08-06-18 Heritage Preservation Commission MinutesOtsego Heritage Preservation Commission
6 August 2018
In attendance: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko
Council: Corey Tanner
Meeting was called to order at 7:03. No changes to the agenda. Minutes from last meeting were
Park Signs: The group approved the draft letter created by Chris/Zonja and agreed that having a group e-
signature would be appropriate. Zonja will email Tami (copying Corey) and ask her to print 7 copies (one
for the HPC records) and send to the Lefebvre families (a list was provided by Chris).
Otsego Festival: More of the supplies have arrived, including the sticky Velcro tabs. Next step is to have
Chris and Gail meet to pull the map together. The afternoon of Monday August 13th was mentioned as a
Archives: Toni is going to explore the option of using excel rather than Access.
Otsego View: There are several individuals/families who are interested in contributing their history to
the View. The next deadline for submission is October 22, 2018.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:25