EIOI •MNL3B BASE QJDBT xMO, SPM8JJc8) 8-ILt1 KcvEtAlE BhSE (MOOT ]Uq GLA45 51 cQ9ICTFD 48'Ll i LRYREIE YMt {�I CMiET1 YAII 1111% 5X-8% M EMRMED, HUL 4'- { K-tA�l L�cAmv BASE (1JOOt JB8• - s) I:Q9ACIFO 51.89Q. 6 CDCFEIE GRNE3, IFF4B. IAD E%T[0Y Si ••e bi1M CO:KREiF. WOO PA S% -0X IJt ff1IKAFED. ILAR 4'- SIIPTO T. 6 f£Et. T. ACCESSELE PMGlO ltMl! MD IONLFf? ALCf93 ItSE3 $YlE. IBr EY0.-E9 A xaax SCFE N Mfr R2GlxIl xe AC0350E flOU(E! ]IML HIVE A ltAYJ1l1 CROAS SCPE Or x.00% Ab A tIA)B!M RlMC StWE OF S.00L x4 A -T !11 5T0pTIYE H1.3 TO MTW PAYFifNf e8YA1%ee. N k xe art amu i ' >D. FXQ'1'E Si0 11RK GE9LH Dr fQiA11G YNL'.v F0.1DAYp LMAYRI PEtMl6 YI%L SFEDFiLA1%A6 FOR IMEJ1 O<ml NO PN6Q8VNGE. PROAE GQSiRGllnl Or VMls N ALCOWMCE MM IPFROhO LE4�L ]L GR1F181 taOElEG11JRN. FE8FH6ffS fQt YIL. Wig YIIH Oe1LR. :.-., , __,._. ]x. sBlEr GEsal ro an Fca APPRwu. FsSce re •ADFO iEa3r IsslWcf. v. wo.DE caLYn+.LTlal AM AS91iA•1� mAr RAAIFlJ voa caBto%tED NTIN ' nE wfrcaclD EAam zap NGLRIc FeY.rs. uDFEwcIAD tnuTEz cvArm aATs. J Ere: B N KcceGM%E MiH AR40hD cesol MD I%GE! ID wrvCE ro RNFGRc31G Ewvlrs z ilE aETArec YML 1, �Qy srrm. I�IDR'N L3mAtw aavmn R`- laEr P%GrEcieN � EACH sr FVYE z FFEr 0•"�` FV' �:1 ilJ%i-(: 4GWE 1RK%EG Pb I fADI ------- SAV SAYgi( LOBrRIGYLtF tlT13 CITY SUBMITTAL B/v J.xX%% EGTraT `F vb. APRIL 24, 2DiB ' NORTH 4 \) Knowwh rsBelow. Call before you mC• D 5D 10D LA N D FO K M FmJl3'te toR�n"'o • ® o 1MS%91Ash" %u Td W-249070 eYb613 Fuc 5122490P MnIEFWEFMN65WT Yletc I3Mfalm.lret FIEtWE L301 WCNIlYAG raemur. naeluer.R Gemxr. L TIE ARYfR MI N9E3 PEWtt DATFO Nla6i L TOq B MFW9iCF0 N MS Oa.ObR A9 RE PER11t. 2. lIE fKEv NO4IX9 LIE FaLavIC bePOFUXi CQBTWKT%N DOg9EMT9 PREPNED BY LNLFaOi SiORMV- MNULF1bR PW/NARRATBE PMPAaD BY LNlFaB1 • MAIBFNMCE MM PW WdWG i S1adiHAi[R &PS L 11E CHSATM SHl11 NAVE PMYRT SSMtXLtiY ALD SOWCk1r N1TIN2ET fM 15 MNiaibff, fPV1HRA11aA IV{rtODUCE, roPECTAt ND MbAbR! TO IIE IPGFOhO 9\TEP. alfH HCLILE BUf ME H011R1TF9 To. • GdAC FlLL [liAlHaf WM lIE S\PrP AIO 11E PEWtT IRFSbiiTC NL EIFtbR9 M tiE 3\PTP, FC11AC BUi rot LMFD i0. • IFSA611TtC SCRT ND fff£GIYE FRO9at b0 SWTNr GCMR0. TEM T .. tAEtCNRC ALL tCN-SL(9i W. iVNA61SR. HD LOGO IgFtR!£RC BP! fNAOG iWT N] tfAIIBNLs 011FR 1WN STORM VATEQ IIE CEdXCFO N AIIMRC'S. Mtl1 YLL WYE M IDrT4X EffEST W RLRMC VA1FR1 OR STORM CRAN STlTi513. EtC. • CR0aT9C ROV(TE IBfELT1O8 ANl MANRIWCE • BdS•C GOWRIAMw EM !LL tNlLCOODRM! • TO TO ASBTE 81 M T,I ifE IELESSlRY CCRR£ClKle/18PIR9 IRE tUOE itTlD.TELY, ILD TWT , AT PRa[Cf CQRE9 \11N RE SYPPP, 11E PERMAID MPROYEO 0.N8 AT NL RYS L DNL4/-T. Met DEYRCP h1lUlpt PRHNBgI MAN•tilvtf MEAl.YfA. iflitEltf GOW IgAFSMHC BPS. MM iA10V ALL APFICABE fETVRN. STATE, AN9 IaAL BRRC GWH. aAPAIILN.V. lAMtt AID N'lLM AL1 ANl TIE LENltIL CAAMB I10 L1NBtN. MA#fGtfS M lfE Cae 2. TE WERATM SNL META: TIE EAro I TO SiatrNA1FR M IVY M TIE PRaACTI. WTBBA. M VASTFS I- ar 91E. !. AARIC RK 1 TWT WVE TIE PoR BW. TO IEAAr PCLLfNO4 M8r tE O [R COYER 4. QNT 1 IUD -I MTI -I I- X N!£R COhR TO M -T TIE RSODRCE W PQLIfNNi A WNUQtiAOE]0.EfTW0QE59 M 11E FaLOMC MG8 Qr 4rE IVP•2 • tN1TW -rI MEAS . YLigE ALD FAifHlt FIELlC !UD tIM1IGIAKE AQEA4 • COA9EIE VA91gA9 • AM ND 41UCC0 YA9KVT9 . 0.2PSiFR9 dE ORE4 TRA94 1NJ 0[924 COMNERS • SML MS • SIOaVIE! • IVY OBER NN-S(W.Gf1FN. rYFIhTMUt VATFR BNOQlNR BIP9 • A'tY iffW8X3Y t0 TIE W sl SrWKMIl BIDS • IVY QWCES RC111RK BPS R b1D VAST[ CttlEtlfO XRSY, A9PWLT HD CQCi>ETE ISLlIG9. it0Ai9L^ MBt0. PIPGL ffA41C. M f1ffiGA81 Y w Ab W WRCH 6d� MD OBER YASif9 MAT X RYOSED .-Y HD tlbf CA0.Y NTN MPGA wPOSIL REaARBLMA ]. W WADS VAS1E: 0. CI50.1E, PAM MO AW NA1HAOt! 905TAVa5 NAT X PROTAY I,-. NC01tC XC - CAUf-1 TO gELetT SPLLS. LEMS M 0- AL 1 TO S- --1X PRO•T -0 TO N LQYLAIY£ MRRMtNL RR Ql ]d3 NOLGL II ODMMY CdfMt6lf As IPgCISE. S TIOBE To- f POSiMEO 50 TWT TIEr ME YL14E HD NL -r BE 4 CaICRETE AHJ OBER VAH011( VMI[ OPFRATM NAT PQOVLE Flit ME LONfANTtti fat ALL tGD NO 90.D VASiF9 RlF4A1E0 IT VA9gif OMRAi1aB. 11E ICLD ND 30.D YA9T19 NAL Na CORAR 11E G4wD. A10 11E CQRANSYtf MAT X DF9OE0 SO 11Ot R DOCS IOf RE9LT N WNMF FRAC TIE VMHal1 Q>ERAID.A M MEAS IgJO ND 90.D VbiH LUST X DSp09EO M PRW[AY !LD N LLFRIVY£ 1AIN M•LA AVU. A SCN MAT BE roTAArn PRL TR ii iACNR9 LEIWSAI. CWLi&1�OTIEIt YAACVi WIt•SO Nllg TfE p. E%TFAlIL VFf4ClE VA9LL F%LEWUL VA9EC M iRax4 AN) OBER LaBrRULTxl1 YEf4CiF5 M8i 0E N1TiL TO ACa3t9 IKEA M IS 91E WliMF MAT FE [a8ANE0 AeD VIA([ PI[OP9AY IAbOR9 M. I0 GCT[ GE4>&A4C e wA\FO M sE. L ONFi DAREGHND GCPiORAILTt ATM CAXY DASbfY TOND ]494 RMR QOb X OfSEp0, t9r SS900 PNaE ]E1�11-ST00 GAXYmARFENVNDCCRPtaI i0 X MiFRfNO. CCMACT OVKB WII. CQBRARM a 98EG1F0. 1 IAC tERM MIfrEOlHCE ILD OPEQAttH rD X XTEWNO. cagscT olrrs wIL u.Nc TT%m nurrtNNce catrwcrat e sBrx>FD. 4. SYMP CE9gEQ 51EVE 113RAStl PE LllC£091 PRME59OtIL SERYLFS IG<i la181 FFM AWL[, 9tTE 56 rnElPaa rN n4o1 6R-i42�10 SSIATI301A CERifCAICN U M M tN OESat M CO6IWILTgr S\PfP. EYP. MY SL ZOq 4. SYPW N9ELTM/LWr.1LER r0 � GE1Mtl•EO. CORACT OYNBt 154M1 COr(RIGtM NO lYRP roM4TM/tVU1ALHt 6 SBELfEO. S BP roTN9wrat HO RfAAR TO ff IETFaH9. COMAR ONFR MrIL BLP roTNlli[ A`D MISYNER e STLECYEO. L caarw:cna+ scrum Na1us [Rosa+ sro 9Euvrc catraa Nvs rerwATYAL Pt>stL�� GarFBN:. NE L¢Ig1L. IRMY IBtNLAigy PA1'NL. IlD To= M OTMR SITE \'at RE££R TO GYIAC, MAHILE, PANG /UD FRa3g4 COrIR0. -1(1) FOS NBLL {. I- TWS0. iQa1 ASA9 f0 X w11R9E9 ANl It- MM MH - SERE%R f.ARK0. KPA PRPA.E STAB8ATg1 F flit LLfCER IIDV N DAYA S RQCN ttILE BTE. E rorwL urL9rEA ]. roT- 9U0. 1lfME (W. ELECIBG, LOT11iGAilg6} S. FSVL CRAM PAVNTNT IIEIA A!D CQPILT 9.BC4AM. L LAY DONT PAWNT ACLRKA. ND cOPAtr. 8. M- AYB MD - OALYfE1 sFTER A iNLRt M T- DAYS N. -T NLiRAIYN RI.LTCE TO S X\ER NETS E REIbrE RLPattaY BPA l 1NE SITE a LMAiTO M11W INE NO r6QiMCLS t0 A XAHIf M ilE M4565Pq RM1SR TWT a CWSFFO A9 A SLtlC M RECSAIWIIL W,'HL Xgbtt. PROFLi9 wgDAC1C TOT VATEQ9 MAr -TI ILOIIptl1 BEST P(tALBa3 (BMP+) Falx N IN£fR% A M TMNi S PBBEt (G.L L.1,.2. C k LJ)) L R6 PROJLT rsEi WVE t1T TiU.V 3 ACES mINC TO A Ca1YN LOCAICN A•D RENiIX+E A 1FWNMY SL-0ETM 0A41 2 REAAA9. T. TBPORMY SBa£M BABA >tltl. iROILE 1V ATMltT t0 RUNMf BEFOS R LEANS 1HE CQBTWILIILN SRE CR ENTFRs SLRFACE YAifQ9. TIE GOMWGIM 9+uL caaY mN TIE FaLmNc REarE%fBex A. SE(rE1RAKN 01.48 IIAf PKOVLE WE SiORI.tP M RgYiF � 111tC ERCLT TIE 2 -TR 24 -HL QlNFALL [LTM f4w FAW ALR[ CRNLO TO lIE 0AM YRN A INVf M 1600 M/ILftE WE StORALE VOI4AE. (NERF Ib GNCUAICN NAS BM%t PES(AEO, FAQr 8A31 SWLL TROKE Ai LEAST SCOO M/ACiB M WE IT To YRSOlx BA%MAT NCLIDE A STIALRO F1xF0F1Ci' 01TS6LW TO PREWIT BASH NIEGRm FALI.RE. S OeAVALE fRa1 IBPM TO TOO SLRGi1Alg1 EASre VLL ff HRLRAYN FRR1 iNE BEETLE N QSNt TlEtE TIE RSaDRGE M MLLEAMS A t LACE fRm 6A511 RtANC 9rIIL Wf IDrT3YiY Y CIEGx TO REMMG YATER M wf56T51ti PROFTStTES CQrIWL M `N. LSSWLY A4FY ADEtLATE rREAlibtf NAS OE91 MTAN9 AND iWt NL9NCE CON]TYlB VLL NO1 5911 iRM lIE OBaW1LE. 4. ItT1 fA4aVRCE C09.N9 t0 E aYAB3C GIIBC TIE t6Et11a1 9VLL SCORTD. OLiQig9. 