ITEM 3.3B OHP 7.10.2018 MinutesITEM 3.313 7-10-18 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson, Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Corey Tanner Meeting was called to order at 7:05. Agenda was approved. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Park Signs: Toni and Gail will be visiting Sarah Connett on Monday for consultation Re the early City layout for a sign by old city hall. Chris will draft a letter to bring to the next meeting to be sent to all the LeFebvres living in the City inviting them to give us information regarding the Lefebvre family for use on the Lefebvre Creek park sign. They will be invited to the October meeting or they can simply bring any information in to the Park & Rec office at the Prairie Park Center or whatever arrangements can be made to accommodate contributions. Otsego View Articles: Next issue of the View will include Part II of the Rick Heuring story about his family concerning the bridge. We also have two writers for future historical articles; Barbara Fisette and Louann DeMars Benton will each write about their families. Otsego Festival: Commissioners agree that all of us will participate in the setup of the display this year. Ron Wagner prepared and left two updated maps of the City including the parks and with color. They will be our bases for our display of the Otsego Parks which we are featuring at this year's Festival. Chris will supervise the attachment of the maps to the foam board with help from Gail. Chris will probably use two-sided tape or pin them. Chris also can make grommets in order to attach the foam core to the back of the canopy. We also received from Dan Licht individual park signs printed separately and laminated which we will attach to the sides of the display tent. There will be a color -coded number for each Park and a corresponding number on the maps so that people can easily see the location of each. These signs altogether cost $150 and will be framed and put on display in the Prairie Center afterwards. We will attach the individual Park signs to the sides of the display with Velcro. (Jessica ordered same for a cost of $9.29. ) Signs are 2x3 feet each. Chris will also figure out how to attach the numbers and a key to the identity of each Park. Toni will print the 11 numbers, each in a different color, times two to use on the side display. Smaller map guides can be handed out individually at the event to those interested. State Preservation Conference: The Conference will be held September 13 & 14 this year in Winona. Either Gail or Toni will attend, or both. Meeting was adjourned at 8pm. The next meeting is slated for Monday, August 6, which is a change from our usual schedule. Jessica will be unable to attend but we will have Councilman Corey Tanner present. Gail Anderson, Recorder