110 MOfaWR 9. S RFffR TO SLEET L3.3 FM LOLA1Di M tElW.RIRT SYTHtf BASfB. 1BPORtaY SEDf611 BARET N SHOM at SME1 GO0. WVE BSN IPPRWWfIN.Y 5OE9 MR 1TFt1 TA AME. L SFE LRIAC ORINAM, pAYNt HD EROSxH CONTR0. SLEET FLY ilE I CAIKH NO TYPE -Y. EQO9O1 PQEVfNMt Ab SEMWr [OtIR%L BP4. SEE LRIAC' IID MIItMR IIIDIY. /tD UUO•CIPE S4E;A fM i!f LOGATCN IUD t l I=T M09a1 PaENNKN NO SEREIR LORIt0. BIP3. T. APPRAYNTE CgBTRUOIILN PFA[iCFS L. CR81W0KN PIUSNG, YELFTATM1E 0.FfER TRPS. NataAR YELL ) A1NJ (EG To A%E3. Z1B. Xr iHtX TO BLPOPE YM[ BEaA O'FRI.TQt 9VUL MYEtW fERC03 TO MNSaf30. CgPAG'llal AR41£ M B1LV1: Pb PA -T H8A9 NO UTIITY I-II AN) 9WL 1AE TRI6F0 EOJFtbtf MHEtEQ3 BlOAt INf W GYAWti LAH) w112atC ALTMTES OEaI TNS[ iRAGfL 3 SIALL IV3lyr N Fl.AtE O1rL iNlt siIHBAIgr HA! BXN ElTI8M9 N TIE TING M r roruuTEN M II-, cArMA eRAcily my BE IDAATEq TO ACCCfT I'W SNaa-TWII ACTMIES 9)OI A9 GIEHBtC [R CW%FC. M bASSAGE M Kf4CTE4. Ntf 9CRt-iFQfl ALTMtt MAi BE CRNEIED N OS J.Y POSSeE A`O TIE SFOfEfR CO11Ra. PRALIIaA 9011 5 roTALLFO HEAATB.1 MTER RE AUNTY B CaRE1F0. HOfENR SEOTENi CQYR0. PRAGBX! 9UL. X rotALLFO 0M WF 11E IE%i PRECNTAl1LN EVFNi EVEN F lIE ACR•ltt tl !Uf \ETTFD PEWEITR M ANY TBPMMY M MRLMbii CRILDGE afW LR SVAtE 1NAi ORAro YATHt FRa1 Iflf' MYi1at M 15 CA81RlG1CN 9TE M alMi9 VATTS AROUO itiE 9EE, 9V11 BE STIHdE4 MBN 200 VEIL FEET iRLlt 11E PRQERTY EDM. M iRw 1HE PMtf M GBQY.RLE MO !M' SB6AM VAITR ITTAF48 - OF IIE WT 200 NEIL -1 9VL. X GAHSIW Yi1M1 24 110189 COLEGTSC TO A SUFACE VAIEA Si1XBArat M IIE HfWLC PQtipB M /!IY rBPNIRY M Mfl1ATRN maEs Ai SVALES 9011 0E CClP1ETE q8•t N DAYS Kt GI LQMCTtC TO A SU6A[E YA1ER Ab Ca81RUGTKN N IWt PMTgt M RE gTCN NN iHPBtAW.Y W PEfdWEIBLY MAYS. Y M PERMNFNf i1TLH•J' W SVNES RUT IIE YIL^ 1Tt0 b A `.fWEfti cwrrlNE.ti snTet MM PRWGLx c saEq Rax mar aEcss, qs Rws, Xr LYES E/CJ w NOT IFS9 TO ff 9(AB D. REX AREAS 9t41 BE SEABIRD NEIN T4 NORS IFTFR NO LQCfR Birt IAfA AS A PREM CQRM4EM SY51NL !t1 EVOSEO 90. YEAS (NOIRC Sia1tPLES) MOT ff STISL59 fTEDATFLY t0 att S0. EQOSKN riN 1NB CO8IWCICN ALTMfY N TNA1 PMTKN M iFE 9TE WS TDWMIUe.Y M PERMANENRY MASED Aro VLL NOr RE93E Fat N CN&Ota DAYA lE1PCRMY STO0wE9 MITI T SIOECIM Xi. 0.AY M MCI5 CaPAENfS (Et, DEIN ACadCA1E lTOCKMES CC!'Ia111011 LONWETE STOCGPEb, 9AIp STOCTPIESJ A!O i!E CA8IRUGTW BASE LAPOL IIS M RObl. PAIONL LOT! MO Af.AR 98FAGE9 AS EOBPT fRm iN3 591IdfFM. TWINRIRY l0. liaxAES lWL WYE XT FEUD W 0- BffL1AE SPREM L YOM[L YaM1E -II9XN A9A9 M1tR -TIM CR�AI I aTaH LEaWFS SVOI N PMASNC IUD ltAMBAT%ll PRACM143 aESLTTO FOR STEEP etas (Fc. 9rnE MAIa< rlD rER¢AMe} giaTBcr sraan MAN IIL siQ2i MAN NETS 9U41 BE fYRECTTD BY IR'Ra'12I.tE OtV9 GVAC CQBtRKTp1 WTL N.L SOStGH MM Po1Gl81L FM (A9LWRQC TO RE NET WVF BEEN siI91A9. tAET PROTKTYN MAY X TNPMMLT WiNLT9 F A SfECYC SDEtt CQKEpI iW BEfrI LT%OTEO. DEVAIBBC M BASH fA'tMLC M BIS M SEOITirt LlDTN VAOR -A- TO COeTOCiCN I.G1MiP9 9W1 OBgYRLT9 TO A TOPCRIRY M RRW&tt SEOTEMATxN BASH M iPEATFO \iiN RE APFYMIDAR BY PWat TO FNT[W!C r SLEILE VATFR AmRbL' Y IFfa'T RECBI'iG V�A1ER oR i9AETtAroS, GR pONA1RF; PRWEETEA IASCNtaCE PaYT9 9Utl X AOEOBTELY PROTECTfO Mal [ROSIN NO - IT ALCE91f9 fNGttY 0. ATW MMSRA REFER TO PL9M REOJRGTNr9 fat TBPMARY W PEHDFE%iT SLRb? BABA D, tlT YTfCtE TR11afC PID9 SN111 X fAfAA.6E0 N 9bN1 LN TIE LYIRC. ORAIIIfA. PAVNC MD [A09CN CLMR0. ASET i0 ttEIIE iRICYtC M SERSti fRA, ifE Ca81QULIxN 9R ORO bJACViE STREETS. L s eRlDec A•D MutuE, vgtrr. IID u.•DxIFE sEsn Fat Posr caBfaaTat Bvx L NSPECMe OR RE-TWCxC11 I. 9LLIL BEoI LaQILiFD OCE EWtY XYW ELS GREATER 1N.W 03 IGE9�N 24 Ngt6. /egTMIFN gKN (>) DAR Kitt iWf. RFffR t0 TIE Pt9Et iLY NSiOttN IeD MNlrNMCE REOIHSIIS T. NYEGTIRD SWIG HaILE ST19 -0 IfEAf. ERCYN PREWOCN IUD YAbR CQRR0. HYS, ND Ni1RAttN AREAA A BP MANIFtWNE • FaIOV liE OE9^a[E5 OR MAYFALBMRS RELgTHd9 MNgDIM1M fYttT 5 iLR NL BPA • REIIO,E SE'[YIGrf frtai BPS VIEtI RE a9M M SFRVR HAS REARED VT f1E 1(!'.9rf M IIE BP ND P¢MEaY DBM M XTrWI MO CORRONF9 I➢ A5 TO PREYbIT 90. Taw REIURN4G TO TIE BP GIfdC aA4EdWf RAN YGR4. • REtIO.£ Sa•EM fPa1 PAY£O (roIBIAY3 HD FRQT IAOW BH PROTECiNC STOBI GRAN NETA • EtlSBE 1HAt LOBRACTYN 9PMRT ALTMLES NgtRC N.m+W MEAS YA9TE ASAI. CQtfWLiM VQB /FEAR #O MA1Gbl. 9rCRALE 1REb HO OG%CATHt CQtltETE NO A• ILLT SATOt 0.k1(S ARE LtEMFD MD MAMUEO. • RfAAM 0-0 BM9 MAT NO IAKER a TE EfEEGTMS.Y. 4. AM BR AS 1HLf0 DWSC CABTWCTW TO IN1>F EROSAt IID PREVEM SEOIENI FRttt IEAYNC IrE 9TIE. l 11E SYPPP ((NLIiK M CO'i 1 NaIDLC• NL LWN19 t0 R, HD t6RSiDlb HO MNt1EN1NCE AECOAW 9W1 X AEPT AT ilE 91E aWC CO8IWCTLf1 BY OVER/QERAC. Y1D FEfNAS CPERAIIaW. LAO M OR POR ON W I!e C. TIE SVPPP CAR eE f N BRER RE WO M N M Qt S. 1'£t4LlE NOW VL YaetC Iqe. T. !t1 OMR(9) ILSs Tf£P 11E 5\PX, 8aC' MM PE ialAltL^ IGPiCNIL 1BdNAT1Or Q0I} INS 0<E9(3� LC14fA � AECO2]S �iFR St9VYTIIM. M iN9 NTT. A liE FW1N11t S A LLfT M SSat09 1Wt 4W1 B<TFP1 At i1E WAECT 91E Avlasee FM MMcroRs ro REAEr. • LWY W 11E SYPPP. 'fRH I.VY ICRCAIge . I8PEL11a1 ND MAIt(GUM'E RKLR09 • PEBWbtr tP[RA1CN ND MMtRIW1M ALHHNLTf • LNALA1Yro FO2 TIE OES']l M LGPWtaY IID MWIItFM S1aBl VAiFY IDrLLGLfrIT SnTTBA • A`if OTNS PBdITS SAIEO Fat IH: P¢OF{T • RECaO' MALL NSPELTgt ANl MANRNAlC£ CQAIC(f0 alB4C CO81RW'MI . ALL PC41NEM1 Oi .1LTi ALD M1NBN4CE AGPiHSlfS "T WYE Odlt ttiBbRF9, NatAC ALL f0L9R M -Y. CMfrGCTA COVMMTS AN) OBER I- VATM MMALTSVa 9YS- L 11i ONFSt/CMRATat(]) MA1 AIUD TIE SYPPF N IFLYs ARY TO ecvcE 11a1ur11 PSEOarE�ruB011.. 9nr AS lunxuu art reoPEo BPI, axFa ra Q'.W64T FYM1Be f£f11FE0 M AMSA! 'ANA1g8 A! MtA1E0 N lIE MW Tf. t RE ONFIR/QTQATW(4 MAf Bt9RE MDL STIHIIAttN W RE BIE fiDL lfABAA N N IIE MPNf. L OINK/MTQAT 3) V9EC TO 1TAfOlE COUM/At gDfR iro Mm91 MOf SUBR A N)Kt 1F8ttAltgl 1011E roCA aA'RBNE YIIN lla Pt91f e QMFEO WR A ILf a >AI RLPER TO TIE Mott fM IHAL . DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. 1636NEAA'EYYRU;D Hl(RP,'FR, m556930 7a R'NiSW.iM OO/4UAt RT •I® 0! RIVERBEND NORTH OTSEGO, MN CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2018 L A N D F O R M imn FB W Push 1056aAi AYe\A Tt 6122441W0 SIb613 FD: 612-2524M ATniNDNF, M 66401 YMa Wldkm TAEIWE L30iMLNIAI'G IT pRatOAtUL YRrYE9 At 6Q.xix.9010. DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. Sib 613Fac E14x4xi1" 1Une6pft __wee faed(a..k ]535 NE RNQt ROM19 ' EIKRNFSL unlSUO tapsyJrsm.nA9apsursl x. PA IUTNNL9 4UTILITIES lNiiAaY lE.LR pY0 Tft u (A!m OJON. Dx66A ! xW. !ul sEwl savr.E we !9a u, xaIlksoEwE IQ (um ones, wolf, anbz . Fm7 WrASE rrsw sERvaE larLwe a Wm ores, wolf, mbbs, t NORTH Fw�c STOfeI lFxHt wc)SOEruE b Wm ones, wwf, oMel, Know whoYe BGIOW. a�WeQ-a aAas s �.5m eTs) r or RW xf'-fee aI59 J. x, m wb CIP AtLMf9 STEFL -Qa (AAMO. ttM. Qt Tnif: ASm A4R A)6o. ANe) awl rLE NxE olsrc 4�cAAvrt' o msx �rbo�m ovso. A caner unnr sEaveE Faarxv+s Fca Fen LOCAigI a saf5a! n Neu 1. CQi1RILtOR To i8D -1 LOCATM AIa HEYA1iJ1 a ALL URIfY -1 a R I V E R B E N D Ca6EC1YM t f0 CaeiRLCTgI W N(r FaWOYa 9R1R3. LYMaALTW To NorFY bLN R tt[AATN.Y F ncRb B N1Y 0.X0fNCY. N O F?T H 0. LLMRAOtOR TO POTICtE FLL IlrllrY LaO5YC9 NLR i0 CaEtRLCIYM OF TEV VME! to Vr FY arNW CF HDTIC ltEs. CQRA4T LIQMII ltiMTfiY F INY CQFisOT! ARE L>9cahFFO. OTS E G O, M N b. PPNYxi tFN6 AN) fEAlaE3 To Pltorecf ANK&n PROPERn feel nNVLE avec vnnr eerAUAraI ]. PFE LeCRi3 SNOwT ARE feat eTNlirt W 9TRCM1aE TO CTNrrR W SLRfCiNiE W bD a 60 lEGYIaL wr 0. eCTALL LWQ•R w8 wTH Nl tYtf-CaOVCIeE UMEA rshe a rmsN Q CQiEOi i0 CttY VTrsIH N uCatoANR YtIN CI1Y a orlEOo StAlDARw. I0. -T CITY a of5EG0 AT 7­440fat VET TAP IM¢OttAI 6 MAMAH ]3 fFEt W Mho W VAiet Q. IxfiEGT VAT[4 To e1ANIlJ1 6tY11 reb+n wrsLE Y9AWTCH AT SEwNt a:ossecz CEMTR pFE 1bC11u f0 FRWeE 08ATFSt SE9ARATKN pffYEEN JCNtA usX4° vn rte 0. OQRAOT CITY a OT%Co eCTEfsI110 a9ARREM, AT 7-4K Fal FI1A610 A'a PRESAstE re5T IBFEeILTb. N. PE VATFR O6ip811LTt SYliFM 9L4L 0E RWfO1Fa PER KiESOTA RLLEA PART 1>N. 0. pRo,9E 1�qi N9 FONi (ASm mbx9 sivs.r,Tu1 Qf lANtARY XYTR 1H! tWfl e FEEr ars. N. RH F ra 0.LKfG 0.IH5 FOR 0./ T:r X9ARArCR NrAL. iFE rNK AN] rW 9.AL efb! 6E amco To IWAE 1R/ffiL Na !0. tOlaA itE TC " BE j PROT6Crta fRg1 PREELC ANS tSDi cartY wrN ALL LOCK ND lfAre Ca.ES. n. ALL pORip0 0.11E 9toR119<Y4R 9YS1ElL LOCATFf1 wINN p f££r a RE B1MC OQ VATFA SSV,LE IlE net B< reSreD N ALCOmAN:E NIM MtE50tA AJrl, PlAi 47N. Q NL .qh9 Na OabELIKle N iFE STOet irTR STSret SNNL eE WIC1R W VAreR tYJa. AppR 9 GESITM leOLt JJNT! MT 6E tew TO TWE I I, VAtfRil]fr CQNtig3 Te eWliaf9. CATW e15f0. NO oTNR lTRIGTIFEA K CATH BASW N aF8 IfD NTifY ARE LPW x -5 BeOY 11E NfreR Wim' ! I xo. eon rsu N rbs.raArrN sores zwL rf ANaAAs, teNt-cl+cuaan aacc I xL 1­­4­­24'­ bb'AMN­1­e0 wG •ISoxf'eN4V CRN£-seNLETO --To •Asec. xs vao+nb caurrs Tea uaE reEvexN Aro orree azeTaaw canxaeArwa Zl. eoaawAre wm ttit WICK F43EeC, Na ttELTPLK ORAVYC! POa LOLATpC a xm9cE eoeeEeTnu ND aenrAutLat «: xaveEa wuEt aaoTc. x0. ORPAOr GGE9VE 50.9 N PAYeI AREA9 To 93x W eUIJlTf OTfY aN5(fY. nNaArm wocr9R (Asm oboe) rxasr ce iW J fTEr wra a+NL eb CQ'FALIf9 TO W WG LaPAGi To 9B% l6BrT wERE FLL aPiN EALa99 p fFEt. 11E lOL9 9W1 EE 'IfnN >% a WIn21 IYOIN£ Cgnblf. N La/ VLAR 90.4 N1 vnxras W 11E F1BkalEMf 9V11 BE La9ACi[a to Ibf tf39 Toll b% a tLCF[9 rR(KTCR axsn (A!m 063]} R A0.fAT liWOYUE3 To FfU1 WILE wE� w11RXD. ta0.Y wM fEaFeFNr9 a UIIITY. IEET fd:a MS FOR TRNfiG LOIAC N pAVEO IRFAS. PQ`y CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2018 LA N D FO R M Tmn srtsb FPEsh • • 705ftAFWA— Tbh e12-252iW70 9 Sib 613Fac E14x4xi1" 1Une6pft __wee faed(a..k RE NUE U0f6WAf1MYi ' PROIECTW. CACI= 4UTILITIES G NORTH Know whoYe BGIOW. Call before you dig. 0 50 100 9 TO OPEN (. VNff9 Ti' "TE PLMl tlti� L GAR! rNY BF fVN1ALLY R< HEGTRIGALLY Di[RATF9. NIf✓DFY.ff Yl1 VARY Pat AEGfPLN1Y CPfRAT[9 <ATFA SINGLE CANTILEVERED SLIDING GATE NO SCALE " aD. RD. 9}FFL LZf MM GIP. T1P. f-J/d OD. aRALE RAL J' 6' VINYL COATED CHAINLINK FENCE v NO SCALE DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. 7636 NE wVERR EIAwlEILm�6P30 m aaNtsm.PA%fF — alb —1 `L V e• ra T wr of 9ER1 Ar Yr � wro rta eu+l 'u- - 6D Ai O/11e Lt6G TOP FN.IXIF9 iMdFui A!D CaRER DPvT MM CID. TN. FI/{• CWMIPB RIL MM JiRK 91RID iIXt tf�1 1'f!!L �FAaeG 6' OL. 11P. lE Ypf9'9AGF0 tEN5lt1 aA2 e• ./- w wrtFa tmral e+xnE9 siRly Pae ft51 OTSEGO, MN I-II I I T 111 tveAea RIi RAL VTM liRIP I I. I I I I I T -1-211 W CLAY 9ACNC Sae TCP aP Faoroc G[tCt&R FOa1NG AT IEWEUL ND CARER DOP(5 (N.Y 1 CAVF ALL DOSra MO IfE t. IAYPJf YRE tr51 ND AT 9ALL FLL 6' VINYL COATED CHAINLINK FENCE v NO SCALE DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. 7636 NE wVERR EIAwlEILm�6P30 m aaNtsm.PA%fF — alb —1 `L V e• ra T wr of 9ER1 Ar Yr � wro rta eu+l 6 Fr D N% W arI911DD LE9fF%1LE 0 (f IF IllI1lPAaef RIVERBEND T� - Kfia rn/a'ai SPLSFCAt1eN J6NF 5raa1 GRIN rPer Pa9tecrLxl- PuvC vL roFar NORTH - CFDOE9 FQe NFEal1t R-Y!M-A CR 0.-J13a-I (1f00( •00 Palle cAsmc '1-11 OTSEGO, MN I-II I I T 111 I �I I I I I I=1 I� IIMlIi >�7 -11 . I L LIG A 6' TRDKH N.aK 11E MFiLF9 fE1Ke IlE ae Itg fDD•E 9189 ANCIefX. 2. rove w riMau Ar eaNvxr 6LEVArYIL D^°r'N'u'I r•f 1 CAVF ALL DOSra MO IfE t. IAYPJf YRE tr51 ND AT 9ALL FLL LRQND At 11E aIGL Sf£ (F iFE iRbKlt fbKE al ifE lFIR1 SLE NM RE iTNCa IPE. I:D SILT FENCE '. V, NO SCALE I alwe N 9V•1 I W 0.Ale / 4'D ROTNKE /Yy OIC VALES- RFHa / fL5 T9 0.kb 'A' e2ltN LEGTN ` Si F6CE Y fNfL1 Ctl F N39E0 YA9E0 ROR _ vosr V e• ra T wr of 9ER1 Ar Yr � wro rta eu+l ASTM faILF/aAL FF9lE 9 IELA9 LaG1EYRE a•AIR M FA9aG ftIi[D URa RaS YF rs'.oa m>e.cTa >9 IllI1lPAaef alraLOE Pats Ift VEHICLE TRACKING PAD vw NO SCRIE ��® wPE Isar eAVEts smY v/atT Fuca 6AG9 {90 teaCN fitta 0115 f v a>ruD woF aASFn b �i YF rs'.oa m>e.cTa >9 alraLOE Pats - Kfia rn/a'ai SPLSFCAt1eN J6NF 5raa1 GRIN rPer Pa9tecrLxl- PuvC vL roFar - CFDOE9 FQe NFEal1t R-Y!M-A CR 0.-J13a-I (1f00( •00 Palle cAsmc � ,� � . <.._ e NRASK£ - 27' OE6F6S LQJPL1pN DEYIGE ALRfNAINE b ..I -T— AMOa11EJ ny INLET PROTECTION NO SCALE V, aTl82a i9 PAGE F aEe a• a _ CITY SUBMITTAL `• APRIL 24, 2018 c/r aw. I 9� 4 • • _ L A N D F O R M F� --. FmnSteN Fuish • • F' A• AGLiSGAR MSwAFMIA— Tek 612 ',2QM Sub61J F- 61Z2RN T7 t•Vnfp01E.mN5w1 wNa 1•ndf.—t C(t81RLLY MN REVfD4 AaE LV(RR A}EFE IIE PAYIiENt 9.ae5 AYAY FRaI FEE ILUE C701M000iDAG c1Pa amTa calci ro nlra PAveua cR/sE. 6aae MY ce nTE9.) PROIECTHO. [11076007 A 8612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS NO SCALE r7 1 B< = MSLE aNEIEa H - eILTEEl COVER ABN GfE 1 -arm cr eEGJFC rurEaw. aoae NFF wuoATRN GISs a (wc k xcE PCE) aASs a eEaSNc mE PFE a Ea x W IIE CRII4AIA BEWFC BELT' 1!E RE D A ttRN1 W 5' iQE 21• L%II— IFO . -1 4 1— w FOR 66• OWEIER NO URLFa RPE. KO 4' FQE NIWE9Are Sofa. llE NIW. iLL tlAlw I, lV11 BE WEELY CQPALTEO WIAAIR IG i0 A 1£OR W R' N4R ilE TOP W IIE {YF. a< - arFR auErEa N = 9AG%FLL COLFR ACOrE PPE d = arM 6 BF90tL' tIA(E9o. Ot£R FF4 OWLLIR FaEDAttN GI:S C (OP k Rd) QAN O FL4FC TFE PPE B BEa.FO N taPAL1EO CR To A I IaiEYbl. Q2 tbAiY LOFIPAOTEO iLL (a1E2L1 W TO A ff f EaUI t0 R2�Atm mE MFR W1Eibt cC TIE fYF. mE a'rm a: me Foax aLTEfdK Fear TIE PPE 6 A tNLI CF 3 fM Zl' KD SI1NIFa PPE. 6' Fax 6s• wIFTEa uo Luisa wE. Ien {• Fa: Nrrmrnure SOES. 11E lE1WtC 9.CfLL I.D eFLTFLL NAT(9'L B <aYAL1E9Ia1NE 50.5. A PIPE BEDDING No scn E —r cAS— TO VV tHOV fis(O GtF6E. tWINaE CASiNL HD COKR. NEftW1 R -E{2-0. E53 EROS. 30R QE APRtOhD EGM MIN TYO (2) cacEUEo Na xaF3. iLLl BEO 6 NWtIR BEr'rtfil (kC3, GASTC KD qi MSCE CF RNCA Y Ia1biFL^ RNO AS PEGfED (M6%Ft 2, NAIOLI {) 1✓� L QI tOlNO15 e' OHr Ito CirFA1EC A RE fOT fOUt NOI ((-1•) aRcur sc�rA+ 9"11 re N.ARa IT•OAT(iY ONOY CQE SECIYM 2. —M BttYTSIt X4TLRta RNLI NAVE •p GSC 0¢2FR —TS. 1 I•rut eO IT— . T 9.45 iNLFFES9 CF 6' FCR N' SiNKYUE �M NOREASE 9le 'r— I— f — EILN f 4' W OEPM 6W MAV I1' AVO 3ifWCE MM sVR VL4/VL{ V.VF. A —J REGnQR a -a A SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE NO SCALE FOIE R6FR PPE SNNL EE E%16OE0 18TF IEYFL N.1—yMI. k REN M EACA TO fNK QiIDF CLEAN-OUT STRUCTURE NO SCALE p J 1— FPE 4• a 1BSC. Q tt1EFlE EYLAVAttAt It(r Fat 99 PPE. Q NNO 9VPE •OTTa1 Fat 4P9att a' ICD FfE. p ��xcFaioiAr «s�ara�} ae •°�lsore fSaR9 FOR IOLK CGAiIO1 OFPM YNES Q PROrt.E LOLATEC/f VA[tK TIFF t[#RC LOCK fEOLWMRS. O � 4�CA4iVx LE}/1 SPECFCAICtB Fai BEaarC A UTILITY TRENCHING NO SCALE RPRAP`Al RL9 GFGETS i i HVD FtACEO fARM PVE tFNGI1d at FUN OEPm iER TIP1E bD N LALaiAlKta \ Z AItE r0 11< PQIr iR FOJ E%TbD( IW R FiS J LRPAGRO 9EGRKE fMai (SEE 0.3F1) REctfoN ( P fat 21' OLl LYE ND SIW1eR b' FOR Stl LV. FPE HO LAR6R FA9(ENNG aP 1ES� Y8D cQRFR TO 90.T PROrLE TRA91 aOA 9 NO 00.19 al ul rLen/amen iYTLE J FAST W 520•} _ I!O HO( fA LKVAI@ AFiCR FIF10GA1YAi � O I 1 TIE DETAIL rE v.sr 3 FFE 1BLIrz IaE 2 TE B0.t fA516K3 PEC .qrt. 00 t25TN1 AT 601 FRGi raP QE BOfr011 W PfE. O O 11 TRAl1 cILL® SmL' NCE 9E ew3 x ea.n P 3/4' 2 1/T 5/•' IROMETRIC Is• 3/a Y 5/e• B' 3/4• Y 5/C 2R4' f 4• 114- I. /VI' Y 3/Y 42' F 4 3/4' 6P -Y2' 1 1/{' T F Te• -SP 1 FLARED END SECTION AND TRASH GUARD WITH RIP RAP NOSCALE HiWNEt ttL.�Ea VIM FLf% 9'laa HtLRA fEaa (coot cuE) aU!!F9 fW W LIPS) t GfSL YIFO lSGVFi Qa aaAFD ROL% (2/J EP IIAR2K r6' GATE VKVE (SSEFM FEpt£ 4 NEIXWIt) MM 2 UYbLS / TYPE Q2 ARR020 FaLLL { K P0.Y. IE —w— — `b LOC(E(E — NafE'k L FRE NYIXUNf9 9011 BE PlNFEO ¢F9 AY IIE fAGidtY. 2. TW CP FRE HYDRFEEf a9GN aEVA(pl SNNL EE 23' AeOrE fl Rf0 BOLLL FRO 41 W.E. x must nca ac raY ALSa � rEo32Ea al IRb Ew 1N9. 4 CO.HL VA(Ep11AN as 0.A't z waft eRNo uo Waif. s xi(auEr MM LacK AlalpdiY. A HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE WITH BOX NOSCALE A L RECTION A -A STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN MANHOLE NO SCALE fLu Fo a roerAR BErrfw RFLS —2.-4— L e•ul LF2.ttAl2tSt (F4cala€re LL MtM ALL .IONr9 BEl`IFixt CASING. CN65. K!) YILS MM • RECTIt7N A -A vArta-rorc wFP 2. OOWOUSE4 9iA11 BE CRa11EO ON e5m TIF artxE uo fLRR. 27" STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN NO SCALE DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. I6 NERIYERNON) HARIfEiLP"55130 �((>WtawFK LGNIarsI 0 RIVERBEND NORTH OTSEGO• MN CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24.2018 L AN D F O R M F— Vtt, Fmih I05Sa F'MAa%e Td M-2ZM Sob 613 F¢ 612-25244 L•vKd( LW 5MI YW% I•ndf O.nM FIlE WE CIDAAUVILFAG MJECTW, WCtml LPL B kTO� 'GAL B k B Cl lEF B k 6 'CAL B k B ROOT CP FN.M BkB FRR.r B k B r4nlrt B k B HLM BkB aOD BCtrn :k BkB l CO.YfACT UMY 9TRVCE PROrLiA] F02 (TiD LOLAraI W SERLYFS T2 N1W fRT t0 BFLTtln. 2. COWALATF NltAWttN YIM LYN1QACttp! PERFWMn H1A1FD Y03. 1 0.IRt( BAtN611 SflU1 CQFLWi t0 11E NEOCM ASSOM1Y11 W NSL4AYlbl STNDA9! Mn BE W NAROY 9TIXK FRE£ FR[N Gt4A£. EFESTAttM OM11LB, ANJ OSVLGTRA1nH. iQt RSG FAVGY BETA HI TIE NICR CF 0.Mf! W ilE SREDUE Mn TIE Nl%R 9nAN GN PE ORAAAn, TIE DMATIL lull. GOrtFlE 4. 0.AMLNL !LL 11N1 CQBlt W 4 PMt! iGRJG3. 10 I PMT PEAT MM3, VBH 3 VOU09 W CCTSERGUL FC4IIldE AECFD PER RBC YIRO. SPREM A E•EAe1 W 6 11LLE3 W TOPl0. NN SW Ill IICE AREA! R91URBfD BY CRBiRUGR9l E BDGE l%9e Bm! MrM 6-NR1 B.N.Y vtm EOGIn (9.Inc wrap m APPRwED ERUL) EruPr ANBD ARDDEeB TO LTI@In, YAlJ9 CR 81ERn5. 7. 0.AW fLRTA ACCORONG TO LAYOUT MM PPLRR NQtUl WAGNO. 0. TfE CEtALS fCR OEPPI W 0.AMINO S0. 4 NSTML I MW WPM W 9FFDOEO WFOYOW BMG EfAR1 N 90B BED ARfb. q. NSfALL 2 TO ] InN DEPRI W SNBDOEO IWd2IOG0 BMd( NIGH N PERbenL BE9 AP.EM IL ISiM1 A 4-F00f RNETER 9(BCOf9 IWkiIOW BMG f1Wl DDT M0.W 1RFE9 HOT RAGEn MEIN A 908 OF PER9RW. PLINRn OFD. VeM EOGNG B Ibf FERSS9, W2-!! NOrtO OIIbSM�. P. M /IItRO.TC FBBOA1g19YSfrN 9VLL BE USED f0 T6lG'ATE !LL LJN3LME BED! AN) ILSE AREAS. M RRILATIN LRtiRALTGR 9WL fA9i1 TIE SY9RS1 AID SUYR lYA DRAYIIG! t0 Ufn9L'APE MGNiEOr Pw9t TO N3fALLATIGN. R ALL 0.NR5 MBi Af lElSi FRIN. TIE FRIONIG NHLI 11f N CRFOatVNGE AtIN NL9lM NAWRY ASSOMIIRI EiMnARO9 IEAAPFO FRR1 11E iW W 11E BML ta GRttIH TO t1E TW W TIE TRFE/908 lR BOtiQt W 11E YERWlfN IEI }G N. 9Uf.E iRFE4 1D' 0.YEIER EVERCOYN TREE2 ]-4 fEET HGN R9WCMAL iRfiR LY GWETER iMl 11Y8! MO FEDI iMTEa'L, ]--1 fEET NW �9fk8u 24-90 e1N9 Fld IRn EVFRLRf88: F21 NCNS NGH IIIIIIIIIIII1 TIRE (SW) -¢3501 SF. GLUM, TUE (-) - _,- sP. V_ - FT% 21-21) ertial,rnx BASN (EEw) - epD] sF. (arse srED m ]r-aap DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. )S)9 NEF01'EItRYB H%fUf6(m53lBD LBOAy4TRmFIAOeF4um RIVERBEND NORTH OTSEGO, MN CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2018 L A N D F O R M F -S" WFW1 h • • 105So F661A3AXw Td 612-24 M 9I 60 F- 612,2524M C•R8100L MN V141 Wbk NndlWm.W FtF WLE LIJ1WCOpitM'G PROIECTM. WCI6a01 NtSE IT- N GA YRE - J B W LELREE NLERVM.3 (TLFJ g P0.YPROPYIFlE Ca P0.YELNYIBE (40 FIL Fiji rLE SiRM rw.) 1RFE YOM i0 HESi BaunH TREE 9W1 ff FINKED MIH RCOi it11E EVEN 161H 30. IlE ta FRSs BAKR BRIRaItn ROOF wE <p eAm eEEDX sDL CFE. F Rour FuaE e NSi APPIAAIT R tNY BE CWERED BY 90M 9' STFOL STNS TYo (2�) NaES OR lFPOWaUTE PFOBI � IEfDiD t0 fVMIH NILGTC` aE (p FlC 4FR YwE W ROOF BILL f01SE (47 NRH EIAt 5l0DWD HARDY000 !LLCM Glf TW W VIRE BASET 1/3 (n) � iRgi iW W ROOT9NL LVi TYLE FRRf A A¢ �TWB���W ;001BALL. CVi W ROJIBMI_ / GlU iegl TW yLE 9� fLANRY. S0. (5`£ PLANS) EASTNC 90. LCOSFtt9 EDGE CRAMI VME9 (SEE 0.1A8) / T X Z X 21' rC00 STNE SET AT MOLE T R✓bRMEY BOfTR1 MB ICES W HXE IBtRIDE NSPTSf fGR FNWRln ROOTS TO MGATE iU6RE link GS6Lln. RE,Etf ANr TRE£! 1W.i IRE SEVHElY AfFEL1FD. AREA RK FOR 0.ANiNG NO NTERIIAIE tE6C09 W LREE 9tARln IEE 2-h RA W S0. e• : lLI3TRAtE9 ND TO BE BIEIIID qLT F NXFISAYT. AREA RIG/iILEO W W TeK9 N A 0.1e8 POAtgi TM2RlQg1T 11E TO iRRiOTE ROOT WOTI GII1R1NrF£ PERW. SEE 9SQY'Ara6 A DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING v NO SCALE Onw a 9tRA1D N CA 'AEE - S • QO WQEE NtERVAL4 (TTPJ B SS&. SAFE. Pt10E TW (1NREs KM 911E @ P0.YPRWri&E OR P0.YElNYIHE (40 M FVr rnE SIRM -.1 1REE SWC. <E PIA:DW AfiH ROOT fiAfE EY81 MIN S0. LN< Oa FRSs FIAXXF BRNpfn ROOT !AE (p Aq1 YSOY 30L ll E. F a00i fiME B IBL APPMENT R FLAY BE LO2ERT9 BY BUdAR CR 30.. Nunr FT%AFr u rEEaD ro ELM1rAN 1NRDSdArE (EFTIL l Fvccrla wE 0) an wE FaR N7 NRES 9EEaED Nlfd2fOGn rLXDN art rW W ARE 9AlET V] C, PRRt iW W Bru. ar TArE FRaL Moen rW I/] 9Nx BaIR 1/] l wm � 3 ra�D�F aaFreMLacu OvwSIJ I' I 0.MRtIG 50. (SFE 0..Y6) f�iln S0. ICOlEIT9 {�. GRCiILTI VAPEs (Sf 0.A18) R7` T % Z % 24• YO(A liNE SEi Ar /1CtE T�i/+ 9CMFT BORR1 /lD lOFS W LAZE FTdER TO 0.11iitn ERSTNG 9K13ICE FAz�a N9ECf FDa 9lcunen eo9r3 ra NTCATE FDnraE siTr1 Gown. eE.ECY Mrr Tars Twr 1FtE sEMRE.r IFSEcrrn. IFEA RIC FDR MJNien TAYI ILTER%\lE IE11W3 W TR[E STN1n ARE 2.-]. 0.l W BOL BML WBTaATE9 AID TO BE UM1 L RLY F tECE3lMY. AREA RIC/ILLEO IllMAN iR� N A iLll9 P09tte1 TSROLL']gR TIE TO PRRi01E ROOT CROYM GUMMI{E Fi1pGp A9 wtED W f1,A Mn/qt 13. CTI. W SOL 0ML SKCTiLAiptS. CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING tlO SCALE Q G NORTH Know whars Below. Coll Wore you dig. 0 �I 50 100 DARKENWALD HOLDINGS, INC. )S)9 NEF01'EItRYB H%fUf6(m53lBD LBOAy4TRmFIAOeF4um RIVERBEND NORTH OTSEGO, MN CITY SUBMITTAL APRIL 24, 2018 L A N D F O R M F -S" WFW1 h • • 105So F661A3AXw Td 612-24 M 9I 60 F- 612,2524M C•R8100L MN V141 Wbk NndlWm.W FtF WLE LIJ1WCOpitM'G PROIECTM. WCI6a01 Architectural Asphalt Shingles Aluminum Fascia and Soffits /--- Cultured Stone Veneer EXHIBIT 8 Metal Lap Siding _ l Textured Block \-- Aluminum Railing System Concept Building Elevation ............................. \— Brick !=J111 ME NMI 111111111 WEININ � 0 No JOENO M111111 t■1■I■ E Textured Block \-- Aluminum Railing System Concept Building Elevation ............................. \— Brick !=J111 E 0001111.1091 E T-1- I IQI ' : ISI , T' I. J i w��rrlI !"Imam I t f t J { - may. � i _- � —` 16 .. _'Y ' �A_ _-- -- - - ■ L A N D F O R M in collaboration with: RIVRND NORTH •Otsego, MN INH Properties • Mahler & Associates • Alliance Building Corp joougherty Funding DARKEN WALD City Submittal • 04.24.2018 r 0 R P 0 Ft A l 1 0 U ... . . . . . ... . :- _ MOM �' OL ilk - t y= _ • • L A N D F o R M in collaboration with: INH Properties • Mahler & Associates • Alliance 'Building Corp • Dougherty Funding ' 4 Nom- 0 4- . "1 DARKENWALD ( 0 a r o RAT 1 0 0 UNORTH • Otsego, MN City Submittal • 04.24.2018 0 4- . "1 DARKENWALD ( 0 a r o RAT 1 0 0 UNORTH • Otsego, MN City Submittal • 04.24.2018 WF REV • S1 -0 Y 1 ROOF;w h m- SHWM - TAUKO - fWW PREIMUM - RUSRC BROWN ® - sun LAP SIDING, L)GHf - KUUER - COBEIESTONE ® - OR LAP SIDING, DARK - KWU - COBBIfSTONE - COYPOSRE PANEL SIDW, LIGHT - SU W - SUYYff CEM - - COYPOSBE PANEL SM, DARK - WW - SUM YAHOGM - ME LU STONE - BORAL - BUCKS COUNTY - - BRU VENEER - BORAL - HIGH DESERT - ROUGH -FACED BLOCK 60 - AIN:ON - CNIELL m- ROUGH -FACED BLOCK - AYOON -ESPRESSO FLLVIF]N ROOF . fl -0Imll f�iEv-u,i 0�11� REV - i 1 { IdO.E IIN ff. #RLV -I i3d RP 0f5 n toRsA { Y 1a1 Ff. f4»11SiE) A REV -I it V RIP 6 N!M1 i[6 k REV • i 1 / /9NE Ff. 1 - 1� [f F1TRY DOOR FIEY 70P ff nIOR t OOUS A REV • I -1 A®.i 15i /f. Y .E -01 ST Ff. (CaG a00R1 A 6EV - OhWl W1 10,950.] - WI aF9l6 5Ox 1912 -]p10.7 -0,Yb.l q sow /seat 3xu W W F—Ilm/1"'m 22_� .525x 374 U = v W W F Ff.. F- F n/11 Df ll * 12 IU cc Q ODOR /� 70INS 3 Ff. i6 0.tFN1 WL - WI avow ,4110.] sstat -]Jd9s sox sTac/oureldac ssR .tea a9u - s1ls acts aR➢.'lL WL ]ai0 2.ved - vu IiF11LS 53 •2.{613Z"Il F—Ilm/1"'m 22_� .525x ,ass IIEVM, Th REv•lu-03{ Y FLLY•-01/— AFF. Di Ff. - REV•1 -03 TOPOF �IIWi �t_ Y 0a1 rf # tdw-0iTE1 . 112E 1 Y TOP nos t Ra I1EY - V4 1/4- {4- /83E DD F.F. 21x1 FF Irl - R Y . Irl 6 RFRff ODOR REV -REV - i w ROOd'3 t IIOCRS I, - IN -IV ,971E 1. Ff. Is ff me Z 0 u Li Z Li O to X Z Z 01U s t z m x w w w EL 1 c3 'o 'o w d a a U m w I- U O Z B o ! a E 7ERIO.R ELEVATIONS A-201 owvu ePu 7.4761 9 I • 57S 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION T EXTERIOR ELEVATION - - SHINGO - TAMKO - HAAHGE PROMUM - RUSTIC BROWN ® - STEEL TAP SIDING, Laff - IOAUER - COBULIM TE ® - On LAP SIDING, DART( - uo - WEESM - OUPOSBE PANEL SIDING, UGHf - SlM1UE - SUMUIT CEDAR - CDYPOSOE PAN! SIDING, DARK - OW - SIROIF WW -W EIUME - BORAL - BUCKS CM - - BRKxC VENEER - DORAL - HIGH DESERF - ROUGH -FACED 11M BAND - NICON - CAln - - RM -FACED RM - AYOON - ESPRESSO o2wu vu bll aW6 ,,nss :7014 - SOS 2.497.1 Yt� ww/W900! 2.49 2.mu •51.45 14/:1 R%4 WRR oEV. -01{I20.F i1Nf.$ Ofl - M-11 $ TW OF YlM 00�g F .I , un. -0,4—o0 Fr.$ DO Ff. (CW-04rti $ oPa DM race 41 IOP _tT t oars 1n Fr. (C01L flap) Rll O6Y - 11 $ EXTERIOR ELEVATION 3 i/4' - , OMWl1 Wl 405e - w1 ort7e¢ ZJ1ss -ZA 50i 43 3AunSIOtF/fYJ/Hd0( 3350 - SLPO 7,3562 �1 $ OIY•141-0]1 $ R!V -Ww i 1 4 A20h - F£. $ E1fY • 1 -0 J $ 2w, Fr F1Cl-I -01 i TOP -01 a V ADS ! ds OEII• i14,2fAE 710f. 0o . (c1r-o41E1 �'-T5/B $ TOP a FIpA/ D" FEV. 1 TOP or mom t wore A MY - IW -10' ,20E In Fr. Y In MOM— F1LY • 1� MI O.0fOp ,BTU MI wpm 72412 lw e - w 2.5nA SIOE/011/9ifl( 3,6112 - aR 11D���� SnFc 7.13U 1616 a7.®c rtnlr $ /1N FF. (GRlA1F1 A OEY.I -0 Y l6 a5x6M aosA 90 Ff. t4W-0Ehi $ FIfl'• 1 it a 57F6 +ors -+ 1 4 9Y2E m Fr. - MI - e EDP OF OfO,F MM O1Y - 1 i /90.L In fi. 1oP a Wows t OEY M • IW -IT 100.E in Fi. $ 1n Fi.bFi' _ = iR �w "raa Q cc U= O� cn LU H Q I— LU Qa oa r o Lr I— Z 0O 0 IJ O N z Z d O U 8 L C' z ,p �www� y Q W Q z3- 7 aaac2m w Z E%TENOR ELEVATIMS A-202 Naar ro "b EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1 1 -1 EISV pfV --e I1 /8PE /M FItY-I �se� , F M/-1 it # 11Ohh Ofl--!7A Ff.Y 7N1 Ff. 41P r► Fl£V •Ill -7 e Y TIP Q FNIi1f IS h Elft -1 - i ABM -19 FS. Ta' m n ! DMA F17V - 106 -ID' 180.E IST FS. Y I5T Ff. fOaC � A Y 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION 0- SHIHM - TANKO - HAATIGE PREINUII - RUSTIC BROWN ® - STEEL LAP SIDING. UGHT - TOMER - COBBLESTONE ® - OR TAP SIDING, DARK - KLAUER - COMMUNE El- COYPOSHE PANEL SEW, LIGHT - SUIDIIT - SUYYTT MAR - - COYPOSBE PATE! SIDPIC, DATM - SUM - SUM IDAHO W Ealm - L ESTONE - BOIK -BUCKS COUNTY - - M VENEER - BORAL - HIGH DESERT - ROUGH -FACED BLOCK BAND - NM - CM - ROUGH -FACED BLOCK - AMOON - ESPRESSO 0.91VL IlY1 10,0]0.7 - ou orT7ors -ase anl,., 50[ 3=7 � /eaCK IQI - Slx onxuL nu Nsve - wi aool¢ ]A57 -I,ll6! 5R MISS Mvcwumu 014. SIDC >,11a1 Y iRVS BFl9C NSNr -1 IM FS (41PiTSip TreaNm msaas� _ 1`m Ff. t4W-0a1F111 nry 6-t/' I / /ea.E 110 If. � - ME3h -0 TOP 6 IIOR! OOaI M.IDr-I'AlIM St LOP 6 BLOIf ! 000(S A F1Pl - 106-10' 180.4 157 F.F. Y IST LE.5m f10CH1 A ui Q cc $ U= U/ V` �1U �o W u Q^_ — w Lu Jcc _ L Qa o z r o af I.-- Z O j O Tn K Z Z a o o S 2 z �wwwF�' z�Yo'oow w a u 0 z $o !a EXTERIO.4 ELEVATIONS A-203 FIRST FLOOR AREA U UNITS SF. 9 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH 741 Lu 7 — 1 BEDROOM 1BATH + DEN 898 1 — 1 BEDROOM 1BATH + DEN MOD 1,017 9 — 2 BEDROOM 2BATH 1,002 U 26 — TOTAL UNIT SF 22,990 GARAGES (f v 1— 1 CAR GARAGE 292 w w 9 27 — 2 CAR GARAGE 504 1 — 2 CAR GARAGE HC 794 As TOTAL GARAGE SF 14,694 COMMON AREA — HALL/MECH./STORAGE 8,157 Lf v — STAIR/ELEVATOR/SHAFTS 1,218 _1cc — OFFICE 595 — LOBBY 1,559 Q a o — COMMUNITY ROOM 652 — FITNESS 652 TOTAL COMMON SF 13,133 TOTAL OVERALL SF 50,817 1 B MINIMUM 1TY4 µ7 } 0 8 B R p IA• -IG}' Z ! O ~ 0 Z Q 5 O (n a Z Z o C) s 's .00 i¢0W Iwww�� a a 2 U m U O p 2 OVERALL FIRST FLOOR RAN A 101 FlRSf FLOOR OVERALL PLAN W Q o U= �O V J c) ^Q' L� LU 8 �a ep —--------------- ---- _ ________ �________ 1� rt—_-- _—______i� 1j ----------------------- ------------ —_—_ -------- ----- rTll l Ll I 2 Z O D Df w O cn j j j I I I I__ � Z ZO --— -- — — — — ------ -- —----------- — — —------- --- e 1 W W WFL p W w Q U O Z jo !a FIRST FLOOR. EIGHTH INCH FLAYS ENLARGED Fl— FLOOR PUN - AREA 'A' A'101.1 LLJ LU sl ----- ------ 0, LU LU & IN < z0C) LLJ 0 oz f-------------- ------ -------- --------------t ------------- 4------ V — --------- FtRSTFLOOR-EIGHTHNCH PIA,JS A-101.2 (7)PfflGQ FIRST nooR PLAN - MEA 'B' LU Lu cc Ul R/ LLJ --------------- ---------- - --- - ------------ ---------------- ------------------ ------------- i rr T/ -------------- < 0 C-) L D 0 U) 0 O FIRST FLOOR- EIGHTH LNCH PLANS FLOOR PLAN -MEA 'C' SECOND FLOOR AREA Lu UNITS SF. Lu 21 - 1 BEDROOM 1 BATH 741 w o 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH MOD 821 e? D:? 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH MOD II 865 8 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH + DEN 898 U 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH + DEN MOD 1,017 1 - 2 BEDROOM 1BATH 971 O ~ 1 0 02 3 - 3 BEDROOM 2BATH 1, 3116 w y 47 - TOT UNIT SF 41,389 6= Q Au COMMON AREA - HALL/MECH./STORAGE 7,847 - STAIR/ELEVATOR/SHAFTS 1,318 _ TOTAL COMMON SF 9,165 Lu v —D ¢ TOTAL OVERALL SF 50,554 = - a CQ G 3= \4T nr r � 2 0 MOS % 1; B 0 � \IT El 8 B B B 0 O 0 Q O u Z � � `\ w O (n L Z z 0 O M� a c "s 3 a N O a w 32w ww FL Z3 Z3 3 w W a U O d � Z OVERALL $ELAND FLOOR PIAN A 102 SECOND FLOOR OVERALL PIAN LU w cc OI- v nw F_ Au 7 LZ - LLJ (.) _j cc - — - — -------- — ---- — ---- ---- — ----- ------- I - --------------- --------------- --------------------- - — -- — — — — — — — ------- ---------- -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- r C) ----- Ed —T-r 10 )o olo� E::1 Ej ED m ED E _j C) IF- LLJ Z V) of z Lu 0 ----- I --------------- ------------ -------------------- I---------- ------------- - --------- ---- -------------- 19 O O SECOND FLOOR-EIGHTH lNcHPLMs A-102.1 'CA—E. SECOND FLOOR PLAN — AREA 'K LU w OF TL) ) nw 0 FUL LU A41 [if Lr 10 0 C) 71 LU 0 Cf) C)f ---------------- --------------- 0 0 0� 0 � / j O O O w -------------- --------------- -------------- SECUIDFL"-DGHTH NCH PW4S 'C D"%M SMM MDOR PLM - AM W A-102_.2,, J ryn W Q CC 8' U IOC (� uj L.� LLJ c) Jc - -------------- ` i i-------------- _ Q Mu Ern N. I \\ ° ° - J T VE II I E D --- \ ' '-------------- — 4 0 Lr ?U-5 Q H\� w OZ z O i 2o u Z o m�gj U W W F rb Z i W w s Z SECOND FLOOR � EFGHM Lace PIANS A-102.3 ENLARGED SECOND ELOMR PLAN — AREA 'C' _ _ THIRD FLOOR AREA UNITS SF. W n 21 — 1 BEDROOM 1BATH 741 w n 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH MOD 821 -- Q 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH MOD II 865 8 - 1 BEDROOM IBM + DEN 898 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH + DEN MOD 1 - 2 BEDROOM 1BATH 1,017 971 Q 11 - 2 BEDROOM 2BATH 1,002 U " 3 - 3 BEDROOM 2BATH 1,316 ui 47 - TOTAL UNIT SF 41,389 <s COMMON AREA 9� - HALL/MECH./STORAGE 7,847 - STAIR/ELEVATOR/SHAFTS 1,318 TOTAL COMMON SF 9,165 Lj U J cc TOTAL OVERALL SF 50,554 Qa �s ,a ---- 999 B 10, A JS 8 .n (714 i 2 B B 0 ,ro'ali' Z } O v Z �O � J O V) 9 W Z Z O s 6 s 3a�o�m a m d 2 d U m w U O Z OMIALi TMR0 FLOOR PIAN A-103 THIRD FLOOR OVERALL Pull LU uj U= 0 F- LLJ 0 cc 3 ' -------------- --- --- ------ -------- — ----- — ----------- ------- — -- ------- t ------------------------ -------- ------- --------- — I ---------------------- I ------------- — — T-' T -T--- 14) 0 z SwToK Z 0 5 L F— LI L, El LLJ V) 0 0 z [if] I ll� C)l ----- — ---- — I — --- ------------- L ------ ----j ------------------ - C) o ❑ THIRD FLOOR -EIGHTH VICH PLA -45 T ENLARGED THIRD FLOOR PLM — AREA 'A --A-103.1 I WLLJ LU an LU n LLJ al --- i & "Y7 D K <41N_ >_ CD < 0 U ID 0 V) Z -------------- --------------- 01 ------------ — -- I f 4® TFMA ,� T I O 0 0 o wrzui CID. ao ED oo ----------------- T�l'RD FLOOR -EIGHTH INCH FLAPIS ENLARGED THIRD TH�IRDFLOOR PIAN AREA 'B' Lu LU O� W v Q ~ Au CLI LLJ -� - - --- T - - - ---------------------------- Q a ME !� 4 ' 0 0 0 0 J r < c 10 d O % \\ ---- -------------- Lr \\ ® 0 ty/ ' Z O D Q i Of Z Z 0 %V, 14.r / y b > o ® � iWwZw d a U m ,,\ w U O S � TI DFLOOR-EIGMENICH PLA'a off nGED THIRD FLDDR wa - ARFA 'c' A 103.3 FOURTH FLOOR AREA I UJ UNITS SF. W 21 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH 741 ui 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH MOD 821 Q cc 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH MOD II 8 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH + DEN 865 898 — (� 1 - 1 BEDROOM 1BATH + DEN MOD 1,017 O 1 - 2 BEDROOM 1BATH 971 11 - 2 BEDROOM 2BATH 1,002 (� v H 3 - 3 BEDROOM 20ATH 1,316 47 - TOTAL UNIT SF 41,389 Lu <� COMMON AREA ! - ry ELEV SAHAFTS R/ETOR/ - SHALL/MECH./STORAGE 1,318 TOTAL COMMON 5F 9,1155 W v Jcc TOTAL OVERALL SF 50,554 = - Q a oa 8 6� I T 84 1]ff-0' \i B 8 B R B B 3 0 F— Z O r to w O01 0 Z z °a 3 0 z UW W F- M w Z O O O W n d d U m w Q U O Z do la OVEPAL FOURTH FLOOR PLAY A 104 L FOURTH FLOOR OVM&L PLM! _ _ Lu W a Q E< U= O� Ww Q ~ Au LU Qa z C G oa ----------- -- - - ( i -- --- - - �LEE fit 0 0 r o r o o r o 0 i Ir i �-¢ -D 0zz DIE' a_ 0 - ILO"–----------------i - I -- --- — -- I { L-- ------------ -- g V � W Ej I33 3W f¢¢aUiB 131i FORTRFLOGR.E*M WH PLANS A-104.1 � ENLMGED FOURTH FLOOR PLW -MEA 'A' .� a LU ul cc i' UlW wF 4+ - LU cc < 0 C) b U) Ld (if 0 -------------- ------------ ------ - --- ------ TFM O 0 o Q 0 1 1 73 EJI IKQ ------------------- — — — -------- FORM FLOOR- EIGHTH I.XH PLANS A-104.2 )ENLARGED -- FLOOR PLAN - AREA V tu � a cc: o un (n w 4+ - CL/ 2: LLJ --------------- ------------ -- r------ ------ ----------------------- - -- - -- ----- - ----- ---- ------------------ - - ----------------- F El 0 0 A ----------------- ---- < OU U) L'i 0 z 81 �9' 0 O F03M FLOOR EIGHTH INC4 FMS A-104.3 ENLARGED FOURTH Rj FLOOR PLAN —MEA 'C' IYl• .IiX .•.• —IAF-- NOTES FIX'IR.GH SC+EW�rgiES I. I O TELL FNNI xL ,. LKW WALE FELL HB. ON ALL ANIS THR )GHOUT IM. `NIS HRWIORIIF IMr. ----------------------- -- - - L ltie•'f INOO(-DDM rNs1 IN ALL ¢316 nNUR2LM 12R. CEINGJ t,/SIXiWf IMT. •. 1 PWME RNro BOX H CANT k 1 FIRM FART BOX xFOR CDM k IN FWL FOR FAIX___________ _ n _ Ca1C FN. (CFNTR x ROOM} OCELM A you BWOIO IN H FW1 ;; 9 1. RtO•LE rBµ1010GFIRK RN W R w PAIRE ffUlw1%/FIO % FUTURE I2MB BVI Ibmimx (+ >•' SSE OM 1/AC-101. 1 OOPM ALL DttWa k T1@ES MEW _ 1 COIFMI SLL tWWs ! rrBa r L 15 PRE- k 6lT ro K r'�9 Q fA9f ! NA4 10 ff flE-F.Bm FORM Tim, I' flEi)BED IVHM ,1,Q9pUf 7. 1FE aWrD8 AWK W00. M lQU l• CRILLE COFM /NO103 `2TE DOOR RETURN M O F- LY�ORd RV!E EO�EWIE NQIE9 WOSd FrI:•.E SCti-W.E IAIFS n I* m 1-1/r OF BATON DOOR TO NDOWWOOIFE WITHO TO N.YW.SOOE vom 2. � N BE 2-PNFl N/ASS u LNYC R41 h L ALL TO ff 2-VNE1../ M v J > i "ll MMA mClH -FLIM 02 O9 MIR rff-F" W 1RkK}XRIF WF. T{NOIIW.IR WE < . nxTnFMVF spEWxE-H,Lxxru� oowzRuvs�EWlEakvavuE � F- � � ERLA SO3/CE DR EDWi.I•I6E D vas a - 9HrDE m rttw_�Is o�Ta u i oilIu. IEar Wm Er�R lf-e IY NL ruW Wm Ex — Itr41Y6 r _._ T__.__. IRFR IlY_AllWa " Elul IYTAEI.K ro wm. VDDR Nn 9 . I I �i ORT.111 RAIN lgAfA 6 IIWE tlt/.YI PN1C TM1Iom 6 INK I I zgbmL era. . ______ HI WM.F/LILM#S 91YiG Lu V WME IIW1Pro BATH DDDR - - - SRN£ VRNRD BYN DOWt HIk WMF/CLURRS um Rim CL�ET � Hik wmyxnF S sDNO BFP/,5 HW V.ff pF ►/IP.WI TII7A 03 — —_ WAN71oR pT TI/IR•Al TIM -° Hit HAij PPAA4 M WD(, IDER u R Mu s. Hik Q31 F �L M IMi a T.a HIT: I� PRIMLWO R@I 6 Il7�l{EHHT wT HIT: HIM. IR/1L( IDOL R61 s - BATW. LOOK UWR k IN BATON IDC( LEYM k TRY I! Nle INSM k%�Ew0.Yl/MIL,Rkk LNIHY o6 d Nlk 9IQML E O LL1Q DOOR RR7H RM. _ T91 rAw DDDR Hlk "fAC,uNrS NCOT row 04 OB CLS i Nlk w)"KA R9fs HOOT DOCK H:= I R.1 O H2O: LLWFTCNQA'S MOW '� ------- I IQQ NTidA'S 9-FOfD DOOR IWDRNE . - - -- II4a)xli IQI: IRKS, 3A. IDR iFmFlE ------ Idl: HHOEI R:Y. IAN PROFILE i TD ff • U].NR.{ ia'-0. R7 ff • WNR.{ !� DOOR AND FRAME SCHEDULE �� FRAVE IYfiMIME FRE RAR53 r.OTE3 NAIL( W9 NGT T14( ISR VATL SZ Im ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE I. RK IU.YE FLOOR E>SE N'.1L5 CEILL'!" NSEn nan ST wn°•T DOORANDFRAMESCHEDULE FLOOR1s.rtcourt m FLOOR - IYJIXi FRAYE waWaME ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE DO rFLOOR = 30 FLOOR = VAAK 1 SQE VAR FRE RAING NOTES rA. RM.rUVE FLOOR BASE WeLL3 CE NG tlOTES 3O TDOI - TOTN• 5➢ i TNR V. l N S E W' A n T i➢inL. T em T aRnl w/ DEN Puri VIEW n L 1 em T BATH PUN MEW �. 11� R I RiM SPELL O l —OR HO_M1t R.4TI FELL. lmH ON 1. TAR OIYFi Fm OW—OR NL I. 1O 03YlGE PEII UNIT, WI NL TINTS I1ROlI- N [NIS M OOR Wi. z rEtlT lfcuoRN iNA. ON NL z IEA'( THRODO.N TIB. WI Nl PROMS WD KK I IM• CIINS iHpW WI W. 1 x+A RNFD BOc x mw k 1 FurruRE S ME1 I.AIFD BOX O C ILG k WAW GF: (�WNITR M I OW)L r-0• Y-0• lad ,a -R• �F1W PAIRFOR N � A powam N WIS FOR A HN OE B1p]C N WLS FOR FV ffT/l 11/5610�,�. gEFUTURE E,0.1I/TETT= Z 3 WwiN ml MiOfCi k FIRES S CONFlIw Nl OWWS k fIB6 L _________________________ __� RAIN �fA O NIN 011FIC _ i NS-NBm HAM MRA.gWT k FEJ KHM MdAWF Q F- __ LL- 57 14W I.WI [YL WINN AA GRUE CEIm GODOR. L Tim 1-1 WF NOTION WECH I. Tim 1-1 [ r+OTEs w O 111.f�R AOMNWOOVE1FN1lC ----- IFroDIiE+OTl M)Tm 2. ALL DOOR TO BE 2-PNET../NI z RL DOONS ro ff 2�NF1. NI Z Z wm TAW FEE- L.AR Mil NE-T1Bm / a O U T1IViGim UR. TIl0.GWF INA OOrAVd FW!4 AG4LlAFlUfdlll ti DOOR dFMV `$OEIXriE+HRTYeFE ETNW�S. 55, ML 1(dl L, L .l Mrc IFA y.� T^ 11 BOW 1 AItlNSF 02 yN,lr1 , , MR. , NE JM Y�RI DOOR 2� xi N,IMRi 9IN0 c QERNE IGUrtED BIRI DOOR WIDIVIE W. KIRD K YF. o NIS W V KPJM SRYC MMS 1Yd 1{ IYd Nli WXE/CRMRY RDNO BRASS WF9WE of I/IPMK F1fiR HMDOK WF./IRnK FML9y _ 7 W� Nlk IM.E� PASSI¢ IA101 Ul4R +' Hit IML PASSU INA LEWI k N kikl N11:.M3-C PNIRLY LOCK H@I NII: HM PRICY TDO( PU91 BRICN LOCO LL k TIBI , BATON IDrX IEVFR t TRY Hle fWl OOWt aDSEE - \ O H1e PAASSSI�.E 49W1 LM It PASYE 912E a.arr Inui k O TAI WO. DOOR HIP. RpEpl(q 03 ---- x1k I DOON IOQ wM.i/C1 =B-FEUI DOCK U l0L 4IAW�FN,�IMXS�B-FWD DDQ, Wt: DDWO315. 101 FWFIE 1TCIETI/mm ql O HT1: ODOM LOW PROFILE xiDBOIF o 0 ETlfRf Oe - I RUTH RM. o ro ff UJNR{ R1� 06 ! a � 09 • ro ff WNR4 \ --- - ---- I i�oa� i N+-zm 3 w w w w b-0• w U O Z �o ja lrn ox�rt v'ncpnrt DOORAND FRAME SCHEDULE DOORAND FRAMESCHEDULE UNIT Pu `iS M FM - ° FRAME HRRp'WAAE ROOM FINISH SCHEDULESr ipl _ oeaR ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE TWR = VARrt SLE A,AR FRE RATNG NOTES 11Q RLL NA VE FLOOR BASE rivPLL3 CEIfG N9tE5 30 FLOOR = VARN YATL FRAME FIREMTRA tICTE3 Iq. RIIIW'E FtCCR IYSE N 5 Ell C£ILf� ipTPt- 15D H;T TIH VA L E W VA L 3 Bm-2 WITH PLM! VIEW 3 2 Bm 284TH PIAN NEW A-105.1 i r r':.]L 11 I■ :�N•11. ' m I • ® � Ira r :1.11 ��� • 1 � � ■�� m 1 �.�. II b ��� t I,% �©■ m �.�. II b ��� t I,% �©■ , wt� r7ir WALL AREA 218 OVERALL WNl $%low, 0 -218 50% =109 STONE/CMU/W" 128 = 58.7% SIDING 90 WALL AREA 2,109 15395 OVERALL WALL OO�2S/Yr1N00W5 - =569.5 50% =284.75 STONE/CNU/BRKX 307.5 = 53.9% SIDING 261 2 W SIDE ELEVATION K4 FRONT E EVAT10N - SMALL GARAGE OVERALL WALL - - 2109 DOORSAINDOWS 0 =2,109 SOX =1,054.5 STONE/CMU/BRICK 1,221 - 57.8X SIDING 888 4 FRONT ELEVATION -URGE GARAGE m - SMNGLES - TANKO - HAMM PRE➢IUII -RUSTIC BF - STEEL EAP SIDING, UGHT - KWO - COBBIIMM - M IAP SIDING, DNI( - "R - COBBOMNE - WPM PANEL SIDWG, LW - MW - 9UL08T - COIJPOSIIE PANEL SIDING, DO - SLNW - SUM - LIMESTONE - BORN. - DW COIM - M VENEER - BORN. - HGH DESERT - RODE 4ACED MCK RAND - NICON - OiWEL - RMI -FACED BLOCK - AM - ESPRESSO I 11 ¢cv-I cI IST rr FIEV . 1 1 8 BILK ELEVATION - LARGE GARAGE -CONT. S FRONT ELEVATION - URGE GARAGE - CONT. I - - OVERALL WNL 2,730 - DOOR.$/W97DOWS D =2,730 50% -1,365 STONE/CLU/9RICK 1,606 - 58.8% SUNG 1,124 O Q H Z L, 5 W O (n Z Z d O U S B q p a W �wwwNFL� E ¢ a n - n. U m w F 6 U O p � Z GARAGE ELEVAMNS G-102 2.730 OVS1 L WALL /WINDOWS 2.030 =700 50% =350 SmvCLN/w" 377.5 = 53.9% SUNG 321 4 FRONT ELEVATION -URGE GARAGE m - SMNGLES - TANKO - HAMM PRE➢IUII -RUSTIC BF - STEEL EAP SIDING, UGHT - KWO - COBBIIMM - M IAP SIDING, DNI( - "R - COBBOMNE - WPM PANEL SIDWG, LW - MW - 9UL08T - COIJPOSIIE PANEL SIDING, DO - SLNW - SUM - LIMESTONE - BORN. - DW COIM - M VENEER - BORN. - HGH DESERT - RODE 4ACED MCK RAND - NICON - OiWEL - RMI -FACED BLOCK - AM - ESPRESSO I 11 ¢cv-I cI IST rr FIEV . 1 1 8 BILK ELEVATION - LARGE GARAGE -CONT. S FRONT ELEVATION - URGE GARAGE - CONT. I - - OVERALL WNL 2,730 - DOOR.$/W97DOWS D =2,730 50% -1,365 STONE/CLU/9RICK 1,606 - 58.8% SUNG 1,124 O Q H Z L, 5 W O (n Z Z d O U S B q p a W �wwwNFL� E ¢ a n - n. U m w F 6 U O p � Z GARAGE ELEVAMNS G-102 HIM 0 sae L If X 2V GYM .GARAGE PLAN &9-- — m (J) Lu ui cc 02 ui ry LLJ t6AY 9ooF BLRa $ ttF9f 9oaF If]s1r $. INV 1 Lu n Rp n f. (CRC illpx w4L AM in fi. (CRlC. {10091 � Omm ■ I. 221DA MIS L MNL 1,459 O F- - OOOfi5fIN1a6 .0 -01 5cx -4U IAM slit {ACF sm - 0001L5lNOOaS 0 =1,459 wx -729 36 9i5 FNL BOR( IVP 5011: /SPIVU 4N76 �)(�) ^o SMWAW/MX 7u M/— 9153 52.7%sm 218 sew 1573 V / LU W i15TORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION t��'$ - 1 STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION t . t ~ A u ® - SHNGLES - TAUKO - IWME PREFIM - RUSIIC BROWN x SIE➢. LAP SIDING, 11GHf - KIAdkR - COmfSIONE •$ W U ® - SM LAP SIDING, DARK - nAm - GOBBIESIDNE _ a f - C011POSDE PANEL SIDNG, IKX}II - SIhUQF - SUIOtlE CERN 1n $ - 2 - _ - - C OIIPGSDE PANEL SDWG, D1�tK WWF WW IIAHO OA7w1 wL 1,4A _ 000lsfaloas 1.fE0 -fro stn ruE IIOR( Ile .145W.7 saxFS - - LIYESEONE - DORAL -BUCKS COUNTY 51aT¢/au/B n I2nIM5 64a sax lms . - MCK VOW- BORAL - MGA DEW STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION 3 t .t � - RWM-FACED BtOCJ( RW - AMOON - UIJEL - - RWM-FACED BLOCK - A)1(bN - ESPRESSO IFAV 9oR If]Ra 0EY - i11 t%7n 9ai Ii7s1! Flfl -SII MMII 1n Ff (CRC Or SU 221 �'''i/aH10as MAIL M IX4.2 0 �/•� 1 -02 SNr F1¢ a00c 0 .IIMI � � �O�L Va SOec n4lvU sNus 53 um 1 VM/gam( 17 a271< �. 6M SSI ou 5 STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION .t 4 STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION -t I¢w roR Im M' - 3111- iII4- z Tam WAaS I IDN 9ooF 1FlR1T $ [LEY - lt/ $ TSR 6l RC H fur . f -9 1 rLfl - , 1 , e } O af m H 1n Ff CRC F100 In Ff. (C(Vx MIa1 $ Q O Z 099V11 llll 1691 - RYRSirms me /g6{y7 9a69E al4LL WXL 1.X142 - 000RShID0a5 216 SM FKE BORt Af14li saxes afV- F- E SIR f1[E tlnac F- j O 50% SMW/W/B60( 17]- TSL% 5Q% -14741 Sr3W/M,'8aCK 2221 - 764% I z w Z Z soar I" sac 708 a O U STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION T t -rd STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION B -t LJ 9Q9F I $ O ' -TI MY 111- MY $ pEY • Ef 11 i• Ef 11i pkY • 21i2-O $ FLLV-1 -f t $ 0-I i1 $ in !f. (GONG —EItY=1NN$$� in mg NG x-1000 -0M$ ' d 1' OhRa1 [YL 459.2 OhM11 ■NL - IM.2 w - DOORSIa1D0as M1 9i11 FIS BDf% AW VI! sMFS 50% i41 �}641 5=-1621 - — sVf rl(E 6LLJ(X A4WEI s@f16 / U3 - 71% sI4F/Oal/Bwx X76. 57.1% 258 SDIx 1561 9 STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION -t B STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION -I CONT. Q O Q m N W Z 13 W a 2 d U m D MOLL UIL 2,61x1 - IxtlS/a100a9 2971 sill F/[E HLfII( AsilN7 3CAifS $ p i Q .610-2 u.6 6a% .JaOA SIpFf WJ/H60! 61] 4- 7/H9 SLlx 1516 STORAGEBUILDING ELEVA G-201.1 10 STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION i W n� W Q Tr U = FSA4— umNLlL 2"z DOOflSAwlCI�S ~ O - - wx e 411E FIQ 6V%X VP 5@G .l�ltlli A1fYt6 m m/mm lamp - rU>x s Lu <' Q 1 i STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION _T F fl s ® - SHINGLES - TANKO - WHDGE PROM - RUSTIC BRO" U Wcc J ® - SLED. LAP SIDING, LW - KIAIkR - COBBLESTONE ® - STEEL LAP SUNG, DARK - KLAV R - COBBLESTONE g. - COMPOSITE PANEL SIDWG, LIN - SUM - SUMMIT CEDAR - - COMPOSITE PANEL SIDWG, BCW( - SUMMIT - SUMMIT W WAW - UMESIWE - BORAL - BUCKS CWW CONT. € S- BRICK VENEER - BORAL - HIGH DE30 - ROUGH-FACED BLOCK BOO - ANWN - CAMEL rAv goo roa ® - ROUGH-FACED BLOCK - A MON - ESPRESSO IN 0 in rr Tar+c fAflppL WL 1.4%1 - Wp5hp00p5 1.1pp yN f1�E HDoc �Y1F yes -0D32 6Ri -IJIA STCtF./ow/ffxx Wu - ax SDIC pSA SSTORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION � RaaF wort A VFNi aariwort A Twss � wort YA otv-1 -ele } O 1ST FJ mFl00AI �i Y Z O OAIWL.va I)/al snrt FNi snot w nsTwT sorts :E-I,/WA O N S:'91" - sm Z Z d O U 13 STORAGE BUILDING ELEVATION 8 8 G Z N 0 Q m Z W 7 w W W W 2 d d U m ¢W U 0 Z o EUILOCGS-MIT.-201.2 E BUILDING D I� X = INDICATES ELEVATION NUMBER ON PAGE G-201.1 & G-201.2 FLOOR PIANS tw .f BUILDING E If.11l omwn sfwla wa e m, _ ,ems BUILDING Mimi illo, moi► �11 mi X = INDICATES ELEVATION NUMBER ON PAGE G-201.1 & G-201.2 FLOOR PIANS tw .f BUILDING E If.11l omwn sfwla wa e m, wa'A f smm off e mt e WWW 0 U x'p Z 51tlWf INf r O Qcr F Z 5 Ij O N Z Z d O I,� U g a G lwWW�� W STORAGE BIRLDe.G ROOft G-201 A. BUILDING C Mimi illo, mi wa'A f smm off e mt e WWW 0 U x'p Z 51tlWf INf r O Qcr F Z 5 Ij O N Z Z d O I,� U g a G lwWW�� W STORAGE BIRLDe.G ROOft G-201